zdict.c 33 KB

  1. /*
  2. dictBuilder - dictionary builder for zstd
  3. Copyright (C) Yann Collet 2016
  4. BSD 2-Clause License (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php)
  5. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
  6. modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
  7. met:
  8. * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
  9. notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
  10. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
  11. copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
  12. in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
  13. distribution.
  25. You can contact the author at :
  26. - Zstd homepage : https://www.zstd.net
  27. */
  28. /*-**************************************
  29. * Compiler Options
  30. ****************************************/
  31. /* Disable some Visual warning messages */
  32. #ifdef _MSC_VER
  33. # pragma warning(disable : 4127) /* disable: C4127: conditional expression is constant */
  34. #endif
  35. /* Unix Large Files support (>4GB) */
  36. #define _FILE_OFFSET_BITS 64
  37. #if (defined(__sun__) && (!defined(__LP64__))) /* Sun Solaris 32-bits requires specific definitions */
  38. # define _LARGEFILE_SOURCE
  39. #elif ! defined(__LP64__) /* No point defining Large file for 64 bit */
  40. # define _LARGEFILE64_SOURCE
  41. #endif
  42. /*-*************************************
  43. * Dependencies
  44. ***************************************/
  45. #include <stdlib.h> /* malloc, free */
  46. #include <string.h> /* memset */
  47. #include <stdio.h> /* fprintf, fopen, ftello64 */
  48. #include <time.h> /* clock */
  49. #include "mem.h" /* read */
  50. #include "error_private.h"
  51. #include "fse.h"
  52. #include "huf_static.h"
  53. #include "zstd_internal.h"
  54. #include "divsufsort.h"
  55. #include "zdict_static.h"
  56. /*-*************************************
  57. * Constants
  58. ***************************************/
  59. #define KB *(1 <<10)
  60. #define MB *(1 <<20)
  61. #define GB *(1U<<30)
  62. #define DICTLISTSIZE 10000
  63. #define NOISELENGTH 32
  64. #define PRIME1 2654435761U
  65. #define PRIME2 2246822519U
  66. #define MINRATIO 4
  67. static const U32 g_compressionLevel_default = 5;
  68. static const U32 g_selectivity_default = 9;
  69. static const size_t g_provision_entropySize = 200;
  70. static const size_t g_min_fast_dictContent = 192;
  71. /*-*************************************
  72. * Console display
  73. ***************************************/
  74. #define DISPLAY(...) fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__)
  75. #define DISPLAYLEVEL(l, ...) if (g_displayLevel>=l) { DISPLAY(__VA_ARGS__); }
  76. static unsigned g_displayLevel = 0; /* 0 : no display; 1: errors; 2: default; 4: full information */
  77. #define DISPLAYUPDATE(l, ...) if (g_displayLevel>=l) { \
  78. if (ZDICT_GetMilliSpan(g_time) > refreshRate) \
  79. { g_time = clock(); DISPLAY(__VA_ARGS__); \
  80. if (g_displayLevel>=4) fflush(stdout); } }
  81. static const unsigned refreshRate = 300;
  82. static clock_t g_time = 0;
  83. static void ZDICT_printHex(U32 dlevel, const void* ptr, size_t length)
  84. {
  85. const BYTE* const b = (const BYTE*)ptr;
  86. size_t u;
  87. for (u=0; u<length; u++)
  88. {
  89. BYTE c = b[u];
  90. if (c<32 || c>126) c = '.'; /* non-printable char */
  91. DISPLAYLEVEL(dlevel, "%c", c);
  92. }
  93. }
  94. /*-********************************************************
  95. * Helper functions
  96. **********************************************************/
  97. static unsigned ZDICT_GetMilliSpan(clock_t nPrevious)
  98. {
  99. clock_t nCurrent = clock();
  100. unsigned nSpan = (unsigned)(((nCurrent - nPrevious) * 1000) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
  101. return nSpan;
  102. }
  103. unsigned ZDICT_isError(size_t errorCode) { return ERR_isError(errorCode); }
