123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375 |
- # -*- test-case-name: twisted.words.test.test_xishutil -*-
- #
- # Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
- # See LICENSE for details.
- """
- Event Dispatching and Callback utilities.
- """
- from __future__ import absolute_import, division
- from twisted.python import log
- from twisted.python.compat import iteritems
- from twisted.words.xish import xpath
- class _MethodWrapper(object):
- """
- Internal class for tracking method calls.
- """
- def __init__(self, method, *args, **kwargs):
- self.method = method
- self.args = args
- self.kwargs = kwargs
- def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- nargs = self.args + args
- nkwargs = self.kwargs.copy()
- nkwargs.update(kwargs)
- self.method(*nargs, **nkwargs)
- class CallbackList:
- """
- Container for callbacks.
- Event queries are linked to lists of callables. When a matching event
- occurs, these callables are called in sequence. One-time callbacks
- are removed from the list after the first time the event was triggered.
- Arguments to callbacks are split spread across two sets. The first set,
- callback specific, is passed to C{addCallback} and is used for all
- subsequent event triggers. The second set is passed to C{callback} and is
- event specific. Positional arguments in the second set come after the
- positional arguments of the first set. Keyword arguments in the second set
- override those in the first set.
- @ivar callbacks: The registered callbacks as mapping from the callable to a
- tuple of a wrapper for that callable that keeps the
- callback specific arguments and a boolean that signifies
- if it is to be called only once.
- @type callbacks: C{dict}
- """
- def __init__(self):
- self.callbacks = {}
- def addCallback(self, onetime, method, *args, **kwargs):
- """
- Add callback.
- The arguments passed are used as callback specific arguments.
- @param onetime: If C{True}, this callback is called at most once.
- @type onetime: C{bool}
- @param method: The callback callable to be added.
- @param args: Positional arguments to the callable.
- @type args: C{list}
- @param kwargs: Keyword arguments to the callable.
- @type kwargs: C{dict}
- """
- if not method in self.callbacks:
- self.callbacks[method] = (_MethodWrapper(method, *args, **kwargs),
- onetime)
- def removeCallback(self, method):
- """
- Remove callback.
- @param method: The callable to be removed.
- """
- if method in self.callbacks:
- del self.callbacks[method]
- def callback(self, *args, **kwargs):
- """
- Call all registered callbacks.
- The passed arguments are event specific and augment and override
- the callback specific arguments as described above.
- @note: Exceptions raised by callbacks are trapped and logged. They will
- not propagate up to make sure other callbacks will still be
- called, and the event dispatching always succeeds.
- @param args: Positional arguments to the callable.
- @type args: C{list}
- @param kwargs: Keyword arguments to the callable.
- @type kwargs: C{dict}
- """
- for key, (methodwrapper, onetime) in list(self.callbacks.items()):
- try:
- methodwrapper(*args, **kwargs)
- except:
- log.err()
- if onetime:
- del self.callbacks[key]
- def isEmpty(self):
- """
- Return if list of registered callbacks is empty.
- @rtype: C{bool}
- """
- return len(self.callbacks) == 0
- class EventDispatcher:
- """
- Event dispatching service.
- The C{EventDispatcher} allows observers to be registered for certain events
- that are dispatched. There are two types of events: XPath events and Named
- events.
- Every dispatch is triggered by calling L{dispatch} with a data object and,
- for named events, the name of the event.
- When an XPath type event is dispatched, the associated object is assumed to
- be an L{Element<twisted.words.xish.domish.Element>} instance, which is
- matched against all registered XPath queries. For every match, the
- respective observer will be called with the data object.
- A named event will simply call each registered observer for that particular
- event name, with the data object. Unlike XPath type events, the data object
- is not restricted to L{Element<twisted.words.xish.domish.Element>}, but can
- be anything.
- When registering observers, the event that is to be observed is specified
- using an L{xpath.XPathQuery} instance or a string. In the latter case, the
- string can also contain the string representation of an XPath expression.
- To distinguish these from named events, each named event should start with
- a special prefix that is stored in C{self.prefix}. It defaults to
- C{//event/}.
- Observers registered using L{addObserver} are persistent: after the
- observer has been triggered by a dispatch, it remains registered for a
- possible next dispatch. If instead L{addOnetimeObserver} was used to
- observe an event, the observer is removed from the list of observers after
- the first observed event.
- Observers can also be prioritized, by providing an optional C{priority}
- parameter to the L{addObserver} and L{addOnetimeObserver} methods. Higher
- priority observers are then called before lower priority observers.
- Finally, observers can be unregistered by using L{removeObserver}.
- """
- def __init__(self, eventprefix="//event/"):
- self.prefix = eventprefix
- self._eventObservers = {}
- self._xpathObservers = {}
- self._dispatchDepth = 0 # Flag indicating levels of dispatching
- # in progress
- self._updateQueue = [] # Queued updates for observer ops
- def _getEventAndObservers(self, event):
- if isinstance(event, xpath.XPathQuery):
- # Treat as xpath
- observers = self._xpathObservers
- else:
- if self.prefix == event[:len(self.prefix)]:
- # Treat as event
- observers = self._eventObservers
- else:
- # Treat as xpath
- event = xpath.internQuery(event)
- observers = self._xpathObservers
- return event, observers
- def addOnetimeObserver(self, event, observerfn, priority=0, *args, **kwargs):
- """
- Register a one-time observer for an event.
