123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589 |
- # Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
- # See LICENSE for details.
- """
- An implementation of
- U{Python Web Server Gateway Interface v1.0.1<http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-3333/>}.
- """
- from collections.abc import Sequence
- from sys import exc_info
- from warnings import warn
- from zope.interface import implementer
- from twisted.internet.threads import blockingCallFromThread
- from twisted.logger import Logger
- from twisted.python.failure import Failure
- from twisted.web.http import INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR
- from twisted.web.resource import IResource
- from twisted.web.server import NOT_DONE_YET
- # PEP-3333 -- which has superseded PEP-333 -- states that, in both Python 2
- # and Python 3, text strings MUST be represented using the platform's native
- # string type, limited to characters defined in ISO-8859-1. Byte strings are
- # used only for values read from wsgi.input, passed to write() or yielded by
- # the application.
- #
- # Put another way:
- #
- # - In Python 2, all text strings and binary data are of type str/bytes and
- # NEVER of type unicode. Whether the strings contain binary data or
- # ISO-8859-1 text depends on context.
- #
- # - In Python 3, all text strings are of type str, and all binary data are of
- # type bytes. Text MUST always be limited to that which can be encoded as
- # ISO-8859-1, U+0000 to U+00FF inclusive.
- #
- # The following pair of functions -- _wsgiString() and _wsgiStringToBytes() --
- # are used to make Twisted's WSGI support compliant with the standard.
- if str is bytes:
- def _wsgiString(string): # Python 2.
- """
- Convert C{string} to an ISO-8859-1 byte string, if it is not already.
- @type string: C{str}/C{bytes} or C{unicode}
- @rtype: C{str}/C{bytes}
- @raise UnicodeEncodeError: If C{string} contains non-ISO-8859-1 chars.
- """
- if isinstance(string, str):
- return string
- else:
- return string.encode("iso-8859-1")
- def _wsgiStringToBytes(string): # Python 2.
- """
- Return C{string} as is; a WSGI string is a byte string in Python 2.
- @type string: C{str}/C{bytes}
- @rtype: C{str}/C{bytes}
- """
- return string
- else:
- def _wsgiString(string): # Python 3.
- """
- Convert C{string} to a WSGI "bytes-as-unicode" string.
- If it's a byte string, decode as ISO-8859-1. If it's a Unicode string,
- round-trip it to bytes and back using ISO-8859-1 as the encoding.
- @type string: C{str} or C{bytes}
- @rtype: C{str}
- @raise UnicodeEncodeError: If C{string} contains non-ISO-8859-1 chars.
- """
- if isinstance(string, str):
- return string.encode("iso-8859-1").decode("iso-8859-1")
- else:
- return string.decode("iso-8859-1")
- def _wsgiStringToBytes(string): # Python 3.
- """
- Convert C{string} from a WSGI "bytes-as-unicode" string to an
- ISO-8859-1 byte string.
- @type string: C{str}
- @rtype: C{bytes}
- @raise UnicodeEncodeError: If C{string} contains non-ISO-8859-1 chars.
- """
- return string.encode("iso-8859-1")
- class _ErrorStream:
- """
- File-like object instances of which are used as the value for the
- C{'wsgi.errors'} key in the C{environ} dictionary passed to the application
- object.
- This simply passes writes on to L{logging<twisted.logger>} system as
- error events from the C{'wsgi'} system. In the future, it may be desirable
- to expose more information in the events it logs, such as the application
- object which generated the message.
- """
- _log = Logger()
- def write(self, data):
- """
- Generate an event for the logging system with the given bytes as the
- message.
- This is called in a WSGI application thread, not the I/O thread.
- @type data: str
- @raise TypeError: On Python 3, if C{data} is not a native string. On
- Python 2 a warning will be issued.
- """
- if not isinstance(data, str):
- if str is bytes:
- warn(
- "write() argument should be str, not %r (%s)"
- % (data, type(data).__name__),
- category=UnicodeWarning,
- )
- else:
- raise TypeError(
- "write() argument must be str, not %r (%s)"
- % (data, type(data).__name__)
- )
- # Note that in old style, message was a tuple. logger._legacy
- # will overwrite this value if it is not properly formatted here.
- self._log.error(data, system="wsgi", isError=True, message=(data,))
- def writelines(self, iovec):
- """
- Join the given lines and pass them to C{write} to be handled in the
- usual way.
- This is called in a WSGI application thread, not the I/O thread.
- @param iovec: A C{list} of C{'\\n'}-terminated C{str} which will be
- logged.
