123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377 |
- // Formatting library for C++ - formatting library implementation tests
- //
- // Copyright (c) 2012 - present, Victor Zverovich
- // All rights reserved.
- //
- // For the license information refer to format.h.
- #include <algorithm>
- #include <cstring>
- // clang-format off
- #include "test-assert.h"
- // clang-format on
- #include "fmt/format.h"
- #include "gmock/gmock.h"
- #include "util.h"
- using fmt::detail::bigint;
- using fmt::detail::fp;
- using fmt::detail::max_value;
- static_assert(!std::is_copy_constructible<bigint>::value, "");
- static_assert(!std::is_copy_assignable<bigint>::value, "");
- TEST(bigint_test, construct) {
- EXPECT_EQ("", fmt::format("{}", bigint()));
- EXPECT_EQ("42", fmt::format("{}", bigint(0x42)));
- EXPECT_EQ("123456789abcedf0", fmt::format("{}", bigint(0x123456789abcedf0)));
- }
- TEST(bigint_test, compare) {
- bigint n1(42);
- bigint n2(42);
- EXPECT_EQ(compare(n1, n2), 0);
- n2 <<= 32;
- EXPECT_LT(compare(n1, n2), 0);
- bigint n3(43);
- EXPECT_LT(compare(n1, n3), 0);
- EXPECT_GT(compare(n3, n1), 0);
- bigint n4(42 * 0x100000001);
- EXPECT_LT(compare(n2, n4), 0);
- EXPECT_GT(compare(n4, n2), 0);
- }
- TEST(bigint_test, add_compare) {
- add_compare(bigint(0xffffffff), bigint(0xffffffff), bigint(1) <<= 64), 0);
- EXPECT_LT(add_compare(bigint(1) <<= 32, bigint(1), bigint(1) <<= 96), 0);
- EXPECT_GT(add_compare(bigint(1) <<= 32, bigint(0), bigint(0xffffffff)), 0);
- EXPECT_GT(add_compare(bigint(0), bigint(1) <<= 32, bigint(0xffffffff)), 0);
- EXPECT_GT(add_compare(bigint(42), bigint(1), bigint(42)), 0);
- EXPECT_GT(add_compare(bigint(0xffffffff), bigint(1), bigint(0xffffffff)), 0);
- EXPECT_LT(add_compare(bigint(10), bigint(10), bigint(22)), 0);
- EXPECT_LT(add_compare(bigint(0x100000010), bigint(0x100000010),
- bigint(0x300000010)),
- 0);
- EXPECT_GT(add_compare(bigint(0x1ffffffff), bigint(0x100000002),
- bigint(0x300000000)),
- 0);
- EXPECT_EQ(add_compare(bigint(0x1ffffffff), bigint(0x100000002),
- bigint(0x300000001)),
- 0);
- EXPECT_LT(add_compare(bigint(0x1ffffffff), bigint(0x100000002),
- bigint(0x300000002)),
- 0);
- EXPECT_LT(add_compare(bigint(0x1ffffffff), bigint(0x100000002),
- bigint(0x300000003)),
- 0);
- }
- TEST(bigint_test, shift_left) {
- bigint n(0x42);
- n <<= 0;
- EXPECT_EQ("42", fmt::format("{}", n));
- n <<= 1;
- EXPECT_EQ("84", fmt::format("{}", n));
- n <<= 25;
- EXPECT_EQ("108000000", fmt::format("{}", n));
- }
- TEST(bigint_test, multiply) {
- bigint n(0x42);
- EXPECT_THROW(n *= 0, assertion_failure);
- n *= 1;
- EXPECT_EQ("42", fmt::format("{}", n));
- n *= 2;
- EXPECT_EQ("84", fmt::format("{}", n));
- n *= 0x12345678;
