Directory postgresql/ contains PostgreSQL sources that were automatically patched to make all global variables to become thread-local ones. This makes it possible to use pg functions in multi-thread environment.
Also, there are some additional commits to postgresql/ (mostly backports from newer PostgreSQL versions or renames of PostgreSQL C functions when corresponding function is reimplemented outside of postgresql/ directory/)
Base version of PostgreSQL can be seen in script (VERSION variable). script downloads, configures and builds static postgresql.a library from original PostgreSQL sources with minor patches (source.patch). After that, it finds all global r/w symbols by analyzing output of "objdump postgresql.a" command. Then it copies all necessary *.c and *.h files to postgresql/ directory, automatically changing all static variables to thread-local ones.
How to upgrade to newer PostgreSQL:
libicu-dev icu-devtools pkg-config liblz4-dev libreadline-dev libssl-dev libxml2-dev libossp-uuid-dev
./ && git diff -R postgresql > local_changes.patch
In file local_changes.patch you will get all changes applied to postgresql/ directory which are not part of automated patching by
git checkout .
Bump PostgreSQL version in (it is recommended not to do big jumps here)
Run ./
Assuming compilation and automatic patching were successful, apply local changes collected on step 2:
patch -p6 < local_changes.patch
Resolve possible conflicts. Usually, conflicts arise due to some already backported changes
(cd ../../tools/pg_catalog_dump/ && yag make --build=relwithdebinfo && ./pg_catalog_dump > dump.json)
yag make --build=relwithdebinfo -tA -C ut -C test -C ../../sql/pg/ut
Should output OK