1. Metadata-Version: 2.1
  2. Name: scramp
  3. Version: 1.4.4
  4. Summary: An implementation of the SCRAM protocol.
  5. License: MIT No Attribution
  6. Project-URL: Homepage,
  7. Keywords: SCRAM,authentication,SASL
  8. Classifier: Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable
  9. Classifier: Intended Audience :: Developers
  10. Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: MIT No Attribution License (MIT-0)
  11. Classifier: Programming Language :: Python
  12. Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3
  13. Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7
  14. Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8
  15. Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9
  16. Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.10
  17. Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation
  18. Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: CPython
  19. Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: PyPy
  20. Classifier: Operating System :: OS Independent
  21. Requires-Python: >=3.7
  22. Description-Content-Type: text/x-rst
  23. License-File: LICENSE
  24. Requires-Dist: asn1crypto (>=1.5.1)
  25. Requires-Dist: importlib-metadata (>=1.0) ; python_version < "3.8"
  26. ======
  27. Scramp
  28. ======
  29. A Python implementation of the `SCRAM authentication protocol
  30. <>`_.
  31. Scramp supports the following mechanisms:
  32. - SCRAM-SHA-1
  33. - SCRAM-SHA-1-PLUS
  34. - SCRAM-SHA-256
  35. - SCRAM-SHA-256-PLUS
  36. - SCRAM-SHA-512
  37. - SCRAM-SHA-512-PLUS
  38. - SCRAM-SHA3-512
  39. - SCRAM-SHA3-512-PLUS
  40. .. contents:: Table of Contents
  41. :depth: 2
  42. :local:
  43. Installation
  44. ------------
  45. - Create a virtual environment: ``python3 -m venv venv``
  46. - Activate the virtual environment: ``source venv/bin/activate``
  47. - Install: ``pip install scramp``
  48. Examples
  49. --------
  50. Client and Server
  51. `````````````````
  52. Here's an example using both the client and the server. It's a bit contrived as normally
  53. you'd be using either the client or server on its own.
  54. >>> from scramp import ScramClient, ScramMechanism
  55. >>>
  56. >>> USERNAME = 'user'
  57. >>> PASSWORD = 'pencil'
  58. >>> MECHANISMS = ['SCRAM-SHA-256']
  59. >>>
  60. >>>
  61. >>> # Choose a mechanism for our server
  62. >>> m = ScramMechanism() # Default is SCRAM-SHA-256
  63. >>>
  64. >>> # On the server side we create the authentication information for each user
  65. >>> # and store it in an authentication database. We'll use a dict:
  66. >>> db = {}
  67. >>>
  68. >>> salt, stored_key, server_key, iteration_count = m.make_auth_info(PASSWORD)
  69. >>>
  70. >>> db[USERNAME] = salt, stored_key, server_key, iteration_count
  71. >>>
  72. >>> # Define your own function for retrieving the authentication information
  73. >>> # from the database given a username
  74. >>>
  75. >>> def auth_fn(username):
  76. ... return db[username]
  77. >>>
  78. >>> # Make the SCRAM server
  79. >>> s = m.make_server(auth_fn)
  80. >>>
  81. >>> # Now set up the client and carry out authentication with the server
  82. >>> c = ScramClient(MECHANISMS, USERNAME, PASSWORD)
  83. >>> cfirst = c.get_client_first()
  84. >>>
  85. >>> s.set_client_first(cfirst)
  86. >>> sfirst = s.get_server_first()
  87. >>>
  88. >>> c.set_server_first(sfirst)
  89. >>> cfinal = c.get_client_final()
  90. >>>
  91. >>> s.set_client_final(cfinal)
  92. >>> sfinal = s.get_server_final()
  93. >>>
  94. >>> c.set_server_final(sfinal)
  95. >>>
  96. >>> # If it all runs through without raising an exception, the authentication
  97. >>> # has succeeded
  98. Client only
  99. ```````````
  100. Here's an example using just the client. The client nonce is specified in order to give
  101. a reproducible example, but in production you'd omit the ``c_nonce`` parameter and let
  102. ``ScramClient`` generate a client nonce:
  103. >>> from scramp import ScramClient
  104. >>>
  105. >>> USERNAME = 'user'
  106. >>> PASSWORD = 'pencil'
  107. >>> C_NONCE = 'rOprNGfwEbeRWgbNEkqO'
  108. >>> MECHANISMS = ['SCRAM-SHA-256']
  109. >>>
  110. >>> # Normally the c_nonce would be omitted, in which case ScramClient will
  111. >>> # generate the nonce itself.
