123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677678679680681682683684685686687688689690691692693694695696697698699700701702703704705706707708709710711712713714715716717718719720721722723724725726727728729730731732733734735736737738739740741742743744745746747 |
- #pragma once
- #include <yql/essentials/public/udf/udf_type_builder.h>
- #include <yql/essentials/public/udf/udf_value.h>
- #include <yql/essentials/public/udf/udf_helpers.h>
- #include <yql/essentials/public/udf/udf_data_type.h>
- #include <yql/essentials/public/udf/udf_type_inspection.h>
- #include "defs.h"
- #include "util.h"
- #include "args_dechunker.h"
- #include "block_reader.h"
- #include "block_builder.h"
- #include "memory_pool.h"
- #include <arrow/array/array_base.h>
- #include <arrow/array/util.h>
- #include <arrow/c/bridge.h>
- #include <arrow/chunked_array.h>
- #include <arrow/compute/kernel.h>
- #include <arrow/compute/exec_internal.h>
- #include <arrow/util/bitmap_ops.h>
- namespace NYql {
- namespace NUdf {
- using TExec = arrow::Status(*)(arrow::compute::KernelContext*, const arrow::compute::ExecBatch&, arrow::Datum*);
- class TUdfKernelState : public arrow::compute::KernelState {
- public:
- TUdfKernelState(const TVector<const TType*>& argTypes, const TType* outputType, bool onlyScalars, const ITypeInfoHelper* typeInfoHelper, const IValueBuilder* valueBuilder)
- : ArgTypes_(argTypes)
- , OutputType_(outputType)
- , OnlyScalars_(onlyScalars)
- , TypeInfoHelper_(typeInfoHelper)
- , ValueBuilder_(valueBuilder)
- {
- Readers_.resize(ArgTypes_.size());
- }
- IBlockReader& GetReader(ui32 index) {
- if (!Readers_[index]) {
- Readers_[index] = MakeBlockReader(*TypeInfoHelper_, ArgTypes_[index]);
- }
- return *Readers_[index];
- }
- IArrayBuilder& GetArrayBuilder() {
- Y_ENSURE(!OnlyScalars_);
- if (!ArrayBuilder_) {
- ArrayBuilder_ = MakeArrayBuilder(*TypeInfoHelper_, OutputType_, *GetYqlMemoryPool(), TypeInfoHelper_->GetMaxBlockLength(OutputType_), &ValueBuilder_->GetPgBuilder());
- }
- return *ArrayBuilder_;
- }
- IScalarBuilder& GetScalarBuilder() {
- Y_ENSURE(OnlyScalars_);
- if (!ScalarBuilder_) {
- ScalarBuilder_ = MakeScalarBuilder(*TypeInfoHelper_, OutputType_);
- }
- return *ScalarBuilder_;
- }
- const IValueBuilder& GetValueBuilder() {
- Y_ENSURE(ValueBuilder_);
- return *ValueBuilder_;
- }
- private:
- const TVector<const TType*> ArgTypes_;
- const TType* OutputType_;
- const bool OnlyScalars_;
- const ITypeInfoHelper* TypeInfoHelper_;
- const IValueBuilder* ValueBuilder_;
- TVector<std::unique_ptr<IBlockReader>> Readers_;
- std::unique_ptr<IArrayBuilder> ArrayBuilder_;
- std::unique_ptr<IScalarBuilder> ScalarBuilder_;
- };
- class TSimpleArrowUdfImpl : public TBoxedValue {
- public:
- TSimpleArrowUdfImpl(const TVector<const TType*> argBlockTypes, const TType* outputType, bool onlyScalars,
- TExec exec, IFunctionTypeInfoBuilder& builder, const TString& name,
- arrow::compute::NullHandling::type nullHandling)
- : OnlyScalars_(onlyScalars)
- , Exec_(exec)
- , Pos_(GetSourcePosition(builder))
- , Name_(name)
- , OutputType_(outputType)
- , NullDatum_(arrow::Datum(std::make_shared<arrow::NullScalar>()))
- {
- TypeInfoHelper_ = builder.TypeInfoHelper();
- Kernel_.null_handling = nullHandling;
- Kernel_.exec = Exec_;
- std::vector<arrow::compute::InputType> inTypes;
- for (const auto& blockType : argBlockTypes) {
- TBlockTypeInspector blockInspector(*TypeInfoHelper_, blockType);
- Y_ENSURE(blockInspector);
- ArgTypes_.push_back(blockInspector.GetItemType());
- auto arrowTypeHandle = TypeInfoHelper_->MakeArrowType(blockInspector.GetItemType());
- Y_ENSURE(arrowTypeHandle);
- ArrowSchema s;
- arrowTypeHandle->Export(&s);
- auto type = ARROW_RESULT(arrow::ImportType(&s));
- ArgArrowTypes_.emplace_back(type);
