test_testing.py 11 KB

  1. import os
  2. import sys
  3. from io import BytesIO
  4. import pytest
  5. import click
  6. from click.exceptions import ClickException
  7. from click.testing import CliRunner
  8. def test_runner():
  9. @click.command()
  10. def test():
  11. i = click.get_binary_stream("stdin")
  12. o = click.get_binary_stream("stdout")
  13. while True:
  14. chunk = i.read(4096)
  15. if not chunk:
  16. break
  17. o.write(chunk)
  18. o.flush()
  19. runner = CliRunner()
  20. result = runner.invoke(test, input="Hello World!\n")
  21. assert not result.exception
  22. assert result.output == "Hello World!\n"
  23. def test_echo_stdin_stream():
  24. @click.command()
  25. def test():
  26. i = click.get_binary_stream("stdin")
  27. o = click.get_binary_stream("stdout")
  28. while True:
  29. chunk = i.read(4096)
  30. if not chunk:
  31. break
  32. o.write(chunk)
  33. o.flush()
  34. runner = CliRunner(echo_stdin=True)
  35. result = runner.invoke(test, input="Hello World!\n")
  36. assert not result.exception
  37. assert result.output == "Hello World!\nHello World!\n"
  38. def test_echo_stdin_prompts():
  39. @click.command()
  40. def test_python_input():
  41. foo = input("Foo: ")
  42. click.echo(f"foo={foo}")
  43. runner = CliRunner(echo_stdin=True)
  44. result = runner.invoke(test_python_input, input="bar bar\n")
  45. assert not result.exception
  46. assert result.output == "Foo: bar bar\nfoo=bar bar\n"
  47. @click.command()
  48. @click.option("--foo", prompt=True)
  49. def test_prompt(foo):
  50. click.echo(f"foo={foo}")
  51. result = runner.invoke(test_prompt, input="bar bar\n")
  52. assert not result.exception
  53. assert result.output == "Foo: bar bar\nfoo=bar bar\n"
  54. @click.command()
  55. @click.option("--foo", prompt=True, hide_input=True)
  56. def test_hidden_prompt(foo):
  57. click.echo(f"foo={foo}")
  58. result = runner.invoke(test_hidden_prompt, input="bar bar\n")
  59. assert not result.exception
  60. assert result.output == "Foo: \nfoo=bar bar\n"
  61. @click.command()
  62. @click.option("--foo", prompt=True)
  63. @click.option("--bar", prompt=True)
  64. def test_multiple_prompts(foo, bar):
  65. click.echo(f"foo={foo}, bar={bar}")
  66. result = runner.invoke(test_multiple_prompts, input="one\ntwo\n")
  67. assert not result.exception
  68. assert result.output == "Foo: one\nBar: two\nfoo=one, bar=two\n"
  69. def test_runner_with_stream():
  70. @click.command()
  71. def test():
  72. i = click.get_binary_stream("stdin")
  73. o = click.get_binary_stream("stdout")
  74. while True:
  75. chunk = i.read(4096)
  76. if not chunk:
  77. break
  78. o.write(chunk)
  79. o.flush()
  80. runner = CliRunner()
  81. result = runner.invoke(test, input=BytesIO(b"Hello World!\n"))
  82. assert not result.exception
  83. assert result.output == "Hello World!\n"
  84. runner = CliRunner(echo_stdin=True)
  85. result = runner.invoke(test, input=BytesIO(b"Hello World!\n"))
  86. assert not result.exception
  87. assert result.output == "Hello World!\nHello World!\n"
  88. def test_prompts():
  89. @click.command()
  90. @click.option("--foo", prompt=True)
  91. def test(foo):
  92. click.echo(f"foo={foo}")
  93. runner = CliRunner()
  94. result = runner.invoke(test, input="wau wau\n")
  95. assert not result.exception
  96. assert result.output == "Foo: wau wau\nfoo=wau wau\n"
  97. @click.command()
  98. @click.option("--foo", prompt=True, hide_input=True)
  99. def test(foo):
  100. click.echo(f"foo={foo}")
  101. runner = CliRunner()
  102. result = runner.invoke(test, input="wau wau\n")
  103. assert not result.exception
  104. assert result.output == "Foo: \nfoo=wau wau\n"
  105. def test_getchar():
  106. @click.command()
  107. def continue_it():
  108. click.echo(click.getchar())
  109. runner = CliRunner()
  110. result = runner.invoke(continue_it, input="y")
  111. assert not result.exception