  112. >>>
  113. >>> c = ScramClient(MECHANISMS, USERNAME, PASSWORD, c_nonce=C_NONCE)
  114. >>>
  115. >>> # Get the client first message and send it to the server
  116. >>> cfirst = c.get_client_first()
  117. >>> print(cfirst)
  118. n,,n=user,r=rOprNGfwEbeRWgbNEkqO
  119. >>>
  120. >>> # Set the first message from the server
  121. >>> c.set_server_first(
  122. ... 'r=rOprNGfwEbeRWgbNEkqO%hvYDpWUa2RaTCAfuxFIlj)hNlF$k0,'
  123. ... 's=W22ZaJ0SNY7soEsUEjb6gQ==,i=4096')
  124. >>>
  125. >>> # Get the client final message and send it to the server
  126. >>> cfinal = c.get_client_final()
  127. >>> print(cfinal)
  128. c=biws,r=rOprNGfwEbeRWgbNEkqO%hvYDpWUa2RaTCAfuxFIlj)hNlF$k0,p=dHzbZapWIk4jUhN+Ute9ytag9zjfMHgsqmmiz7AndVQ=
  129. >>>
  130. >>> # Set the final message from the server
  131. >>> c.set_server_final('v=6rriTRBi23WpRR/wtup+mMhUZUn/dB5nLTJRsjl95G4=')
  132. >>>
  133. >>> # If it all runs through without raising an exception, the authentication
  134. >>> # has succeeded
  135. Server only
  136. ```````````
  137. Here's an example using just the server. The server nonce and salt is specified in order
  138. to give a reproducible example, but in production you'd omit the ``s_nonce`` and
  139. ``salt`` parameters and let Scramp generate them:
  140. >>> from scramp import ScramMechanism
  141. >>>
  142. >>> USERNAME = 'user'
  143. >>> PASSWORD = 'pencil'
  144. >>> S_NONCE = '%hvYDpWUa2RaTCAfuxFIlj)hNlF$k0'
  145. >>> SALT = b'[m\x99h\x9d\x125\x8e\xec\xa0K\x14\x126\xfa\x81'
  146. >>>
  147. >>> db = {}
  148. >>>
  149. >>> m = ScramMechanism()
  150. >>>
  151. >>> salt, stored_key, server_key, iteration_count = m.make_auth_info(
  152. ... PASSWORD, salt=SALT)
  153. >>>
  154. >>> db[USERNAME] = salt, stored_key, server_key, iteration_count
  155. >>>
  156. >>> # Define your own function for getting a password given a username
  157. >>> def auth_fn(username):
  158. ... return db[username]
  159. >>>
  160. >>> # Normally the s_nonce parameter would be omitted, in which case the
  161. >>> # server will generate the nonce itself.
