130 KB

  1. """
  2. pygments.lexers.matlab
  3. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  4. Lexers for Matlab and related languages.
  5. :copyright: Copyright 2006-2023 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
  6. :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
  7. """
  8. import re
  9. from pygments.lexer import Lexer, RegexLexer, bygroups, default, words, \
  10. do_insertions, include
  11. from pygments.token import Text, Comment, Operator, Keyword, Name, String, \
  12. Number, Punctuation, Generic, Whitespace
  13. from pygments.lexers import _scilab_builtins
  14. __all__ = ['MatlabLexer', 'MatlabSessionLexer', 'OctaveLexer', 'ScilabLexer']
  15. class MatlabLexer(RegexLexer):
  16. """
  17. For Matlab source code.
  18. .. versionadded:: 0.10
  19. """
  20. name = 'Matlab'
  21. aliases = ['matlab']
  22. filenames = ['*.m']
  23. mimetypes = ['text/matlab']
  24. _operators = r'-|==|~=|<=|>=|<|>|&&|&|~|\|\|?|\.\*|\*|\+|\.\^|\.\\|\./|/|\\'
  25. tokens = {
  26. 'expressions': [
  27. # operators:
  28. (_operators, Operator),
  29. # numbers (must come before punctuation to handle `.5`; cannot use
  30. # `\b` due to e.g. `5. + .5`). The negative lookahead on operators
  31. # avoids including the dot in `1./x` (the dot is part of `./`).
  32. (r'(?<!\w)((\d+\.\d+)|(\d*\.\d+)|(\d+\.(?!%s)))'
  33. r'([eEf][+-]?\d+)?(?!\w)' % _operators, Number.Float),
  34. (r'\b\d+[eEf][+-]?[0-9]+\b', Number.Float),
  35. (r'\b\d+\b', Number.Integer),
  36. # punctuation:
  37. (r'\[|\]|\(|\)|\{|\}|:|@|\.|,', Punctuation),
  38. (r'=|:|;', Punctuation),
  39. # quote can be transpose, instead of string:
  40. # (not great, but handles common cases...)
  41. (r'(?<=[\w)\].])\'+', Operator),
  42. (r'"(""|[^"])*"', String),
  43. (r'(?<![\w)\].])\'', String, 'string'),
  44. (r'[a-zA-Z_]\w*', Name),
  45. (r'\s+', Whitespace),
  46. (r'.', Text),
  47. ],
  48. 'root': [
  49. # line starting with '!' is sent as a system command. not sure what
  50. # label to use...
  51. (r'^!.*', String.Other),
  52. (r'%\{\s*\n', Comment.Multiline, 'blockcomment'),
  53. (r'%.*$', Comment),
  54. (r'(\s*^\s*)(function)\b', bygroups(Whitespace, Keyword), 'deffunc'),
  55. (r'(\s*^\s*)(properties)(\s+)(\()',
  56. bygroups(Whitespace, Keyword, Whitespace, Punctuation),
  57. ('defprops', 'propattrs')),
  58. (r'(\s*^\s*)(properties)\b',
  59. bygroups(Whitespace, Keyword), 'defprops'),
  60. # from 'iskeyword' on version 9.4 (R2018a):
  61. # Check that there is no preceding dot, as keywords are valid field
  62. # names.
  63. (words(('break', 'case', 'catch', 'classdef', 'continue',
  64. 'dynamicprops', 'else', 'elseif', 'end', 'for', 'function',
  65. 'global', 'if', 'methods', 'otherwise', 'parfor',
  66. 'persistent', 'return', 'spmd', 'switch',
  67. 'try', 'while'),
  68. prefix=r'(?<!\.)(\s*)(', suffix=r')\b'),
  69. bygroups(Whitespace, Keyword)),
  70. (
  71. words(
  72. [
  73. # See
  74. # Below data from 2021-02-10T18:24:08Z
  75. # for Matlab release R2020b
  76. "BeginInvoke",
  77. "COM",
  78. "Combine",
  79. "CombinedDatastore",
  80. "EndInvoke",
  81. "Execute",
  82. "FactoryGroup",
  83. "FactorySetting",
  84. "Feval",
  85. "FunctionTestCase",
  86. "GetCharArray",
  87. "GetFullMatrix",
  88. "GetVariable",
  89. "GetWorkspaceData",
  90. "GraphPlot",
  91. "H5.close",
  92. "H5.garbage_collect",
  93. "H5.get_libversion",
  94. "",
  95. "H5.set_free_list_limits",
  96. "H5A.close",
  97. "H5A.create",
  98. "H5A.delete",
  99. "H5A.get_info",
  100. "H5A.get_name",
  101. "H5A.get_space",
  102. "H5A.get_type",
  103. "H5A.iterate",
  104. "",
  105. "H5A.open_by_idx",
  106. "H5A.open_by_name",
  107. "",
  108. "H5A.write",
  109. "H5D.close",
  110. "H5D.create",
  111. "H5D.get_access_plist",
  112. "H5D.get_create_plist",
  113. "H5D.get_offset",
  114. "H5D.get_space",
  115. "H5D.get_space_status",
  116. "H5D.get_storage_size",
  117. "H5D.get_type",
  118. "",
  119. "",
  120. "H5D.set_extent",
  121. "H5D.vlen_get_buf_size",
  122. "H5D.write",
  123. "H5DS.attach_scale",
  124. "H5DS.detach_scale",
  125. "H5DS.get_label",
  126. "H5DS.get_num_scales",
  127. "H5DS.get_scale_name",
  128. "H5DS.is_scale",
  129. "H5DS.iterate_scales",
  130. "H5DS.set_label",
  131. "H5DS.set_scale",
  132. "H5E.clear",
  133. "H5E.get_major",
  134. "H5E.get_minor",
  135. "H5E.walk",
  136. "H5F.close",
  137. "H5F.create",
  138. "H5F.flush",
  139. "H5F.get_access_plist",
  140. "H5F.get_create_plist",
  141. "H5F.get_filesize",
  142. "H5F.get_freespace",
  143. "H5F.get_info",
  144. "H5F.get_mdc_config",
  145. "H5F.get_mdc_hit_rate",
  146. "H5F.get_mdc_size",
  147. "H5F.get_name",
  148. "H5F.get_obj_count",
  149. "H5F.get_obj_ids",
  150. "H5F.is_hdf5",
  151. "H5F.mount",
  152. "",
  153. "H5F.reopen",
  154. "H5F.set_mdc_config",
  155. "H5F.unmount",
  156. "H5G.close",
  157. "H5G.create",
  158. "H5G.get_info",
  159. "",
  160. "H5I.dec_ref",
  161. "H5I.get_file_id",
  162. "H5I.get_name",
  163. "H5I.get_ref",
  164. "H5I.get_type",
  165. "H5I.inc_ref",
  166. "H5I.is_valid",
  167. "H5L.copy",
  168. "H5L.create_external",
  169. "H5L.create_hard",
  170. "H5L.create_soft",
  171. "H5L.delete",
  172. "H5L.exists",
  173. "H5L.get_info",
  174. "H5L.get_name_by_idx",
  175. "H5L.get_val",
  176. "H5L.iterate",
  177. "H5L.iterate_by_name",
  178. "H5L.move",
  179. "H5L.visit",
  180. "H5L.visit_by_name",
  181. "H5ML.compare_values",
  182. "H5ML.get_constant_names",
  183. "H5ML.get_constant_value",
  184. "H5ML.get_function_names",
  185. "H5ML.get_mem_datatype",
  186. "H5O.close",
  187. "H5O.copy",
  188. "H5O.get_comment",
  189. "H5O.get_comment_by_name",
  190. "H5O.get_info",
  191. "",
  192. "",
  193. "H5O.open_by_idx",
  194. "H5O.set_comment",
  195. "H5O.set_comment_by_name",
  196. "H5O.visit",
  197. "H5O.visit_by_name",
  198. "H5P.all_filters_avail",
  199. "H5P.close",
  200. "H5P.close_class",
  201. "H5P.copy",
  202. "H5P.create",
  203. "H5P.equal",
  204. "H5P.exist",
  205. "H5P.fill_value_defined",
  206. "H5P.get",
  207. "H5P.get_alignment",
  208. "H5P.get_alloc_time",
  209. "H5P.get_attr_creation_order",
  210. "H5P.get_attr_phase_change",
  211. "H5P.get_btree_ratios",
  212. "H5P.get_char_encoding",
  213. "H5P.get_chunk",
  214. "H5P.get_chunk_cache",
  215. "H5P.get_class",
  216. "H5P.get_class_name",
  217. "H5P.get_class_parent",
  218. "H5P.get_copy_object",
  219. "H5P.get_create_intermediate_group",
  220. "H5P.get_driver",
  221. "H5P.get_edc_check",
  222. "H5P.get_external",
  223. "H5P.get_external_count",
  224. "H5P.get_family_offset",
  225. "H5P.get_fapl_core",
  226. "H5P.get_fapl_family",
  227. "H5P.get_fapl_multi",
  228. "H5P.get_fclose_degree",
  229. "H5P.get_fill_time",
  230. "H5P.get_fill_value",
  231. "H5P.get_filter",
  232. "H5P.get_filter_by_id",
  233. "H5P.get_gc_references",
  234. "H5P.get_hyper_vector_size",
  235. "H5P.get_istore_k",
  236. "H5P.get_layout",
  237. "H5P.get_libver_bounds",
  238. "H5P.get_link_creation_order",
  239. "H5P.get_link_phase_change",
  240. "H5P.get_mdc_config",
  241. "H5P.get_meta_block_size",
  242. "H5P.get_multi_type",
  243. "H5P.get_nfilters",
  244. "H5P.get_nprops",
  245. "H5P.get_sieve_buf_size",
  246. "H5P.get_size",
  247. "H5P.get_sizes",
  248. "H5P.get_small_data_block_size",
  249. "H5P.get_sym_k",
  250. "H5P.get_userblock",
  251. "H5P.get_version",
  252. "H5P.isa_class",
  253. "H5P.iterate",
  254. "H5P.modify_filter",
  255. "H5P.remove_filter",
  256. "H5P.set",
  257. "H5P.set_alignment",
  258. "H5P.set_alloc_time",
  259. "H5P.set_attr_creation_order",
  260. "H5P.set_attr_phase_change",
  261. "H5P.set_btree_ratios",
  262. "H5P.set_char_encoding",
  263. "H5P.set_chunk",
  264. "H5P.set_chunk_cache",
  265. "H5P.set_copy_object",
  266. "H5P.set_create_intermediate_group",
  267. "H5P.set_deflate",
  268. "H5P.set_edc_check",
  269. "H5P.set_external",
  270. "H5P.set_family_offset",
  271. "H5P.set_fapl_core",
  272. "H5P.set_fapl_family",
  273. "H5P.set_fapl_log",
  274. "H5P.set_fapl_multi",
  275. "H5P.set_fapl_sec2",
  276. "H5P.set_fapl_split",
  277. "H5P.set_fapl_stdio",
  278. "H5P.set_fclose_degree",
  279. "H5P.set_fill_time",
  280. "H5P.set_fill_value",
  281. "H5P.set_filter",
  282. "H5P.set_fletcher32",
  283. "H5P.set_gc_references",
  284. "H5P.set_hyper_vector_size",
  285. "H5P.set_istore_k",
  286. "H5P.set_layout",
  287. "H5P.set_libver_bounds",
  288. "H5P.set_link_creation_order",
  289. "H5P.set_link_phase_change",
  290. "H5P.set_mdc_config",
  291. "H5P.set_meta_block_size",
  292. "H5P.set_multi_type",
  293. "H5P.set_nbit",
  294. "H5P.set_scaleoffset",
  295. "H5P.set_shuffle",
  296. "H5P.set_sieve_buf_size",
