123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677678679680681682683684685686687688689690691692693694695696697698699700701702703704705706707708709710711712713714715716717718719720721722723724725726727728729730731732733734735736737738739740741742743744745746747748749750751752753754755756757758759760761762763764765766767768769770771772773774775776777778779780781782783784785786787788789790791792793794795796797798799800801802803804805806807808809810811812813814815816817818819820821822823824825826827828829830831832833834835836837838839840841842843844845846847848849850851852853854855856857858859860861862863864865866867868869870871872873874875876877878879880881882883884885886887888889890891892893894895896897898899900901902903904905906907908909910911912913914915916917918919920921922923924925926927928929930931932933934935936937938939940941942943944945946947948949950951952953954955956957958959960961962963964965966967968969970971972973974975976977978979980981982983984985986987988989990991992993994995 |
- #include "interconnect_handshake.h"
- #include "interconnect_tcp_proxy.h"
- #include <library/cpp/actors/core/actor_coroutine.h>
- #include <library/cpp/actors/core/log.h>
- #include <library/cpp/actors/protos/services_common.pb.h>
- #include <util/system/getpid.h>
- #include <google/protobuf/text_format.h>
- #include <variant>
- namespace NActors {
- static constexpr size_t StackSize = 64 * 1024; // 64k should be enough
- class THandshakeActor
- : public TActorCoroImpl
- , public TInterconnectLoggingBase
- {
- struct TExHandshakeFailed : yexception {};
- static constexpr TDuration ResolveTimeout = TDuration::Seconds(1);
- #pragma pack(push, 1)
- struct TInitialPacket {
- struct {
- TActorId SelfVirtualId;
- TActorId PeerVirtualId;
- ui64 NextPacket;
- ui64 Version;
- } Header;
- ui32 Checksum;
- TInitialPacket() = default;
- TInitialPacket(const TActorId& self, const TActorId& peer, ui64 nextPacket, ui64 version) {
- Header.SelfVirtualId = self;
- Header.PeerVirtualId = peer;
- Header.NextPacket = nextPacket;
- Header.Version = version;
- Checksum = Crc32cExtendMSanCompatible(0, &Header, sizeof(Header));
- }
- bool Check() const {
- return Checksum == Crc32cExtendMSanCompatible(0, &Header, sizeof(Header));
- }
- TString ToString() const {
- return TStringBuilder()
- << "{SelfVirtualId# " << Header.SelfVirtualId.ToString()
- << " PeerVirtualId# " << Header.PeerVirtualId.ToString()
- << " NextPacket# " << Header.NextPacket
- << " Version# " << Header.Version
- << "}";
- }
- };
- struct TExHeader {
- static constexpr ui32 MaxSize = 1024 * 1024;
- ui32 Checksum;
- ui32 Size;
- ui32 CalculateChecksum(const void* data, size_t len) const {
- return Crc32cExtendMSanCompatible(Crc32cExtendMSanCompatible(0, &Size, sizeof(Size)), data, len);
- }
- void Sign(const void* data, size_t len) {
- Checksum = CalculateChecksum(data, len);
- }
- bool Check(const void* data, size_t len) const {
- return Checksum == CalculateChecksum(data, len);
- }
- };
- #pragma pack(pop)
- private:
- TInterconnectProxyCommon::TPtr Common;
- TActorId SelfVirtualId;
- TActorId PeerVirtualId;
- ui32 PeerNodeId = 0;
- ui64 NextPacketToPeer = 0;
- TMaybe<ui64> NextPacketFromPeer; // will be obtained from incoming initial packet
- TString PeerHostName;
- TString PeerAddr;
- TSocketPtr Socket;
- TPollerToken::TPtr PollerToken;
- TString State;
- TString HandshakeKind;
- TMaybe<THolder<TProgramInfo>> ProgramInfo; // filled in in case of successful handshake; even if null
- TSessionParams Params;
- bool ResolveTimedOut = false;
- THashMap<ui32, TInstant> LastLogNotice;
- const TDuration MuteDuration = TDuration::Seconds(15);
- TInstant Deadline;
- public:
- static constexpr IActor::EActivityType ActorActivityType() {
- }
- THandshakeActor(TInterconnectProxyCommon::TPtr common, const TActorId& self, const TActorId& peer,
- ui32 nodeId, ui64 nextPacket, TString peerHostName, TSessionParams params)
- : TActorCoroImpl(StackSize, true, true) // allow unhandled poison pills and dtors
- , Common(std::move(common))
- , SelfVirtualId(self)
- , PeerVirtualId(peer)
- , PeerNodeId(nodeId)
- , NextPacketToPeer(nextPacket)
- , PeerHostName(std::move(peerHostName))
- , HandshakeKind("outgoing handshake")
- , Params(std::move(params))
- {
