123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324 |
- #pragma once
- #include "doccodes.h"
- #include <util/charset/recode_result.h>
- #include <util/charset/unidata.h> // all wchar32 functions
- #include <util/charset/utf8.h>
- #include <util/generic/string.h>
- #include <util/generic/ylimits.h>
- #include <util/generic/yexception.h>
- #include <util/system/yassert.h>
- #include <util/system/defaults.h>
- #include <cctype>
- struct CodePage;
- struct Recoder;
- struct Encoder;
- /*****************************************************************\
- * struct CodePage *
- \*****************************************************************/
- struct CodePage {
- ECharset CPEnum; // int MIBEnum;
- const char* Names[30]; // name[0] -- preferred mime-name
- wchar32 unicode[256];
- const char* DefaultChar; //[CCL_NUM]
- bool IsLower(unsigned char ch) const {
- return ::IsLower(unicode[ch]);
- }
- bool IsUpper(unsigned char ch) const {
- return ::IsUpper(unicode[ch]);
- }
- bool IsAlpha(unsigned char ch) const {
- return ::IsAlpha(unicode[ch]);
- }
- bool IsDigit(unsigned char ch) const {
- return ::IsDigit(unicode[ch]);
- }
- bool IsXdigit(unsigned char ch) const {
- return ::IsXdigit(unicode[ch]);
- }
- bool IsAlnum(unsigned char ch) const {
- return ::IsAlnum(unicode[ch]);
- }
- bool IsSpace(unsigned char ch) const {
- return ::IsSpace(unicode[ch]);
- }
- bool IsPunct(unsigned char ch) const {
- return ::IsPunct(unicode[ch]);
- }
- bool IsCntrl(unsigned char ch) const {
- return ::IsCntrl(unicode[ch]);
- }
- bool IsGraph(unsigned char ch) const {
- return ::IsGraph(unicode[ch]);
- }
- bool IsPrint(unsigned char ch) const {
- return ::IsPrint(unicode[ch]);
- }
- bool IsComposed(unsigned char ch) const {
- return ::IsComposed(unicode[ch]);
- }
- // return pointer to char after the last char
- char* ToLower(const char* begin, const char* end, char* to) const;
- char* ToLower(const char* begin, char* to) const;
- // return pointer to char after the last char
- char* ToUpper(const char* begin, const char* end, char* to) const;
- char* ToUpper(const char* begin, char* to) const;
- int stricmp(const char* s1, const char* s2) const;
- int strnicmp(const char* s1, const char* s2, size_t len) const;
- inline unsigned char ToUpper(unsigned char ch) const;
- inline unsigned char ToLower(unsigned char ch) const;
- inline unsigned char ToTitle(unsigned char ch) const;
- inline int ToDigit(unsigned char ch) const {
- return ::ToDigit(unicode[ch]);
- }
- static void Initialize();
- inline bool SingleByteCodepage() const {
- return DefaultChar != nullptr;
- }
- inline bool NativeCodepage() const {
- return SingleByteCodepage() || CPEnum == CODES_UTF8;
- }
- };
- class TCodePageHash;
- namespace NCodepagePrivate {
- class TCodepagesMap {
- private:
- static const int DataShift = 2;
- static const int DataSize = CODES_MAX + DataShift;
- const CodePage* Data[DataSize];
- private:
- inline const CodePage* GetPrivate(ECharset e) const {
- Y_ASSERT(e + DataShift >= 0 && e + DataShift < DataSize);
- return Data[e + DataShift];
- }
- void SetData(const CodePage* cp);
- public:
- TCodepagesMap();
- inline const CodePage* Get(ECharset e) const {
- const CodePage* res = GetPrivate(e);
- if (!res->SingleByteCodepage()) {
- ythrow yexception() << "CodePage (" << (int)e << ") structure can only be used for single byte encodings";
- }
- return res;
- }
- inline bool SingleByteCodepage(ECharset e) const {
- return GetPrivate(e)->SingleByteCodepage();
- }
- inline bool NativeCodepage(ECharset e) const {
- return GetPrivate(e)->NativeCodepage();
- }
- inline const char* NameByCharset(ECharset e) const {
- return GetPrivate(e)->Names[0];
- }
- static const TCodepagesMap& Instance();
- friend class ::TCodePageHash;
- };
- inline bool NativeCodepage(ECharset e) {
- return ::NCodepagePrivate::TCodepagesMap::Instance().NativeCodepage(e);
- }
- }
- inline bool SingleByteCodepage(ECharset e) {
- return ::NCodepagePrivate::TCodepagesMap::Instance().SingleByteCodepage(e);
- }
- inline bool ValidCodepage(ECharset e) {
- return e >= 0 && e < CODES_MAX;
- }
- inline const CodePage* CodePageByCharset(ECharset e) {
- return ::NCodepagePrivate::TCodepagesMap::Instance().Get(e);
- }
- ECharset CharsetByName(TStringBuf name);
- // Same as CharsetByName, but throws yexception() if name is invalid
- ECharset CharsetByNameOrDie(TStringBuf name);
- inline ECharset CharsetByCodePage(const CodePage* CP) {
- return CP->CPEnum;
- }
- inline const char* NameByCharset(ECharset e) {
- return ::NCodepagePrivate::TCodepagesMap::Instance().NameByCharset(e);
- }
- inline const char* NameByCharsetSafe(ECharset e) {
- if (CODES_UNKNOWN < e && e < CODES_MAX)