  297. "H5P.set_sizes",
  298. "H5P.set_small_data_block_size",
  299. "H5P.set_sym_k",
  300. "H5P.set_userblock",
  301. "H5R.create",
  302. "H5R.dereference",
  303. "H5R.get_name",
  304. "H5R.get_obj_type",
  305. "H5R.get_region",
  306. "H5S.close",
  307. "H5S.copy",
  308. "H5S.create",
  309. "H5S.create_simple",
  310. "H5S.extent_copy",
  311. "H5S.get_select_bounds",
  312. "H5S.get_select_elem_npoints",
  313. "H5S.get_select_elem_pointlist",
  314. "H5S.get_select_hyper_blocklist",
  315. "H5S.get_select_hyper_nblocks",
  316. "H5S.get_select_npoints",
  317. "H5S.get_select_type",
  318. "H5S.get_simple_extent_dims",
  319. "H5S.get_simple_extent_ndims",
  320. "H5S.get_simple_extent_npoints",
  321. "H5S.get_simple_extent_type",
  322. "H5S.is_simple",
  323. "H5S.offset_simple",
  324. "H5S.select_all",
  325. "H5S.select_elements",
  326. "H5S.select_hyperslab",
  327. "H5S.select_none",
  328. "H5S.select_valid",
  329. "H5S.set_extent_none",
  330. "H5S.set_extent_simple",
  331. "H5T.array_create",
  332. "H5T.close",
  333. "H5T.commit",
  334. "H5T.committed",
  335. "H5T.copy",
  336. "H5T.create",
  337. "H5T.detect_class",
  338. "H5T.enum_create",
  339. "H5T.enum_insert",
  340. "H5T.enum_nameof",
  341. "H5T.enum_valueof",
  342. "H5T.equal",
  343. "H5T.get_array_dims",
  344. "H5T.get_array_ndims",
  345. "H5T.get_class",
  346. "H5T.get_create_plist",
  347. "H5T.get_cset",
  348. "H5T.get_ebias",
  349. "H5T.get_fields",
  350. "H5T.get_inpad",
  351. "H5T.get_member_class",
  352. "H5T.get_member_index",
  353. "H5T.get_member_name",
  354. "H5T.get_member_offset",
  355. "H5T.get_member_type",
  356. "H5T.get_member_value",
  357. "H5T.get_native_type",
  358. "H5T.get_nmembers",
  359. "H5T.get_norm",
  360. "H5T.get_offset",
  361. "H5T.get_order",
  362. "H5T.get_pad",
  363. "H5T.get_precision",
  364. "H5T.get_sign",
  365. "H5T.get_size",
  366. "H5T.get_strpad",
  367. "H5T.get_super",
  368. "H5T.get_tag",
  369. "H5T.insert",
  370. "H5T.is_variable_str",
  371. "H5T.lock",
  372. "",
  373. "H5T.pack",
  374. "H5T.set_cset",
  375. "H5T.set_ebias",
  376. "H5T.set_fields",
  377. "H5T.set_inpad",
  378. "H5T.set_norm",
  379. "H5T.set_offset",
  380. "H5T.set_order",
  381. "H5T.set_pad",
  382. "H5T.set_precision",
  383. "H5T.set_sign",
  384. "H5T.set_size",
  385. "H5T.set_strpad",
  386. "H5T.set_tag",
  387. "H5T.vlen_create",
  388. "H5Z.filter_avail",
  389. "H5Z.get_filter_info",
  390. "Inf",
  391. "KeyValueDatastore",
  392. "KeyValueStore",
  393. "MException",
  394. "MException.last",
  395. "MaximizeCommandWindow",
  396. "MemoizedFunction",
  397. "MinimizeCommandWindow",
  398. "NET",
  399. "NET.Assembly",
  400. "NET.GenericClass",
  401. "NET.NetException",
  402. "NET.addAssembly",
  403. "NET.convertArray",
  404. "NET.createArray",
  405. "NET.createGeneric",
  406. "NET.disableAutoRelease",
  407. "NET.enableAutoRelease",
  408. "NET.invokeGenericMethod",
  409. "NET.isNETSupported",
  410. "NET.setStaticProperty",
  411. "NaN",
  412. "NaT",
  413. "OperationResult",
  414. "PutCharArray",
  415. "PutFullMatrix",
  416. "PutWorkspaceData",
  417. "PythonEnvironment",
  418. "Quit",
  419. "RandStream",
  420. "ReleaseCompatibilityException",
  421. "ReleaseCompatibilityResults",
  422. "Remove",
  423. "RemoveAll",
  424. "Setting",
  425. "SettingsGroup",
  426. "TallDatastore",
  427. "Test",
  428. "TestResult",
  429. "Tiff",
  430. "TransformedDatastore",
  431. "ValueIterator",
  432. "VersionResults",
  433. "VideoReader",
  434. "VideoWriter",
  435. "abs",
  436. "accumarray",
  437. "acos",
  438. "acosd",
  439. "acosh",
  440. "acot",
  441. "acotd",
  442. "acoth",
  443. "acsc",
  444. "acscd",
  445. "acsch",
  446. "actxGetRunningServer",
  447. "actxserver",
  448. "add",
  449. "addCause",
  450. "addCorrection",
  451. "addFile",
  452. "addFolderIncludingChildFiles",
  453. "addGroup",
  454. "addLabel",
  455. "addPath",
  456. "addReference",
  457. "addSetting",
  458. "addShortcut",
  459. "addShutdownFile",
  460. "addStartupFile",
  461. "addStyle",
  462. "addToolbarExplorationButtons",
  463. "addboundary",
  464. "addcats",
  465. "addedge",
  466. "addevent",
  467. "addlistener",
  468. "addmulti",
  469. "addnode",
  470. "addpath",
  471. "addpoints",
  472. "addpref",
  473. "addprop",
  474. "addsample",
  475. "addsampletocollection",
  476. "addtodate",
  477. "addts",
  478. "addvars",
  479. "adjacency",
  480. "airy",
  481. "align",
  482. "alim",
  483. "all",
  484. "allchild",
  485. "alpha",
  486. "alphaShape",
  487. "alphaSpectrum",
  488. "alphaTriangulation",
  489. "alphamap",
  490. "alphanumericBoundary",
  491. "alphanumericsPattern",
  492. "amd",
  493. "analyzeCodeCompatibility",
  494. "ancestor",
  495. "angle",
  496. "animatedline",
  497. "annotation",
  498. "ans",
  499. "any",
  500. "appdesigner",
  501. "append",
  502. "area",
  503. "arguments",
  504. "array2table",
  505. "array2timetable",
  506. "arrayDatastore",
  507. "arrayfun",
  508. "asFewOfPattern",
  509. "asManyOfPattern",
  510. "ascii",
  511. "asec",
  512. "asecd",
  513. "asech",
  514. "asin",
  515. "asind",
  516. "asinh",
  517. "assert",
  518. "assignin",
  519. "atan",
  520. "atan2",
  521. "atan2d",
  522. "atand",
  523. "atanh",
  524. "audiodevinfo",
  525. "audiodevreset",
  526. "audioinfo",
  527. "audioplayer",
  528. "audioread",
  529. "audiorecorder",
  530. "audiowrite",
  531. "autumn",
  532. "axes",
  533. "axis",
  534. "axtoolbar",
  535. "axtoolbarbtn",
  536. "balance",
  537. "bandwidth",
  538. "bar",
  539. "bar3",
  540. "bar3h",
  541. "barh",
  542. "barycentricToCartesian",
  543. "base2dec",
  544. "batchStartupOptionUsed",
  545. "bctree",
  546. "beep",
  547. "bench",
  548. "besselh",
  549. "besseli",
  550. "besselj",
  551. "besselk",
  552. "bessely",
  553. "beta",
  554. "betainc",
  555. "betaincinv",
  556. "betaln",
  557. "between",
  558. "bfsearch",
  559. "bicg",
  560. "bicgstab",
  561. "bicgstabl",
  562. "biconncomp",
  563. "bin2dec",
  564. "binary",
  565. "binscatter",
  566. "bitand",
  567. "bitcmp",
  568. "bitget",
  569. "bitnot",
  570. "bitor",
  571. "bitset",
  572. "bitshift",
  573. "bitxor",
  574. "blanks",
  575. "ble",
  576. "blelist",
  577. "blkdiag",
  578. "bluetooth",
  579. "bluetoothlist",
  580. "bone",
  581. "boundary",
  582. "boundaryFacets",
  583. "boundaryshape",
  584. "boundingbox",
  585. "bounds",
  586. "box",
  587. "boxchart",
  588. "brighten",
  589. "brush",
  590. "bsxfun",
  591. "bubblechart",
  592. "bubblechart3",
  593. "bubblelegend",
  594. "bubblelim",
  595. "bubblesize",
  596. "builddocsearchdb",
  597. "builtin",
  598. "bvp4c",
  599. "bvp5c",
  600. "bvpget",
  601. "bvpinit",
  602. "bvpset",
  603. "bvpxtend",
  604. "caldays",
  605. "caldiff",
  606. "calendar",
  607. "calendarDuration",
  608. "calllib",
  609. "calmonths",
  610. "calquarters",
  611. "calweeks",
  612. "calyears",
  613. "camdolly",
  614. "cameratoolbar",
  615. "camlight",
  616. "camlookat",
  617. "camorbit",
  618. "campan",
  619. "campos",
  620. "camproj",
  621. "camroll",
  622. "camtarget",
  623. "camup",
  624. "camva",
  625. "camzoom",
  626. "canUseGPU",
  627. "canUseParallelPool",
  628. "cart2pol",
  629. "cart2sph",
  630. "cartesianToBarycentric",
  631. "caseInsensitivePattern",
  632. "caseSensitivePattern",
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  705. "com.mathworks.matlab.types.Complex",
  706. "com.mathworks.matlab.types.HandleObject",
  707. "com.mathworks.matlab.types.Struct",
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  1081. "getNumOutputsImpl",
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  1431. "lin2mu",
  1432. "line",
  1433. "lineBoundary",
  1434. "lines",
  1435. "linkaxes",
  1436. "linkdata",
  1437. "linkprop",
  1438. "linsolve",
  1439. "linspace",
  1440. "listModifiedFiles",
  1441. "listRequiredFiles",
  1442. "listdlg",
  1443. "listener",
  1444. "listfonts",
  1445. "load",
  1446. "loadObjectImpl",
  1447. "loadlibrary",
  1448. "loadobj",
  1449. "localfunctions",
  1450. "log",
  1451. "log10",
  1452. "log1p",
  1453. "log2",
  1454. "logical",
  1455. "loglog",
  1456. "logm",
  1457. "logspace",
  1458. "lookAheadBoundary",
  1459. "lookBehindBoundary",
  1460. "lookfor",
  1461. "lower",
  1462. "ls",
  1463. "lscov",
  1464. "lsqminnorm",
  1465. "lsqnonneg",
  1466. "lsqr",
  1467. "lu",
  1468. "magic",
  1469. "makehgtform",
  1470. "makima",
  1471. "mapreduce",
  1472. "mapreducer",
  1473. "maskedPattern",
  1474. "mat2cell",
  1475. "mat2str",
  1476. "matches",
  1477. "matchpairs",
  1478. "material",
  1479. "matfile",
  1480. "matlab.System",
  1481. "matlab.addons.disableAddon",