- Y_VERIFY(SelfVirtualId);
- Y_VERIFY(SelfVirtualId.NodeId());
- Y_VERIFY(PeerNodeId);
- }
- THandshakeActor(TInterconnectProxyCommon::TPtr common, TSocketPtr socket)
- : TActorCoroImpl(StackSize, true, true) // allow unhandled poison pills and dtors
- , Common(std::move(common))
- , Socket(std::move(socket))
- , HandshakeKind("incoming handshake")
- {
- Y_VERIFY(Socket);
- PeerAddr = TString::Uninitialized(1024);
- if (GetRemoteAddr(*Socket, PeerAddr.Detach(), PeerAddr.size())) {
- PeerAddr.resize(strlen(PeerAddr.data()));
- } else {
- PeerAddr.clear();
- }
- }
- void UpdatePrefix() {
- SetPrefix(Sprintf("Handshake %s [node %" PRIu32 "]", SelfActorId.ToString().data(), PeerNodeId));
- }
- void Run() override {
- UpdatePrefix();
- // set up overall handshake process timer
- TDuration timeout = Common->Settings.Handshake;
- if (timeout == TDuration::Zero()) {
- }
- timeout += ResolveTimeout * 2;
- Deadline = Now() + timeout;
- Schedule(Deadline, new TEvents::TEvWakeup);
- try {
- if (Socket) {
- PerformIncomingHandshake();
- } else {
- PerformOutgoingHandshake();
- }
- // establish encrypted channel, or, in case when encryption is disabled, check if it matches settings
- if (ProgramInfo) {
- if (Params.Encryption) {
- EstablishSecureConnection();
- } else if (Common->Settings.EncryptionMode == EEncryptionMode::REQUIRED && !Params.AuthOnly) {
- Fail(TEvHandshakeFail::HANDSHAKE_FAIL_PERMANENT, "Peer doesn't support encryption, which is required");
- }
- }
- } catch (const TExHandshakeFailed&) {
- ProgramInfo.Clear();
- }
- if (ProgramInfo) {
- LOG_LOG_IC_X(NActorsServices::INTERCONNECT, "ICH04", NLog::PRI_INFO, "handshake succeeded");
- Y_VERIFY(NextPacketFromPeer);
- if (PollerToken) {
- Y_VERIFY(PollerToken->RefCount() == 1);
- PollerToken.Reset(); // ensure we are going to destroy poller token here as we will re-register the socket within other actor
- }
- SendToProxy(MakeHolder<TEvHandshakeDone>(std::move(Socket), PeerVirtualId, SelfVirtualId,
- *NextPacketFromPeer, ProgramInfo->Release(), std::move(Params)));
- }
- Socket.Reset();
- }
- void EstablishSecureConnection() {
- Y_VERIFY(PollerToken && PollerToken->RefCount() == 1);
- PollerToken.Reset();
- auto ev = AskProxy<TEvSecureSocket>(MakeHolder<TEvGetSecureSocket>(Socket), "AskProxy(TEvSecureContext)");
- Socket = std::move(ev->Get()->Socket);
- RegisterInPoller();
- const ui32 myNodeId = GetActorSystem()->NodeId;
- const bool server = myNodeId < PeerNodeId; // keep server/client role permanent to enable easy TLS session resuming
- for (;;) {
- TString err;
- auto& secure = static_cast<NInterconnect::TSecureSocket&>(*Socket);
- switch (secure.Establish(server, Params.AuthOnly, err)) {
- case NInterconnect::TSecureSocket::EStatus::SUCCESS:
- if (Params.AuthOnly) {
- Params.Encryption = false;
- Params.AuthCN = secure.GetPeerCommonName();
- Y_VERIFY(PollerToken && PollerToken->RefCount() == 1);
- PollerToken.Reset();
- Socket = secure.Detach();
- }
- return;
- case NInterconnect::TSecureSocket::EStatus::ERROR:
- Fail(TEvHandshakeFail::HANDSHAKE_FAIL_PERMANENT, err, true);
- [[fallthrough]];
- case NInterconnect::TSecureSocket::EStatus::WANT_READ:
- WaitPoller(true, false, "ReadEstablish");
- break;
- case NInterconnect::TSecureSocket::EStatus::WANT_WRITE:
- WaitPoller(false, true, "WriteEstablish");
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- void ProcessUnexpectedEvent(TAutoPtr<IEventHandle> ev) override {
- switch (const ui32 type = ev->GetTypeRewrite()) {
- case TEvents::TSystem::Wakeup:
- Fail(TEvHandshakeFail::HANDSHAKE_FAIL_TRANSIENT, Sprintf("Handshake timed out, State# %s", State.data()), true);
- [[fallthrough]];
- case ui32(ENetwork::NodeInfo):
- case TEvInterconnect::EvNodeAddress:
- case ui32(ENetwork::ResolveError):
- break; // most likely a race with resolve timeout
- case TEvPollerReady::EventType:
- break;
- default:
- Y_FAIL("unexpected event 0x%08" PRIx32, type);
- }
- }
- template<typename T>
- void SetupVersionTag(T& proto) {
- if (Common->VersionInfo) {
- proto.SetVersionTag(Common->VersionInfo->Tag);
- for (const TString& accepted : Common->VersionInfo->AcceptedTags) {
- proto.AddAcceptedVersionTags(accepted);
- }
- }
- }
- template<typename T>
- void SetupClusterUUID(T& proto) {
