21 KB

  1. # File format ($ symbol means the beginning of a line):
  2. #
  3. # $ # this message
  4. # $ # =======================
  5. # $ # comments (all commentaries should starts with some number of spaces and # symbol)
  6. # $ IGNORE_FILES {file1.ext1} {file2.ext2} - (optional) ignore listed files when generating license macro and credits
  7. # $ RENAME {original license id} TO {new license id} # user comments - (optional) use {new license id} instead {original license id} in ya.make files
  8. # $ # user comments
  9. # $
  10. # ${action} {license id} {license text hash}
  11. # $BELONGS ./ya/make/file/relative/path/1/ya.make ./ya/make/2/ya.make
  12. # ${all_file_action} filename
  13. # $ # user commentaries (many lines)
  14. # $ generated description - files with this license, license text... (some number of lines that starts with some number of spaces, do not modify)
  15. # ${action} {license spdx} {license text hash}
  16. # $BELONGS ./ya/make/file/relative/path/3/ya.make
  17. # ${all_file_action} filename
  18. # $ # user commentaries
  19. # $ generated description
  20. # $ ...
  21. #
  22. # You can modify action, all_file_action and add commentaries
  23. # Available actions:
  24. # keep - keep license in contrib and use in credits
  25. # skip - skip license
  26. # remove - remove all files with this license
  27. # rename - save license text/links into licenses texts file, but not store SPDX into LINCENSE macro. You should store correct license id into devtools.license.spdx.txt file
  28. #
  29. # {all file action} records will be generated when license text contains filename that exists on filesystem (in contrib directory)
  30. # We suppose that that files can contain some license info
  31. # Available all file actions:
  32. # FILE_IGNORE - ignore file (do nothing)
  33. # FILE_INCLUDE - include all file data into licenses text file
  34. # =======================
  35. KEEP BSL-1.0 05954ae47dedb48ccaf95b3af88bc2aa
  36. BELONGS ya.make
  37. License text:
  38. // Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software
  39. // License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
  40. //
  41. Scancode info:
  42. Original SPDX id: BSL-1.0
  43. Score : 96.88
  44. Match type : NOTICE
  45. Links :,,
  46. Files with this license:
  47. include/boost/graph/detail/labeled_graph_traits.hpp [3:5]
  48. include/boost/graph/dimacs.hpp [3:5]
  49. include/boost/graph/edmunds_karp_max_flow.hpp [3:5]
  50. include/boost/graph/graph_mutability_traits.hpp [3:5]
  51. include/boost/graph/graph_stats.hpp [3:5]
  52. include/boost/graph/graphml.hpp [4:6]
  53. include/boost/graph/howard_cycle_ratio.hpp [3:5]
  54. include/boost/graph/labeled_graph.hpp [3:5]
  55. include/boost/graph/mesh_graph_generator.hpp [3:5]
  56. include/boost/graph/metis.hpp [3:5]
  57. include/boost/graph/named_graph.hpp [3:5]
  58. include/boost/graph/overloading.hpp [3:5]
  59. include/boost/graph/point_traits.hpp [3:5]
  60. include/boost/graph/rmat_graph_generator.hpp [3:5]
  61. include/boost/graph/ssca_graph_generator.hpp [3:5]
  62. include/boost/graph/st_connected.hpp [3:5]
  63. include/boost/graph/vertex_and_edge_range.hpp [3:5]
  64. include/boost/pending/relaxed_heap.hpp [3:5]
  65. src/graphml.cpp [4:6]
  66. KEEP BSL-1.0 2cc71fe4bd12718a9884bf7ff37269f3
  67. BELONGS ya.make
  68. License text:
  69. // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
  70. // (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
  71. //
  72. Scancode info:
  73. Original SPDX id: BSL-1.0
