123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598 |
- """Python part of the warnings subsystem."""
- import sys
- __all__ = ["warn", "warn_explicit", "showwarning",
- "formatwarning", "filterwarnings", "simplefilter",
- "resetwarnings", "catch_warnings"]
- def showwarning(message, category, filename, lineno, file=None, line=None):
- """Hook to write a warning to a file; replace if you like."""
- msg = WarningMessage(message, category, filename, lineno, file, line)
- _showwarnmsg_impl(msg)
- def formatwarning(message, category, filename, lineno, line=None):
- """Function to format a warning the standard way."""
- msg = WarningMessage(message, category, filename, lineno, None, line)
- return _formatwarnmsg_impl(msg)
- def _showwarnmsg_impl(msg):
- file = msg.file
- if file is None:
- file = sys.stderr
- if file is None:
- # sys.stderr is None when run with pythonw.exe:
- # warnings get lost
- return
- text = _formatwarnmsg(msg)
- try:
- file.write(text)
- except OSError:
- # the file (probably stderr) is invalid - this warning gets lost.
- pass
- def _formatwarnmsg_impl(msg):
- category = msg.category.__name__
- s = f"{msg.filename}:{msg.lineno}: {category}: {msg.message}\n"
- # "sys" is a made up file name when we are not able to get the frame
- # so do not try to get the source line
- if msg.line is None and msg.filename != "sys":
- try:
- import linecache
- line = linecache.getline(msg.filename, msg.lineno)
- except Exception:
- # When a warning is logged during Python shutdown, linecache
- # and the import machinery don't work anymore
- line = None
- linecache = None
- else:
- line = msg.line
- if line:
- line = line.strip()
- s += " %s\n" % line
- if msg.source is not None:
- try:
- import tracemalloc
- # Logging a warning should not raise a new exception:
- # catch Exception, not only ImportError and RecursionError.
- except Exception:
- # don't suggest to enable tracemalloc if it's not available
- suggest_tracemalloc = False
- tb = None
- else:
- try:
- suggest_tracemalloc = not tracemalloc.is_tracing()
- tb = tracemalloc.get_object_traceback(msg.source)
- except Exception:
- # When a warning is logged during Python shutdown, tracemalloc
- # and the import machinery don't work anymore
- suggest_tracemalloc = False
- tb = None
- if tb is not None:
- s += 'Object allocated at (most recent call last):\n'
- for frame in tb:
- s += (' File "%s", lineno %s\n'
- % (frame.filename, frame.lineno))
- try:
- if linecache is not None:
- line = linecache.getline(frame.filename, frame.lineno)
- else:
- line = None
- except Exception:
- line = None
- if line:
- line = line.strip()
- s += ' %s\n' % line
- elif suggest_tracemalloc:
- s += (f'{category}: Enable tracemalloc to get the object '
- f'allocation traceback\n')
- return s
- # Keep a reference to check if the function was replaced
- _showwarning_orig = showwarning
- def _showwarnmsg(msg):
- """Hook to write a warning to a file; replace if you like."""
- try:
- sw = showwarning
- except NameError:
- pass
- else:
- if sw is not _showwarning_orig:
- # warnings.showwarning() was replaced
- if not callable(sw):
- raise TypeError("warnings.showwarning() must be set to a "
- "function or method")
- sw(msg.message, msg.category, msg.filename, msg.lineno,
- msg.file, msg.line)
- return
- _showwarnmsg_impl(msg)
- # Keep a reference to check if the function was replaced
- _formatwarning_orig = formatwarning
- def _formatwarnmsg(msg):
- """Function to format a warning the standard way."""
- try:
- fw = formatwarning
- except NameError:
- pass
- else:
- if fw is not _formatwarning_orig:
- # warnings.formatwarning() was replaced
- return fw(msg.message, msg.category,
- msg.filename, msg.lineno, msg.line)
- return _formatwarnmsg_impl(msg)
- def filterwarnings(action, message="", category=Warning, module="", lineno=0,
- append=False):
- """Insert an entry into the list of warnings filters (at the front).
- 'action' -- one of "error", "ignore", "always", "default", "module",
- or "once"
- 'message' -- a regex that the warning message must match
- 'category' -- a class that the warning must be a subclass of
- 'module' -- a regex that the module name must match
- 'lineno' -- an integer line number, 0 matches all warnings
- 'append' -- if true, append to the list of filters
- """
- assert action in ("error", "ignore", "always", "default", "module",
- "once"), "invalid action: %r" % (action,)
- assert isinstance(message, str), "message must be a string"
- assert isinstance(category, type), "category must be a class"
- assert issubclass(category, Warning), "category must be a Warning subclass"
- assert isinstance(module, str), "module must be a string"
- assert isinstance(lineno, int) and lineno >= 0, \
- "lineno must be an int >= 0"
- if message or module:
- import re
- if message:
- message = re.compile(message, re.I)
- else:
- message = None
- if module:
- module = re.compile(module)
- else:
- module = None
- _add_filter(action, message, category, module, lineno, append=append)
- def simplefilter(action, category=Warning, lineno=0, append=False):
- """Insert a simple entry into the list of warnings filters (at the front).
