test_ext.py 26 KB

  1. import re
  2. from io import BytesIO
  3. import pytest
  4. from jinja2 import DictLoader
  5. from jinja2 import Environment
  6. from jinja2 import nodes
  7. from jinja2 import pass_context
  8. from jinja2 import TemplateSyntaxError
  9. from jinja2.exceptions import TemplateAssertionError
  10. from jinja2.ext import Extension
  11. from jinja2.lexer import count_newlines
  12. from jinja2.lexer import Token
  13. importable_object = 23
  14. _gettext_re = re.compile(r"_\((.*?)\)", re.DOTALL)
  15. i18n_templates = {
  16. "default.html": '<title>{{ page_title|default(_("missing")) }}</title>'
  17. "{% block body %}{% endblock %}",
  18. "child.html": '{% extends "default.html" %}{% block body %}'
  19. "{% trans %}watch out{% endtrans %}{% endblock %}",
  20. "plural.html": "{% trans user_count %}One user online{% pluralize %}"
  21. "{{ user_count }} users online{% endtrans %}",
  22. "plural2.html": "{% trans user_count=get_user_count() %}{{ user_count }}s"
  23. "{% pluralize %}{{ user_count }}p{% endtrans %}",
  24. "stringformat.html": '{{ _("User: %(num)s")|format(num=user_count) }}',
  25. }
  26. newstyle_i18n_templates = {
  27. "default.html": '<title>{{ page_title|default(_("missing")) }}</title>'
  28. "{% block body %}{% endblock %}",
  29. "child.html": '{% extends "default.html" %}{% block body %}'
  30. "{% trans %}watch out{% endtrans %}{% endblock %}",
  31. "plural.html": "{% trans user_count %}One user online{% pluralize %}"
  32. "{{ user_count }} users online{% endtrans %}",
  33. "stringformat.html": '{{ _("User: %(num)s", num=user_count) }}',
  34. "ngettext.html": '{{ ngettext("%(num)s apple", "%(num)s apples", apples) }}',
  35. "ngettext_long.html": "{% trans num=apples %}{{ num }} apple{% pluralize %}"
  36. "{{ num }} apples{% endtrans %}",
  37. "pgettext.html": '{{ pgettext("fruit", "Apple") }}',
  38. "npgettext.html": '{{ npgettext("fruit", "%(num)s apple", "%(num)s apples",'
  39. " apples) }}",
  40. "pgettext_block": "{% trans 'fruit' num=apples %}Apple{% endtrans %}",
  41. "npgettext_block": "{% trans 'fruit' num=apples %}{{ num }} apple"
  42. "{% pluralize %}{{ num }} apples{% endtrans %}",
  43. "transvars1.html": "{% trans %}User: {{ num }}{% endtrans %}",
  44. "transvars2.html": "{% trans num=count %}User: {{ num }}{% endtrans %}",
  45. "transvars3.html": "{% trans count=num %}User: {{ count }}{% endtrans %}",
  46. "novars.html": "{% trans %}%(hello)s{% endtrans %}",
  47. "vars.html": "{% trans %}{{ foo }}%(foo)s{% endtrans %}",
  48. "explicitvars.html": '{% trans foo="42" %}%(foo)s{% endtrans %}',
  49. }
  50. languages = {
  51. "de": {
  52. "missing": "fehlend",
  53. "watch out": "pass auf",
  54. "One user online": "Ein Benutzer online",
  55. "%(user_count)s users online": "%(user_count)s Benutzer online",
  56. "User: %(num)s": "Benutzer: %(num)s",
  57. "User: %(count)s": "Benutzer: %(count)s",
  58. "Apple": {None: "Apfel", "fruit": "Apple"},
  59. "%(num)s apple": {None: "%(num)s Apfel", "fruit": "%(num)s Apple"},
  60. "%(num)s apples": {None: "%(num)s Äpfel", "fruit": "%(num)s Apples"},
  61. }
  62. }
  63. def _get_with_context(value, ctx=None):
  64. if isinstance(value, dict):
  65. return value.get(ctx, value)
  66. return value
  67. @pass_context
  68. def gettext(context, string):
  69. language = context.get("LANGUAGE", "en")
  70. value = languages.get(language, {}).get(string, string)
  71. return _get_with_context(value)
  72. @pass_context
  73. def ngettext(context, s, p, n):
  74. language = context.get("LANGUAGE", "en")
  75. if n != 1:
