123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398 |
- # util.py
- import contextlib
- from functools import lru_cache, wraps
- import inspect
- import itertools
- import types
- from typing import Callable, Union, Iterable, TypeVar, cast
- import warnings
- _bslash = chr(92)
- C = TypeVar("C", bound=Callable)
- class __config_flags:
- """Internal class for defining compatibility and debugging flags"""
- _all_names: list[str] = []
- _fixed_names: list[str] = []
- _type_desc = "configuration"
- @classmethod
- def _set(cls, dname, value):
- if dname in cls._fixed_names:
- warnings.warn(
- f"{cls.__name__}.{dname} {cls._type_desc} is {str(getattr(cls, dname)).upper()}"
- f" and cannot be overridden",
- stacklevel=3,
- )
- return
- if dname in cls._all_names:
- setattr(cls, dname, value)
- else:
- raise ValueError(f"no such {cls._type_desc} {dname!r}")
- enable = classmethod(lambda cls, name: cls._set(name, True))
- disable = classmethod(lambda cls, name: cls._set(name, False))
- @lru_cache(maxsize=128)
- def col(loc: int, strg: str) -> int:
- """
- Returns current column within a string, counting newlines as line separators.
- The first column is number 1.
- Note: the default parsing behavior is to expand tabs in the input string
- before starting the parsing process. See
- :class:`ParserElement.parse_string` for more
- information on parsing strings containing ``<TAB>`` s, and suggested
- methods to maintain a consistent view of the parsed string, the parse
- location, and line and column positions within the parsed string.
- """
- s = strg
- return 1 if 0 < loc < len(s) and s[loc - 1] == "\n" else loc - s.rfind("\n", 0, loc)
- @lru_cache(maxsize=128)
- def lineno(loc: int, strg: str) -> int:
- """Returns current line number within a string, counting newlines as line separators.
- The first line is number 1.
- Note - the default parsing behavior is to expand tabs in the input string
- before starting the parsing process. See :class:`ParserElement.parse_string`
- for more information on parsing strings containing ``<TAB>`` s, and
- suggested methods to maintain a consistent view of the parsed string, the
- parse location, and line and column positions within the parsed string.
- """
- return strg.count("\n", 0, loc) + 1
- @lru_cache(maxsize=128)
- def line(loc: int, strg: str) -> str:
- """
- Returns the line of text containing loc within a string, counting newlines as line separators.
- """
- last_cr = strg.rfind("\n", 0, loc)
- next_cr = strg.find("\n", loc)
- return strg[last_cr + 1 : next_cr] if next_cr >= 0 else strg[last_cr + 1 :]
- class _UnboundedCache:
- def __init__(self):
- cache = {}
- cache_get = cache.get
- self.not_in_cache = not_in_cache = object()
- def get(_, key):
- return cache_get(key, not_in_cache)
- def set_(_, key, value):
- cache[key] = value
- def clear(_):
- cache.clear()
- self.size = None
- self.get = types.MethodType(get, self)
- self.set = types.MethodType(set_, self)
- self.clear = types.MethodType(clear, self)
- class _FifoCache:
- def __init__(self, size):
- cache = {}
- self.size = size
- self.not_in_cache = not_in_cache = object()
- cache_get = cache.get
- cache_pop = cache.pop
- def get(_, key):
- return cache_get(key, not_in_cache)
- def set_(_, key, value):
- cache[key] = value
- while len(cache) > size:
- # pop oldest element in cache by getting the first key
- cache_pop(next(iter(cache)))
- def clear(_):
- cache.clear()
- self.get = types.MethodType(get, self)
- self.set = types.MethodType(set_, self)
- self.clear = types.MethodType(clear, self)
- class LRUMemo:
- """
- A memoizing mapping that retains `capacity` deleted items
- The memo tracks retained items by their access order; once `capacity` items
- are retained, the least recently used item is discarded.
