#pragma once
#ifdef __GNUC__
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-parameter"
//===--- Comment.h - Comment AST nodes --------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// This file defines comment AST nodes.
#include "clang/AST/CommentCommandTraits.h"
#include "clang/AST/DeclObjC.h"
#include "clang/AST/Type.h"
#include "clang/Basic/SourceLocation.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
namespace clang {
class Decl;
class ParmVarDecl;
class TemplateParameterList;
namespace comments {
class FullComment;
/// Describes the syntax that was used in a documentation command.
/// Exact values of this enumeration are important because they used to select
/// parts of diagnostic messages. Audit diagnostics before changing or adding
/// a new value.
enum CommandMarkerKind {
/// Command started with a backslash character:
/// \code
/// \foo
/// \endcode
CMK_Backslash = 0,
/// Command started with an 'at' character:
/// \code
/// @foo
/// \endcode
CMK_At = 1
/// Any part of the comment.
/// Abstract class.
class Comment {
/// Preferred location to show caret.
SourceLocation Loc;
/// Source range of this AST node.
SourceRange Range;
class CommentBitfields {
friend class Comment;
/// Type of this AST node.
unsigned Kind : 8;
enum { NumCommentBits = 8 };
class InlineContentCommentBitfields {
friend class InlineContentComment;
unsigned : NumCommentBits;
/// True if there is a newline after this inline content node.
/// (There is no separate AST node for a newline.)
unsigned HasTrailingNewline : 1;
enum { NumInlineContentCommentBits = NumCommentBits + 1 };
class TextCommentBitfields {
friend class TextComment;
unsigned : NumInlineContentCommentBits;
/// True if \c IsWhitespace field contains a valid value.
mutable unsigned IsWhitespaceValid : 1;
/// True if this comment AST node contains only whitespace.
mutable unsigned IsWhitespace : 1;
enum { NumTextCommentBits = NumInlineContentCommentBits + 2 };
class InlineCommandCommentBitfields {
friend class InlineCommandComment;
unsigned : NumInlineContentCommentBits;
unsigned RenderKind : 3;
unsigned CommandID : CommandInfo::NumCommandIDBits;
enum { NumInlineCommandCommentBits = NumInlineContentCommentBits + 3 +
CommandInfo::NumCommandIDBits };
class HTMLTagCommentBitfields {
friend class HTMLTagComment;
unsigned : NumInlineContentCommentBits;
/// True if we found that this tag is malformed in some way.
unsigned IsMalformed : 1;
enum { NumHTMLTagCommentBits = NumInlineContentCommentBits + 1 };
class HTMLStartTagCommentBitfields {
friend class HTMLStartTagComment;
unsigned : NumHTMLTagCommentBits;
/// True if this tag is self-closing (e. g.,
). This is based on tag
/// spelling in comment (plain
would not set this flag).
unsigned IsSelfClosing : 1;
enum { NumHTMLStartTagCommentBits = NumHTMLTagCommentBits + 1 };
class ParagraphCommentBitfields {
friend class ParagraphComment;
unsigned : NumCommentBits;
/// True if \c IsWhitespace field contains a valid value.
mutable unsigned IsWhitespaceValid : 1;
/// True if this comment AST node contains only whitespace.
mutable unsigned IsWhitespace : 1;
enum { NumParagraphCommentBits = NumCommentBits + 2 };
class BlockCommandCommentBitfields {
friend class BlockCommandComment;
unsigned : NumCommentBits;
unsigned CommandID : CommandInfo::NumCommandIDBits;
/// Describes the syntax that was used in a documentation command.
/// Contains values from CommandMarkerKind enum.
unsigned CommandMarker : 1;
enum { NumBlockCommandCommentBits = NumCommentBits +
CommandInfo::NumCommandIDBits + 1 };
class ParamCommandCommentBitfields {
friend class ParamCommandComment;
unsigned : NumBlockCommandCommentBits;
/// Parameter passing direction, see ParamCommandComment::PassDirection.
unsigned Direction : 2;
/// True if direction was specified explicitly in the comment.
