123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510 |
- import os
- import pathlib
- import stat
- import sys
- from io import StringIO
- import pytest
- import click._termui_impl
- import click.utils
- from click._compat import WIN
- def test_echo(runner):
- with runner.isolation() as outstreams:
- click.echo("\N{SNOWMAN}")
- click.echo(b"\x44\x44")
- click.echo(42, nl=False)
- click.echo(b"a", nl=False)
- click.echo("\x1b[31mx\x1b[39m", nl=False)
- bytes = outstreams[0].getvalue().replace(b"\r\n", b"\n")
- assert bytes == b"\xe2\x98\x83\nDD\n42ax"
- # if wrapped, we expect bytes to survive.
- @click.command()
- def cli():
- click.echo(b"\xf6")
- result = runner.invoke(cli, [])
- assert result.stdout_bytes == b"\xf6\n"
- # Ensure we do not strip for bytes.
- with runner.isolation() as outstreams:
- click.echo(bytearray(b"\x1b[31mx\x1b[39m"), nl=False)
- assert outstreams[0].getvalue() == b"\x1b[31mx\x1b[39m"
- def test_echo_custom_file():
- f = StringIO()
- click.echo("hello", file=f)
- assert f.getvalue() == "hello\n"
- def test_echo_no_streams(monkeypatch, runner):
- """echo should not fail when stdout and stderr are None with pythonw on Windows."""
- with runner.isolation():
- sys.stdout = None
- sys.stderr = None
- click.echo("test")
- click.echo("test", err=True)
- @pytest.mark.parametrize(
- ("styles", "ref"),
- [
- ({"fg": "black"}, "\x1b[30mx y\x1b[0m"),
- ({"fg": "red"}, "\x1b[31mx y\x1b[0m"),
- ({"fg": "green"}, "\x1b[32mx y\x1b[0m"),
- ({"fg": "yellow"}, "\x1b[33mx y\x1b[0m"),
- ({"fg": "blue"}, "\x1b[34mx y\x1b[0m"),
- ({"fg": "magenta"}, "\x1b[35mx y\x1b[0m"),
- ({"fg": "cyan"}, "\x1b[36mx y\x1b[0m"),
- ({"fg": "white"}, "\x1b[37mx y\x1b[0m"),
- ({"bg": "black"}, "\x1b[40mx y\x1b[0m"),
- ({"bg": "red"}, "\x1b[41mx y\x1b[0m"),
- ({"bg": "green"}, "\x1b[42mx y\x1b[0m"),
- ({"bg": "yellow"}, "\x1b[43mx y\x1b[0m"),
- ({"bg": "blue"}, "\x1b[44mx y\x1b[0m"),
- ({"bg": "magenta"}, "\x1b[45mx y\x1b[0m"),
- ({"bg": "cyan"}, "\x1b[46mx y\x1b[0m"),
- ({"bg": "white"}, "\x1b[47mx y\x1b[0m"),
- ({"bg": 91}, "\x1b[48;5;91mx y\x1b[0m"),
- ({"bg": (135, 0, 175)}, "\x1b[48;2;135;0;175mx y\x1b[0m"),
- ({"bold": True}, "\x1b[1mx y\x1b[0m"),
- ({"dim": True}, "\x1b[2mx y\x1b[0m"),
- ({"underline": True}, "\x1b[4mx y\x1b[0m"),
- ({"overline": True}, "\x1b[53mx y\x1b[0m"),
- ({"italic": True}, "\x1b[3mx y\x1b[0m"),
- ({"blink": True}, "\x1b[5mx y\x1b[0m"),
- ({"reverse": True}, "\x1b[7mx y\x1b[0m"),
- ({"strikethrough": True}, "\x1b[9mx y\x1b[0m"),
- ({"bold": False}, "\x1b[22mx y\x1b[0m"),
- ({"dim": False}, "\x1b[22mx y\x1b[0m"),
- ({"underline": False}, "\x1b[24mx y\x1b[0m"),
- ({"overline": False}, "\x1b[55mx y\x1b[0m"),
- ({"italic": False}, "\x1b[23mx y\x1b[0m"),
- ({"blink": False}, "\x1b[25mx y\x1b[0m"),
- ({"reverse": False}, "\x1b[27mx y\x1b[0m"),
- ({"strikethrough": False}, "\x1b[29mx y\x1b[0m"),
- ({"fg": "black", "reset": False}, "\x1b[30mx y"),
- ],
- )
- def test_styling(styles, ref):
- assert click.style("x y", **styles) == ref
- assert click.unstyle(ref) == "x y"
- @pytest.mark.parametrize(("text", "expect"), [("\x1b[?25lx y\x1b[?25h", "x y")])
- def test_unstyle_other_ansi(text, expect):
- assert click.unstyle(text) == expect
- def test_filename_formatting():
- assert click.format_filename(b"foo.txt") == "foo.txt"
- assert click.format_filename(b"/x/foo.txt") == "/x/foo.txt"
- assert click.format_filename("/x/foo.txt") == "/x/foo.txt"
- assert click.format_filename("/x/foo.txt", shorten=True) == "foo.txt"
- assert click.format_filename(b"/x/\xff.txt", shorten=True) == "�.txt"
- def test_prompts(runner):
- @click.command()
- def test():
- if click.confirm("Foo"):
- click.echo("yes!")