  1482. "matlab.addons.enableAddon",
  1483. "matlab.addons.install",
  1484. "matlab.addons.installedAddons",
  1485. "matlab.addons.isAddonEnabled",
  1486. "matlab.addons.toolbox.installToolbox",
  1487. "matlab.addons.toolbox.installedToolboxes",
  1488. "matlab.addons.toolbox.packageToolbox",
  1489. "matlab.addons.toolbox.toolboxVersion",
  1490. "matlab.addons.toolbox.uninstallToolbox",
  1491. "matlab.addons.uninstall",
  1492. "matlab.apputil.create",
  1493. "matlab.apputil.getInstalledAppInfo",
  1494. "matlab.apputil.install",
  1495. "matlab.apputil.package",
  1496. "",
  1497. "matlab.apputil.uninstall",
  1498. "matlab.codetools.requiredFilesAndProducts",
  1499. "matlab.engine.FutureResult",
  1500. "matlab.engine.MatlabEngine",
  1501. "matlab.engine.connect_matlab",
  1502. "matlab.engine.engineName",
  1503. "matlab.engine.find_matlab",
  1504. "matlab.engine.isEngineShared",
  1505. "matlab.engine.shareEngine",
  1506. "matlab.engine.start_matlab",
  1507. "matlab.exception.JavaException",
  1508. "matlab.exception.PyException",
  1509. "",
  1510. "",
  1511. "",
  1512. "",
  1513. "",
  1514. "",
  1515. "",
  1516. "",
  1517. "",
  1518. "",
  1519. "",
  1520. "",
  1521. "",
  1522. "",
  1523. "",
  1524. "",
  1525. "",
  1526. "matlab.lang.OnOffSwitchState",
  1527. "matlab.lang.correction.AppendArgumentsCorrection",
  1528. "matlab.lang.correction.ConvertToFunctionNotationCorrection",
  1529. "matlab.lang.correction.ReplaceIdentifierCorrection",
  1530. "matlab.lang.makeUniqueStrings",
  1531. "matlab.lang.makeValidName",
  1532. "matlab.mex.MexHost",
  1533. "matlab.mixin.Copyable",
  1534. "matlab.mixin.CustomDisplay",
  1535. "matlab.mixin.Heterogeneous",
  1536. "matlab.mixin.SetGet",
  1537. "matlab.mixin.SetGetExactNames",
  1538. "matlab.mixin.util.PropertyGroup",
  1539. "matlab.mock.AnyArguments",
  1540. "matlab.mock.InteractionHistory",
  1541. "matlab.mock.InteractionHistory.forMock",
  1542. "matlab.mock.MethodCallBehavior",
  1543. "matlab.mock.PropertyBehavior",
  1544. "matlab.mock.PropertyGetBehavior",
  1545. "matlab.mock.PropertySetBehavior",
  1546. "matlab.mock.TestCase",
  1547. "matlab.mock.actions.AssignOutputs",
  1548. "matlab.mock.actions.DoNothing",
  1549. "matlab.mock.actions.Invoke",
  1550. "matlab.mock.actions.ReturnStoredValue",
  1551. "matlab.mock.actions.StoreValue",
  1552. "matlab.mock.actions.ThrowException",
  1553. "matlab.mock.constraints.Occurred",
  1554. "matlab.mock.constraints.WasAccessed",
  1555. "matlab.mock.constraints.WasCalled",
  1556. "matlab.mock.constraints.WasSet",
  1557. "",
  1558. "",
  1559. "",
  1560. "",
  1561. "",
  1562. "",
  1563. "",
  1564. "",
  1565. "",
  1566. "",
  1567. "",
  1568. "",
  1569. "",
  1570. "",
  1571. "",
  1572. "",
  1573. "",
  1574. "",
  1575. "",
  1576. "",
  1577. "",
  1578. "",
  1579. "",
  1580. "",
  1581. "",
  1582. "",
  1583. "",
  1584. "",
  1585. "",
  1586. "",
  1587. "",
  1588. "",
  1589. "",
  1590. "",
  1591. "",
  1592. "",
  1593. "",
  1594. "",
  1595. "",
  1596. "",
  1597. "",
  1598. "",
  1599. "",
  1600. "",
  1601. "",
  1602. "",
  1603. "",
  1604. "",
  1605. "",
  1606. "",
  1607. "",
  1608. "",
  1609. "",
  1610. "",
  1611. "",
  1612. "",
  1613. "",
  1614. "",
  1615. "",
  1616. "",
  1617. "",
  1618. "",
  1619. "",
  1620. "",
  1621. "matlab.perftest.FixedTimeExperiment",
  1622. "matlab.perftest.FrequentistTimeExperiment",
  1623. "matlab.perftest.TestCase",
  1624. "matlab.perftest.TimeExperiment",
  1625. "matlab.perftest.TimeResult",
  1626. "matlab.project.Project",
  1627. "matlab.project.convertDefinitionFiles",
  1628. "matlab.project.createProject",
  1629. "matlab.project.deleteProject",
  1630. "matlab.project.loadProject",
  1631. "matlab.project.rootProject",
  1632. "matlab.settings.FactoryGroup.createToolboxGroup",
  1633. "matlab.settings.SettingsFileUpgrader",
  1634. "matlab.settings.loadSettingsCompatibilityResults",
  1635. "matlab.settings.mustBeIntegerScalar",
  1636. "matlab.settings.mustBeLogicalScalar",
  1637. "matlab.settings.mustBeNumericScalar",
  1638. "matlab.settings.mustBeStringScalar",
  1639. "matlab.settings.reloadFactoryFile",
  1640. "matlab.system.mixin.FiniteSource",
  1641. "matlab.tall.blockMovingWindow",
  1642. "matlab.tall.movingWindow",
  1643. "matlab.tall.reduce",
  1644. "matlab.tall.transform",
  1645. "matlab.test.behavior.Missing",
  1646. "matlab.ui.componentcontainer.ComponentContainer",
  1647. "matlab.uitest.TestCase",
  1648. "matlab.uitest.TestCase.forInteractiveUse",
  1649. "matlab.uitest.unlock",
  1650. "matlab.unittest.Test",
  1651. "matlab.unittest.TestCase",
  1652. "matlab.unittest.TestResult",
  1653. "matlab.unittest.TestRunner",
  1654. "matlab.unittest.TestSuite",
  1655. "matlab.unittest.constraints.BooleanConstraint",
  1656. "matlab.unittest.constraints.Constraint",
  1657. "matlab.unittest.constraints.Tolerance",
  1658. "matlab.unittest.diagnostics.ConstraintDiagnostic",
  1659. "matlab.unittest.diagnostics.Diagnostic",
  1660. "matlab.unittest.fixtures.Fixture",
  1661. "matlab.unittest.measurement.DefaultMeasurementResult",
  1662. "matlab.unittest.measurement.MeasurementResult",
  1663. "matlab.unittest.measurement.chart.ComparisonPlot",
  1664. "matlab.unittest.plugins.OutputStream",
  1665. "matlab.unittest.plugins.Parallelizable",
  1666. "matlab.unittest.plugins.QualifyingPlugin",
  1667. "matlab.unittest.plugins.TestRunnerPlugin",
  1668. "matlab.wsdl.createWSDLClient",
  1669. "matlab.wsdl.setWSDLToolPath",
  1670. "matlabRelease",
  1671. "matlabrc",
  1672. "matlabroot",
  1673. "max",
  1674. "maxflow",
  1675. "maxk",
  1676. "mean",
  1677. "median",
  1678. "memmapfile",
  1679. "memoize",
  1680. "memory",
  1681. "mergecats",
  1682. "mergevars",
  1683. "mesh",
  1684. "meshc",
  1685. "meshgrid",
  1686. "meshz",
  1687. "meta.ArrayDimension",
  1688. "meta.DynamicProperty",
  1689. "meta.EnumeratedValue",
  1690. "meta.FixedDimension",
  1691. "meta.MetaData",
  1692. "meta.UnrestrictedDimension",
  1693. "meta.Validation",
  1694. "meta.abstractDetails",
  1695. "meta.class",
  1696. "meta.class.fromName",
  1697. "meta.event",
  1698. "meta.method",
  1699. "meta.package",
  1700. "meta.package.fromName",
  1701. "meta.package.getAllPackages",
  1702. "",
  1703. "metaclass",
  1704. "methods",
  1705. "methodsview",
  1706. "mex",
  1707. "mexext",
  1708. "mexhost",
  1709. "mfilename",
  1710. "mget",
  1711. "milliseconds",
  1712. "min",
  1713. "mink",
  1714. "minres",
  1715. "minspantree",
  1716. "minute",
  1717. "minutes",
  1718. "mislocked",
  1719. "missing",
  1720. "mkdir",
  1721. "mkpp",
  1722. "mldivide",
  1723. "mlintrpt",
  1724. "mlock",
  1725. "mmfileinfo",
  1726. "mod",
  1727. "mode",
  1728. "month",
  1729. "more",
  1730. "morebins",
  1731. "movAbsHDU",
  1732. "movNamHDU",
  1733. "movRelHDU",
  1734. "move",
  1735. "movefile",
  1736. "movegui",
  1737. "movevars",
  1738. "movie",
  1739. "movmad",
  1740. "movmax",
  1741. "movmean",
  1742. "movmedian",
  1743. "movmin",
  1744. "movprod",
  1745. "movstd",
  1746. "movsum",
  1747. "movvar",
  1748. "mpower",
  1749. "mput",
  1750. "mrdivide",
  1751. "msgbox",
  1752. "mtimes",
  1753. "mu2lin",
  1754. "multibandread",
  1755. "multibandwrite",
  1756. "munlock",
  1757. "mustBeA",
  1758. "mustBeFile",
  1759. "mustBeFinite",
  1760. "mustBeFloat",
  1761. "mustBeFolder",
  1762. "mustBeGreaterThan",
  1763. "mustBeGreaterThanOrEqual",
  1764. "mustBeInRange",
  1765. "mustBeInteger",
  1766. "mustBeLessThan",
  1767. "mustBeLessThanOrEqual",
  1768. "mustBeMember",
  1769. "mustBeNegative",
  1770. "mustBeNonNan",
  1771. "mustBeNonempty",
  1772. "mustBeNonmissing",
  1773. "mustBeNonnegative",
  1774. "mustBeNonpositive",
  1775. "mustBeNonsparse",
  1776. "mustBeNonzero",
  1777. "mustBeNonzeroLengthText",
  1778. "mustBeNumeric",
  1779. "mustBeNumericOrLogical",
  1780. "mustBePositive",
  1781. "mustBeReal",
  1782. "mustBeScalarOrEmpty",
  1783. "mustBeText",
  1784. "mustBeTextScalar",
  1785. "mustBeUnderlyingType",
  1786. "mustBeValidVariableName",
  1787. "mustBeVector",
  1788. "namedPattern",
  1789. "namedargs2cell",
  1790. "namelengthmax",
  1791. "nargin",
  1792. "narginchk",
  1793. "nargout",
  1794. "nargoutchk",
  1795. "native2unicode",
  1796. "nccreate",
  1797. "ncdisp",
  1798. "nchoosek",
  1799. "ncinfo",
  1800. "ncread",
  1801. "ncreadatt",
  1802. "ncwrite",
  1803. "ncwriteatt",
  1804. "ncwriteschema",
  1805. "ndgrid",
  1806. "ndims",
  1807. "nearest",
  1808. "nearestNeighbor",
  1809. "nearestvertex",
  1810. "neighbors",
  1811. "netcdf.abort",
  1812. "netcdf.close",
  1813. "netcdf.copyAtt",
  1814. "netcdf.create",