- """
- def __init__(self, capacity):
- self._capacity = capacity
- self._active = {}
- self._memory = {}
- def __getitem__(self, key):
- try:
- return self._active[key]
- except KeyError:
- self._memory[key] = self._memory.pop(key)
- return self._memory[key]
- def __setitem__(self, key, value):
- self._memory.pop(key, None)
- self._active[key] = value
- def __delitem__(self, key):
- try:
- value = self._active.pop(key)
- except KeyError:
- pass
- else:
- oldest_keys = list(self._memory)[: -(self._capacity + 1)]
- for key_to_delete in oldest_keys:
- self._memory.pop(key_to_delete)
- self._memory[key] = value
- def clear(self):
- self._active.clear()
- self._memory.clear()
- class UnboundedMemo(dict):
- """
- A memoizing mapping that retains all deleted items
- """
- def __delitem__(self, key):
- pass
- def _escape_regex_range_chars(s: str) -> str:
- # escape these chars: ^-[]
- for c in r"\^-[]":
- s = s.replace(c, _bslash + c)
- s = s.replace("\n", r"\n")
- s = s.replace("\t", r"\t")
- return str(s)
- class _GroupConsecutive:
- """
- Used as a callable `key` for itertools.groupby to group
- characters that are consecutive:
- itertools.groupby("abcdejkmpqrs", key=IsConsecutive())
- yields:
- (0, iter(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e']))
- (1, iter(['j', 'k']))
- (2, iter(['m']))
- (3, iter(['p', 'q', 'r', 's']))
- """
- def __init__(self):
- self.prev = 0
- self.counter = itertools.count()
- self.value = -1
- def __call__(self, char: str) -> int:
- c_int = ord(char)
- self.prev, prev = c_int, self.prev
- if c_int - prev > 1:
- self.value = next(self.counter)
- return self.value
- def _collapse_string_to_ranges(
- s: Union[str, Iterable[str]], re_escape: bool = True
- ) -> str:
- r"""
- Take a string or list of single-character strings, and return
- a string of the consecutive characters in that string collapsed
- into groups, as might be used in a regular expression '[a-z]'
- character set:
- 'a' -> 'a' -> '[a]'
- 'bc' -> 'bc' -> '[bc]'
- 'defgh' -> 'd-h' -> '[d-h]'
- 'fdgeh' -> 'd-h' -> '[d-h]'
- 'jklnpqrtu' -> 'j-lnp-rtu' -> '[j-lnp-rtu]'
- Duplicates get collapsed out:
- 'aaa' -> 'a' -> '[a]'
- 'bcbccb' -> 'bc' -> '[bc]'
- 'defghhgf' -> 'd-h' -> '[d-h]'
- 'jklnpqrjjjtu' -> 'j-lnp-rtu' -> '[j-lnp-rtu]'
- Spaces are preserved:
- 'ab c' -> ' a-c' -> '[ a-c]'
- Characters that are significant when defining regex ranges
- get escaped:
- 'acde[]-' -> r'\-\[\]ac-e' -> r'[\-\[\]ac-e]'
- """
- # Developer notes:
- # - Do not optimize this code assuming that the given input string
- # or internal lists will be short (such as in loading generators into
- # lists to make it easier to find the last element); this method is also
- # used to generate regex ranges for character sets in the pyparsing.unicode
- # classes, and these can be _very_ long lists of strings
- def escape_re_range_char(c: str) -> str:
- return "\\" + c if c in r"\^-][" else c
- def no_escape_re_range_char(c: str) -> str:
- return c
- if not re_escape:
- escape_re_range_char = no_escape_re_range_char
- ret = []
- # reduce input string to remove duplicates, and put in sorted order
- s_chars: list[str] = sorted(set(s))
- if len(s_chars) > 2:
- # find groups of characters that are consecutive (can be collapsed
- # down to "<first>-<last>")
- for _, chars in itertools.groupby(s_chars, key=_GroupConsecutive()):
- # _ is unimportant, is just used to identify groups
- # chars is an iterator of one or more consecutive characters
- # that comprise the current group
- first = last = next(chars)
- with contextlib.suppress(ValueError):
- *_, last = chars
- if first == last:
- # there was only a single char in this group
- ret.append(escape_re_range_char(first))
- elif last == chr(ord(first) + 1):
- # there were only 2 characters in this group
- # 'a','b' -> 'ab'
- ret.append(f"{escape_re_range_char(first)}{escape_re_range_char(last)}")
- else:
- # there were > 2 characters in this group, make into a range
- # 'c','d','e' -> 'c-e'
- ret.append(
- f"{escape_re_range_char(first)}-{escape_re_range_char(last)}"
- )
- else:
- # only 1 or 2 chars were given to form into groups
- # 'a' -> ['a']
- # 'bc' -> ['b', 'c']
- # 'dg' -> ['d', 'g']
- # no need to list them with "-", just return as a list
- # (after escaping)
- ret = [escape_re_range_char(c) for c in s_chars]
- return "".join(ret)
- def _flatten(ll: Iterable) -> list:
- ret = []
- to_visit = [*ll]
- while to_visit:
- i = to_visit.pop(0)
- if isinstance(i, Iterable) and not isinstance(i, str):
- to_visit[:0] = i
- else:
- ret.append(i)
- return ret
- def make_compressed_re(
- word_list: Iterable[str], max_level: int = 2, _level: int = 1
- ) -> str:
- """
- Create a regular expression string from a list of words, collapsing by common
- prefixes and optional suffixes.
