unsorted.yml 17 KB

  1. - source_filter: "^contrib(?!/restricted/gstreamer/gst/parse)"
  2. includes:
  3. - types.h
  4. - stat.h
  5. - source_filter: ".*contrib.*"
  6. includes:
  7. - stat.h
  8. - libutf8.h
  9. #if defined(_OS_QNX) && CONTRIB
  10. - devctl.h
  11. #endif
  12. - CrashReporterClient.h
  13. - Eigen/Array
  14. - Errors.h
  15. - ICSupport.h
  16. - LPdir.h
  17. - LzFindMt.h
  18. - MD5.h
  19. - SIOUX.h
  20. - TFileSpec.h
  21. - TLS.h
  22. - XMP.incl_cpp
  23. - XMPSDK.hpp
  24. - _mingw.h
  25. - abi_mutex.h
  26. - afxcmn.h
  27. - afxdao.h
  28. - afxdb.h
  29. - afxdisp.h
  30. - afxext.h
  31. - afxodlgs.h
  32. - afxole.h
  33. - afxwin.h
  34. - alpha/builtins.h
  35. - apr_iconv.h
  36. - atheos/atomic.h
  37. - atheos/semaphore.h
  38. - atheos/threads.h
  39. - atomic_ops.h
  40. - auth-client-parser/parser.h
  41. - bluetooth/bluetooth.h
  42. - bluetooth/hci.h
  43. - bluetooth/l2cap.h
  44. - bluetooth/rfcomm.h
  45. - bluetooth/sco.h
  46. - bstring.h
  47. - builtins.h
  48. - c_asm.h
  49. - config-mac.h
  50. - console.h
  51. - could_not_find_Perl_patchlevel.h
  52. - cpml.h
  53. - crtl.h
  54. - cthreads.h
  55. - ctime.h
  56. - db_provider.h
  57. - dbmalloc.h
  58. - dir.h
  59. - dither.h
  60. - dl.h
  61. - doc/doc_dynamic.h
  62. - doc/doc_nan.h
  63. - doc/doc_printf.h
  64. - doc/doc_register.h
  65. - doc/doc_scanf.h
  66. - doc/doc_static.h
  67. - dvidef.h
  68. - fastmath.h
  69. - fcntl--.h
  70. - fftw3.h
  71. - file.h
  72. - flags.h
  73. - floatingpoint.h
  74. - fp.h
  75. - fp_class.h
  76. - fsio.h
  77. - fwriteerror.h
  78. - gdbm.h
  79. - ghostscript/iapi.h
  80. - ghostscript/ierrors.h
  81. - glibtop.h
  82. - glibtop/close.h
  83. - glibtop/open.h
  84. - glibtop/parameter.h
  85. - glibtop/sysdeps.h
  86. - glibtop/union.h
  87. - glibtop/xmalloc.h
  88. - gmp.h
  89. - gnutls/x509.h
  90. - hp-timing.h
  91. - httpd_wrap.h
  92. - i86.h
  93. - ieeedef.h
  94. - in.h
  95. - inet.h
  96. - intl.h
  97. - iperlsys.h
  98. - ipl.h
  99. - ipl/ipl.h
  100. - ipp.h
  101. - ippcp.h
  102. - kfuncs.h
  103. - l12_integer_tables.h
  104. - l3_integer_tables.h
  105. - lcms.h
  106. - libavcodec/aacps_tables.h
  107. - libavcodec/cbrt_tables.h
  108. - libavcodec/dv_tables.h
  109. - libavcodec/motionpixels_tables.h
  110. - libavcodec/mpegaudio_tables.h
  111. - libavcodec/pcm_tables.h
  112. - libavcodec/qdm2_tables.h
  113. - libavcodec/sinewin_tables.h
  114. - libio/iolibio.h
  115. - libio/libioP.h
  116. - libs/regex/test/config_info/regex_config_info.cpp
  117. - locale/coll-lookup.h
  118. - locale/elem-hash.h
  119. - locale/localeinfo.h
  120. - locale/weight.h
  121. - locale/weightwc.h
  122. - lqr.h
  123. - lwp/lwp.h
  124. - lwp/stackdep.h