  1815. "netcdf.defDim",
  1816. "netcdf.defGrp",
  1817. "netcdf.defVar",
  1818. "netcdf.defVarChunking",
  1819. "netcdf.defVarDeflate",
  1820. "netcdf.defVarFill",
  1821. "netcdf.defVarFletcher32",
  1822. "netcdf.delAtt",
  1823. "netcdf.endDef",
  1824. "netcdf.getAtt",
  1825. "netcdf.getChunkCache",
  1826. "netcdf.getConstant",
  1827. "netcdf.getConstantNames",
  1828. "netcdf.getVar",
  1829. "netcdf.inq",
  1830. "netcdf.inqAtt",
  1831. "netcdf.inqAttID",
  1832. "netcdf.inqAttName",
  1833. "netcdf.inqDim",
  1834. "netcdf.inqDimID",
  1835. "netcdf.inqDimIDs",
  1836. "netcdf.inqFormat",
  1837. "netcdf.inqGrpName",
  1838. "netcdf.inqGrpNameFull",
  1839. "netcdf.inqGrpParent",
  1840. "netcdf.inqGrps",
  1841. "netcdf.inqLibVers",
  1842. "netcdf.inqNcid",
  1843. "netcdf.inqUnlimDims",
  1844. "netcdf.inqVar",
  1845. "netcdf.inqVarChunking",
  1846. "netcdf.inqVarDeflate",
  1847. "netcdf.inqVarFill",
  1848. "netcdf.inqVarFletcher32",
  1849. "netcdf.inqVarID",
  1850. "netcdf.inqVarIDs",
  1851. "",
  1852. "netcdf.putAtt",
  1853. "netcdf.putVar",
  1854. "netcdf.reDef",
  1855. "netcdf.renameAtt",
  1856. "netcdf.renameDim",
  1857. "netcdf.renameVar",
  1858. "netcdf.setChunkCache",
  1859. "netcdf.setDefaultFormat",
  1860. "netcdf.setFill",
  1861. "netcdf.sync",
  1862. "newline",
  1863. "newplot",
  1864. "nextpow2",
  1865. "nexttile",
  1866. "nnz",
  1867. "nonzeros",
  1868. "norm",
  1869. "normalize",
  1870. "normest",
  1871. "notify",
  1872. "now",
  1873. "nsidedpoly",
  1874. "nthroot",
  1875. "nufft",
  1876. "nufftn",
  1877. "null",
  1878. "num2cell",
  1879. "num2hex",
  1880. "num2ruler",
  1881. "num2str",
  1882. "numArgumentsFromSubscript",
  1883. "numRegions",
  1884. "numboundaries",
  1885. "numedges",
  1886. "numel",
  1887. "numnodes",
  1888. "numpartitions",
  1889. "numsides",
  1890. "nzmax",
  1891. "ode113",
  1892. "ode15i",
  1893. "ode15s",
  1894. "ode23",
  1895. "ode23s",
  1896. "ode23t",
  1897. "ode23tb",
  1898. "ode45",
  1899. "odeget",
  1900. "odeset",
  1901. "odextend",
  1902. "onCleanup",
  1903. "ones",
  1904. "open",
  1905. "openDiskFile",
  1906. "openFile",
  1907. "openProject",
  1908. "openfig",
  1909. "opengl",
  1910. "openvar",
  1911. "optimget",
  1912. "optimset",
  1913. "optionalPattern",
  1914. "ordeig",
  1915. "orderfields",
  1916. "ordqz",
  1917. "ordschur",
  1918. "orient",
  1919. "orth",
  1920. "outdegree",
  1921. "outedges",
  1922. "outerjoin",
  1923. "overlaps",
  1924. "overlapsrange",
  1925. "pack",
  1926. "pad",
  1927. "padecoef",
  1928. "pagectranspose",
  1929. "pagemtimes",
  1930. "pagetranspose",
  1931. "pan",
  1932. "panInteraction",
  1933. "parallelplot",
  1934. "pareto",
  1935. "parquetDatastore",
  1936. "parquetinfo",
  1937. "parquetread",
  1938. "parquetwrite",
  1939. "partition",
  1940. "parula",
  1941. "pascal",
  1942. "patch",
  1943. "path",
  1944. "pathsep",
  1945. "pathtool",
  1946. "pattern",
  1947. "pause",
  1948. "pbaspect",
  1949. "pcg",
  1950. "pchip",
  1951. "pcode",
  1952. "pcolor",
  1953. "pdepe",
  1954. "pdeval",
  1955. "peaks",
  1956. "perimeter",
  1957. "perl",
  1958. "perms",
  1959. "permute",
  1960. "pi",
  1961. "pie",
  1962. "pie3",
  1963. "pink",
  1964. "pinv",
  1965. "planerot",
  1966. "play",
  1967. "playblocking",
  1968. "plot",
  1969. "plot3",
  1970. "plotbrowser",
  1971. "plotedit",
  1972. "plotmatrix",
  1973. "plottools",
  1974. "plus",
  1975. "pointLocation",
  1976. "pol2cart",
  1977. "polaraxes",
  1978. "polarbubblechart",
  1979. "polarhistogram",
  1980. "polarplot",
  1981. "polarscatter",
  1982. "poly",
  1983. "polyarea",
  1984. "polybuffer",
  1985. "polyder",
  1986. "polyeig",
  1987. "polyfit",
  1988. "polyint",
  1989. "polyshape",
  1990. "polyval",
  1991. "polyvalm",
  1992. "posixtime",
  1993. "possessivePattern",
  1994. "pow2",
  1995. "ppval",
  1996. "predecessors",
  1997. "prefdir",
  1998. "preferences",
  1999. "press",
  2000. "preview",
  2001. "primes",
  2002. "print",
  2003. "printdlg",
  2004. "printopt",
  2005. "printpreview",
  2006. "prism",
  2007. "processInputSpecificationChangeImpl",
  2008. "processTunedPropertiesImpl",
  2009. "prod",
  2010. "profile",
  2011. "propedit",
  2012. "properties",
  2013. "propertyeditor",
  2014. "psi",
  2015. "publish",
  2016. "pwd",
  2017. "pyargs",
  2018. "pyenv",
  2019. "qmr",
  2020. "qr",
  2021. "qrdelete",
  2022. "qrinsert",
  2023. "qrupdate",
  2024. "quad2d",
  2025. "quadgk",
  2026. "quarter",
  2027. "questdlg",
  2028. "quit",
  2029. "quiver",
  2030. "quiver3",
  2031. "qz",
  2032. "rad2deg",
  2033. "rand",
  2034. "randi",
  2035. "randn",
  2036. "randperm",
  2037. "rank",
  2038. "rat",
  2039. "rats",
  2040. "rbbox",
  2041. "rcond",
  2042. "read",
  2043. "readATblHdr",
  2044. "readBTblHdr",
  2045. "readCard",
  2046. "readCol",
  2047. "readFrame",
  2048. "readImg",
  2049. "readKey",
  2050. "readKeyCmplx",
  2051. "readKeyDbl",
  2052. "readKeyLongLong",
  2053. "readKeyLongStr",
  2054. "readKeyUnit",
  2055. "readRecord",
  2056. "readall",
  2057. "readcell",
  2058. "readline",
  2059. "readlines",
  2060. "readmatrix",
  2061. "readstruct",
  2062. "readtable",
  2063. "readtimetable",
  2064. "readvars",
  2065. "real",
  2066. "reallog",
  2067. "realmax",
  2068. "realmin",
  2069. "realpow",
  2070. "realsqrt",
  2071. "record",
  2072. "recordblocking",
  2073. "rectangle",
  2074. "rectint",
  2075. "recycle",
  2076. "reducepatch",
  2077. "reducevolume",
  2078. "refresh",
  2079. "refreshSourceControl",
  2080. "refreshdata",
  2081. "regexp",
  2082. "regexpPattern",
  2083. "regexpi",
  2084. "regexprep",
  2085. "regexptranslate",
  2086. "regionZoomInteraction",
  2087. "regions",
  2088. "registerevent",
  2089. "regmatlabserver",
  2090. "rehash",
  2091. "relationaloperators",
  2092. "release",
  2093. "releaseImpl",
  2094. "reload",
  2095. "rem",
  2096. "remove",
  2097. "removeCategory",
  2098. "removeFile",
  2099. "removeGroup",
  2100. "removeLabel",
  2101. "removePath",
  2102. "removeReference",
  2103. "removeSetting",
  2104. "removeShortcut",
  2105. "removeShutdownFile",
  2106. "removeStartupFile",
  2107. "removeStyle",
  2108. "removeToolbarExplorationButtons",
  2109. "removecats",
  2110. "removets",
  2111. "removevars",
  2112. "rename",
  2113. "renamecats",
  2114. "renamevars",
  2115. "rendererinfo",
  2116. "reordercats",
  2117. "reordernodes",
  2118. "repelem",
  2119. "replace",
  2120. "replaceBetween",
  2121. "repmat",
  2122. "resample",
  2123. "rescale",
  2124. "reset",
  2125. "resetImpl",
  2126. "reshape",
  2127. "residue",
  2128. "restoredefaultpath",
  2129. "resume",
  2130. "rethrow",
  2131. "retime",
  2132. "reverse",
  2133. "rgb2gray",
  2134. "rgb2hsv",
  2135. "rgb2ind",
  2136. "rgbplot",
  2137. "ribbon",
  2138. "rlim",
  2139. "rmappdata",
  2140. "rmboundary",
  2141. "rmdir",
  2142. "rmedge",
  2143. "rmfield",
  2144. "rmholes",
  2145. "rmmissing",
  2146. "rmnode",
  2147. "rmoutliers",
  2148. "rmpath",
  2149. "rmpref",
  2150. "rmprop",
  2151. "rmslivers",
  2152. "rng",
  2153. "roots",
  2154. "rosser",
  2155. "rot90",
  2156. "rotate",
  2157. "rotate3d",
  2158. "rotateInteraction",
  2159. "round",
  2160. "rowfun",
  2161. "rows2vars",
  2162. "rref",
  2163. "rsf2csf",
  2164. "rtickangle",
  2165. "rtickformat",
  2166. "rticklabels",
  2167. "rticks",
  2168. "ruler2num",
  2169. "rulerPanInteraction",
  2170. "run",
  2171. "runChecks",
  2172. "runperf",
  2173. "runtests",
  2174. "save",
  2175. "saveObjectImpl",
  2176. "saveas",
  2177. "savefig",
  2178. "saveobj",
  2179. "savepath",
  2180. "scale",
  2181. "scatter",
  2182. "scatter3",
  2183. "scatteredInterpolant",
  2184. "scatterhistogram",
  2185. "schur",
  2186. "scroll",
  2187. "sec",
  2188. "secd",
  2189. "sech",
  2190. "second",
  2191. "seconds",
  2192. "semilogx",
  2193. "semilogy",
  2194. "sendmail",
  2195. "serialport",
  2196. "serialportlist",
  2197. "set",
  2198. "setBscale",
  2199. "setCompressionType",
  2200. "setDTR",
  2201. "setHCompScale",
  2202. "setHCompSmooth",
  2203. "setProperties",
  2204. "setRTS",
  2205. "setTileDim",
  2206. "setTscale",
  2207. "setabstime",
  2208. "setappdata",
  2209. "setcats",
  2210. "setdiff",
  2211. "setenv",
  2212. "setfield",
  2213. "setinterpmethod",
  2214. "setpixelposition",
  2215. "setpref",
  2216. "settimeseriesnames",
  2217. "settings",
  2218. "setuniformtime",
  2219. "setup",
  2220. "setupImpl",
  2221. "setvaropts",
  2222. "setvartype",
  2223. "setxor",
  2224. "sgtitle",
  2225. "shading",
  2226. "sheetnames",
  2227. "shg",
  2228. "shiftdim",
  2229. "shortestpath",