- auto *pb = proto.MutableClusterUUIDs();
- pb->SetClusterUUID(Common->ClusterUUID);
- for (const TString& uuid : Common->AcceptUUID) {
- pb->AddAcceptUUID(uuid);
- }
- }
- template<typename T, typename TCallback>
- void ValidateVersionTag(const T& proto, TCallback&& errorCallback) {
- // check if we will accept peer's version tag (if peer provides one and if we have accepted list non-empty)
- if (Common->VersionInfo) {
- if (!proto.HasVersionTag()) {
- "peer did not report VersionTag, accepting by default");
- } else if (!Common->VersionInfo->AcceptedTags.count(proto.GetVersionTag())) {
- // we will not accept peer's tag, so check if remote peer would accept our version tag
- size_t i;
- for (i = 0; i < proto.AcceptedVersionTagsSize() && Common->VersionInfo->Tag != proto.GetAcceptedVersionTags(i); ++i)
- {}
- if (i == proto.AcceptedVersionTagsSize()) {
- // peer will neither accept our version -- this is total failure
- TStringStream s("local/peer version tags did not match accepted ones");
- s << " local Tag# " << Common->VersionInfo->Tag << " accepted Tags# [";
- bool first = true;
- for (const auto& tag : Common->VersionInfo->AcceptedTags) {
- s << (std::exchange(first, false) ? "" : " ") << tag;
- }
- s << "] peer Tag# " << proto.GetVersionTag() << " accepted Tags# [";
- first = true;
- for (const auto& tag : proto.GetAcceptedVersionTags()) {
- s << (std::exchange(first, false) ? "" : " ") << tag;
- }
- s << "]";
- errorCallback(s.Str());
- }
- }
- }
- }
- template<typename T, typename TCallback>
- void ValidateClusterUUID(const T& proto, TCallback&& errorCallback, const TMaybe<TString>& uuid = {}) {
- auto formatList = [](const auto& list) {
- TStringStream s;
- s << "[";
- for (auto it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it) {
- if (it != list.begin()) {
- s << " ";
- }
- s << *it;
- }
- s << "]";
- return s.Str();
- };
- if (!Common->AcceptUUID) {
- return; // promiscuous mode -- we accept every other peer
- }
- if (!proto.HasClusterUUIDs()) {
- if (uuid) {
- // old-style checking, peer does not support symmetric protoocol
- bool matching = false;
- for (const TString& accepted : Common->AcceptUUID) {
- if (*uuid == accepted) {
- matching = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!matching) {
- errorCallback(Sprintf("Peer ClusterUUID# %s mismatch, AcceptUUID# %s", uuid->data(), formatList(Common->AcceptUUID).data()));
- }
- }
- return; // remote side did not fill in this field -- old version, symmetric protocol is not supported
- }
- const auto& uuids = proto.GetClusterUUIDs();
- // check if our UUID matches remote accept list
- for (const TString& item : uuids.GetAcceptUUID()) {
- if (item == Common->ClusterUUID) {
- return; // match
- }
- }
- // check if remote UUID matches our accept list
- const TString& remoteUUID = uuids.GetClusterUUID();
- for (const TString& item : Common->AcceptUUID) {
- if (item == remoteUUID) {
- return; // match
- }
- }
- // no match
- errorCallback(Sprintf("Peer ClusterUUID# %s mismatch, AcceptUUID# %s", remoteUUID.data(), formatList(Common->AcceptUUID).data()));
- }
- void ParsePeerScopeId(const NActorsInterconnect::TScopeId& proto) {
- Params.PeerScopeId = {proto.GetX1(), proto.GetX2()};
- }
- void FillInScopeId(NActorsInterconnect::TScopeId& proto) {
- const TScopeId& scope = Common->LocalScopeId;
- proto.SetX1(scope.first);
- proto.SetX2(scope.second);
- }
- template<typename T>
- void ReportProto(const T& protobuf, const char *msg) {
- auto formatString = [&] {
- google::protobuf::TextFormat::Printer p;
- p.SetSingleLineMode(true);
- TString s;
- p.PrintToString(protobuf, &s);
- return s;
- };
- LOG_LOG_IC_X(NActorsServices::INTERCONNECT, "ICH07", NLog::PRI_DEBUG, "%s %s", msg,
- formatString().data());
- }
- bool CheckPeerCookie(const TString& cookie, TString *error) {
- // create a temporary socket to connect to the peer
- TSocketPtr tempSocket;
- std::swap(tempSocket, Socket);
- TPollerToken::TPtr tempPollerToken;
- std::swap(tempPollerToken, PollerToken);
- // set up virtual self id to ensure peer will not drop our connection
- char buf[12] = {'c', 'o', 'o', 'k', 'i', 'e', ' ', 'c', 'h', 'e', 'c', 'k'};
- SelfVirtualId = TActorId(SelfActorId.NodeId(), TStringBuf(buf, 12));
- bool success = true;
- try {