- auto shape = blockInspector.IsScalar() ? arrow::ValueDescr::SCALAR : arrow::ValueDescr::ARRAY;
- inTypes.emplace_back(arrow::compute::InputType(type, shape));
- ArgsValuesDescr_.emplace_back(arrow::ValueDescr(type, shape));
- }
- ReturnArrowTypeHandle_ = TypeInfoHelper_->MakeArrowType(outputType);
- Y_ENSURE(ReturnArrowTypeHandle_);
- ArrowSchema s;
- ReturnArrowTypeHandle_->Export(&s);
- auto outputShape = onlyScalars ? arrow::ValueDescr::SCALAR : arrow::ValueDescr::ARRAY;
- arrow::compute::OutputType outType(arrow::ValueDescr(ARROW_RESULT(arrow::ImportType(&s)), outputShape));
- Kernel_.signature = arrow::compute::KernelSignature::Make(std::move(inTypes), std::move(outType));
- }
- TUnboxedValue Run(const IValueBuilder* valueBuilder, const TUnboxedValuePod* args) const final {
- try {
- TVector<arrow::Datum> argDatums(ArgArrowTypes_.size());
- for (ui32 i = 0; i < ArgArrowTypes_.size(); ++i) {
- bool isScalar;
- ui64 length;
- // If no value is given to the UDF, pass the Null datum as an
- // optional argument value to the fixed-arg kernel.
- // XXX: Use bool operator for TUnboxedValuePod object instead
- // of its HasValue method due to just(null) semantics.
- if (!args[i]) {
- argDatums[i] = NullDatum_;
- continue;
- }
- ui32 chunkCount = valueBuilder->GetArrowBlockChunks(args[i], isScalar, length);
- if (isScalar) {
- ArrowArray a;
- valueBuilder->ExportArrowBlock(args[i], 0, &a);
- auto arr = ARROW_RESULT(arrow::ImportArray(&a, ArgArrowTypes_[i]));
- auto scalar = ARROW_RESULT(arr->GetScalar(0));
- argDatums[i] = scalar;
- } else {
- TVector<std::shared_ptr<arrow::Array>> imported(chunkCount);
- for (ui32 k = 0; k < chunkCount; ++k) {
- ArrowArray a;
- valueBuilder->ExportArrowBlock(args[i], k, &a);
- auto arr = ARROW_RESULT(arrow::ImportArray(&a, ArgArrowTypes_[i]));
- imported[k] = arr;
- }
- if (chunkCount == 1) {
- argDatums[i] = imported.front();
- } else {
- argDatums[i] = ARROW_RESULT(arrow::ChunkedArray::Make(std::move(imported), ArgArrowTypes_[i]));
- }
- }
- }
- TUdfKernelState kernelState(ArgTypes_, OutputType_, OnlyScalars_, TypeInfoHelper_.Get(), valueBuilder);
- arrow::compute::ExecContext execContext(GetYqlMemoryPool());
- arrow::compute::KernelContext kernelContext(&execContext);
- kernelContext.SetState(&kernelState);
- arrow::Datum res;
- if (OnlyScalars_) {
- auto executor = arrow::compute::detail::KernelExecutor::MakeScalar();
- ARROW_OK(executor->Init(&kernelContext, { &Kernel_, ArgsValuesDescr_, nullptr }));
- auto listener = std::make_shared<arrow::compute::detail::DatumAccumulator>();
- ARROW_OK(executor->Execute(argDatums, listener.get()));
- res = executor->WrapResults(argDatums, listener->values());
- } else {
- TArgsDechunker dechunker(std::move(argDatums));
- std::vector<arrow::Datum> chunk;
- TVector<std::shared_ptr<arrow::ArrayData>> arrays;
- while (dechunker.Next(chunk)) {
- auto executor = arrow::compute::detail::KernelExecutor::MakeScalar();
- ARROW_OK(executor->Init(&kernelContext, { &Kernel_, ArgsValuesDescr_, nullptr }));
- arrow::compute::detail::DatumAccumulator listener;
- ARROW_OK(executor->Execute(chunk, &listener));
- auto output = executor->WrapResults(chunk, listener.values());
- ForEachArrayData(output, [&](const auto& arr) { arrays.push_back(arr); });
- }
- res = MakeArray(arrays);
- }
- if (OnlyScalars_) {
- auto arr = ARROW_RESULT(arrow::MakeArrayFromScalar(*res.scalar(), 1));
- ArrowArray a;
- ARROW_OK(arrow::ExportArray(*arr, &a));
- return valueBuilder->ImportArrowBlock(&a, 1, true, *ReturnArrowTypeHandle_);
- } else {
- TVector<ArrowArray> a;
- if (res.is_array()) {
- a.resize(1);
- ARROW_OK(arrow::ExportArray(*res.make_array(), &a[0]));
- } else {
- Y_ENSURE(res.is_arraylike());
- a.resize(res.chunks().size());
- for (ui32 i = 0; i < res.chunks().size(); ++i) {