  76. value = languages.get(language, {}).get(p, p)
  77. return _get_with_context(value)
  78. value = languages.get(language, {}).get(s, s)
  79. return _get_with_context(value)
  80. @pass_context
  81. def pgettext(context, c, s):
  82. language = context.get("LANGUAGE", "en")
  83. value = languages.get(language, {}).get(s, s)
  84. return _get_with_context(value, c)
  85. @pass_context
  86. def npgettext(context, c, s, p, n):
  87. language = context.get("LANGUAGE", "en")
  88. if n != 1:
  89. value = languages.get(language, {}).get(p, p)
  90. return _get_with_context(value, c)
  91. value = languages.get(language, {}).get(s, s)
  92. return _get_with_context(value, c)
  93. i18n_env = Environment(
  94. loader=DictLoader(i18n_templates), extensions=["jinja2.ext.i18n"]
  95. )
  96. i18n_env.globals.update(
  97. {
  98. "_": gettext,
  99. "gettext": gettext,
  100. "ngettext": ngettext,
  101. "pgettext": pgettext,
  102. "npgettext": npgettext,
  103. }
  104. )
  105. i18n_env_trimmed = Environment(extensions=["jinja2.ext.i18n"])
  106. i18n_env_trimmed.policies["ext.i18n.trimmed"] = True
  107. i18n_env_trimmed.globals.update(
  108. {
  109. "_": gettext,
  110. "gettext": gettext,
  111. "ngettext": ngettext,
  112. "pgettext": pgettext,
  113. "npgettext": npgettext,
  114. }
  115. )
  116. newstyle_i18n_env = Environment(
  117. loader=DictLoader(newstyle_i18n_templates), extensions=["jinja2.ext.i18n"]
  118. )
  119. newstyle_i18n_env.install_gettext_callables( # type: ignore
  120. gettext, ngettext, newstyle=True, pgettext=pgettext, npgettext=npgettext
  121. )
  122. class ExampleExtension(Extension):
  123. tags = {"test"}
  124. ext_attr = 42
  125. context_reference_node_cls = nodes.ContextReference
  126. def parse(self, parser):
  127. return nodes.Output(
  128. [
  129. self.call_method(
  130. "_dump",
  131. [
  132. nodes.EnvironmentAttribute("sandboxed"),
  133. self.attr("ext_attr"),
  134. nodes.ImportedName(__name__ + ".importable_object"),
  135. self.context_reference_node_cls(),
  136. ],
  137. )
  138. ]
  139. ).set_lineno(next(parser.stream).lineno)
  140. def _dump(self, sandboxed, ext_attr, imported_object, context):
  141. return (
  142. f"{sandboxed}|{ext_attr}|{imported_object}|{context.blocks}"
  143. f"|{context.get('test_var')}"
  144. )
  145. class DerivedExampleExtension(ExampleExtension):
  146. context_reference_node_cls = nodes.DerivedContextReference # type: ignore
  147. class PreprocessorExtension(Extension):
  148. def preprocess(self, source, name, filename=None):
  149. return source.replace("[[TEST]]", "({{ foo }})")
  150. class StreamFilterExtension(Extension):
  151. def filter_stream(self, stream):
  152. for token in stream:
  153. if token.type == "data":
  154. yield from self.interpolate(token)
  155. else:
  156. yield token
  157. def interpolate(self, token):
  158. pos = 0
  159. end = len(token.value)
  160. lineno = token.lineno
  161. while True:
  162. match = _gettext_re.search(token.value, pos)
  163. if match is None:
  164. break
  165. value = token.value[pos : match.start()]
  166. if value:
  167. yield Token(lineno, "data", value)
  168. lineno += count_newlines(token.value)
  169. yield Token(lineno, "variable_begin", None)
  170. yield Token(lineno, "name", "gettext")
  171. yield Token(lineno, "lparen", None)
  172. yield Token(lineno, "string", match.group(1))
  173. yield Token(lineno, "rparen", None)
  174. yield Token(lineno, "variable_end", None)
  175. pos = match.end()
  176. if pos < end:
  177. yield Token(lineno, "data", token.value[pos:])
