123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395 |
- # encoding: utf-8
- """
- An embedded IPython shell.
- """
- # Copyright (c) IPython Development Team.
- # Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
- from __future__ import with_statement
- from __future__ import print_function
- import sys
- import warnings
- from IPython.core import ultratb, compilerop
- from IPython.core import magic_arguments
- from IPython.core.magic import Magics, magics_class, line_magic
- from IPython.core.interactiveshell import DummyMod, InteractiveShell
- from IPython.terminal.interactiveshell import TerminalInteractiveShell
- from IPython.terminal.ipapp import load_default_config
- from traitlets import Bool, CBool, Unicode
- from IPython.utils.io import ask_yes_no
- class KillEmbeded(Exception):pass
- # This is an additional magic that is exposed in embedded shells.
- @magics_class
- class EmbeddedMagics(Magics):
- @line_magic
- @magic_arguments.magic_arguments()
- @magic_arguments.argument('-i', '--instance', action='store_true',
- help='Kill instance instead of call location')
- @magic_arguments.argument('-x', '--exit', action='store_true',
- help='Also exit the current session')
- @magic_arguments.argument('-y', '--yes', action='store_true',
- help='Do not ask confirmation')
- def kill_embedded(self, parameter_s=''):
- """%kill_embedded : deactivate for good the current embedded IPython
- This function (after asking for confirmation) sets an internal flag so
- that an embedded IPython will never activate again for the given call
- location. This is useful to permanently disable a shell that is being
- called inside a loop: once you've figured out what you needed from it,
- you may then kill it and the program will then continue to run without
- the interactive shell interfering again.
- Kill Instance Option
- --------------------
- If for some reasons you need to kill the location where the instance is
- created and not called, for example if you create a single instance in
- one place and debug in many locations, you can use the ``--instance``
- option to kill this specific instance. Like for the ``call location``
- killing an "instance" should work even if it is recreated within a
- loop.
- .. note::
- This was the default behavior before IPython 5.2
- """
- args = magic_arguments.parse_argstring(self.kill_embedded, parameter_s)
- print(args)
- if args.instance:
- # let no ask
- if not args.yes:
- kill = ask_yes_no(
- "Are you sure you want to kill this embedded instance? [y/N] ", 'n')
- else:
- kill = True
- if kill:
- self.shell._disable_init_location()
- print("This embedded IPython instance will not reactivate anymore "
- "once you exit.")
- else:
- if not args.yes:
- kill = ask_yes_no(
- "Are you sure you want to kill this embedded call_location? [y/N] ", 'n')
- else:
- kill = True
- if kill:
- self.shell.embedded_active = False
- print("This embedded IPython call location will not reactivate anymore "
- "once you exit.")
- if args.exit:
- # Ask-exit does not really ask, it just set internals flags to exit
- # on next loop.
- self.shell.ask_exit()
- @line_magic
- def exit_raise(self, parameter_s=''):
- """%exit_raise Make the current embedded kernel exit and raise and exception.
- This function sets an internal flag so that an embedded IPython will
- raise a `IPython.terminal.embed.KillEmbeded` Exception on exit, and then exit the current I. This is
- useful to permanently exit a loop that create IPython embed instance.
- """
- self.shell.should_raise = True
- self.shell.ask_exit()
- class InteractiveShellEmbed(TerminalInteractiveShell):
- dummy_mode = Bool(False)
- exit_msg = Unicode('')
- embedded = CBool(True)
- should_raise = CBool(False)
- # Like the base class display_banner is not configurable, but here it
- # is True by default.
- display_banner = CBool(True)
- exit_msg = Unicode()
- # When embedding, by default we don't change the terminal title
- term_title = Bool(False,
- help="Automatically set the terminal title"
- ).tag(config=True)
- _inactive_locations = set()
- @property
- def embedded_active(self):
- return (self._call_location_id not in InteractiveShellEmbed._inactive_locations)\
- and (self._init_location_id not in InteractiveShellEmbed._inactive_locations)
- def _disable_init_location(self):
- """Disable the current Instance creation location"""
- InteractiveShellEmbed._inactive_locations.add(self._init_location_id)
- @embedded_active.setter
- def embedded_active(self, value):
- if value:
- InteractiveShellEmbed._inactive_locations.discard(
- self._call_location_id)
- InteractiveShellEmbed._inactive_locations.discard(
- self._init_location_id)
- else:
- InteractiveShellEmbed._inactive_locations.add(
- self._call_location_id)
- def __init__(self, **kw):
- if kw.get('user_global_ns', None) is not None:
- raise DeprecationWarning(
- "Key word argument `user_global_ns` has been replaced by `user_module` since IPython 4.0.")