  104. const char* ZDICT_getErrorName(size_t errorCode) { return ERR_getErrorName(errorCode); }
  105. /*-********************************************************
  106. * Dictionary training functions
  107. **********************************************************/
  108. static unsigned ZDICT_NbCommonBytes (register size_t val)
  109. {
  110. if (MEM_isLittleEndian()) {
  111. if (MEM_64bits()) {
  112. # if defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(_WIN64)
  113. unsigned long r = 0;
  114. _BitScanForward64( &r, (U64)val );
  115. return (unsigned)(r>>3);
  116. # elif defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ >= 3)
  117. return (__builtin_ctzll((U64)val) >> 3);
  118. # else
  119. static const int DeBruijnBytePos[64] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 0, 3, 1, 3, 1, 4, 2, 7, 0, 2, 3, 6, 1, 5, 3, 5, 1, 3, 4, 4, 2, 5, 6, 7, 7, 0, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 6, 2, 6, 5, 5, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 1, 2, 4, 6, 4, 4, 5, 7, 2, 6, 5, 7, 6, 7, 7 };
  120. return DeBruijnBytePos[((U64)((val & -(long long)val) * 0x0218A392CDABBD3FULL)) >> 58];
  121. # endif
  122. } else { /* 32 bits */
  123. # if defined(_MSC_VER)
  124. unsigned long r=0;
  125. _BitScanForward( &r, (U32)val );
  126. return (unsigned)(r>>3);
  127. # elif defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ >= 3)
  128. return (__builtin_ctz((U32)val) >> 3);
  129. # else
  130. static const int DeBruijnBytePos[32] = { 0, 0, 3, 0, 3, 1, 3, 0, 3, 2, 2, 1, 3, 2, 0, 1, 3, 3, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 0, 3, 1, 2, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1 };
  131. return DeBruijnBytePos[((U32)((val & -(S32)val) * 0x077CB531U)) >> 27];
  132. # endif
  133. }
  134. } else { /* Big Endian CPU */
  135. if (MEM_64bits()) {
  136. # if defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(_WIN64)
  137. unsigned long r = 0;
  138. _BitScanReverse64( &r, val );
  139. return (unsigned)(r>>3);
  140. # elif defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ >= 3)
  141. return (__builtin_clzll(val) >> 3);
  142. # else
  143. unsigned r;
  144. const unsigned n32 = sizeof(size_t)*4; /* calculate this way due to compiler complaining in 32-bits mode */
  145. if (!(val>>n32)) { r=4; } else { r=0; val>>=n32; }
  146. if (!(val>>16)) { r+=2; val>>=8; } else { val>>=24; }
  147. r += (!val);
  148. return r;
  149. # endif
  150. } else { /* 32 bits */
  151. # if defined(_MSC_VER)
  152. unsigned long r = 0;
  153. _BitScanReverse( &r, (unsigned long)val );
  154. return (unsigned)(r>>3);
  155. # elif defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ >= 3)
  156. return (__builtin_clz((U32)val) >> 3);
  157. # else
  158. unsigned r;
  159. if (!(val>>16)) { r=2; val>>=8; } else { r=0; val>>=24; }
  160. r += (!val);
  161. return r;
  162. # endif
  163. } }
  164. }
  165. /*! ZDICT_count() :
  166. Count the nb of common bytes between 2 pointers.
  167. Note : this function presumes end of buffer followed by noisy guard band.
  168. */
  169. static size_t ZDICT_count(const void* pIn, const void* pMatch)
  170. {
  171. const char* const pStart = (const char*)pIn;
  172. for (;;) {
  173. size_t diff = MEM_readST(pMatch) ^ MEM_readST(pIn);
  174. if (!diff) { pIn = (const char*)pIn+sizeof(size_t); pMatch = (const char*)pMatch+sizeof(size_t); continue; }
  175. pIn = (const char*)pIn+ZDICT_NbCommonBytes(diff);
  176. return (size_t)((const char*)pIn - pStart);
  177. }
  178. }
  179. typedef struct {
  180. U32 pos;
  181. U32 length;
  182. U32 savings;
  183. } dictItem;
  184. static void ZDICT_initDictItem(dictItem* d)
  185. {
  186. d->pos = 1;
  187. d->length = 0;
  188. d->savings = (U32)(-1);
  189. }
  190. #define LLIMIT 64 /* heuristic determined experimentally */
  191. #define MINMATCHLENGTH 7 /* heuristic determined experimentally */
  192. static dictItem ZDICT_analyzePos(
  193. BYTE* doneMarks,
  194. const int* suffix, U32 start,
