123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677678679680681682683684685686687688689690691692693694695696697698699700701702703704705706707708709710711712713714715716717718719720721722723724725726727728729730731732733734735736737738739740741742743744745746747748749750751752753754755756757758759760761762763764765766767768769770771772773774775776777778779780781782783784785786787788789790791792793794795796797798799800801802803804805806807808809810811812813814815816817818819820821822823824825826827828829830831832833834835836837838839840841842843844845846847848849850851852853854855856857858859860861862863864865866867868869870871 |
- // © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
- // License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html
- /*
- *******************************************************************************
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2003-2016, International Business Machines
- * Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- *******************************************************************************
- * file name: usprep.cpp
- * encoding: UTF-8
- * tab size: 8 (not used)
- * indentation:4
- *
- * created on: 2003jul2
- * created by: Ram Viswanadha
- */
- #include "unicode/utypes.h"
- #include "unicode/usprep.h"
- #include "unicode/normalizer2.h"
- #include "unicode/ustring.h"
- #include "unicode/uchar.h"
- #include "unicode/uversion.h"
- #include "umutex.h"
- #include "cmemory.h"
- #include "sprpimpl.h"
- #include "ustr_imp.h"
- #include "uhash.h"
- #include "cstring.h"
- #include "udataswp.h"
- #include "ucln_cmn.h"
- #include "ubidi_props.h"
- #include "uprops.h"
- /*
- Static cache for already opened StringPrep profiles
- */
- static UHashtable *SHARED_DATA_HASHTABLE = nullptr;
- static icu::UInitOnce gSharedDataInitOnce {};
- static UMutex usprepMutex;
- /* format version of spp file */
- //static uint8_t formatVersion[4]={ 0, 0, 0, 0 };
- /* the Unicode version of the sprep data */
- static UVersionInfo dataVersion={ 0, 0, 0, 0 };
- /* Profile names must be aligned to UStringPrepProfileType */
- static const char * const PROFILE_NAMES[] = {
- "rfc3491", /* USPREP_RFC3491_NAMEPREP */
- "rfc3530cs", /* USPREP_RFC3530_NFS4_CS_PREP */
- "rfc3530csci", /* USPREP_RFC3530_NFS4_CS_PREP_CI */
- "rfc3491", /* USPREP_RFC3530_NSF4_CIS_PREP */
- "rfc3530mixp", /* USPREP_RFC3530_NSF4_MIXED_PREP_PREFIX */
- "rfc3491", /* USPREP_RFC3530_NSF4_MIXED_PREP_SUFFIX */
- "rfc3722", /* USPREP_RFC3722_ISCSI */
- "rfc3920node", /* USPREP_RFC3920_NODEPREP */
- "rfc3920res", /* USPREP_RFC3920_RESOURCEPREP */
- "rfc4011", /* USPREP_RFC4011_MIB */
- "rfc4013", /* USPREP_RFC4013_SASLPREP */
- "rfc4505", /* USPREP_RFC4505_TRACE */
- "rfc4518", /* USPREP_RFC4518_LDAP */
- "rfc4518ci", /* USPREP_RFC4518_LDAP_CI */
- };
- static UBool U_CALLCONV
- isSPrepAcceptable(void * /* context */,
- const char * /* type */,
- const char * /* name */,
- const UDataInfo *pInfo) {
- if(
- pInfo->size>=20 &&
- pInfo->isBigEndian==U_IS_BIG_ENDIAN &&
- pInfo->charsetFamily==U_CHARSET_FAMILY &&
- pInfo->dataFormat[0]==0x53 && /* dataFormat="SPRP" */
- pInfo->dataFormat[1]==0x50 &&
- pInfo->dataFormat[2]==0x52 &&
- pInfo->dataFormat[3]==0x50 &&
- pInfo->formatVersion[0]==3 &&
- pInfo->formatVersion[2]==UTRIE_SHIFT &&
- pInfo->formatVersion[3]==UTRIE_INDEX_SHIFT
- ) {
- //uprv_memcpy(formatVersion, pInfo->formatVersion, 4);