  112. assert result.output == "y\n"
  113. runner = CliRunner(echo_stdin=True)
  114. result = runner.invoke(continue_it, input="y")
  115. assert not result.exception
  116. assert result.output == "y\n"
  117. @click.command()
  118. def getchar_echo():
  119. click.echo(click.getchar(echo=True))
  120. runner = CliRunner()
  121. result = runner.invoke(getchar_echo, input="y")
  122. assert not result.exception
  123. assert result.output == "yy\n"
  124. runner = CliRunner(echo_stdin=True)
  125. result = runner.invoke(getchar_echo, input="y")
  126. assert not result.exception
  127. assert result.output == "yy\n"
  128. def test_catch_exceptions():
  129. class CustomError(Exception):
  130. pass
  131. @click.command()
  132. def cli():
  133. raise CustomError(1)
  134. runner = CliRunner()
  135. result = runner.invoke(cli)
  136. assert isinstance(result.exception, CustomError)
  137. assert type(result.exc_info) is tuple
  138. assert len(result.exc_info) == 3
  139. with pytest.raises(CustomError):
  140. runner.invoke(cli, catch_exceptions=False)
  141. CustomError = SystemExit
  142. result = runner.invoke(cli)
  143. assert result.exit_code == 1
  144. def test_with_color():
  145. @click.command()
  146. def cli():
  147. click.secho("hello world", fg="blue")
  148. runner = CliRunner()
  149. result = runner.invoke(cli)
  150. assert result.output == "hello world\n"
  151. assert not result.exception
  152. result = runner.invoke(cli, color=True)
  153. assert result.output == f"{click.style('hello world', fg='blue')}\n"
  154. assert not result.exception
  155. def test_with_color_errors():
  156. class CLIError(ClickException):
  157. def format_message(self) -> str:
  158. return click.style(self.message, fg="red")
  159. @click.command()
  160. def cli():
  161. raise CLIError("Red error")
  162. runner = CliRunner()
  163. result = runner.invoke(cli)
  164. assert result.output == "Error: Red error\n"
  165. assert result.exception
  166. result = runner.invoke(cli, color=True)
  167. assert result.output == f"Error: {click.style('Red error', fg='red')}\n"
  168. assert result.exception
  169. def test_with_color_but_pause_not_blocking():
  170. @click.command()
  171. def cli():
  172. click.pause()
  173. runner = CliRunner()
  174. result = runner.invoke(cli, color=True)
  175. assert not result.exception
  176. assert result.output == ""
  177. def test_exit_code_and_output_from_sys_exit():
  178. # See issue #362
  179. @click.command()
  180. def cli_string():
  181. click.echo("hello world")
  182. sys.exit("error")
  183. @click.command()
  184. @click.pass_context
  185. def cli_string_ctx_exit(ctx):
  186. click.echo("hello world")
  187. ctx.exit("error")
  188. @click.command()
  189. def cli_int():
  190. click.echo("hello world")
  191. sys.exit(1)
  192. @click.command()
  193. @click.pass_context
  194. def cli_int_ctx_exit(ctx):
  195. click.echo("hello world")
  196. ctx.exit(1)
  197. @click.command()
  198. def cli_float():
  199. click.echo("hello world")
  200. sys.exit(1.0)
  201. @click.command()
  202. @click.pass_context
  203. def cli_float_ctx_exit(ctx):
  204. click.echo("hello world")
  205. ctx.exit(1.0)
  206. @click.command()
  207. def cli_no_error():
  208. click.echo("hello world")
  209. runner = CliRunner()
  210. result = runner.invoke(cli_string)
  211. assert result.exit_code == 1
  212. assert result.output == "hello world\nerror\n"
  213. result = runner.invoke(cli_string_ctx_exit)
  214. assert result.exit_code == 1
  215. assert result.output == "hello world\nerror\n"
  216. result = runner.invoke(cli_int)
  217. assert result.exit_code == 1
  218. assert result.output == "hello world\n"
  219. result = runner.invoke(cli_int_ctx_exit)
  220. assert result.exit_code == 1
  221. assert result.output == "hello world\n"
  222. result = runner.invoke(cli_float)
  223. assert result.exit_code == 1