  195. const void* buffer, U32 minRatio)
  196. {
  197. U32 lengthList[LLIMIT] = {0};
  198. U32 cumulLength[LLIMIT] = {0};
  199. U32 savings[LLIMIT] = {0};
  200. const BYTE* b = (const BYTE*)buffer;
  201. size_t length;
  202. size_t maxLength = LLIMIT;
  203. size_t pos = suffix[start];
  204. U32 end = start;
  205. dictItem solution;
  206. /* init */
  207. memset(&solution, 0, sizeof(solution));
  208. doneMarks[pos] = 1;
  209. /* trivial repetition cases */
  210. if ( (MEM_read16(b+pos+0) == MEM_read16(b+pos+2))
  211. ||(MEM_read16(b+pos+1) == MEM_read16(b+pos+3))
  212. ||(MEM_read16(b+pos+2) == MEM_read16(b+pos+4)) ) {
  213. /* skip and mark segment */
  214. U16 u16 = MEM_read16(b+pos+4);
  215. U32 u, e = 6;
  216. while (MEM_read16(b+pos+e) == u16) e+=2 ;
  217. if (b[pos+e] == b[pos+e-1]) e++;
  218. for (u=1; u<e; u++)
  219. doneMarks[pos+u] = 1;
  220. return solution;
  221. }
  222. /* look forward */
  223. do {
  224. end++;
  225. length = ZDICT_count(b + pos, b + suffix[end]);
  226. } while (length >=MINMATCHLENGTH);
  227. /* look backward */
  228. do {
  229. length = ZDICT_count(b + pos, b + *(suffix+start-1));
  230. if (length >=MINMATCHLENGTH) start--;
  231. } while(length >= MINMATCHLENGTH);
  232. /* exit if not found a minimum nb of repetitions */
  233. if (end-start < minRatio) {
  234. U32 idx;
  235. for(idx=start; idx<end; idx++)
  236. doneMarks[suffix[idx]] = 1;
  237. return solution;
  238. }
  239. { int i;
  240. U32 searchLength;
  241. U32 refinedStart = start;
  242. U32 refinedEnd = end;
  243. DISPLAYLEVEL(4, "\n");
  244. DISPLAYLEVEL(4, "found %3u matches of length >= %u at pos %7u ", (U32)(end-start), MINMATCHLENGTH, (U32)pos);
  245. DISPLAYLEVEL(4, "\n");
  246. for (searchLength = MINMATCHLENGTH ; ; searchLength++) {
  247. BYTE currentChar = 0;
  248. U32 currentCount = 0;
  249. U32 currentID = refinedStart;
  250. U32 id;
  251. U32 selectedCount = 0;
  252. U32 selectedID = currentID;
  253. for (id =refinedStart; id < refinedEnd; id++) {
  254. if (b[ suffix[id] + searchLength] != currentChar) {
  255. if (currentCount > selectedCount) {
  256. selectedCount = currentCount;
  257. selectedID = currentID;
  258. }
  259. currentID = id;
  260. currentChar = b[ suffix[id] + searchLength];
  261. currentCount = 0;
  262. }
  263. currentCount ++;
  264. }
  265. if (currentCount > selectedCount) { /* for last */
  266. selectedCount = currentCount;
  267. selectedID = currentID;
  268. }
  269. if (selectedCount < minRatio)
  270. break;
  271. refinedStart = selectedID;
  272. refinedEnd = refinedStart + selectedCount;
  273. }
  274. /* evaluate gain based on new ref */
  275. start = refinedStart;
  276. pos = suffix[refinedStart];
  277. end = start;
  278. memset(lengthList, 0, sizeof(lengthList));
  279. /* look forward */
  280. do {
  281. end++;
  282. length = ZDICT_count(b + pos, b + suffix[end]);
  283. if (length >= LLIMIT) length = LLIMIT-1;
  284. lengthList[length]++;
  285. } while (length >=MINMATCHLENGTH);
  286. /* look backward */
  287. do {
  288. length = ZDICT_count(b + pos, b + suffix[start-1]);
  289. if (length >= LLIMIT) length = LLIMIT-1;
  290. lengthList[length]++;
  291. if (length >=MINMATCHLENGTH) start--;
  292. } while(length >= MINMATCHLENGTH);
  293. /* largest useful length */
  294. memset(cumulLength, 0, sizeof(cumulLength));
  295. cumulLength[maxLength-1] = lengthList[maxLength-1];
  296. for (i=(int)(maxLength-2); i>=0; i--)
  297. cumulLength[i] = cumulLength[i+1] + lengthList[i];
  298. for (i=LLIMIT-1; i>=MINMATCHLENGTH; i--) if (cumulLength[i]>=minRatio) break;
  299. maxLength = i;
  300. /* reduce maxLength in case of final into repetitive data */
  301. {
  302. U32 l = (U32)maxLength;
  303. BYTE c = b[pos + maxLength-1];
  304. while (b[pos+l-2]==c) l--;
  305. maxLength = l;
  306. }
  307. if (maxLength < MINMATCHLENGTH) return solution; /* skip : no long-enough solution */
  308. /* calculate savings */