  178. class TestExtensions:
  179. def test_extend_late(self):
  180. env = Environment()
  181. t = env.from_string('{% autoescape true %}{{ "<test>" }}{% endautoescape %}')
  182. assert t.render() == "&lt;test&gt;"
  183. def test_loop_controls(self):
  184. env = Environment(extensions=["jinja2.ext.loopcontrols"])
  185. tmpl = env.from_string(
  186. """
  187. {%- for item in [1, 2, 3, 4] %}
  188. {%- if item % 2 == 0 %}{% continue %}{% endif -%}
  189. {{ item }}
  190. {%- endfor %}"""
  191. )
  192. assert tmpl.render() == "13"
  193. tmpl = env.from_string(
  194. """
  195. {%- for item in [1, 2, 3, 4] %}
  196. {%- if item > 2 %}{% break %}{% endif -%}
  197. {{ item }}
  198. {%- endfor %}"""
  199. )
  200. assert tmpl.render() == "12"
  201. def test_do(self):
  202. env = Environment(extensions=["jinja2.ext.do"])
  203. tmpl = env.from_string(
  204. """
  205. {%- set items = [] %}
  206. {%- for char in "foo" %}
  207. {%- do items.append(loop.index0 ~ char) %}
  208. {%- endfor %}{{ items|join(', ') }}"""
  209. )
  210. assert tmpl.render() == "0f, 1o, 2o"
  211. def test_extension_nodes(self):
  212. env = Environment(extensions=[ExampleExtension])
  213. tmpl = env.from_string("{% test %}")
  214. assert tmpl.render() == "False|42|23|{}|None"
  215. def test_contextreference_node_passes_context(self):
  216. env = Environment(extensions=[ExampleExtension])
  217. tmpl = env.from_string('{% set test_var="test_content" %}{% test %}')
  218. assert tmpl.render() == "False|42|23|{}|test_content"
  219. def test_contextreference_node_can_pass_locals(self):
  220. env = Environment(extensions=[DerivedExampleExtension])
  221. tmpl = env.from_string(
  222. '{% for test_var in ["test_content"] %}{% test %}{% endfor %}'
  223. )
  224. assert tmpl.render() == "False|42|23|{}|test_content"
  225. def test_identifier(self):
  226. assert ExampleExtension.identifier == __name__ + ".ExampleExtension"
  227. def test_rebinding(self):
  228. original = Environment(extensions=[ExampleExtension])
  229. overlay = original.overlay()
  230. for env in original, overlay:
  231. for ext in env.extensions.values():
  232. assert ext.environment is env
  233. def test_preprocessor_extension(self):
  234. env = Environment(extensions=[PreprocessorExtension])
  235. tmpl = env.from_string("{[[TEST]]}")
  236. assert tmpl.render(foo=42) == "{(42)}"
  237. def test_streamfilter_extension(self):
  238. env = Environment(extensions=[StreamFilterExtension])
  239. env.globals["gettext"] = lambda x: x.upper()
  240. tmpl = env.from_string("Foo _(bar) Baz")
  241. out = tmpl.render()
  242. assert out == "Foo BAR Baz"
  243. def test_extension_ordering(self):
  244. class T1(Extension):
  245. priority = 1
  246. class T2(Extension):
  247. priority = 2
  248. env = Environment(extensions=[T1, T2])
  249. ext = list(env.iter_extensions())
  250. assert ext[0].__class__ is T1
  251. assert ext[1].__class__ is T2
  252. def test_debug(self):
  253. env = Environment(extensions=["jinja2.ext.debug"])
  254. t = env.from_string("Hello\n{% debug %}\nGoodbye")
  255. out = t.render()
  256. for value in ("context", "cycler", "filters", "abs", "tests", "!="):
  257. assert f"'{value}'" in out
  258. class TestInternationalization:
  259. def test_trans(self):
  260. tmpl = i18n_env.get_template("child.html")
  261. assert tmpl.render(LANGUAGE="de") == "<title>fehlend</title>pass auf"
  262. def test_trans_plural(self):
  263. tmpl = i18n_env.get_template("plural.html")
  264. assert tmpl.render(LANGUAGE="de", user_count=1) == "Ein Benutzer online"