- uprv_memcpy(dataVersion, pInfo->dataVersion, 4);
- return true;
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- }
- static int32_t U_CALLCONV
- getSPrepFoldingOffset(uint32_t data) {
- return (int32_t)data;
- }
- /* hashes an entry */
- static int32_t U_CALLCONV
- hashEntry(const UHashTok parm) {
- UStringPrepKey *b = (UStringPrepKey *)parm.pointer;
- UHashTok namekey, pathkey;
- namekey.pointer = b->name;
- pathkey.pointer = b->path;
- uint32_t unsignedHash = static_cast<uint32_t>(uhash_hashChars(namekey)) +
- 37u * static_cast<uint32_t>(uhash_hashChars(pathkey));
- return static_cast<int32_t>(unsignedHash);
- }
- /* compares two entries */
- static UBool U_CALLCONV
- compareEntries(const UHashTok p1, const UHashTok p2) {
- UStringPrepKey *b1 = (UStringPrepKey *)p1.pointer;
- UStringPrepKey *b2 = (UStringPrepKey *)p2.pointer;
- UHashTok name1, name2, path1, path2;
- name1.pointer = b1->name;
- name2.pointer = b2->name;
- path1.pointer = b1->path;
- path2.pointer = b2->path;
- return ((UBool)(uhash_compareChars(name1, name2) &
- uhash_compareChars(path1, path2)));
- }
- static void
- usprep_unload(UStringPrepProfile* data){
- udata_close(data->sprepData);
- }
- static int32_t
- usprep_internal_flushCache(UBool noRefCount){
- UStringPrepProfile *profile = nullptr;
- UStringPrepKey *key = nullptr;
- int32_t pos = UHASH_FIRST;
- int32_t deletedNum = 0;
- const UHashElement *e;
- /*
- * if shared data hasn't even been lazy evaluated yet
- * return 0
- */
- umtx_lock(&usprepMutex);
- if (SHARED_DATA_HASHTABLE == nullptr) {
- umtx_unlock(&usprepMutex);
- return 0;
- }
- /*creates an enumeration to iterate through every element in the table */
- while ((e = uhash_nextElement(SHARED_DATA_HASHTABLE, &pos)) != nullptr)
- {
- profile = (UStringPrepProfile *) e->value.pointer;
- key = (UStringPrepKey *) e->key.pointer;
- if ((noRefCount== false && profile->refCount == 0) ||
- noRefCount) {
- deletedNum++;
- uhash_removeElement(SHARED_DATA_HASHTABLE, e);
- /* unload the data */
- usprep_unload(profile);
- if(key->name != nullptr) {
- uprv_free(key->name);
- key->name=nullptr;
- }
- if(key->path != nullptr) {
- uprv_free(key->path);
- key->path=nullptr;
- }
- uprv_free(profile);
- uprv_free(key);
- }
- }
- umtx_unlock(&usprepMutex);
- return deletedNum;
- }
- /* Works just like ucnv_flushCache()
- static int32_t
- usprep_flushCache(){
- return usprep_internal_flushCache(false);
- }
- */
- static UBool U_CALLCONV usprep_cleanup(){
- if (SHARED_DATA_HASHTABLE != nullptr) {
- usprep_internal_flushCache(true);
- if (SHARED_DATA_HASHTABLE != nullptr && uhash_count(SHARED_DATA_HASHTABLE) == 0) {
- }
- }
- gSharedDataInitOnce.reset();
- return (SHARED_DATA_HASHTABLE == nullptr);
- }
- /** Initializes the cache for resources */
- static void U_CALLCONV
- createCache(UErrorCode &status) {
- SHARED_DATA_HASHTABLE = uhash_open(hashEntry, compareEntries, nullptr, &status);
- if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
- }
- ucln_common_registerCleanup(UCLN_COMMON_USPREP, usprep_cleanup);
- }
- static void
- initCache(UErrorCode *status) {
- umtx_initOnce(gSharedDataInitOnce, &createCache, *status);
- }
- static UBool U_CALLCONV
- loadData(UStringPrepProfile* profile,
- const char* path,
- const char* name,
- const char* type,
- UErrorCode* errorCode) {
- /* load Unicode SPREP data from file */
- UTrie _sprepTrie={ 0,0,0,0,0,0,0 };
