123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475 |
- # en_US.txt #
- #
- #//===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
- #//
- #// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
- #//
- #// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
- #// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.txt for details.
- #//
- #//===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
- #
- # Default messages, embedded into the OpenMP RTL, and source for English catalog.
- # Compatible changes (which does not require version bumping):
- # * Editing message (number and type of placeholders must remain, relative order of
- # placeholders may be changed, e.g. "File %1$s line %2$d" may be safely edited to
- # "Line %2$d file %1$s").
- # * Adding new message to the end of section.
- # Incompatible changes (version must be bumbed by 1):
- # * Introducing new placeholders to existing messages.
- # * Changing type of placeholders (e.g. "line %1$d" -> "line %1$s").
- # * Rearranging order of messages.
- # * Deleting messages.
- # Use special "OBSOLETE" pseudoidentifier for obsolete entries, which is kept only for backward
- # compatibility. When version is bumped, do not forget to delete all obsolete entries.
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -*- META -*-
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Meta information about message catalog.
- Language "English"
- Country "USA"
- LangId "1033"
- Version "2"
- Revision "20140827"
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -*- STRINGS -*-
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Strings are not complete messages, just fragments. We need to work on it and reduce number of
- # strings (to zero?).
- Error "Error"
- UnknownFile "(unknown file)"
- NotANumber "not a number"
- BadUnit "bad unit"
- IllegalCharacters "illegal characters"
- ValueTooLarge "value too large"
- ValueTooSmall "value too small"
- NotMultiple4K "value is not a multiple of 4k"
- UnknownTopology "Unknown processor topology"
- CantOpenCpuinfo "Cannot open /proc/cpuinfo"
- ProcCpuinfo "/proc/cpuinfo"
- NoProcRecords "cpuinfo file invalid (No processor records)"
- TooManyProcRecords "cpuinfo file invalid (Too many processor records)"
- CantRewindCpuinfo "Cannot rewind cpuinfo file"
- LongLineCpuinfo "cpuinfo file invalid (long line)"
- TooManyEntries "cpuinfo file contains too many entries"
- MissingProcField "cpuinfo file missing processor field"
- MissingPhysicalIDField "cpuinfo file missing physical id field"
- MissingValCpuinfo "cpuinfo file invalid (missing val)"
- DuplicateFieldCpuinfo "cpuinfo file invalid (duplicate field)"
- PhysicalIDsNotUnique "Physical node/pkg/core/thread ids not unique"
- ApicNotPresent "APIC not present"
- InvalidCpuidInfo "Invalid cpuid info"
- OBSOLETE "APIC ids not unique"
- InconsistentCpuidInfo "Inconsistent cpuid info"
- OutOfHeapMemory "Out of heap memory"
- MemoryAllocFailed "Memory allocation failed"
- Core "core"
- Thread "thread"
- Package "package"
- Node "node"
- OBSOLETE "<undef>"
- DecodingLegacyAPIC "decoding legacy APIC ids"
- OBSOLETE "parsing /proc/cpuinfo"
- NotDefined "value is not defined"
- EffectiveSettings "Effective settings:"
- UserSettings "User settings:"
- StorageMapWarning "warning: pointers or size don't make sense"
- OBSOLETE "TPUs per package"
- OBSOLETE "HT enabled"
- OBSOLETE "HT disabled"
- Decodingx2APIC "decoding x2APIC ids"
- NoLeaf11Support "cpuid leaf 11 not supported"
- NoLeaf4Support "cpuid leaf 4 not supported"
- ThreadIDsNotUnique "thread ids not unique"
- UsingPthread "using pthread info"
- LegacyApicIDsNotUnique "legacy APIC ids not unique"
- x2ApicIDsNotUnique "x2APIC ids not unique"
- Device "[device]"
- Host "[host]"
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -*- FORMATS -*-
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Info "OMP: Info #%1$d: %2$s\n"
- Warning "OMP: Warning #%1$d: %2$s\n"
- Fatal "OMP: Error #%1$d: %2$s\n"
- SysErr "OMP: System error #%1$d: %2$s\n"
- Hint "OMP: Hint: %2$s\n"
- Pragma "%1$s pragma (at %2$s:%3$s():%4$s)"
- # %1 is pragma name (like "parallel" or "master",
- # %2 is file name,
- # %3 is function (routine) name,
- # %4 is the line number (as string, so "s" type specifier should be used).