  74. Score : 100.00
  75. Match type : NOTICE
  76. Links :,,
  77. Files with this license:
  78. include/boost/graph/bc_clustering.hpp [3:5]
  79. include/boost/graph/betweenness_centrality.hpp [3:5]
  80. include/boost/graph/circle_layout.hpp [3:5]
  81. include/boost/graph/compressed_sparse_row_graph.hpp [3:5]
  82. include/boost/graph/detail/compressed_sparse_row_struct.hpp [3:5]
  83. include/boost/graph/detail/histogram_sort.hpp [3:5]
  84. include/boost/graph/detail/indexed_properties.hpp [3:5]
  85. include/boost/graph/detail/is_distributed_selector.hpp [3:5]
  86. include/boost/graph/detail/read_graphviz_new.hpp [3:5]
  87. include/boost/graph/detail/read_graphviz_spirit.hpp [3:5]
  88. include/boost/graph/dominator_tree.hpp [4:6]
  89. include/boost/graph/erdos_renyi_generator.hpp [3:5]
  90. include/boost/graph/floyd_warshall_shortest.hpp [3:5]
  91. include/boost/graph/fruchterman_reingold.hpp [3:5]
  92. include/boost/graph/gursoy_atun_layout.hpp [3:5]
  93. include/boost/graph/kamada_kawai_spring_layout.hpp [3:5]
  94. include/boost/graph/loop_erased_random_walk.hpp [3:5]
  95. include/boost/graph/max_cardinality_matching.hpp [4:6]
  96. include/boost/graph/maximum_weighted_matching.hpp [4:6]
  97. include/boost/graph/one_bit_color_map.hpp [3:5]
  98. include/boost/graph/page_rank.hpp [4:6]
  99. include/boost/graph/plod_generator.hpp [3:5]
  100. include/boost/graph/random_layout.hpp [3:5]
  101. include/boost/graph/random_spanning_tree.hpp [3:5]
  102. include/boost/graph/small_world_generator.hpp [3:5]
  103. include/boost/graph/topology.hpp [3:5]
  104. include/boost/graph/two_bit_color_map.hpp [3:5]
  105. src/read_graphviz_new.cpp [3:5]
  106. KEEP BSL-1.0 3483ad6500a5ec5c1eed3d256900b057
  107. BELONGS ya.make
  108. License text:
  109. // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
  110. // (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
  111. //
  112. Scancode info:
  113. Original SPDX id: BSL-1.0
  114. Score : 100.00
  115. Match type : NOTICE
  116. Links :,,
  117. Files with this license:
  118. include/boost/graph/boykov_kolmogorov_max_flow.hpp [28:30]
  119. include/boost/graph/write_dimacs.hpp [28:30]
  120. KEEP BSL-1.0 47a0454637d4fa45d78eb2557ccd70c4
  121. BELONGS ya.make
  122. License text:
  123. // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
  124. // accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
  125. //
  126. Scancode info:
  127. Original SPDX id: BSL-1.0
  128. Score : 100.00
  129. Match type : NOTICE
  130. Links :,,
  131. Files with this license:
  132. include/boost/graph/adj_list_serialize.hpp [5:7]
  133. include/boost/graph/adjacency_iterator.hpp [5:7]
  134. include/boost/graph/adjacency_list.hpp [6:8]
  135. include/boost/graph/adjacency_list_io.hpp [5:7]
  136. include/boost/graph/adjacency_matrix.hpp [6:8]
  137. include/boost/graph/astar_search.hpp [7:9]
  138. include/boost/graph/bandwidth.hpp [3:5]
  139. include/boost/graph/bellman_ford_shortest_paths.hpp [6:8]
  140. include/boost/graph/biconnected_components.hpp [4:6]
  141. include/boost/graph/boyer_myrvold_planar_test.hpp [4:6]
  142. include/boost/graph/breadth_first_search.hpp [6:8]
  143. include/boost/graph/chrobak_payne_drawing.hpp [4:6]
  144. include/boost/graph/connected_components.hpp [6:8]
  145. include/boost/graph/copy.hpp [6:8]
  146. include/boost/graph/core_numbers.hpp [6:8]
  147. include/boost/graph/create_condensation_graph.hpp [5:7]
  148. include/boost/graph/cuthill_mckee_ordering.hpp [7:9]
