123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677678679680681682683684685686687688689690691692693694695696697698699700701702703704705706707708709710711712713714715716717718719720721722723724725726727728729730731732733734735736737738739740741742743744745746747748749750751752753754755756757758759760761762763764765766767768769770771772773774775776777778779780781782783784785786787788789790791792793794795796797798799800801802803804805 |
- """Disassembler of Python byte code into mnemonics."""
- import sys
- import types
- import collections
- import io
- from opcode import *
- from opcode import (
- __all__ as _opcodes_all,
- _cache_format,
- _inline_cache_entries,
- _nb_ops,
- _intrinsic_1_descs,
- _intrinsic_2_descs,
- _specializations,
- _specialized_instructions,
- )
- __all__ = ["code_info", "dis", "disassemble", "distb", "disco",
- "findlinestarts", "findlabels", "show_code",
- "get_instructions", "Instruction", "Bytecode"] + _opcodes_all
- del _opcodes_all
- _have_code = (types.MethodType, types.FunctionType, types.CodeType,
- classmethod, staticmethod, type)
- (None, ''),
- (str, 'str'),
- (repr, 'repr'),
- (ascii, 'ascii'),
- )
- MAKE_FUNCTION_FLAGS = ('defaults', 'kwdefaults', 'annotations', 'closure')
- BINARY_OP = opmap['BINARY_OP']
- FOR_ITER = opmap['FOR_ITER']
- SEND = opmap['SEND']
- LOAD_ATTR = opmap['LOAD_ATTR']
- CACHE = opmap["CACHE"]
- _all_opname = list(opname)
- _all_opmap = dict(opmap)
- _empty_slot = [slot for slot, name in enumerate(_all_opname) if name.startswith("<")]
- for spec_op, specialized in zip(_empty_slot, _specialized_instructions):
- # fill opname and opmap
- _all_opname[spec_op] = specialized
- _all_opmap[specialized] = spec_op
- deoptmap = {
- specialized: base for base, family in _specializations.items() for specialized in family
- }
- def _try_compile(source, name):
- """Attempts to compile the given source, first as an expression and
- then as a statement if the first approach fails.
- Utility function to accept strings in functions that otherwise
- expect code objects
- """
- try:
- return compile(source, name, 'eval')
- except SyntaxError:
- pass
- return compile(source, name, 'exec')
- def dis(x=None, *, file=None, depth=None, show_caches=False, adaptive=False):
- """Disassemble classes, methods, functions, and other compiled objects.
- With no argument, disassemble the last traceback.
- Compiled objects currently include generator objects, async generator
- objects, and coroutine objects, all of which store their code object
- in a special attribute.
- """
- if x is None:
- distb(file=file, show_caches=show_caches, adaptive=adaptive)
- return
- # Extract functions from methods.
- if hasattr(x, '__func__'):
- x = x.__func__
- # Extract compiled code objects from...
- if hasattr(x, '__code__'): # ...a function, or
- x = x.__code__
- elif hasattr(x, 'gi_code'): #...a generator object, or
- x = x.gi_code
- elif hasattr(x, 'ag_code'): #...an asynchronous generator object, or
- x = x.ag_code
- elif hasattr(x, 'cr_code'): #...a coroutine.
- x = x.cr_code
- # Perform the disassembly.
- if hasattr(x, '__dict__'): # Class or module
- items = sorted(x.__dict__.items())
- for name, x1 in items:
- if isinstance(x1, _have_code):
- print("Disassembly of %s:" % name, file=file)
- try:
- dis(x1, file=file, depth=depth, show_caches=show_caches, adaptive=adaptive)
- except TypeError as msg:
- print("Sorry:", msg, file=file)
- print(file=file)
- elif hasattr(x, 'co_code'): # Code object
- _disassemble_recursive(x, file=file, depth=depth, show_caches=show_caches, adaptive=adaptive)
- elif isinstance(x, (bytes, bytearray)): # Raw bytecode
- _disassemble_bytes(x, file=file, show_caches=show_caches)
- elif isinstance(x, str): # Source code
- _disassemble_str(x, file=file, depth=depth, show_caches=show_caches, adaptive=adaptive)
- else:
- raise TypeError("don't know how to disassemble %s objects" %
- type(x).__name__)
- def distb(tb=None, *, file=None, show_caches=False, adaptive=False):
- """Disassemble a traceback (default: last traceback)."""