  2230. "shortestpathtree",
  2231. "showplottool",
  2232. "shrinkfaces",
  2233. "shuffle",
  2234. "sign",
  2235. "simplify",
  2236. "sin",
  2237. "sind",
  2238. "single",
  2239. "sinh",
  2240. "sinpi",
  2241. "size",
  2242. "slice",
  2243. "smooth3",
  2244. "smoothdata",
  2245. "snapnow",
  2246. "sort",
  2247. "sortboundaries",
  2248. "sortregions",
  2249. "sortrows",
  2250. "sortx",
  2251. "sorty",
  2252. "sound",
  2253. "soundsc",
  2254. "spalloc",
  2255. "sparse",
  2256. "spaugment",
  2257. "spconvert",
  2258. "spdiags",
  2259. "specular",
  2260. "speye",
  2261. "spfun",
  2262. "sph2cart",
  2263. "sphere",
  2264. "spinmap",
  2265. "spline",
  2266. "split",
  2267. "splitapply",
  2268. "splitlines",
  2269. "splitvars",
  2270. "spones",
  2271. "spparms",
  2272. "sprand",
  2273. "sprandn",
  2274. "sprandsym",
  2275. "sprank",
  2276. "spreadsheetDatastore",
  2277. "spreadsheetImportOptions",
  2278. "spring",
  2279. "sprintf",
  2280. "spy",
  2281. "sqrt",
  2282. "sqrtm",
  2283. "squeeze",
  2284. "ss2tf",
  2285. "sscanf",
  2286. "stack",
  2287. "stackedplot",
  2288. "stairs",
  2289. "standardizeMissing",
  2290. "start",
  2291. "startat",
  2292. "startsWith",
  2293. "startup",
  2294. "std",
  2295. "stem",
  2296. "stem3",
  2297. "step",
  2298. "stepImpl",
  2299. "stlread",
  2300. "stlwrite",
  2301. "stop",
  2302. "str2double",
  2303. "str2func",
  2304. "str2num",
  2305. "strcat",
  2306. "strcmp",
  2307. "strcmpi",
  2308. "stream2",
  2309. "stream3",
  2310. "streamline",
  2311. "streamparticles",
  2312. "streamribbon",
  2313. "streamslice",
  2314. "streamtube",
  2315. "strfind",
  2316. "string",
  2317. "strings",
  2318. "strip",
  2319. "strjoin",
  2320. "strjust",
  2321. "strlength",
  2322. "strncmp",
  2323. "strncmpi",
  2324. "strrep",
  2325. "strsplit",
  2326. "strtok",
  2327. "strtrim",
  2328. "struct",
  2329. "struct2cell",
  2330. "struct2table",
  2331. "structfun",
  2332. "sub2ind",
  2333. "subgraph",
  2334. "subplot",
  2335. "subsasgn",
  2336. "subscribe",
  2337. "subsindex",
  2338. "subspace",
  2339. "subsref",
  2340. "substruct",
  2341. "subtitle",
  2342. "subtract",
  2343. "subvolume",
  2344. "successors",
  2345. "sum",
  2346. "summary",
  2347. "summer",
  2348. "superclasses",
  2349. "surf",
  2350. "surf2patch",
  2351. "surface",
  2352. "surfaceArea",
  2353. "surfc",
  2354. "surfl",
  2355. "surfnorm",
  2356. "svd",
  2357. "svds",
  2358. "svdsketch",
  2359. "swapbytes",
  2360. "swarmchart",
  2361. "swarmchart3",
  2362. "sylvester",
  2363. "symamd",
  2364. "symbfact",
  2365. "symmlq",
  2366. "symrcm",
  2367. "synchronize",
  2368. "sysobjupdate",
  2369. "system",
  2370. "table",
  2371. "table2array",
  2372. "table2cell",
  2373. "table2struct",
  2374. "table2timetable",
  2375. "tabularTextDatastore",
  2376. "tail",
  2377. "tall",
  2378. "tallrng",
  2379. "tan",
  2380. "tand",
  2381. "tanh",
  2382. "tar",
  2383. "tcpclient",
  2384. "tempdir",
  2385. "tempname",
  2386. "testsuite",
  2387. "tetramesh",
  2388. "texlabel",
  2389. "text",
  2390. "textBoundary",
  2391. "textscan",
  2392. "textwrap",
  2393. "tfqmr",
  2394. "thetalim",
  2395. "thetatickformat",
  2396. "thetaticklabels",
  2397. "thetaticks",
  2398. "thingSpeakRead",
  2399. "thingSpeakWrite",
  2400. "throw",
  2401. "throwAsCaller",
  2402. "tic",
  2403. "tiledlayout",
  2404. "time",
  2405. "timeit",
  2406. "timeofday",
  2407. "timer",
  2408. "timerange",
  2409. "timerfind",
  2410. "timerfindall",
  2411. "timeseries",
  2412. "timetable",
  2413. "timetable2table",
  2414. "timezones",
  2415. "title",
  2416. "toc",
  2417. "todatenum",
  2418. "toeplitz",
  2419. "toolboxdir",
  2420. "topkrows",
  2421. "toposort",
  2422. "trace",
  2423. "transclosure",
  2424. "transform",
  2425. "translate",
  2426. "transpose",
  2427. "transreduction",
  2428. "trapz",
  2429. "treelayout",
  2430. "treeplot",
  2431. "triangulation",
  2432. "tril",
  2433. "trimesh",
  2434. "triplot",
  2435. "trisurf",
  2436. "triu",
  2437. "true",
  2438. "tscollection",
  2439. "tsdata.event",
  2440. "tsearchn",
  2441. "turbo",
  2442. "turningdist",
  2443. "type",
  2444. "typecast",
  2445. "tzoffset",
  2446. "uialert",
  2447. "uiaxes",
  2448. "uibutton",
  2449. "uibuttongroup",
  2450. "uicheckbox",
  2451. "uiconfirm",
  2452. "uicontextmenu",
  2453. "uicontrol",
  2454. "uidatepicker",
  2455. "uidropdown",
  2456. "uieditfield",
  2457. "uifigure",
  2458. "uigauge",
  2459. "uigetdir",
  2460. "uigetfile",
  2461. "uigetpref",
  2462. "uigridlayout",
  2463. "uihtml",
  2464. "uiimage",
  2465. "uiknob",
  2466. "uilabel",
  2467. "uilamp",
  2468. "uilistbox",
  2469. "uimenu",
  2470. "uint16",
  2471. "uint32",
  2472. "uint64",
  2473. "uint8",
  2474. "uiopen",
  2475. "uipanel",
  2476. "uiprogressdlg",
  2477. "uipushtool",
  2478. "uiputfile",
  2479. "uiradiobutton",
  2480. "uiresume",
  2481. "uisave",
  2482. "uisetcolor",
  2483. "uisetfont",
  2484. "uisetpref",
  2485. "uislider",
  2486. "uispinner",
  2487. "uistack",
  2488. "uistyle",
  2489. "uiswitch",
  2490. "uitab",
  2491. "uitabgroup",
  2492. "uitable",
  2493. "uitextarea",
  2494. "uitogglebutton",
  2495. "uitoggletool",
  2496. "uitoolbar",
  2497. "uitree",
  2498. "uitreenode",
  2499. "uiwait",
  2500. "uminus",
  2501. "underlyingType",
  2502. "underlyingValue",
  2503. "unicode2native",
  2504. "union",
  2505. "unique",
  2506. "uniquetol",
  2507. "unix",
  2508. "unloadlibrary",
  2509. "unmesh",
  2510. "unmkpp",
  2511. "unregisterallevents",
  2512. "unregisterevent",
  2513. "unstack",
  2514. "unsubscribe",
  2515. "untar",
  2516. "unwrap",
  2517. "unzip",
  2518. "update",
  2519. "updateDependencies",
  2520. "uplus",
  2521. "upper",
  2522. "usejava",
  2523. "userpath",
  2524. "validateFunctionSignaturesJSON",
  2525. "validateInputsImpl",
  2526. "validatePropertiesImpl",
  2527. "validateattributes",
  2528. "validatecolor",
  2529. "validatestring",
  2530. "values",
  2531. "vander",
  2532. "var",
  2533. "varargin",
  2534. "varargout",
  2535. "varfun",
  2536. "vartype",
  2537. "vecnorm",
  2538. "ver",
  2539. "verLessThan",
  2540. "version",
  2541. "vertcat",
  2542. "vertexAttachments",
  2543. "vertexNormal",
  2544. "view",
  2545. "viewmtx",
  2546. "visdiff",
  2547. "volume",
  2548. "volumebounds",
  2549. "voronoi",
  2550. "voronoiDiagram",
  2551. "voronoin",
  2552. "wait",
  2553. "waitbar",
  2554. "waitfor",
  2555. "waitforbuttonpress",
  2556. "warndlg",
  2557. "warning",
  2558. "waterfall",
  2559. "web",
  2560. "weboptions",
  2561. "webread",
  2562. "websave",
  2563. "webwrite",
  2564. "week",
  2565. "weekday",
  2566. "what",
  2567. "which",
  2568. "whitespaceBoundary",
  2569. "whitespacePattern",
  2570. "who",
  2571. "whos",
  2572. "width",
  2573. "wildcardPattern",
  2574. "wilkinson",
  2575. "winopen",
  2576. "winqueryreg",
  2577. "winter",
  2578. "withinrange",
  2579. "withtol",
  2580. "wordcloud",
  2581. "write",
  2582. "writeChecksum",
  2583. "writeCol",
  2584. "writeComment",
  2585. "writeDate",
  2586. "writeHistory",
  2587. "writeImg",
  2588. "writeKey",
  2589. "writeKeyUnit",
  2590. "writeVideo",
  2591. "writeall",
  2592. "writecell",
  2593. "writeline",
  2594. "writematrix",
  2595. "writestruct",
  2596. "writetable",
  2597. "writetimetable",
  2598. "xcorr",
  2599. "xcov",
  2600. "xlabel",
  2601. "xlim",
  2602. "xline",
  2603. "xmlread",
  2604. "xmlwrite",
  2605. "xor",
  2606. "xslt",
  2607. "xtickangle",
  2608. "xtickformat",
  2609. "xticklabels",
  2610. "xticks",
  2611. "year",
  2612. "years",
  2613. "ylabel",
  2614. "ylim",
  2615. "yline",
  2616. "ymd",
  2617. "ytickangle",
  2618. "ytickformat",
  2619. "yticklabels",
  2620. "yticks",
  2621. "yyaxis",
  2622. "yyyymmdd",
  2623. "zeros",
  2624. "zip",
  2625. "zlabel",
  2626. "zlim",
  2627. "zoom",
  2628. "zoomInteraction",
  2629. "ztickangle",
  2630. "ztickformat",
  2631. "zticklabels",
  2632. "zticks",
  2633. ],
  2634. prefix=r"(?<!\.)(", # Exclude field names
  2635. suffix=r")\b"
  2636. ),
  2637. Name.Builtin
  2638. ),
  2639. # line continuation with following comment:
  2640. (r'(\.\.\.)(.*)$', bygroups(Keyword, Comment)),
  2641. # command form:
  2642. # "How MATLAB Recognizes Command Syntax" specifies that an operator
  2643. # is recognized if it is either surrounded by spaces or by no
  2644. # spaces on both sides (this allows distinguishing `cd ./foo` from
  2645. # `cd ./ foo`.). Here, the regex checks that the first word in the
  2646. # line is not followed by <spaces> and then
  2647. # (equal | open-parenthesis | <operator><space> | <space>).
