123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390 |
- """
- Distributed web servers.
- This is going to have to be refactored so that argument parsing is done
- by each subprocess and not by the main web server (i.e. GET, POST etc.).
- """
- import copy
- import os
- import sys
- try:
- import pwd
- except ImportError:
- pwd = None
- from io import BytesIO
- from xml.dom.minidom import getDOMImplementation
- from twisted.internet import address, reactor
- from twisted.logger import Logger
- from twisted.persisted import styles
- from twisted.spread import pb
- from twisted.spread.banana import SIZE_LIMIT
- from twisted.web import http, resource, server, static, util
- from twisted.web.http_headers import Headers
- class _ReferenceableProducerWrapper(pb.Referenceable):
- def __init__(self, producer):
- self.producer = producer
- def remote_resumeProducing(self):
- self.producer.resumeProducing()
- def remote_pauseProducing(self):
- self.producer.pauseProducing()
- def remote_stopProducing(self):
- self.producer.stopProducing()
- class Request(pb.RemoteCopy, server.Request):
- """
- A request which was received by a L{ResourceSubscription} and sent via
- PB to a distributed node.
- """
- def setCopyableState(self, state):
- """
- Initialize this L{twisted.web.distrib.Request} based on the copied
- state so that it closely resembles a L{twisted.web.server.Request}.
- """
- for k in "host", "client":
- tup = state[k]
- addrdesc = {"INET": "TCP", "UNIX": "UNIX"}[tup[0]]
- addr = {
- "TCP": lambda: address.IPv4Address(addrdesc, tup[1], tup[2]),
- "UNIX": lambda: address.UNIXAddress(tup[1]),
- }[addrdesc]()
- state[k] = addr
- state["requestHeaders"] = Headers(dict(state["requestHeaders"]))
- pb.RemoteCopy.setCopyableState(self, state)
- self.content = BytesIO(self.content_data)
- self.finish = self.remote.remoteMethod("finish")
- self.setHeader = self.remote.remoteMethod("setHeader")
- self.addCookie = self.remote.remoteMethod("addCookie")
- self.setETag = self.remote.remoteMethod("setETag")
- self.setResponseCode = self.remote.remoteMethod("setResponseCode")
- self.setLastModified = self.remote.remoteMethod("setLastModified")
- self._write = self.remote.remoteMethod("write")
- def write(self, bytes):
- """
- Write the given bytes to the response body.
- @param bytes: The bytes to write. If this is longer than 640k, it
- will be split up into smaller pieces.
- """
- start = 0
- end = SIZE_LIMIT
- while True:
- self._write(bytes[start:end])
- start += SIZE_LIMIT
- end += SIZE_LIMIT
- if start >= len(bytes):
- break
- def registerProducer(self, producer, streaming):
- self.remote.callRemote(
- "registerProducer", _ReferenceableProducerWrapper(producer), streaming
- ).addErrback(self.fail)
- def unregisterProducer(self):
- self.remote.callRemote("unregisterProducer").addErrback(self.fail)
- def fail(self, failure):
- self._log.failure("", failure=failure)
- pb.setUnjellyableForClass(server.Request, Request)
- class Issue:
- _log = Logger()
- def __init__(self, request):
- self.request = request
- def finished(self, result):
- if result is not server.NOT_DONE_YET:
- assert isinstance(result, str), "return value not a string"
- self.request.write(result)
- self.request.finish()
- def failed(self, failure):
- failure = str(failure)
- self.request.write(
- resource._UnsafeErrorPage(
- "Server Connection Lost",
- "Connection to distributed server lost:" + util._PRE(failure),
- ).render(self.request)
- )
- self.request.finish()
- self._log.info(failure)
- class ResourceSubscription(resource.Resource):
- isLeaf = 1
- waiting = 0
- _log = Logger()
- def __init__(self, host, port):
- resource.Resource.__init__(self)
- self.host = host
- self.port = port
- self.pending = []
- self.publisher = None
- def __getstate__(self):
- """Get persistent state for this ResourceSubscription."""
- state = copy.copy(self.__dict__)
- state["publisher"] = None
- state["waiting"] = 0
- state["pending"] = []
- return state
- def connected(self, publisher):
- """I've connected to a publisher; I'll now send all my requests."""
- self._log.info("connected to publisher")
- publisher.broker.notifyOnDisconnect(self.booted)
- self.publisher = publisher
- self.waiting = 0
- for request in self.pending:
- self.render(request)
- self.pending = []
- def notConnected(self, msg):
- """I can't connect to a publisher; I'll now reply to all pending
- requests.
- """
- self._log.info("could not connect to distributed web service: {msg}", msg=msg)
- self.waiting = 0
- self.publisher = None
- for request in self.pending:
- request.write("Unable to connect to distributed server.")
- request.finish()
- self.pending = []
- def booted(self):
- self.notConnected("connection dropped")
- def render(self, request):
- """Render this request, from my server.