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -*- MESSAGES -*-
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Messages of any severity: informational, warning, or fatal.
- # To maintain message numbers (they are visible to customers), add new messages to the end.
- # Use following prefixes for messages and hints when appropriate:
- # Aff -- Affinity messages.
- # Cns -- Consistency check failures (KMP_CONSISTENCY_CHECK).
- # Itt -- ITT Notify-related messages.
- LibraryIsSerial "Library is \"serial\"."
- CantOpenMessageCatalog "Cannot open message catalog \"%1$s\":"
- WillUseDefaultMessages "Default messages will be used."
- LockIsUninitialized "%1$s: Lock is uninitialized"
- LockSimpleUsedAsNestable "%1$s: Lock was initialized as simple, but used as nestable"
- LockNestableUsedAsSimple "%1$s: Lock was initialized as nestable, but used as simple"
- LockIsAlreadyOwned "%1$s: Lock is already owned by requesting thread"
- LockStillOwned "%1$s: Lock is still owned by a thread"
- LockUnsettingFree "%1$s: Attempt to release a lock not owned by any thread"
- LockUnsettingSetByAnother "%1$s: Attempt to release a lock owned by another thread"
- StackOverflow "Stack overflow detected for OpenMP thread #%1$d"
- StackOverlap "Stack overlap detected. "
- AssertionFailure "Assertion failure at %1$s(%2$d)."
- CantRegisterNewThread "Unable to register a new user thread."
- DuplicateLibrary "Initializing %1$s, but found %2$s already initialized."
- CantOpenFileForReading "Cannot open file \"%1$s\" for reading:"
- CantGetEnvVar "Getting environment variable \"%1$s\" failed:"
- CantSetEnvVar "Setting environment variable \"%1$s\" failed:"
- CantGetEnvironment "Getting environment failed:"
- BadBoolValue "%1$s=\"%2$s\": Wrong value, boolean expected."
- SSPNotBuiltIn "No Helper Thread support built in this OMP library."
- SPPSotfTerminateFailed "Helper thread failed to soft terminate."
- BufferOverflow "Buffer overflow detected."
- RealTimeSchedNotSupported "Real-time scheduling policy is not supported."
- RunningAtMaxPriority "OMP application is running at maximum priority with real-time scheduling policy. "
- CantChangeMonitorPriority "Changing priority of the monitor thread failed:"
- MonitorWillStarve "Deadlocks are highly possible due to monitor thread starvation."
- CantSetMonitorStackSize "Unable to set monitor thread stack size to %1$lu bytes:"
- CantSetWorkerStackSize "Unable to set OMP thread stack size to %1$lu bytes:"
- CantInitThreadAttrs "Thread attribute initialization failed:"
- CantDestroyThreadAttrs "Thread attribute destroying failed:"
- CantSetWorkerState "OMP thread joinable state setting failed:"
- CantSetMonitorState "Monitor thread joinable state setting failed:"
- NoResourcesForWorkerThread "System unable to allocate necessary resources for OMP thread:"
- NoResourcesForMonitorThread "System unable to allocate necessary resources for the monitor thread:"
- CantTerminateWorkerThread "Unable to terminate OMP thread:"
- ScheduleKindOutOfRange "Wrong schedule type %1$d, see <omp.h> or <omp_lib.h> file for the list of values supported."
- UnknownSchedulingType "Unknown scheduling type \"%1$d\"."
- InvalidValue "%1$s value \"%2$s\" is invalid."