  265. assert tmpl.render(LANGUAGE="de", user_count=2) == "2 Benutzer online"
  266. def test_trans_plural_with_functions(self):
  267. tmpl = i18n_env.get_template("plural2.html")
  268. def get_user_count():
  269. get_user_count.called += 1
  270. return 1
  271. get_user_count.called = 0
  272. assert tmpl.render(LANGUAGE="de", get_user_count=get_user_count) == "1s"
  273. assert get_user_count.called == 1
  274. def test_complex_plural(self):
  275. tmpl = i18n_env.from_string(
  276. "{% trans foo=42, count=2 %}{{ count }} item{% "
  277. "pluralize count %}{{ count }} items{% endtrans %}"
  278. )
  279. assert tmpl.render() == "2 items"
  280. pytest.raises(
  281. TemplateAssertionError,
  282. i18n_env.from_string,
  283. "{% trans foo %}...{% pluralize bar %}...{% endtrans %}",
  284. )
  285. def test_trans_stringformatting(self):
  286. tmpl = i18n_env.get_template("stringformat.html")
  287. assert tmpl.render(LANGUAGE="de", user_count=5) == "Benutzer: 5"
  288. def test_trimmed(self):
  289. tmpl = i18n_env.from_string(
  290. "{%- trans trimmed %} hello\n world {% endtrans -%}"
  291. )
  292. assert tmpl.render() == "hello world"
  293. def test_trimmed_policy(self):
  294. s = "{%- trans %} hello\n world {% endtrans -%}"
  295. tmpl = i18n_env.from_string(s)
  296. trimmed_tmpl = i18n_env_trimmed.from_string(s)
  297. assert tmpl.render() == " hello\n world "
  298. assert trimmed_tmpl.render() == "hello world"
  299. def test_trimmed_policy_override(self):
  300. tmpl = i18n_env_trimmed.from_string(
  301. "{%- trans notrimmed %} hello\n world {% endtrans -%}"
  302. )
  303. assert tmpl.render() == " hello\n world "
  304. def test_trimmed_vars(self):
  305. tmpl = i18n_env.from_string(
  306. '{%- trans trimmed x="world" %} hello\n {{ x }} {% endtrans -%}'
  307. )
  308. assert tmpl.render() == "hello world"
  309. def test_trimmed_varname_trimmed(self):
  310. # unlikely variable name, but when used as a variable
  311. # it should not enable trimming
  312. tmpl = i18n_env.from_string(
  313. "{%- trans trimmed = 'world' %} hello\n {{ trimmed }} {% endtrans -%}"
  314. )
  315. assert tmpl.render() == " hello\n world "
  316. def test_extract(self):
  317. from jinja2.ext import babel_extract
  318. source = BytesIO(
  319. b"""
  320. {{ gettext('Hello World') }}
  321. {% trans %}Hello World{% endtrans %}
  322. {% trans %}{{ users }} user{% pluralize %}{{ users }} users{% endtrans %}
  323. """
  324. )
  325. assert list(babel_extract(source, ("gettext", "ngettext", "_"), [], {})) == [
  326. (2, "gettext", "Hello World", []),
  327. (3, "gettext", "Hello World", []),
  328. (4, "ngettext", ("%(users)s user", "%(users)s users", None), []),
  329. ]
  330. def test_extract_trimmed(self):
  331. from jinja2.ext import babel_extract
  332. source = BytesIO(
  333. b"""
  334. {{ gettext(' Hello \n World') }}
  335. {% trans trimmed %} Hello \n World{% endtrans %}
  336. {% trans trimmed %}{{ users }} \n user
  337. {%- pluralize %}{{ users }} \n users{% endtrans %}
  338. """
  339. )
  340. assert list(babel_extract(source, ("gettext", "ngettext", "_"), [], {})) == [
  341. (2, "gettext", " Hello \n World", []),
  342. (4, "gettext", "Hello World", []),
  343. (6, "ngettext", ("%(users)s user", "%(users)s users", None), []),
  344. ]
  345. def test_extract_trimmed_option(self):
  346. from jinja2.ext import babel_extract
  347. source = BytesIO(
  348. b"""
  349. {{ gettext(' Hello \n World') }}
  350. {% trans %} Hello \n World{% endtrans %}
  351. {% trans %}{{ users }} \n user
  352. {%- pluralize %}{{ users }} \n users{% endtrans %}