  125. - m68881.h
  126. - mach/cthreads.h
  127. - mathimf.h
  128. - matrixos.h
  129. - mfx/mfxvideo.h
  130. - mingw.h
  131. - mips64/sysarch.h
  132. - ms/uplink.h
  133. - msl_utility
  134. - namdef.h
  135. - ncurses/curses.h
  136. - ncurses/term.h
  137. - ndir.h
  138. - net/netdb.h
  139. - net/socket.h
  140. - net/uio.h
  141. - nks/dirio.h
  142. - nks/plat.h
  143. - nks/thread.h
  144. - nonblocking.h
  145. - note.h
  146. - opcdef.h
  147. - openssl/applink.c
  148. - os2def.h
  149. - oslib/osfscontrol.h
  150. - paper.h
  151. - pcre_printint.src
  152. - pire/config.h
  153. - pngusr.h
  154. - probes_mysql_dtrace.h
  155. - pth.h
  156. - relocatable.h
  157. - rtl.h
  158. - semLib.h
  159. - shlib-compat.h
  160. - sigsegv.h
  161. - sockLib.h
  162. - socket.h
  163. - socketshr.h
  164. - socklib.h
  165. - socks.h
  166. - strdef.h
  167. - streams/un.h
  168. - stropts
  169. - swill.h
  170. - sysLib.h
  171. - taskLib.h
  172. - tcp.h
  173. - tdep-ia64/dwarf-config.h
  174. - thread.h
  175. - thread_plan9.h
  176. - tickLib.h
  177. - ttdef.h
  178. - type_traits.h
  179. - udplite.h
  180. - ulocks.h
  181. - unchecked.h
  182. - unixlib.h
  183. - unixstuff.h
  184. - validator/validator.h
  185. - vasnwprintf.h
  186. - vld.h
  187. - win32lib.h
  188. - wincecompat.h
  189. - wprintf-parse.h
  190. - wsockcompat.h
  191. - xdelta3-python.h
  192. - xml/xmlparse.h
  193. - xmlparse/xmlparse.h
  194. - xmltok/xmlparse.h
  195. - yca/yca.h
  196. - zzip-1.h
  197. - zzip-2.h
  198. - zzip-3.h
  199. - zzip-4.h
  200. - zzip-5.h
  201. #if CONTRIB && defined(_HAVE_LIBIDSA)
  202. - idsa.h
  203. #endif
  204. - ../lib/memdebug.h
  205. - ../../VC/include/math.h
  206. - ../../VC/include/cfloat
  207. - ../extra/yassl/taocrypt/include/sha.hpp
  208. - prof.h
  209. - ll_alloc_hook.c
  210. - cpptl/config.h
  211. - cpptl/conststring.h
  212. - cpptl/forwards.h
  213. - cpptl/smallmap.h
  214. - forwards.h
  215. - json_valueiterator.inl
  216. - value.h
  217. - pthread/mit/sys/timers.h
  218. - sljit/sljitLir.c
  219. - pcre_printint.c
  220. #ifdef defined(emacs) && CONTRIB && TRASH
  221. - blockinput.h
  222. #endif
  223. #if defined(__atmos__) && CONTRIB
  224. - kernel.h
  225. #endif
  226. #if defined(_LIBC) && CONTRIB && TRASH
  227. - not-cancel.h
  228. - local-setxid.h
  229. - vasprintf.h
  230. #endif
  231. - case_sensitive: false
  232. includes:
  233. #if defined(WINDOWS) && CONTRIB && TRASH
  234. - ../include/locale.h
  235. - ../include/signal.h
  236. - ../include/sys/stat.h
  237. - ../include/fcntl.h
  238. - ../include/math.h
  239. - vcruntime_exception.h
  240. - vcruntime_new.h
  241. - vcruntime_typeinfo.h
  242. #endif
  243. - PowrProf.h
  244. - BaseTsd.h
