out_sampling.sql 522 B

  1. /* postgres can not */
  2. /* kikimr can not */
  3. /* custom check: len(yt_res_yson[0][b'Write'][0][b'Data']) == 10 and len(yt_res_yson[1][b'Write'][0][b'Data']) < 10 and len(yt_res_yson[2][b'Write'][0][b'Data']) < 10 and len(yt_res_yson[3][b'Write'][0][b'Data']) == 10 */
  4. USE plato;
  5. SELECT key, some(value) FROM Input GROUP BY key;
  6. SELECT key, sum(cast(subkey as Int32)) FROM Input SAMPLE 0.3 GROUP BY key;
  7. SELECT key, some(subkey) FROM Input SAMPLE 0.3 GROUP BY key;
  8. SELECT key, sum(length(value)) FROM Input GROUP BY key;