  353. """
  354. )
  355. opts = {"trimmed": "true"}
  356. assert list(babel_extract(source, ("gettext", "ngettext", "_"), [], opts)) == [
  357. (2, "gettext", " Hello \n World", []),
  358. (4, "gettext", "Hello World", []),
  359. (6, "ngettext", ("%(users)s user", "%(users)s users", None), []),
  360. ]
  361. def test_comment_extract(self):
  362. from jinja2.ext import babel_extract
  363. source = BytesIO(
  364. b"""
  365. {# trans first #}
  366. {{ gettext('Hello World') }}
  367. {% trans %}Hello World{% endtrans %}{# trans second #}
  368. {#: third #}
  369. {% trans %}{{ users }} user{% pluralize %}{{ users }} users{% endtrans %}
  370. """
  371. )
  372. assert list(
  373. babel_extract(source, ("gettext", "ngettext", "_"), ["trans", ":"], {})
  374. ) == [
  375. (3, "gettext", "Hello World", ["first"]),
  376. (4, "gettext", "Hello World", ["second"]),
  377. (6, "ngettext", ("%(users)s user", "%(users)s users", None), ["third"]),
  378. ]
  379. def test_extract_context(self):
  380. from jinja2.ext import babel_extract
  381. source = BytesIO(
  382. b"""
  383. {{ pgettext("babel", "Hello World") }}
  384. {{ npgettext("babel", "%(users)s user", "%(users)s users", users) }}
  385. """
  386. )
  387. assert list(babel_extract(source, ("pgettext", "npgettext", "_"), [], {})) == [
  388. (2, "pgettext", ("babel", "Hello World"), []),
  389. (3, "npgettext", ("babel", "%(users)s user", "%(users)s users", None), []),
  390. ]
  391. def test_nested_trans_error(self):
  392. s = "{% trans %}foo{% trans %}{% endtrans %}"
  393. with pytest.raises(TemplateSyntaxError) as excinfo:
  394. i18n_env.from_string(s)
  395. assert "trans blocks can't be nested" in str(excinfo.value)
  396. def test_trans_block_error(self):
  397. s = "{% trans %}foo{% wibble bar %}{% endwibble %}{% endtrans %}"
  398. with pytest.raises(TemplateSyntaxError) as excinfo:
  399. i18n_env.from_string(s)
  400. assert "saw `wibble`" in str(excinfo.value)
  401. class TestScope:
  402. def test_basic_scope_behavior(self):
  403. # This is what the old with statement compiled down to
  404. class ScopeExt(Extension):
  405. tags = {"scope"}
  406. def parse(self, parser):
  407. node = nodes.Scope(lineno=next(parser.stream).lineno)
  408. assignments = []
  409. while parser.stream.current.type != "block_end":
  410. lineno = parser.stream.current.lineno
  411. if assignments:
  412. parser.stream.expect("comma")
  413. target = parser.parse_assign_target()
  414. parser.stream.expect("assign")
  415. expr = parser.parse_expression()
  416. assignments.append(nodes.Assign(target, expr, lineno=lineno))
  417. node.body = assignments + list(
  418. parser.parse_statements(("name:endscope",), drop_needle=True)
  419. )
  420. return node
  421. env = Environment(extensions=[ScopeExt])
  422. tmpl = env.from_string(
  423. """\
  424. {%- scope a=1, b=2, c=b, d=e, e=5 -%}
  425. {{ a }}|{{ b }}|{{ c }}|{{ d }}|{{ e }}
  426. {%- endscope -%}
  427. """
  428. )
  429. assert tmpl.render(b=3, e=4) == "1|2|2|4|5"
  430. class TestNewstyleInternationalization:
  431. def test_trans(self):
  432. tmpl = newstyle_i18n_env.get_template("child.html")
  433. assert tmpl.render(LANGUAGE="de") == "<title>fehlend</title>pass auf"
  434. def test_trans_plural(self):
  435. tmpl = newstyle_i18n_env.get_template("plural.html")
  436. assert tmpl.render(LANGUAGE="de", user_count=1) == "Ein Benutzer online"
  437. assert tmpl.render(LANGUAGE="de", user_count=2) == "2 Benutzer online"
  438. def test_complex_plural(self):
  439. tmpl = newstyle_i18n_env.from_string(