- Like L{addObserver}, but is only triggered at most once. See there
- for a description of the parameters.
- """
- self._addObserver(True, event, observerfn, priority, *args, **kwargs)
- def addObserver(self, event, observerfn, priority=0, *args, **kwargs):
- """
- Register an observer for an event.
- Each observer will be registered with a certain priority. Higher
- priority observers get called before lower priority observers.
- @param event: Name or XPath query for the event to be monitored.
- @type event: C{str} or L{xpath.XPathQuery}.
- @param observerfn: Function to be called when the specified event
- has been triggered. This callable takes
- one parameter: the data object that triggered
- the event. When specified, the C{*args} and
- C{**kwargs} parameters to addObserver are being used
- as additional parameters to the registered observer
- callable.
- @param priority: (Optional) priority of this observer in relation to
- other observer that match the same event. Defaults to
- C{0}.
- @type priority: C{int}
- """
- self._addObserver(False, event, observerfn, priority, *args, **kwargs)
- def _addObserver(self, onetime, event, observerfn, priority, *args, **kwargs):
- # If this is happening in the middle of the dispatch, queue
- # it up for processing after the dispatch completes
- if self._dispatchDepth > 0:
- self._updateQueue.append(lambda:self._addObserver(onetime, event, observerfn, priority, *args, **kwargs))
- return
- event, observers = self._getEventAndObservers(event)
- if priority not in observers:
- cbl = CallbackList()
- observers[priority] = {event: cbl}
- else:
- priorityObservers = observers[priority]
- if event not in priorityObservers:
- cbl = CallbackList()
- observers[priority][event] = cbl
- else:
- cbl = priorityObservers[event]
- cbl.addCallback(onetime, observerfn, *args, **kwargs)
- def removeObserver(self, event, observerfn):
- """
- Remove callable as observer for an event.
- The observer callable is removed for all priority levels for the
- specified event.
- @param event: Event for which the observer callable was registered.
- @type event: C{str} or L{xpath.XPathQuery}
- @param observerfn: Observer callable to be unregistered.
- """
- # If this is happening in the middle of the dispatch, queue
- # it up for processing after the dispatch completes
- if self._dispatchDepth > 0:
- self._updateQueue.append(lambda:self.removeObserver(event, observerfn))
- return
- event, observers = self._getEventAndObservers(event)
- emptyLists = []
- for priority, priorityObservers in iteritems(observers):
- for query, callbacklist in iteritems(priorityObservers):
- if event == query:
- callbacklist.removeCallback(observerfn)
- if callbacklist.isEmpty():
- emptyLists.append((priority, query))
- for priority, query in emptyLists:
- del observers[priority][query]
- def dispatch(self, obj, event=None):
- """
- Dispatch an event.
- When C{event} is L{None}, an XPath type event is triggered, and
- C{obj} is assumed to be an instance of
- L{Element<twisted.words.xish.domish.Element>}. Otherwise, C{event}
- holds the name of the named event being triggered. In the latter case,
- C{obj} can be anything.
- @param obj: The object to be dispatched.
- @param event: Optional event name.
- @type event: C{str}
- """
- foundTarget = False
- self._dispatchDepth += 1
- if event != None:
- # Named event
- observers = self._eventObservers
- match = lambda query, obj: query == event
- else:
- # XPath event
- observers = self._xpathObservers
- match = lambda query, obj: query.matches(obj)
- priorities = list(observers.keys())
- priorities.sort()
- priorities.reverse()
- emptyLists = []
- for priority in priorities:
- for query, callbacklist in iteritems(observers[priority]):
- if match(query, obj):
- callbacklist.callback(obj)
- foundTarget = True
- if callbacklist.isEmpty():
- emptyLists.append((priority, query))
- for priority, query in emptyLists:
- del observers[priority][query]
- self._dispatchDepth -= 1
- # If this is a dispatch within a dispatch, don't
- # do anything with the updateQueue -- it needs to
- # wait until we've back all the way out of the stack
- if self._dispatchDepth == 0:
- # Deal with pending update operations
- for f in self._updateQueue:
- f()
- self._updateQueue = []
- return foundTarget
- class XmlPipe(object):
- """
- XML stream pipe.
- Connects two objects that communicate stanzas through an XML stream like
- interface. Each of the ends of the pipe (sink and source) can be used to
- send XML stanzas to the other side, or add observers to process XML stanzas
- that were sent from the other side.
- XML pipes are usually used in place of regular XML streams that are
- transported over TCP. This is the reason for the use of the names source
- and sink for both ends of the pipe. The source side corresponds with the
- entity that initiated the TCP connection, whereas the sink corresponds with
- the entity that accepts that connection. In this object, though, the source
- and sink are treated equally.
- Unlike Jabber
- L{XmlStream<twisted.words.protocols.jabber.xmlstream.XmlStream>}s, the sink
- and source objects are assumed to represent an eternal connected and
- initialized XML stream. As such, events corresponding to connection,
- disconnection, initialization and stream errors are not dispatched or
- processed.
- @since: 8.2
- @ivar source: Source XML stream.
- @ivar sink: Sink XML stream.
- """
- def __init__(self):
- self.source = EventDispatcher()
- self.sink = EventDispatcher()
- self.source.send = lambda obj: self.sink.dispatch(obj)
- self.sink.send = lambda obj: self.source.dispatch(obj)