  2648. (r'(?:^|(?<=;))(\s*)(\w+)(\s+)(?!=|\(|%s\s|\s)' % _operators,
  2649. bygroups(Whitespace, Name, Whitespace), 'commandargs'),
  2650. include('expressions')
  2651. ],
  2652. 'blockcomment': [
  2653. (r'^\s*%\}', Comment.Multiline, '#pop'),
  2654. (r'^.*\n', Comment.Multiline),
  2655. (r'.', Comment.Multiline),
  2656. ],
  2657. 'deffunc': [
  2658. (r'(\s*)(?:(\S+)(\s*)(=)(\s*))?(.+)(\()(.*)(\))(\s*)',
  2659. bygroups(Whitespace, Text, Whitespace, Punctuation,
  2660. Whitespace, Name.Function, Punctuation, Text,
  2661. Punctuation, Whitespace), '#pop'),
  2662. # function with no args
  2663. (r'(\s*)([a-zA-Z_]\w*)',
  2664. bygroups(Whitespace, Name.Function), '#pop'),
  2665. ],
  2666. 'propattrs': [
  2667. (r'(\w+)(\s*)(=)(\s*)(\d+)',
  2668. bygroups(Name.Builtin, Whitespace, Punctuation, Whitespace,
  2669. Number)),
  2670. (r'(\w+)(\s*)(=)(\s*)([a-zA-Z]\w*)',
  2671. bygroups(Name.Builtin, Whitespace, Punctuation, Whitespace,
  2672. Keyword)),
  2673. (r',', Punctuation),
  2674. (r'\)', Punctuation, '#pop'),
  2675. (r'\s+', Whitespace),
  2676. (r'.', Text),
  2677. ],
  2678. 'defprops': [
  2679. (r'%\{\s*\n', Comment.Multiline, 'blockcomment'),
  2680. (r'%.*$', Comment),
  2681. (r'(?<!\.)end\b', Keyword, '#pop'),
  2682. include('expressions'),
  2683. ],
  2684. 'string': [
  2685. (r"[^']*'", String, '#pop'),
  2686. ],
  2687. 'commandargs': [
  2688. # If an equal sign or other operator is encountered, this
  2689. # isn't a command. It might be a variable assignment or
  2690. # comparison operation with multiple spaces before the
  2691. # equal sign or operator
  2692. (r"=", Punctuation, '#pop'),
  2693. (_operators, Operator, '#pop'),
  2694. (r"[ \t]+", Whitespace),
  2695. ("'[^']*'", String),
  2696. (r"[^';\s]+", String),
  2697. (";", Punctuation, '#pop'),
  2698. default('#pop'),
  2699. ]
  2700. }
  2701. def analyse_text(text):
  2702. # function declaration.
  2703. first_non_comment = next((line for line in text.splitlines()
  2704. if not re.match(r'^\s*%', text)), '').strip()
  2705. if (first_non_comment.startswith('function')
  2706. and '{' not in first_non_comment):
  2707. return 1.
  2708. # comment
  2709. elif'^\s*%', text, re.M):
  2710. return 0.2
  2711. # system cmd
  2712. elif'^!\w+', text, re.M):
  2713. return 0.2
  2714. line_re = re.compile('.*?\n')
  2715. class MatlabSessionLexer(Lexer):
  2716. """
  2717. For Matlab sessions. Modeled after PythonConsoleLexer.
  2718. Contributed by Ken Schutte <>.
  2719. .. versionadded:: 0.10
  2720. """
  2721. name = 'Matlab session'
  2722. aliases = ['matlabsession']
  2723. def get_tokens_unprocessed(self, text):
  2724. mlexer = MatlabLexer(**self.options)
  2725. curcode = ''
  2726. insertions = []
  2727. continuation = False
  2728. for match in line_re.finditer(text):
  2729. line =
  2730. if line.startswith('>> '):
  2731. insertions.append((len(curcode),
  2732. [(0, Generic.Prompt, line[:3])]))
  2733. curcode += line[3:]
  2734. elif line.startswith('>>'):
  2735. insertions.append((len(curcode),
  2736. [(0, Generic.Prompt, line[:2])]))
  2737. curcode += line[2:]
  2738. elif line.startswith('???'):
  2739. idx = len(curcode)
  2740. # without is showing error on same line as before...?
  2741. # line = "\n" + line
  2742. token = (0, Generic.Traceback, line)
  2743. insertions.append((idx, [token]))
  2744. elif continuation and insertions:
  2745. # line_start is the length of the most recent prompt symbol
  2746. line_start = len(insertions[-1][-1][-1])
  2747. # Set leading spaces with the length of the prompt to be a generic prompt
  2748. # This keeps code aligned when prompts are removed, say with some Javascript
  2749. if line.startswith(' '*line_start):
  2750. insertions.append(
  2751. (len(curcode), [(0, Generic.Prompt, line[:line_start])]))
  2752. curcode += line[line_start:]
  2753. else:
  2754. curcode += line
  2755. else:
  2756. if curcode:
  2757. yield from do_insertions(
  2758. insertions, mlexer.get_tokens_unprocessed(curcode))
  2759. curcode = ''
  2760. insertions = []
  2761. yield match.start(), Generic.Output, line
  2762. # Does not allow continuation if a comment is included after the ellipses.
  2763. # Continues any line that ends with ..., even comments (lines that start with %)
  2764. if line.strip().endswith('...'):
  2765. continuation = True
  2766. else:
  2767. continuation = False
  2768. if curcode: # or item:
  2769. yield from do_insertions(
  2770. insertions, mlexer.get_tokens_unprocessed(curcode))
  2771. class OctaveLexer(RegexLexer):
  2772. """
  2773. For GNU Octave source code.
  2774. .. versionadded:: 1.5
  2775. """
  2776. name = 'Octave'
  2777. url = ''
  2778. aliases = ['octave']
  2779. filenames = ['*.m']
  2780. mimetypes = ['text/octave']
  2781. # These lists are generated automatically.
  2782. # Run the following in bash shell:
  2783. #
  2784. # First dump all of the Octave manual into a plain text file:
  2785. #
  2786. # $ info octave --subnodes -o octave-manual
  2787. #
  2788. # Now grep through it:
  2789. # for i in \
  2790. # "Built-in Function" "Command" "Function File" \
  2791. # "Loadable Function" "Mapping Function";
  2792. # do
  2793. # perl -e '@name = qw('"$i"');
  2794. # print lc($name[0]),"_kw = [\n"';
  2795. #
  2796. # perl -n -e 'print "\"$1\",\n" if /-- '"$i"': .* (\w*) \(/;' \
  2797. # octave-manual | sort | uniq ;
  2798. # echo "]" ;
  2799. # echo;
  2800. # done
  2801. # taken from Octave Mercurial changeset 8cc154f45e37 (30-jan-2011)
  2802. builtin_kw = (
  2803. "addlistener", "addpath", "addproperty", "all",
  2804. "and", "any", "argnames", "argv", "assignin",
  2805. "atexit", "autoload",
  2806. "available_graphics_toolkits", "beep_on_error",
  2807. "bitand", "bitmax", "bitor", "bitshift", "bitxor",
  2808. "cat", "cell", "cellstr", "char", "class", "clc",
  2809. "columns", "command_line_path",
  2810. "completion_append_char", "completion_matches",
  2811. "complex", "confirm_recursive_rmdir", "cputime",
  2812. "crash_dumps_octave_core", "ctranspose", "cumprod",
  2813. "cumsum", "debug_on_error", "debug_on_interrupt",
  2814. "debug_on_warning", "default_save_options",
  2815. "dellistener", "diag", "diff", "disp",
  2816. "doc_cache_file", "do_string_escapes", "double",
  2817. "drawnow", "e", "echo_executing_commands", "eps",
  2818. "eq", "errno", "errno_list", "error", "eval",
  2819. "evalin", "exec", "exist", "exit", "eye", "false",
  2820. "fclear", "fclose", "fcntl", "fdisp", "feof",
  2821. "ferror", "feval", "fflush", "fgetl", "fgets",
  2822. "fieldnames", "file_in_loadpath", "file_in_path",
  2823. "filemarker", "filesep", "find_dir_in_path",
  2824. "fixed_point_format", "fnmatch", "fopen", "fork",
  2825. "formula", "fprintf", "fputs", "fread", "freport",
  2826. "frewind", "fscanf", "fseek", "fskipl", "ftell",
  2827. "functions", "fwrite", "ge", "genpath", "get",
  2828. "getegid", "getenv", "geteuid", "getgid",
  2829. "getpgrp", "getpid", "getppid", "getuid", "glob",
  2830. "gt", "gui_mode", "history_control",
  2831. "history_file", "history_size",
  2832. "history_timestamp_format_string", "home",
  2833. "horzcat", "hypot", "ifelse",
  2834. "ignore_function_time_stamp", "inferiorto",
  2835. "info_file", "info_program", "inline", "input",
  2836. "intmax", "intmin", "ipermute",
  2837. "is_absolute_filename", "isargout", "isbool",
  2838. "iscell", "iscellstr", "ischar", "iscomplex",
  2839. "isempty", "isfield", "isfloat", "isglobal",
  2840. "ishandle", "isieee", "isindex", "isinteger",
  2841. "islogical", "ismatrix", "ismethod", "isnull",
  2842. "isnumeric", "isobject", "isreal",
  2843. "is_rooted_relative_filename", "issorted",
  2844. "isstruct", "isvarname", "kbhit", "keyboard",
  2845. "kill", "lasterr", "lasterror", "lastwarn",
  2846. "ldivide", "le", "length", "link", "linspace",
  2847. "logical", "lstat", "lt", "make_absolute_filename",
  2848. "makeinfo_program", "max_recursion_depth", "merge",
  2849. "methods", "mfilename", "minus", "mislocked",
  2850. "mkdir", "mkfifo", "mkstemp", "mldivide", "mlock",
  2851. "mouse_wheel_zoom", "mpower", "mrdivide", "mtimes",
  2852. "munlock", "nargin", "nargout",
  2853. "native_float_format", "ndims", "ne", "nfields",
  2854. "nnz", "norm", "not", "numel", "nzmax",
  2855. "octave_config_info", "octave_core_file_limit",
  2856. "octave_core_file_name",
  2857. "octave_core_file_options", "ones", "or",
  2858. "output_max_field_width", "output_precision",
  2859. "page_output_immediately", "page_screen_output",
  2860. "path", "pathsep", "pause", "pclose", "permute",
  2861. "pi", "pipe", "plus", "popen", "power",
  2862. "print_empty_dimensions", "printf",
  2863. "print_struct_array_contents", "prod",
  2864. "program_invocation_name", "program_name",