- UDataMemory *dataMemory;
- const int32_t *p=nullptr;
- const uint8_t *pb;
- UVersionInfo normUnicodeVersion;
- int32_t normUniVer, sprepUniVer, normCorrVer;
- if(errorCode==nullptr || U_FAILURE(*errorCode)) {
- return 0;
- }
- /* open the data outside the mutex block */
- //TODO: change the path
- dataMemory=udata_openChoice(path, type, name, isSPrepAcceptable, nullptr, errorCode);
- if(U_FAILURE(*errorCode)) {
- return false;
- }
- p=(const int32_t *)udata_getMemory(dataMemory);
- pb=(const uint8_t *)(p+_SPREP_INDEX_TOP);
- utrie_unserialize(&_sprepTrie, pb, p[_SPREP_INDEX_TRIE_SIZE], errorCode);
- _sprepTrie.getFoldingOffset=getSPrepFoldingOffset;
- if(U_FAILURE(*errorCode)) {
- udata_close(dataMemory);
- return false;
- }
- /* in the mutex block, set the data for this process */
- umtx_lock(&usprepMutex);
- if(profile->sprepData==nullptr) {
- profile->sprepData=dataMemory;
- dataMemory=nullptr;
- uprv_memcpy(&profile->indexes, p, sizeof(profile->indexes));
- uprv_memcpy(&profile->sprepTrie, &_sprepTrie, sizeof(UTrie));
- } else {
- p=(const int32_t *)udata_getMemory(profile->sprepData);
- }
- umtx_unlock(&usprepMutex);
- /* initialize some variables */
- profile->mappingData=(uint16_t *)((uint8_t *)(p+_SPREP_INDEX_TOP)+profile->indexes[_SPREP_INDEX_TRIE_SIZE]);
- u_getUnicodeVersion(normUnicodeVersion);
- normUniVer = (normUnicodeVersion[0] << 24) + (normUnicodeVersion[1] << 16) +
- (normUnicodeVersion[2] << 8 ) + (normUnicodeVersion[3]);
- sprepUniVer = (dataVersion[0] << 24) + (dataVersion[1] << 16) +
- (dataVersion[2] << 8 ) + (dataVersion[3]);
- normCorrVer = profile->indexes[_SPREP_NORM_CORRECTNS_LAST_UNI_VERSION];
- if(U_FAILURE(*errorCode)){
- udata_close(dataMemory);
- return false;
- }
- if( normUniVer < sprepUniVer && /* the Unicode version of SPREP file must be less than the Unicode Version of the normalization data */
- normUniVer < normCorrVer && /* the Unicode version of the NormalizationCorrections.txt file should be less than the Unicode Version of the normalization data */
- ((profile->indexes[_SPREP_OPTIONS] & _SPREP_NORMALIZATION_ON) > 0) /* normalization turned on*/
- ){
- udata_close(dataMemory);
- return false;
- }
- profile->isDataLoaded = true;
- /* if a different thread set it first, then close the extra data */
- if(dataMemory!=nullptr) {
- udata_close(dataMemory); /* nullptr if it was set correctly */
- }
- return profile->isDataLoaded;
- }
- static UStringPrepProfile*
- usprep_getProfile(const char* path,
- const char* name,
- UErrorCode *status){
- UStringPrepProfile* profile = nullptr;
- initCache(status);
- if(U_FAILURE(*status)){
- return nullptr;
- }
- UStringPrepKey stackKey;
- /*
- * const is cast way to save malloc, strcpy and free calls
- * we use the passed in pointers for fetching the data from the
- * hash table which is safe
- */
- stackKey.name = (char*) name;
- stackKey.path = (char*) path;
- /* fetch the data from the cache */
- umtx_lock(&usprepMutex);
- profile = (UStringPrepProfile*) (uhash_get(SHARED_DATA_HASHTABLE,&stackKey));
- if(profile != nullptr) {
- profile->refCount++;
- }
- umtx_unlock(&usprepMutex);
- if(profile == nullptr) {
- /* else load the data and put the data in the cache */
- LocalMemory<UStringPrepProfile> newProfile;
- if(newProfile.allocateInsteadAndReset() == nullptr) {
- return nullptr;
- }
- /* load the data */