- SmallValue "%1$s value \"%2$s\" is too small."
- LargeValue "%1$s value \"%2$s\" is too large."
- StgInvalidValue "%1$s: \"%2$s\" is an invalid value; ignored."
- BarrReleaseValueInvalid "%1$s release value \"%2$s\" is invalid."
- BarrGatherValueInvalid "%1$s gather value \"%2$s\" is invalid."
- OBSOLETE "%1$s supported only on debug builds; ignored."
- ParRangeSyntax "Syntax error: Usage: %1$s=[ routine=<func> | filename=<file> | range=<lb>:<ub> "
- "| excl_range=<lb>:<ub> ],..."
- UnbalancedQuotes "Unbalanced quotes in %1$s."
- EmptyString "Empty string specified for %1$s; ignored."
- LongValue "%1$s value is too long; ignored."
- InvalidClause "%1$s: Invalid clause in \"%2$s\"."
- EmptyClause "Empty clause in %1$s."
- InvalidChunk "%1$s value \"%2$s\" is invalid chunk size."
- LargeChunk "%1$s value \"%2$s\" is to large chunk size."
- IgnoreChunk "%1$s value \"%2$s\" is ignored."
- CantGetProcFreq "Cannot get processor frequency, using zero KMP_ITT_PREPARE_DELAY."
- EnvParallelWarn "%1$s must be set prior to first parallel region; ignored."
- AffParamDefined "%1$s: parameter has been specified already, ignoring \"%2$s\"."
- AffInvalidParam "%1$s: parameter invalid, ignoring \"%2$s\"."
- AffManyParams "%1$s: too many integer parameters specified, ignoring \"%2$s\"."
- AffManyParamsForLogic "%1$s: too many integer parameters specified for logical or physical type, ignoring \"%2$d\"."
- AffNoParam "%1$s: '%2$s' type does not take any integer parameters, ignoring them."
- AffNoProcList "%1$s: proclist not specified with explicit affinity type, using \"none\"."
- AffProcListNoType "%1$s: proclist specified, setting affinity type to \"explicit\"."
- AffProcListNotExplicit "%1$s: proclist specified without \"explicit\" affinity type, proclist ignored."
- AffSyntaxError "%1$s: syntax error, not using affinity."
- AffZeroStride "%1$s: range error (zero stride), not using affinity."
- AffStartGreaterEnd "%1$s: range error (%2$d > %3$d), not using affinity."
- AffStrideLessZero "%1$s: range error (%2$d < %3$d & stride < 0), not using affinity."
- AffRangeTooBig "%1$s: range error ((%2$d-%3$d)/%4$d too big), not using affinity."
- OBSOLETE "%1$s: %2$s is defined. %3$s will be ignored."
- AffNotSupported "%1$s: affinity not supported, using \"disabled\"."
- OBSOLETE "%1$s: affinity only supported for Intel(R) processors."
- GetAffSysCallNotSupported "%1$s: getaffinity system call not supported."
- SetAffSysCallNotSupported "%1$s: setaffinity system call not supported."
- OBSOLETE "%1$s: pthread_aff_set_np call not found."
- OBSOLETE "%1$s: pthread_get_num_resources_np call not found."
- OBSOLETE "%1$s: the OS kernel does not support affinity."
- OBSOLETE "%1$s: pthread_get_num_resources_np returned %2$d."
- AffCantGetMaskSize "%1$s: cannot determine proper affinity mask size."
- ParseSizeIntWarn "%1$s=\"%2$s\": %3$s."
- ParseExtraCharsWarn "%1$s: extra trailing characters ignored: \"%2$s\"."
- UnknownForceReduction "%1$s: unknown method \"%2$s\"."
- TimerUseGettimeofday "KMP_STATS_TIMER: clock_gettime is undefined, using gettimeofday."
- TimerNeedMoreParam "KMP_STATS_TIMER: \"%1$s\" needs additional parameter, e.g. 'clock_gettime,2'. Using gettimeofday."