  245. - iphlpapi.h
  246. - source_filter: "^contrib/(libs/(apache|httpd|libuv)|python/uWSGI)"
  247. includes:
  248. - port.h
  249. - source_filter: "^contrib/libs/poco"
  250. includes:
  251. - timers.h
  252. - source_filter: "^contrib/libs/curl"
  253. includes:
  254. - lwip/init.h
  255. - lwip/netdb.h
  256. - lwip/sockets.h
  257. - source_filter: "^(contrib/libs/curl/lib/vtls)"
  258. includes:
  259. - bearssl.h: contrib/libs/curl/lib/vtls/bearssl.h
  260. - rustls.h: contrib/libs/curl/lib/vtls/rustls.h
  261. - includes:
  262. - cpu-features.h
  263. - cuda/include/cuComplex.h
  264. - cuda/include/cublas_v2.h
  265. - cuda/include/cuda.h
  266. - cuda/include/cudnn.h
  267. - cuda/include/cufft.h
  268. - cuda/include/curand.h
  269. - cpuid.h
  270. - nan.h
  271. - omp.h
  272. - unlocked-io.h
  273. - cygwin/version.h
  274. - zircon/syscalls.h
  275. - zircon/types.h
  276. - zircon/process.h
  277. - sys/linux-syscalls.h
  278. - tr1/memory
  279. - android/log.h
  280. - ompt.h
  281. # vvvvv ____ because in [geobase/perl/dynamic] does not work ignoring via "// Y_IGNORE"
  282. - geobase6/service_getter.hpp
  283. - geobase6/timezone_getter.hpp
  284. # ^^^^^ ----
  285. #if defined(__FreeBSD__)
  286. - bluetooth.h
  287. - bsdxml.h
  288. - devstat.h
  289. - ieeefp.h
  290. - jail.h
  291. - kvm.h
  292. - libutil.h
  293. - machine/atomic.h
  294. - machine/cpu.h
  295. - machine/fpu.h
  296. - malloc_np.h
  297. - netinet/sctp_uio.h
  298. - netinet/ip_options.h
  299. - netinet/sctp_kdtrace.h
  300. - netinet/sctp_lock_bsd.h
  301. - netinet/sctp_lock_empty.h
  302. - netinet/sctp_os_bsd.h
  303. - netinet6/in6_pcb.h
  304. - netinet6/ip6_var.h
  305. - netinet6/ip6protosw.h
  306. - netinet6/scope6_var.h
  307. - netipsec/ipsec.h
  308. - netipsec/ipsec6.h
  309. - netipsec/key.h
  310. - opie.h
  311. - osreldate.h
  312. - opt_sctp.h
  313. - pthread_np.h
  314. - ripemd.h
  315. - sys/cpuctl.h
  316. - sys/cpuset.h
  317. - sys/disklabel.h
  318. - sys/endian.h
  319. - sys/eventhandler.h
  320. - sys/exec.h
  321. - sys/extattr.h
  322. - sys/filedesc.h
  323. - sys/gsb_crc32.h
  324. - sys/jail.h
  325. - sys/ktrace.h
  326. - sys/machine.h
  327. - sys/module.h
  328. - sys/mpctl.h
  329. - sys/mutex.h
  330. - sys/rwlock.h
  331. - sys/semaphore.h
  332. - sys/smp.h
  333. - sys/stdint.h
  334. - sys/systm.h
  335. - sys/thr.h
  336. - sys/timespec.h
  337. - sys/umtx.h
  338. - sys/uuid.h
  339. - ucred.h
  340. - varargs.h
  341. - vm/vm_param.h
  342. #endif
  343. #if defined(__GNUC__)
  344. - varargs.h
  345. - stdfix.h
  346. - mm_malloc.h
  347. - quadmath.h
  348. #endif
  349. #if defined(_MSC_VER)
  350. - comdef.h
  351. - comutil.h
  352. - concrt.h
  353. - crtdefs.h