- if(!loadData(newProfile.getAlias(), path, name, _SPREP_DATA_TYPE, status) || U_FAILURE(*status) ){
- return nullptr;
- }
- /* get the options */
- newProfile->doNFKC = (UBool)((newProfile->indexes[_SPREP_OPTIONS] & _SPREP_NORMALIZATION_ON) > 0);
- newProfile->checkBiDi = (UBool)((newProfile->indexes[_SPREP_OPTIONS] & _SPREP_CHECK_BIDI_ON) > 0);
- LocalMemory<UStringPrepKey> key;
- LocalMemory<char> keyName;
- LocalMemory<char> keyPath;
- if( key.allocateInsteadAndReset() == nullptr ||
- keyName.allocateInsteadAndCopy(static_cast<int32_t>(uprv_strlen(name)+1)) == nullptr ||
- (path != nullptr &&
- keyPath.allocateInsteadAndCopy(static_cast<int32_t>(uprv_strlen(path)+1)) == nullptr)
- ) {
- usprep_unload(newProfile.getAlias());
- return nullptr;
- }
- umtx_lock(&usprepMutex);
- // If another thread already inserted the same key/value, refcount and cleanup our thread data
- profile = (UStringPrepProfile*) (uhash_get(SHARED_DATA_HASHTABLE,&stackKey));
- if(profile != nullptr) {
- profile->refCount++;
- usprep_unload(newProfile.getAlias());
- }
- else {
- /* initialize the key members */
- key->name = keyName.orphan();
- uprv_strcpy(key->name, name);
- if(path != nullptr){
- key->path = keyPath.orphan();
- uprv_strcpy(key->path, path);
- }
- profile = newProfile.orphan();
- /* add the data object to the cache */
- profile->refCount = 1;
- uhash_put(SHARED_DATA_HASHTABLE, key.orphan(), profile, status);
- }
- umtx_unlock(&usprepMutex);
- }
- return profile;
- }
- U_CAPI UStringPrepProfile* U_EXPORT2
- usprep_open(const char* path,
- const char* name,
- UErrorCode* status){
- if(status == nullptr || U_FAILURE(*status)){
- return nullptr;
- }
- /* initialize the profile struct members */
- return usprep_getProfile(path,name,status);
- }
- U_CAPI UStringPrepProfile* U_EXPORT2
- usprep_openByType(UStringPrepProfileType type,
- UErrorCode* status) {
- if(status == nullptr || U_FAILURE(*status)){
- return nullptr;
- }
- int32_t index = (int32_t)type;
- if (index < 0 || index >= UPRV_LENGTHOF(PROFILE_NAMES)) {
- return nullptr;
- }
- return usprep_open(nullptr, PROFILE_NAMES[index], status);
- }
- usprep_close(UStringPrepProfile* profile){
- if(profile==nullptr){
- return;
- }
- umtx_lock(&usprepMutex);
- /* decrement the ref count*/
- if(profile->refCount > 0){
- profile->refCount--;
- }
- umtx_unlock(&usprepMutex);
- }
- U_CFUNC void
- uprv_syntaxError(const char16_t* rules,
- int32_t pos,
- int32_t rulesLen,
- UParseError* parseError){
- if(parseError == nullptr){
- return;
- }
- parseError->offset = pos;
- parseError->line = 0 ; // we are not using line numbers
- // for pre-context
- int32_t start = (pos < U_PARSE_CONTEXT_LEN)? 0 : (pos - (U_PARSE_CONTEXT_LEN-1));
- int32_t limit = pos;
- u_memcpy(parseError->preContext,rules+start,limit-start);
- //null terminate the buffer
- parseError->preContext[limit-start] = 0;
- // for post-context; include error rules[pos]
- start = pos;
- limit = start + (U_PARSE_CONTEXT_LEN-1);
- if (limit > rulesLen) {
- limit = rulesLen;
- }
- if (start < rulesLen) {
- u_memcpy(parseError->postContext,rules+start,limit-start);
- }
- //null terminate the buffer
- parseError->postContext[limit-start]= 0;
- }
- static inline UStringPrepType
- getValues(uint16_t trieWord, int16_t& value, UBool& isIndex){
- UStringPrepType type;
- if(trieWord == 0){
- /*
- * Initial value stored in the mapping table
- * just return USPREP_TYPE_LIMIT .. so that