  162. >>>
  163. >>> s = m.make_server(auth_fn, s_nonce=S_NONCE)
  164. >>>
  165. >>> # Set the first message from the client
  166. >>> s.set_client_first('n,,n=user,r=rOprNGfwEbeRWgbNEkqO')
  167. >>>
  168. >>> # Get the first server message, and send it to the client
  169. >>> sfirst = s.get_server_first()
  170. >>> print(sfirst)
  171. r=rOprNGfwEbeRWgbNEkqO%hvYDpWUa2RaTCAfuxFIlj)hNlF$k0,s=W22ZaJ0SNY7soEsUEjb6gQ==,i=4096
  172. >>>
  173. >>> # Set the final message from the client
  174. >>> s.set_client_final(
  175. ... 'c=biws,r=rOprNGfwEbeRWgbNEkqO%hvYDpWUa2RaTCAfuxFIlj)hNlF$k0,'
  176. ... 'p=dHzbZapWIk4jUhN+Ute9ytag9zjfMHgsqmmiz7AndVQ=')
  177. >>>
  178. >>> # Get the final server message and send it to the client
  179. >>> sfinal = s.get_server_final()
  180. >>> print(sfinal)
  181. v=6rriTRBi23WpRR/wtup+mMhUZUn/dB5nLTJRsjl95G4=
  182. >>>
  183. >>> # If it all runs through without raising an exception, the authentication
  184. >>> # has succeeded
  185. Server only with passlib
  186. ````````````````````````
  187. Here's an example using just the server and using the `passlib hashing library
  188. <>`_. The server nonce and salt is
  189. specified in order to give a reproducible example, but in production you'd omit the
  190. ``s_nonce`` and ``salt`` parameters and let Scramp generate them:
  191. >>> from scramp import ScramMechanism
  192. >>> from passlib.hash import scram
  193. >>>
  194. >>> USERNAME = 'user'
  195. >>> PASSWORD = 'pencil'
  196. >>> S_NONCE = '%hvYDpWUa2RaTCAfuxFIlj)hNlF$k0'
  197. >>> SALT = b'[m\x99h\x9d\x125\x8e\xec\xa0K\x14\x126\xfa\x81'
  198. >>> ITERATION_COUNT = 4096
  199. >>>
  200. >>> db = {}
  201. >>> hash = scram.using(salt=SALT, rounds=ITERATION_COUNT).hash(PASSWORD)
  202. >>>
  203. >>> salt, iteration_count, digest = scram.extract_digest_info(hash, 'sha-256')
  204. >>>
  205. >>> stored_key, server_key = m.make_stored_server_keys(digest)
  206. >>>
  207. >>> db[USERNAME] = salt, stored_key, server_key, iteration_count
  208. >>>
  209. >>> # Define your own function for getting a password given a username
  210. >>> def auth_fn(username):
  211. ... return db[username]
  212. >>>
  213. >>> # Normally the s_nonce parameter would be omitted, in which case the
  214. >>> # server will generate the nonce itself.
  215. >>>
  216. >>> m = ScramMechanism()
  217. >>> s = m.make_server(auth_fn, s_nonce=S_NONCE)
  218. >>>
  219. >>> # Set the first message from the client
  220. >>> s.set_client_first('n,,n=user,r=rOprNGfwEbeRWgbNEkqO')
  221. >>>
  222. >>> # Get the first server message, and send it to the client
  223. >>> sfirst = s.get_server_first()
  224. >>> print(sfirst)
  225. r=rOprNGfwEbeRWgbNEkqO%hvYDpWUa2RaTCAfuxFIlj)hNlF$k0,s=W22ZaJ0SNY7soEsUEjb6gQ==,i=4096
  226. >>>
  227. >>> # Set the final message from the client
  228. >>> s.set_client_final(
  229. ... 'c=biws,r=rOprNGfwEbeRWgbNEkqO%hvYDpWUa2RaTCAfuxFIlj)hNlF$k0,'
  230. ... 'p=dHzbZapWIk4jUhN+Ute9ytag9zjfMHgsqmmiz7AndVQ=')
  231. >>>
  232. >>> # Get the final server message and send it to the client
  233. >>> sfinal = s.get_server_final()
  234. >>> print(sfinal)
  235. v=6rriTRBi23WpRR/wtup+mMhUZUn/dB5nLTJRsjl95G4=
  236. >>>
  237. >>> # If it all runs through without raising an exception, the authentication
  238. >>> # has succeeded
  239. Server Error
  240. ````````````
  241. Here's an example of when setting a message from the client causes an error. The server
  242. nonce and salt is specified in order to give a reproducible example, but in production
  243. you'd omit the ``s_nonce`` and ``salt`` parameters and let Scramp generate them:
  244. >>> from scramp import ScramException, ScramMechanism
  245. >>>
  246. >>> USERNAME = 'user'
  247. >>> PASSWORD = 'pencil'
  248. >>> S_NONCE = '%hvYDpWUa2RaTCAfuxFIlj)hNlF$k0'
  249. >>> SALT = b'[m\x99h\x9d\x125\x8e\xec\xa0K\x14\x126\xfa\x81'
  250. >>>
  251. >>> db = {}
  252. >>>
  253. >>> m = ScramMechanism()
  254. >>>
  255. >>> salt, stored_key, server_key, iteration_count = m.make_auth_info(
  256. ... PASSWORD, salt=SALT)
  257. >>>
  258. >>> db[USERNAME] = salt, stored_key, server_key, iteration_count
  259. >>>
  260. >>> # Define your own function for getting a password given a username
  261. >>> def auth_fn(username):
  262. ... return db[username]
  263. >>>
  264. >>> # Normally the s_nonce parameter would be omitted, in which case the
  265. >>> # server will generate the nonce itself.