- @raise TypeError: On Python 3, if C{iovec} contains any non-native
- strings. On Python 2 a warning will be issued.
- """
- self.write("".join(iovec))
- def flush(self):
- """
- Nothing is buffered, so flushing does nothing. This method is required
- to exist by PEP 333, though.
- This is called in a WSGI application thread, not the I/O thread.
- """
- class _InputStream:
- """
- File-like object instances of which are used as the value for the
- C{'wsgi.input'} key in the C{environ} dictionary passed to the application
- object.
- This only exists to make the handling of C{readline(-1)} consistent across
- different possible underlying file-like object implementations. The other
- supported methods pass through directly to the wrapped object.
- """
- def __init__(self, input):
- """
- Initialize the instance.
- This is called in the I/O thread, not a WSGI application thread.
- """
- self._wrapped = input
- def read(self, size=None):
- """
- Pass through to the underlying C{read}.
- This is called in a WSGI application thread, not the I/O thread.
- """
- # Avoid passing None because cStringIO and file don't like it.
- if size is None:
- return self._wrapped.read()
- return self._wrapped.read(size)
- def readline(self, size=None):
- """
- Pass through to the underlying C{readline}, with a size of C{-1} replaced
- with a size of L{None}.
- This is called in a WSGI application thread, not the I/O thread.
- """
- # Check for -1 because StringIO doesn't handle it correctly. Check for
- # None because files and tempfiles don't accept that.
- if size == -1 or size is None:
- return self._wrapped.readline()
- return self._wrapped.readline(size)
- def readlines(self, size=None):
- """
- Pass through to the underlying C{readlines}.
- This is called in a WSGI application thread, not the I/O thread.
- """
- # Avoid passing None because cStringIO and file don't like it.
- if size is None:
- return self._wrapped.readlines()
- return self._wrapped.readlines(size)
- def __iter__(self):
- """
- Pass through to the underlying C{__iter__}.
- This is called in a WSGI application thread, not the I/O thread.
- """
- return iter(self._wrapped)
- class _WSGIResponse:
- """
- Helper for L{WSGIResource} which drives the WSGI application using a
- threadpool and hooks it up to the L{http.Request}.
- @ivar started: A L{bool} indicating whether or not the response status and
- headers have been written to the request yet. This may only be read or
- written in the WSGI application thread.
- @ivar reactor: An L{IReactorThreads} provider which is used to call methods
- on the request in the I/O thread.
- @ivar threadpool: A L{ThreadPool} which is used to call the WSGI
- application object in a non-I/O thread.
- @ivar application: The WSGI application object.
- @ivar request: The L{http.Request} upon which the WSGI environment is
- based and to which the application's output will be sent.
- @ivar environ: The WSGI environment L{dict}.
- @ivar status: The HTTP response status L{str} supplied to the WSGI
- I{start_response} callable by the application.
- @ivar headers: A list of HTTP response headers supplied to the WSGI
- I{start_response} callable by the application.
- @ivar _requestFinished: A flag which indicates whether it is possible to
- generate more response data or not. This is L{False} until
- L{http.Request.notifyFinish} tells us the request is done,
- then L{True}.
- """
- _requestFinished = False
- _log = Logger()
- def __init__(self, reactor, threadpool, application, request):
- self.started = False
- self.reactor = reactor
- self.threadpool = threadpool
- self.application = application
- self.request = request
- self.request.notifyFinish().addBoth(self._finished)
- if request.prepath:
- scriptName = b"/" + b"/".join(request.prepath)
- else:
- scriptName = b""
- if request.postpath:
- pathInfo = b"/" + b"/".join(request.postpath)
- else:
- pathInfo = b""
- parts = request.uri.split(b"?", 1)
- if len(parts) == 1:
- queryString = b""
- else:
- queryString = parts[1]
- # All keys and values need to be native strings, i.e. of type str in
- # *both* Python 2 and Python 3, so says PEP-3333.
- self.environ = {
- "REQUEST_METHOD": _wsgiString(request.method),
- "REMOTE_ADDR": _wsgiString(request.getClientAddress().host),
- "SCRIPT_NAME": _wsgiString(scriptName),
- "PATH_INFO": _wsgiString(pathInfo),
- "QUERY_STRING": _wsgiString(queryString),
- "CONTENT_TYPE": _wsgiString(request.getHeader(b"content-type") or ""),
- "CONTENT_LENGTH": _wsgiString(request.getHeader(b"content-length") or ""),
- "SERVER_NAME": _wsgiString(request.getRequestHostname()),
- "SERVER_PORT": _wsgiString(str(request.getHost().port)),
- "SERVER_PROTOCOL": _wsgiString(request.clientproto),
- }
- # The application object is entirely in control of response headers;
- # disable the default Content-Type value normally provided by
- # twisted.web.server.Request.