  309. savings[5] = 0;
  310. for (i=MINMATCHLENGTH; i<=(int)maxLength; i++)
  311. savings[i] = savings[i-1] + (lengthList[i] * (i-3));
  312. DISPLAYLEVEL(4, "Selected ref at position %u, of length %u : saves %u (ratio: %.2f) \n",
  313. (U32)pos, (U32)maxLength, savings[maxLength], (double)savings[maxLength] / maxLength);
  314. solution.pos = (U32)pos;
  315. solution.length = (U32)maxLength;
  316. solution.savings = savings[maxLength];
  317. /* mark positions done */
  318. {
  319. U32 id;
  320. U32 testedPos;
  321. for (id=start; id<end; id++) {
  322. U32 p, pEnd;
  323. testedPos = suffix[id];
  324. if (testedPos == pos)
  325. length = solution.length;
  326. else {
  327. length = ZDICT_count(b+pos, b+testedPos);
  328. if (length > solution.length) length = solution.length;
  329. }
  330. pEnd = (U32)(testedPos + length);
  331. for (p=testedPos; p<pEnd; p++)
  332. doneMarks[p] = 1;
  333. } } }
  334. return solution;
  335. }
  336. /*! ZDICT_checkMerge
  337. check if dictItem can be merged, do it if possible
  338. @return : id of destination elt, 0 if not merged
  339. */
  340. static U32 ZDICT_checkMerge(dictItem* table, dictItem elt, U32 eltNbToSkip)
  341. {
  342. const U32 tableSize = table->pos;
  343. const U32 max = elt.pos + (elt.length-1);
  344. /* tail overlap */
  345. U32 u; for (u=1; u<tableSize; u++) {
  346. if (u==eltNbToSkip) continue;
  347. if ((table[u].pos > elt.pos) && (table[u].pos < max)) { /* overlap */
  348. /* append */
  349. U32 addedLength = table[u].pos - elt.pos;
  350. table[u].length += addedLength;
  351. table[u].pos = elt.pos;
  352. table[u].savings += elt.savings * addedLength / elt.length; /* rough approx */
  353. table[u].savings += elt.length / 8; /* rough approx */
  354. elt = table[u];
  355. while ((u>1) && (table[u-1].savings < elt.savings))
  356. table[u] = table[u-1], u--;
  357. table[u] = elt;
  358. return u;
  359. } }
  360. /* front overlap */
  361. for (u=1; u<tableSize; u++) {
  362. if (u==eltNbToSkip) continue;
  363. if ((table[u].pos + table[u].length > elt.pos) && (table[u].pos < elt.pos)) { /* overlap */
  364. /* append */
  365. int addedLength = (elt.pos + elt.length) - (table[u].pos + table[u].length);
  366. table[u].savings += elt.length / 8; /* rough approx */
  367. if (addedLength > 0) { /* otherwise, already included */
  368. table[u].length += addedLength;
  369. table[u].savings += elt.savings * addedLength / elt.length; /* rough approx */
  370. }
  371. elt = table[u];
  372. while ((u>1) && (table[u-1].savings < elt.savings))
  373. table[u] = table[u-1], u--;
  374. table[u] = elt;
  375. return u;
  376. } }
  377. return 0;
  378. }
  379. static void ZDICT_removeDictItem(dictItem* table, U32 id)
  380. {
  381. /* convention : first element is nb of elts */
  382. U32 max = table->pos;
  383. U32 u;
  384. if (!id) return; /* protection, should never happen */
  385. for (u=id; u<max-1; u++)
  386. table[u] = table[u+1];
  387. table->pos--;
  388. }
  389. static void ZDICT_insertDictItem(dictItem* table, U32 maxSize, dictItem elt)
  390. {
  391. /* merge if possible */
  392. U32 mergeId = ZDICT_checkMerge(table, elt, 0);
  393. if (mergeId) {
  394. U32 newMerge = 1;
  395. while (newMerge) {
  396. newMerge = ZDICT_checkMerge(table, table[mergeId], mergeId);
  397. if (newMerge) ZDICT_removeDictItem(table, mergeId);
  398. mergeId = newMerge;
  399. }
  400. return;
  401. }
  402. /* insert */
  403. {
  404. U32 current;
  405. U32 nextElt = table->pos;
  406. if (nextElt >= maxSize) nextElt = maxSize-1;
  407. current = nextElt-1;
  408. while (table[current].savings < elt.savings) {
  409. table[current+1] = table[current];
  410. current--;
  411. }
  412. table[current+1] = elt;
  413. table->pos = nextElt+1;
  414. }
  415. }
  416. static U32 ZDICT_dictSize(const dictItem* dictList)
  417. {
  418. U32 u, dictSize = 0;
  419. for (u=1; u<dictList[0].pos; u++)
  420. dictSize += dictList[u].length;