- // issue connection and send initial packet
- Connect(false);
- SendInitialPacket();
- // wait for basic response
- TInitialPacket response;
- ReceiveData(&response, sizeof(response), "ReceiveResponse");
- if (!response.Check()) {
- Fail(TEvHandshakeFail::HANDSHAKE_FAIL_TRANSIENT, "Initial packet CRC error");
- } else if (response.Header.Version != INTERCONNECT_PROTOCOL_VERSION) {
- Fail(TEvHandshakeFail::HANDSHAKE_FAIL_PERMANENT, Sprintf("Incompatible protocol %" PRIu64, response.Header.Version));
- }
- // issue cookie check request
- NActorsInterconnect::THandshakeRequest request;
- request.SetProgramPID(0);
- request.SetProgramStartTime(0);
- request.SetSerial(0);
- request.SetReceiverNodeId(0);
- request.SetSenderActorId(TString());
- request.SetCookie(cookie);
- request.SetDoCheckCookie(true);
- SendExBlock(request, "SendExBlockDoCheckCookie");
- // process cookie check reply
- NActorsInterconnect::THandshakeReply reply;
- if (!reply.ParseFromString(ReceiveExBlock("ReceiveExBlockDoCheckCookie"))) {
- Fail(TEvHandshakeFail::HANDSHAKE_FAIL_PERMANENT, "Incorrect packet from peer");
- } else if (reply.HasCookieCheckResult() && !reply.GetCookieCheckResult()) {
- Fail(TEvHandshakeFail::HANDSHAKE_FAIL_PERMANENT, "Cookie check error -- possible network problem");
- }
- } catch (const TExHandshakeFailed& e) {
- *error = e.what();
- success = false;
- }
- // restore state
- SelfVirtualId = TActorId();
- std::swap(tempSocket, Socket);
- std::swap(tempPollerToken, PollerToken);
- return success;
- }
- void PerformOutgoingHandshake() {
- "starting outgoing handshake");
- // perform connection
- Connect(true);
- // send initial request packet
- SendInitialPacket();
- TInitialPacket response;
- ReceiveData(&response, sizeof(response), "ReceiveResponse");
- if (!response.Check()) {
- Fail(TEvHandshakeFail::HANDSHAKE_FAIL_TRANSIENT, "Initial packet CRC error");
- } else if (response.Header.Version != INTERCONNECT_PROTOCOL_VERSION) {
- Fail(TEvHandshakeFail::HANDSHAKE_FAIL_PERMANENT, Sprintf("Incompatible protocol %" PRIu64, response.Header.Version));
- }
- // extract next packet
- NextPacketFromPeer = response.Header.NextPacket;
- if (!PeerVirtualId) {
- // creating new session -- we have to generate request
- NActorsInterconnect::THandshakeRequest request;
- request.SetProgramPID(GetPID());
- request.SetProgramStartTime(Common->StartTime);
- request.SetSerial(SelfVirtualId.LocalId());
- request.SetReceiverNodeId(PeerNodeId);
- request.SetSenderActorId(SelfVirtualId.ToString());
- request.SetSenderHostName(Common->TechnicalSelfHostName);
- request.SetReceiverHostName(PeerHostName);
- if (Common->LocalScopeId != TScopeId()) {
- FillInScopeId(*request.MutableClientScopeId());
- }
- if (Common->Cookie) {
- request.SetCookie(Common->Cookie);
- }
- if (Common->ClusterUUID) {
- request.SetUUID(Common->ClusterUUID);
- }
- SetupClusterUUID(request);
- SetupVersionTag(request);
- if (const ui32 size = Common->HandshakeBallastSize) {
- TString ballast(size, 0);
- char* data = ballast.Detach();
- for (ui32 i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
- data[i] = i;
- }
- request.SetBallast(ballast);
- }
- switch (Common->Settings.EncryptionMode) {
- case EEncryptionMode::DISABLED:
- break;
- case EEncryptionMode::OPTIONAL:
- request.SetRequireEncryption(false);
- break;
- case EEncryptionMode::REQUIRED:
- request.SetRequireEncryption(true);
- break;
- }
- request.SetRequestModernFrame(true);
- request.SetRequestAuthOnly(Common->Settings.TlsAuthOnly);
- SendExBlock(request, "ExRequest");
- NActorsInterconnect::THandshakeReply reply;
- if (!reply.ParseFromString(ReceiveExBlock("ExReply"))) {
- Fail(TEvHandshakeFail::HANDSHAKE_FAIL_PERMANENT, "Incorrect THandshakeReply");
- }
- ReportProto(reply, "ReceiveExBlock ExReply");
- if (reply.HasErrorExplaination()) {
- Fail(TEvHandshakeFail::HANDSHAKE_FAIL_PERMANENT, "error from peer: " + reply.GetErrorExplaination());
- } else if (!reply.HasSuccess()) {
- Fail(TEvHandshakeFail::HANDSHAKE_FAIL_PERMANENT, "empty reply");
- }
- auto generateError = [this](TString msg) {
- Fail(TEvHandshakeFail::HANDSHAKE_FAIL_PERMANENT, msg);
- };
- const auto& success = reply.GetSuccess();
- ValidateClusterUUID(success, generateError);
- ValidateVersionTag(success, generateError);
