123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210 |
- """
- pygments.lexers.testing
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Lexers for testing languages.
- :copyright: Copyright 2006-2023 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
- :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
- """
- from pygments.lexer import RegexLexer, include, bygroups
- from pygments.token import Comment, Keyword, Name, String, Number, Generic, Text
- __all__ = ['GherkinLexer', 'TAPLexer']
- class GherkinLexer(RegexLexer):
- """
- For Gherkin syntax.
- .. versionadded:: 1.2
- """
- name = 'Gherkin'
- aliases = ['gherkin', 'cucumber']
- filenames = ['*.feature']
- mimetypes = ['text/x-gherkin']
- feature_keywords = '^(기능|機能|功能|フィーチャ|خاصية|תכונה|Функціонал|Функционалност|Функционал|Фича|Особина|Могућност|Özellik|Właściwość|Tính năng|Trajto|Savybė|Požiadavka|Požadavek|Osobina|Ominaisuus|Omadus|OH HAI|Mogućnost|Mogucnost|Jellemző|Fīča|Funzionalità|Funktionalität|Funkcionalnost|Funkcionalitāte|Funcționalitate|Functionaliteit|Functionalitate|Funcionalitat|Funcionalidade|Fonctionnalité|Fitur|Feature|Egenskap|Egenskab|Crikey|Característica|Arwedd)(:)(.*)$'
- feature_element_keywords = '^(\\s*)(시나리오 개요|시나리오|배경|背景|場景大綱|場景|场景大纲|场景|劇本大綱|劇本|剧本大纲|剧本|テンプレ|シナリオテンプレート|シナリオテンプレ|シナリオアウトライン|シナリオ|سيناريو مخطط|سيناريو|الخلفية|תרחיש|תבנית תרחיש|רקע|Тарих|Сценарій|Сценарио|Сценарий структураси|Сценарий|Структура сценарію|Структура сценарија|Структура сценария|Скица|Рамка на сценарий|Пример|Предыстория|Предистория|Позадина|Передумова|Основа|Концепт|Контекст|Założenia|Wharrimean is|Tình huống|The thing of it is|Tausta|Taust|Tapausaihio|Tapaus|Szenariogrundriss|Szenario|Szablon scenariusza|Stsenaarium|Struktura scenarija|Skica|Skenario konsep|Skenario|Situācija|Senaryo taslağı|Senaryo|Scénář|Scénario|Schema dello scenario|Scenārijs pēc parauga|Scenārijs|Scenár|Scenaro|Scenariusz|Scenariul de şablon|Scenariul de sablon|Scenariu|Scenario Outline|Scenario Amlinellol|Scenario|Scenarijus|Scenarijaus šablonas|Scenarij|Scenarie|Rerefons|Raamstsenaarium|Primer|Pozadí|Pozadina|Pozadie|Plan du scénario|Plan du Scénario|Osnova scénáře|Osnova|Náčrt Scénáře|Náčrt Scenáru|Mate|MISHUN SRSLY|MISHUN|Kịch bản|Konturo de la scenaro|Kontext|Konteksts|Kontekstas|Kontekst|Koncept|Khung tình huống|Khung kịch bản|Háttér|Grundlage|Geçmiş|Forgatókönyv vázlat|Forgatókönyv|Fono|Esquema do Cenário|Esquema do Cenario|Esquema del escenario|Esquema de l\'escenari|Escenario|Escenari|Dis is what went down|Dasar|Contexto|Contexte|Contesto|Condiţii|Conditii|Cenário|Cenario|Cefndir|Bối cảnh|Blokes|Bakgrunn|Bakgrund|Baggrund|Background|B4|Antecedents|Antecedentes|All y\'all|Achtergrond|Abstrakt Scenario|Abstract Scenario)(:)(.*)$'