- ARROW_OK(arrow::ExportArray(*res.chunks()[i], &a[i]));
- }
- }
- return valueBuilder->ImportArrowBlock(a.data(), a.size(), false, *ReturnArrowTypeHandle_);
- }
- } catch (const std::exception&) {
- TStringBuilder sb;
- sb << Pos_ << " ";
- sb << CurrentExceptionMessage();
- sb << Endl << "[" << Name_ << "]";
- UdfTerminate(sb.c_str());
- }
- }
- private:
- const bool OnlyScalars_;
- const TExec Exec_;
- TSourcePosition Pos_;
- const TString Name_;
- const TType* OutputType_;
- ITypeInfoHelper::TPtr TypeInfoHelper_;
- TVector<std::shared_ptr<arrow::DataType>> ArgArrowTypes_;
- IArrowType::TPtr ReturnArrowTypeHandle_;
- arrow::compute::ScalarKernel Kernel_;
- std::vector<arrow::ValueDescr> ArgsValuesDescr_;
- TVector<const TType*> ArgTypes_;
- const arrow::Datum NullDatum_;
- };
- inline void SetCallableArgumentAttributes(IFunctionArgTypesBuilder& argsBuilder,
- const TCallableTypeInspector& callableInspector, const ui32 index) {
- if (callableInspector.GetArgumentName(index).Size() > 0) {
- argsBuilder.Name(callableInspector.GetArgumentName(index));
- }
- if (callableInspector.GetArgumentFlags(index) != 0) {
- argsBuilder.Flags(callableInspector.GetArgumentFlags(index));
- }
- }
- inline void PrepareSimpleArrowUdf(IFunctionTypeInfoBuilder& builder, TType* signature, TType* userType, TExec exec, bool typesOnly,
- const TString& name, arrow::compute::NullHandling::type nullHandling = arrow::compute::NullHandling::type::COMPUTED_NO_PREALLOCATE) {
- auto typeInfoHelper = builder.TypeInfoHelper();
- TCallableTypeInspector callableInspector(*typeInfoHelper, signature);
- Y_ENSURE(callableInspector);
- Y_ENSURE(callableInspector.GetArgsCount() > 0);
- TTupleTypeInspector userTypeInspector(*typeInfoHelper, userType);
- Y_ENSURE(userTypeInspector);
- Y_ENSURE(userTypeInspector.GetElementsCount() == 3);
- TTupleTypeInspector argsInspector(*typeInfoHelper, userTypeInspector.GetElementType(0));
- Y_ENSURE(argsInspector);
- Y_ENSURE(argsInspector.GetElementsCount() <= callableInspector.GetArgsCount());
- const ui32 omitted = callableInspector.GetArgsCount() - argsInspector.GetElementsCount();
- Y_ENSURE(omitted <= callableInspector.GetOptionalArgsCount());
- bool hasBlocks = false;
- bool onlyScalars = true;
- for (ui32 i = 0; i < argsInspector.GetElementsCount(); ++i) {
- TBlockTypeInspector blockInspector(*typeInfoHelper, argsInspector.GetElementType(i));
- if (blockInspector) {
- if (i == 0) {
- hasBlocks = true;
- } else {
- Y_ENSURE(hasBlocks);
- }
- onlyScalars = onlyScalars && blockInspector.IsScalar();
- }
- }
- builder.SupportsBlocks();
- builder.UserType(userType);
- Y_ENSURE(hasBlocks);
- TVector<const TType*> argBlockTypes;
- auto argsBuilder = builder.Args(callableInspector.GetArgsCount());
- for (ui32 i = 0; i < argsInspector.GetElementsCount(); ++i) {
- TBlockTypeInspector blockInspector(*typeInfoHelper, argsInspector.GetElementType(i));
- auto type = callableInspector.GetArgType(i);
- auto argBlockType = builder.Block(blockInspector.IsScalar())->Item(type).Build();
- argsBuilder->Add(argBlockType);
- SetCallableArgumentAttributes(*argsBuilder, callableInspector, i);
- argBlockTypes.emplace_back(argBlockType);
- }
- // XXX: Append the Block types for the omitted arguments to preserve the
- // fixed-arg kernel signature. Unlikely to the required arguments,
- // initialized above, the type of the omitted argument has to be passed to
- // the specialized UDF signature builder (i.e. argsBuilder) as an original
- // TOptional parameter type. At the same time, all of omitted arguments have
- // to be substituted with Null datums, so all the original types of the
- // optional parameters are wrapped type with the Block type with the Scalar
- // shape in the UDFKernel signature (i.e. argBlockTypes).
