4.1 KB

  1. from .interpolatableHelpers import *
  2. def test_starting_point(glyph0, glyph1, ix, tolerance, matching):
  3. if matching is None:
  4. matching = list(range(len(glyph0.isomorphisms)))
  5. contour0 = glyph0.isomorphisms[ix]
  6. contour1 = glyph1.isomorphisms[matching[ix]]
  7. m0Vectors = glyph0.greenVectors
  8. m1Vectors = [glyph1.greenVectors[i] for i in matching]
  9. c0 = contour0[0]
  10. # Next few lines duplicated below.
  11. costs = [vdiff_hypot2_complex(c0[0], c1[0]) for c1 in contour1]
  12. min_cost_idx, min_cost = min(enumerate(costs), key=lambda x: x[1])
  13. first_cost = costs[0]
  14. proposed_point = contour1[min_cost_idx][1]
  15. reverse = contour1[min_cost_idx][2]
  16. if min_cost < first_cost * tolerance:
  17. # c0 is the first isomorphism of the m0 master
  18. # contour1 is list of all isomorphisms of the m1 master
  19. #
  20. # If the two shapes are both circle-ish and slightly
  21. # rotated, we detect wrong start point. This is for
  22. # example the case hundreds of times in
  23. # RobotoSerif-Italic[GRAD,opsz,wdth,wght].ttf
  24. #
  25. # If the proposed point is only one off from the first
  26. # point (and not reversed), try harder:
  27. #
  28. # Find the major eigenvector of the covariance matrix,
  29. # and rotate the contours by that angle. Then find the
  30. # closest point again. If it matches this time, let it
  31. # pass.
  32. num_points = len(glyph1.points[ix])
  33. leeway = 3
  34. if not reverse and (
  35. proposed_point <= leeway or proposed_point >= num_points - leeway
  36. ):
  37. # Try harder
  38. # Recover the covariance matrix from the GreenVectors.
  39. # This is a 2x2 matrix.
  40. transforms = []
  41. for vector in (m0Vectors[ix], m1Vectors[ix]):
  42. meanX = vector[1]
  43. meanY = vector[2]
  44. stddevX = vector[3] * 0.5
  45. stddevY = vector[4] * 0.5
  46. correlation = vector[5] / abs(vector[0])
  47. #
  48. a = stddevX * stddevX # VarianceX
  49. c = stddevY * stddevY # VarianceY
  50. b = correlation * stddevX * stddevY # Covariance
  51. delta = (((a - c) * 0.5) ** 2 + b * b) ** 0.5
  52. lambda1 = (a + c) * 0.5 + delta # Major eigenvalue
  53. lambda2 = (a + c) * 0.5 - delta # Minor eigenvalue
  54. theta = atan2(lambda1 - a, b) if b != 0 else (pi * 0.5 if a < c else 0)
  55. trans = Transform()
  56. # Don't translate here. We are working on the complex-vector
  57. # that includes more than just the points. It's horrible what
  58. # we are doing anyway...
  59. # trans = trans.translate(meanX, meanY)
  60. trans = trans.rotate(theta)
  61. trans = trans.scale(sqrt(lambda1), sqrt(lambda2))
  62. transforms.append(trans)
  63. trans = transforms[0]
  64. new_c0 = (
  65. [complex(*trans.transformPoint((pt.real, pt.imag))) for pt in c0[0]],
  66. ) + c0[1:]
  67. trans = transforms[1]
  68. new_contour1 = []
  69. for c1 in contour1:
  70. new_c1 = (
  71. [
  72. complex(*trans.transformPoint((pt.real, pt.imag)))
  73. for pt in c1[0]
  74. ],
  75. ) + c1[1:]
  76. new_contour1.append(new_c1)
  77. # Next few lines duplicate from above.
  78. costs = [
  79. vdiff_hypot2_complex(new_c0[0], new_c1[0]) for new_c1 in new_contour1
  80. ]
  81. min_cost_idx, min_cost = min(enumerate(costs), key=lambda x: x[1])
  82. first_cost = costs[0]
  83. if min_cost < first_cost * tolerance:
  84. # Don't report this
  85. # min_cost = first_cost
  86. # reverse = False
  87. # proposed_point = 0 # new_contour1[min_cost_idx][1]
  88. pass
  89. this_tolerance = min_cost / first_cost if first_cost else 1
  90. log.debug(
  91. "test-starting-point: tolerance %g",
  92. this_tolerance,
  93. )
  94. return this_tolerance, proposed_point, reverse