- examples_keywords = '^(\\s*)(예|例子|例|サンプル|امثلة|דוגמאות|Сценарији|Примери|Приклади|Мисоллар|Значения|Örnekler|Voorbeelden|Variantai|Tapaukset|Scenarios|Scenariji|Scenarijai|Příklady|Példák|Príklady|Przykłady|Primjeri|Primeri|Piemēri|Pavyzdžiai|Paraugs|Juhtumid|Exemplos|Exemples|Exemplele|Exempel|Examples|Esempi|Enghreifftiau|Ekzemploj|Eksempler|Ejemplos|EXAMPLZ|Dữ liệu|Contoh|Cobber|Beispiele)(:)(.*)$'
- step_keywords = '^(\\s*)(하지만|조건|먼저|만일|만약|단|그리고|그러면|那麼|那么|而且|當|当|前提|假設|假设|假如|假定|但是|但し|並且|并且|同時|同时|もし|ならば|ただし|しかし|かつ|و |متى |لكن |عندما |ثم |بفرض |اذاً |כאשר |וגם |בהינתן |אזי |אז |אבל |Якщо |Унда |То |Припустимо, що |Припустимо |Онда |Но |Нехай |Лекин |Когато |Када |Кад |К тому же |И |Задато |Задати |Задате |Если |Допустим |Дадено |Ва |Бирок |Аммо |Али |Але |Агар |А |І |Și |És |Zatati |Zakładając |Zadato |Zadate |Zadano |Zadani |Zadan |Youse know when youse got |Youse know like when |Yna |Ya know how |Ya gotta |Y |Wun |Wtedy |When y\'all |When |Wenn |WEN |Và |Ve |Und |Un |Thì |Then y\'all |Then |Tapi |Tak |Tada |Tad |Så |Stel |Soit |Siis |Si |Sed |Se |Quando |Quand |Quan |Pryd |Pokud |Pokiaľ |Però |Pero |Pak |Oraz |Onda |Ond |Oletetaan |Og |Och |O zaman |Når |När |Niin |Nhưng |N |Mutta |Men |Mas |Maka |Majd |Mais |Maar |Ma |Lorsque |Lorsqu\'|Kun |Kuid |Kui |Khi |Keď |Ketika |Když |Kaj |Kai |Kada |Kad |Jeżeli |Ja |Ir |I CAN HAZ |I |Ha |Givun |Givet |Given y\'all |Given |Gitt |Gegeven |Gegeben sei |Fakat |Eğer ki |Etant donné |Et |Então |Entonces |Entao |En |Eeldades |E |Duota |Dun |Donitaĵo |Donat |Donada |Do |Diyelim ki |Dengan |Den youse gotta |De |Dato |Dar |Dann |Dan |Dado |Dacă |Daca |DEN |Când |Cuando |Cho |Cept |Cand |Cal |But y\'all |But |Buh |Biết |Bet |BUT |Atès |Atunci |Atesa |Anrhegedig a |Angenommen |And y\'all |And |An |Ama |Als |Alors |Allora |Ali |Aleshores |Ale |Akkor |Aber |AN |A také |A |\\* )'
- tokens = {
- 'comments': [
- (r'^\s*#.*$', Comment),
- ],
- 'feature_elements': [
- (step_keywords, Keyword, "step_content_stack"),
- include('comments'),
- (r"(\s|.)", Name.Function),
- ],
- 'feature_elements_on_stack': [
- (step_keywords, Keyword, "#pop:2"),
- include('comments'),
- (r"(\s|.)", Name.Function),
- ],
- 'examples_table': [
- (r"\s+\|", Keyword, 'examples_table_header'),
- include('comments'),
- (r"(\s|.)", Name.Function),
- ],
- 'examples_table_header': [
- (r"\s+\|\s*$", Keyword, "#pop:2"),
- include('comments'),
- (r"\\\|", Name.Variable),
- (r"\s*\|", Keyword),
- (r"[^|]", Name.Variable),
- ],
- 'scenario_sections_on_stack': [
- (feature_element_keywords,
- bygroups(Name.Function, Keyword, Keyword, Name.Function),
- "feature_elements_on_stack"),
- ],
- 'narrative': [
- include('scenario_sections_on_stack'),
- include('comments'),
- (r"(\s|.)", Name.Function),
- ],
- 'table_vars': [
- (r'(<[^>]+>)', Name.Variable),
- ],
- 'numbers': [
- (r'(\d+\.?\d*|\d*\.\d+)([eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?', String),
- ],
- 'string': [
- include('table_vars'),
- (r'(\s|.)', String),
- ],
- 'py_string': [
- (r'"""', Keyword, "#pop"),