- return ::NCodepagePrivate::TCodepagesMap::Instance().NameByCharset(e);
- else
- ythrow yexception() << "unknown encoding: " << (int)e;
- }
- inline const char* NameByCodePage(const CodePage* CP) {
- return CP->Names[0];
- }
- inline const CodePage* CodePageByName(const char* name) {
- ECharset code = CharsetByName(name);
- if (code == CODES_UNKNOWN)
- return nullptr;
- return CodePageByCharset(code);
- }
- ECharset EncodingHintByName(const char* name);
- /*****************************************************************\
- * struct Encoder *
- \*****************************************************************/
- struct Encoder {
- char* Table[256];
- const char* DefaultChar;
- inline char Code(wchar32 ch) const {
- if (ch > 0xFFFF)
- return 0;
- return (unsigned char)Table[(ch >> 8) & 255][ch & 255];
- }
- inline char Tr(wchar32 ch) const {
- char code = Code(ch);
- if (code == 0 && ch != 0)
- code = DefaultChar[NUnicode::CharType(ch)];
- Y_ASSERT(code != 0 || ch == 0);
- return code;
- }
- inline unsigned char operator[](wchar32 ch) const {
- return Tr(ch);
- }
- void Tr(const wchar32* in, char* out, size_t len) const;
- void Tr(const wchar32* in, char* out) const;
- char* DefaultPlane;
- };
- /*****************************************************************\
- * struct Recoder *
- \*****************************************************************/
- struct Recoder {
- unsigned char Table[257];
- void Create(const CodePage& source, const CodePage& target);
- void Create(const CodePage& source, const Encoder* wideTarget);
- void Create(const CodePage& page, wchar32 (*mapper)(wchar32));
- void Create(const CodePage& page, const Encoder* widePage, wchar32 (*mapper)(wchar32));
- inline unsigned char Tr(unsigned char c) const {
- return Table[c];
- }
- inline unsigned char operator[](unsigned char c) const {
- return Table[c];
- }
- void Tr(const char* in, char* out, size_t len) const;
- void Tr(const char* in, char* out) const;
- void Tr(char* in_out, size_t len) const;
- void Tr(char* in_out) const;
- };
- extern const struct Encoder& WideCharToYandex;
- const Encoder& EncoderByCharset(ECharset enc);
- namespace NCodepagePrivate {
- class TCodePageData {
- private:
- static const CodePage* const AllCodePages[];
- static const Recoder rcdr_to_yandex[];
- static const Recoder rcdr_from_yandex[];
- static const Recoder rcdr_to_lower[];
- static const Recoder rcdr_to_upper[];
- static const Recoder rcdr_to_title[];
- static const Encoder* const EncodeTo[];
- friend struct ::CodePage;
- friend class TCodepagesMap;
- friend RECODE_RESULT _recodeToYandex(ECharset, const char*, char*, size_t, size_t, size_t&, size_t&);
- friend RECODE_RESULT _recodeFromYandex(ECharset, const char*, char*, size_t, size_t, size_t&, size_t&);
- friend const Encoder& ::EncoderByCharset(ECharset enc);
- };
- }
- inline const Encoder& EncoderByCharset(ECharset enc) {
- if (!SingleByteCodepage(enc)) {
- ythrow yexception() << "Encoder structure can only be used for single byte encodings";
- }
- return *NCodepagePrivate::TCodePageData::EncodeTo[enc];
- }
- inline unsigned char CodePage::ToUpper(unsigned char ch) const {
- return NCodepagePrivate::TCodePageData::rcdr_to_upper[CPEnum].Table[ch];
- }
- inline unsigned char CodePage::ToLower(unsigned char ch) const {
- return NCodepagePrivate::TCodePageData::rcdr_to_lower[CPEnum].Table[ch];
- }
- inline unsigned char CodePage::ToTitle(unsigned char ch) const {
- return NCodepagePrivate::TCodePageData::rcdr_to_title[CPEnum].Table[ch];
- }
- extern const CodePage& csYandex;
- /// these functions change (lowers) [end] position in case of utf-8
- /// null character is NOT assumed or written at [*end]
- void DecodeUnknownPlane(wchar16* start, wchar16*& end, const ECharset enc4unk);
- void DecodeUnknownPlane(wchar32* start, wchar32*& end, const ECharset enc4unk);
- inline void ToLower(char* s, size_t n, const CodePage& cp = csYandex) {
- char* const e = s + n;
- for (; s != e; ++s)
- *s = cp.ToLower(*s);
- }
- inline void ToUpper(char* s, size_t n, const CodePage& cp = csYandex) {
- char* const e = s + n;
- for (; s != e; ++s)
- *s = cp.ToUpper(*s);
- }
- inline TString ToLower(TString s, const CodePage& cp, size_t pos = 0, size_t n = TString::npos) {
- s.Transform([&cp](size_t, char c) { return cp.ToLower(c); }, pos, n);
- return s;
- }
- inline TString ToUpper(TString s, const CodePage& cp, size_t pos = 0, size_t n = TString::npos) {
- s.Transform([&cp](size_t, char c) { return cp.ToUpper(c); }, pos, n);
- return s;
- }
- inline TString ToTitle(TString s, const CodePage& cp, size_t pos = 0, size_t n = TString::npos) {
- s.Transform(
- [pos, &cp](size_t i, char c) {
- return i == pos ? cp.ToTitle(c) : cp.ToLower(c);
- },
- pos,
- n);
- return s;
- }