1. Metadata-Version: 2.1
  2. Name: wcwidth
  3. Version: 0.2.12
  4. Summary: Measures the displayed width of unicode strings in a terminal
  5. Home-page:
  6. Author: Jeff Quast
  7. Author-email:
  8. License: MIT
  9. Keywords: cjk,combining,console,eastasian,emoji,emulator,terminal,unicode,wcswidth,wcwidth,xterm
  10. Classifier: Intended Audience :: Developers
  11. Classifier: Natural Language :: English
  12. Classifier: Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable
  13. Classifier: Environment :: Console
  14. Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License
  15. Classifier: Operating System :: POSIX
  16. Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7
  17. Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5
  18. Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6
  19. Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7
  20. Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8
  21. Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9
  22. Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.10
  23. Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.11
  24. Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.12
  25. Classifier: Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries
  26. Classifier: Topic :: Software Development :: Localization
  27. Classifier: Topic :: Software Development :: Internationalization
  28. Classifier: Topic :: Terminals
  29. License-File: LICENSE
  30. Requires-Dist: backports.functools-lru-cache >=1.2.1 ; python_version < "3.2"
  31. |pypi_downloads| |codecov| |license|
  32. ============
  33. Introduction
  34. ============
  35. This library is mainly for CLI programs that carefully produce output for
  36. Terminals, or make pretend to be an emulator.
  37. **Problem Statement**: The printable length of *most* strings are equal to the
  38. number of cells they occupy on the screen ``1 character : 1 cell``. However,
  39. there are categories of characters that *occupy 2 cells* (full-wide), and
  40. others that *occupy 0* cells (zero-width).
  41. **Solution**: POSIX.1-2001 and POSIX.1-2008 conforming systems provide
  42. `wcwidth(3)`_ and `wcswidth(3)`_ C functions of which this python module's
  43. functions precisely copy. *These functions return the number of cells a
  44. unicode string is expected to occupy.*
  45. Installation
  46. ------------
  47. The stable version of this package is maintained on pypi, install using pip::
  48. pip install wcwidth
  49. Example
  50. -------
  51. **Problem**: given the following phrase (Japanese),
  52. >>> text = u'コンニチハ'
  53. Python **incorrectly** uses the *string length* of 5 codepoints rather than the
  54. *printible length* of 10 cells, so that when using the `rjust` function, the
  55. output length is wrong::
  56. >>> print(len('コンニチハ'))
  57. 5
  58. >>> print('コンニチハ'.rjust(20, '_'))
  59. _______________コンニチハ
  60. By defining our own "rjust" function that uses wcwidth, we can correct this::
  61. >>> def wc_rjust(text, length, padding=' '):
  62. ... from wcwidth import wcswidth
  63. ... return padding * max(0, (length - wcswidth(text))) + text
  64. ...
  65. Our **Solution** uses wcswidth to determine the string length correctly::
  66. >>> from wcwidth import wcswidth
  67. >>> print(wcswidth('コンニチハ'))
  68. 10
  69. >>> print(wc_rjust('コンニチハ', 20, '_'))
  70. __________コンニチハ
  71. Choosing a Version
  72. ------------------
  73. Export an environment variable, ``UNICODE_VERSION``. This should be done by
  74. *terminal emulators* or those developers experimenting with authoring one of
  75. their own, from shell::
  76. $ export UNICODE_VERSION=13.0
  77. If unspecified, the latest version is used. If your Terminal Emulator does not
  78. export this variable, you can use the `jquast/ucs-detect`_ utility to
  79. automatically detect and export it to your shell.
  80. wcwidth, wcswidth
  81. -----------------
  82. Use function ``wcwidth()`` to determine the length of a *single unicode
  83. character*, and ``wcswidth()`` to determine the length of many, a *string
  84. of unicode characters*.
  85. Briefly, return values of function ``wcwidth()`` are:
  86. ``-1``
  87. Indeterminate (not printable).
  88. ``0``
  89. Does not advance the cursor, such as NULL or Combining.
  90. ``2``
  91. Characters of category East Asian Wide (W) or East Asian
  92. Full-width (F) which are displayed using two terminal cells.
  93. ``1``
  94. All others.
  95. Function ``wcswidth()`` simply returns the sum of all values for each character
  96. along a string, or ``-1`` when it occurs anywhere along a string.
  97. Full API Documentation at
  98. ==========
  99. Developing
  100. ==========
  101. Install wcwidth in editable mode::
  102. pip install -e .