  149. include/boost/graph/cycle_canceling.hpp [5:7]
  150. include/boost/graph/dag_shortest_paths.hpp [5:7]
  151. include/boost/graph/depth_first_search.hpp [6:8]
  152. include/boost/graph/detail/adj_list_edge_iterator.hpp [6:8]
  153. include/boost/graph/detail/adjacency_list.hpp [7:9]
  154. include/boost/graph/detail/array_binary_tree.hpp [6:8]
  155. include/boost/graph/detail/augment.hpp [5:7]
  156. include/boost/graph/detail/connected_components.hpp [5:7]
  157. include/boost/graph/detail/d_ary_heap.hpp [6:8]
  158. include/boost/graph/detail/edge.hpp [6:8]
  159. include/boost/graph/detail/incidence_iterator.hpp [6:8]
  160. include/boost/graph/detail/incremental_components.hpp [6:8]
  161. include/boost/graph/detail/list_base.hpp [5:7]
  162. include/boost/graph/detail/permutation.hpp [2:4]
  163. include/boost/graph/detail/self_avoiding_walk.hpp [5:7]
  164. include/boost/graph/detail/set_adaptor.hpp [2:4]
  165. include/boost/graph/detail/shadow_iterator.hpp [2:4]
  166. include/boost/graph/detail/sparse_ordering.hpp [7:9]
  167. include/boost/graph/dijkstra_shortest_paths.hpp [5:7]
  168. include/boost/graph/dijkstra_shortest_paths_no_color_map.hpp [6:8]
  169. include/boost/graph/dll_import_export.hpp [6:8]
  170. include/boost/graph/edge_coloring.hpp [5:7]
  171. include/boost/graph/edge_connectivity.hpp [5:7]
  172. include/boost/graph/edge_list.hpp [5:7]
  173. include/boost/graph/edmonds_karp_max_flow.hpp [5:7]
  174. include/boost/graph/exception.hpp [5:7]
  175. include/boost/graph/filtered_graph.hpp [5:7]
  176. include/boost/graph/find_flow_cost.hpp [5:7]
  177. include/boost/graph/graph_archetypes.hpp [5:7]
  178. include/boost/graph/graph_as_tree.hpp [6:8]
  179. include/boost/graph/graph_concepts.hpp [8:10]
  180. include/boost/graph/graph_selectors.hpp [5:7]
  181. include/boost/graph/graph_traits.hpp [5:7]
  182. include/boost/graph/graph_utility.hpp [6:8]
  183. include/boost/graph/graphviz.hpp [6:8]
  184. include/boost/graph/grid_graph.hpp [5:7]
  185. include/boost/graph/incremental_components.hpp [7:9]
  186. include/boost/graph/is_kuratowski_subgraph.hpp [4:6]
  187. include/boost/graph/is_straight_line_drawing.hpp [4:6]
  188. include/boost/graph/isomorphism.hpp [3:5]
  189. include/boost/graph/iteration_macros.hpp [5:7]
  190. include/boost/graph/iteration_macros_undef.hpp [5:7]
  191. include/boost/graph/johnson_all_pairs_shortest.hpp [5:7]
  192. include/boost/graph/king_ordering.hpp [7:9]
  193. include/boost/graph/kruskal_min_spanning_tree.hpp [6:8]
  194. include/boost/graph/leda_graph.hpp [8:10]
  195. include/boost/graph/lookup_edge.hpp [5:7]
  196. include/boost/graph/make_biconnected_planar.hpp [4:6]
  197. include/boost/graph/make_connected.hpp [4:6]
  198. include/boost/graph/make_maximal_planar.hpp [4:6]
  199. include/boost/graph/matrix_as_graph.hpp [6:8]
  200. include/boost/graph/maximum_adjacency_search.hpp [6:8]
  201. include/boost/graph/mcgregor_common_subgraphs.hpp [5:7]
  202. include/boost/graph/metric_tsp_approx.hpp [6:8]
  203. include/boost/graph/minimum_degree_ordering.hpp [6:8]
  204. include/boost/graph/named_function_params.hpp [5:7]
  205. include/boost/graph/neighbor_bfs.hpp [6:8]
  206. include/boost/graph/planar_canonical_ordering.hpp [4:6]
  207. include/boost/graph/planar_detail/add_edge_visitors.hpp [4:6]
  208. include/boost/graph/planar_detail/boyer_myrvold_impl.hpp [4:6]
  209. include/boost/graph/planar_detail/bucket_sort.hpp [4:6]
  210. include/boost/graph/planar_detail/face_handles.hpp [4:6]
  211. include/boost/graph/planar_detail/face_iterators.hpp [4:6]