  224. assert result.output == "hello world\n1.0\n"
  225. result = runner.invoke(cli_float_ctx_exit)
  226. assert result.exit_code == 1
  227. assert result.output == "hello world\n1.0\n"
  228. result = runner.invoke(cli_no_error)
  229. assert result.exit_code == 0
  230. assert result.output == "hello world\n"
  231. def test_env():
  232. @click.command()
  233. def cli_env():
  234. click.echo(f"ENV={os.environ['TEST_CLICK_ENV']}")
  235. runner = CliRunner()
  236. env_orig = dict(os.environ)
  237. env = dict(env_orig)
  238. assert "TEST_CLICK_ENV" not in env
  239. env["TEST_CLICK_ENV"] = "some_value"
  240. result = runner.invoke(cli_env, env=env)
  241. assert result.exit_code == 0
  242. assert result.output == "ENV=some_value\n"
  243. assert os.environ == env_orig
  244. def test_stderr():
  245. @click.command()
  246. def cli_stderr():
  247. click.echo("stdout")
  248. click.echo("stderr", err=True)
  249. runner = CliRunner(mix_stderr=False)
  250. result = runner.invoke(cli_stderr)
  251. assert result.output == "stdout\n"
  252. assert result.stdout == "stdout\n"
  253. assert result.stderr == "stderr\n"
  254. runner_mix = CliRunner(mix_stderr=True)
  255. result_mix = runner_mix.invoke(cli_stderr)
  256. assert result_mix.output == "stdout\nstderr\n"
  257. assert result_mix.stdout == "stdout\nstderr\n"
  258. with pytest.raises(ValueError):
  259. result_mix.stderr # noqa B018
  260. @click.command()
  261. def cli_empty_stderr():
  262. click.echo("stdout")
  263. runner = CliRunner(mix_stderr=False)
  264. result = runner.invoke(cli_empty_stderr)
  265. assert result.output == "stdout\n"
  266. assert result.stdout == "stdout\n"
  267. assert result.stderr == ""
  268. @pytest.mark.parametrize(
  269. "args, expected_output",
  270. [
  271. (None, "bar\n"),
  272. ([], "bar\n"),
  273. ("", "bar\n"),
  274. (["--foo", "one two"], "one two\n"),
  275. ('--foo "one two"', "one two\n"),
  276. ],
  277. )
  278. def test_args(args, expected_output):
  279. @click.command()
  280. @click.option("--foo", default="bar")
  281. def cli_args(foo):
  282. click.echo(foo)
  283. runner = CliRunner()
  284. result = runner.invoke(cli_args, args=args)
  285. assert result.exit_code == 0
  286. assert result.output == expected_output
  287. def test_setting_prog_name_in_extra():
  288. @click.command()
  289. def cli():
  290. click.echo("ok")
  291. runner = CliRunner()
  292. result = runner.invoke(cli, prog_name="foobar")
  293. assert not result.exception
  294. assert result.output == "ok\n"
  295. def test_command_standalone_mode_returns_value():
  296. @click.command()
  297. def cli():
  298. click.echo("ok")
  299. return "Hello, World!"
  300. runner = CliRunner()
  301. result = runner.invoke(cli, standalone_mode=False)
  302. assert result.output == "ok\n"
  303. assert result.return_value == "Hello, World!"
  304. assert result.exit_code == 0
  305. def test_file_stdin_attrs(runner):
  306. @click.command()
  307. @click.argument("f", type=click.File())
  308. def cli(f):
  309. click.echo(f.name)
  310. click.echo(f.mode, nl=False)
  311. result = runner.invoke(cli, ["-"])
  312. assert result.output == "<stdin>\nr"
  313. def test_isolated_runner(runner):
  314. with runner.isolated_filesystem() as d:
  315. assert os.path.exists(d)
  316. assert not os.path.exists(d)
  317. def test_isolated_runner_custom_tempdir(runner, tmp_path):
  318. with runner.isolated_filesystem(temp_dir=tmp_path) as d:
  319. assert os.path.exists(d)
  320. assert os.path.exists(d)
  321. os.rmdir(d)
  322. def test_isolation_stderr_errors():
  323. """Writing to stderr should escape invalid characters instead of
  324. raising a UnicodeEncodeError.
  325. """
  326. runner = CliRunner(mix_stderr=False)
  327. with runner.isolation() as (_, err):
  328. click.echo("\udce2", err=True, nl=False)
  329. assert err.getvalue() == b"\\udce2"