pytest.ini 740 B

  1. [pytest]
  2. addopts = -l
  3. markers =
  4. slow: mark test as slow
  5. xslow: mark test as extremely slow (not run unless explicitly requested)
  6. filterwarnings =
  7. error
  8. always::scipy._lib._testutils.FPUModeChangeWarning
  9. once:.*LAPACK bug 0038.*:RuntimeWarning
  10. ignore:the matrix subclass is not the recommended way*:PendingDeprecationWarning
  11. ignore:Using or importing the ABCs from 'collections'*:DeprecationWarning
  12. ignore:can't resolve package from __spec__ or __package__, falling back on __name__ and __path__:ImportWarning
  13. once:the imp module is deprecated in favour of importlib.*:DeprecationWarning
  14. once:the imp module is deprecated in favour of importlib.*:PendingDeprecationWarning
  15. env =