- const auto& s = success.GetSenderActorId();
- PeerVirtualId.Parse(s.data(), s.size());
- // recover flags
- Params.Encryption = success.GetStartEncryption();
- Params.UseModernFrame = success.GetUseModernFrame();
- Params.AuthOnly = Params.Encryption && success.GetAuthOnly();
- if (success.HasServerScopeId()) {
- ParsePeerScopeId(success.GetServerScopeId());
- }
- // recover peer process info from peer's reply
- ProgramInfo = GetProgramInfo(success);
- } else if (!response.Header.SelfVirtualId) {
- // peer reported error -- empty ack was generated by proxy for this request
- Fail(TEvHandshakeFail::HANDSHAKE_FAIL_SESSION_MISMATCH, "Peer rejected session continuation handshake");
- } else if (response.Header.SelfVirtualId != PeerVirtualId || response.Header.PeerVirtualId != SelfVirtualId) {
- // resuming existing session; check that virtual ids of peers match each other
- Fail(TEvHandshakeFail::HANDSHAKE_FAIL_SESSION_MISMATCH, "Session virtual ID mismatch");
- } else {
- ProgramInfo.ConstructInPlace(); // successful handshake
- }
- }
- void PerformIncomingHandshake() {
- "starting incoming handshake");
- // set up incoming socket
- SetupSocket();
- // wait for initial request packet
- TInitialPacket request;
- ReceiveData(&request, sizeof(request), "ReceiveRequest");
- if (!request.Check()) {
- Fail(TEvHandshakeFail::HANDSHAKE_FAIL_TRANSIENT, "Initial packet CRC error");
- } else if (request.Header.Version != INTERCONNECT_PROTOCOL_VERSION) {
- Fail(TEvHandshakeFail::HANDSHAKE_FAIL_PERMANENT, Sprintf("Incompatible protocol %" PRIu64, request.Header.Version));
- }
- // extract peer node id from the peer
- PeerNodeId = request.Header.SelfVirtualId.NodeId();
- if (!PeerNodeId) {
- Y_VERIFY_DEBUG(false, "PeerNodeId is zero request# %s", request.ToString().data());
- Fail(TEvHandshakeFail::HANDSHAKE_FAIL_PERMANENT, "SelfVirtualId.NodeId is empty in initial packet");
- }
- UpdatePrefix();
- // extract next packet
- NextPacketFromPeer = request.Header.NextPacket;
- if (request.Header.PeerVirtualId) {
- // issue request to the proxy and wait for the response
- auto reply = AskProxy<TEvHandshakeAck, TEvHandshakeNak>(MakeHolder<TEvHandshakeAsk>(
- request.Header.SelfVirtualId, request.Header.PeerVirtualId, request.Header.NextPacket),
- "TEvHandshakeAsk");
- if (auto *ack = reply->CastAsLocal<TEvHandshakeAck>()) {
- // extract self/peer virtual ids
- SelfVirtualId = ack->Self;
- PeerVirtualId = request.Header.SelfVirtualId;
- NextPacketToPeer = ack->NextPacket;
- Params = ack->Params;
- // only succeed in case when proxy returned valid SelfVirtualId; otherwise it wants us to terminate
- // the handshake process and it does not expect the handshake reply
- ProgramInfo.ConstructInPlace();
- } else {
- "Continuation request rejected by proxy");
- // report continuation reject to peer
- SelfVirtualId = TActorId();
- PeerVirtualId = TActorId();
- NextPacketToPeer = 0;
- }
- // issue response to the peer
- SendInitialPacket();
- } else {
- // peer wants a new session, clear fields and send initial packet
- SelfVirtualId = TActorId();
- PeerVirtualId = TActorId();
- NextPacketToPeer = 0;
- SendInitialPacket();
- // wait for extended request
- auto ev = MakeHolder<TEvHandshakeRequest>();
- auto& request = ev->Record;
- if (!request.ParseFromString(ReceiveExBlock("ExRequest"))) {
- Fail(TEvHandshakeFail::HANDSHAKE_FAIL_PERMANENT, "Incorrect THandshakeRequest");
- }
- ReportProto(request, "ReceiveExBlock ExRequest");
- auto generateError = [this](TString msg) {
- // issue reply to the peer to prevent repeating connection retries
- NActorsInterconnect::THandshakeReply reply;
- reply.SetErrorExplaination(msg);
- SendExBlock(reply, "ExReply");
- // terminate ths handshake
- Fail(TEvHandshakeFail::HANDSHAKE_FAIL_PERMANENT, msg);
- };
- // check request cookie
- TString error;
- if (request.HasDoCheckCookie()) {
- NActorsInterconnect::THandshakeReply reply;
- reply.SetCookieCheckResult(request.GetCookie() == Common->Cookie);
- SendExBlock(reply, "ExReplyDoCheckCookie");
- throw TExHandshakeFailed();
- } else if (request.HasCookie() && !CheckPeerCookie(request.GetCookie(), &error)) {
- generateError(TStringBuilder() << "Peer connectivity-checking failed, error# " << error);
- }
- // update log prefix with the reported peer host name