  421. return dictSize;
  422. }
  423. static size_t ZDICT_trainBuffer(dictItem* dictList, U32 dictListSize,
  424. const void* const buffer, const size_t bufferSize, /* buffer must end with noisy guard band */
  425. const size_t* fileSizes, unsigned nbFiles,
  426. U32 shiftRatio, unsigned maxDictSize)
  427. {
  428. int* const suffix0 = (int*)malloc((bufferSize+2)*sizeof(*suffix0));
  429. int* const suffix = suffix0+1;
  430. U32* reverseSuffix = (U32*)malloc((bufferSize)*sizeof(*reverseSuffix));
  431. BYTE* doneMarks = (BYTE*)malloc((bufferSize+16)*sizeof(*doneMarks)); /* +16 for overflow security */
  432. U32* filePos = (U32*)malloc(nbFiles * sizeof(*filePos));
  433. U32 minRatio = nbFiles >> shiftRatio;
  434. int divSuftSortResult;
  435. size_t result = 0;
  436. /* init */
  437. DISPLAYLEVEL(2, "\r%70s\r", ""); /* clean display line */
  438. if (!suffix0 || !reverseSuffix || !doneMarks || !filePos) {
  439. result = ERROR(memory_allocation);
  440. goto _cleanup;
  441. }
  442. if (minRatio < MINRATIO) minRatio = MINRATIO;
  443. memset(doneMarks, 0, bufferSize+16);
  444. /* sort */
  445. DISPLAYLEVEL(2, "sorting %u files of total size %u MB ...\n", nbFiles, (U32)(bufferSize>>20));
  446. divSuftSortResult = divsufsort((const unsigned char*)buffer, suffix, (int)bufferSize, 0);
  447. if (divSuftSortResult != 0) { result = ERROR(GENERIC); goto _cleanup; }
  448. suffix[bufferSize] = (int)bufferSize; /* leads into noise */
  449. suffix0[0] = (int)bufferSize; /* leads into noise */
  450. {
  451. /* build reverse suffix sort */
  452. size_t pos;
  453. for (pos=0; pos < bufferSize; pos++)
  454. reverseSuffix[suffix[pos]] = (U32)pos;
  455. /* build file pos */
  456. filePos[0] = 0;
  457. for (pos=1; pos<nbFiles; pos++)
  458. filePos[pos] = (U32)(filePos[pos-1] + fileSizes[pos-1]);
  459. }
  460. DISPLAYLEVEL(2, "finding patterns ... \n");
  461. DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "minimum ratio : %u \n", minRatio);
  462. {
  463. U32 cursor; for (cursor=0; cursor < bufferSize; ) {
  464. dictItem solution;
  465. if (doneMarks[cursor]) { cursor++; continue; }
  466. solution = ZDICT_analyzePos(doneMarks, suffix, reverseSuffix[cursor], buffer, minRatio);
  467. if (solution.length==0) { cursor++; continue; }
  468. ZDICT_insertDictItem(dictList, dictListSize, solution);
  469. cursor += solution.length;
  470. DISPLAYUPDATE(2, "\r%4.2f %% \r", (double)cursor / bufferSize * 100);
  471. } }
  472. /* limit dictionary size */
  473. {
  474. U32 max = dictList->pos; /* convention : nb of useful elts within dictList */
  475. U32 currentSize = 0;
  476. U32 n; for (n=1; n<max; n++) {
  477. currentSize += dictList[n].length;
  478. if (currentSize > maxDictSize) break;
  479. }
  480. dictList->pos = n;
  481. }
  482. _cleanup:
  483. free(suffix0);
  484. free(reverseSuffix);
  485. free(doneMarks);
  486. free(filePos);
  487. return result;
  488. }
  489. static void ZDICT_fillNoise(void* buffer, size_t length)
  490. {
  491. unsigned acc = PRIME1;
  492. size_t p=0;;
  493. for (p=0; p<length; p++) {
  494. acc *= PRIME2;
  495. ((unsigned char*)buffer)[p] = (unsigned char)(acc >> 21);
  496. }
  497. }
  498. typedef struct
  499. {
  500. ZSTD_CCtx* ref;
  501. ZSTD_CCtx* zc;
  502. void* workPlace; /* must be ZSTD_BLOCKSIZE_MAX allocated */
  503. } EStats_ress_t;
  504. static void ZDICT_countEStats(EStats_ress_t esr,
  505. U32* countLit, U32* offsetcodeCount, U32* matchlengthCount, U32* litlengthCount,
  506. const void* src, size_t srcSize)
  507. {
  508. const seqStore_t* seqStorePtr;
  509. if (srcSize > ZSTD_BLOCKSIZE_MAX) srcSize = ZSTD_BLOCKSIZE_MAX; /* protection vs large samples */
  510. ZSTD_copyCCtx(esr.zc, esr.ref);
  511. ZSTD_compressBlock(esr.zc, esr.workPlace, ZSTD_BLOCKSIZE_MAX, src, srcSize);
  512. seqStorePtr = ZSTD_getSeqStore(esr.zc);
  513. /* literals stats */
  514. { const BYTE* bytePtr;
  515. for(bytePtr = seqStorePtr->litStart; bytePtr < seqStorePtr->lit; bytePtr++)