- A simple filter matches all modules and messages.
- 'action' -- one of "error", "ignore", "always", "default", "module",
- or "once"
- 'category' -- a class that the warning must be a subclass of
- 'lineno' -- an integer line number, 0 matches all warnings
- 'append' -- if true, append to the list of filters
- """
- assert action in ("error", "ignore", "always", "default", "module",
- "once"), "invalid action: %r" % (action,)
- assert isinstance(lineno, int) and lineno >= 0, \
- "lineno must be an int >= 0"
- _add_filter(action, None, category, None, lineno, append=append)
- def _add_filter(*item, append):
- # Remove possible duplicate filters, so new one will be placed
- # in correct place. If append=True and duplicate exists, do nothing.
- if not append:
- try:
- filters.remove(item)
- except ValueError:
- pass
- filters.insert(0, item)
- else:
- if item not in filters:
- filters.append(item)
- _filters_mutated()
- def resetwarnings():
- """Clear the list of warning filters, so that no filters are active."""
- filters[:] = []
- _filters_mutated()
- class _OptionError(Exception):
- """Exception used by option processing helpers."""
- pass
- # Helper to process -W options passed via sys.warnoptions
- def _processoptions(args):
- for arg in args:
- try:
- _setoption(arg)
- except _OptionError as msg:
- print("Invalid -W option ignored:", msg, file=sys.stderr)
- # Helper for _processoptions()
- def _setoption(arg):
- parts = arg.split(':')
- if len(parts) > 5:
- raise _OptionError("too many fields (max 5): %r" % (arg,))
- while len(parts) < 5:
- parts.append('')
- action, message, category, module, lineno = [s.strip()
- for s in parts]
- action = _getaction(action)
- category = _getcategory(category)
- if message or module:
- import re
- if message:
- message = re.escape(message)
- if module:
- module = re.escape(module) + r'\Z'
- if lineno:
- try:
- lineno = int(lineno)
- if lineno < 0:
- raise ValueError
- except (ValueError, OverflowError):
- raise _OptionError("invalid lineno %r" % (lineno,)) from None
- else:
- lineno = 0
- filterwarnings(action, message, category, module, lineno)
- # Helper for _setoption()
- def _getaction(action):
- if not action:
- return "default"
- if action == "all": return "always" # Alias
- for a in ('default', 'always', 'ignore', 'module', 'once', 'error'):
- if a.startswith(action):
- return a
- raise _OptionError("invalid action: %r" % (action,))
- # Helper for _setoption()
- def _getcategory(category):
- if not category:
- return Warning
- if '.' not in category:
- import builtins as m
- klass = category
- else:
- module, _, klass = category.rpartition('.')
- try:
- m = __import__(module, None, None, [klass])
- except ImportError:
- raise _OptionError("invalid module name: %r" % (module,)) from None
- try:
- cat = getattr(m, klass)
- except AttributeError:
- raise _OptionError("unknown warning category: %r" % (category,)) from None
- if not issubclass(cat, Warning):
- raise _OptionError("invalid warning category: %r" % (category,))
- return cat
- def _is_internal_filename(filename):
- return 'importlib' in filename and '_bootstrap' in filename
- def _is_filename_to_skip(filename, skip_file_prefixes):
- return any(filename.startswith(prefix) for prefix in skip_file_prefixes)
- def _is_internal_frame(frame):
- """Signal whether the frame is an internal CPython implementation detail."""
- return _is_internal_filename(frame.f_code.co_filename)
- def _next_external_frame(frame, skip_file_prefixes):
- """Find the next frame that doesn't involve Python or user internals."""
- frame = frame.f_back
- while frame is not None and (
- _is_internal_filename(filename := frame.f_code.co_filename) or
- _is_filename_to_skip(filename, skip_file_prefixes)):
- frame = frame.f_back
- return frame
- # Code typically replaced by _warnings
- def warn(message, category=None, stacklevel=1, source=None,
- *, skip_file_prefixes=()):
- """Issue a warning, or maybe ignore it or raise an exception."""
- # Check if message is already a Warning object
- if isinstance(message, Warning):
- category = message.__class__
- # Check category argument
- if category is None:
- category = UserWarning
- if not (isinstance(category, type) and issubclass(category, Warning)):
- raise TypeError("category must be a Warning subclass, "
- "not '{:s}'".format(type(category).__name__))
- if not isinstance(skip_file_prefixes, tuple):
- # The C version demands a tuple for implementation performance.