- TimerInvalidParam "KMP_STATS_TIMER: clock_gettime parameter \"%1$s\" is invalid, using gettimeofday."
- TimerGettimeFailed "KMP_STATS_TIMER: clock_gettime failed, using gettimeofday."
- TimerUnknownFunction "KMP_STATS_TIMER: clock function unknown (ignoring value \"%1$s\")."
- UnknownSchedTypeDetected "Unknown scheduling type detected."
- DispatchManyThreads "Too many threads to use analytical guided scheduling - switching to iterative guided scheduling."
- IttLookupFailed "ittnotify: Lookup of \"%1$s\" function in \"%2$s\" library failed."
- IttLoadLibFailed "ittnotify: Loading \"%1$s\" library failed."
- IttAllNotifDisabled "ittnotify: All itt notifications disabled."
- IttObjNotifDisabled "ittnotify: Object state itt notifications disabled."
- IttMarkNotifDisabled "ittnotify: Mark itt notifications disabled."
- IttUnloadLibFailed "ittnotify: Unloading \"%1$s\" library failed."
- CantFormThrTeam "Cannot form a team with %1$d threads, using %2$d instead."
- ActiveLevelsNegative "Requested number of active parallel levels \"%1$d\" is negative; ignored."
- ActiveLevelsExceedLimit "Requested number of active parallel levels \"%1$d\" exceeds supported limit; "
- "the following limit value will be used: \"%1$d\"."
- SetLibraryIncorrectCall "kmp_set_library must only be called from the top level serial thread; ignored."
- FatalSysError "Fatal system error detected."
- OutOfHeapMemory "Out of heap memory."
- OBSOLETE "Clearing __KMP_REGISTERED_LIB env var failed."
- OBSOLETE "Registering library with env var failed."
- Using_int_Value "%1$s value \"%2$d\" will be used."
- Using_uint_Value "%1$s value \"%2$u\" will be used."
- Using_uint64_Value "%1$s value \"%2$s\" will be used."
- Using_str_Value "%1$s value \"%2$s\" will be used."
- MaxValueUsing "%1$s maximum value \"%2$d\" will be used."
- MinValueUsing "%1$s minimum value \"%2$d\" will be used."
- MemoryAllocFailed "Memory allocation failed."
- FileNameTooLong "File name too long."
- OBSOLETE "Lock table overflow."
- ManyThreadsForTPDirective "Too many threads to use threadprivate directive."
- AffinityInvalidMask "%1$s: invalid mask."
- WrongDefinition "Wrong definition."
- TLSSetValueFailed "Windows* OS: TLS Set Value failed."
- TLSOutOfIndexes "Windows* OS: TLS out of indexes."
- OBSOLETE "PDONE directive must be nested within a DO directive."
- CantGetNumAvailCPU "Cannot get number of available CPUs."
- AssumedNumCPU "Assumed number of CPUs is 2."
- ErrorInitializeAffinity "Error initializing affinity - not using affinity."
- AffThreadsMayMigrate "Threads may migrate across all available OS procs (granularity setting too coarse)."
- AffIgnoreInvalidProcID "Ignoring invalid OS proc ID %1$d."
- AffNoValidProcID "No valid OS proc IDs specified - not using affinity."
- UsingFlatOS "%1$s - using \"flat\" OS <-> physical proc mapping."
- UsingFlatOSFile "%1$s: %2$s - using \"flat\" OS <-> physical proc mapping."
- UsingFlatOSFileLine "%1$s, line %2$d: %3$s - using \"flat\" OS <-> physical proc mapping."
- FileMsgExiting "%1$s: %2$s - exiting."
- FileLineMsgExiting "%1$s, line %2$d: %3$s - exiting."
- ConstructIdentInvalid "Construct identifier invalid."
- ThreadIdentInvalid "Thread identifier invalid."
- RTLNotInitialized "runtime library not initialized."