- if tb is None:
- try:
- if hasattr(sys, 'last_exc'):
- tb = sys.last_exc.__traceback__
- else:
- tb = sys.last_traceback
- except AttributeError:
- raise RuntimeError("no last traceback to disassemble") from None
- while tb.tb_next: tb = tb.tb_next
- disassemble(tb.tb_frame.f_code, tb.tb_lasti, file=file, show_caches=show_caches, adaptive=adaptive)
- # The inspect module interrogates this dictionary to build its
- # list of CO_* constants. It is also used by pretty_flags to
- # turn the co_flags field into a human readable list.
- 4: "VARARGS",
- 16: "NESTED",
- 32: "GENERATOR",
- 64: "NOFREE",
- 128: "COROUTINE",
- }
- def pretty_flags(flags):
- """Return pretty representation of code flags."""
- names = []
- for i in range(32):
- flag = 1<<i
- if flags & flag:
- names.append(COMPILER_FLAG_NAMES.get(flag, hex(flag)))
- flags ^= flag
- if not flags:
- break
- else:
- names.append(hex(flags))
- return ", ".join(names)
- class _Unknown:
- def __repr__(self):
- return "<unknown>"
- # Sentinel to represent values that cannot be calculated
- UNKNOWN = _Unknown()
- def _get_code_object(x):
- """Helper to handle methods, compiled or raw code objects, and strings."""
- # Extract functions from methods.
- if hasattr(x, '__func__'):
- x = x.__func__
- # Extract compiled code objects from...
- if hasattr(x, '__code__'): # ...a function, or
- x = x.__code__
- elif hasattr(x, 'gi_code'): #...a generator object, or
- x = x.gi_code
- elif hasattr(x, 'ag_code'): #...an asynchronous generator object, or
- x = x.ag_code
- elif hasattr(x, 'cr_code'): #...a coroutine.
- x = x.cr_code
- # Handle source code.
- if isinstance(x, str):
- x = _try_compile(x, "<disassembly>")
- # By now, if we don't have a code object, we can't disassemble x.
- if hasattr(x, 'co_code'):
- return x
- raise TypeError("don't know how to disassemble %s objects" %
- type(x).__name__)
- def _deoptop(op):
- name = _all_opname[op]
- return _all_opmap[deoptmap[name]] if name in deoptmap else op
- def _get_code_array(co, adaptive):
- return co._co_code_adaptive if adaptive else co.co_code
- def code_info(x):
- """Formatted details of methods, functions, or code."""
- return _format_code_info(_get_code_object(x))
- def _format_code_info(co):
- lines = []
- lines.append("Name: %s" % co.co_name)
- lines.append("Filename: %s" % co.co_filename)
- lines.append("Argument count: %s" % co.co_argcount)
- lines.append("Positional-only arguments: %s" % co.co_posonlyargcount)
- lines.append("Kw-only arguments: %s" % co.co_kwonlyargcount)
- lines.append("Number of locals: %s" % co.co_nlocals)
- lines.append("Stack size: %s" % co.co_stacksize)
- lines.append("Flags: %s" % pretty_flags(co.co_flags))
- if co.co_consts:
- lines.append("Constants:")
- for i_c in enumerate(co.co_consts):
- lines.append("%4d: %r" % i_c)
- if co.co_names:
- lines.append("Names:")
- for i_n in enumerate(co.co_names):
- lines.append("%4d: %s" % i_n)
- if co.co_varnames:
- lines.append("Variable names:")
- for i_n in enumerate(co.co_varnames):
- lines.append("%4d: %s" % i_n)
- if co.co_freevars:
- lines.append("Free variables:")
- for i_n in enumerate(co.co_freevars):
- lines.append("%4d: %s" % i_n)
- if co.co_cellvars:
- lines.append("Cell variables:")
- for i_n in enumerate(co.co_cellvars):
- lines.append("%4d: %s" % i_n)
- return "\n".join(lines)
- def show_code(co, *, file=None):
- """Print details of methods, functions, or code to *file*.