- raise TypeError('skip_file_prefixes must be a tuple of strs.')
- if skip_file_prefixes:
- stacklevel = max(2, stacklevel)
- # Get context information
- try:
- if stacklevel <= 1 or _is_internal_frame(sys._getframe(1)):
- # If frame is too small to care or if the warning originated in
- # internal code, then do not try to hide any frames.
- frame = sys._getframe(stacklevel)
- else:
- frame = sys._getframe(1)
- # Look for one frame less since the above line starts us off.
- for x in range(stacklevel-1):
- frame = _next_external_frame(frame, skip_file_prefixes)
- if frame is None:
- raise ValueError
- except ValueError:
- globals = sys.__dict__
- filename = "sys"
- lineno = 1
- else:
- globals = frame.f_globals
- filename = frame.f_code.co_filename
- lineno = frame.f_lineno
- if '__name__' in globals:
- module = globals['__name__']
- else:
- module = "<string>"
- registry = globals.setdefault("__warningregistry__", {})
- warn_explicit(message, category, filename, lineno, module, registry,
- globals, source)
- def warn_explicit(message, category, filename, lineno,
- module=None, registry=None, module_globals=None,
- source=None):
- lineno = int(lineno)
- if module is None:
- module = filename or "<unknown>"
- if module[-3:].lower() == ".py":
- module = module[:-3] # XXX What about leading pathname?
- if registry is None:
- registry = {}
- if registry.get('version', 0) != _filters_version:
- registry.clear()
- registry['version'] = _filters_version
- if isinstance(message, Warning):
- text = str(message)
- category = message.__class__
- else:
- text = message
- message = category(message)
- key = (text, category, lineno)
- # Quick test for common case
- if registry.get(key):
- return
- # Search the filters
- for item in filters:
- action, msg, cat, mod, ln = item
- if ((msg is None or msg.match(text)) and
- issubclass(category, cat) and
- (mod is None or mod.match(module)) and
- (ln == 0 or lineno == ln)):
- break
- else:
- action = defaultaction
- # Early exit actions
- if action == "ignore":
- return
- # Prime the linecache for formatting, in case the
- # "file" is actually in a zipfile or something.
- import linecache
- linecache.getlines(filename, module_globals)
- if action == "error":
- raise message
- # Other actions
- if action == "once":
- registry[key] = 1
- oncekey = (text, category)
- if onceregistry.get(oncekey):
- return
- onceregistry[oncekey] = 1
- elif action == "always":
- pass
- elif action == "module":
- registry[key] = 1
- altkey = (text, category, 0)
- if registry.get(altkey):
- return
- registry[altkey] = 1
- elif action == "default":
- registry[key] = 1
- else:
- # Unrecognized actions are errors
- raise RuntimeError(
- "Unrecognized action (%r) in warnings.filters:\n %s" %
- (action, item))
- # Print message and context
- msg = WarningMessage(message, category, filename, lineno, source)
- _showwarnmsg(msg)
- class WarningMessage(object):
- _WARNING_DETAILS = ("message", "category", "filename", "lineno", "file",
- "line", "source")
- def __init__(self, message, category, filename, lineno, file=None,
- line=None, source=None):
- self.message = message
- self.category = category
- self.filename = filename
- self.lineno = lineno
- self.file = file
- self.line = line
- self.source = source
- self._category_name = category.__name__ if category else None
- def __str__(self):
- return ("{message : %r, category : %r, filename : %r, lineno : %s, "
- "line : %r}" % (self.message, self._category_name,
- self.filename, self.lineno, self.line))
- class catch_warnings(object):
- """A context manager that copies and restores the warnings filter upon
- exiting the context.
- The 'record' argument specifies whether warnings should be captured by a
- custom implementation of warnings.showwarning() and be appended to a list
- returned by the context manager. Otherwise None is returned by the context
- manager. The objects appended to the list are arguments whose attributes
- mirror the arguments to showwarning().
- The 'module' argument is to specify an alternative module to the module
- named 'warnings' and imported under that name. This argument is only useful
- when testing the warnings module itself.
- If the 'action' argument is not None, the remaining arguments are passed
- to warnings.simplefilter() as if it were called immediately on entering the
- context.
- """
- def __init__(self, *, record=False, module=None,
- action=None, category=Warning, lineno=0, append=False):
- """Specify whether to record warnings and if an alternative module
- should be used other than sys.modules['warnings'].
- For compatibility with Python 3.0, please consider all arguments to be
- keyword-only.