- * the source codepoint is copied to the destination
- */
- isIndex =false;
- value = 0;
- }else if(trieWord >= _SPREP_TYPE_THRESHOLD){
- type = (UStringPrepType) (trieWord - _SPREP_TYPE_THRESHOLD);
- isIndex =false;
- value = 0;
- }else{
- /* get the type */
- type = USPREP_MAP;
- /* ascertain if the value is index or delta */
- if(trieWord & 0x02){
- isIndex = true;
- value = trieWord >> 2; //mask off the lower 2 bits and shift
- }else{
- isIndex = false;
- value = (int16_t)trieWord;
- value = (value >> 2);
- }
- if((trieWord>>2) == _SPREP_MAX_INDEX_VALUE){
- isIndex =false;
- value = 0;
- }
- }
- return type;
- }
- // TODO: change to writing to UnicodeString not char16_t *
- static int32_t
- usprep_map( const UStringPrepProfile* profile,
- const char16_t* src, int32_t srcLength,
- char16_t* dest, int32_t destCapacity,
- int32_t options,
- UParseError* parseError,
- UErrorCode* status ){
- uint16_t result;
- int32_t destIndex=0;
- int32_t srcIndex;
- UBool allowUnassigned = (UBool) ((options & USPREP_ALLOW_UNASSIGNED)>0);
- UStringPrepType type;
- int16_t value;
- UBool isIndex;
- const int32_t* indexes = profile->indexes;
- // no error checking the caller check for error and arguments
- // no string length check the caller finds out the string length
- for(srcIndex=0;srcIndex<srcLength;){
- UChar32 ch;
- U16_NEXT(src,srcIndex,srcLength,ch);
- result=0;
- UTRIE_GET16(&profile->sprepTrie,ch,result);
- type = getValues(result, value, isIndex);
- // check if the source codepoint is unassigned
- if(type == USPREP_UNASSIGNED && allowUnassigned == false){
- uprv_syntaxError(src,srcIndex-U16_LENGTH(ch), srcLength,parseError);
- return 0;
- }else if(type == USPREP_MAP){
- int32_t index, length;
- if(isIndex){
- index = value;
- if(index >= indexes[_SPREP_ONE_UCHAR_MAPPING_INDEX_START] &&
- length = 1;
- }else if(index >= indexes[_SPREP_TWO_UCHARS_MAPPING_INDEX_START] &&
- length = 2;
- }else if(index >= indexes[_SPREP_THREE_UCHARS_MAPPING_INDEX_START] &&
- length = 3;
- }else{
- length = profile->mappingData[index++];
- }
- /* copy mapping to destination */
- for(int32_t i=0; i< length; i++){
- if(destIndex < destCapacity ){
- dest[destIndex] = profile->mappingData[index+i];
- }
- destIndex++; /* for pre-flighting */
- }
- continue;
- }else{
- // subtract the delta to arrive at the code point
- ch -= value;
- }
- }else if(type==USPREP_DELETE){
- // just consume the codepoint and continue
- continue;
- }
- //copy the code point into destination
- if(ch <= 0xFFFF){
- if(destIndex < destCapacity ){
- dest[destIndex] = (char16_t)ch;
- }
- destIndex++;
- }else{
- if(destIndex+1 < destCapacity ){
- dest[destIndex] = U16_LEAD(ch);
- dest[destIndex+1] = U16_TRAIL(ch);
- }
- destIndex +=2;
- }
- }
- return u_terminateUChars(dest, destCapacity, destIndex, status);
- }
- /*
- 1) Map -- For each character in the input, check if it has a mapping
- and, if so, replace it with its mapping.
- 2) Normalize -- Possibly normalize the result of step 1 using Unicode
- normalization.
- 3) Prohibit -- Check for any characters that are not allowed in the
- output. If any are found, return an error.
- 4) Check bidi -- Possibly check for right-to-left characters, and if
- any are found, make sure that the whole string satisfies the
- requirements for bidirectional strings. If the string does not
- satisfy the requirements for bidirectional strings, return an
- error.
