123456789101112131415161718192021 |
- --!syntax_pg
- -- simple case
- select 1 in ('1', '2');
- -- splits into IN over numerics and IN over text
- select '1' in (0, 0.0, 1, '1'::text, '3'::char(3));
- -- mixture of types in rhs, expression in lhs
- select (c::int + 1) in (1, 2.9, '4') from (values ('0'), ('1')) as t(c);
- -- arrays support
- select array[1, 2] in (array[2, 4], array[1, 2]);
- -- NULL in rhs
- select 1 in (0, NULL);
- select 1 in ('1', NULL);
- -- non-PG types handling
- select index in ('2', 4) from plato."Input";