123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463 |
- /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * This file is part of SWIG, which is licensed as a whole under version 3
- * (or any later version) of the GNU General Public License. Some additional
- * terms also apply to certain portions of SWIG. The full details of the SWIG
- * license and copyrights can be found in the LICENSE and COPYRIGHT files
- * included with the SWIG source code as distributed by the SWIG developers
- * and at https://www.swig.org/legal.html.
- *
- * swigmod.h
- *
- * Main header file for SWIG modules.
- * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- #ifndef SWIG_SWIGMOD_H
- #define SWIG_SWIGMOD_H
- #include "swig.h"
- #include "preprocessor.h"
- #include "swigwarn.h"
- #define NOT_VIRTUAL 0
- #define PLAIN_VIRTUAL 1
- #define PURE_VIRTUAL 2
- extern String *input_file;
- extern int line_number;
- extern int start_line;
- extern int CPlusPlus; // C++ mode
- extern int Extend; // Extend mode
- extern int Verbose;
- extern int IsVirtual;
- extern int ImportMode;
- extern int NoExcept; // -no_except option
- extern int Abstract; // abstract base class
- extern int SmartPointer; // smart pointer methods being emitted
- extern int SwigRuntime;
- /* Overload "argc" and "argv" */
- extern String *argv_template_string;
- extern String *argc_template_string;
- /* Miscellaneous stuff */
- #define tab2 " "
- #define tab4 " "
- #define tab8 " "
- class Dispatcher {
- public:
- Dispatcher ():cplus_mode(PUBLIC) {
- }
- virtual ~ Dispatcher () {
- }
- virtual int emit_one(Node *n);
- virtual int emit_children(Node *n);
- virtual int defaultHandler(Node *n);
- /* Top of the parse tree */
- virtual int top(Node *n) = 0;
- /* SWIG directives */
- virtual int applyDirective(Node *n);
- virtual int clearDirective(Node *n);
- virtual int constantDirective(Node *n);
- virtual int extendDirective(Node *n);
- virtual int fragmentDirective(Node *n);
- virtual int importDirective(Node *n);
- virtual int includeDirective(Node *n);
- virtual int insertDirective(Node *n);
- virtual int moduleDirective(Node *n);
- virtual int nativeDirective(Node *n);
- virtual int pragmaDirective(Node *n);
- virtual int typemapDirective(Node *n);
- virtual int typemapitemDirective(Node *n);
- virtual int typemapcopyDirective(Node *n);
- virtual int typesDirective(Node *n);
- /* C/C++ parsing */
- virtual int cDeclaration(Node *n);
- virtual int externDeclaration(Node *n);
- virtual int enumDeclaration(Node *n);
- virtual int enumvalueDeclaration(Node *n);
- virtual int enumforwardDeclaration(Node *n);
- virtual int classDeclaration(Node *n);
- virtual int classforwardDeclaration(Node *n);
- virtual int constructorDeclaration(Node *n);
- virtual int destructorDeclaration(Node *n);
- virtual int accessDeclaration(Node *n);
- virtual int usingDeclaration(Node *n);
- virtual int namespaceDeclaration(Node *n);
- virtual int templateDeclaration(Node *n);
- virtual int lambdaDeclaration(Node *n);
- enum AccessMode { PUBLIC, PRIVATE, PROTECTED };
- protected:
- AccessMode cplus_mode;
- };
- /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * class language:
- *
- * This class defines the functions that need to be supported by the
- * scripting language being used. The translator calls these virtual
- * functions to output different types of code for different languages.