  2865. "putenv", "puts", "pwd", "quit", "rats", "rdivide",
  2866. "readdir", "readlink", "read_readline_init_file",
  2867. "realmax", "realmin", "rehash", "rename",
  2868. "repelems", "re_read_readline_init_file", "reset",
  2869. "reshape", "resize", "restoredefaultpath",
  2870. "rethrow", "rmdir", "rmfield", "rmpath", "rows",
  2871. "save_header_format_string", "save_precision",
  2872. "saving_history", "scanf", "set", "setenv",
  2873. "shell_cmd", "sighup_dumps_octave_core",
  2874. "sigterm_dumps_octave_core", "silent_functions",
  2875. "single", "size", "size_equal", "sizemax",
  2876. "sizeof", "sleep", "source", "sparse_auto_mutate",
  2877. "split_long_rows", "sprintf", "squeeze", "sscanf",
  2878. "stat", "stderr", "stdin", "stdout", "strcmp",
  2879. "strcmpi", "string_fill_char", "strncmp",
  2880. "strncmpi", "struct", "struct_levels_to_print",
  2881. "strvcat", "subsasgn", "subsref", "sum", "sumsq",
  2882. "superiorto", "suppress_verbose_help_message",
  2883. "symlink", "system", "tic", "tilde_expand",
  2884. "times", "tmpfile", "tmpnam", "toc", "toupper",
  2885. "transpose", "true", "typeinfo", "umask", "uminus",
  2886. "uname", "undo_string_escapes", "unlink", "uplus",
  2887. "upper", "usage", "usleep", "vec", "vectorize",
  2888. "vertcat", "waitpid", "warning", "warranty",
  2889. "whos_line_format", "yes_or_no", "zeros",
  2890. "inf", "Inf", "nan", "NaN")
  2891. command_kw = ("close", "load", "who", "whos")
  2892. function_kw = (
  2893. "accumarray", "accumdim", "acosd", "acotd",
  2894. "acscd", "addtodate", "allchild", "ancestor",
  2895. "anova", "arch_fit", "arch_rnd", "arch_test",
  2896. "area", "arma_rnd", "arrayfun", "ascii", "asctime",
  2897. "asecd", "asind", "assert", "atand",
  2898. "autoreg_matrix", "autumn", "axes", "axis", "bar",
  2899. "barh", "bartlett", "bartlett_test", "beep",
  2900. "betacdf", "betainv", "betapdf", "betarnd",
  2901. "bicgstab", "bicubic", "binary", "binocdf",
  2902. "binoinv", "binopdf", "binornd", "bitcmp",
  2903. "bitget", "bitset", "blackman", "blanks",
  2904. "blkdiag", "bone", "box", "brighten", "calendar",
  2905. "cast", "cauchy_cdf", "cauchy_inv", "cauchy_pdf",
  2906. "cauchy_rnd", "caxis", "celldisp", "center", "cgs",
  2907. "chisquare_test_homogeneity",
  2908. "chisquare_test_independence", "circshift", "cla",
  2909. "clabel", "clf", "clock", "cloglog", "closereq",
  2910. "colon", "colorbar", "colormap", "colperm",
  2911. "comet", "common_size", "commutation_matrix",
  2912. "compan", "compare_versions", "compass",
  2913. "computer", "cond", "condest", "contour",
  2914. "contourc", "contourf", "contrast", "conv",
  2915. "convhull", "cool", "copper", "copyfile", "cor",
  2916. "corrcoef", "cor_test", "cosd", "cotd", "cov",
  2917. "cplxpair", "cross", "cscd", "cstrcat", "csvread",
  2918. "csvwrite", "ctime", "cumtrapz", "curl", "cut",
  2919. "cylinder", "date", "datenum", "datestr",
  2920. "datetick", "datevec", "dblquad", "deal",
  2921. "deblank", "deconv", "delaunay", "delaunayn",
  2922. "delete", "demo", "detrend", "diffpara", "diffuse",
  2923. "dir", "discrete_cdf", "discrete_inv",
  2924. "discrete_pdf", "discrete_rnd", "display",
  2925. "divergence", "dlmwrite", "dos", "dsearch",
  2926. "dsearchn", "duplication_matrix", "durbinlevinson",
  2927. "ellipsoid", "empirical_cdf", "empirical_inv",
  2928. "empirical_pdf", "empirical_rnd", "eomday",
  2929. "errorbar", "etime", "etreeplot", "example",
  2930. "expcdf", "expinv", "expm", "exppdf", "exprnd",
  2931. "ezcontour", "ezcontourf", "ezmesh", "ezmeshc",
  2932. "ezplot", "ezpolar", "ezsurf", "ezsurfc", "factor",
  2933. "factorial", "fail", "fcdf", "feather", "fftconv",
  2934. "fftfilt", "fftshift", "figure", "fileattrib",
  2935. "fileparts", "fill", "findall", "findobj",
  2936. "findstr", "finv", "flag", "flipdim", "fliplr",
  2937. "flipud", "fpdf", "fplot", "fractdiff", "freqz",
  2938. "freqz_plot", "frnd", "fsolve",
  2939. "f_test_regression", "ftp", "fullfile", "fzero",
  2940. "gamcdf", "gaminv", "gampdf", "gamrnd", "gca",
  2941. "gcbf", "gcbo", "gcf", "genvarname", "geocdf",
  2942. "geoinv", "geopdf", "geornd", "getfield", "ginput",
  2943. "glpk", "gls", "gplot", "gradient",
  2944. "graphics_toolkit", "gray", "grid", "griddata",
  2945. "griddatan", "gtext", "gunzip", "gzip", "hadamard",
  2946. "hamming", "hankel", "hanning", "hggroup",
  2947. "hidden", "hilb", "hist", "histc", "hold", "hot",
  2948. "hotelling_test", "housh", "hsv", "hurst",
  2949. "hygecdf", "hygeinv", "hygepdf", "hygernd",
  2950. "idivide", "ifftshift", "image", "imagesc",
  2951. "imfinfo", "imread", "imshow", "imwrite", "index",
  2952. "info", "inpolygon", "inputname", "interpft",
  2953. "interpn", "intersect", "invhilb", "iqr", "isa",
  2954. "isdefinite", "isdir", "is_duplicate_entry",
  2955. "isequal", "isequalwithequalnans", "isfigure",
  2956. "ishermitian", "ishghandle", "is_leap_year",
  2957. "isletter", "ismac", "ismember", "ispc", "isprime",
  2958. "isprop", "isscalar", "issquare", "isstrprop",
  2959. "issymmetric", "isunix", "is_valid_file_id",
  2960. "isvector", "jet", "kendall",
  2961. "kolmogorov_smirnov_cdf",
  2962. "kolmogorov_smirnov_test", "kruskal_wallis_test",
  2963. "krylov", "kurtosis", "laplace_cdf", "laplace_inv",
  2964. "laplace_pdf", "laplace_rnd", "legend", "legendre",
  2965. "license", "line", "linkprop", "list_primes",
  2966. "loadaudio", "loadobj", "logistic_cdf",
  2967. "logistic_inv", "logistic_pdf", "logistic_rnd",
  2968. "logit", "loglog", "loglogerr", "logm", "logncdf",
  2969. "logninv", "lognpdf", "lognrnd", "logspace",
  2970. "lookfor", "ls_command", "lsqnonneg", "magic",
  2971. "mahalanobis", "manova", "matlabroot",
  2972. "mcnemar_test", "mean", "meansq", "median", "menu",
  2973. "mesh", "meshc", "meshgrid", "meshz", "mexext",
  2974. "mget", "mkpp", "mode", "moment", "movefile",
  2975. "mpoles", "mput", "namelengthmax", "nargchk",
  2976. "nargoutchk", "nbincdf", "nbininv", "nbinpdf",
  2977. "nbinrnd", "nchoosek", "ndgrid", "newplot", "news",
  2978. "nonzeros", "normcdf", "normest", "norminv",
  2979. "normpdf", "normrnd", "now", "nthroot", "null",
  2980. "ocean", "ols", "onenormest", "optimget",
  2981. "optimset", "orderfields", "orient", "orth",
  2982. "pack", "pareto", "parseparams", "pascal", "patch",
  2983. "pathdef", "pcg", "pchip", "pcolor", "pcr",
  2984. "peaks", "periodogram", "perl", "perms", "pie",
  2985. "pink", "planerot", "playaudio", "plot",
  2986. "plotmatrix", "plotyy", "poisscdf", "poissinv",
  2987. "poisspdf", "poissrnd", "polar", "poly",
  2988. "polyaffine", "polyarea", "polyderiv", "polyfit",
  2989. "polygcd", "polyint", "polyout", "polyreduce",
  2990. "polyval", "polyvalm", "postpad", "powerset",
  2991. "ppder", "ppint", "ppjumps", "ppplot", "ppval",
  2992. "pqpnonneg", "prepad", "primes", "print",
  2993. "print_usage", "prism", "probit", "qp", "qqplot",
  2994. "quadcc", "quadgk", "quadl", "quadv", "quiver",
  2995. "qzhess", "rainbow", "randi", "range", "rank",
  2996. "ranks", "rat", "reallog", "realpow", "realsqrt",
  2997. "record", "rectangle_lw", "rectangle_sw",
  2998. "rectint", "refresh", "refreshdata",
  2999. "regexptranslate", "repmat", "residue", "ribbon",
  3000. "rindex", "roots", "rose", "rosser", "rotdim",
  3001. "rref", "run", "run_count", "rundemos", "run_test",
  3002. "runtests", "saveas", "saveaudio", "saveobj",
  3003. "savepath", "scatter", "secd", "semilogx",
  3004. "semilogxerr", "semilogy", "semilogyerr",
  3005. "setaudio", "setdiff", "setfield", "setxor",
  3006. "shading", "shift", "shiftdim", "sign_test",
  3007. "sinc", "sind", "sinetone", "sinewave", "skewness",
  3008. "slice", "sombrero", "sortrows", "spaugment",
  3009. "spconvert", "spdiags", "spearman", "spectral_adf",
  3010. "spectral_xdf", "specular", "speed", "spencer",
  3011. "speye", "spfun", "sphere", "spinmap", "spline",
  3012. "spones", "sprand", "sprandn", "sprandsym",
  3013. "spring", "spstats", "spy", "sqp", "stairs",
  3014. "statistics", "std", "stdnormal_cdf",
  3015. "stdnormal_inv", "stdnormal_pdf", "stdnormal_rnd",
  3016. "stem", "stft", "strcat", "strchr", "strjust",
  3017. "strmatch", "strread", "strsplit", "strtok",
  3018. "strtrim", "strtrunc", "structfun", "studentize",
  3019. "subplot", "subsindex", "subspace", "substr",
  3020. "substruct", "summer", "surf", "surface", "surfc",
  3021. "surfl", "surfnorm", "svds", "swapbytes",
  3022. "sylvester_matrix", "symvar", "synthesis", "table",
  3023. "tand", "tar", "tcdf", "tempdir", "tempname",
  3024. "test", "text", "textread", "textscan", "tinv",
  3025. "title", "toeplitz", "tpdf", "trace", "trapz",
  3026. "treelayout", "treeplot", "triangle_lw",
  3027. "triangle_sw", "tril", "trimesh", "triplequad",
  3028. "triplot", "trisurf", "triu", "trnd", "tsearchn",