- TPCommonBlocksInconsist "Inconsistent THREADPRIVATE common block declarations are non-conforming "
- "and are unsupported. Either all threadprivate common blocks must be declared "
- "identically, or the largest instance of each threadprivate common block "
- "must be referenced first during the run."
- CantSetThreadAffMask "Cannot set thread affinity mask."
- CantSetThreadPriority "Cannot set thread priority."
- CantCreateThread "Cannot create thread."
- CantCreateEvent "Cannot create event."
- CantSetEvent "Cannot set event."
- CantCloseHandle "Cannot close handle."
- UnknownLibraryType "Unknown library type: %1$d."
- ReapMonitorError "Monitor did not reap properly."
- ReapWorkerError "Worker thread failed to join."
- ChangeThreadAffMaskError "Cannot change thread affinity mask."
- ThreadsMigrate "%1$s: Threads may migrate across %2$d innermost levels of machine"
- DecreaseToThreads "%1$s: decrease to %2$d threads"
- IncreaseToThreads "%1$s: increase to %2$d threads"
- OBSOLETE "%1$s: Internal thread %2$d bound to OS proc set %3$s"
- AffCapableUseCpuinfo "%1$s: Affinity capable, using cpuinfo file"
- AffUseGlobCpuid "%1$s: Affinity capable, using global cpuid info"
- AffCapableUseFlat "%1$s: Affinity capable, using default \"flat\" topology"
- AffNotCapableUseLocCpuid "%1$s: Affinity not capable, using local cpuid info"
- AffNotCapableUseCpuinfo "%1$s: Affinity not capable, using cpuinfo file"
- AffFlatTopology "%1$s: Affinity not capable, assumming \"flat\" topology"
- InitOSProcSetRespect "%1$s: Initial OS proc set respected: %2$s"
- InitOSProcSetNotRespect "%1$s: Initial OS proc set not respected: %2$s"
- AvailableOSProc "%1$s: %2$d available OS procs"
- Uniform "%1$s: Uniform topology"
- NonUniform "%1$s: Nonuniform topology"
- Topology "%1$s: %2$d packages x %3$d cores/pkg x %4$d threads/core (%5$d total cores)"
- OBSOLETE "%1$s: OS proc to physical thread map ([] => level not in map):"
- OSProcToPackage "%1$s: OS proc <n> maps to <n>th package core 0"
- OBSOLETE "%1$s: OS proc %2$d maps to package %3$d [core %4$d] [thread %5$d]"
- OBSOLETE "%1$s: OS proc %2$d maps to [package %3$d] [core %4$d] [thread %5$d]"
- OBSOLETE "%1$s: OS proc %2$d maps to [package %3$d] [core %4$d] thread %5$d"
- OBSOLETE "%1$s: OS proc %2$d maps to [package %3$d] core %4$d [thread %5$d]"
- OBSOLETE "%1$s: OS proc %2$d maps to package %3$d [core %4$d] [thread %5$d]"
- OBSOLETE "%1$s: OS proc %2$d maps to [package %3$d] core %4$d thread %5$d"
- OBSOLETE "%1$s: OS proc %2$d maps to package %3$d core %4$d [thread %5$d]"
- OBSOLETE "%1$s: OS proc %2$d maps to package %3$d [core %4$d] thread %5$d"
- OBSOLETE "%1$s: OS proc %2$d maps to package %3$d core %4$d thread %5$d"
- OSProcMapToPack "%1$s: OS proc %2$d maps to %3$s"
- OBSOLETE "%1$s: Internal thread %2$d changed affinity mask from %3$s to %4$s"
- OBSOLETE "%1$s: OS proc %2$d maps to package %3$d, CPU %4$d, TPU %5$d"
- OBSOLETE "%1$s: OS proc %2$d maps to package %3$d, CPU %4$d"
- OBSOLETE "%1$s: HT enabled; %2$d packages; %3$d TPU; %4$d TPUs per package"
- OBSOLETE "%1$s: HT disabled; %2$d packages"
- BarriersInDifferentOrder "Threads encountered barriers in different order. "
- FunctionError "Function %1$s failed:"
- TopologyExtra "%1$s: %2$s packages x %3$d cores/pkg x %4$d threads/core (%5$d total cores)"
- WrongMessageCatalog "Incompatible message catalog \"%1$s\": Version \"%2$s\" found, version \"%3$s\" expected."