  266. >>>
  267. >>> s = m.make_server(auth_fn, s_nonce=S_NONCE)
  268. >>>
  269. >>> try:
  270. ... # Set the first message from the client
  271. ... s.set_client_first('p=tls-unique,,n=user,r=rOprNGfwEbeRWgbNEkqO')
  272. ... except ScramException as e:
  273. ... print(e)
  274. ... # Get the final server message and send it to the client
  275. ... sfinal = s.get_server_final()
  276. ... print(sfinal)
  277. Received GS2 flag 'p' which indicates that the client requires channel binding, but the server does not: channel-binding-not-supported
  278. e=channel-binding-not-supported
  279. Standards
  280. ---------
  281. `RFC 5802 <>`_
  282. Describes SCRAM.
  283. `RFC 7677 <>`_
  284. Registers SCRAM-SHA-256 and SCRAM-SHA-256-PLUS.
  285. `draft-melnikov-scram-sha-512-02 <>`_
  286. Registers SCRAM-SHA-512 and SCRAM-SHA-512-PLUS.
  287. `draft-melnikov-scram-sha3-512 <>`_
  288. Registers SCRAM-SHA3-512 and SCRAM-SHA3-512-PLUS.
  289. `RFC 5929 <>`_
  290. Channel Bindings for TLS.
  291. `draft-ietf-kitten-tls-channel-bindings-for-tls13 <>`_
  292. Defines the ``tls-exporter`` channel binding, which is `not yet supported by Scramp
  293. <>`_.
  294. API Docs
  295. --------
  296. scramp.MECHANISMS
  297. `````````````````
  298. A tuple of the supported mechanism names.
  299. scramp.ScramClient
  300. ``````````````````
  301. ``ScramClient(mechanisms, username, password, channel_binding=None, c_nonce=None)``
  302. Constructor of the ``ScramClient`` class, with the following parameters:
  303. ``mechanisms``
  304. A list or tuple of mechanism names. ScramClient will choose the most secure. If
  305. ``cbind_data`` is ``None``, the '-PLUS' variants will be filtered out first. The
  306. chosen mechanism is available as the property ``mechanism_name``.
  307. ``username``
  308. ``password``
  309. ``channel_binding``
  310. Providing a value for this parameter allows channel binding to be used (ie. it lets
  311. you use mechanisms ending in '-PLUS'). The value for ``channel_binding`` is a tuple
  312. consisting of the channel binding name and the channel binding data. For example, if
  313. the channel binding name is ``tls-unique``, the ``channel_binding`` parameter would
  314. be ``('tls-unique', data)``, where ``data`` is obtained by calling
  315. `SSLSocket.get_channel_binding()
  316. <>`_.
  317. The convenience function ``scramp.make_channel_binding()`` can be used to create a
  318. channel binding tuple.
  319. ``c_nonce``
  320. The client nonce. It's sometimes useful to set this when testing / debugging, but in
  321. production this should be omitted, in which case ``ScramClient`` will generate a
  322. client nonce.