- clid = kw.pop('_init_location_id', None)
- if not clid:
- frame = sys._getframe(1)
- clid = '%s:%s' % (frame.f_code.co_filename, frame.f_lineno)
- self._init_location_id = clid
- super(InteractiveShellEmbed,self).__init__(**kw)
- # don't use the ipython crash handler so that user exceptions aren't
- # trapped
- sys.excepthook = ultratb.FormattedTB(color_scheme=self.colors,
- mode=self.xmode,
- call_pdb=self.pdb)
- def init_sys_modules(self):
- """
- Explicitly overwrite :mod:`IPython.core.interactiveshell` to do nothing.
- """
- pass
- def init_magics(self):
- super(InteractiveShellEmbed, self).init_magics()
- self.register_magics(EmbeddedMagics)
- def __call__(self, header='', local_ns=None, module=None, dummy=None,
- stack_depth=1, global_ns=None, compile_flags=None, **kw):
- """Activate the interactive interpreter.
- __call__(self,header='',local_ns=None,module=None,dummy=None) -> Start
- the interpreter shell with the given local and global namespaces, and
- optionally print a header string at startup.
- The shell can be globally activated/deactivated using the
- dummy_mode attribute. This allows you to turn off a shell used
- for debugging globally.
- However, *each* time you call the shell you can override the current
- state of dummy_mode with the optional keyword parameter 'dummy'. For
- example, if you set dummy mode on with IPShell.dummy_mode = True, you
- can still have a specific call work by making it as IPShell(dummy=False).
- """
- # we are called, set the underlying interactiveshell not to exit.
- self.keep_running = True
- # If the user has turned it off, go away
- clid = kw.pop('_call_location_id', None)
- if not clid:
- frame = sys._getframe(1)
- clid = '%s:%s' % (frame.f_code.co_filename, frame.f_lineno)
- self._call_location_id = clid
- if not self.embedded_active:
- return
- # Normal exits from interactive mode set this flag, so the shell can't
- # re-enter (it checks this variable at the start of interactive mode).
- self.exit_now = False
- # Allow the dummy parameter to override the global __dummy_mode
- if dummy or (dummy != 0 and self.dummy_mode):
- return
- # self.banner is auto computed
- if header:
- self.old_banner2 = self.banner2
- self.banner2 = self.banner2 + '\n' + header + '\n'
- else:
- self.old_banner2 = ''
- if self.display_banner:
- self.show_banner()
- # Call the embedding code with a stack depth of 1 so it can skip over
- # our call and get the original caller's namespaces.
- self.mainloop(local_ns, module, stack_depth=stack_depth,
- global_ns=global_ns, compile_flags=compile_flags)
- self.banner2 = self.old_banner2
- if self.exit_msg is not None:
- print(self.exit_msg)
- if self.should_raise:
- raise KillEmbeded('Embedded IPython raising error, as user requested.')
- def mainloop(self, local_ns=None, module=None, stack_depth=0,
- display_banner=None, global_ns=None, compile_flags=None):
- """Embeds IPython into a running python program.
- Parameters
- ----------
- local_ns, module
- Working local namespace (a dict) and module (a module or similar
- object). If given as None, they are automatically taken from the scope
- where the shell was called, so that program variables become visible.
- stack_depth : int
- How many levels in the stack to go to looking for namespaces (when
- local_ns or module is None). This allows an intermediate caller to
- make sure that this function gets the namespace from the intended
- level in the stack. By default (0) it will get its locals and globals
- from the immediate caller.
- compile_flags
- A bit field identifying the __future__ features
- that are enabled, as passed to the builtin :func:`compile` function.
- If given as None, they are automatically taken from the scope where
- the shell was called.
- """
- if (global_ns is not None) and (module is None):
- raise DeprecationWarning("'global_ns' keyword argument is deprecated, and has been removed in IPython 5.0 use `module` keyword argument instead.")