- EXPECT_EQ("962fc95e0", fmt::format("{}", n));
- bigint bigmax(max_value<uint32_t>());
- bigmax *= max_value<uint32_t>();
- EXPECT_EQ("fffffffe00000001", fmt::format("{}", bigmax));
- bigmax.assign(max_value<uint64_t>());
- bigmax *= max_value<uint64_t>();
- EXPECT_EQ("fffffffffffffffe0000000000000001", fmt::format("{}", bigmax));
- }
- TEST(bigint_test, accumulator) {
- fmt::detail::accumulator acc;
- EXPECT_EQ(acc.lower, 0);
- EXPECT_EQ(acc.upper, 0);
- acc.upper = 12;
- acc.lower = 34;
- EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<uint32_t>(acc), 34);
- acc += 56;
- EXPECT_EQ(acc.lower, 90);
- acc += max_value<uint64_t>();
- EXPECT_EQ(acc.upper, 13);
- EXPECT_EQ(acc.lower, 89);
- acc >>= 32;
- EXPECT_EQ(acc.upper, 0);
- EXPECT_EQ(acc.lower, 13 * 0x100000000);
- }
- TEST(bigint_test, square) {
- bigint n0(0);
- n0.square();
- EXPECT_EQ("0", fmt::format("{}", n0));
- bigint n1(0x100);
- n1.square();
- EXPECT_EQ("10000", fmt::format("{}", n1));
- bigint n2(0xfffffffff);
- n2.square();
- EXPECT_EQ("ffffffffe000000001", fmt::format("{}", n2));
- bigint n3(max_value<uint64_t>());
- n3.square();
- EXPECT_EQ("fffffffffffffffe0000000000000001", fmt::format("{}", n3));
- bigint n4;
- n4.assign_pow10(10);
- EXPECT_EQ("2540be400", fmt::format("{}", n4));
- }
- TEST(bigint_test, divmod_assign_zero_divisor) {
- bigint zero(0);
- EXPECT_THROW(bigint(0).divmod_assign(zero), assertion_failure);
- EXPECT_THROW(bigint(42).divmod_assign(zero), assertion_failure);
- }
- TEST(bigint_test, divmod_assign_self) {
- bigint n(100);
- EXPECT_THROW(n.divmod_assign(n), assertion_failure);
- }
- TEST(bigint_test, divmod_assign_unaligned) {
- // (42 << 340) / pow(10, 100):
- bigint n1(42);
- n1 <<= 340;
- bigint n2;
- n2.assign_pow10(100);
- int result = n1.divmod_assign(n2);
- EXPECT_EQ(result, 9406);
- EXPECT_EQ("10f8353019583bfc29ffc8f564e1b9f9d819dbb4cf783e4507eca1539220p96",
- fmt::format("{}", n1));
- }
- TEST(bigint_test, divmod_assign) {
- // 100 / 10:
- bigint n1(100);
- int result = n1.divmod_assign(bigint(10));
- EXPECT_EQ(result, 10);
- EXPECT_EQ("0", fmt::format("{}", n1));
- // pow(10, 100) / (42 << 320):
- n1.assign_pow10(100);
- result = n1.divmod_assign(bigint(42) <<= 320);
- EXPECT_EQ(result, 111);
- EXPECT_EQ("13ad2594c37ceb0b2784c4ce0bf38ace408e211a7caab24308a82e8f10p96",
- fmt::format("{}", n1));
- // 42 / 100:
- bigint n2(42);
- n1.assign_pow10(2);
- result = n2.divmod_assign(n1);
- EXPECT_EQ(result, 0);
- EXPECT_EQ("2a", fmt::format("{}", n2));
- }
- template <bool is_iec559> void run_double_tests() {
- fmt::print("warning: double is not IEC559, skipping FP tests\n");
- }
- template <> void run_double_tests<true>() {
- // Construct from double.