  516. countLit[*bytePtr]++;
  517. }
  518. /* seqStats */
  519. { size_t const nbSeq = (size_t)(seqStorePtr->offset - seqStorePtr->offsetStart);
  520. ZSTD_seqToCodes(seqStorePtr, nbSeq);
  521. { const BYTE* codePtr = seqStorePtr->offCodeStart;
  522. size_t u;
  523. for (u=0; u<nbSeq; u++) offsetcodeCount[codePtr[u]]++;
  524. }
  525. { const BYTE* codePtr = seqStorePtr->mlCodeStart;
  526. size_t u;
  527. for (u=0; u<nbSeq; u++) matchlengthCount[codePtr[u]]++;
  528. }
  529. { const BYTE* codePtr = seqStorePtr->llCodeStart;
  530. size_t u;
  531. for (u=0; u<nbSeq; u++) litlengthCount[codePtr[u]]++;
  532. } }
  533. }
  534. /*
  535. static size_t ZDICT_maxSampleSize(const size_t* fileSizes, unsigned nbFiles)
  536. {
  537. unsigned u;
  538. size_t max=0;
  539. for (u=0; u<nbFiles; u++)
  540. if (max < fileSizes[u]) max = fileSizes[u];
  541. return max;
  542. }
  543. */
  544. static size_t ZDICT_totalSampleSize(const size_t* fileSizes, unsigned nbFiles)
  545. {
  546. size_t total;
  547. unsigned u;
  548. for (u=0, total=0; u<nbFiles; u++) total += fileSizes[u];
  549. return total;
  550. }
  551. #define OFFCODE_MAX 18 /* only applicable to first block */
  552. static size_t ZDICT_analyzeEntropy(void* dstBuffer, size_t maxDstSize,
  553. unsigned compressionLevel,
  554. const void* srcBuffer, const size_t* fileSizes, unsigned nbFiles,
  555. const void* dictBuffer, size_t dictBufferSize)
  556. {
  557. U32 countLit[256];
  558. HUF_CREATE_STATIC_CTABLE(hufTable, 255);
  559. U32 offcodeCount[OFFCODE_MAX+1];
  560. short offcodeNCount[OFFCODE_MAX+1];
  561. U32 matchLengthCount[MaxML+1];
  562. short matchLengthNCount[MaxML+1];
  563. U32 litLengthCount[MaxLL+1];
  564. short litLengthNCount[MaxLL+1];
  565. EStats_ress_t esr;
  566. ZSTD_parameters params;
  567. U32 u, huffLog = 12, Offlog = OffFSELog, mlLog = MLFSELog, llLog = LLFSELog, total;
  568. size_t pos = 0, errorCode;
  569. size_t eSize = 0;
  570. size_t const totalSrcSize = ZDICT_totalSampleSize(fileSizes, nbFiles);
  571. size_t const averageSampleSize = totalSrcSize / nbFiles;
  572. /* init */
  573. for (u=0; u<256; u++) countLit[u]=1; /* any character must be described */
  574. for (u=0; u<=OFFCODE_MAX; u++) offcodeCount[u]=1;
  575. for (u=0; u<=MaxML; u++) matchLengthCount[u]=1;
  576. for (u=0; u<=MaxLL; u++) litLengthCount[u]=1;
  577. esr.ref = ZSTD_createCCtx();
  578. esr.zc = ZSTD_createCCtx();
  579. esr.workPlace = malloc(ZSTD_BLOCKSIZE_MAX);
  580. if (!esr.ref || !esr.zc || !esr.workPlace) {
  581. eSize = ERROR(memory_allocation);
  582. DISPLAYLEVEL(1, "Not enough memory");
  583. goto _cleanup;
  584. }
  585. if (compressionLevel==0) compressionLevel=g_compressionLevel_default;
  586. params.cParams = ZSTD_getCParams(compressionLevel, averageSampleSize, dictBufferSize);
  587. params.cParams.strategy = ZSTD_greedy;
  588. params.fParams.contentSizeFlag = 0;
  589. ZSTD_compressBegin_advanced(esr.ref, dictBuffer, dictBufferSize, params, 0);
  590. /* collect stats on all files */
  591. for (u=0; u<nbFiles; u++) {
  592. ZDICT_countEStats(esr,
  593. countLit, offcodeCount, matchLengthCount, litLengthCount,
  594. (const char*)srcBuffer + pos, fileSizes[u]);
  595. pos += fileSizes[u];
  596. }
  597. /* analyze */
  598. errorCode = HUF_buildCTable (hufTable, countLit, 255, huffLog);
  599. if (HUF_isError(errorCode)) {
  600. eSize = ERROR(GENERIC);
  601. DISPLAYLEVEL(1, "HUF_buildCTable error");
  602. goto _cleanup;
  603. }
  604. huffLog = (U32)errorCode;
  605. total=0; for (u=0; u<=OFFCODE_MAX; u++) total+=offcodeCount[u];
  606. errorCode = FSE_normalizeCount(offcodeNCount, Offlog, offcodeCount, total, OFFCODE_MAX);
  607. if (FSE_isError(errorCode)) {
  608. eSize = ERROR(GENERIC);
  609. DISPLAYLEVEL(1, "FSE_normalizeCount error with offcodeCount");
  610. goto _cleanup;
  611. }
  612. Offlog = (U32)errorCode;
  613. total=0; for (u=0; u<=MaxML; u++) total+=matchLengthCount[u];