  440. "{% trans foo=42, count=2 %}{{ count }} item{% "
  441. "pluralize count %}{{ count }} items{% endtrans %}"
  442. )
  443. assert tmpl.render() == "2 items"
  444. pytest.raises(
  445. TemplateAssertionError,
  446. i18n_env.from_string,
  447. "{% trans foo %}...{% pluralize bar %}...{% endtrans %}",
  448. )
  449. def test_trans_stringformatting(self):
  450. tmpl = newstyle_i18n_env.get_template("stringformat.html")
  451. assert tmpl.render(LANGUAGE="de", user_count=5) == "Benutzer: 5"
  452. def test_newstyle_plural(self):
  453. tmpl = newstyle_i18n_env.get_template("ngettext.html")
  454. assert tmpl.render(LANGUAGE="de", apples=1) == "1 Apfel"
  455. assert tmpl.render(LANGUAGE="de", apples=5) == "5 Äpfel"
  456. def test_autoescape_support(self):
  457. env = Environment(extensions=["jinja2.ext.i18n"])
  458. env.install_gettext_callables(
  459. lambda x: "<strong>Wert: %(name)s</strong>",
  460. lambda s, p, n: s,
  461. newstyle=True,
  462. )
  463. t = env.from_string(
  464. '{% autoescape ae %}{{ gettext("foo", name='
  465. '"<test>") }}{% endautoescape %}'
  466. )
  467. assert t.render(ae=True) == "<strong>Wert: &lt;test&gt;</strong>"
  468. assert t.render(ae=False) == "<strong>Wert: <test></strong>"
  469. def test_autoescape_macros(self):
  470. env = Environment(autoescape=False)
  471. template = (
  472. "{% macro m() %}<html>{% endmacro %}"
  473. "{% autoescape true %}{{ m() }}{% endautoescape %}"
  474. )
  475. assert env.from_string(template).render() == "<html>"
  476. def test_num_used_twice(self):
  477. tmpl = newstyle_i18n_env.get_template("ngettext_long.html")
  478. assert tmpl.render(apples=5, LANGUAGE="de") == "5 Äpfel"
  479. def test_num_called_num(self):
  480. source = newstyle_i18n_env.compile(
  481. """
  482. {% trans num=3 %}{{ num }} apple{% pluralize
  483. %}{{ num }} apples{% endtrans %}
  484. """,
  485. raw=True,
  486. )
  487. # quite hacky, but the only way to properly test that. The idea is
  488. # that the generated code does not pass num twice (although that
  489. # would work) for better performance. This only works on the
  490. # newstyle gettext of course
  491. assert (
  492. re.search(r"u?'%\(num\)s apple', u?'%\(num\)s apples', 3", source)
  493. is not None
  494. )
  495. def test_trans_vars(self):
  496. t1 = newstyle_i18n_env.get_template("transvars1.html")
  497. t2 = newstyle_i18n_env.get_template("transvars2.html")
  498. t3 = newstyle_i18n_env.get_template("transvars3.html")
  499. assert t1.render(num=1, LANGUAGE="de") == "Benutzer: 1"
  500. assert t2.render(count=23, LANGUAGE="de") == "Benutzer: 23"
  501. assert t3.render(num=42, LANGUAGE="de") == "Benutzer: 42"
  502. def test_novars_vars_escaping(self):
  503. t = newstyle_i18n_env.get_template("novars.html")
  504. assert t.render() == "%(hello)s"
  505. t = newstyle_i18n_env.get_template("vars.html")
  506. assert t.render(foo="42") == "42%(foo)s"
  507. t = newstyle_i18n_env.get_template("explicitvars.html")
  508. assert t.render() == "%(foo)s"
  509. def test_context(self):
  510. tmpl = newstyle_i18n_env.get_template("pgettext.html")
  511. assert tmpl.render(LANGUAGE="de") == "Apple"
  512. def test_context_plural(self):
  513. tmpl = newstyle_i18n_env.get_template("npgettext.html")
  514. assert tmpl.render(LANGUAGE="de", apples=1) == "1 Apple"
  515. assert tmpl.render(LANGUAGE="de", apples=5) == "5 Apples"
  516. def test_context_block(self):
  517. tmpl = newstyle_i18n_env.get_template("pgettext_block")
  518. assert tmpl.render(LANGUAGE="de") == "Apple"
  519. def test_context_plural_block(self):