  354. - crtversion.h
  355. - eh.h
  356. - excpt.h
  357. - ppl.h
  358. - ppltasks.h
  359. - rtcapi.h
  360. - vadefs.h
  361. - varargs.h
  362. - xlocinfo.h
  363. - xstddef
  364. - xutility
  365. - ymath.h
  366. - crtassem.h
  367. #endif
  368. #if defined(_unix_) && TODO
  369. - bits/types/mbstate_t.h
  370. - sys/atomic.h
  371. - sys/atomic_op.h
  372. - sys/bsdskt.h
  373. - sys/bsdtty.h
  374. - sys/builtin.h
  375. - sys/cygwin.h
  376. - sys/dcmd_blk.h
  377. - sys/devpoll.h
  378. - sys/fmutex.h
  379. - sys/int_types.h
  380. - sys/loadavg.h
  381. - sys/localedef.h
  382. - sys/machlock.h
  383. - sys/mkdev.h
  384. - sys/modem.h
  385. - sys/ndir.h
  386. - sys/port_impl.h
  387. - sys/processor.h
  388. - sys/pstat.h
  389. - sys/system_properties.h
  390. - sys/termio.h
  391. - sys/timeval.h
  392. - machine/bswap.h
  393. - machine/sys/inline.h
  394. #endif
  395. #if defined(_PERL_)
  396. - EXTERN.h
  397. - perl.h
  398. - XSUB.h
  399. #endif
  400. #if defined(_darwin_)
  401. - AEObjects.h
  402. - AEPackObject.h
  403. - AERegistry.h
  404. - AppleEvents.h
  405. - Files.h
  406. - Gestalt.h
  407. - ImageCompression.h
  408. - Palettes.h
  409. - PictUtils.h
  410. - Processes.h
  411. - QDOffscreen.h
  412. - QuickDraw.h
  413. - TextUtils.h
  414. - Types.h
  415. - sys/_types/_mbstate_t.h
  416. #endif
  417. #if defined(_OS2_)
  418. - os2.h
  419. #endif
  420. #if defined(_arm_)
  421. - arm/limits.h
  422. #endif
  423. #if defined(_VMS_) && TODO
  424. - atrdef.h
  425. - dcdef.h
  426. - descrip.h
  427. - dvsdef.h
  428. - fab.h
  429. - fibdef.h
  430. - gen64def.h
  431. - iledef.h
  432. - iodef.h
  433. - lib$routines.h
  434. - libfildef.h
  435. - libfisdef.h
  436. - lnmdef.h
  437. - nam.h
  438. - rms.h
  439. - rmsdef.h
  440. - ssdef.h
  441. - starlet.h
  442. - str$routines.h
  443. - stsdef.h
  444. - syidef.h
  445. - times.h
  446. - unixio.h
  447. - tcpSocketVaxRoutines.h
  448. #endif
  449. #if defined(_SOLARIS_) && TODO
  450. - synch.h
  451. - sys/byteorder.h
  452. #endif
  453. #if defined(__MSL__) && TODO && WTF
  454. - unix.h
  455. #endif
  456. #if defined(__sgi)
  457. - sgidefs.h
  458. #endif
  459. #if defined(__BEOS__)
  460. - ByteOrder.h
  461. - OS.h
  462. - support/SupportDefs.h
  463. - kernel/OS.h
  464. - kernel/image.h
  465. #endif
  466. #if defined(_sun_)
  467. - procfs.h
  468. #endif
  469. #if defined(__sun)
  470. - sys/port.h
  471. #endif
  472. #if defined(__sun__)
  473. - sys/isa_defs.h
  474. #endif
  475. #if defined(__X11__)
  476. - X11/XKBlib.h
  477. - X11/keysym.h
  478. - X11/extensions/shape.h
  479. - X11/extensions/XShm.h
  480. - X11/cursorfont.h
  481. - X11/Xutil.h
  482. - X11/Xresource.h
  483. - X11/Xproto.h