unsigned IsDirectionExplicit : 1;
enum { NumParamCommandCommentBits = NumBlockCommandCommentBits + 3 };
union {
CommentBitfields CommentBits;
InlineContentCommentBitfields InlineContentCommentBits;
TextCommentBitfields TextCommentBits;
InlineCommandCommentBitfields InlineCommandCommentBits;
HTMLTagCommentBitfields HTMLTagCommentBits;
HTMLStartTagCommentBitfields HTMLStartTagCommentBits;
ParagraphCommentBitfields ParagraphCommentBits;
BlockCommandCommentBitfields BlockCommandCommentBits;
ParamCommandCommentBitfields ParamCommandCommentBits;
void setSourceRange(SourceRange SR) {
Range = SR;
void setLocation(SourceLocation L) {
Loc = L;
enum CommentKind {
NoCommentKind = 0,
First##BASE##Constant=FIRST##Kind, Last##BASE##Constant=LAST##Kind,
First##BASE##Constant=FIRST##Kind, Last##BASE##Constant=LAST##Kind
#include "clang/AST/CommentNodes.inc"
Comment(CommentKind K,
SourceLocation LocBegin,
SourceLocation LocEnd) :
Loc(LocBegin), Range(SourceRange(LocBegin, LocEnd)) {
CommentBits.Kind = K;
CommentKind getCommentKind() const {
return static_cast(CommentBits.Kind);
const char *getCommentKindName() const;
void dump() const;
void dumpColor() const;
void dump(raw_ostream &OS, const ASTContext &Context) const;
SourceRange getSourceRange() const LLVM_READONLY { return Range; }
SourceLocation getBeginLoc() const LLVM_READONLY { return Range.getBegin(); }
SourceLocation getEndLoc() const LLVM_READONLY { return Range.getEnd(); }
SourceLocation getLocation() const LLVM_READONLY { return Loc; }
typedef Comment * const *child_iterator;
child_iterator child_begin() const;
child_iterator child_end() const;
// TODO: const child iterator
unsigned child_count() const {
return child_end() - child_begin();
/// Inline content (contained within a block).
/// Abstract class.
class InlineContentComment : public Comment {
InlineContentComment(CommentKind K,
SourceLocation LocBegin,
SourceLocation LocEnd) :
Comment(K, LocBegin, LocEnd) {
InlineContentCommentBits.HasTrailingNewline = 0;
static bool classof(const Comment *C) {
return C->getCommentKind() >= FirstInlineContentCommentConstant &&
C->getCommentKind() <= LastInlineContentCommentConstant;
void addTrailingNewline() {
InlineContentCommentBits.HasTrailingNewline = 1;
bool hasTrailingNewline() const {
return InlineContentCommentBits.HasTrailingNewline;
/// Plain text.
class TextComment : public InlineContentComment {
StringRef Text;
TextComment(SourceLocation LocBegin,
SourceLocation LocEnd,
StringRef Text) :
InlineContentComment(TextCommentKind, LocBegin, LocEnd),
Text(Text) {
TextCommentBits.IsWhitespaceValid = false;
static bool classof(const Comment *C) {
return C->getCommentKind() == TextCommentKind;
child_iterator child_begin() const { return nullptr; }
child_iterator child_end() const { return nullptr; }
StringRef getText() const LLVM_READONLY { return Text; }
bool isWhitespace() const {
if (TextCommentBits.IsWhitespaceValid)
return TextCommentBits.IsWhitespace;
TextCommentBits.IsWhitespace = isWhitespaceNoCache();
TextCommentBits.IsWhitespaceValid = true;
return TextCommentBits.IsWhitespace;
bool isWhitespaceNoCache() const;
/// A command with word-like arguments that is considered inline content.
class InlineCommandComment : public InlineContentComment {
struct Argument {
SourceRange Range;
StringRef Text;
Argument(SourceRange Range, StringRef Text) : Range(Range), Text(Text) { }
/// The most appropriate rendering mode for this command, chosen on command
/// semantics in Doxygen.
enum RenderKind {
/// Command arguments.
ArrayRef Args;
InlineCommandComment(SourceLocation LocBegin,
SourceLocation LocEnd,
unsigned CommandID,
RenderKind RK,
ArrayRef Args) :
InlineContentComment(InlineCommandCommentKind, LocBegin, LocEnd),
Args(Args) {
InlineCommandCommentBits.RenderKind = RK;
InlineCommandCommentBits.CommandID = CommandID;
static bool classof(const Comment *C) {
return C->getCommentKind() == InlineCommandCommentKind;
child_iterator child_begin() const { return nullptr; }
child_iterator child_end() const { return nullptr; }
unsigned getCommandID() const {
return InlineCommandCommentBits.CommandID;
StringRef getCommandName(const CommandTraits &Traits) const {
return Traits.getCommandInfo(getCommandID())->Name;
SourceRange getCommandNameRange() const {
return SourceRange(getBeginLoc().getLocWithOffset(-1), getEndLoc());
RenderKind getRenderKind() const {
return static_cast(InlineCommandCommentBits.RenderKind);
unsigned getNumArgs() const {
return Args.size();
StringRef getArgText(unsigned Idx) const {
return Args[Idx].Text;
SourceRange getArgRange(unsigned Idx) const {
return Args[Idx].Range;
/// Abstract class for opening and closing HTML tags. HTML tags are always
/// treated as inline content (regardless HTML semantics).
