123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565 |
- #pragma once
- #include <library/cpp/actors/core/hfunc.h>
- #include <library/cpp/actors/core/event_pb.h>
- #include <library/cpp/actors/core/events.h>
- #include <library/cpp/actors/core/log.h>
- #include <library/cpp/actors/helpers/mon_histogram_helper.h>
- #include <library/cpp/actors/protos/services_common.pb.h>
- #include <library/cpp/actors/util/datetime.h>
- #include <library/cpp/actors/util/rope.h>
- #include <library/cpp/actors/util/funnel_queue.h>
- #include <library/cpp/actors/util/recentwnd.h>
- #include <library/cpp/monlib/dynamic_counters/counters.h>
- #include <library/cpp/actors/core/actor_bootstrapped.h>
- #include <util/generic/queue.h>
- #include <util/generic/deque.h>
- #include <util/datetime/cputimer.h>
- #include "interconnect_impl.h"
- #include "poller_tcp.h"
- #include "poller_actor.h"
- #include "interconnect_channel.h"
- #include "logging.h"
- #include "watchdog_timer.h"
- #include "event_holder_pool.h"
- #include "channel_scheduler.h"
- #include <unordered_set>
- #include <unordered_map>
- namespace NActors {
- class TSlowPathChecker {
- using TTraceCallback = std::function<void(double)>;
- TTraceCallback Callback;
- const NHPTimer::STime Start;
- public:
- TSlowPathChecker(TTraceCallback&& callback)
- : Callback(std::move(callback))
- , Start(GetCycleCountFast())
- {
- }
- ~TSlowPathChecker() {
- const NHPTimer::STime end = GetCycleCountFast();
- const NHPTimer::STime elapsed = end - Start;
- if (elapsed > 1000000) {
- Callback(NHPTimer::GetSeconds(elapsed) * 1000);
- }
- }
- operator bool() const {
- return false;
- }
- };
- #define LWPROBE_IF_TOO_LONG(...) \
- if (auto __x = TSlowPathChecker{[&](double ms) { LWPROBE(__VA_ARGS__); }}) \
- ; \
- else
- class TTimeLimit {
- public:
- TTimeLimit(ui64 limitInCycles)
- : UpperLimit(limitInCycles == 0 ? 0 : GetCycleCountFast() + limitInCycles)
- {
- }
- TTimeLimit(ui64 startTS, ui64 limitInCycles)
- : UpperLimit(limitInCycles == 0 ? 0 : startTS + limitInCycles)
- {
- }
- bool CheckExceeded() {
- return UpperLimit != 0 && GetCycleCountFast() > UpperLimit;
- }
- const ui64 UpperLimit;
- };
- static constexpr TDuration DEFAULT_DEADPEER_TIMEOUT = TDuration::Seconds(10);
- static constexpr TDuration DEFAULT_LOST_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT = TDuration::Seconds(10);
- static constexpr ui32 DEFAULT_MAX_INFLIGHT_DATA = 10240 * 1024;
- static constexpr ui32 DEFAULT_TOTAL_INFLIGHT_DATA = 4 * 10240 * 1024;
- class TInterconnectProxyTCP;
- enum class EUpdateState : ui8 {
- NONE, // no updates generated by input session yet
- INFLIGHT, // one update is inflight, and no more pending
- INFLIGHT_AND_PENDING, // one update is inflight, and one is pending
- CONFIRMING, // confirmation inflight
- };
- struct TReceiveContext: public TAtomicRefCount<TReceiveContext> {
- /* All invokations to these fields should be thread-safe */
- ui64 ControlPacketSendTimer = 0;
- ui64 ControlPacketId = 0;
- // number of packets received by input session
- TAtomic PacketsReadFromSocket = 0;
- TAtomic DataPacketsReadFromSocket = 0;
- // last processed packet by input session
- std::atomic_uint64_t LastProcessedPacketSerial = 0;