- if (display_banner is not None):
- warnings.warn("The display_banner parameter is deprecated since IPython 4.0", DeprecationWarning)
- # Get locals and globals from caller
- if ((local_ns is None or module is None or compile_flags is None)
- and self.default_user_namespaces):
- call_frame = sys._getframe(stack_depth).f_back
- if local_ns is None:
- local_ns = call_frame.f_locals
- if module is None:
- global_ns = call_frame.f_globals
- try:
- module = sys.modules[global_ns['__name__']]
- except KeyError:
- warnings.warn("Failed to get module %s" % \
- global_ns.get('__name__', 'unknown module')
- )
- module = DummyMod()
- module.__dict__ = global_ns
- if compile_flags is None:
- compile_flags = (call_frame.f_code.co_flags &
- compilerop.PyCF_MASK)
- # Save original namespace and module so we can restore them after
- # embedding; otherwise the shell doesn't shut down correctly.
- orig_user_module = self.user_module
- orig_user_ns = self.user_ns
- orig_compile_flags = self.compile.flags
- # Update namespaces and fire up interpreter
- # The global one is easy, we can just throw it in
- if module is not None:
- self.user_module = module
- # But the user/local one is tricky: ipython needs it to store internal
- # data, but we also need the locals. We'll throw our hidden variables
- # like _ih and get_ipython() into the local namespace, but delete them
- # later.
- if local_ns is not None:
- reentrant_local_ns = {k: v for (k, v) in local_ns.items() if k not in self.user_ns_hidden.keys()}
- self.user_ns = reentrant_local_ns
- self.init_user_ns()
- # Compiler flags
- if compile_flags is not None:
- self.compile.flags = compile_flags
- # make sure the tab-completer has the correct frame information, so it
- # actually completes using the frame's locals/globals
- self.set_completer_frame()
- with self.builtin_trap, self.display_trap:
- self.interact()
- # now, purge out the local namespace of IPython's hidden variables.
- if local_ns is not None:
- local_ns.update({k: v for (k, v) in self.user_ns.items() if k not in self.user_ns_hidden.keys()})
- # Restore original namespace so shell can shut down when we exit.
- self.user_module = orig_user_module
- self.user_ns = orig_user_ns
- self.compile.flags = orig_compile_flags
- def embed(**kwargs):
- """Call this to embed IPython at the current point in your program.
- The first invocation of this will create an :class:`InteractiveShellEmbed`
- instance and then call it. Consecutive calls just call the already
- created instance.
- If you don't want the kernel to initialize the namespace
- from the scope of the surrounding function,
- and/or you want to load full IPython configuration,
- you probably want `IPython.start_ipython()` instead.
- Here is a simple example::
- from IPython import embed
- a = 10
- b = 20
- embed(header='First time')
- c = 30
- d = 40
- embed()
- Full customization can be done by passing a :class:`Config` in as the
- config argument.
- """
- config = kwargs.get('config')
- header = kwargs.pop('header', u'')
- compile_flags = kwargs.pop('compile_flags', None)
- if config is None:
- config = load_default_config()
- config.InteractiveShellEmbed = config.TerminalInteractiveShell
- kwargs['config'] = config
- #save ps1/ps2 if defined
- ps1 = None
- ps2 = None
- try:
- ps1 = sys.ps1
- ps2 = sys.ps2
- except AttributeError:
- pass
- #save previous instance
- saved_shell_instance = InteractiveShell._instance
- if saved_shell_instance is not None:
- cls = type(saved_shell_instance)
- cls.clear_instance()
- frame = sys._getframe(1)
- shell = InteractiveShellEmbed.instance(_init_location_id='%s:%s' % (
- frame.f_code.co_filename, frame.f_lineno), **kwargs)
- shell(header=header, stack_depth=2, compile_flags=compile_flags,
- _call_location_id='%s:%s' % (frame.f_code.co_filename, frame.f_lineno))
- InteractiveShellEmbed.clear_instance()
- #restore previous instance
- if saved_shell_instance is not None:
- cls = type(saved_shell_instance)
- cls.clear_instance()
- for subclass in cls._walk_mro():
- subclass._instance = saved_shell_instance
- if ps1 is not None:
- sys.ps1 = ps1
- sys.ps2 = ps2