- If *file* is not provided, the output is printed on stdout.
- """
- print(code_info(co), file=file)
- Positions = collections.namedtuple(
- 'Positions',
- [
- 'lineno',
- 'end_lineno',
- 'col_offset',
- 'end_col_offset',
- ],
- defaults=[None] * 4
- )
- _Instruction = collections.namedtuple(
- "_Instruction",
- [
- 'opname',
- 'opcode',
- 'arg',
- 'argval',
- 'argrepr',
- 'offset',
- 'starts_line',
- 'is_jump_target',
- 'positions'
- ],
- defaults=[None]
- )
- _Instruction.opname.__doc__ = "Human readable name for operation"
- _Instruction.opcode.__doc__ = "Numeric code for operation"
- _Instruction.arg.__doc__ = "Numeric argument to operation (if any), otherwise None"
- _Instruction.argval.__doc__ = "Resolved arg value (if known), otherwise same as arg"
- _Instruction.argrepr.__doc__ = "Human readable description of operation argument"
- _Instruction.offset.__doc__ = "Start index of operation within bytecode sequence"
- _Instruction.starts_line.__doc__ = "Line started by this opcode (if any), otherwise None"
- _Instruction.is_jump_target.__doc__ = "True if other code jumps to here, otherwise False"
- _Instruction.positions.__doc__ = "dis.Positions object holding the span of source code covered by this instruction"
- _ExceptionTableEntry = collections.namedtuple("_ExceptionTableEntry",
- "start end target depth lasti")
- class Instruction(_Instruction):
- """Details for a bytecode operation
- Defined fields:
- opname - human readable name for operation
- opcode - numeric code for operation
- arg - numeric argument to operation (if any), otherwise None
- argval - resolved arg value (if known), otherwise same as arg
- argrepr - human readable description of operation argument
- offset - start index of operation within bytecode sequence
- starts_line - line started by this opcode (if any), otherwise None
- is_jump_target - True if other code jumps to here, otherwise False
- positions - Optional dis.Positions object holding the span of source code
- covered by this instruction
- """
- def _disassemble(self, lineno_width=3, mark_as_current=False, offset_width=4):
- """Format instruction details for inclusion in disassembly output
- *lineno_width* sets the width of the line number field (0 omits it)
- *mark_as_current* inserts a '-->' marker arrow as part of the line
- *offset_width* sets the width of the instruction offset field
- """
- fields = []
- # Column: Source code line number
- if lineno_width:
- if self.starts_line is not None:
- lineno_fmt = "%%%dd" % lineno_width
- fields.append(lineno_fmt % self.starts_line)
- else:
- fields.append(' ' * lineno_width)
- # Column: Current instruction indicator
- if mark_as_current:
- fields.append('-->')
- else:
- fields.append(' ')
- # Column: Jump target marker
- if self.is_jump_target:
- fields.append('>>')
- else:
- fields.append(' ')
- # Column: Instruction offset from start of code sequence
- fields.append(repr(self.offset).rjust(offset_width))
- # Column: Opcode name
- fields.append(self.opname.ljust(_OPNAME_WIDTH))
- # Column: Opcode argument
- if self.arg is not None:
- fields.append(repr(self.arg).rjust(_OPARG_WIDTH))
- # Column: Opcode argument details
- if self.argrepr:
- fields.append('(' + self.argrepr + ')')
- return ' '.join(fields).rstrip()
- def get_instructions(x, *, first_line=None, show_caches=False, adaptive=False):
- """Iterator for the opcodes in methods, functions or code
- Generates a series of Instruction named tuples giving the details of
- each operations in the supplied code.