  614. errorCode = FSE_normalizeCount(matchLengthNCount, mlLog, matchLengthCount, total, MaxML);
  615. if (FSE_isError(errorCode)) {
  616. eSize = ERROR(GENERIC);
  617. DISPLAYLEVEL(1, "FSE_normalizeCount error with matchLengthCount");
  618. goto _cleanup;
  619. }
  620. mlLog = (U32)errorCode;
  621. total=0; for (u=0; u<=MaxLL; u++) total+=litLengthCount[u];
  622. errorCode = FSE_normalizeCount(litLengthNCount, llLog, litLengthCount, total, MaxLL);
  623. if (FSE_isError(errorCode)) {
  624. eSize = ERROR(GENERIC);
  625. DISPLAYLEVEL(1, "FSE_normalizeCount error with litLengthCount");
  626. goto _cleanup;
  627. }
  628. llLog = (U32)errorCode;
  629. /* write result to buffer */
  630. errorCode = HUF_writeCTable(dstBuffer, maxDstSize, hufTable, 255, huffLog);
  631. if (HUF_isError(errorCode)) {
  632. eSize = ERROR(GENERIC);
  633. DISPLAYLEVEL(1, "HUF_writeCTable error");
  634. goto _cleanup;
  635. }
  636. dstBuffer = (char*)dstBuffer + errorCode;
  637. maxDstSize -= errorCode;
  638. eSize += errorCode;
  639. errorCode = FSE_writeNCount(dstBuffer, maxDstSize, offcodeNCount, OFFCODE_MAX, Offlog);
  640. if (FSE_isError(errorCode)) {
  641. eSize = ERROR(GENERIC);
  642. DISPLAYLEVEL(1, "FSE_writeNCount error with offcodeNCount");
  643. goto _cleanup;
  644. }
  645. dstBuffer = (char*)dstBuffer + errorCode;
  646. maxDstSize -= errorCode;
  647. eSize += errorCode;
  648. errorCode = FSE_writeNCount(dstBuffer, maxDstSize, matchLengthNCount, MaxML, mlLog);
  649. if (FSE_isError(errorCode)) {
  650. eSize = ERROR(GENERIC);
  651. DISPLAYLEVEL(1, "FSE_writeNCount error with matchLengthNCount");
  652. goto _cleanup;
  653. }
  654. dstBuffer = (char*)dstBuffer + errorCode;
  655. maxDstSize -= errorCode;
  656. eSize += errorCode;
  657. errorCode = FSE_writeNCount(dstBuffer, maxDstSize, litLengthNCount, MaxLL, llLog);
  658. if (FSE_isError(errorCode)) {
  659. eSize = ERROR(GENERIC);
  660. DISPLAYLEVEL(1, "FSE_writeNCount error with litlengthNCount");
  661. goto _cleanup;
  662. }
  663. dstBuffer = (char*)dstBuffer + errorCode;
  664. maxDstSize -= errorCode;
  665. eSize += errorCode;
  666. _cleanup:
  667. ZSTD_freeCCtx(esr.ref);
  668. ZSTD_freeCCtx(esr.zc);
  669. free(esr.workPlace);
  670. return eSize;
  671. }
  672. #define DIB_FASTSEGMENTSIZE 64
  673. /*! ZDICT_fastSampling() (based on an idea proposed by Giuseppe Ottaviano) :
  674. Fill `dictBuffer` with stripes of size DIB_FASTSEGMENTSIZE from `samplesBuffer`,
  675. up to `dictSize`.
  676. Filling starts from the end of `dictBuffer`, down to maximum possible.
  677. if `dictSize` is not a multiply of DIB_FASTSEGMENTSIZE, some bytes at beginning of `dictBuffer` won't be used.
  678. @return : amount of data written into `dictBuffer`,
  679. or an error code
  680. */
  681. static size_t ZDICT_fastSampling(void* dictBuffer, size_t dictSize,
  682. const void* samplesBuffer, size_t samplesSize)
  683. {
  684. char* dstPtr = (char*)dictBuffer + dictSize;
  685. const char* srcPtr = (const char*)samplesBuffer;
  686. size_t nbSegments = dictSize / DIB_FASTSEGMENTSIZE;
  687. size_t segNb, interSize;
  688. if (nbSegments <= 2) return ERROR(srcSize_wrong);
  689. if (samplesSize < dictSize) return ERROR(srcSize_wrong);
  690. /* first and last segments are part of dictionary, in case they contain interesting header/footer */
  692. memcpy(dstPtr, srcPtr, DIB_FASTSEGMENTSIZE);
  694. memcpy(dstPtr, srcPtr+samplesSize-DIB_FASTSEGMENTSIZE, DIB_FASTSEGMENTSIZE);
  695. /* regularly copy a segment */
  696. interSize = (samplesSize - nbSegments*DIB_FASTSEGMENTSIZE) / (nbSegments-1);
  698. for (segNb=2; segNb < nbSegments; segNb++) {
  699. srcPtr += interSize;
  701. memcpy(dstPtr, srcPtr, DIB_FASTSEGMENTSIZE);
  703. }
  704. return nbSegments * DIB_FASTSEGMENTSIZE;
  705. }
  707. /*! ZDICT_trainFromBuffer_unsafe() :
  708. * `samplesBuffer` must be followed by noisy guard band.
  709. * @return : size of dictionary.