- StgIgnored "%1$s: ignored because %2$s has been defined"
- # %1, -- name of ignored variable, %2 -- name of variable with higher priority.
- OBSOLETE "%1$s: overrides %3$s specified before"
- # %1, %2 -- name and value of the overriding variable, %3 -- name of overriden variable.
- # --- OpenMP errors detected at runtime ---
- #
- # %1 is the name of OpenMP construct (formatted with "Pragma" format).
- #
- CnsBoundToWorksharing "%1$s must be bound to a work-sharing or work-queuing construct with an \"ordered\" clause"
- CnsDetectedEnd "Detected end of %1$s without first executing a corresponding beginning."
- CnsIterationRangeTooLarge "Iteration range too large in %1$s."
- CnsLoopIncrZeroProhibited "%1$s must not have a loop increment that evaluates to zero."
- #
- # %1 is the name of the first OpenMP construct, %2 -- the name of the second one (both formatted with "Pragma" format).
- #
- CnsExpectedEnd "Expected end of %1$s; %2$s, however, has most recently begun execution."
- CnsInvalidNesting "%1$s is incorrectly nested within %2$s"
- CnsMultipleNesting "%1$s cannot be executed multiple times during execution of one parallel iteration/section of %2$s"
- CnsNestingSameName "%1$s is incorrectly nested within %2$s of the same name"
- CnsNoOrderedClause "%1$s is incorrectly nested within %2$s that does not have an \"ordered\" clause"
- CnsNotInTaskConstruct "%1$s is incorrectly nested within %2$s but not within any of its \"task\" constructs"
- CnsThreadsAtBarrier "One thread at %1$s while another thread is at %2$s."
- # New errors
- CantConnect "Cannot connect to %1$s"
- CantConnectUsing "Cannot connect to %1$s - Using %2$s"
- LibNotSupport "%1$s does not support %2$s. Continuing without using %2$s."
- LibNotSupportFor "%1$s does not support %2$s for %3$s. Continuing without using %2$s."
- StaticLibNotSupport "Static %1$s does not support %2$s. Continuing without using %2$s."
- OBSOLETE "KMP_DYNAMIC_MODE=irml cannot be used with KMP_USE_IRML=0"
- IttUnknownGroup "ittnotify: Unknown group \"%2$s\" specified in environment variable \"%1$s\"."
- IttEnvVarTooLong "ittnotify: Environment variable \"%1$s\" too long: Actual lengths is %2$lu, max allowed length is %3$lu."
- AffUseGlobCpuidL11 "%1$s: Affinity capable, using global cpuid leaf 11 info"
- AffNotCapableUseLocCpuidL11 "%1$s: Affinity not capable, using local cpuid leaf 11 info"
- AffInfoStr "%1$s: %2$s."
- AffInfoStrStr "%1$s: %2$s - %3$s."
- OSProcToPhysicalThreadMap "%1$s: OS proc to physical thread map:"
- AffUsingFlatOS "%1$s: using \"flat\" OS <-> physical proc mapping."
- AffParseFilename "%1$s: parsing %2$s."
- MsgExiting "%1$s - exiting."
- IncompatibleLibrary "Incompatible %1$s library with version %2$s found."
- IttFunctionError "ittnotify: Function %1$s failed:"
- IttUnknownError "ittnofify: Error #%1$d."
- EnvMiddleWarn "%1$s must be set prior to first parallel region or certain API calls; ignored."