- This will always be asynchronous, and therefore return NOT_DONE_YET.
- It spins off a request to the pb client, and either adds it to the list
- of pending issues or requests it immediately, depending on if the
- client is already connected.
- """
- if not self.publisher:
- self.pending.append(request)
- if not self.waiting:
- self.waiting = 1
- bf = pb.PBClientFactory()
- timeout = 10
- if self.host == "unix":
- reactor.connectUNIX(self.port, bf, timeout)
- else:
- reactor.connectTCP(self.host, self.port, bf, timeout)
- d = bf.getRootObject()
- d.addCallbacks(self.connected, self.notConnected)
- else:
- i = Issue(request)
- self.publisher.callRemote("request", request).addCallbacks(
- i.finished, i.failed
- )
- return server.NOT_DONE_YET
- class ResourcePublisher(pb.Root, styles.Versioned):
- """
- L{ResourcePublisher} exposes a remote API which can be used to respond
- to request.
- @ivar site: The site which will be used for resource lookup.
- @type site: L{twisted.web.server.Site}
- """
- _log = Logger()
- def __init__(self, site):
- self.site = site
- persistenceVersion = 2
- def upgradeToVersion2(self):
- self.application.authorizer.removeIdentity("web")
- del self.application.services[self.serviceName]
- del self.serviceName
- del self.application
- del self.perspectiveName
- def getPerspectiveNamed(self, name):
- return self
- def remote_request(self, request):
- """
- Look up the resource for the given request and render it.
- """
- res = self.site.getResourceFor(request)
- self._log.info(request)
- result = res.render(request)
- if result is not server.NOT_DONE_YET:
- request.write(result)
- request.finish()
- return server.NOT_DONE_YET
- class UserDirectory(resource.Resource):
- """
- A resource which lists available user resources and serves them as
- children.
- @ivar _pwd: An object like L{pwd} which is used to enumerate users and
- their home directories.
- """
- userDirName = "public_html"
- userSocketName = ".twistd-web-pb"
- template = """
- <html>
- <head>
- <title>twisted.web.distrib.UserDirectory</title>
- <style>
- a
- {
- font-family: Lucida, Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
- color: #369;
- text-decoration: none;
- }
- th
- {
- font-family: Lucida, Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
- font-weight: bold;
- text-decoration: none;
- text-align: left;
- }
- pre, code
- {
- font-family: "Courier New", Courier, monospace;
- }
- p, body, td, ol, ul, menu, blockquote, div
- {
- font-family: Lucida, Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
- color: #000;
- }
- </style>
- </head>
- <body>
- <h1>twisted.web.distrib.UserDirectory</h1>
- %(users)s
- </body>
- </html>
- """
- def __init__(self, userDatabase=None):
- resource.Resource.__init__(self)
- if userDatabase is None:
- userDatabase = pwd
- self._pwd = userDatabase
- def _users(self):
- """
- Return a list of two-tuples giving links to user resources and text to
- associate with those links.
- """
- users = []
- for user in self._pwd.getpwall():
- name, passwd, uid, gid, gecos, dir, shell = user
- realname = gecos.split(",")[0]
- if not realname:
- realname = name
- if os.path.exists(os.path.join(dir, self.userDirName)):
- users.append((name, realname + " (file)"))
- twistdsock = os.path.join(dir, self.userSocketName)
- if os.path.exists(twistdsock):
- linkName = name + ".twistd"
- users.append((linkName, realname + " (twistd)"))
- return users
- def render_GET(self, request):
- """
- Render as HTML a listing of all known users with links to their
- personal resources.
- """
- domImpl = getDOMImplementation()
- newDoc = domImpl.createDocument(None, "ul", None)
- listing = newDoc.documentElement
- for link, text in self._users():
- linkElement = newDoc.createElement("a")
- linkElement.setAttribute("href", link + "/")
- textNode = newDoc.createTextNode(text)
- linkElement.appendChild(textNode)
- item = newDoc.createElement("li")
- item.appendChild(linkElement)
- listing.appendChild(item)
- htmlDoc = self.template % ({"users": listing.toxml()})
- return htmlDoc.encode("utf-8")
- def getChild(self, name, request):
- if name == b"":
- return self
- td = b".twistd"
- if name.endswith(td):
- username = name[: -len(td)]
- sub = 1
- else:
- username = name
- sub = 0
- try:
- (
- pw_name,
- pw_passwd,
- pw_uid,
- pw_gid,
- pw_gecos,
- pw_dir,
- pw_shell,
- ) = self._pwd.getpwnam(username.decode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()))
- except KeyError:
- return resource._UnsafeNoResource()
- if sub:
- twistdsock = os.path.join(pw_dir, self.userSocketName)
- rs = ResourceSubscription("unix", twistdsock)
- self.putChild(name, rs)
- return rs
- else:
- path = os.path.join(pw_dir, self.userDirName)
- if not os.path.exists(path):
- return resource._UnsafeNoResource()
- return static.File(path)