  520. tmpl = newstyle_i18n_env.get_template("npgettext_block")
  521. assert tmpl.render(LANGUAGE="de", apples=1) == "1 Apple"
  522. assert tmpl.render(LANGUAGE="de", apples=5) == "5 Apples"
  523. class TestAutoEscape:
  524. def test_scoped_setting(self):
  525. env = Environment(autoescape=True)
  526. tmpl = env.from_string(
  527. """
  528. {{ "<HelloWorld>" }}
  529. {% autoescape false %}
  530. {{ "<HelloWorld>" }}
  531. {% endautoescape %}
  532. {{ "<HelloWorld>" }}
  533. """
  534. )
  535. assert tmpl.render().split() == [
  536. "&lt;HelloWorld&gt;",
  537. "<HelloWorld>",
  538. "&lt;HelloWorld&gt;",
  539. ]
  540. env = Environment(autoescape=False)
  541. tmpl = env.from_string(
  542. """
  543. {{ "<HelloWorld>" }}
  544. {% autoescape true %}
  545. {{ "<HelloWorld>" }}
  546. {% endautoescape %}
  547. {{ "<HelloWorld>" }}
  548. """
  549. )
  550. assert tmpl.render().split() == [
  551. "<HelloWorld>",
  552. "&lt;HelloWorld&gt;",
  553. "<HelloWorld>",
  554. ]
  555. def test_nonvolatile(self):
  556. env = Environment(autoescape=True)
  557. tmpl = env.from_string('{{ {"foo": "<test>"}|xmlattr|escape }}')
  558. assert tmpl.render() == ' foo="&lt;test&gt;"'
  559. tmpl = env.from_string(
  560. '{% autoescape false %}{{ {"foo": "<test>"}'
  561. "|xmlattr|escape }}{% endautoescape %}"
  562. )
  563. assert tmpl.render() == " foo=&#34;&amp;lt;test&amp;gt;&#34;"
  564. def test_volatile(self):
  565. env = Environment(autoescape=True)
  566. tmpl = env.from_string(
  567. '{% autoescape foo %}{{ {"foo": "<test>"}'
  568. "|xmlattr|escape }}{% endautoescape %}"
  569. )
  570. assert tmpl.render(foo=False) == " foo=&#34;&amp;lt;test&amp;gt;&#34;"
  571. assert tmpl.render(foo=True) == ' foo="&lt;test&gt;"'
  572. def test_scoping(self):
  573. env = Environment()
  574. tmpl = env.from_string(
  575. '{% autoescape true %}{% set x = "<x>" %}{{ x }}'
  576. '{% endautoescape %}{{ x }}{{ "<y>" }}'
  577. )
  578. assert tmpl.render(x=1) == "&lt;x&gt;1<y>"
  579. def test_volatile_scoping(self):
  580. env = Environment()
  581. tmplsource = """
  582. {% autoescape val %}
  583. {% macro foo(x) %}
  584. [{{ x }}]
  585. {% endmacro %}
  586. {{ foo().__class__.__name__ }}
  587. {% endautoescape %}
  588. {{ '<testing>' }}
  589. """
  590. tmpl = env.from_string(tmplsource)
  591. assert tmpl.render(val=True).split()[0] == "Markup"
  592. assert tmpl.render(val=False).split()[0] == "str"
  593. # looking at the source we should see <testing> there in raw
  594. # (and then escaped as well)
  595. env = Environment()
  596. pysource = env.compile(tmplsource, raw=True)
  597. assert "<testing>\\n" in pysource
  598. env = Environment(autoescape=True)
  599. pysource = env.compile(tmplsource, raw=True)
  600. assert "&lt;testing&gt;\\n" in pysource
  601. def test_overlay_scopes(self):
  602. class MagicScopeExtension(Extension):
  603. tags = {"overlay"}
  604. def parse(self, parser):
  605. node = nodes.OverlayScope(lineno=next(parser.stream).lineno)
  606. node.body = list(
  607. parser.parse_statements(("name:endoverlay",), drop_needle=True)
  608. )
  609. node.context = self.call_method("get_scope")
  610. return node
  611. def get_scope(self):
  612. return {"x": [1, 2, 3]}
  613. env = Environment(extensions=[MagicScopeExtension])
  614. tmpl = env.from_string(
  615. """
  616. {{- x }}|{% set z = 99 %}
  617. {%- overlay %}
  618. {{- y }}|{{ z }}|{% for item in x %}[{{ item }}]{% endfor %}
  619. {%- endoverlay %}|
  620. {{- x -}}
  621. """
  622. )
  623. assert tmpl.render(x=42, y=23) == "42|23|99|[1][2][3]|42"