- EXPECT_EQ(fp(1.23), fp(0x13ae147ae147aeu, -52));
- }
- TEST(fp_test, double_tests) {
- run_double_tests<std::numeric_limits<double>::is_iec559>();
- }
- TEST(fp_test, normalize) {
- const auto v = fp(0xbeef, 42);
- auto normalized = normalize(v);
- EXPECT_EQ(0xbeef000000000000, normalized.f);
- EXPECT_EQ(-6, normalized.e);
- }
- TEST(fp_test, multiply) {
- auto v = fp(123ULL << 32, 4) * fp(56ULL << 32, 7);
- EXPECT_EQ(v.f, 123u * 56u);
- EXPECT_EQ(v.e, 4 + 7 + 64);
- v = fp(123ULL << 32, 4) * fp(567ULL << 31, 8);
- EXPECT_EQ(v.f, (123 * 567 + 1u) / 2);
- EXPECT_EQ(v.e, 4 + 8 + 64);
- }
- TEST(fp_test, get_cached_power) {
- using limits = std::numeric_limits<double>;
- for (auto exp = limits::min_exponent; exp <= limits::max_exponent; ++exp) {
- int dec_exp = 0;
- auto fp = fmt::detail::get_cached_power(exp, dec_exp);
- bigint exact, cache(fp.f);
- if (dec_exp >= 0) {
- exact.assign_pow10(dec_exp);
- if (fp.e <= 0)
- exact <<= -fp.e;
- else
- cache <<= fp.e;
- exact.align(cache);
- cache.align(exact);
- auto exact_str = fmt::format("{}", exact);
- auto cache_str = fmt::format("{}", cache);
- EXPECT_EQ(exact_str.size(), cache_str.size());
- EXPECT_EQ(exact_str.substr(0, 15), cache_str.substr(0, 15));
- int diff = cache_str[15] - exact_str[15];
- if (diff == 1)
- EXPECT_GT(exact_str[16], '8');
- else
- EXPECT_EQ(diff, 0);
- } else {
- cache.assign_pow10(-dec_exp);
- cache *= fp.f + 1; // Inexact check.
- exact.assign(1);
- exact <<= -fp.e;
- exact.align(cache);
- auto exact_str = fmt::format("{}", exact);
- auto cache_str = fmt::format("{}", cache);
- EXPECT_EQ(exact_str.size(), cache_str.size());
- EXPECT_EQ(exact_str.substr(0, 16), cache_str.substr(0, 16));
- }
- }
- }
- TEST(fp_test, dragonbox_max_k) {
- using fmt::detail::dragonbox::floor_log10_pow2;
- using float_info = fmt::detail::dragonbox::float_info<float>;
- EXPECT_EQ(fmt::detail::const_check(float_info::max_k),
- float_info::kappa - floor_log10_pow2(float_info::min_exponent -
- float_info::significand_bits));
- using double_info = fmt::detail::dragonbox::float_info<double>;
- fmt::detail::const_check(double_info::max_k),
- double_info::kappa - floor_log10_pow2(double_info::min_exponent -
- double_info::significand_bits));
- }
- TEST(fp_test, get_round_direction) {
- using fmt::detail::get_round_direction;
- using fmt::detail::round_direction;
- EXPECT_EQ(round_direction::down, get_round_direction(100, 50, 0));
- EXPECT_EQ(round_direction::up, get_round_direction(100, 51, 0));
- EXPECT_EQ(round_direction::down, get_round_direction(100, 40, 10));
- EXPECT_EQ(round_direction::up, get_round_direction(100, 60, 10));
- for (size_t i = 41; i < 60; ++i)
- EXPECT_EQ(round_direction::unknown, get_round_direction(100, i, 10));
- uint64_t max = max_value<uint64_t>();
- EXPECT_THROW(get_round_direction(100, 100, 0), assertion_failure);
- EXPECT_THROW(get_round_direction(100, 0, 100), assertion_failure);
- EXPECT_THROW(get_round_direction(100, 0, 50), assertion_failure);
- // Check that remainder + error doesn't overflow.
- EXPECT_EQ(round_direction::up, get_round_direction(max, max - 1, 2));
- // Check that 2 * (remainder + error) doesn't overflow.
- EXPECT_EQ(round_direction::unknown,
- get_round_direction(max, max / 2 + 1, max / 2));
- // Check that remainder - error doesn't overflow.
- EXPECT_EQ(round_direction::unknown, get_round_direction(100, 40, 41));
- // Check that 2 * (remainder - error) doesn't overflow.
