1. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. clang-tidy CERT Files
  3. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4. All clang-tidy files are licensed under the same terms as the rest of the LLVM
  5. project with the following additions:
  6. Any file referencing a CERT Secure Coding guideline:
  7. Please allow this letter to serve as confirmation that open source projects on
  8. are permitted to link via hypertext to the CERT(R) secure coding
  9. guidelines available at
  10. The foregoing is permitted by the Terms of Use as follows:
  11. "Linking to the Service
  12. Because we update many of our Web documents regularly, we would prefer that you
  13. link to our Web pages whenever possible rather than reproduce them. It is not
  14. necessary to request permission to make referential hypertext links to The
  15. Service."
  17. Please allow this letter to also confirm that no formal permission is required
  18. to reproduce the title of the content being linked to, nor to reproduce any
  19. de Minimis description of such content.