  212. include/boost/graph/planar_face_traversal.hpp [4:6]
  213. include/boost/graph/prim_minimum_spanning_tree.hpp [5:7]
  214. include/boost/graph/profile.hpp [7:9]
  215. include/boost/graph/properties.hpp [5:7]
  216. include/boost/graph/property_iter_range.hpp [4:6]
  217. include/boost/graph/push_relabel_max_flow.hpp [5:7]
  218. include/boost/graph/random.hpp [6:8]
  219. include/boost/graph/read_dimacs.hpp [5:7]
  220. include/boost/graph/relax.hpp [5:7]
  221. include/boost/graph/reverse_graph.hpp [2:4]
  222. include/boost/graph/sequential_vertex_coloring.hpp [6:8]
  223. include/boost/graph/simple_point.hpp [5:7]
  224. include/boost/graph/sloan_ordering.hpp [7:9]
  225. include/boost/graph/smallest_last_ordering.hpp [5:7]
  226. include/boost/graph/stanford_graph.hpp [5:7]
  227. include/boost/graph/strong_components.hpp [6:8]
  228. include/boost/graph/subgraph.hpp [5:7]
  229. include/boost/graph/successive_shortest_path_nonnegative_weights.hpp [5:7]
  230. include/boost/graph/topological_sort.hpp [6:8]
  231. include/boost/graph/transitive_closure.hpp [3:5]
  232. include/boost/graph/transpose_graph.hpp [6:8]
  233. include/boost/graph/tree_traits.hpp [2:4]
  234. include/boost/graph/undirected_dfs.hpp [6:8]
  235. include/boost/graph/vector_as_graph.hpp [7:9]
  236. include/boost/graph/vf2_sub_graph_iso.hpp [10:12]
  237. include/boost/graph/visitors.hpp [5:7]
  238. include/boost/graph/wavefront.hpp [7:9]
  239. include/boost/pending/bucket_sorter.hpp [6:8]
  240. include/boost/pending/disjoint_sets.hpp [6:8]
  241. include/boost/pending/fibonacci_heap.hpp [2:4]
  242. include/boost/pending/indirect_cmp.hpp [6:8]
  243. include/boost/pending/is_heap.hpp [6:8]
  244. include/boost/pending/mutable_heap.hpp [6:8]
  245. include/boost/pending/mutable_queue.hpp [6:8]
  246. KEEP BSL-1.0 50dc18b27f34dab68ff41aa3f7880dda
  247. BELONGS ya.make
  248. License text:
  249. // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
  250. // (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
  251. //
  252. Scancode info:
  253. Original SPDX id: BSL-1.0
  254. Score : 100.00
  255. Match type : NOTICE
  256. Links :,,
  257. Files with this license:
  258. include/boost/graph/two_graphs_common_spanning_trees.hpp [2:4]
  259. KEEP BSL-1.0 56683ba341300dc4497f873f670c97b9
  260. BELONGS ya.make
  261. License text:
  262. // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
  263. // (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
  264. //
  265. Scancode info:
  266. Original SPDX id: BSL-1.0
  267. Score : 96.30
  268. Match type : NOTICE
  269. Links :,,
  270. Files with this license:
  271. include/boost/graph/r_c_shortest_paths.hpp [4:6]
  272. KEEP BSL-1.0 8abbac2c705b0911702566954b0ebe9b
  273. BELONGS ya.make
  274. License text:
  275. // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
  276. // accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
  277. //
  278. Scancode info:
  279. Original SPDX id: BSL-1.0
  280. Score : 100.00
  281. Match type : NOTICE
  282. Links :,,
  283. Files with this license:
  284. include/boost/pending/container_traits.hpp [4:6]
  285. include/boost/pending/detail/disjoint_sets.hpp [2:4]
  286. include/boost/pending/detail/property.hpp [2:4]
  287. include/boost/pending/fenced_priority_queue.hpp [2:4]
  288. include/boost/pending/property.hpp [2:4]
  289. include/boost/pending/property_serialize.hpp [2:4]
  290. include/boost/pending/queue.hpp [2:4]
  291. include/boost/pending/stringtok.hpp [2:4]