- Calls itself recursively to build nested sublists for each group of suffixes
- that have a shared prefix.
- """
- def get_suffixes_from_common_prefixes(namelist: list[str]):
- if len(namelist) > 1:
- for prefix, suffixes in itertools.groupby(namelist, key=lambda s: s[:1]):
- yield prefix, sorted([s[1:] for s in suffixes], key=len, reverse=True)
- else:
- yield namelist[0][0], [namelist[0][1:]]
- if max_level == 0:
- return "|".join(sorted(word_list, key=len, reverse=True))
- ret = []
- sep = ""
- for initial, suffixes in get_suffixes_from_common_prefixes(sorted(word_list)):
- ret.append(sep)
- sep = "|"
- trailing = ""
- if "" in suffixes:
- trailing = "?"
- suffixes.remove("")
- if len(suffixes) > 1:
- if all(len(s) == 1 for s in suffixes):
- ret.append(f"{initial}[{''.join(suffixes)}]{trailing}")
- else:
- if _level < max_level:
- suffix_re = make_compressed_re(
- sorted(suffixes), max_level, _level + 1
- )
- ret.append(f"{initial}({suffix_re}){trailing}")
- else:
- suffixes.sort(key=len, reverse=True)
- ret.append(f"{initial}({'|'.join(suffixes)}){trailing}")
- else:
- if suffixes:
- suffix = suffixes[0]
- if len(suffix) > 1 and trailing:
- ret.append(f"{initial}({suffix}){trailing}")
- else:
- ret.append(f"{initial}{suffix}{trailing}")
- else:
- ret.append(initial)
- return "".join(ret)
- def replaced_by_pep8(compat_name: str, fn: C) -> C:
- # In a future version, uncomment the code in the internal _inner() functions
- # to begin emitting DeprecationWarnings.
- # Unwrap staticmethod/classmethod
- fn = getattr(fn, "__func__", fn)
- # (Presence of 'self' arg in signature is used by explain_exception() methods, so we take
- # some extra steps to add it if present in decorated function.)
- if ["self"] == list(inspect.signature(fn).parameters)[:1]:
- @wraps(fn)
- def _inner(self, *args, **kwargs):
- # warnings.warn(
- # f"Deprecated - use {fn.__name__}", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2
- # )
- return fn(self, *args, **kwargs)
- else:
- @wraps(fn)
- def _inner(*args, **kwargs):
- # warnings.warn(
- # f"Deprecated - use {fn.__name__}", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2
- # )
- return fn(*args, **kwargs)
- _inner.__doc__ = f"""Deprecated - use :class:`{fn.__name__}`"""
- _inner.__name__ = compat_name
- _inner.__annotations__ = fn.__annotations__
- if isinstance(fn, types.FunctionType):
- _inner.__kwdefaults__ = fn.__kwdefaults__ # type: ignore [attr-defined]
- elif isinstance(fn, type) and hasattr(fn, "__init__"):
- _inner.__kwdefaults__ = fn.__init__.__kwdefaults__ # type: ignore [misc,attr-defined]
- else:
- _inner.__kwdefaults__ = None # type: ignore [attr-defined]
- _inner.__qualname__ = fn.__qualname__
- return cast(C, _inner)