- [Unicode3.2] defines several bidirectional categories; each character
- has one bidirectional category assigned to it. For the purposes of
- the requirements below, an "RandALCat character" is a character that
- has Unicode bidirectional categories "R" or "AL"; an "LCat character"
- is a character that has Unicode bidirectional category "L". Note
- that there are many characters which fall in neither of the above
- definitions; Latin digits (<U+0030> through <U+0039>) are examples of
- this because they have bidirectional category "EN".
- In any profile that specifies bidirectional character handling, all
- three of the following requirements MUST be met:
- 1) The characters in section 5.8 MUST be prohibited.
- 2) If a string contains any RandALCat character, the string MUST NOT
- contain any LCat character.
- 3) If a string contains any RandALCat character, a RandALCat
- character MUST be the first character of the string, and a
- RandALCat character MUST be the last character of the string.
- */
- U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
- usprep_prepare( const UStringPrepProfile* profile,
- const char16_t* src, int32_t srcLength,
- char16_t* dest, int32_t destCapacity,
- int32_t options,
- UParseError* parseError,
- UErrorCode* status ){
- // check error status
- if(U_FAILURE(*status)){
- return 0;
- }
- //check arguments
- if(profile==nullptr ||
- (src==nullptr ? srcLength!=0 : srcLength<-1) ||
- (dest==nullptr ? destCapacity!=0 : destCapacity<0)) {
- return 0;
- }
- //get the string length
- if(srcLength < 0){
- srcLength = u_strlen(src);
- }
- // map
- UnicodeString s1;
- char16_t *b1 = s1.getBuffer(srcLength);
- if(b1==nullptr){
- return 0;
- }
- int32_t b1Len = usprep_map(profile, src, srcLength,
- b1, s1.getCapacity(), options, parseError, status);
- s1.releaseBuffer(U_SUCCESS(*status) ? b1Len : 0);
- if(*status == U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR){
- // redo processing of string
- /* we do not have enough room so grow the buffer*/
- b1 = s1.getBuffer(b1Len);
- if(b1==nullptr){
- return 0;
- }
- *status = U_ZERO_ERROR; // reset error
- b1Len = usprep_map(profile, src, srcLength,
- b1, s1.getCapacity(), options, parseError, status);
- s1.releaseBuffer(U_SUCCESS(*status) ? b1Len : 0);
- }
- if(U_FAILURE(*status)){
- return 0;
- }
- // normalize
- UnicodeString s2;
- if(profile->doNFKC){
- const Normalizer2 *n2 = Normalizer2::getNFKCInstance(*status);
- FilteredNormalizer2 fn2(*n2, *uniset_getUnicode32Instance(*status));
- if(U_FAILURE(*status)){
- return 0;
- }
- fn2.normalize(s1, s2, *status);
- }else{
- s2.fastCopyFrom(s1);
- }
- if(U_FAILURE(*status)){
- return 0;
- }
- // Prohibit and checkBiDi in one pass
- const char16_t *b2 = s2.getBuffer();
- int32_t b2Len = s2.length();
- UCharDirection direction=U_CHAR_DIRECTION_COUNT, firstCharDir=U_CHAR_DIRECTION_COUNT;
- UBool leftToRight=false, rightToLeft=false;
- int32_t rtlPos =-1, ltrPos =-1;
- for(int32_t b2Index=0; b2Index<b2Len;){
- UChar32 ch = 0;
- U16_NEXT(b2, b2Index, b2Len, ch);
- uint16_t result;
- UTRIE_GET16(&profile->sprepTrie,ch,result);
- int16_t value;
- UBool isIndex;
- UStringPrepType type = getValues(result, value, isIndex);
- if( type == USPREP_PROHIBITED ||
- ((result < _SPREP_TYPE_THRESHOLD) && (result & 0x01) /* first bit says it the code point is prohibited*/)
- ){
- uprv_syntaxError(b2, b2Index-U16_LENGTH(ch), b2Len, parseError);
- return 0;
- }
- if(profile->checkBiDi) {