- else:
- click.echo("no :(")
- result = runner.invoke(test, input="y\n")
- assert not result.exception
- assert result.output == "Foo [y/N]: y\nyes!\n"
- result = runner.invoke(test, input="\n")
- assert not result.exception
- assert result.output == "Foo [y/N]: \nno :(\n"
- result = runner.invoke(test, input="n\n")
- assert not result.exception
- assert result.output == "Foo [y/N]: n\nno :(\n"
- @click.command()
- def test_no():
- if click.confirm("Foo", default=True):
- click.echo("yes!")
- else:
- click.echo("no :(")
- result = runner.invoke(test_no, input="y\n")
- assert not result.exception
- assert result.output == "Foo [Y/n]: y\nyes!\n"
- result = runner.invoke(test_no, input="\n")
- assert not result.exception
- assert result.output == "Foo [Y/n]: \nyes!\n"
- result = runner.invoke(test_no, input="n\n")
- assert not result.exception
- assert result.output == "Foo [Y/n]: n\nno :(\n"
- def test_confirm_repeat(runner):
- cli = click.Command(
- "cli", params=[click.Option(["--a/--no-a"], default=None, prompt=True)]
- )
- result = runner.invoke(cli, input="\ny\n")
- assert result.output == "A [y/n]: \nError: invalid input\nA [y/n]: y\n"
- @pytest.mark.skipif(WIN, reason="Different behavior on windows.")
- def test_prompts_abort(monkeypatch, capsys):
- def f(_):
- raise KeyboardInterrupt()
- monkeypatch.setattr("click.termui.hidden_prompt_func", f)
- try:
- click.prompt("Password", hide_input=True)
- except click.Abort:
- click.echo("interrupted")
- out, err = capsys.readouterr()
- assert out == "Password:\ninterrupted\n"
- def _test_gen_func():
- yield "a"
- yield "b"
- yield "c"
- yield "abc"
- @pytest.mark.parametrize("cat", ["cat", "cat ", "cat "])
- @pytest.mark.parametrize(
- "test",
- [
- # We need lambda here, because pytest will
- # reuse the parameters, and then the generators
- # are already used and will not yield anymore
- ("just text\n", lambda: "just text"),
- ("iterable\n", lambda: ["itera", "ble"]),
- ("abcabc\n", lambda: _test_gen_func),
- ("abcabc\n", lambda: _test_gen_func()),
- ("012345\n", lambda: (c for c in range(6))),
- ],
- )
- def test_echo_via_pager(monkeypatch, capfd, cat, test):
- monkeypatch.setitem(os.environ, "PAGER", cat)
- monkeypatch.setattr(click._termui_impl, "isatty", lambda x: True)
- expected_output = test[0]
- test_input = test[1]()
- click.echo_via_pager(test_input)
- out, err = capfd.readouterr()
- assert out == expected_output
- def test_echo_color_flag(monkeypatch, capfd):
- isatty = True
- monkeypatch.setattr(click._compat, "isatty", lambda x: isatty)
- text = "foo"
- styled_text = click.style(text, fg="red")
- assert styled_text == "\x1b[31mfoo\x1b[0m"
- click.echo(styled_text, color=False)
- out, err = capfd.readouterr()
- assert out == f"{text}\n"
- click.echo(styled_text, color=True)
- out, err = capfd.readouterr()
- assert out == f"{styled_text}\n"
- isatty = True
- click.echo(styled_text)
- out, err = capfd.readouterr()
- assert out == f"{styled_text}\n"
- isatty = False
- # Faking isatty() is not enough on Windows;
- # the implementation caches the colorama wrapped stream
- # so we have to use a new stream for each test
- stream = StringIO()
- click.echo(styled_text, file=stream)
- assert stream.getvalue() == f"{text}\n"
- stream = StringIO()
- click.echo(styled_text, file=stream, color=True)
- assert stream.getvalue() == f"{styled_text}\n"
- def test_prompt_cast_default(capfd, monkeypatch):
- monkeypatch.setattr(sys, "stdin", StringIO("\n"))
- value = click.prompt("value", default="100", type=int)
- capfd.readouterr()
- assert type(value) is int # noqa E721
- @pytest.mark.skipif(WIN, reason="Test too complex to make work windows.")