  103. Execute unit tests using tox_::
  104. tox -e py27,py35,py36,py37,py38,py39,py310,py311,py312
  105. Updating Unicode Version
  106. ------------------------
  107. Regenerate python code tables from latest Unicode Specification data files::
  108. tox -e update
  109. The script is located at ``bin/``, requires Python 3.9 or
  110. later. It is recommended but not necessary to run this script with the newest
  111. Python, because the newest Python has the latest ``unicodedata`` for generating
  113. Building Documentation
  114. ----------------------
  115. This project is using `sphinx`_ 4.5 to build documentation::
  116. tox -e sphinx
  117. The output will be in ``docs/_build/html/``.
  118. Updating Requirements
  119. ---------------------
  120. This project is using `pip-tools`_ to manage requirements.
  121. To upgrade requirements for updating unicode version, run::
  122. tox -e update_requirements_update
  123. To upgrade requirements for testing, run::
  124. tox -e update_requirements37,update_requirements39
  125. To upgrade requirements for building documentation, run::
  126. tox -e update_requirements_docs
  127. Utilities
  128. ---------
  129. Supplementary tools for browsing and testing terminals for wide unicode
  130. characters are found in the `bin/`_ of this project's source code. Just ensure
  131. to first ``pip install -r requirements-develop.txt`` from this projects main
  132. folder. For example, an interactive browser for testing::
  133. python ./bin/
  134. ====
  135. Uses
  136. ====
  137. This library is used in:
  138. - `jquast/blessed`_: a thin, practical wrapper around terminal capabilities in
  139. Python.
  140. - `prompt-toolkit/python-prompt-toolkit`_: a Library for building powerful
  141. interactive command lines in Python.
  142. - `dbcli/pgcli`_: Postgres CLI with autocompletion and syntax highlighting.
  143. - `thomasballinger/curtsies`_: a Curses-like terminal wrapper with a display
  144. based on compositing 2d arrays of text.
  145. - `selectel/pyte`_: Simple VTXXX-compatible linux terminal emulator.
  146. - `astanin/python-tabulate`_: Pretty-print tabular data in Python, a library
  147. and a command-line utility.
  148. - `rspeer/python-ftfy`_: Fixes mojibake and other glitches in Unicode
  149. text.
  150. - `nbedos/termtosvg`_: Terminal recorder that renders sessions as SVG
  151. animations.
  152. - `peterbrittain/asciimatics`_: Package to help people create full-screen text
  153. UIs.
  154. - `python-cmd2/cmd2`_: A tool for building interactive command line apps
  155. - `stratis-storage/stratis-cli`_: CLI for the Stratis project
  156. - `ihabunek/toot`_: A Mastodon CLI/TUI client
  157. - `saulpw/visidata`_: Terminal spreadsheet multitool for discovering and
  158. arranging data
  159. ===============
  160. Other Languages
  161. ===============
  162. - `timoxley/wcwidth`_: JavaScript
  163. - `janlelis/unicode-display_width`_: Ruby
  164. - `alecrabbit/php-wcwidth`_: PHP
  165. - `Text::CharWidth`_: Perl
  166. - `bluebear94/Terminal-WCWidth`_: Perl 6
  167. - `mattn/go-runewidth`_: Go
  168. - `grepsuzette/wcwidth`_: Haxe
  169. - `aperezdc/lua-wcwidth`_: Lua
  170. - `joachimschmidt557/zig-wcwidth`_: Zig
  171. - `fumiyas/wcwidth-cjk`_: `LD_PRELOAD` override
  172. - `joshuarubin/wcwidth9`_: Unicode version 9 in C
  173. =======
  174. History
  175. =======
  176. 0.2.12 *2023-11-21*
  177. * re-release to remove .pyi file misplaced in wheel files `Issue #101`.
  178. 0.2.11 *2023-11-20*
  179. * Include tests files in the source distribution (`PR #98`_, `PR #100`_).
  180. 0.2.10 *2023-11-13*
  181. * **Bugfix** accounting of some kinds of emoji sequences using U+FE0F
  182. Variation Selector 16 (`PR #97`_).
  183. * **Updated** `Specification <Specification_from_pypi_>`_.
  184. 0.2.9 *2023-10-30*
  185. * **Bugfix** zero-width characters used in Emoji ZWJ sequences, Balinese,
  186. Jamo, Devanagari, Tamil, Kannada and others (`PR #91`_).
  187. * **Updated** to include `Specification <Specification_from_pypi_>`_ of
  188. character measurements.
  189. 0.2.8 *2023-09-30*
  190. * Include requirements files in the source distribution (`PR #82`_).
  191. 0.2.7 *2023-09-28*
  192. * **Updated** tables to include Unicode Specification 15.1.0.
  193. * Include ``bin``, ``docs``, and ``tox.ini`` in the source distribution
  194. 0.2.6 *2023-01-14*
  195. * **Updated** tables to include Unicode Specification 14.0.0 and 15.0.0.
  196. * **Changed** developer tools to use pip-compile, and to use jinja2 templates
  197. for code generation in `bin/` to prepare for possible
  198. compiler optimization release.
  199. 0.2.1 .. 0.2.5 *2020-06-23*
  200. * **Repository** changes to update tests and packaging issues, and
  201. begin tagging repository with matching release versions.
  202. 0.2.0 *2020-06-01*
  203. * **Enhancement**: Unicode version may be selected by exporting the
  204. Environment variable ``UNICODE_VERSION``, such as ``13.0``, or ``6.3.0``.
  205. See the `jquast/ucs-detect`_ CLI utility for automatic detection.
  206. * **Enhancement**:
  207. API Documentation is published to
  208. * **Updated** tables for *all* Unicode Specifications with files
  209. published in a programmatically consumable format, versions 4.1.0
  210. through 13.0
  211. 0.1.9 *2020-03-22*
  212. * **Performance** optimization by `Avram Lubkin`_, `PR #35`_.