- for (ui32 i = argsInspector.GetElementsCount(); i < callableInspector.GetArgsCount(); i++) {
- auto optType = callableInspector.GetArgType(i);
- argsBuilder->Add(optType);
- SetCallableArgumentAttributes(*argsBuilder, callableInspector, i);
- argBlockTypes.emplace_back(builder.Block(true)->Item(optType).Build());
- }
- builder.Returns(builder.Block(onlyScalars)->Item(callableInspector.GetReturnType()).Build());
- // XXX: Only the omitted parameters should be specified as optional
- // arguments in this context.
- if (omitted) {
- builder.OptionalArgs(omitted);
- }
- if (callableInspector.GetPayload().Size() > 0) {
- builder.PayloadImpl(callableInspector.GetPayload());
- }
- if (!typesOnly) {
- builder.Implementation(new TSimpleArrowUdfImpl(argBlockTypes, callableInspector.GetReturnType(),
- onlyScalars, exec, builder, name, nullHandling));
- }
- }
- template<typename TBuilder>
- TBuilder* CastToArrayBuilderImpl(IArrayBuilder& builder) {
- static_assert(std::is_base_of_v<IArrayBuilder, TBuilder>);
- auto* builderImpl = dynamic_cast<TBuilder*>(&builder);
- Y_ENSURE(builderImpl, TStringBuilder() << "Got " << typeid(builder).name() << " as ArrayBuilder");
- return builderImpl;
- }
- template<typename TScalarBuilderImpl>
- TScalarBuilderImpl* CastToScalarBuilderImpl(IScalarBuilder& builder) {
- static_assert(std::is_base_of_v<IScalarBuilder, TScalarBuilderImpl>);
- auto* builderImpl = dynamic_cast<TScalarBuilderImpl*>(&builder);
- Y_ENSURE(builderImpl, TStringBuilder() << "Got " << typeid(builder).name() << " as ArrayBuilder");
- return builderImpl;
- }
- template<typename TReader>
- TReader* CastToBlockReaderImpl(IBlockReader& reader) {
- static_assert(std::is_base_of_v<IBlockReader, TReader>);
- auto* readerImpl = dynamic_cast<TReader*>(&reader);
- Y_ENSURE(readerImpl, TStringBuilder() << "Got " << typeid(reader).name() << " as BlockReader");
- return readerImpl;
- }
- template <typename TDerived, typename TReader = IBlockReader, typename TArrayBuilderImpl = IArrayBuilder, typename TScalarBuilderImpl = IScalarBuilder>
- struct TUnaryKernelExec {
- static arrow::Status Do(arrow::compute::KernelContext* ctx, const arrow::compute::ExecBatch& batch, arrow::Datum* res) {
- auto& state = dynamic_cast<TUdfKernelState&>(*ctx->state());
- auto& reader = state.GetReader(0);
- auto* readerImpl = CastToBlockReaderImpl<TReader>(reader);
- const auto& arg = batch.values[0];
- if (arg.is_scalar()) {
- auto& builder = state.GetScalarBuilder();
- auto* builderImpl = CastToScalarBuilderImpl<TScalarBuilderImpl>(builder);
- auto item = readerImpl->GetScalarItem(*arg.scalar());
- TDerived::Process(&state.GetValueBuilder(), item, [&](TBlockItem out) {
- *res = builderImpl->Build(out);
- });
- }
- else {
- auto& array = *arg.array();
- auto& builder = state.GetArrayBuilder();
- auto* builderImpl = CastToArrayBuilderImpl<TArrayBuilderImpl>(builder);
- size_t maxBlockLength = builderImpl->MaxLength();
- Y_ENSURE(maxBlockLength > 0);
- TVector<std::shared_ptr<arrow::ArrayData>> outputArrays;
- for (int64_t i = 0; i < array.length;) {
- for (size_t j = 0; j < maxBlockLength && i < array.length; ++j, ++i) {
- auto item = readerImpl->GetItem(array, i);
- TDerived::Process(&state.GetValueBuilder(), item, [&](TBlockItem out) {
- builderImpl->Add(out);
- });
- }