  484. - X11/Xos.h
  485. - X11/Xlocale.h
  486. - X11/Xlib.h
  487. - X11/Xatom.h
  488. - X11/Intrinsic.h
  489. #endif
  490. #if defined(HAVE_DMALLOC)
  491. - dmalloc.h
  492. #endif
  493. #if defined(HAVE_ALTIVEC)
  494. - altivec.h
  495. #endif
  496. #if defined(__vxWorks__)
  497. - vxCpuLib.h
  498. - vxWorks.h
  499. - sockLib.h
  500. - hostLib.h
  501. - ioLib.h
  502. - iosLib.h
  503. - resolvLib.h
  504. - rtpLib.h
  505. - pipeDrv.h
  506. - selectLib.h
  507. #endif
  508. #if defined(_LIBC) && TRASH
  509. - ../locale/localeinfo.h
  510. - ../locale/elem-hash.h
  511. - ../locale/coll-lookup.h
  512. #endif
  513. #if defined(_LINUX_ANDROID)
  514. - android/api-level.h
  515. - android/ndk-version.h
  516. #endif
  517. #if defined(HAVE_CONFIG_H) && TODO
  518. - config_auto.h
  519. #endif
  520. #if defined(_TRASH_) && TODO
  521. - openssl/fips.h
  522. - tr1/unordered_map
  523. - tr1/unordered_set
  524. - tr1/type_traits
  525. - ext/atomicity.h
  526. - bits/c++config.h
  527. - bits/atomicity.h
  528. - gcrypt.h
  529. - gnutls/gnutls.h
  530. - gdwmfapi.h
  531. - winmmap.h
  532. - sf_unistd.h
  533. #endif
  534. #if defined(__TURBOC__) || defined(__BORLANDC__)
  535. - alloc.h
  536. #endif
  537. #if defined (__DECC) || defined (__DECCXX)
  538. - machine/builtins.h
  539. #endif
  540. #if defined(USE_PERL) && TODO
  541. - perliol.h
  542. #endif
  543. #if defined(__NetBSD__)
  544. - lwp.h
  545. - perfuse.h
  546. #endif
  547. #if V8_OS_QNX
  548. - sys/syspage.h
  549. #endif
  550. #if V8_OS_AIX
  551. - sys/systemcfg.h
  552. - sys/thread.h
  553. #endif
  554. - iostream.h
  555. - streambuf.h
  556. - ostream.h
  557. - nacl/nacl_random.h
  558. - jemalloc/jemalloc.h
  559. - tr1/tuple
  560. - sys/inttypes.h
  561. - lockdep.h
  562. - memfault.h
  563. - memcheck.h
  564. - msvc.h
  565. - sqlite3userauth.h
  566. - linenoise.h
  567. - sunmath.h
  568. - sys/fpu.h
  569. - win32.h
  570. - bsd/stdlib.h
  571. - bsd/unistd.h
  572. - sys/videoio.h
  573. - libv4l2.h
  574. - soundcard.h
  575. - ../ucrt/fcntl.h
  576. - ../ucrt/locale.h
  577. - ../ucrt/math.h
  578. - ../ucrt/signal.h
  579. - ../ucrt/sys/stat.h
  580. #if defined (CUDA)
  581. - math_constants.h
  582. #endif
  583. #if defined(BUILDING_LIBCURL)
  584. - amitcp/socketbasetags.h
  585. - clib.h
  586. - exec/execbase.h
  587. - exec/types.h
  588. - extra/strdup.h
  589. - extra/stricmp.h
  590. - fabdef.h
  591. - floss.h
  592. - gnutls/crypto.h
  593. - gskssl.h
  594. - gss.h
  595. - hasht.h
  596. - ldap_ssl.h
  597. - librtmp/rtmp.h
  598. - nettle/des.h
  599. - nettle/md4.h
  600. - nettle/md5.h
  601. - pk11pub.h
  602. - proto/dos.h
  603. - proto/exec.h
  604. - qsoasync.h
  605. - stabs.h