  323. The ``ScramClient`` object has the following methods and properties:
  324. ``get_client_first()``
  325. Get the client first message.
  326. ``set_server_first(message)``
  327. Set the first message from the server.
  328. ``get_client_final()``
  329. Get the final client message.
  330. ``set_server_final(message)``
  331. Set the final message from the server.
  332. ``mechanism_name``
  333. The mechanism chosen from the list given in the constructor.
  334. scramp.ScramMechanism
  335. `````````````````````
  336. ``ScramMechanism(mechanism='SCRAM-SHA-256')``
  337. Constructor of the ``ScramMechanism`` class, with the following parameter:
  338. ``mechanism``
  339. The SCRAM mechanism to use.
  340. The ``ScramMechanism`` object has the following methods and properties:
  341. ``make_auth_info(password, iteration_count=None, salt=None)``
  342. returns the tuple ``(salt, stored_key, server_key, iteration_count)`` which is stored
  343. in the authentication database on the server side. It has the following parameters:
  344. ``password``
  345. The user's password as a ``str``.
  346. ``iteration_count``
  347. The rounds as an ``int``. If ``None`` then use the minimum associated with the
  348. mechanism.
  349. ``salt``
  350. It's sometimes useful to set this binary parameter when testing / debugging, but in
  351. production this should be omitted, in which case a salt will be generated.
  352. ``make_server(auth_fn, channel_binding=None, s_nonce=None)``
  353. returns a ``ScramServer`` object. It takes the following parameters:
  354. ``auth_fn``
  355. This is a function provided by the programmer that has one parameter, a username of
  356. type ``str`` and returns returns the tuple ``(salt, stored_key, server_key,
  357. iteration_count)``. Where ``salt``, ``stored_key`` and ``server_key`` are of a
  358. binary type, and ``iteration_count`` is an ``int``.
  359. ``channel_binding``
  360. Providing a value for this parameter allows channel binding to be used (ie. it lets
  361. you use mechanisms ending in ``-PLUS``). The value for ``channel_binding`` is a
  362. tuple consisting of the channel binding name and the channel binding data. For
  363. example, if the channel binding name is 'tls-unique', the ``channel_binding``
  364. parameter would be ``('tls-unique', data)``, where ``data`` is obtained by calling
  365. `SSLSocket.get_channel_binding()
  366. <>`_.
  367. The convenience function ``scramp.make_channel_binding()`` can be used to create a
  368. channel binding tuple. If ``channel_binding`` is provided and the mechanism isn't a
  369. ``-PLUS`` variant, then the server will negotiate with the client to use the
  370. ``-PLUS`` variant if the client supports it, or otherwise to use the mechanism
  371. without channel binding.
  372. ``s_nonce``
  373. The server nonce as a ``str``. It's sometimes useful to set this when testing /
  374. debugging, but in production this should be omitted, in which case ``ScramServer``
  375. will generate a server nonce.
  376. ``make_stored_server_keys(salted_password)``
  377. returns ``(stored_key, server_key)`` tuple of ``bytes`` objects given a salted
  378. password. This is useful if you want to use a separate hashing implementation from
  379. the one provided by Scramp. It takes the following parameter:
  380. ``salted_password``
  381. A binary object representing the hashed password.
  382. ``iteration_count``
  383. The minimum iteration count recommended for this mechanism.
  384. scramp.ScramServer
  385. ``````````````````
  386. The ``ScramServer`` object has the following methods:
  387. ``set_client_first(message)``
  388. Set the first message from the client.
  389. ``get_server_first()``
  390. Get the server first message.
  391. ``set_client_final(message)``
  392. Set the final client message.
  393. ``get_server_final()``
  394. Get the server final message.
  395. scramp.make_channel_binding()
  396. `````````````````````````````
  397. ``make_channel_binding(name, ssl_socket)``
  398. A helper function that makes a ``channel_binding`` tuple when given a channel binding
  399. name and an SSL socket. The parameters are:
  400. ``name``
  401. A channel binding name such as 'tls-unique' or 'tls-server-end-point'.
  402. ``ssl_socket``
  403. An instance of `ssl.SSLSocket
  404. <>`_.