- auto outputDatum = builderImpl->Build(false);
- ForEachArrayData(outputDatum, [&](const auto& arr) { outputArrays.push_back(arr); });
- }
- *res = MakeArray(outputArrays);
- }
- return arrow::Status::OK();
- }
- };
- template <typename TDerived, typename TReader1 = IBlockReader, typename TReader2 = IBlockReader, typename TArrayBuilderImpl = IArrayBuilder, typename TScalarBuilderImpl = IScalarBuilder>
- struct TBinaryKernelExec {
- static arrow::Status Do(arrow::compute::KernelContext* ctx, const arrow::compute::ExecBatch& batch, arrow::Datum* res) {
- auto& state = dynamic_cast<TUdfKernelState&>(*ctx->state());
- auto& reader1 = state.GetReader(0);
- auto* reader1Impl = CastToBlockReaderImpl<TReader1>(reader1);
- auto& reader2 = state.GetReader(1);
- auto* reader2Impl = CastToBlockReaderImpl<TReader2>(reader2);
- const auto& arg1 = batch.values[0];
- const auto& arg2 = batch.values[1];
- if (arg1.is_scalar() && arg2.is_scalar()) {
- auto& builder = state.GetScalarBuilder();
- auto* builderImpl = CastToScalarBuilderImpl<TScalarBuilderImpl>(builder);
- auto item1 = reader1Impl->GetScalarItem(*arg1.scalar());
- auto item2 = reader2Impl->GetScalarItem(*arg2.scalar());
- TDerived::Process(&state.GetValueBuilder(), item1, item2, [&](TBlockItem out) {
- *res = builderImpl->Build(out);
- });
- }
- else if (arg1.is_scalar() && arg2.is_array()) {
- auto item1 = reader1Impl->GetScalarItem(*arg1.scalar());
- auto& array2 = *arg2.array();
- auto& builder = state.GetArrayBuilder();
- auto* builderImpl = CastToArrayBuilderImpl<TArrayBuilderImpl>(builder);
- size_t maxBlockLength = builder.MaxLength();
- Y_ENSURE(maxBlockLength > 0);
- TVector<std::shared_ptr<arrow::ArrayData>> outputArrays;
- for (int64_t i = 0; i < array2.length;) {
- for (size_t j = 0; j < maxBlockLength && i < array2.length; ++j, ++i) {
- auto item2 = reader2Impl->GetItem(array2, i);
- TDerived::Process(&state.GetValueBuilder(), item1, item2, [&](TBlockItem out) {
- builderImpl->Add(out);
- });
- }
- auto outputDatum = builder.Build(false);
- ForEachArrayData(outputDatum, [&](const auto& arr) { outputArrays.push_back(arr); });
- }
- *res = MakeArray(outputArrays);
- } else if (arg1.is_array() && arg2.is_scalar()) {
- auto& array1 = *arg1.array();
- auto item2 = reader2Impl->GetScalarItem(*arg2.scalar());
- auto& builder = state.GetArrayBuilder();
- auto* builderImpl = CastToArrayBuilderImpl<TArrayBuilderImpl>(builder);
- size_t maxBlockLength = builder.MaxLength();
- Y_ENSURE(maxBlockLength > 0);
- TVector<std::shared_ptr<arrow::ArrayData>> outputArrays;
- for (int64_t i = 0; i < array1.length;) {
- for (size_t j = 0; j < maxBlockLength && i < array1.length; ++j, ++i) {
- auto item1 = reader1Impl->GetItem(array1, i);
- TDerived::Process(&state.GetValueBuilder(), item1, item2, [&](TBlockItem out) {
- builderImpl->Add(out);
- });
- }
- auto outputDatum = builder.Build(false);
- ForEachArrayData(outputDatum, [&](const auto& arr) { outputArrays.push_back(arr); });
- }
- *res = MakeArray(outputArrays);
- } else {
- Y_ENSURE(arg1.is_array() && arg2.is_array());
- auto& array1 = *arg1.array();
- auto& array2 = *arg2.array();
- auto& builder = state.GetArrayBuilder();
- auto* builderImpl = CastToArrayBuilderImpl<TArrayBuilderImpl>(builder);
- size_t maxBlockLength = builder.MaxLength();