- self.request.defaultContentType = None
- for name, values in request.requestHeaders.getAllRawHeaders():
- name = "HTTP_" + _wsgiString(name).upper().replace("-", "_")
- # It might be preferable for http.HTTPChannel to clear out
- # newlines.
- self.environ[name] = ",".join(_wsgiString(v) for v in values).replace(
- "\n", " "
- )
- self.environ.update(
- {
- "wsgi.version": (1, 0),
- "wsgi.url_scheme": request.isSecure() and "https" or "http",
- "wsgi.run_once": False,
- "wsgi.multithread": True,
- "wsgi.multiprocess": False,
- "wsgi.errors": _ErrorStream(),
- # Attend: request.content was owned by the I/O thread up until
- # this point. By wrapping it and putting the result into the
- # environment dictionary, it is effectively being given to
- # another thread. This means that whatever it is, it has to be
- # safe to access it from two different threads. The access
- # *should* all be serialized (first the I/O thread writes to
- # it, then the WSGI thread reads from it, then the I/O thread
- # closes it). However, since the request is made available to
- # arbitrary application code during resource traversal, it's
- # possible that some other code might decide to use it in the
- # I/O thread concurrently with its use in the WSGI thread.
- # More likely than not, this will break. This seems like an
- # unlikely possibility to me, but if it is to be allowed,
- # something here needs to change. -exarkun
- "wsgi.input": _InputStream(request.content),
- }
- )
- def _finished(self, ignored):
- """
- Record the end of the response generation for the request being
- serviced.
- """
- self._requestFinished = True
- def startResponse(self, status, headers, excInfo=None):
- """
- The WSGI I{start_response} callable. The given values are saved until
- they are needed to generate the response.
- This will be called in a non-I/O thread.
- """
- if self.started and excInfo is not None:
- raise excInfo[1].with_traceback(excInfo[2])
- # PEP-3333 mandates that status should be a native string. In practice
- # this is mandated by Twisted's HTTP implementation too, so we enforce
- # on both Python 2 and Python 3.
- if not isinstance(status, str):
- raise TypeError(
- "status must be str, not {!r} ({})".format(
- status, type(status).__name__
- )
- )
- # PEP-3333 mandates that headers should be a plain list, but in
- # practice we work with any sequence type and only warn when it's not
- # a plain list.
- if isinstance(headers, list):
- pass # This is okay.
- elif isinstance(headers, Sequence):
- warn(
- "headers should be a list, not %r (%s)"
- % (headers, type(headers).__name__),
- category=RuntimeWarning,
- )
- else:
- raise TypeError(
- "headers must be a list, not %r (%s)"
- % (headers, type(headers).__name__)
- )
- # PEP-3333 mandates that each header should be a (str, str) tuple, but
- # in practice we work with any sequence type and only warn when it's
- # not a plain list.
- for header in headers:
- if isinstance(header, tuple):
- pass # This is okay.
- elif isinstance(header, Sequence):
- warn(
- "header should be a (str, str) tuple, not %r (%s)"
- % (header, type(header).__name__),
- category=RuntimeWarning,
- )
- else:
- raise TypeError(
- "header must be a (str, str) tuple, not %r (%s)"
- % (header, type(header).__name__)
- )
- # However, the sequence MUST contain only 2 elements.
- if len(header) != 2:
- raise TypeError(f"header must be a (str, str) tuple, not {header!r}")
- # Both elements MUST be native strings. Non-native strings will be
- # rejected by the underlying HTTP machinery in any case, but we
- # reject them here in order to provide a more informative error.
- for elem in header:
- if not isinstance(elem, str):
- raise TypeError(f"header must be (str, str) tuple, not {header!r}")
- self.status = status
- self.headers = headers
- return self.write
- def write(self, data):
- """
- The WSGI I{write} callable returned by the I{start_response} callable.
- The given bytes will be written to the response body, possibly flushing
- the status and headers first.
- This will be called in a non-I/O thread.
- """
- # PEP-3333 states:
- #
- # The server or gateway must transmit the yielded bytestrings to the
- # client in an unbuffered fashion, completing the transmission of
- # each bytestring before requesting another one.