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- class Language:public Dispatcher {
- public:
- Language();
- virtual ~Language();
- virtual int emit_one(Node *n);
- String *directorClassName(Node *n);
- /* Parse command line options */
- virtual void main(int argc, char *argv[]);
- /* Top of the parse tree */
- virtual int top(Node *n);
- /* SWIG directives */
- virtual int applyDirective(Node *n);
- virtual int clearDirective(Node *n);
- virtual int constantDirective(Node *n);
- virtual int extendDirective(Node *n);
- virtual int fragmentDirective(Node *n);
- virtual int importDirective(Node *n);
- virtual int includeDirective(Node *n);
- virtual int insertDirective(Node *n);
- virtual int moduleDirective(Node *n);
- virtual int nativeDirective(Node *n);
- virtual int pragmaDirective(Node *n);
- virtual int typemapDirective(Node *n);
- virtual int typemapcopyDirective(Node *n);
- virtual int typesDirective(Node *n);
- /* C/C++ parsing */
- virtual int cDeclaration(Node *n);
- virtual int externDeclaration(Node *n);
- virtual int enumDeclaration(Node *n);
- virtual int enumvalueDeclaration(Node *n);
- virtual int enumforwardDeclaration(Node *n);
- virtual int classDeclaration(Node *n);
- virtual int classforwardDeclaration(Node *n);
- virtual int constructorDeclaration(Node *n);
- virtual int destructorDeclaration(Node *n);
- virtual int accessDeclaration(Node *n);
- virtual int namespaceDeclaration(Node *n);
- virtual int usingDeclaration(Node *n);
- /* Function handlers */
- virtual int functionHandler(Node *n);
- virtual int globalfunctionHandler(Node *n);
- virtual int memberfunctionHandler(Node *n);
- virtual int staticmemberfunctionHandler(Node *n);
- virtual int callbackfunctionHandler(Node *n);
- /* Variable handlers */
- virtual int variableHandler(Node *n);
- virtual int globalvariableHandler(Node *n);
- virtual int membervariableHandler(Node *n);
- virtual int staticmembervariableHandler(Node *n);
- /* C++ handlers */
- virtual int memberconstantHandler(Node *n);
- virtual int constructorHandler(Node *n);
- virtual int copyconstructorHandler(Node *n);
- virtual int destructorHandler(Node *n);
- virtual int classHandler(Node *n);
- /* Miscellaneous */
- virtual int typedefHandler(Node *n);
- /* Low-level code generation */
- virtual int constantWrapper(Node *n);
- virtual int variableWrapper(Node *n);
- virtual int functionWrapper(Node *n);
- virtual int nativeWrapper(Node *n);
- /* C++ director class generation */
- virtual int classDirector(Node *n);
- virtual int classDirectorInit(Node *n);
- virtual int classDirectorEnd(Node *n);
- virtual int unrollVirtualMethods(Node *n, Node *parent, List *vm, int &virtual_destructor, int protectedbase = 0);
- virtual int classDirectorConstructor(Node *n);
- virtual int classDirectorDefaultConstructor(Node *n);
- virtual int classDirectorMethod(Node *n, Node *parent, String *super);
- virtual int classDirectorConstructors(Node *n);
- virtual int classDirectorDestructor(Node *n);
- virtual int classDirectorMethods(Node *n);
- virtual int classDirectorDisown(Node *n);
- /* Miscellaneous */
- virtual int validIdentifier(String *s); /* valid identifier? */
- virtual int addSymbol(const String *s, const Node *n, const_String_or_char_ptr scope = ""); /* Add symbol */
- virtual int addInterfaceSymbol(const String *interface_name, Node *n, const_String_or_char_ptr scope = "");
- virtual void dumpSymbols();
- virtual Node *symbolLookup(const String *s, const_String_or_char_ptr scope = ""); /* Symbol lookup */
- virtual Hash* symbolAddScope(const_String_or_char_ptr scope);
- virtual Hash* symbolScopeLookup(const_String_or_char_ptr scope);
- virtual Hash* symbolScopePseudoSymbolLookup(const_String_or_char_ptr scope);
- static Node *classLookup(const SwigType *s); /* Class lookup */
- static Node *enumLookup(SwigType *s); /* Enum lookup */
- virtual int abstractClassTest(Node *n); /* Is class really abstract? */