- Y_ENSURE(maxBlockLength > 0);
- TVector<std::shared_ptr<arrow::ArrayData>> outputArrays;
- Y_ENSURE(array1.length == array2.length);
- for (int64_t i = 0; i < array1.length;) {
- for (size_t j = 0; j < maxBlockLength && i < array1.length; ++j, ++i) {
- auto item1 = reader1Impl->GetItem(array1, i);
- auto item2 = reader2Impl->GetItem(array2, i);
- TDerived::Process(&state.GetValueBuilder(), item1, item2, [&](TBlockItem out) {
- builderImpl->Add(out);
- });
- }
- auto outputDatum = builder.Build(false);
- ForEachArrayData(outputDatum, [&](const auto& arr) { outputArrays.push_back(arr); });
- }
- *res = MakeArray(outputArrays);
- }
- return arrow::Status::OK();
- }
- };
- template <typename TDerived, size_t Argc, typename TArrayBuilderImpl = IArrayBuilder, typename TScalarBuilderImpl = IScalarBuilder>
- struct TGenericKernelExec {
- static arrow::Status Do(arrow::compute::KernelContext* ctx, const arrow::compute::ExecBatch& batch, arrow::Datum* res) {
- auto& state = dynamic_cast<TUdfKernelState&>(*ctx->state());
- Y_ENSURE(batch.num_values() == Argc);
- // XXX: Since Arrow arrays ought to have the valid length value, use
- // this constant to check whether all the arrays in the given batch have
- // the same length and also as an indicator whether there is no array
- // arguments in the given batch.
- int64_t alength = arrow::Datum::kUnknownLength;
- // XXX: Allocate fixed-size buffer to pass the parameters into the
- // Process routine (stored into BlockItem), since only the content
- // of the particular cells will be updated in the main "process" loop.
- std::array<TBlockItem, Argc> args;
- const TBlockItem items(args.data());
- // XXX: Introduce scalar/array mapping to avoid excess scalar copy ops
- // in the main "process" loop.
- std::array<bool, Argc> needUpdate;
- needUpdate.fill(false);
- for (size_t k = 0; k < Argc; k++) {
- auto& arg = batch[k];
- Y_ENSURE(arg.is_scalar() || arg.is_array());
- if (arg.is_scalar()) {
- continue;
- }
- if (alength == arrow::Datum::kUnknownLength) {
- alength = arg.length();
- } else {
- Y_ENSURE(arg.length() == alength);
- }
- needUpdate[k] = true;
- }
- // Specialize the case, when all given arguments are scalar.
- if (alength == arrow::Datum::kUnknownLength) {
- auto& builder = state.GetScalarBuilder();
- auto* builderImpl = CastToScalarBuilderImpl<TScalarBuilderImpl>(builder);
- for (size_t k = 0; k < Argc; k++) {
- auto& reader = state.GetReader(k);
- args[k] = reader.GetScalarItem(*batch[k].scalar());
- }
- TDerived::Process(&state.GetValueBuilder(), items, [&](TBlockItem out) {
- *res = builderImpl->Build(out);
- });
- } else {
- auto& builder = state.GetArrayBuilder();
- auto* builderImpl = CastToArrayBuilderImpl<TArrayBuilderImpl>(builder);
- size_t maxBlockLength = builder.MaxLength();
- Y_ENSURE(maxBlockLength > 0);
- TVector<std::shared_ptr<arrow::ArrayData>> outputArrays;
- // Initialize all scalar arguments before the main "process" loop.
- for (size_t k = 0; k < Argc; k++) {
- if (needUpdate[k]) {
- continue;
- }
- auto& reader = state.GetReader(k);
- args[k] = reader.GetScalarItem(*batch[k].scalar());
- }
- for (int64_t i = 0; i < alength;) {
- for (size_t j = 0; j < maxBlockLength && i < alength; ++j, ++i) {
- // Update array arguments and call the Process routine.