  606. - tpf/sysapi.h
  607. #endif
  608. - asm/page.h
  609. - asm/sgidefs.h
  610. - wrl\client.h
  611. - wrl\event.h
  612. - wrl\wrappers\corewrappers.h
  613. - wrl\ftm.h
  614. - bits/char_traits.h
  615. - bits/stl_algobase.h
  616. - bits/stl_move.h
  617. - bits/stl_pair.h
  618. - bits/stl_function.h
  619. - bits/move.h
  620. - ndir.h
  621. - ext/rope
  622. - sunmedia_types.h
  623. - clidef.h
  624. - credef.h
  625. - dos/dos.h
  626. - lbrdef.h
  627. - lbr$routines.h
  628. - libclidef.h
  629. - libguile.h
  630. - mhddef.h
  631. - pathstuff.h
  632. - perror.h
  633. - processes.h
  634. - sub_proc.h
  635. - w32err.h
  636. - procinfo.h
  637. #if defined(__HAIKU__)
  638. - FindDirectory.h
  639. - StorageDefs.h
  640. #endif
  641. - fpxcp.h
  642. - fptrap.h
  643. - fortran.h
  644. - agg_allocator.h
  645. - SIOUX.h
  646. - sys/siginfo.h
  647. #ifdef HAVE_LIBGIMLI_H
  648. - libgimli.h
  649. #endif
  650. #if MATLAB_MEX_FILE
  651. - mex.h
  652. #else
  653. - lzmalib.h
  654. # ICU
  655. - uconfig_local.h
  656. - ucln_local_hook.c
  657. - unistrm.h
  658. - udbgutil.h
  659. - dll.h
  660. - ascii_a.h
  661. - qusec.h
  662. - qusrjobi.h
  663. - qliept.h
  664. - mih/testptr.h
  665. - sys/neutrino.h
  666. - cics.h
  667. - tr1/cmath
  668. - tr1/complex
  669. - tbb/scalable_allocator.h
  670. - libmemcached/dtrace_probes.h
  671. # unknown
  672. - win_stdint.h
  673. - probes.h
  674. - thread.h
  675. # mongoc-driver unused includes
  676. - tls.h
  677. #if metrika then skip bad includes from metrika
  678. - boost/thread/detail/lock.hpp
  679. #endif metrika
  680. - xti.h
  681. # libgit2 unused includes
  682. - proto/timer.h
  683. - mbsupport.h
  684. # end of libgit2 unused includes
  685. - attr/xattr.h
  686. - fshelp.h
  687. - mlib_image.h
  688. - selinux/selinux.h
  689. - sys/mntctl.h
  690. - sys/mnttab.h
  691. - sys/systeminfo.h
  692. - sys/vfstab.h
  693. - sys/vmount.h
  694. - CL/sycl.hpp
  695. # libpcap files
  696. - os-proto.h
  697. - pc.h
  698. - pharlap.h
  699. - msdos/pm_drvr/lock.h
  700. - TcApi.h
  701. - net/pfvar.h
  702. - net/if_pflog.h
  703. - netdnet/dnetdb.h
  704. - sys/ethernet.h
  705. - sys/stream.h
  706. - netlink/genl/genl.h
  707. - netlink/genl/family.h
  708. - netlink/genl/ctrl.h
  709. - netlink/msg.h
  710. - netlink/attr.h
  711. # end libpcap files
  712. # These includes are not used in autocheck builds, but might be necessary for
  713. # some external builds with exotic settings
  714. - case_sensitive: false
  715. includes:
  716. - bemapiset.h
  717. - cor.h
  718. - fusion.h
  719. - IPHlpApi.h
  720. - metahost.h
  721. #if defined(WINDOWS) && defined (_USE_MFC_)
  722. - afx.h
  723. #endif