- CnsLockNotDestroyed "Lock initialized at %1$s(%2$d) was not destroyed"
- # %1, %2, %3, %4 -- file, line, func, col
- CantLoadBalUsing "Cannot determine machine load balance - Using %1$s"
- AffNotCapableUsePthread "%1$s: Affinity not capable, using pthread info"
- AffUsePthread "%1$s: Affinity capable, using pthread info"
- OBSOLETE "Loading \"%1$s\" library failed:"
- OBSOLETE "Lookup of \"%1$s\" function failed:"
- OBSOLETE "Buffer too small."
- OBSOLETE "Error #%1$d."
- NthSyntaxError "%1$s: Invalid symbols found. Check the value \"%2$s\"."
- NthSpacesNotAllowed "%1$s: Spaces between digits are not allowed \"%2$s\"."
- AffStrParseFilename "%1$s: %2$s - parsing %3$s."
- OBSOLETE "%1$s cannot be specified via kmp_set_defaults() on this machine because it has more than one processor group."
- AffTypeCantUseMultGroups "Cannot use affinity type \"%1$s\" with multiple Windows* OS processor groups, using \"%2$s\"."
- AffGranCantUseMultGroups "Cannot use affinity granularity \"%1$s\" with multiple Windows* OS processor groups, using \"%2$s\"."
- AffWindowsProcGroupMap "%1$s: Mapping Windows* OS processor group <i> proc <j> to OS proc 64*<i>+<j>."
- AffOSProcToGroup "%1$s: OS proc %2$d maps to Windows* OS processor group %3$d proc %4$d"
- AffBalancedNotAvail "%1$s: Affinity balanced is not available."
- OBSOLETE "%1$s: granularity=core will be used."
- EnvLockWarn "%1$s must be set prior to first OMP lock call or critical section; ignored."
- FutexNotSupported "futex system call not supported; %1$s=%2$s ignored."
- AffGranUsing "%1$s: granularity=%2$s will be used."
- AffThrPlaceInvalid "%1$s: invalid value \"%2$s\", valid format is \"Ns[@N],Nc[@N],Nt "
- "(nSockets@offset, nCores@offset, nTthreads per core)\"."
- AffThrPlaceUnsupported "KMP_PLACE_THREADS ignored: unsupported architecture."
- AffThrPlaceManyCores "KMP_PLACE_THREADS ignored: too many cores requested."
- SyntaxErrorUsing "%1$s: syntax error, using %2$s."
- AdaptiveNotSupported "%1$s: Adaptive locks are not supported; using queuing."
- EnvSyntaxError "%1$s: Invalid symbols found. Check the value \"%2$s\"."
- EnvSpacesNotAllowed "%1$s: Spaces between digits are not allowed \"%2$s\"."
- BoundToOSProcSet "%1$s: pid %2$d thread %3$d bound to OS proc set %4$s"
- CnsLoopIncrIllegal "%1$s error: parallel loop increment and condition are inconsistent."
- NoGompCancellation "libgomp cancellation is not currently supported."
- AffThrPlaceNonUniform "KMP_PLACE_THREADS ignored: non-uniform topology."
- AffThrPlaceNonThreeLevel "KMP_PLACE_THREADS ignored: only three-level topology is supported."
- AffGranTopGroup "%1$s: granularity=%2$s is not supported with KMP_TOPOLOGY_METHOD=group. Using \"granularity=fine\"."
- AffGranGroupType "%1$s: granularity=group is not supported with KMP_AFFINITY=%2$s. Using \"granularity=core\"."
- AffThrPlaceManySockets "KMP_PLACE_THREADS ignored: too many sockets requested."
- AffThrPlaceDeprecated "KMP_PLACE_THREADS \"o\" offset designator deprecated, please use @ prefix for offset value."
- AffUsingHwloc "%1$s: Affinity capable, using hwloc."
- AffIgnoringHwloc "%1$s: Ignoring hwloc mechanism."
- AffHwlocErrorOccurred "%1$s: Hwloc failed in %2$s. Relying on internal affinity mechanisms."