  710. */
  711. size_t ZDICT_trainFromBuffer_unsafe(
  712. void* dictBuffer, size_t maxDictSize,
  713. const void* samplesBuffer, const size_t* sampleSizes, unsigned nbSamples,
  714. ZDICT_params_t params)
  715. {
  716. U32 const dictListSize = MAX( MAX(DICTLISTSIZE, nbSamples), (U32)(maxDictSize/16));
  717. dictItem* dictList = (dictItem*)malloc(dictListSize * sizeof(*dictList));
  718. unsigned selectivity = params.selectivityLevel;
  719. unsigned compressionLevel = params.compressionLevel;
  720. size_t targetDictSize = maxDictSize;
  721. size_t sBuffSize;
  722. size_t dictSize = 0;
  723. /* checks */
  724. if (maxDictSize <= g_provision_entropySize + g_min_fast_dictContent) return ERROR(dstSize_tooSmall);
  725. if (!dictList) return ERROR(memory_allocation);
  726. /* init */
  727. { unsigned u; for (u=0, sBuffSize=0; u<nbSamples; u++) sBuffSize += sampleSizes[u]; }
  728. if (sBuffSize < DIB_MINSAMPLESSIZE) return 0; /* not enough source to create dictionary */
  729. ZDICT_initDictItem(dictList);
  730. g_displayLevel = params.notificationLevel;
  731. if (selectivity==0) selectivity = g_selectivity_default;
  732. if (compressionLevel==0) compressionLevel = g_compressionLevel_default;
  733. /* build dictionary */
  734. if (selectivity>1) { /* selectivity == 1 => fast mode */
  735. ZDICT_trainBuffer(dictList, dictListSize,
  736. samplesBuffer, sBuffSize,
  737. sampleSizes, nbSamples,
  738. selectivity, (U32)targetDictSize);
  739. /* display best matches */
  740. if (g_displayLevel>= 3) {
  741. U32 const nb = 25;
  742. U32 const dictContentSize = ZDICT_dictSize(dictList);
  743. U32 u;
  744. DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "\n %u segments found, of total size %u \n", dictList[0].pos, dictContentSize);
  745. DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "list %u best segments \n", nb);
  746. for (u=1; u<=nb; u++) {
  747. U32 p = dictList[u].pos;
  748. U32 l = dictList[u].length;
  749. U32 d = MIN(40, l);
  750. DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "%3u:%3u bytes at pos %8u, savings %7u bytes |",
  751. u, l, p, dictList[u].savings);
  752. ZDICT_printHex(3, (const char*)samplesBuffer+p, d);
  753. DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "| \n");
  754. } } }
  755. /* create dictionary */
  756. { U32 dictContentSize = ZDICT_dictSize(dictList);
  757. size_t hSize;
  758. BYTE* ptr;
  759. U32 u;
  760. /* build dict content */
  761. ptr = (BYTE*)dictBuffer + maxDictSize;
  762. for (u=1; u<dictList->pos; u++) {
  763. U32 l = dictList[u].length;
  764. ptr -= l;
  765. if (ptr<(BYTE*)dictBuffer) return ERROR(GENERIC); /* should not happen */
  766. memcpy(ptr, (const char*)samplesBuffer+dictList[u].pos, l);
  767. }
  768. /* fast mode dict content */
  769. if (selectivity==1) { /* note could also be used to complete a dictionary, but not necessarily better */
  770. DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "\r%70s\r", ""); /* clean display line */
  771. DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "Adding %u KB with fast sampling \n", (U32)(targetDictSize>>10));
  772. dictContentSize = (U32)ZDICT_fastSampling(dictBuffer, targetDictSize,
  773. samplesBuffer, sBuffSize);
  774. }
  775. /* dictionary header */
  776. MEM_writeLE32(dictBuffer, ZSTD_DICT_MAGIC);
  777. hSize = 4;
  778. /* entropic tables */
  779. DISPLAYLEVEL(2, "\r%70s\r", ""); /* clean display line */
  780. DISPLAYLEVEL(2, "statistics ... \n");
  781. hSize += ZDICT_analyzeEntropy((char*)dictBuffer+4, maxDictSize-4,
  782. compressionLevel,
  783. samplesBuffer, sampleSizes, nbSamples,
  784. (char*)dictBuffer + maxDictSize - dictContentSize, dictContentSize);
  785. if (hSize + dictContentSize < maxDictSize)
  786. memmove((char*)dictBuffer + hSize, (char*)dictBuffer + maxDictSize - dictContentSize, dictContentSize);
  787. dictSize = MIN(maxDictSize, hSize+dictContentSize);
  788. }
  789. /* clean up */
  790. free(dictList);
  791. return dictSize;
  792. }
  793. /* issue : samplesBuffer need to be followed by a noisy guard band.
  794. * work around : duplicate the buffer, and add the noise */
  795. size_t ZDICT_trainFromBuffer_advanced(void* dictBuffer, size_t dictBufferCapacity,
  796. const void* samplesBuffer, const size_t* samplesSizes, unsigned nbSamples,
  797. ZDICT_params_t params)
  798. {
  799. void* newBuff;
  800. size_t sBuffSize;
  801. { unsigned u; for (u=0, sBuffSize=0; u<nbSamples; u++) sBuffSize += samplesSizes[u]; }
  802. if (sBuffSize==0) return 0; /* empty content => no dictionary */
  803. newBuff = malloc(sBuffSize + NOISELENGTH);
  804. if (!newBuff) return ERROR(memory_allocation);
  805. memcpy(newBuff, samplesBuffer, sBuffSize);
  806. ZDICT_fillNoise((char*)newBuff + sBuffSize, NOISELENGTH); /* guard band, for end of buffer condition */
  807. { size_t const result = ZDICT_trainFromBuffer_unsafe(
  808. dictBuffer, dictBufferCapacity,
  809. newBuff, samplesSizes, nbSamples,
  810. params);
  811. free(newBuff);
  812. return result; }
  813. }
  814. size_t ZDICT_trainFromBuffer(void* dictBuffer, size_t dictBufferCapacity,
  815. const void* samplesBuffer, const size_t* samplesSizes, unsigned nbSamples)
  816. {
  817. ZDICT_params_t params;
  818. memset(&params, 0, sizeof(params));
  819. return ZDICT_trainFromBuffer_advanced(dictBuffer, dictBufferCapacity,
  820. samplesBuffer, samplesSizes, nbSamples,
  821. params);
  822. }