123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316 |
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- import sys
- import pytest
- import click
- from click._compat import PY2
- from click._compat import text_type
- def test_nargs_star(runner):
- @click.command()
- @click.argument("src", nargs=-1)
- @click.argument("dst")
- def copy(src, dst):
- click.echo("src={}".format("|".join(src)))
- click.echo("dst={}".format(dst))
- result = runner.invoke(copy, ["foo.txt", "bar.txt", "dir"])
- assert not result.exception
- assert result.output.splitlines() == ["src=foo.txt|bar.txt", "dst=dir"]
- def test_nargs_default(runner):
- with pytest.raises(TypeError, match="nargs=-1"):
- @click.command()
- @click.argument("src", nargs=-1, default=42)
- def copy(src):
- pass
- def test_nargs_tup(runner):
- @click.command()
- @click.argument("name", nargs=1)
- @click.argument("point", nargs=2, type=click.INT)
- def copy(name, point):
- click.echo("name={}".format(name))
- click.echo("point={0[0]}/{0[1]}".format(point))
- result = runner.invoke(copy, ["peter", "1", "2"])
- assert not result.exception
- assert result.output.splitlines() == ["name=peter", "point=1/2"]
- def test_nargs_tup_composite(runner):
- variations = [
- dict(type=(str, int)),
- dict(type=click.Tuple([str, int])),
- dict(nargs=2, type=click.Tuple([str, int])),
- dict(nargs=2, type=(str, int)),
- ]
- for opts in variations:
- @click.command()
- @click.argument("item", **opts)
- def copy(item):
- click.echo("name={0[0]} id={0[1]:d}".format(item))
- result = runner.invoke(copy, ["peter", "1"])
- assert not result.exception
- assert result.output.splitlines() == ["name=peter id=1"]
- def test_nargs_err(runner):
- @click.command()
- @click.argument("x")
- def copy(x):
- click.echo(x)
- result = runner.invoke(copy, ["foo"])
- assert not result.exception
- assert result.output == "foo\n"
- result = runner.invoke(copy, ["foo", "bar"])
- assert result.exit_code == 2
- assert "Got unexpected extra argument (bar)" in result.output
- @pytest.mark.skip(reason="Can't monkeypatch sys.stdin.encoding in Arcadia Python")
- def test_bytes_args(runner, monkeypatch):
- @click.command()
- @click.argument("arg")
- def from_bytes(arg):
- assert isinstance(
- arg, text_type
- ), "UTF-8 encoded argument should be implicitly converted to Unicode"
- # Simulate empty locale environment variables
- if PY2:
- monkeypatch.setattr(sys.stdin, "encoding", "ANSI_X3.4-1968")
- monkeypatch.setattr(sys, "getfilesystemencoding", lambda: "ANSI_X3.4-1968")
- monkeypatch.setattr(sys, "getdefaultencoding", lambda: "ascii")
- else:
- monkeypatch.setattr(sys.stdin, "encoding", "utf-8")
- monkeypatch.setattr(sys, "getfilesystemencoding", lambda: "utf-8")
- monkeypatch.setattr(sys, "getdefaultencoding", lambda: "utf-8")
- runner.invoke(
- from_bytes,
- [u"Something outside of ASCII range: 林".encode("UTF-8")],
- catch_exceptions=False,
- )
- def test_file_args(runner):
- @click.command()
- @click.argument("input", type=click.File("rb"))
- @click.argument("output", type=click.File("wb"))
- def inout(input, output):
- while True:
- chunk = input.read(1024)
- if not chunk:
- break
- output.write(chunk)
- with runner.isolated_filesystem():
- result = runner.invoke(inout, ["-", "hello.txt"], input="Hey!")
- assert result.output == ""
- assert result.exit_code == 0
- with open("hello.txt", "rb") as f:
- assert f.read() == b"Hey!"
- result = runner.invoke(inout, ["hello.txt", "-"])
- assert result.output == "Hey!"