  213. * **Updated** tables to Unicode Specification 13.0.0.
  214. 0.1.8 *2020-01-01*
  215. * **Updated** tables to Unicode Specification 12.0.0. (`PR #30`_).
  216. 0.1.7 *2016-07-01*
  217. * **Updated** tables to Unicode Specification 9.0.0. (`PR #18`_).
  218. 0.1.6 *2016-01-08 Production/Stable*
  219. * ``LICENSE`` file now included with distribution.
  220. 0.1.5 *2015-09-13 Alpha*
  221. * **Bugfix**:
  222. Resolution of "combining_ character width" issue, most especially
  223. those that previously returned -1 now often (correctly) return 0.
  224. resolved by `Philip Craig`_ via `PR #11`_.
  225. * **Deprecated**:
  226. The module path ``wcwidth.table_comb`` is no longer available,
  227. it has been superseded by module path ``wcwidth.table_zero``.
  228. 0.1.4 *2014-11-20 Pre-Alpha*
  229. * **Feature**: ``wcswidth()`` now determines printable length
  230. for (most) combining_ characters. The developer's tool
  231. `bin/`_ is improved to display combining_
  232. characters when provided the ``--combining`` option
  233. (`Thomas Ballinger`_ and `Leta Montopoli`_ `PR #5`_).
  234. * **Feature**: added static analysis (prospector_) to testing
  235. framework.
  236. 0.1.3 *2014-10-29 Pre-Alpha*
  237. * **Bugfix**: 2nd parameter of wcswidth was not honored.
  238. (`Thomas Ballinger`_, `PR #4`_).
  239. 0.1.2 *2014-10-28 Pre-Alpha*
  240. * **Updated** tables to Unicode Specification 7.0.0.
  241. (`Thomas Ballinger`_, `PR #3`_).
  242. 0.1.1 *2014-05-14 Pre-Alpha*
  243. * Initial release to pypi, Based on Unicode Specification 6.3.0
  244. This code was originally derived directly from C code of the same name,
  245. whose latest version is available at
  247. * Markus Kuhn -- 2007-05-26 (Unicode 5.0)
  248. *
  249. * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software
  250. * for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted. The author
  251. * disclaims all warranties with regard to this software.
  252. .. _`Specification_from_pypi`:
  253. .. _`tox`:
  254. .. _`prospector`:
  255. .. _`combining`:
  256. .. _`bin/`:
  257. .. _`bin/`:
  258. .. _`Thomas Ballinger`:
  259. .. _`Leta Montopoli`:
  260. .. _`Philip Craig`:
  261. .. _`PR #3`:
  262. .. _`PR #4`:
  263. .. _`PR #5`:
  264. .. _`PR #11`:
  265. .. _`PR #18`:
  266. .. _`PR #30`:
  267. .. _`PR #35`:
  268. .. _`PR #82`:
  269. .. _`PR #91`:
  270. .. _`PR #97`:
  271. .. _`PR #98`:
  272. .. _`PR #100`:
  273. .. _`Issue #101`:
  274. .. _`jquast/blessed`:
  275. .. _`selectel/pyte`:
  276. .. _`thomasballinger/curtsies`:
  277. .. _`dbcli/pgcli`:
  278. .. _`prompt-toolkit/python-prompt-toolkit`:
  279. .. _`timoxley/wcwidth`:
  280. .. _`wcwidth(3)`:
  281. .. _`wcswidth(3)`:
  282. .. _`astanin/python-tabulate`:
  283. .. _`janlelis/unicode-display_width`:
  284. .. _`rspeer/python-ftfy`:
  285. .. _`alecrabbit/php-wcwidth`:
  286. .. _`Text::CharWidth`:
  287. .. _`bluebear94/Terminal-WCWidth`:
  288. .. _`mattn/go-runewidth`:
  289. .. _`grepsuzette/wcwidth`:
  290. .. _`jquast/ucs-detect`:
  291. .. _`Avram Lubkin`:
  292. .. _`nbedos/termtosvg`:
  293. .. _`peterbrittain/asciimatics`:
  294. .. _`aperezdc/lua-wcwidth`:
  295. .. _`joachimschmidt557/zig-wcwidth`:
  296. .. _`fumiyas/wcwidth-cjk`:
  297. .. _`joshuarubin/wcwidth9`:
  298. .. _`python-cmd2/cmd2`:
  299. .. _`stratis-storage/stratis-cli`:
  300. .. _`ihabunek/toot`:
  301. .. _`saulpw/visidata`:
  302. .. _`pip-tools`:
  303. .. _`sphinx`:
  304. .. |pypi_downloads| image::
  305. :alt: Downloads
  306. :target:
  307. .. |codecov| image::
  308. :alt: Code Coverage
  309. :target:
  310. .. |license| image::
  311. :target:
  312. :alt: MIT License