  405. README.rst
  406. ----------
  407. This file is written in the `reStructuredText
  408. <>`_ format. To generate an
  409. HTML page from it, do:
  410. - Activate the virtual environment: ``source venv/bin/activate``
  411. - Install ``Sphinx``: ``pip install Sphinx``
  412. - Run ````: `` README.rst README.html``
  413. Testing
  414. -------
  415. - Activate the virtual environment: ``source venv/bin/activate``
  416. - Install ``tox``: ``pip install tox``
  417. - Run ``tox``: ``tox``
  418. Doing A Release Of Scramp
  419. -------------------------
  420. Run ``tox`` to make sure all tests pass, then update the release notes, then do::
  421. git tag -a x.y.z -m "version x.y.z"
  422. rm -r dist
  423. python -m build
  424. twine upload --sign dist/*
  425. Release Notes
  426. -------------
  427. Version 1.4.4, 2022-11-01
  428. `````````````````````````
  429. - Tighten up parsing of messages to make sure that a ``ScramException`` is raised if a
  430. message is malformed.
  431. Version 1.4.3, 2022-10-26
  432. `````````````````````````
  433. - The client now sends a gs2-cbind-flag of 'y' if the client supports channel
  434. binding, but thinks the server does not.
  435. Version 1.4.2, 2022-10-22
  436. `````````````````````````
  437. - Switch to using the MIT-0 licence
  438. - When creating a ScramClient, allow non ``-PLUS`` variants, even if a
  439. ``channel_binding`` parameter is provided. Previously this would raise and
  440. exception.
  441. Version 1.4.1, 2021-08-25
  442. `````````````````````````
  443. - When using ``make_channel_binding()`` to create a tls-server-end-point channel
  444. binding, support certificates with hash algorithm of sha512.
  445. Version 1.4.0, 2021-03-28
  446. `````````````````````````
  447. - Raise an exception if the client receives an error from the server.
  448. Version 1.3.0, 2021-03-28
  449. `````````````````````````
  450. - As the specification allows, server errors are now sent to the client in the
  451. ``server_final`` message, an exception is still thrown as before.
  452. Version 1.2.2, 2021-02-13
  453. `````````````````````````
  454. - Fix bug in generating the AuthMessage. It was incorrect when channel binding
  455. was used. So now Scramp supports channel binding.
  456. Version 1.2.1, 2021-02-07
  457. `````````````````````````
  458. - Add support for channel binding.
  459. - Add support for SCRAM-SHA-512 and SCRAM-SHA3-512 and their channel binding
  460. variants.
  461. Version 1.2.0, 2020-05-30
  462. `````````````````````````
  463. - This is a backwardly incompatible change on the server side, the client side will
  464. work as before. The idea of this change is to make it possible to have an
  465. authentication database. That is, the authentication information can be stored, and
  466. then retrieved when needed to authenticate the user.
  467. - In addition, it's now possible on the server side to use a third party hashing library
  468. such as passlib as the hashing implementation.
  469. Version 1.1.1, 2020-03-28
  470. `````````````````````````
  471. - Add the README and LICENCE to the distribution.
  472. Version 1.1.0, 2019-02-24
  473. `````````````````````````
  474. - Add support for the SCRAM-SHA-1 mechanism.
  475. Version 1.0.0, 2019-02-17
  476. `````````````````````````
  477. - Implement the server side as well as the client side.
  478. Version 0.0.0, 2019-02-10
  479. `````````````````````````
  480. - Copied SCRAM implementation from `pg8000 <>`_. The
  481. idea is to make it a general SCRAM implemtation. Credit to the `Scrampy
  482. <>`_ project which I read through to help with this
  483. project. Also credit to the `passlib <>`_ project
  484. from which I copied the ``saslprep`` function.