- def test_echo_writing_to_standard_error(capfd, monkeypatch):
- def emulate_input(text):
- """Emulate keyboard input."""
- monkeypatch.setattr(sys, "stdin", StringIO(text))
- click.echo("Echo to standard output")
- out, err = capfd.readouterr()
- assert out == "Echo to standard output\n"
- assert err == ""
- click.echo("Echo to standard error", err=True)
- out, err = capfd.readouterr()
- assert out == ""
- assert err == "Echo to standard error\n"
- emulate_input("asdlkj\n")
- click.prompt("Prompt to stdin")
- out, err = capfd.readouterr()
- assert out == "Prompt to stdin: "
- assert err == ""
- emulate_input("asdlkj\n")
- click.prompt("Prompt to stderr", err=True)
- out, err = capfd.readouterr()
- assert out == " "
- assert err == "Prompt to stderr:"
- emulate_input("y\n")
- click.confirm("Prompt to stdin")
- out, err = capfd.readouterr()
- assert out == "Prompt to stdin [y/N]: "
- assert err == ""
- emulate_input("y\n")
- click.confirm("Prompt to stderr", err=True)
- out, err = capfd.readouterr()
- assert out == " "
- assert err == "Prompt to stderr [y/N]:"
- monkeypatch.setattr(click.termui, "isatty", lambda x: True)
- monkeypatch.setattr(click.termui, "getchar", lambda: " ")
- click.pause("Pause to stdout")
- out, err = capfd.readouterr()
- assert out == "Pause to stdout\n"
- assert err == ""
- click.pause("Pause to stderr", err=True)
- out, err = capfd.readouterr()
- assert out == ""
- assert err == "Pause to stderr\n"
- def test_echo_with_capsys(capsys):
- click.echo("Capture me.")
- out, err = capsys.readouterr()
- assert out == "Capture me.\n"
- def test_open_file(runner):
- @click.command()
- @click.argument("filename")
- def cli(filename):
- with click.open_file(filename) as f:
- click.echo(f.read())
- click.echo("meep")
- with runner.isolated_filesystem():
- with open("hello.txt", "w") as f:
- f.write("Cool stuff")
- result = runner.invoke(cli, ["hello.txt"])
- assert result.exception is None
- assert result.output == "Cool stuff\nmeep\n"
- result = runner.invoke(cli, ["-"], input="foobar")
- assert result.exception is None
- assert result.output == "foobar\nmeep\n"
- def test_open_file_pathlib_dash(runner):
- @click.command()
- @click.argument(
- "filename", type=click.Path(allow_dash=True, path_type=pathlib.Path)
- )
- def cli(filename):
- click.echo(str(type(filename)))
- with click.open_file(filename) as f:
- click.echo(f.read())
- result = runner.invoke(cli, ["-"], input="value")
- assert result.exception is None
- assert result.output == "pathlib.Path\nvalue\n"
- def test_open_file_ignore_errors_stdin(runner):
- @click.command()
- @click.argument("filename")
- def cli(filename):
- with click.open_file(filename, errors="ignore") as f:
- click.echo(f.read())
- result = runner.invoke(cli, ["-"], input=os.urandom(16))
- assert result.exception is None
- def test_open_file_respects_ignore(runner):
- with runner.isolated_filesystem():
- with open("test.txt", "w") as f:
- f.write("Hello world!")
- with click.open_file("test.txt", encoding="utf8", errors="ignore") as f:
- assert f.errors == "ignore"
- def test_open_file_ignore_invalid_utf8(runner):
- with runner.isolated_filesystem():
- with open("test.txt", "wb") as f:
- f.write(b"\xe2\x28\xa1")
- with click.open_file("test.txt", encoding="utf8", errors="ignore") as f:
- f.read()
- def test_open_file_ignore_no_encoding(runner):
- with runner.isolated_filesystem():
- with open("test.bin", "wb") as f:
- f.write(os.urandom(16))
- with click.open_file("test.bin", errors="ignore") as f:
- f.read()
- @pytest.mark.skipif(WIN, reason="os.chmod() is not fully supported on Windows.")