- virtual int is_assignable(Node *n); /* Is variable assignable? */
- virtual String *runtimeCode(); /* returns the language specific runtime code */
- virtual String *defaultExternalRuntimeFilename(); /* the default filename for the external runtime */
- virtual void replaceSpecialVariables(String *method, String *tm, Parm *parm); /* Language specific special variable substitutions for $typemap() */
- /* Runtime is C++ based, so extern "C" header section */
- void enable_cplus_runtime_mode();
- /* Returns the cplus_runtime mode */
- int cplus_runtime_mode();
- /* Allow director related code generation */
- void allow_directors(int val = 1);
- /* Return true if directors are enabled */
- int directorsEnabled() const;
- /* Allow director protected members related code generation */
- void allow_dirprot(int val = 1);
- /* Allow all protected members code generation (for directors) */
- void allow_allprotected(int val = 0);
- /* Returns the dirprot mode */
- int dirprot_mode() const;
- /* Check if the non public constructor is needed (for directors) */
- int need_nonpublic_ctor(Node *n);
- /* Check if the non public member is needed (for directors) */
- int need_nonpublic_member(Node *n);
- /* Set none comparison string */
- void setSubclassInstanceCheck(String *s);
- /* Set overload variable templates argc and argv */
- void setOverloadResolutionTemplates(String *argc, String *argv);
- /* Language instance is a singleton - get instance */
- static Language* instance();
- protected:
- /* Allow multiple-input typemaps */
- void allow_multiple_input(int val = 1);
- /* Allow overloaded functions */
- void allow_overloading(int val = 1);
- /* Wrapping class query */
- int is_wrapping_class() const;
- /* Return the node for the current class */
- Node *getCurrentClass() const;
- /* Return C++ mode */
- int getCPlusMode() const;
- /* Return the namespace for the class/enum - the nspace feature */
- String *getNSpace() const;
- /* Return the real name of the current class */
- String *getClassName() const;
- /* Return the classes hash */
- Hash *getClassHash() const;
- /* Return the current class prefix */
- String *getClassPrefix() const;
- /* Return the current enum class prefix */
- String *getEnumClassPrefix() const;
- /* Fully qualified type name to use */
- String *getClassType() const;
- /* Return true if the current method is part of a smart-pointer */
- int is_smart_pointer() const;
- /* Return the name to use for the given parameter. */
- virtual String *makeParameterName(Node *n, Parm *p, int arg_num, bool setter = false) const;
- /* Some language modules require additional wrappers for virtual methods not declared in sub-classes */
- virtual bool extraDirectorProtectedCPPMethodsRequired() const;
- public:
- enum NestedClassSupport {
- NCS_None, // Target language does not have an equivalent to nested classes
- NCS_Full, // Target language does have an equivalent to nested classes and is fully implemented
- NCS_Unknown // Target language may or may not have an equivalent to nested classes. If it does, it has not been implemented yet.
- };
- /* Does target language support nested classes? Default is NCS_Unknown.
- If NCS_Unknown is returned, then the nested classes will be ignored unless
- %feature "flatnested" is applied to them, in which case they will appear in global space.
- If the target language does not support the notion of class
- nesting, the language module should return NCS_None from this function, and
- the nested classes will be moved to the global scope (like implicit global %feature "flatnested").
- */
- virtual NestedClassSupport nestedClassesSupport() const;
- /* Returns true if the target language supports key word arguments (kwargs) */
- virtual bool kwargsSupport() const;
- protected:
- /* Identifies if a protected members that are generated when the allprotected option is used.