- """
- self._record = record
- self._module = sys.modules['warnings'] if module is None else module
- self._entered = False
- if action is None:
- self._filter = None
- else:
- self._filter = (action, category, lineno, append)
- def __repr__(self):
- args = []
- if self._record:
- args.append("record=True")
- if self._module is not sys.modules['warnings']:
- args.append("module=%r" % self._module)
- name = type(self).__name__
- return "%s(%s)" % (name, ", ".join(args))
- def __enter__(self):
- if self._entered:
- raise RuntimeError("Cannot enter %r twice" % self)
- self._entered = True
- self._filters = self._module.filters
- self._module.filters = self._filters[:]
- self._module._filters_mutated()
- self._showwarning = self._module.showwarning
- self._showwarnmsg_impl = self._module._showwarnmsg_impl
- if self._filter is not None:
- simplefilter(*self._filter)
- if self._record:
- log = []
- self._module._showwarnmsg_impl = log.append
- # Reset showwarning() to the default implementation to make sure
- # that _showwarnmsg() calls _showwarnmsg_impl()
- self._module.showwarning = self._module._showwarning_orig
- return log
- else:
- return None
- def __exit__(self, *exc_info):
- if not self._entered:
- raise RuntimeError("Cannot exit %r without entering first" % self)
- self._module.filters = self._filters
- self._module._filters_mutated()
- self._module.showwarning = self._showwarning
- self._module._showwarnmsg_impl = self._showwarnmsg_impl
- _DEPRECATED_MSG = "{name!r} is deprecated and slated for removal in Python {remove}"
- def _deprecated(name, message=_DEPRECATED_MSG, *, remove, _version=sys.version_info):
- """Warn that *name* is deprecated or should be removed.
- RuntimeError is raised if *remove* specifies a major/minor tuple older than
- the current Python version or the same version but past the alpha.
- The *message* argument is formatted with *name* and *remove* as a Python
- version (e.g. "3.11").
- """
- remove_formatted = f"{remove[0]}.{remove[1]}"
- if (_version[:2] > remove) or (_version[:2] == remove and _version[3] != "alpha"):
- msg = f"{name!r} was slated for removal after Python {remove_formatted} alpha"
- raise RuntimeError(msg)
- else:
- msg = message.format(name=name, remove=remove_formatted)
- warn(msg, DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=3)
- # Private utility function called by _PyErr_WarnUnawaitedCoroutine
- def _warn_unawaited_coroutine(coro):
- msg_lines = [
- f"coroutine '{coro.__qualname__}' was never awaited\n"
- ]
- if coro.cr_origin is not None:
- import linecache, traceback
- def extract():
- for filename, lineno, funcname in reversed(coro.cr_origin):
- line = linecache.getline(filename, lineno)
- yield (filename, lineno, funcname, line)
- msg_lines.append("Coroutine created at (most recent call last)\n")
- msg_lines += traceback.format_list(list(extract()))
- msg = "".join(msg_lines).rstrip("\n")
- # Passing source= here means that if the user happens to have tracemalloc
- # enabled and tracking where the coroutine was created, the warning will
- # contain that traceback. This does mean that if they have *both*
- # coroutine origin tracking *and* tracemalloc enabled, they'll get two
- # partially-redundant tracebacks. If we wanted to be clever we could
- # probably detect this case and avoid it, but for now we don't bother.
- warn(msg, category=RuntimeWarning, stacklevel=2, source=coro)
- # filters contains a sequence of filter 5-tuples
- # The components of the 5-tuple are:
- # - an action: error, ignore, always, default, module, or once
- # - a compiled regex that must match the warning message
- # - a class representing the warning category
- # - a compiled regex that must match the module that is being warned
- # - a line number for the line being warning, or 0 to mean any line
- # If either if the compiled regexs are None, match anything.
- try:
- from _warnings import (filters, _defaultaction, _onceregistry,
- warn, warn_explicit, _filters_mutated)
- defaultaction = _defaultaction
- onceregistry = _onceregistry
- _warnings_defaults = True
- except ImportError:
- filters = []
- defaultaction = "default"
- onceregistry = {}
- _filters_version = 1
- def _filters_mutated():
- global _filters_version
- _filters_version += 1
- _warnings_defaults = False
- # Module initialization
- _processoptions(sys.warnoptions)
- if not _warnings_defaults:
- # Several warning categories are ignored by default in regular builds
- if not hasattr(sys, 'gettotalrefcount'):
- filterwarnings("default", category=DeprecationWarning,
- module="__main__", append=1)
- simplefilter("ignore", category=DeprecationWarning, append=1)
- simplefilter("ignore", category=PendingDeprecationWarning, append=1)
- simplefilter("ignore", category=ImportWarning, append=1)
- simplefilter("ignore", category=ResourceWarning, append=1)
- del _warnings_defaults