- static constexpr uint64_t LastProcessedPacketSerialLockBit = uint64_t(1) << 63;
- // for hardened checks
- TAtomic NumInputSessions = 0;
- NHPTimer::STime StartTime;
- std::atomic<ui64> PingRTT_us = 0;
- std::atomic<i64> ClockSkew_us = 0;
- std::atomic<EUpdateState> UpdateState;
- static_assert(std::atomic<EUpdateState>::is_always_lock_free);
- bool WriteBlockedByFullSendBuffer = false;
- bool ReadPending = false;
- std::array<TRope, 16> ChannelArray;
- std::unordered_map<ui16, TRope> ChannelMap;
- TReceiveContext() {
- GetTimeFast(&StartTime);
- }
- // returns false if sessions needs to be terminated and packet not to be processed
- bool AdvanceLastProcessedPacketSerial() {
- for (;;) {
- uint64_t value = LastProcessedPacketSerial.load();
- if (value & LastProcessedPacketSerialLockBit) {
- return false;
- }
- if (LastProcessedPacketSerial.compare_exchange_weak(value, value + 1)) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- ui64 LockLastProcessedPacketSerial() {
- for (;;) {
- uint64_t value = LastProcessedPacketSerial.load();
- if (value & LastProcessedPacketSerialLockBit) {
- return value & ~LastProcessedPacketSerialLockBit;
- }
- if (LastProcessedPacketSerial.compare_exchange_strong(value, value | LastProcessedPacketSerialLockBit)) {
- return value;
- }
- }
- }
- void UnlockLastProcessedPacketSerial() {
- LastProcessedPacketSerial = LastProcessedPacketSerial.load() & ~LastProcessedPacketSerialLockBit;
- }
- ui64 GetLastProcessedPacketSerial() {
- return LastProcessedPacketSerial.load() & ~LastProcessedPacketSerialLockBit;
- }
- };
- class TInputSessionTCP
- : public TActorBootstrapped<TInputSessionTCP>
- , public TInterconnectLoggingBase
- {
- enum {
- EvCheckDeadPeer = EventSpaceBegin(TEvents::ES_PRIVATE),
- EvResumeReceiveData,
- };
- struct TEvCheckDeadPeer : TEventLocal<TEvCheckDeadPeer, EvCheckDeadPeer> {};
- struct TEvResumeReceiveData : TEventLocal<TEvResumeReceiveData, EvResumeReceiveData> {};
- public:
- static constexpr EActivityType ActorActivityType() {
- }
- TInputSessionTCP(const TActorId& sessionId,
- TIntrusivePtr<NInterconnect::TStreamSocket> socket,
- TIntrusivePtr<TReceiveContext> context,
- TInterconnectProxyCommon::TPtr common,
- std::shared_ptr<IInterconnectMetrics> metrics,
- ui32 nodeId,
- ui64 lastConfirmed,
- TDuration deadPeerTimeout,
- TSessionParams params);
- private:
- friend class TActorBootstrapped<TInputSessionTCP>;
- void Bootstrap();
- STRICT_STFUNC(WorkingState,
- cFunc(TEvents::TSystem::PoisonPill, PassAway)
- hFunc(TEvPollerReady, Handle)
- hFunc(TEvPollerRegisterResult, Handle)
- cFunc(EvResumeReceiveData, HandleResumeReceiveData)
- cFunc(TEvInterconnect::TEvCloseInputSession::EventType, CloseInputSession)
- cFunc(EvCheckDeadPeer, HandleCheckDeadPeer)
- cFunc(TEvConfirmUpdate::EventType, HandleConfirmUpdate)
- )
- private:
- TRope IncomingData;
- const TActorId SessionId;
- TIntrusivePtr<NInterconnect::TStreamSocket> Socket;
- TPollerToken::TPtr PollerToken;
- TIntrusivePtr<TReceiveContext> Context;
- TInterconnectProxyCommon::TPtr Common;
- const ui32 NodeId;
- const TSessionParams Params;
- // header we are currently processing (parsed from the stream)
- union {
- TTcpPacketHeader_v1 v1;
- TTcpPacketHeader_v2 v2;
- char Data[1];
- } Header;
- ui64 HeaderConfirm, HeaderSerial;