- This does not include protected virtual methods as they are turned on with the dirprot option. */
- bool isNonVirtualProtectedAccess(Node *n) const;
- /* Identify if a wrapped global or member variable n should use the naturalvar feature */
- int use_naturalvar_mode(Node *n) const;
- /* Director subclass comparison test */
- String *none_comparison;
- /* Director constructor "template" code */
- String *director_ctor_code;
- /* Director 'protected' constructor "template" code */
- String *director_prot_ctor_code;
- /* Director allows multiple inheritance */
- int director_multiple_inheritance;
- /* Director language module */
- int director_language;
- /* Used to translate Doxygen comments to target documentation format */
- class DoxygenTranslator *doxygenTranslator;
- private:
- void unrollOneVirtualMethod(String *classname, Node *n, Node *parent, List *vm, int &virtual_destructor, int protectedbase);
- Hash *symtabs; /* symbol tables */
- int overloading;
- int multiinput;
- int cplus_runtime;
- int directors;
- static Language *this_;
- };
- extern "C" {
- void SWIG_typemap_lang(const char *);
- typedef Language *(*ModuleFactory) (void);
- }
- enum Status {Disabled, Experimental, Supported};
- struct TargetLanguageModule {
- const char *name;
- ModuleFactory fac;
- const char *help;
- Status status;
- };
- int SWIG_main(int argc, char *argv[], const TargetLanguageModule *tlm);
- void emit_parameter_variables(ParmList *l, Wrapper *f);
- void emit_return_variable(Node *n, SwigType *rt, Wrapper *f);
- void SWIG_config_file(const_String_or_char_ptr );
- const String *SWIG_output_directory();
- void SWIG_config_cppext(const char *ext);
- void Swig_print_xml(Node *obj, String *filename);
- /* get the list of generated files */
- List *SWIG_output_files();
- void SWIG_library_directory(const char *);
- int emit_num_arguments(ParmList *);
- int emit_num_required(ParmList *);
- int emit_isvarargs(ParmList *p);
- bool emit_isvarargs_function(Node *n);
- void emit_attach_parmmaps(ParmList *, Wrapper *f);
- void emit_mark_varargs(ParmList *l);
- String *emit_action(Node *n);
- int emit_action_code(Node *n, String *wrappercode, String *action);
- void Swig_overload_check(Node *n);
- String *Swig_overload_dispatch(Node *n, const_String_or_char_ptr fmt, int *, const_String_or_char_ptr fmt_fastdispatch = 0);
- String *Swig_overload_dispatch_cast(Node *n, const_String_or_char_ptr fmt, int *);
- List *Swig_overload_rank(Node *n, bool script_lang_wrapping);
- SwigType *cplus_value_type(SwigType *t);
- /* directors.cxx start */
- String *Swig_csuperclass_call(String *base, String *method, ParmList *l);
- String *Swig_class_declaration(Node *n, String *name);
- String *Swig_class_name(Node *n);
- String *Swig_method_call(const_String_or_char_ptr name, ParmList *parms);
- String *Swig_method_decl(SwigType *return_base_type, SwigType *decl, const_String_or_char_ptr id, List *args, int default_args);
- String *Swig_director_declaration(Node *n);
- void Swig_director_emit_dynamic_cast(Node *n, Wrapper *f);
- void Swig_director_parms_fixup(ParmList *parms);
- bool Swig_director_can_unwrap(Node *n);
- /* directors.cxx end */
- /* Utilities */
- int is_public(Node *n);
- int is_private(Node *n);
- int is_protected(Node *n);
- int is_member_director(Node *parentnode, Node *member);
- int is_member_director(Node *member);
- int is_non_virtual_protected_access(Node *n); /* Check if the non-virtual protected members are required (for directors) */
- void Wrapper_virtual_elimination_mode_set(int);
- void Wrapper_fast_dispatch_mode_set(int);
- void Wrapper_cast_dispatch_mode_set(int);
- void Wrapper_naturalvar_mode_set(int);
- void clean_overloaded(Node *n);
- extern "C" {
- const char *Swig_to_string(DOH *object, int count = -1);
- const char *Swig_to_string_with_location(DOH *object, int count = -1);
- void Swig_print(DOH *object, int count = -1);
- void Swig_print_with_location(DOH *object, int count = -1);
- }
- void Swig_default_allocators(Node *n);
- void Swig_process_types(Node *n);
- /* Contracts */
- void Swig_contracts(Node *n);
- void Swig_contract_mode_set(int flag);
- int Swig_contract_mode_get();
- /* Nested classes */
- void Swig_nested_process_classes(Node *n);
- void Swig_nested_name_unnamed_c_structs(Node *n);
- /* Interface feature */
- void Swig_interface_feature_enable();
- void Swig_interface_propagate_methods(Node *n);
- /* Miscellaneous */
- template <class T> class save_value {
- T _value;
- T& _value_ptr;
- save_value(const save_value&);
- save_value& operator=(const save_value&);
- public:
- save_value(T& value) : _value(value), _value_ptr(value) {}
- save_value(T& value, T new_val) : _value(value), _value_ptr(value) { value = new_val; }
- ~save_value() { _value_ptr = _value; }
- };
- #endif