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- Tests in example form - IPython
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- You can write text files with examples that use IPython prompts (as long as you
- use the nose ipython doctest plugin), but you can not mix and match prompt
- styles in a single file. That is, you either use all ``>>>`` prompts or all
- IPython-style prompts. Your test suite *can* have both types, you just need to
- put each type of example in a separate. Using IPython prompts, you can paste
- directly from your session::
- In [5]: s="Hello World"
- In [6]: s.upper()
- Out[6]: 'HELLO WORLD'
- Another example::
- In [8]: 1+3
- Out[8]: 4
- Just like in IPython docstrings, you can use all IPython syntax and features::
- In [9]: !echo hello
- hello
- In [10]: a='hi'
- In [11]: !echo $a
- hi