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- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- # pg_am.dat
- # Initial contents of the pg_am system catalog.
- #
- # Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2023, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
- # Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
- #
- # src/include/catalog/pg_am.dat
- #
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- [
- { oid => '2', oid_symbol => 'HEAP_TABLE_AM_OID',
- descr => 'heap table access method',
- amname => 'heap', amhandler => 'heap_tableam_handler', amtype => 't' },
- { oid => '403', oid_symbol => 'BTREE_AM_OID',
- descr => 'b-tree index access method',
- amname => 'btree', amhandler => 'bthandler', amtype => 'i' },
- { oid => '405', oid_symbol => 'HASH_AM_OID',
- descr => 'hash index access method',
- amname => 'hash', amhandler => 'hashhandler', amtype => 'i' },
- { oid => '783', oid_symbol => 'GIST_AM_OID',
- descr => 'GiST index access method',
- amname => 'gist', amhandler => 'gisthandler', amtype => 'i' },
- { oid => '2742', oid_symbol => 'GIN_AM_OID',
- descr => 'GIN index access method',
- amname => 'gin', amhandler => 'ginhandler', amtype => 'i' },
- { oid => '4000', oid_symbol => 'SPGIST_AM_OID',
- descr => 'SP-GiST index access method',
- amname => 'spgist', amhandler => 'spghandler', amtype => 'i' },
- { oid => '3580', oid_symbol => 'BRIN_AM_OID',
- descr => 'block range index (BRIN) access method',
- amname => 'brin', amhandler => 'brinhandler', amtype => 'i' },
- ]