- include('string'),
- ],
- 'step_content_root': [
- (r"$", Keyword, "#pop"),
- include('step_content'),
- ],
- 'step_content_stack': [
- (r"$", Keyword, "#pop:2"),
- include('step_content'),
- ],
- 'step_content': [
- (r'"', Name.Function, "double_string"),
- include('table_vars'),
- include('numbers'),
- include('comments'),
- (r'(\s|.)', Name.Function),
- ],
- 'table_content': [
- (r"\s+\|\s*$", Keyword, "#pop"),
- include('comments'),
- (r"\\\|", String),
- (r"\s*\|", Keyword),
- include('string'),
- ],
- 'double_string': [
- (r'"', Name.Function, "#pop"),
- include('string'),
- ],
- 'root': [
- (r'\n', Name.Function),
- include('comments'),
- (r'"""', Keyword, "py_string"),
- (r'\s+\|', Keyword, 'table_content'),
- (r'"', Name.Function, "double_string"),
- include('table_vars'),
- include('numbers'),
- (r'(\s*)(@[^@\r\n\t ]+)', bygroups(Name.Function, Name.Tag)),
- (step_keywords, bygroups(Name.Function, Keyword),
- 'step_content_root'),
- (feature_keywords, bygroups(Keyword, Keyword, Name.Function),
- 'narrative'),
- (feature_element_keywords,
- bygroups(Name.Function, Keyword, Keyword, Name.Function),
- 'feature_elements'),
- (examples_keywords,
- bygroups(Name.Function, Keyword, Keyword, Name.Function),
- 'examples_table'),
- (r'(\s|.)', Name.Function),
- ]
- }
- def analyse_text(self, text):
- return
- class TAPLexer(RegexLexer):
- """
- For Test Anything Protocol (TAP) output.
- .. versionadded:: 2.1
- """
- name = 'TAP'
- url = 'https://testanything.org/'
- aliases = ['tap']
- filenames = ['*.tap']
- tokens = {
- 'root': [
- # A TAP version may be specified.
- (r'^TAP version \d+\n', Name.Namespace),
- # Specify a plan with a plan line.
- (r'^1\.\.\d+', Keyword.Declaration, 'plan'),
- # A test failure
- (r'^(not ok)([^\S\n]*)(\d*)',
- bygroups(Generic.Error, Text, Number.Integer), 'test'),
- # A test success
- (r'^(ok)([^\S\n]*)(\d*)',
- bygroups(Keyword.Reserved, Text, Number.Integer), 'test'),
- # Diagnostics start with a hash.
- (r'^#.*\n', Comment),
- # TAP's version of an abort statement.
- (r'^Bail out!.*\n', Generic.Error),
- # TAP ignores any unrecognized lines.
- (r'^.*\n', Text),
- ],
- 'plan': [
- # Consume whitespace (but not newline).
- (r'[^\S\n]+', Text),
- # A plan may have a directive with it.
- (r'#', Comment, 'directive'),
- # Or it could just end.
- (r'\n', Comment, '#pop'),
- # Anything else is wrong.
- (r'.*\n', Generic.Error, '#pop'),
- ],
- 'test': [
- # Consume whitespace (but not newline).
- (r'[^\S\n]+', Text),
- # A test may have a directive with it.
- (r'#', Comment, 'directive'),
- (r'\S+', Text),
- (r'\n', Text, '#pop'),
- ],
- 'directive': [
- # Consume whitespace (but not newline).
- (r'[^\S\n]+', Comment),
- # Extract todo items.
- (r'(?i)\bTODO\b', Comment.Preproc),
- # Extract skip items.
- (r'(?i)\bSKIP\S*', Comment.Preproc),
- (r'\S+', Comment),
- (r'\n', Comment, '#pop:2'),
- ],
- }