- If *first_line* is not None, it indicates the line number that should
- be reported for the first source line in the disassembled code.
- Otherwise, the source line information (if any) is taken directly from
- the disassembled code object.
- """
- co = _get_code_object(x)
- linestarts = dict(findlinestarts(co))
- if first_line is not None:
- line_offset = first_line - co.co_firstlineno
- else:
- line_offset = 0
- return _get_instructions_bytes(_get_code_array(co, adaptive),
- co._varname_from_oparg,
- co.co_names, co.co_consts,
- linestarts, line_offset,
- co_positions=co.co_positions(),
- show_caches=show_caches)
- def _get_const_value(op, arg, co_consts):
- """Helper to get the value of the const in a hasconst op.
- Returns the dereferenced constant if this is possible.
- Otherwise (if it is a LOAD_CONST and co_consts is not
- provided) returns the dis.UNKNOWN sentinel.
- """
- assert op in hasconst
- argval = UNKNOWN
- if co_consts is not None:
- argval = co_consts[arg]
- return argval
- def _get_const_info(op, arg, co_consts):
- """Helper to get optional details about const references
- Returns the dereferenced constant and its repr if the value
- can be calculated.
- Otherwise returns the sentinel value dis.UNKNOWN for the value
- and an empty string for its repr.
- """
- argval = _get_const_value(op, arg, co_consts)
- argrepr = repr(argval) if argval is not UNKNOWN else ''
- return argval, argrepr
- def _get_name_info(name_index, get_name, **extrainfo):
- """Helper to get optional details about named references
- Returns the dereferenced name as both value and repr if the name
- list is defined.
- Otherwise returns the sentinel value dis.UNKNOWN for the value
- and an empty string for its repr.
- """
- if get_name is not None:
- argval = get_name(name_index, **extrainfo)
- return argval, argval
- else:
- return UNKNOWN, ''
- def _parse_varint(iterator):
- b = next(iterator)
- val = b & 63
- while b&64:
- val <<= 6
- b = next(iterator)
- val |= b&63
- return val
- def _parse_exception_table(code):
- iterator = iter(code.co_exceptiontable)
- entries = []
- try:
- while True:
- start = _parse_varint(iterator)*2
- length = _parse_varint(iterator)*2
- end = start + length
- target = _parse_varint(iterator)*2
- dl = _parse_varint(iterator)
- depth = dl >> 1
- lasti = bool(dl&1)
- entries.append(_ExceptionTableEntry(start, end, target, depth, lasti))
- except StopIteration:
- return entries
- def _is_backward_jump(op):
- return 'JUMP_BACKWARD' in opname[op]
- def _get_instructions_bytes(code, varname_from_oparg=None,
- names=None, co_consts=None,
- linestarts=None, line_offset=0,
- exception_entries=(), co_positions=None,
- show_caches=False):
- """Iterate over the instructions in a bytecode string.
- Generates a sequence of Instruction namedtuples giving the details of each
- opcode. Additional information about the code's runtime environment
- (e.g. variable names, co_consts) can be specified using optional
- arguments.
- """
- co_positions = co_positions or iter(())
- get_name = None if names is None else names.__getitem__
- labels = set(findlabels(code))
- for start, end, target, _, _ in exception_entries:
- for i in range(start, end):
- labels.add(target)
- starts_line = None
- for offset, op, arg in _unpack_opargs(code):
- if linestarts is not None:
- starts_line = linestarts.get(offset, None)
- if starts_line is not None:
- starts_line += line_offset
- is_jump_target = offset in labels
- argval = None
- argrepr = ''
- positions = Positions(*next(co_positions, ()))
- deop = _deoptop(op)
- caches = _inline_cache_entries[deop]
- if arg is not None:
- # Set argval to the dereferenced value of the argument when
- # available, and argrepr to the string representation of argval.