- direction = ubidi_getClass(ch);
- if(firstCharDir == U_CHAR_DIRECTION_COUNT){
- firstCharDir = direction;
- }
- if(direction == U_LEFT_TO_RIGHT){
- leftToRight = true;
- ltrPos = b2Index-1;
- }
- if(direction == U_RIGHT_TO_LEFT || direction == U_RIGHT_TO_LEFT_ARABIC){
- rightToLeft = true;
- rtlPos = b2Index-1;
- }
- }
- }
- if(profile->checkBiDi){
- // satisfy 2
- if( leftToRight && rightToLeft){
- uprv_syntaxError(b2,(rtlPos>ltrPos) ? rtlPos : ltrPos, b2Len, parseError);
- return 0;
- }
- //satisfy 3
- if( rightToLeft &&
- !((firstCharDir == U_RIGHT_TO_LEFT || firstCharDir == U_RIGHT_TO_LEFT_ARABIC) &&
- (direction == U_RIGHT_TO_LEFT || direction == U_RIGHT_TO_LEFT_ARABIC))
- ){
- uprv_syntaxError(b2, rtlPos, b2Len, parseError);
- return false;
- }
- }
- return s2.extract(dest, destCapacity, *status);
- }
- /* data swapping ------------------------------------------------------------ */
- U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
- usprep_swap(const UDataSwapper *ds,
- const void *inData, int32_t length, void *outData,
- UErrorCode *pErrorCode) {
- const UDataInfo *pInfo;
- int32_t headerSize;
- const uint8_t *inBytes;
- uint8_t *outBytes;
- const int32_t *inIndexes;
- int32_t indexes[16];
- int32_t i, offset, count, size;
- /* udata_swapDataHeader checks the arguments */
- headerSize=udata_swapDataHeader(ds, inData, length, outData, pErrorCode);
- if(pErrorCode==nullptr || U_FAILURE(*pErrorCode)) {
- return 0;
- }
- /* check data format and format version */
- pInfo=(const UDataInfo *)((const char *)inData+4);
- if(!(
- pInfo->dataFormat[0]==0x53 && /* dataFormat="SPRP" */
- pInfo->dataFormat[1]==0x50 &&
- pInfo->dataFormat[2]==0x52 &&
- pInfo->dataFormat[3]==0x50 &&
- pInfo->formatVersion[0]==3
- )) {
- udata_printError(ds, "usprep_swap(): data format %02x.%02x.%02x.%02x (format version %02x) is not recognized as StringPrep .spp data\n",
- pInfo->dataFormat[0], pInfo->dataFormat[1],
- pInfo->dataFormat[2], pInfo->dataFormat[3],
- pInfo->formatVersion[0]);
- return 0;
- }
- inBytes=(const uint8_t *)inData+headerSize;
- outBytes= (outData == nullptr ) ? nullptr : (uint8_t *)outData+headerSize;
- inIndexes=(const int32_t *)inBytes;
- if(length>=0) {
- length-=headerSize;
- if(length<16*4) {
- udata_printError(ds, "usprep_swap(): too few bytes (%d after header) for StringPrep .spp data\n",
- length);
- return 0;
- }
- }
- /* read the first 16 indexes (ICU 2.8/format version 3: _SPREP_INDEX_TOP==16, might grow) */
- for(i=0; i<16; ++i) {
- indexes[i]=udata_readInt32(ds, inIndexes[i]);
- }
- /* calculate the total length of the data */
- size=
- 16*4+ /* size of indexes[] */
- if(length>=0) {
- if(length<size) {
- udata_printError(ds, "usprep_swap(): too few bytes (%d after header) for all of StringPrep .spp data\n",
- length);
- return 0;
- }
- /* copy the data for inaccessible bytes */
- if(inBytes!=outBytes) {
- uprv_memcpy(outBytes, inBytes, size);
- }
- offset=0;
- /* swap the int32_t indexes[] */
- count=16*4;
- ds->swapArray32(ds, inBytes, count, outBytes, pErrorCode);
- offset+=count;
- /* swap the UTrie */
- count=indexes[_SPREP_INDEX_TRIE_SIZE];
- utrie_swap(ds, inBytes+offset, count, outBytes+offset, pErrorCode);
- offset+=count;
- /* swap the uint16_t mappingTable[] */
- ds->swapArray16(ds, inBytes+offset, count, outBytes+offset, pErrorCode);
- //offset+=count;
- }
- return headerSize+size;
- }
- #endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_IDNA */