- EXPECT_EQ(round_direction::up, get_round_direction(max, max - 1, 1));
- }
- TEST(fp_test, fixed_handler) {
- struct handler : fmt::detail::gen_digits_handler {
- char buffer[10];
- handler(int prec = 0) : fmt::detail::gen_digits_handler() {
- buf = buffer;
- precision = prec;
- }
- };
- handler().on_digit('0', 100, 99, 0, false);
- EXPECT_THROW(handler().on_digit('0', 100, 100, 0, false), assertion_failure);
- namespace digits = fmt::detail::digits;
- EXPECT_EQ(handler(1).on_digit('0', 100, 10, 10, false), digits::error);
- // Check that divisor - error doesn't overflow.
- EXPECT_EQ(handler(1).on_digit('0', 100, 10, 101, false), digits::error);
- // Check that 2 * error doesn't overflow.
- uint64_t max = max_value<uint64_t>();
- EXPECT_EQ(handler(1).on_digit('0', max, 10, max - 1, false), digits::error);
- }
- TEST(fp_test, grisu_format_compiles_with_on_ieee_double) {
- fmt::memory_buffer buf;
- format_float(0.42, -1, fmt::detail::float_specs(), buf);
- }
- TEST(format_impl_test, format_error_code) {
- std::string msg = "error 42", sep = ": ";
- {
- fmt::memory_buffer buffer;
- format_to(fmt::appender(buffer), "garbage");
- fmt::detail::format_error_code(buffer, 42, "test");
- EXPECT_EQ("test: " + msg, to_string(buffer));
- }
- {
- fmt::memory_buffer buffer;
- auto prefix =
- std::string(fmt::inline_buffer_size - msg.size() - sep.size() + 1, 'x');
- fmt::detail::format_error_code(buffer, 42, prefix);
- EXPECT_EQ(msg, to_string(buffer));
- }
- int codes[] = {42, -1};
- for (size_t i = 0, n = sizeof(codes) / sizeof(*codes); i < n; ++i) {
- // Test maximum buffer size.
- msg = fmt::format("error {}", codes[i]);
- fmt::memory_buffer buffer;
- auto prefix =
- std::string(fmt::inline_buffer_size - msg.size() - sep.size(), 'x');
- fmt::detail::format_error_code(buffer, codes[i], prefix);
- EXPECT_EQ(prefix + sep + msg, to_string(buffer));
- size_t size = fmt::inline_buffer_size;
- EXPECT_EQ(size, buffer.size());
- buffer.resize(0);
- // Test with a message that doesn't fit into the buffer.
- prefix += 'x';
- fmt::detail::format_error_code(buffer, codes[i], prefix);
- EXPECT_EQ(msg, to_string(buffer));
- }
- }
- TEST(format_impl_test, compute_width) {
- fmt::detail::compute_width(
- fmt::basic_string_view<fmt::detail::char8_type>(
- reinterpret_cast<const fmt::detail::char8_type*>("ёжик"))));
- }
- // Tests fmt::detail::count_digits for integer type Int.
- template <typename Int> void test_count_digits() {
- for (Int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) EXPECT_EQ(1u, fmt::detail::count_digits(i));
- for (Int i = 1, n = 1, end = max_value<Int>() / 10; n <= end; ++i) {
- n *= 10;
- EXPECT_EQ(i, fmt::detail::count_digits(n - 1));
- EXPECT_EQ(i + 1, fmt::detail::count_digits(n));
- }
- }
- TEST(format_impl_test, count_digits) {
- test_count_digits<uint32_t>();
- test_count_digits<uint64_t>();
- }
- TEST(format_impl_test, write_fallback_uintptr) {
- std::string s;
- fmt::detail::write_ptr<char>(
- std::back_inserter(s),
- fmt::detail::fallback_uintptr(reinterpret_cast<void*>(0xface)), nullptr);
- EXPECT_EQ(s, "0xface");
- }
- #ifdef _WIN32
- # include <windows.h>
- #endif
- #ifdef _WIN32
- TEST(format_impl_test, write_console_signature) {
- decltype(WriteConsoleW)* p = fmt::detail::WriteConsoleW;
- (void)p;
- }
- #endif