- size_t PayloadSize;
- ui32 ChecksumExpected, Checksum;
- bool IgnorePayload;
- TRope Payload;
- enum class EState {
- };
- EState State = EState::HEADER;
- THolder<TEvUpdateFromInputSession> UpdateFromInputSession;
- ui64 ConfirmedByInput;
- std::shared_ptr<IInterconnectMetrics> Metrics;
- bool CloseInputSessionRequested = false;
- void CloseInputSession();
- void Handle(TEvPollerReady::TPtr ev);
- void Handle(TEvPollerRegisterResult::TPtr ev);
- void HandleResumeReceiveData();
- void HandleConfirmUpdate();
- void ReceiveData();
- void ProcessHeader(size_t headerLen);
- void ProcessPayload(ui64& numDataBytes);
- void ProcessEvent(TRope& data, TEventDescr& descr);
- bool ReadMore();
- void ReestablishConnection(TDisconnectReason reason);
- void DestroySession(TDisconnectReason reason);
- TDeque<TIntrusivePtr<TRopeAlignedBuffer>> Buffers;
- static constexpr size_t NumPreallocatedBuffers = 16;
- void PreallocateBuffers();
- inline ui64 GetMaxCyclesPerEvent() const {
- return DurationToCycles(TDuration::MicroSeconds(500));
- }
- const TDuration DeadPeerTimeout;
- TInstant LastReceiveTimestamp;
- void HandleCheckDeadPeer();
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // pinger logic
- bool NewPingProtocol = false;
- TDeque<TDuration> PingQ; // last N ping samples
- TDeque<i64> SkewQ; // last N calculated clock skew samples
- void HandlePingResponse(TDuration passed);
- void HandleClock(TInstant clock);
- };
- class TInterconnectSessionTCP
- : public TActor<TInterconnectSessionTCP>
- , public TInterconnectLoggingBase
- {
- enum {
- EvCheckCloseOnIdle = EventSpaceBegin(TEvents::ES_PRIVATE),
- EvCheckLostConnection,
- EvRam,
- EvTerminate,
- EvFreeItems,
- };
- struct TEvCheckCloseOnIdle : TEventLocal<TEvCheckCloseOnIdle, EvCheckCloseOnIdle> {};
- struct TEvCheckLostConnection : TEventLocal<TEvCheckLostConnection, EvCheckLostConnection> {};
- struct TEvRam : TEventLocal<TEvRam, EvRam> {
- const bool Batching;
- TEvRam(bool batching) : Batching(batching) {}
- };
- struct TEvTerminate : TEventLocal<TEvTerminate, EvTerminate> {
- TDisconnectReason Reason;
- TEvTerminate(TDisconnectReason reason)
- : Reason(std::move(reason))
- {}
- };
- const TInstant Created;
- TInstant NewConnectionSet;
- ui64 MessagesGot = 0;
- ui64 MessagesWrittenToBuffer = 0;
- ui64 PacketsGenerated = 0;
- ui64 PacketsWrittenToSocket = 0;
- ui64 PacketsConfirmed = 0;
- public:
- static constexpr EActivityType ActorActivityType() {
- }
- TInterconnectSessionTCP(TInterconnectProxyTCP* const proxy, TSessionParams params);
- ~TInterconnectSessionTCP();
- void Init();
- void CloseInputSession();
- static TEvTerminate* NewEvTerminate(TDisconnectReason reason) {
- return new TEvTerminate(std::move(reason));
- }
- TDuration GetPingRTT() const {
- return TDuration::MicroSeconds(ReceiveContext->PingRTT_us);
- }
- i64 GetClockSkew() const {
- return ReceiveContext->ClockSkew_us;
- }
- private:
- friend class TInterconnectProxyTCP;
- void Handle(TEvTerminate::TPtr& ev);
- void HandlePoison();
- void Terminate(TDisconnectReason reason);
- void PassAway() override;
- void Forward(STATEFN_SIG);
- void Subscribe(STATEFN_SIG);
- void Unsubscribe(STATEFN_SIG);
- fFunc(TEvInterconnect::EvForward, Forward)
- cFunc(TEvents::TEvPoisonPill::EventType, HandlePoison)
