svnversion.h 1.6 KB

  1. #pragma once
  2. // Permit compilation with NO_UTIL():
  3. // util/system/compiler.h
  4. #if !defined(Y_HIDDEN)
  5. #if defined(__GNUC__)
  6. #define Y_HIDDEN __attribute__((visibility("hidden")))
  7. #else
  8. #define Y_HIDDEN
  9. #endif
  10. #endif
  11. #if defined(__cplusplus)
  12. extern "C" {
  13. #endif
  14. const char* GetProgramSvnVersion() Y_HIDDEN; // verbose multiline message
  15. void PrintProgramSvnVersion() Y_HIDDEN;
  16. const char* GetArcadiaSourcePath() Y_HIDDEN; // "/home/myltsev/arcadia"
  17. const char* GetArcadiaSourceUrl() Y_HIDDEN; // "svn+ssh://"
  18. const char* GetArcadiaLastChange() Y_HIDDEN; // "2902074"
  19. int GetArcadiaLastChangeNum() Y_HIDDEN; // 2902074
  20. const char* GetArcadiaLastAuthor() Y_HIDDEN; // "dieash"
  21. int GetProgramSvnRevision() Y_HIDDEN; // 2902074
  22. const char* GetVCSDirty() Y_HIDDEN;
  23. const char* GetProgramHash() Y_HIDDEN;
  24. const char* GetProgramCommitId() Y_HIDDEN;
  25. void PrintSvnVersionAndExit(int argc, char* argv[]) Y_HIDDEN;
  26. void PrintSvnVersionAndExitEx(int argc, char* argv[], const char* opts) Y_HIDDEN;
  27. void PrintSvnVersionAndExit0() Y_HIDDEN;
  28. const char* GetCustomVersion() Y_HIDDEN; // Currently returns <str> specified with --custom-version <str> in ya package
  29. const char* GetProgramScmData() Y_HIDDEN; // verbose multiline message
  30. const char* GetProgramShortVersionData() Y_HIDDEN;
  31. const char* GetProgramBuildUser() Y_HIDDEN;
  32. const char* GetProgramBuildHost() Y_HIDDEN;
  33. const char* GetProgramBuildDate() Y_HIDDEN;
  34. int GetProgramBuildTimestamp() Y_HIDDEN;
  35. const char* GetVCS() Y_HIDDEN;
  36. const char* GetBranch() Y_HIDDEN;
  37. const char* GetTag() Y_HIDDEN;
  38. int GetArcadiaPatchNumber() Y_HIDDEN;
  39. #if defined(__cplusplus)
  40. }
  41. #endif