- #
- # This write() method is used for the imperative and (indirectly) for
- # the more familiar iterable-of-bytestrings WSGI mechanism. It uses
- # C{blockingCallFromThread} to schedule writes. This allows exceptions
- # to propagate up from the underlying HTTP implementation. However,
- # that underlying implementation does not, as yet, provide any way to
- # know if the written data has been transmitted, so this method
- # violates the above part of PEP-3333.
- #
- # PEP-3333 also says that a server may:
- #
- # Use a different thread to ensure that the block continues to be
- # transmitted while the application produces the next block.
- #
- # Which suggests that this is actually compliant with PEP-3333,
- # because writes are done in the reactor thread.
- #
- # However, providing some back-pressure may nevertheless be a Good
- # Thing at some point in the future.
- def wsgiWrite(started):
- if not started:
- self._sendResponseHeaders()
- self.request.write(data)
- try:
- return blockingCallFromThread(self.reactor, wsgiWrite, self.started)
- finally:
- self.started = True
- def _sendResponseHeaders(self):
- """
- Set the response code and response headers on the request object, but
- do not flush them. The caller is responsible for doing a write in
- order for anything to actually be written out in response to the
- request.
- This must be called in the I/O thread.
- """
- code, message = self.status.split(None, 1)
- code = int(code)
- self.request.setResponseCode(code, _wsgiStringToBytes(message))
- for name, value in self.headers:
- # Don't allow the application to control these required headers.
- if name.lower() not in ("server", "date"):
- self.request.responseHeaders.addRawHeader(
- _wsgiStringToBytes(name), _wsgiStringToBytes(value)
- )
- def start(self):
- """
- Start the WSGI application in the threadpool.
- This must be called in the I/O thread.
- """
- self.threadpool.callInThread(self.run)
- def run(self):
- """
- Call the WSGI application object, iterate it, and handle its output.
- This must be called in a non-I/O thread (ie, a WSGI application
- thread).
- """
- try:
- appIterator = self.application(self.environ, self.startResponse)
- for elem in appIterator:
- if elem:
- self.write(elem)
- if self._requestFinished:
- break
- close = getattr(appIterator, "close", None)
- if close is not None:
- close()
- except BaseException:
- def wsgiError(started, type, value, traceback):
- self._log.failure(
- "WSGI application error", failure=Failure(value, type, traceback)
- )
- if started:
- self.request.loseConnection()
- else:
- self.request.setResponseCode(INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)
- self.request.finish()
- self.reactor.callFromThread(wsgiError, self.started, *exc_info())
- else:
- def wsgiFinish(started):
- if not self._requestFinished:
- if not started:
- self._sendResponseHeaders()
- self.request.finish()
- self.reactor.callFromThread(wsgiFinish, self.started)
- self.started = True
- @implementer(IResource)
- class WSGIResource:
- """
- An L{IResource} implementation which delegates responsibility for all
- resources hierarchically inferior to it to a WSGI application.
- @ivar _reactor: An L{IReactorThreads} provider which will be passed on to
- L{_WSGIResponse} to schedule calls in the I/O thread.
- @ivar _threadpool: A L{ThreadPool} which will be passed on to
- L{_WSGIResponse} to run the WSGI application object.
- @ivar _application: The WSGI application object.
- """
- # Further resource segments are left up to the WSGI application object to
- # handle.
- isLeaf = True
- def __init__(self, reactor, threadpool, application):
- self._reactor = reactor
- self._threadpool = threadpool
- self._application = application
- def render(self, request):
- """
- Turn the request into the appropriate C{environ} C{dict} suitable to be
- passed to the WSGI application object and then pass it on.
- The WSGI application object is given almost complete control of the
- rendering process. C{NOT_DONE_YET} will always be returned in order
- and response completion will be dictated by the application object, as
- will the status, headers, and the response body.
- """
- response = _WSGIResponse(
- self._reactor, self._threadpool, self._application, request
- )
- response.start()
- return NOT_DONE_YET
- def getChildWithDefault(self, name, request):
- """
- Reject attempts to retrieve a child resource. All path segments beyond
- the one which refers to this resource are handled by the WSGI
- application object.
- """
- raise RuntimeError("Cannot get IResource children from WSGIResource")
- def putChild(self, path, child):
- """
- Reject attempts to add a child resource to this resource. The WSGI
- application object handles all path segments beneath this resource, so
- L{IResource} children can never be found.
- """
- raise RuntimeError("Cannot put IResource children under WSGIResource")
- __all__ = ["WSGIResource"]