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -*- HINTS -*-
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Hints. Hint may be printed after a message. Usually it is longer explanation text or suggestion.
- # To maintain hint numbers (they are visible to customers), add new hints to the end.
- SubmitBugReport "Please submit a bug report with this message, compile and run "
- "commands used, and machine configuration info including native "
- "compiler and operating system versions. Faster response will be "
- "obtained by including all program sources. For information on "
- "submitting this issue, please see "
- "http://www.intel.com/software/products/support/."
- OBSOLETE "Check NLSPATH environment variable, its value is \"%1$s\"."
- ChangeStackLimit "Please try changing the shell stack limit or adjusting the "
- "OMP_STACKSIZE environment variable."
- Unset_ALL_THREADS "Consider unsetting KMP_ALL_THREADS and OMP_THREAD_LIMIT (if either is set)."
- Set_ALL_THREADPRIVATE "Consider setting KMP_ALL_THREADPRIVATE to a value larger than %1$d."
- PossibleSystemLimitOnThreads "This could also be due to a system-related limit on the number of threads."
- DuplicateLibrary "This means that multiple copies of the OpenMP runtime have been "
- "linked into the program. That is dangerous, since it can degrade "
- "performance or cause incorrect results. "
- "The best thing to do is to ensure that only a single OpenMP runtime is "
- "linked into the process, e.g. by avoiding static linking of the OpenMP "
- "runtime in any library. As an unsafe, unsupported, undocumented workaround "
- "you can set the environment variable KMP_DUPLICATE_LIB_OK=TRUE to allow "
- "the program to continue to execute, but that may cause crashes or "
- "silently produce incorrect results. "
- "For more information, please see http://www.intel.com/software/products/support/."
- NameComesFrom_CPUINFO_FILE "This name is specified in environment variable KMP_CPUINFO_FILE."
- NotEnoughMemory "Seems application required too much memory."
- ValidBoolValues "Use \"0\", \"FALSE\". \".F.\", \"off\", \"no\" as false values, "
- "\"1\", \"TRUE\", \".T.\", \"on\", \"yes\" as true values."
- BufferOverflow "Perhaps too many threads."
- RunningAtMaxPriority "Decrease priority of application. "
- "This will allow the monitor thread run at higher priority than other threads."
- ChangeMonitorStackSize "Try changing KMP_MONITOR_STACKSIZE or the shell stack limit."
- ChangeWorkerStackSize "Try changing OMP_STACKSIZE and/or the shell stack limit."
- IncreaseWorkerStackSize "Try increasing OMP_STACKSIZE or the shell stack limit."
- DecreaseWorkerStackSize "Try decreasing OMP_STACKSIZE."
- Decrease_NUM_THREADS "Try decreasing the value of OMP_NUM_THREADS."
- IncreaseMonitorStackSize "Try increasing KMP_MONITOR_STACKSIZE."
- DecreaseMonitorStackSize "Try decreasing KMP_MONITOR_STACKSIZE."
- DecreaseNumberOfThreadsInUse "Try decreasing the number of threads in use simultaneously."
- DefaultScheduleKindUsed "Will use default schedule type (%1$s)."
- GetNewerLibrary "It could be a result of using an older OMP library with a newer "
- "compiler or memory corruption. You may check the proper OMP library "
- "is linked to the application."
- CheckEnvVar "Check %1$s environment variable, its value is \"%2$s\"."
- OBSOLETE "You may want to use an %1$s library that supports %2$s interface with version %3$s."
- OBSOLETE "You may want to use an %1$s library with version %2$s."
- BadExeFormat "System error #193 is \"Bad format of EXE or DLL file\". "
- "Usually it means the file is found, but it is corrupted or "
- "a file for another architecture. "
- "Check whether \"%1$s\" is a file for %2$s architecture."
- SystemLimitOnThreads "System-related limit on the number of threads."
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # end of file #
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------