  3029. "t_test", "t_test_regression", "type", "unidcdf",
  3030. "unidinv", "unidpdf", "unidrnd", "unifcdf",
  3031. "unifinv", "unifpdf", "unifrnd", "union", "unique",
  3032. "unix", "unmkpp", "unpack", "untabify", "untar",
  3033. "unwrap", "unzip", "u_test", "validatestring",
  3034. "vander", "var", "var_test", "vech", "ver",
  3035. "version", "view", "voronoi", "voronoin",
  3036. "waitforbuttonpress", "wavread", "wavwrite",
  3037. "wblcdf", "wblinv", "wblpdf", "wblrnd", "weekday",
  3038. "welch_test", "what", "white", "whitebg",
  3039. "wienrnd", "wilcoxon_test", "wilkinson", "winter",
  3040. "xlabel", "xlim", "ylabel", "yulewalker", "zip",
  3041. "zlabel", "z_test")
  3042. loadable_kw = (
  3043. "airy", "amd", "balance", "besselh", "besseli",
  3044. "besselj", "besselk", "bessely", "bitpack",
  3045. "bsxfun", "builtin", "ccolamd", "cellfun",
  3046. "cellslices", "chol", "choldelete", "cholinsert",
  3047. "cholinv", "cholshift", "cholupdate", "colamd",
  3048. "colloc", "convhulln", "convn", "csymamd",
  3049. "cummax", "cummin", "daspk", "daspk_options",
  3050. "dasrt", "dasrt_options", "dassl", "dassl_options",
  3051. "dbclear", "dbdown", "dbstack", "dbstatus",
  3052. "dbstop", "dbtype", "dbup", "dbwhere", "det",
  3053. "dlmread", "dmperm", "dot", "eig", "eigs",
  3054. "endgrent", "endpwent", "etree", "fft", "fftn",
  3055. "fftw", "filter", "find", "full", "gcd",
  3056. "getgrent", "getgrgid", "getgrnam", "getpwent",
  3057. "getpwnam", "getpwuid", "getrusage", "givens",
  3058. "gmtime", "gnuplot_binary", "hess", "ifft",
  3059. "ifftn", "inv", "isdebugmode", "issparse", "kron",
  3060. "localtime", "lookup", "lsode", "lsode_options",
  3061. "lu", "luinc", "luupdate", "matrix_type", "max",
  3062. "min", "mktime", "pinv", "qr", "qrdelete",
  3063. "qrinsert", "qrshift", "qrupdate", "quad",
  3064. "quad_options", "qz", "rand", "rande", "randg",
  3065. "randn", "randp", "randperm", "rcond", "regexp",
  3066. "regexpi", "regexprep", "schur", "setgrent",
  3067. "setpwent", "sort", "spalloc", "sparse", "spparms",
  3068. "sprank", "sqrtm", "strfind", "strftime",
  3069. "strptime", "strrep", "svd", "svd_driver", "syl",
  3070. "symamd", "symbfact", "symrcm", "time", "tsearch",
  3071. "typecast", "urlread", "urlwrite")
  3072. mapping_kw = (
  3073. "abs", "acos", "acosh", "acot", "acoth", "acsc",
  3074. "acsch", "angle", "arg", "asec", "asech", "asin",
  3075. "asinh", "atan", "atanh", "beta", "betainc",
  3076. "betaln", "bincoeff", "cbrt", "ceil", "conj", "cos",
  3077. "cosh", "cot", "coth", "csc", "csch", "erf", "erfc",
  3078. "erfcx", "erfinv", "exp", "finite", "fix", "floor",
  3079. "fmod", "gamma", "gammainc", "gammaln", "imag",
  3080. "isalnum", "isalpha", "isascii", "iscntrl",
  3081. "isdigit", "isfinite", "isgraph", "isinf",
  3082. "islower", "isna", "isnan", "isprint", "ispunct",
  3083. "isspace", "isupper", "isxdigit", "lcm", "lgamma",
  3084. "log", "lower", "mod", "real", "rem", "round",
  3085. "roundb", "sec", "sech", "sign", "sin", "sinh",
  3086. "sqrt", "tan", "tanh", "toascii", "tolower", "xor")
  3087. builtin_consts = (
  3088. "EDITOR", "EXEC_PATH", "I", "IMAGE_PATH", "NA",
  3091. "SIG", "S_ISBLK", "S_ISCHR", "S_ISDIR", "S_ISFIFO",
  3096. tokens = {
  3097. 'root': [
  3098. (r'%\{\s*\n', Comment.Multiline, 'percentblockcomment'),
  3099. (r'#\{\s*\n', Comment.Multiline, 'hashblockcomment'),
  3100. (r'[%#].*$', Comment),
  3101. (r'^\s*function\b', Keyword, 'deffunc'),
  3102. # from 'iskeyword' on hg changeset 8cc154f45e37
  3103. (words((
  3104. '__FILE__', '__LINE__', 'break', 'case', 'catch', 'classdef',
  3105. 'continue', 'do', 'else', 'elseif', 'end', 'end_try_catch',
  3106. 'end_unwind_protect', 'endclassdef', 'endevents', 'endfor',
  3107. 'endfunction', 'endif', 'endmethods', 'endproperties', 'endswitch',
  3108. 'endwhile', 'events', 'for', 'function', 'get', 'global', 'if',
  3109. 'methods', 'otherwise', 'persistent', 'properties', 'return',
  3110. 'set', 'static', 'switch', 'try', 'until', 'unwind_protect',
  3111. 'unwind_protect_cleanup', 'while'), suffix=r'\b'),
  3112. Keyword),
  3113. (words(builtin_kw + command_kw + function_kw + loadable_kw + mapping_kw,
  3114. suffix=r'\b'), Name.Builtin),
  3115. (words(builtin_consts, suffix=r'\b'), Name.Constant),
  3116. # operators in Octave but not Matlab:
  3117. (r'-=|!=|!|/=|--', Operator),
  3118. # operators:
  3119. (r'-|==|~=|<|>|<=|>=|&&|&|~|\|\|?', Operator),
  3120. # operators in Octave but not Matlab requiring escape for re:
  3121. (r'\*=|\+=|\^=|\/=|\\=|\*\*|\+\+|\.\*\*', Operator),
  3122. # operators requiring escape for re:
  3123. (r'\.\*|\*|\+|\.\^|\.\\|\.\/|\/|\\', Operator),
  3124. # punctuation:
  3125. (r'[\[\](){}:@.,]', Punctuation),
  3126. (r'=|:|;', Punctuation),
  3127. (r'"[^"]*"', String),
  3128. (r'(\d+\.\d*|\d*\.\d+)([eEf][+-]?[0-9]+)?', Number.Float),
  3129. (r'\d+[eEf][+-]?[0-9]+', Number.Float),
  3130. (r'\d+', Number.Integer),
  3131. # quote can be transpose, instead of string:
  3132. # (not great, but handles common cases...)
  3133. (r'(?<=[\w)\].])\'+', Operator),
  3134. (r'(?<![\w)\].])\'', String, 'string'),
  3135. (r'[a-zA-Z_]\w*', Name),
  3136. (r'\s+', Text),
  3137. (r'.', Text),
  3138. ],
  3139. 'percentblockcomment': [
  3140. (r'^\s*%\}', Comment.Multiline, '#pop'),
  3141. (r'^.*\n', Comment.Multiline),
  3142. (r'.', Comment.Multiline),
  3143. ],
  3144. 'hashblockcomment': [
  3145. (r'^\s*#\}', Comment.Multiline, '#pop'),
  3146. (r'^.*\n', Comment.Multiline),
  3147. (r'.', Comment.Multiline),
  3148. ],
  3149. 'string': [
  3150. (r"[^']*'", String, '#pop'),
  3151. ],
  3152. 'deffunc': [
  3153. (r'(\s*)(?:(\S+)(\s*)(=)(\s*))?(.+)(\()(.*)(\))(\s*)',
  3154. bygroups(Whitespace, Text, Whitespace, Punctuation,
  3155. Whitespace, Name.Function, Punctuation, Text,
  3156. Punctuation, Whitespace), '#pop'),
  3157. # function with no args
  3158. (r'(\s*)([a-zA-Z_]\w*)',
  3159. bygroups(Whitespace, Name.Function), '#pop'),
  3160. ],
  3161. }
  3162. def analyse_text(text):
  3163. """Octave is quite hard to spot, and it looks like Matlab as well."""
  3164. return 0
  3165. class ScilabLexer(RegexLexer):
  3166. """
  3167. For Scilab source code.
  3168. .. versionadded:: 1.5
  3169. """
  3170. name = 'Scilab'
  3171. url = ''
  3172. aliases = ['scilab']
  3173. filenames = ['*.sci', '*.sce', '*.tst']
  3174. mimetypes = ['text/scilab']
  3175. tokens = {
  3176. 'root': [
  3177. (r'//.*?$', Comment.Single),
  3178. (r'^\s*function\b', Keyword, 'deffunc'),
  3179. (words((
  3180. '__FILE__', '__LINE__', 'break', 'case', 'catch', 'classdef', 'continue', 'do', 'else',
  3181. 'elseif', 'end', 'end_try_catch', 'end_unwind_protect', 'endclassdef',
  3182. 'endevents', 'endfor', 'endfunction', 'endif', 'endmethods', 'endproperties',
  3183. 'endswitch', 'endwhile', 'events', 'for', 'function', 'get', 'global', 'if', 'methods',
  3184. 'otherwise', 'persistent', 'properties', 'return', 'set', 'static', 'switch', 'try',
  3185. 'until', 'unwind_protect', 'unwind_protect_cleanup', 'while'), suffix=r'\b'),
  3186. Keyword),
  3187. (words(_scilab_builtins.functions_kw +
  3188. _scilab_builtins.commands_kw +
  3189. _scilab_builtins.macros_kw, suffix=r'\b'), Name.Builtin),
  3190. (words(_scilab_builtins.variables_kw, suffix=r'\b'), Name.Constant),
  3191. # operators:
  3192. (r'-|==|~=|<|>|<=|>=|&&|&|~|\|\|?', Operator),
  3193. # operators requiring escape for re:
  3194. (r'\.\*|\*|\+|\.\^|\.\\|\.\/|\/|\\', Operator),
  3195. # punctuation:
  3196. (r'[\[\](){}@.,=:;]+', Punctuation),
  3197. (r'"[^"]*"', String),
  3198. # quote can be transpose, instead of string:
  3199. # (not great, but handles common cases...)
  3200. (r'(?<=[\w)\].])\'+', Operator),
  3201. (r'(?<![\w)\].])\'', String, 'string'),
  3202. (r'(\d+\.\d*|\d*\.\d+)([eEf][+-]?[0-9]+)?', Number.Float),
  3203. (r'\d+[eEf][+-]?[0-9]+', Number.Float),
  3204. (r'\d+', Number.Integer),
  3205. (r'[a-zA-Z_]\w*', Name),
  3206. (r'\s+', Whitespace),
  3207. (r'.', Text),
  3208. ],
  3209. 'string': [
  3210. (r"[^']*'", String, '#pop'),
  3211. (r'.', String, '#pop'),
  3212. ],
  3213. 'deffunc': [
  3214. (r'(\s*)(?:(\S+)(\s*)(=)(\s*))?(.+)(\()(.*)(\))(\s*)',
  3215. bygroups(Whitespace, Text, Whitespace, Punctuation,
  3216. Whitespace, Name.Function, Punctuation, Text,
  3217. Punctuation, Whitespace), '#pop'),
  3218. # function with no args
  3219. (r'(\s*)([a-zA-Z_]\w*)', bygroups(Text, Name.Function), '#pop'),
  3220. ],
  3221. }
  3222. # the following is needed to distinguish Scilab and GAP .tst files
  3223. def analyse_text(text):
  3224. score = 0.0
  3225. # Scilab comments (don't appear in e.g. GAP code)
  3226. if"^\s*//", text):
  3227. score += 0.1
  3228. if"^\s*/\*", text):
  3229. score += 0.1
  3230. return min(score, 1.0)