  292. KEEP Mit-Old-Style 99b210ed9efe704d061e43a6c4c4beb3
  293. BELONGS ya.make
  294. Note: matched license text is too long. Read it in the source files.
  295. Scancode info:
  296. Original SPDX id: LicenseRef-scancode-mit-old-style
  297. Score : 100.00
  298. Match type : TEXT
  299. Links :,
  300. Files with this license:
  301. include/boost/detail/algorithm.hpp [22:28]
  302. KEEP BSL-1.0 a4b06853a77321815bca2cbd7654b649
  303. BELONGS ya.make
  304. License text:
  305. // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompany-
  306. // ing file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
  307. Scancode info:
  308. Original SPDX id: BSL-1.0
  309. Score : 96.30
  310. Match type : NOTICE
  311. Links :,,
  312. Files with this license:
  313. include/boost/detail/algorithm.hpp [2:3]
  314. KEEP BSL-1.0 b03e7ad31a88c7f7892fe8557944edb4
  315. BELONGS ya.make
  316. License text:
  317. // Use, modification and distribution are subject to the
  318. // Boost Software License, Version 1.0 (See accompanying file
  319. // LICENSE_1_0.txt or
  320. Scancode info:
  321. Original SPDX id: BSL-1.0
  322. Score : 93.75
  323. Match type : NOTICE
  324. Links :,,
  325. Files with this license:
  326. include/boost/graph/bron_kerbosch_all_cliques.hpp [3:5]
  327. include/boost/graph/closeness_centrality.hpp [3:5]
  328. include/boost/graph/clustering_coefficient.hpp [3:5]
  329. include/boost/graph/degree_centrality.hpp [3:5]
  330. include/boost/graph/detail/empty_header.hpp [6:8]
  331. include/boost/graph/detail/geodesic.hpp [3:5]
  332. include/boost/graph/detail/index.hpp [3:5]
  333. include/boost/graph/detail/mpi_include.hpp [6:8]
  334. include/boost/graph/directed_graph.hpp [3:5]
  335. include/boost/graph/eccentricity.hpp [3:5]
  336. include/boost/graph/exterior_property.hpp [3:5]
  337. include/boost/graph/geodesic_distance.hpp [3:5]
  338. include/boost/graph/numeric_values.hpp [3:5]
  339. include/boost/graph/property_maps/constant_property_map.hpp [3:5]
  340. include/boost/graph/property_maps/container_property_map.hpp [3:5]
  341. include/boost/graph/property_maps/matrix_property_map.hpp [3:5]
  342. include/boost/graph/property_maps/null_property_map.hpp [3:5]
  343. include/boost/graph/tiernan_all_cycles.hpp [3:5]
  344. include/boost/graph/transitive_reduction.hpp [3:5]
  345. include/boost/graph/undirected_graph.hpp [3:5]
  346. KEEP Mit-Old-Style b202f5e6061e3eeef6c7dcc2414164b3
  347. BELONGS ya.make
  348. Note: matched license text is too long. Read it in the source files.
  349. Scancode info:
  350. Original SPDX id: LicenseRef-scancode-mit-old-style
  351. Score : 100.00
  352. Match type : TEXT
  353. Links :,
  354. Files with this license:
  355. include/boost/detail/algorithm.hpp [10:16]
  356. KEEP BSL-1.0 bb0492d92471ff074c380f255ab94b94
  357. BELONGS ya.make
  358. License text:
  359. // Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software
  360. // License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy
  361. // at
  362. Scancode info:
  363. Original SPDX id: BSL-1.0
  364. Score : 96.88
  365. Match type : NOTICE
  366. Links :,,
  367. Files with this license:
  368. include/boost/graph/hawick_circuits.hpp [3:5]
  369. KEEP BSL-1.0 bf0fd55850dbf83aac86f825081dbe20
  370. BELONGS ya.make
  371. License text:
  372. // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
  373. // (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or the copy at
  374. //
  375. Scancode info:
  376. Original SPDX id: BSL-1.0
  377. Score : 96.43
  378. Match type : NOTICE
  379. Links :,,
  380. Files with this license:
  381. include/boost/graph/buffer_concepts.hpp [2:4]
  382. include/boost/graph/stoer_wagner_min_cut.hpp [2:4]
  383. KEEP MIT e8fa61ad26065c016c4c968298a683bd
  384. BELONGS ya.make
  385. Note: matched license text is too long. Read it in the source files.
  386. Scancode info:
  387. Original SPDX id: MIT
  388. Score : 100.00
  389. Match type : TEXT
  390. Links :,
  391. Files with this license:
  392. include/boost/graph/boykov_kolmogorov_max_flow.hpp [5:24]
  393. include/boost/graph/write_dimacs.hpp [5:24]
  394. KEEP BSL-1.0 f20f9faff5dff60d6b8844771d700dd5
  395. BELONGS ya.make
  396. License text:
  397. * Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
  398. * accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
  399. *
  400. Scancode info:
  401. Original SPDX id: BSL-1.0
  402. Score : 100.00
  403. Match type : NOTICE
  404. Links :,,
  405. Files with this license:
  406. include/boost/graph/bipartite.hpp [7:9]