- fFunc(TEvInterconnect::TEvConnectNode::EventType, Subscribe)
- fFunc(TEvents::TEvSubscribe::EventType, Subscribe)
- fFunc(TEvents::TEvUnsubscribe::EventType, Unsubscribe)
- cFunc(TEvFlush::EventType, HandleFlush)
- hFunc(TEvPollerReady, Handle)
- hFunc(TEvPollerRegisterResult, Handle)
- hFunc(TEvUpdateFromInputSession, Handle)
- hFunc(TEvRam, HandleRam)
- hFunc(TEvCheckCloseOnIdle, CloseOnIdleWatchdog)
- hFunc(TEvCheckLostConnection, LostConnectionWatchdog)
- cFunc(TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup, SendUpdateToWhiteboard)
- hFunc(TEvSocketDisconnect, OnDisconnect)
- hFunc(TEvTerminate, Handle)
- hFunc(TEvProcessPingRequest, Handle)
- )
- void Handle(TEvUpdateFromInputSession::TPtr& ev);
- void OnDisconnect(TEvSocketDisconnect::TPtr& ev);
- THolder<TEvHandshakeAck> ProcessHandshakeRequest(TEvHandshakeAsk::TPtr& ev);
- void SetNewConnection(TEvHandshakeDone::TPtr& ev);
- TEvRam* RamInQueue = nullptr;
- ui64 RamStartedCycles = 0;
- void HandleRam(TEvRam::TPtr& ev);
- void GenerateTraffic();
- void SendUpdateToWhiteboard(bool connected = true);
- ui32 CalculateQueueUtilization();
- void Handle(TEvPollerReady::TPtr& ev);
- void Handle(TEvPollerRegisterResult::TPtr ev);
- void WriteData();
- ui64 MakePacket(bool data, TMaybe<ui64> pingMask = {});
- void FillSendingBuffer(TTcpPacketOutTask& packet, ui64 serial);
- bool DropConfirmed(ui64 confirm);
- void ShutdownSocket(TDisconnectReason reason);
- void StartHandshake();
- void ReestablishConnection(TEvHandshakeDone::TPtr&& ev, bool startHandshakeOnSessionClose,
- TDisconnectReason reason);
- void ReestablishConnectionWithHandshake(TDisconnectReason reason);
- void ReestablishConnectionExecute();
- TInterconnectProxyTCP* const Proxy;
- // various connection settings access
- TDuration GetDeadPeerTimeout() const;
- TDuration GetCloseOnIdleTimeout() const;
- TDuration GetLostConnectionTimeout() const;
- ui32 GetTotalInflightAmountOfData() const;
- ui64 GetMaxCyclesPerEvent() const;
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // pinger
- TInstant LastPingTimestamp;
- static constexpr TDuration PingPeriodicity = TDuration::Seconds(1);
- void IssuePingRequest();
- void Handle(TEvProcessPingRequest::TPtr ev);
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- TInstant LastInputActivityTimestamp;
- TInstant LastPayloadActivityTimestamp;
- TWatchdogTimer<TEvCheckCloseOnIdle> CloseOnIdleWatchdog;
- TWatchdogTimer<TEvCheckLostConnection> LostConnectionWatchdog;
- void OnCloseOnIdleTimerHit() {
- LOG_INFO_IC("ICS27", "CloseOnIdle timer hit, session terminated");
- Terminate(TDisconnectReason::CloseOnIdle());
- }
- void OnLostConnectionTimerHit() {
- LOG_ERROR_IC("ICS28", "LostConnection timer hit, session terminated");
- Terminate(TDisconnectReason::LostConnection());
- }
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- const TSessionParams Params;
- TMaybe<TEventHolderPool> Pool;
- TMaybe<TChannelScheduler> ChannelScheduler;
- ui64 TotalOutputQueueSize;
- bool OutputStuckFlag;
- TRecentWnd<std::pair<ui64, ui64>> OutputQueueUtilization;
- size_t NumEventsInReadyChannels = 0;
- void SetOutputStuckFlag(bool state);
- void SwitchStuckPeriod();
- using TSendQueue = TList<TTcpPacketOutTask>;