- @pytest.mark.parametrize("permissions", [0o400, 0o444, 0o600, 0o644])
- def test_open_file_atomic_permissions_existing_file(runner, permissions):
- with runner.isolated_filesystem():
- with open("existing.txt", "w") as f:
- f.write("content")
- os.chmod("existing.txt", permissions)
- @click.command()
- @click.argument("filename")
- def cli(filename):
- click.open_file(filename, "w", atomic=True).close()
- result = runner.invoke(cli, ["existing.txt"])
- assert result.exception is None
- assert stat.S_IMODE(os.stat("existing.txt").st_mode) == permissions
- @pytest.mark.skipif(WIN, reason="os.stat() is not fully supported on Windows.")
- def test_open_file_atomic_permissions_new_file(runner):
- with runner.isolated_filesystem():
- @click.command()
- @click.argument("filename")
- def cli(filename):
- click.open_file(filename, "w", atomic=True).close()
- # Create a test file to get the expected permissions for new files
- # according to the current umask.
- with open("test.txt", "w"):
- pass
- permissions = stat.S_IMODE(os.stat("test.txt").st_mode)
- result = runner.invoke(cli, ["new.txt"])
- assert result.exception is None
- assert stat.S_IMODE(os.stat("new.txt").st_mode) == permissions
- def test_iter_keepopenfile(tmpdir):
- expected = list(map(str, range(10)))
- p = tmpdir.mkdir("testdir").join("testfile")
- p.write("\n".join(expected))
- with p.open() as f:
- for e_line, a_line in zip(expected, click.utils.KeepOpenFile(f)):
- assert e_line == a_line.strip()
- def test_iter_lazyfile(tmpdir):
- expected = list(map(str, range(10)))
- p = tmpdir.mkdir("testdir").join("testfile")
- p.write("\n".join(expected))
- with p.open() as f:
- with click.utils.LazyFile(f.name) as lf:
- for e_line, a_line in zip(expected, lf):
- assert e_line == a_line.strip()
- class MockMain:
- __slots__ = "__package__"
- def __init__(self, package_name):
- self.__package__ = package_name
- @pytest.mark.parametrize(
- ("path", "main", "expected"),
- [
- ("example.py", None, "example.py"),
- (str(pathlib.Path("/foo/bar/example.py")), None, "example.py"),
- ("example", None, "example"),
- (str(pathlib.Path("example/__main__.py")), "example", "python -m example"),
- (str(pathlib.Path("example/cli.py")), "example", "python -m example.cli"),
- (str(pathlib.Path("./example")), "", "example"),
- ],
- )
- def test_detect_program_name(path, main, expected):
- assert click.utils._detect_program_name(path, _main=MockMain(main)) == expected
- def test_expand_args(monkeypatch):
- user = os.path.expanduser("~")
- assert user in click.utils._expand_args(["~"])
- monkeypatch.setenv("CLICK_TEST", "hello")
- assert "hello" in click.utils._expand_args(["$CLICK_TEST"])
- #assert "pyproject.toml" in click.utils._expand_args(["*.toml"])
- #assert os.path.join("docs", "conf.py") in click.utils._expand_args(["**/conf.py"])
- assert "*.not-found" in click.utils._expand_args(["*.not-found"])
- # a bad glob pattern, such as a pytest identifier, should return itself
- assert click.utils._expand_args(["test.py::test_bad"])[0] == "test.py::test_bad"
- @pytest.mark.parametrize(
- ("value", "max_length", "expect"),
- [
- pytest.param("", 10, "", id="empty"),
- pytest.param("123 567 90", 10, "123 567 90", id="equal length, no dot"),
- pytest.param("123 567 9. aaaa bbb", 10, "123 567 9.", id="sentence < max"),
- pytest.param("123 567\n\n 9. aaaa bbb", 10, "123 567", id="paragraph < max"),
- pytest.param("123 567 90123.", 10, "123 567...", id="truncate"),
- pytest.param("123 5678 xxxxxx", 10, "123...", id="length includes suffix"),
- pytest.param(
- "token in ~/.netrc ciao ciao",
- 20,
- "token in ~/.netrc...",
- id="ignore dot in word",
- ),
- ],
- )
- @pytest.mark.parametrize(
- "alter",
- [
- pytest.param(None, id=""),
- pytest.param(
- lambda text: "\n\b\n" + " ".join(text.split(" ")) + "\n", id="no-wrap mark"
- ),
- ],
- )
- def test_make_default_short_help(value, max_length, alter, expect):
- assert len(expect) <= max_length
- if alter:
- value = alter(value)
- out = click.utils.make_default_short_help(value, max_length)
- assert out == expect