- PeerHostName = request.GetSenderHostName();
- // parse peer virtual id
- const auto& str = request.GetSenderActorId();
- PeerVirtualId.Parse(str.data(), str.size());
- // validate request
- ValidateClusterUUID(request, generateError, request.GetUUID());
- if (request.GetReceiverNodeId() != SelfActorId.NodeId()) {
- generateError(Sprintf("Incorrect ReceiverNodeId# %" PRIu32 " from the peer, expected# %" PRIu32,
- request.GetReceiverNodeId(), SelfActorId.NodeId()));
- } else if (request.GetReceiverHostName() != Common->TechnicalSelfHostName) {
- generateError(Sprintf("ReceiverHostName# %s mismatch, expected# %s", request.GetReceiverHostName().data(),
- Common->TechnicalSelfHostName.data()));
- }
- ValidateVersionTag(request, generateError);
- // check peer node
- auto peerNodeInfo = GetPeerNodeInfo();
- if (!peerNodeInfo) {
- generateError("Peer node not registered in nameservice");
- } else if (peerNodeInfo->Host != request.GetSenderHostName()) {
- generateError("SenderHostName mismatch");
- }
- // check request against encryption
- switch (Common->Settings.EncryptionMode) {
- case EEncryptionMode::DISABLED:
- if (request.GetRequireEncryption()) {
- generateError("Peer requested encryption, but it is disabled locally");
- }
- break;
- case EEncryptionMode::OPTIONAL:
- Params.Encryption = request.HasRequireEncryption();
- break;
- case EEncryptionMode::REQUIRED:
- if (!request.HasRequireEncryption()) {
- generateError("Peer did not request encryption, but it is required locally");
- }
- Params.Encryption = true;
- break;
- }
- Params.UseModernFrame = request.GetRequestModernFrame();
- Params.AuthOnly = Params.Encryption && request.GetRequestAuthOnly() && Common->Settings.TlsAuthOnly;
- if (request.HasClientScopeId()) {
- ParsePeerScopeId(request.GetClientScopeId());
- }
- // remember program info (assuming successful handshake)
- ProgramInfo = GetProgramInfo(request);
- // send to proxy
- auto reply = AskProxy<TEvHandshakeReplyOK, TEvHandshakeReplyError>(std::move(ev), "TEvHandshakeRequest");
- // parse it
- if (auto ev = reply->CastAsLocal<TEvHandshakeReplyOK>()) {
- // issue successful reply to the peer
- auto& record = ev->Record;
- Y_VERIFY(record.HasSuccess());
- auto& success = *record.MutableSuccess();
- SetupClusterUUID(success);
- SetupVersionTag(success);
- success.SetStartEncryption(Params.Encryption);
- if (Common->LocalScopeId != TScopeId()) {
- FillInScopeId(*success.MutableServerScopeId());
- }
- success.SetUseModernFrame(Params.UseModernFrame);
- success.SetAuthOnly(Params.AuthOnly);
- SendExBlock(record, "ExReply");
- // extract sender actor id (self virtual id)
- const auto& str = success.GetSenderActorId();
- SelfVirtualId.Parse(str.data(), str.size());
- } else if (auto ev = reply->CastAsLocal<TEvHandshakeReplyError>()) {
- // in case of error just send reply to the peer and terminate handshake
- SendExBlock(ev->Record, "ExReply");
- ProgramInfo.Clear(); // do not issue reply to the proxy
- } else {
- Y_FAIL("unexpected event Type# 0x%08" PRIx32, reply->GetTypeRewrite());
- }
- }
- }
- template <typename T>
- void SendExBlock(const T& proto, const char* what) {
- TString data;
- Y_PROTOBUF_SUPPRESS_NODISCARD proto.SerializeToString(&data);
- Y_VERIFY(data.size() <= TExHeader::MaxSize);
- ReportProto(proto, Sprintf("SendExBlock %s", what).data());
- TExHeader header;
- header.Size = data.size();
- header.Sign(data.data(), data.size());
- SendData(&header, sizeof(header), Sprintf("Send%sHeader", what));
- SendData(data.data(), data.size(), Sprintf("Send%sData", what));
- }
- TString ReceiveExBlock(const char* what) {
- TExHeader header;
- ReceiveData(&header, sizeof(header), Sprintf("Receive%sHeader", what));
- if (header.Size > TExHeader::MaxSize) {
- Fail(TEvHandshakeFail::HANDSHAKE_FAIL_PERMANENT, "Incorrect extended header size");
- }
- TString data;
- data.resize(header.Size);
- ReceiveData(data.Detach(), data.size(), Sprintf("Receive%sData", what));
- if (!header.Check(data.data(), data.size())) {
- Fail(TEvHandshakeFail::HANDSHAKE_FAIL_TRANSIENT, "Extended header CRC error");
- }
- return data;
- }
- private:
- void SendToProxy(THolder<IEventBase> ev) {
- Y_VERIFY(PeerNodeId);
- Send(GetActorSystem()->InterconnectProxy(PeerNodeId), ev.Release());