- TSendQueue SendQueue;
- TSendQueue SendQueueCache;
- TSendQueue::iterator SendQueuePos;
- ui64 WriteBlockedCycles = 0; // start of current block period
- TDuration WriteBlockedTotal; // total incremental duration that session has been blocked
- ui64 BytesUnwritten = 0;
- void TrimSendQueueCache();
- TDuration GetWriteBlockedTotal() const {
- if (ReceiveContext->WriteBlockedByFullSendBuffer) {
- double blockedUs = NHPTimer::GetSeconds(GetCycleCountFast() - WriteBlockedCycles) * 1000000.0;
- return WriteBlockedTotal + TDuration::MicroSeconds(blockedUs); // append current blocking period if any
- } else {
- return WriteBlockedTotal;
- }
- }
- ui64 OutputCounter;
- ui64 LastSentSerial = 0;
- TInstant LastHandshakeDone;
- TIntrusivePtr<NInterconnect::TStreamSocket> Socket;
- TPollerToken::TPtr PollerToken;
- ui32 SendBufferSize;
- ui64 InflightDataAmount = 0;
- std::unordered_map<TActorId, ui64, TActorId::THash> Subscribers;
- // time at which we want to send confirmation packet even if there was no outgoing data
- ui64 UnconfirmedBytes = 0;
- TInstant ForcePacketTimestamp = TInstant::Max();
- TPriorityQueue<TInstant, TVector<TInstant>, std::greater<TInstant>> FlushSchedule;
- size_t MaxFlushSchedule = 0;
- ui64 FlushEventsScheduled = 0;
- ui64 FlushEventsProcessed = 0;
- void SetForcePacketTimestamp(TDuration period);
- void ScheduleFlush();
- void HandleFlush();
- void ResetFlushLogic();
- void GenerateHttpInfo(TStringStream& str);
- TIntrusivePtr<TReceiveContext> ReceiveContext;
- TActorId ReceiverId;
- TDuration Ping;
- ui64 ConfirmPacketsForcedBySize = 0;
- ui64 ConfirmPacketsForcedByTimeout = 0;
- ui64 LastConfirmed = 0;
- TEvHandshakeDone::TPtr PendingHandshakeDoneEvent;
- bool StartHandshakeOnSessionClose = false;
- ui64 EqualizeCounter = 0;
- };
- class TInterconnectSessionKiller
- : public TActorBootstrapped<TInterconnectSessionKiller> {
- ui32 RepliesReceived = 0;
- ui32 RepliesNumber = 0;
- TActorId LargestSession = TActorId();
- ui64 MaxBufferSize = 0;
- TInterconnectProxyCommon::TPtr Common;
- public:
- static constexpr EActivityType ActorActivityType() {
- }
- TInterconnectSessionKiller(TInterconnectProxyCommon::TPtr common)
- : Common(common)
- {
- }
- void Bootstrap() {
- auto sender = SelfId();
- const auto eventFabric = [&sender](const TActorId& recp) -> IEventHandle* {
- auto ev = new TEvSessionBufferSizeRequest();
- return new IEventHandle(recp, sender, ev, IEventHandle::FlagTrackDelivery);
- };
- RepliesNumber = TlsActivationContext->ExecutorThread.ActorSystem->BroadcastToProxies(eventFabric);
- Become(&TInterconnectSessionKiller::StateFunc);
- }
- hFunc(TEvSessionBufferSizeResponse, ProcessResponse)
- cFunc(TEvents::TEvUndelivered::EventType, ProcessUndelivered)
- )
- void ProcessResponse(TEvSessionBufferSizeResponse::TPtr& ev) {
- RepliesReceived++;
- if (MaxBufferSize < ev->Get()->BufferSize) {
- MaxBufferSize = ev->Get()->BufferSize;
- LargestSession = ev->Get()->SessionID;
- }
- if (RepliesReceived == RepliesNumber) {
- Send(LargestSession, new TEvents::TEvPoisonPill);
- AtomicUnlock(&Common->StartedSessionKiller);
- PassAway();
- }
- }
- void ProcessUndelivered() {
- RepliesReceived++;
- }
- };
- void CreateSessionKillingActor(TInterconnectProxyCommon::TPtr common);
- }