- assert result.exit_code == 0
- def test_path_args(runner):
- @click.command()
- @click.argument("input", type=click.Path(dir_okay=False, allow_dash=True))
- def foo(input):
- click.echo(input)
- result = runner.invoke(foo, ["-"])
- assert result.output == "-\n"
- assert result.exit_code == 0
- def test_file_atomics(runner):
- @click.command()
- @click.argument("output", type=click.File("wb", atomic=True))
- def inout(output):
- output.write(b"Foo bar baz\n")
- output.flush()
- with open(output.name, "rb") as f:
- old_content = f.read()
- assert old_content == b"OLD\n"
- with runner.isolated_filesystem():
- with open("foo.txt", "wb") as f:
- f.write(b"OLD\n")
- result = runner.invoke(inout, ["foo.txt"], input="Hey!", catch_exceptions=False)
- assert result.output == ""
- assert result.exit_code == 0
- with open("foo.txt", "rb") as f:
- assert f.read() == b"Foo bar baz\n"
- def test_stdout_default(runner):
- @click.command()
- @click.argument("output", type=click.File("w"), default="-")
- def inout(output):
- output.write("Foo bar baz\n")
- output.flush()
- result = runner.invoke(inout, [])
- assert not result.exception
- assert result.output == "Foo bar baz\n"
- def test_nargs_envvar(runner):
- @click.command()
- @click.option("--arg", nargs=2)
- def cmd(arg):
- click.echo("|".join(arg))
- result = runner.invoke(
- cmd, [], auto_envvar_prefix="TEST", env={"TEST_ARG": "foo bar"}
- )
- assert not result.exception
- assert result.output == "foo|bar\n"
- @click.command()
- @click.option("--arg", envvar="X", nargs=2)
- def cmd(arg):
- click.echo("|".join(arg))
- result = runner.invoke(cmd, [], env={"X": "foo bar"})
- assert not result.exception
- assert result.output == "foo|bar\n"
- def test_empty_nargs(runner):
- @click.command()
- @click.argument("arg", nargs=-1)
- def cmd(arg):
- click.echo("arg:{}".format("|".join(arg)))
- result = runner.invoke(cmd, [])
- assert result.exit_code == 0
- assert result.output == "arg:\n"
- @click.command()
- @click.argument("arg", nargs=-1, required=True)
- def cmd2(arg):
- click.echo("arg:{}".format("|".join(arg)))
- result = runner.invoke(cmd2, [])
- assert result.exit_code == 2
- assert "Missing argument 'ARG...'" in result.output
- def test_missing_arg(runner):
- @click.command()
- @click.argument("arg")
- def cmd(arg):
- click.echo("arg:{}".format(arg))
- result = runner.invoke(cmd, [])
- assert result.exit_code == 2
- assert "Missing argument 'ARG'." in result.output
- def test_missing_argument_string_cast():
- ctx = click.Context(click.Command(""))
- with pytest.raises(click.MissingParameter) as excinfo:
- click.Argument(["a"], required=True).full_process_value(ctx, None)
- assert str(excinfo.value) == "missing parameter: a"
- def test_implicit_non_required(runner):
- @click.command()
- @click.argument("f", default="test")
- def cli(f):
- click.echo(f)
- result = runner.invoke(cli, [])
- assert result.exit_code == 0
- assert result.output == "test\n"
- def test_eat_options(runner):
- @click.command()
- @click.option("-f")
- @click.argument("files", nargs=-1)
- def cmd(f, files):
- for filename in files:
- click.echo(filename)
- click.echo(f)
- result = runner.invoke(cmd, ["--", "-foo", "bar"])
- assert result.output.splitlines() == ["-foo", "bar", ""]
- result = runner.invoke(cmd, ["-f", "-x", "--", "-foo", "bar"])
- assert result.output.splitlines() == ["-foo", "bar", "-x"]
- def test_nargs_star_ordering(runner):
- @click.command()
- @click.argument("a", nargs=-1)
- @click.argument("b")
- @click.argument("c")
- def cmd(a, b, c):
- for arg in (a, b, c):
- click.echo(arg)
- result = runner.invoke(cmd, ["a", "b", "c"])
- assert result.output.splitlines() == ["(u'a',)" if PY2 else "('a',)", "b", "c"]
- def test_nargs_specified_plus_star_ordering(runner):
- @click.command()
- @click.argument("a", nargs=-1)
- @click.argument("b")
- @click.argument("c", nargs=2)
- def cmd(a, b, c):
- for arg in (a, b, c):
- click.echo(arg)
- result = runner.invoke(cmd, ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f"])
- assert result.output.splitlines() == [
- "(u'a', u'b', u'c')" if PY2 else "('a', 'b', 'c')",
- "d",
- "(u'e', u'f')" if PY2 else "('e', 'f')",
- ]
- def test_defaults_for_nargs(runner):
- @click.command()
- @click.argument("a", nargs=2, type=int, default=(1, 2))
- def cmd(a):
- x, y = a
- click.echo(x + y)
- result = runner.invoke(cmd, [])
- assert result.output.strip() == "3"
- result = runner.invoke(cmd, ["3", "4"])
- assert result.output.strip() == "7"
- result = runner.invoke(cmd, ["3"])
- assert result.exception is not None
- assert "argument a takes 2 values" in result.output
- def test_multiple_param_decls_not_allowed(runner):
- with pytest.raises(TypeError):
- @click.command()
- @click.argument("x", click.Choice(["a", "b"]))
- def copy(x):
- click.echo(x)