  724. #if defined(WINDOWS) && CONTRIB && TRASH
  725. - ../include/stdint.h
  726. #endif
  727. - source_filter: ".*contrib.*"
  728. includes:
  729. #if defined (__OpenBSD__) && CONTRIB
  730. - spinlock.h
  731. #endif
  732. #if CONTRIB && TODO
  733. - MSTcpIP.h
  734. - MacSocket.h
  735. - WinIoCtl.h
  736. - WinPDFCore.h
  737. - Winsock2.h
  738. - Xm/XmAll.h
  739. - aep.h
  740. - atalla.h
  741. - crypto/cryptodev.h
  742. - cswift.h
  743. - cxcore.h
  744. - efndef
  745. - exiv2/types.hpp
  746. - hw_4758_cca.h
  747. - hw_ubsec.h
  748. - hwcryptohook.h
  749. - jpidef.h
  750. - lckdef.h
  751. - libdtdef.h
  752. - novsock2.h
  753. - openssl/fips_rand.h
  754. - openssl/fipssyms.h
  755. - openssl/jpake.h
  756. - rld_interface.h
  757. - screen.h
  758. - sureware.h
  759. - t_ctype.h
  760. - tr1/unordered_map.hpp
  761. - typedefs.h
  762. - winmain.h
  763. - wintext.h
  764. - yandex/http/curl_wrapper.hpp
  765. - yandex/threads/boost_threaded.hpp
  766. - yasm-plugin.h
  767. #endif
  768. #if CONTRIB && TRASH
  769. - macconfig.h
  770. - amigaconfig.h
  771. - json_batchallocator.h
  772. - json_internalarray.inl
  773. - json_internalmap.inl
  774. - mysql/mysql_version.h
  775. - libiberty.h
  776. #endif
  777. - includes:
  778. - Aclapi.h
  779. - tr1/functional
  780. - time64.h
  781. - extern.h
  782. #if defined(__FreeBSD__)
  783. - _ctype.h
  784. - alias.h
  785. - calendar.h
  786. - fetch.h
  787. - gnuregex.h
  788. - kafs.h
  789. - login_cap.h
  790. - machine/_inttypes.h
  791. - machine/_stdint.h
  792. - machine/asm.h
  793. - machine/in_cksum.h
  794. - machine/sigframe.h
  795. - machine/sysarch.h
  796. - machine/trap.h
  797. - md2.h
  798. - md4.h
  799. - mp.h
  800. - pcap-int.h
  801. - sys/_iovec.h
  802. - sys/_null.h
  803. - sys/_pthreadtypes.h
  804. - sys/_sigset.h
  805. - sys/_timeval.h
  806. - sys/devicestat.h
  807. - sys/fnv_hash.h
  808. - sys/limits.h
  809. - sys/priv.h
  810. - sys/sched.h
  811. - sys/sema.h
  812. - sys/stack.h
  813. - sys/timers.h
  814. - sys/tree.h
  815. - tcpd.h
  816. - ypclnt.h
  817. #endif
  818. #if defined (__linux__)
  819. - asm/fpu.h
  820. - i386/fpu_control.h
  821. - zlibdefs.h
  822. #endif
  823. #if defined(_MSC_VER)
  824. - agents.h
  825. - allocators
  826. - amp.h
  827. - collection.h
  828. - ConcurrencySal.h
  829. - concurrent_priority_queue.h
  830. - concurrent_queue.h
  831. - concurrent_unordered_map.h
  832. - concurrent_unordered_set.h
  833. - concurrent_vector.h
  834. - vcruntime_new_debug.h
  835. - dvec.h
  836. - setjmpex.h
  837. - srv.h
  838. - typeinfo.h
  839. - xcomplex
  840. - xdebug
  841. - xhash
  842. - xiosbase
  843. - xkeycheck.h
  844. - xlocale
  845. - xlocinfo
  846. - xlocnum
  847. - xmemory