- # _disassemble_bytes needs the string repr of the
- # raw name index for LOAD_GLOBAL, LOAD_CONST, etc.
- argval = arg
- if deop in hasconst:
- argval, argrepr = _get_const_info(deop, arg, co_consts)
- elif deop in hasname:
- if deop == LOAD_GLOBAL:
- argval, argrepr = _get_name_info(arg//2, get_name)
- if (arg & 1) and argrepr:
- argrepr = "NULL + " + argrepr
- elif deop == LOAD_ATTR:
- argval, argrepr = _get_name_info(arg//2, get_name)
- if (arg & 1) and argrepr:
- argrepr = "NULL|self + " + argrepr
- elif deop == LOAD_SUPER_ATTR:
- argval, argrepr = _get_name_info(arg//4, get_name)
- if (arg & 1) and argrepr:
- argrepr = "NULL|self + " + argrepr
- else:
- argval, argrepr = _get_name_info(arg, get_name)
- elif deop in hasjabs:
- argval = arg*2
- argrepr = "to " + repr(argval)
- elif deop in hasjrel:
- signed_arg = -arg if _is_backward_jump(deop) else arg
- argval = offset + 2 + signed_arg*2
- argval += 2 * caches
- argrepr = "to " + repr(argval)
- elif deop in haslocal or deop in hasfree:
- argval, argrepr = _get_name_info(arg, varname_from_oparg)
- elif deop in hascompare:
- argval = cmp_op[arg>>4]
- argrepr = argval
- elif deop == FORMAT_VALUE:
- argval, argrepr = FORMAT_VALUE_CONVERTERS[arg & 0x3]
- argval = (argval, bool(arg & 0x4))
- if argval[1]:
- if argrepr:
- argrepr += ', '
- argrepr += 'with format'
- elif deop == MAKE_FUNCTION:
- argrepr = ', '.join(s for i, s in enumerate(MAKE_FUNCTION_FLAGS)
- if arg & (1<<i))
- elif deop == BINARY_OP:
- _, argrepr = _nb_ops[arg]
- elif deop == CALL_INTRINSIC_1:
- argrepr = _intrinsic_1_descs[arg]
- elif deop == CALL_INTRINSIC_2:
- argrepr = _intrinsic_2_descs[arg]
- yield Instruction(_all_opname[op], op,
- arg, argval, argrepr,
- offset, starts_line, is_jump_target, positions)
- caches = _inline_cache_entries[deop]
- if not caches:
- continue
- if not show_caches:
- # We still need to advance the co_positions iterator:
- for _ in range(caches):
- next(co_positions, ())
- continue
- for name, size in _cache_format[opname[deop]].items():
- for i in range(size):
- offset += 2
- # Only show the fancy argrepr for a CACHE instruction when it's
- # the first entry for a particular cache value:
- if i == 0:
- data = code[offset: offset + 2 * size]
- argrepr = f"{name}: {int.from_bytes(data, sys.byteorder)}"
- else:
- argrepr = ""
- yield Instruction(
- "CACHE", CACHE, 0, None, argrepr, offset, None, False,
- Positions(*next(co_positions, ()))
- )
- def disassemble(co, lasti=-1, *, file=None, show_caches=False, adaptive=False):
- """Disassemble a code object."""