- }
- template <typename TEvent>
- THolder<typename TEvent::THandle> WaitForSpecificEvent(TString state, TInstant deadline = TInstant::Max()) {
- State = std::move(state);
- return TActorCoroImpl::WaitForSpecificEvent<TEvent>(deadline);
- }
- template <typename T1, typename T2, typename... TEvents>
- THolder<IEventHandle> WaitForSpecificEvent(TString state, TInstant deadline = TInstant::Max()) {
- State = std::move(state);
- return TActorCoroImpl::WaitForSpecificEvent<T1, T2, TEvents...>(deadline);
- }
- template <typename TEvent>
- THolder<typename TEvent::THandle> AskProxy(THolder<IEventBase> ev, TString state) {
- SendToProxy(std::move(ev));
- return WaitForSpecificEvent<TEvent>(std::move(state));
- }
- template <typename T1, typename T2, typename... TOther>
- THolder<IEventHandle> AskProxy(THolder<IEventBase> ev, TString state) {
- SendToProxy(std::move(ev));
- return WaitForSpecificEvent<T1, T2, TOther...>(std::move(state));
- }
- void Fail(TEvHandshakeFail::EnumHandshakeFail reason, TString explanation, bool network = false) {
- TString msg = Sprintf("%s Peer# %s(%s) %s%s", HandshakeKind.data(), PeerHostName ? PeerHostName.data() : "<unknown>",
- PeerAddr.size() ? PeerAddr.data() : "<unknown>", ResolveTimedOut ? "[resolve timeout] " : "",
- explanation.data());
- if (network) {
- TInstant now = Now();
- TInstant prevLog = LastLogNotice[PeerNodeId];
- NActors::NLog::EPriority logPriority = NActors::NLog::PRI_DEBUG;
- if (now - prevLog > MuteDuration) {
- logPriority = NActors::NLog::PRI_NOTICE;
- LastLogNotice[PeerNodeId] = now;
- }
- LOG_LOG_NET_X(logPriority, PeerNodeId, "network-related error occured on handshake: %s", msg.data());
- } else {
- // calculate log severity based on failure type; permanent failures lead to error log messages
- auto severity = reason == TEvHandshakeFail::HANDSHAKE_FAIL_PERMANENT
- ? NActors::NLog::PRI_NOTICE
- : NActors::NLog::PRI_INFO;
- LOG_LOG_IC_X(NActorsServices::INTERCONNECT, "ICH03", severity, "handshake failed, explanation# %s", msg.data());
- }
- if (PeerNodeId) {
- SendToProxy(MakeHolder<TEvHandshakeFail>(reason, std::move(msg)));
- }
- throw TExHandshakeFailed() << explanation;
- }
- private:
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void Connect(bool updatePeerAddr) {
- // issue request to a nameservice to resolve peer node address
- Send(Common->NameserviceId, new TEvInterconnect::TEvResolveNode(PeerNodeId, Deadline));
- // wait for the result
- auto ev = WaitForSpecificEvent<TEvResolveError, TEvLocalNodeInfo, TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeAddress>("ResolveNode",
- Now() + ResolveTimeout);
- // extract address from the result
- NInterconnect::TAddress address;
- if (!ev) {
- ResolveTimedOut = true;
- if (auto peerNodeInfo = GetPeerNodeInfo(); peerNodeInfo && peerNodeInfo->Address) {
- address = {peerNodeInfo->Address, peerNodeInfo->Port};
- } else {
- Fail(TEvHandshakeFail::HANDSHAKE_FAIL_PERMANENT, "DNS resolve timed out and no static address defined", true);
- }
- } else if (auto *p = ev->CastAsLocal<TEvLocalNodeInfo>()) {
- if (!p->Address) {
- Fail(TEvHandshakeFail::HANDSHAKE_FAIL_PERMANENT, "DNS resolve error: no address returned", true);
- }
- address = {*p->Address};
- } else if (auto *p = ev->CastAsLocal<TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeAddress>()) {
- const auto& r = p->Record;
- if (!r.HasAddress() || !r.HasPort()) {
- Fail(TEvHandshakeFail::HANDSHAKE_FAIL_PERMANENT, "DNS resolve error: no address returned", true);
- }
- address = {r.GetAddress(), static_cast<ui16>(r.GetPort())};
- } else {
- Y_VERIFY(ev->GetTypeRewrite() == ui32(ENetwork::ResolveError));
- Fail(TEvHandshakeFail::HANDSHAKE_FAIL_PERMANENT, "DNS resolve error: " + ev->Get<TEvResolveError>()->Explain, true);
- }
- // create the socket with matching address family
- Socket = NInterconnect::TStreamSocket::Make(address.GetFamily());
- if (*Socket == -1) {
- Fail(TEvHandshakeFail::HANDSHAKE_FAIL_PERMANENT, "System error: failed to create socket");
- }
- // extract peer address
- if (updatePeerAddr) {
- PeerAddr = address.ToString();
- }
- // set up socket parameters
- SetupSocket();
- // start connecting
- switch (int err = -Socket->Connect(address)) {
- case 0: // successful connection
- break;