- for (size_t k = 0; k < Argc; k++) {
- if (!needUpdate[k]) {
- continue;
- }
- auto& reader = state.GetReader(k);
- args[k] = reader.GetItem(*batch[k].array(), i);
- }
- TDerived::Process(&state.GetValueBuilder(), items, [&](TBlockItem out) {
- builderImpl->Add(out);
- });
- }
- auto outputDatum = builderImpl->Build(false);
- ForEachArrayData(outputDatum, [&](const auto& arr) { outputArrays.push_back(arr); });
- }
- *res = MakeArray(outputArrays);
- }
- return arrow::Status::OK();
- }
- };
- template <typename TInput, typename TOutput, TOutput(*Core)(TInput)>
- arrow::Status UnaryPreallocatedExecImpl(arrow::compute::KernelContext* ctx, const arrow::compute::ExecBatch& batch, arrow::Datum* res) {
- Y_UNUSED(ctx);
- auto& inArray = batch.values[0].array();
- auto& outArray = res->array();
- const TInput* inValues = inArray->GetValues<TInput>(1);
- TOutput* outValues = outArray->GetMutableValues<TOutput>(1);
- auto length = inArray->length;
- for (int64_t i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
- outValues[i] = Core(inValues[i]);
- }
- return arrow::Status::OK();
- }
- template <typename TReader, typename TOutput, TOutput(*Core)(TBlockItem)>
- arrow::Status UnaryPreallocatedReaderExecImpl(arrow::compute::KernelContext* ctx, const arrow::compute::ExecBatch& batch, arrow::Datum* res) {
- Y_UNUSED(ctx);
- static_assert(std::is_base_of_v<IBlockReader, TReader>);
- TReader reader;
- auto& inArray = batch.values[0].array();
- auto& outArray = res->array();
- TOutput* outValues = outArray->GetMutableValues<TOutput>(1);
- auto length = inArray->length;
- for (int64_t i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
- auto item = reader.GetItem(*inArray, i);
- outValues[i] = Core(item);
- }
- return arrow::Status::OK();
- }
- template<typename TInput, typename TOutput, std::pair<TOutput, bool> Core(TInput)>
- struct TUnaryUnsafeFixedSizeFilterKernel {
- static arrow::Status Do(arrow::compute::KernelContext* ctx, const arrow::compute::ExecBatch& batch, arrow::Datum* res) {
- static_assert(std::is_arithmetic<TInput>::value);
- Y_UNUSED(ctx);
- const auto& inArray = batch.values.front().array();
- const auto* inValues = inArray->GetValues<TInput>(1);
- const auto length = inArray->length;
- auto& outArray = res->array();
- auto* outValues = outArray->GetMutableValues<TOutput>(1);
- TTypedBufferBuilder<uint8_t> nullBuilder(GetYqlMemoryPool());
- nullBuilder.Reserve(length);
- bool isAllNull = inArray->GetNullCount() == length;
- if (!isAllNull) {
- for (i64 i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
- auto [output, isValid] = Core(inValues[i]);
- outValues[i] = output;
- nullBuilder.UnsafeAppend(isValid);
- }
- } else {
- nullBuilder.UnsafeAppend(length, 0);
- }
- auto validMask = nullBuilder.Finish();
- validMask = MakeDenseBitmap(validMask->data(), length, GetYqlMemoryPool());
- auto inMask = inArray->buffers[0];
- if (inMask) {
- outArray->buffers[0] = AllocateBitmapWithReserve(length, GetYqlMemoryPool());
- arrow::internal::BitmapAnd(validMask->data(), 0, inArray->buffers[0]->data(), inArray->offset, outArray->length, outArray->offset, outArray->buffers[0]->mutable_data());
- } else {
- outArray->buffers[0] = std::move(validMask);
- }
- return arrow::Status::OK();
- }
- };
- template <typename TInput, typename TOutput, TOutput(*Core)(TInput)>