- linestarts = dict(findlinestarts(co))
- exception_entries = _parse_exception_table(co)
- _disassemble_bytes(_get_code_array(co, adaptive),
- lasti, co._varname_from_oparg,
- co.co_names, co.co_consts, linestarts, file=file,
- exception_entries=exception_entries,
- co_positions=co.co_positions(), show_caches=show_caches)
- def _disassemble_recursive(co, *, file=None, depth=None, show_caches=False, adaptive=False):
- disassemble(co, file=file, show_caches=show_caches, adaptive=adaptive)
- if depth is None or depth > 0:
- if depth is not None:
- depth = depth - 1
- for x in co.co_consts:
- if hasattr(x, 'co_code'):
- print(file=file)
- print("Disassembly of %r:" % (x,), file=file)
- _disassemble_recursive(
- x, file=file, depth=depth, show_caches=show_caches, adaptive=adaptive
- )
- def _disassemble_bytes(code, lasti=-1, varname_from_oparg=None,
- names=None, co_consts=None, linestarts=None,
- *, file=None, line_offset=0, exception_entries=(),
- co_positions=None, show_caches=False):
- # Omit the line number column entirely if we have no line number info
- show_lineno = bool(linestarts)
- if show_lineno:
- maxlineno = max(linestarts.values()) + line_offset
- if maxlineno >= 1000:
- lineno_width = len(str(maxlineno))
- else:
- lineno_width = 3
- else:
- lineno_width = 0
- maxoffset = len(code) - 2
- if maxoffset >= 10000:
- offset_width = len(str(maxoffset))
- else:
- offset_width = 4
- for instr in _get_instructions_bytes(code, varname_from_oparg, names,
- co_consts, linestarts,
- line_offset=line_offset,
- exception_entries=exception_entries,
- co_positions=co_positions,
- show_caches=show_caches):
- new_source_line = (show_lineno and
- instr.starts_line is not None and
- instr.offset > 0)
- if new_source_line:
- print(file=file)
- if show_caches:
- is_current_instr = instr.offset == lasti
- else:
- # Each CACHE takes 2 bytes
- is_current_instr = instr.offset <= lasti \
- <= instr.offset + 2 * _inline_cache_entries[_deoptop(instr.opcode)]
- print(instr._disassemble(lineno_width, is_current_instr, offset_width),
- file=file)
- if exception_entries:
- print("ExceptionTable:", file=file)
- for entry in exception_entries:
- lasti = " lasti" if entry.lasti else ""
- end = entry.end-2
- print(f" {entry.start} to {end} -> {entry.target} [{entry.depth}]{lasti}", file=file)
- def _disassemble_str(source, **kwargs):
- """Compile the source string, then disassemble the code object."""
- _disassemble_recursive(_try_compile(source, '<dis>'), **kwargs)
- disco = disassemble # XXX For backwards compatibility
- # Rely on C `int` being 32 bits for oparg
- _INT_BITS = 32
- # Value for c int when it overflows
- _INT_OVERFLOW = 2 ** (_INT_BITS - 1)
- def _unpack_opargs(code):
- extended_arg = 0
- caches = 0
- for i in range(0, len(code), 2):
- # Skip inline CACHE entries:
- if caches:
- caches -= 1
- continue
- op = code[i]
- deop = _deoptop(op)
- caches = _inline_cache_entries[deop]
- if deop in hasarg:
- arg = code[i+1] | extended_arg
- extended_arg = (arg << 8) if deop == EXTENDED_ARG else 0
- # The oparg is stored as a signed integer
- # If the value exceeds its upper limit, it will overflow and wrap
- # to a negative integer
- if extended_arg >= _INT_OVERFLOW:
- extended_arg -= 2 * _INT_OVERFLOW
- else:
- arg = None
- extended_arg = 0
- yield (i, op, arg)
- def findlabels(code):
- """Detect all offsets in a byte code which are jump targets.
- Return the list of offsets.
- """
- labels = []
- for offset, op, arg in _unpack_opargs(code):
- if arg is not None:
- deop = _deoptop(op)
- caches = _inline_cache_entries[deop]
- if deop in hasjrel:
- if _is_backward_jump(deop):
- arg = -arg
- label = offset + 2 + arg*2
- label += 2 * caches
- elif deop in hasjabs:
- label = arg*2
- else:
- continue
- if label not in labels:
- labels.append(label)
- return labels
- def findlinestarts(code):
- """Find the offsets in a byte code which are start of lines in the source.