- case EINPROGRESS: // connection in progress
- WaitPoller(false, true, "WaitConnect");
- err = Socket->GetConnectStatus();
- if (err) {
- Fail(TEvHandshakeFail::HANDSHAKE_FAIL_PERMANENT, Sprintf("Connection failed: %s", strerror(err)), true);
- }
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- auto it = LastLogNotice.find(PeerNodeId);
- NActors::NLog::EPriority logPriority = NActors::NLog::PRI_DEBUG;
- if (it != LastLogNotice.end()) {
- LastLogNotice.erase(it);
- logPriority = NActors::NLog::PRI_NOTICE;
- }
- LOG_LOG_IC_X(NActorsServices::INTERCONNECT, "ICH05", logPriority, "connected to peer");
- }
- void SetupSocket() {
- // switch to nonblocking mode
- try {
- SetNonBlock(*Socket);
- SetNoDelay(*Socket, true);
- } catch (...) {
- Fail(TEvHandshakeFail::HANDSHAKE_FAIL_PERMANENT, "System error: can't up nonblocking mode for socket");
- }
- // setup send buffer size
- Socket->SetSendBufferSize(Common->Settings.GetSendBufferSize());
- // register in poller
- RegisterInPoller();
- }
- void RegisterInPoller() {
- const bool success = Send(MakePollerActorId(), new TEvPollerRegister(Socket, SelfActorId, SelfActorId));
- Y_VERIFY(success);
- auto result = WaitForSpecificEvent<TEvPollerRegisterResult>("RegisterPoller");
- PollerToken = std::move(result->Get()->PollerToken);
- Y_VERIFY(PollerToken);
- Y_VERIFY(PollerToken->RefCount() == 1); // ensure exclusive ownership
- }
- void SendInitialPacket() {
- TInitialPacket packet(SelfVirtualId, PeerVirtualId, NextPacketToPeer, INTERCONNECT_PROTOCOL_VERSION);
- SendData(&packet, sizeof(packet), "SendInitialPacket");
- }
- void WaitPoller(bool read, bool write, TString state) {
- PollerToken->Request(read, write);
- WaitForSpecificEvent<TEvPollerReady>(std::move(state));
- }
- template <typename TDataPtr, typename TSendRecvFunc>
- void Process(TDataPtr buffer, size_t len, TSendRecvFunc&& sendRecv, bool read, bool write, TString state) {
- Y_VERIFY(Socket);
- NInterconnect::TStreamSocket* sock = Socket.Get();
- ssize_t (NInterconnect::TStreamSocket::*pfn)(TDataPtr, size_t, TString*) const = sendRecv;
- size_t processed = 0;
- auto error = [&](TString msg) {
- Fail(TEvHandshakeFail::HANDSHAKE_FAIL_TRANSIENT, Sprintf("Socket error# %s state# %s processed# %zu remain# %zu",
- msg.data(), state.data(), processed, len), true);
- };
- while (len) {
- TString err;
- ssize_t nbytes = (sock->*pfn)(buffer, len, &err);
- if (nbytes > 0) {
- buffer = (char*)buffer + nbytes;
- len -= nbytes;
- processed += nbytes;
- } else if (-nbytes == EAGAIN || -nbytes == EWOULDBLOCK) {
- WaitPoller(read, write, state);
- } else if (!nbytes) {
- error("connection unexpectedly closed");
- } else if (-nbytes != EINTR) {
- error(err ? err : TString(strerror(-nbytes)));
- }
- }
- }
- void SendData(const void* buffer, size_t len, TString state) {
- Process(buffer, len, &NInterconnect::TStreamSocket::Send, false, true, std::move(state));
- }
- void ReceiveData(void* buffer, size_t len, TString state) {
- Process(buffer, len, &NInterconnect::TStreamSocket::Recv, true, false, std::move(state));
- }
- THolder<TEvInterconnect::TNodeInfo> GetPeerNodeInfo() {
- Y_VERIFY(PeerNodeId);
- Send(Common->NameserviceId, new TEvInterconnect::TEvGetNode(PeerNodeId, Deadline));
- auto response = WaitForSpecificEvent<TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeInfo>("GetPeerNodeInfo");
- return std::move(response->Get()->Node);
- }
- template <typename T>
- static THolder<TProgramInfo> GetProgramInfo(const T& proto) {
- auto programInfo = MakeHolder<TProgramInfo>();
- programInfo->PID = proto.GetProgramPID();
- programInfo->StartTime = proto.GetProgramStartTime();
- programInfo->Serial = proto.GetSerial();
- return programInfo;
- }
- };
- IActor* CreateOutgoingHandshakeActor(TInterconnectProxyCommon::TPtr common, const TActorId& self,
- const TActorId& peer, ui32 nodeId, ui64 nextPacket, TString peerHostName,
- TSessionParams params) {
- return new TActorCoro(MakeHolder<THandshakeActor>(std::move(common), self, peer, nodeId, nextPacket,
- std::move(peerHostName), std::move(params)));
- }
- IActor* CreateIncomingHandshakeActor(TInterconnectProxyCommon::TPtr common, TSocketPtr socket) {
- return new TActorCoro(MakeHolder<THandshakeActor>(std::move(common), std::move(socket)));
- }
- }