  848. - xmemory0
  849. - xstring
  850. - xtr1common
  851. - xtree
  852. - yvals.h
  853. #endif
  854. #if defined(_unix_) && TODO
  855. - sys/feature_tests.h
  856. #endif
  857. #if defined(_darwin_)
  858. - libkern/version.h
  859. - System/pthread_machdep.h
  860. #endif
  861. #if defined(_VMS_) && TODO
  862. - chfdef.h
  863. - libdef.h
  864. #endif
  865. #if defined(__sgi)
  866. - sigfpe.h
  867. #endif
  868. #if defined(__MWERKS__)
  869. - nwfileio.h
  870. - nwthread.h
  871. #endif
  872. #if defined(_TRASH_) && TODO
  873. - google/profiler.h
  874. #endif
  875. #if defined(__QNXNTO__)
  876. - sys/cpuinline.h
  877. #endif
  878. - yabs_mx_calc_table.h
  879. - net/errno.h
  880. - sys/mode.h
  881. - nwstdio.h
  882. - os2ish.h
  883. - vmsish.h
  884. - ./plan9/plan9ish.h
  885. - ./vos/vosish.h
  886. - vos/vosish.h
  887. - symbian/symbianish.h
  888. - haiku/haikuish.h
  889. - nw5thread.h
  890. - os2thread.h
  891. - netware.h
  892. - perldtrace.h
  893. - win32thread.h
  894. - wince.h
  895. - symbian/symbian_proto.h
  896. - xconfig.h
  897. - bsd/ctypes.h
  898. - objc/NXCType.h
  899. - appkit/NXCType.h
  900. - sfio.h
  901. - vmesa/vmesaish.h
  902. - sys\stat.h
  903. - mpeix/mpeixish.h
  904. - epocish.h
  905. - beos/beosish.h
  906. - WinNT.h
  907. - ../../VC/include/stdio.h
  908. - ../ucrt/stdio.h
  909. #if defined(BUILDING_LIBCURL)
  910. - axTLS/ssl.h
  911. - certdb.h
  912. - cert.h
  913. - cyassl/error.h
  914. - cyassl/openssl/ssl.h
  915. - cyassl/ssl.h
  916. - nspr.h
  917. - polarssl/certs.h
  918. - polarssl/ctr_drbg.h
  919. - polarssl/entropy.h
  920. - polarssl/error.h
  921. - polarssl/havege.h
  922. - polarssl/net.h
  923. - polarssl/ssl.h
  924. - polarssl/version.h
  925. - polarssl/x509.h
  926. - prerror.h
  927. - prio.h
  928. - prtypes.h
  929. - qsossl.h
  930. - secerr.h
  931. - secitem.h
  932. - secmod.h
  933. - secport.h
  934. - spnegohelp.h
  935. - sslerr.h
  936. - sslproto.h
  937. #endif
  938. - Activation.h
  939. - android/native_window.h
  940. - Windows.System.Threading.h
  941. #if defined(__MINGW32__) || defined(_MSC_VER)
  942. - inet_net_pton.h
  943. - inet_ntop.h
  944. #endif
  945. #if EV_USE_IOCP
  946. - ev_iocp.c
  947. #endif
  948. - zend_exceptions.h
  949. #if MATLAB_MEX_FILE
  950. # unknown
  951. - GL/glx.h
  952. - CL/va_ext.h
  953. - sys/sysconf.h
  954. - ivx.hpp
  955. - clAmdBlas.h
  956. - clAmdFft.h
  957. - va/va.h
  958. #if metrika then skip bad includes from metrika
  959. - yandex/lbs/LBSLocator.hpp
  960. #endif metrika
  961. # libpcap files
  962. - sys/sysconfig.h
  963. - sys/device.h
  964. - sys/cfgodm.h
  965. - cf.h
  966. - zone.h
  967. - netpacket/if_packet.h
  968. # end libpcap files