- Generate pairs (offset, lineno)
- """
- lastline = None
- for start, end, line in code.co_lines():
- if line is not None and line != lastline:
- lastline = line
- yield start, line
- return
- def _find_imports(co):
- """Find import statements in the code
- Generate triplets (name, level, fromlist) where
- name is the imported module and level, fromlist are
- the corresponding args to __import__.
- """
- consts = co.co_consts
- names = co.co_names
- opargs = [(op, arg) for _, op, arg in _unpack_opargs(co.co_code)
- if op != EXTENDED_ARG]
- for i, (op, oparg) in enumerate(opargs):
- if op == IMPORT_NAME and i >= 2:
- from_op = opargs[i-1]
- level_op = opargs[i-2]
- if (from_op[0] in hasconst and level_op[0] in hasconst):
- level = _get_const_value(level_op[0], level_op[1], consts)
- fromlist = _get_const_value(from_op[0], from_op[1], consts)
- yield (names[oparg], level, fromlist)
- def _find_store_names(co):
- """Find names of variables which are written in the code
- Generate sequence of strings
- """
- opmap['STORE_NAME'],
- opmap['STORE_GLOBAL']
- }
- names = co.co_names
- for _, op, arg in _unpack_opargs(co.co_code):
- if op in STORE_OPS:
- yield names[arg]
- class Bytecode:
- """The bytecode operations of a piece of code
- Instantiate this with a function, method, other compiled object, string of
- code, or a code object (as returned by compile()).
- Iterating over this yields the bytecode operations as Instruction instances.
- """
- def __init__(self, x, *, first_line=None, current_offset=None, show_caches=False, adaptive=False):
- self.codeobj = co = _get_code_object(x)
- if first_line is None:
- self.first_line = co.co_firstlineno
- self._line_offset = 0
- else:
- self.first_line = first_line
- self._line_offset = first_line - co.co_firstlineno
- self._linestarts = dict(findlinestarts(co))
- self._original_object = x
- self.current_offset = current_offset
- self.exception_entries = _parse_exception_table(co)
- self.show_caches = show_caches
- self.adaptive = adaptive
- def __iter__(self):
- co = self.codeobj
- return _get_instructions_bytes(_get_code_array(co, self.adaptive),
- co._varname_from_oparg,
- co.co_names, co.co_consts,
- self._linestarts,
- line_offset=self._line_offset,
- exception_entries=self.exception_entries,
- co_positions=co.co_positions(),
- show_caches=self.show_caches)
- def __repr__(self):
- return "{}({!r})".format(self.__class__.__name__,
- self._original_object)
- @classmethod
- def from_traceback(cls, tb, *, show_caches=False, adaptive=False):
- """ Construct a Bytecode from the given traceback """
- while tb.tb_next:
- tb = tb.tb_next
- return cls(
- tb.tb_frame.f_code, current_offset=tb.tb_lasti, show_caches=show_caches, adaptive=adaptive
- )
- def info(self):
- """Return formatted information about the code object."""
- return _format_code_info(self.codeobj)
- def dis(self):
- """Return a formatted view of the bytecode operations."""
- co = self.codeobj
- if self.current_offset is not None:
- offset = self.current_offset
- else:
- offset = -1
- with io.StringIO() as output:
- _disassemble_bytes(_get_code_array(co, self.adaptive),
- varname_from_oparg=co._varname_from_oparg,
- names=co.co_names, co_consts=co.co_consts,
- linestarts=self._linestarts,
- line_offset=self._line_offset,
- file=output,
- lasti=offset,
- exception_entries=self.exception_entries,
- co_positions=co.co_positions(),
- show_caches=self.show_caches)
- return output.getvalue()
- def main(args=None):
- import argparse
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
- parser.add_argument('infile', type=argparse.FileType('rb'), nargs='?', default='-')
- args = parser.parse_args(args=args)
- with args.infile as infile:
- source = infile.read()
- code = compile(source, args.infile.name, "exec")
- dis(code)
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- main()