- class TUnaryOverOptionalImpl : public TBoxedValue {
- public:
- TUnboxedValue Run(const IValueBuilder* valueBuilder, const TUnboxedValuePod* args) const final {
- Y_UNUSED(valueBuilder);
- if (!args[0]) {
- return {};
- }
- return TUnboxedValuePod(Core(args[0].Get<TInput>()));
- }
- };
- }
- }
- #define BEGIN_ARROW_UDF_IMPL(udfNameBlocks, signatureFunc, optArgc, isStrict) \
- class udfNameBlocks { \
- public: \
- typedef bool TTypeAwareMarker; \
- static const ::NYql::NUdf::TStringRef& Name() { \
- static auto name = ::NYql::NUdf::TStringRef::Of(#udfNameBlocks).Substring(1, 256); \
- return name; \
- } \
- static bool IsStrict() { \
- return isStrict; \
- } \
- static ::NYql::NUdf::TType* GetSignatureType(::NYql::NUdf::IFunctionTypeInfoBuilder& builder) { \
- return builder.SimpleSignatureType<signatureFunc>(optArgc); \
- } \
- static bool DeclareSignature(\
- const ::NYql::NUdf::TStringRef& name, \
- ::NYql::NUdf::TType* userType, \
- ::NYql::NUdf::IFunctionTypeInfoBuilder& builder, \
- bool typesOnly); \
- };
- #define BEGIN_SIMPLE_ARROW_UDF(udfName, signatureFunc) \
- BEGIN_ARROW_UDF_IMPL(udfName##_BlocksImpl, signatureFunc, 0, false) \
- UDF_IMPL(udfName, builder.SimpleSignature<signatureFunc>().SupportsBlocks();, ;, ;, "", "", udfName##_BlocksImpl)
- #define BEGIN_SIMPLE_STRICT_ARROW_UDF(udfName, signatureFunc) \
- BEGIN_ARROW_UDF_IMPL(udfName##_BlocksImpl, signatureFunc, 0, true) \
- UDF_IMPL(udfName, builder.SimpleSignature<signatureFunc>().SupportsBlocks().IsStrict();, ;, ;, "", "", udfName##_BlocksImpl)
- #define BEGIN_SIMPLE_ARROW_UDF_WITH_OPTIONAL_ARGS(udfName, signatureFunc, optArgc) \
- BEGIN_ARROW_UDF_IMPL(udfName##_BlocksImpl, signatureFunc, optArgc, false) \
- UDF_IMPL(udfName, builder.SimpleSignature<signatureFunc>().SupportsBlocks().OptionalArgs(optArgc);, ;, ;, "", "", udfName##_BlocksImpl)
- #define BEGIN_SIMPLE_STRICT_ARROW_UDF_WITH_OPTIONAL_ARGS(udfName, signatureFunc, optArgc) \
- BEGIN_ARROW_UDF_IMPL(udfName##_BlocksImpl, signatureFunc, optArgc, true) \
- UDF_IMPL(udfName, builder.SimpleSignature<signatureFunc>().SupportsBlocks().IsStrict().OptionalArgs(optArgc);, ;, ;, "", "", udfName##_BlocksImpl)
- #define END_ARROW_UDF(udfNameBlocks, exec) \
- inline bool udfNameBlocks::DeclareSignature(\
- const ::NYql::NUdf::TStringRef& name, \
- ::NYql::NUdf::TType* userType, \
- ::NYql::NUdf::IFunctionTypeInfoBuilder& builder, \
- bool typesOnly) { \
- if (Name() == name) { \
- if (IsStrict()) { \
- builder.IsStrict(); \
- } \
- PrepareSimpleArrowUdf(builder, GetSignatureType(builder), userType, exec, typesOnly, TString(name)); \
- return true; \
- } \
- return false; \
- }
- #define END_ARROW_UDF_WITH_NULL_HANDLING(udfNameBlocks, exec, nullHandling) \
- inline bool udfNameBlocks::DeclareSignature(\
- const ::NYql::NUdf::TStringRef& name, \
- ::NYql::NUdf::TType* userType, \
- ::NYql::NUdf::IFunctionTypeInfoBuilder& builder, \
- bool typesOnly) { \
- if (Name() == name) { \
- PrepareSimpleArrowUdf(builder, GetSignatureType(builder), userType, exec, typesOnly, TString(name), nullHandling); \
- return true; \
- } \
- return false; \
- }
- #define END_SIMPLE_ARROW_UDF(udfName, exec) \
- END_ARROW_UDF(udfName##_BlocksImpl, exec)
- #define END_SIMPLE_ARROW_UDF_WITH_NULL_HANDLING(udfName, exec, nullHandling) \
- END_ARROW_UDF_WITH_NULL_HANDLING(udfName##_BlocksImpl, exec, nullHandling)