class HTMLTagComment : public InlineContentComment {
StringRef TagName;
SourceRange TagNameRange;
HTMLTagComment(CommentKind K,
SourceLocation LocBegin,
SourceLocation LocEnd,
StringRef TagName,
SourceLocation TagNameBegin,
SourceLocation TagNameEnd) :
InlineContentComment(K, LocBegin, LocEnd),
TagNameRange(TagNameBegin, TagNameEnd) {
HTMLTagCommentBits.IsMalformed = 0;
static bool classof(const Comment *C) {
return C->getCommentKind() >= FirstHTMLTagCommentConstant &&
C->getCommentKind() <= LastHTMLTagCommentConstant;
StringRef getTagName() const LLVM_READONLY { return TagName; }
SourceRange getTagNameSourceRange() const LLVM_READONLY {
SourceLocation L = getLocation();
return SourceRange(L.getLocWithOffset(1),
L.getLocWithOffset(1 + TagName.size()));
bool isMalformed() const {
return HTMLTagCommentBits.IsMalformed;
void setIsMalformed() {
HTMLTagCommentBits.IsMalformed = 1;
/// An opening HTML tag with attributes.
class HTMLStartTagComment : public HTMLTagComment {
class Attribute {
SourceLocation NameLocBegin;
StringRef Name;
SourceLocation EqualsLoc;
SourceRange ValueRange;
StringRef Value;
Attribute() { }
Attribute(SourceLocation NameLocBegin, StringRef Name)
: NameLocBegin(NameLocBegin), Name(Name), EqualsLoc(SourceLocation()) {}
Attribute(SourceLocation NameLocBegin, StringRef Name,
SourceLocation EqualsLoc, SourceRange ValueRange, StringRef Value)
: NameLocBegin(NameLocBegin), Name(Name), EqualsLoc(EqualsLoc),
ValueRange(ValueRange), Value(Value) {}
SourceLocation getNameLocEnd() const {
return NameLocBegin.getLocWithOffset(Name.size());
SourceRange getNameRange() const {
return SourceRange(NameLocBegin, getNameLocEnd());
ArrayRef Attributes;
HTMLStartTagComment(SourceLocation LocBegin,
StringRef TagName) :
LocBegin, LocBegin.getLocWithOffset(1 + TagName.size()),
LocBegin.getLocWithOffset(1 + TagName.size())) {
HTMLStartTagCommentBits.IsSelfClosing = false;
static bool classof(const Comment *C) {
return C->getCommentKind() == HTMLStartTagCommentKind;
child_iterator child_begin() const { return nullptr; }
child_iterator child_end() const { return nullptr; }
unsigned getNumAttrs() const {
return Attributes.size();
const Attribute &getAttr(unsigned Idx) const {
return Attributes[Idx];
void setAttrs(ArrayRef Attrs) {
Attributes = Attrs;
if (!Attrs.empty()) {
const Attribute &Attr = Attrs.back();
SourceLocation L = Attr.ValueRange.getEnd();
if (L.isValid())
else {
void setGreaterLoc(SourceLocation GreaterLoc) {
bool isSelfClosing() const {
return HTMLStartTagCommentBits.IsSelfClosing;
void setSelfClosing() {
HTMLStartTagCommentBits.IsSelfClosing = true;
/// A closing HTML tag.
class HTMLEndTagComment : public HTMLTagComment {
HTMLEndTagComment(SourceLocation LocBegin,
SourceLocation LocEnd,
StringRef TagName) :
LocBegin, LocEnd,
LocBegin.getLocWithOffset(2 + TagName.size()))
{ }
static bool classof(const Comment *C) {
return C->getCommentKind() == HTMLEndTagCommentKind;
child_iterator child_begin() const { return nullptr; }
child_iterator child_end() const { return nullptr; }
/// Block content (contains inline content).
/// Abstract class.
class BlockContentComment : public Comment {
BlockContentComment(CommentKind K,
SourceLocation LocBegin,
SourceLocation LocEnd) :
Comment(K, LocBegin, LocEnd)
{ }
static bool classof(const Comment *C) {
return C->getCommentKind() >= FirstBlockContentCommentConstant &&
C->getCommentKind() <= LastBlockContentCommentConstant;
/// A single paragraph that contains inline content.
class ParagraphComment : public BlockContentComment {
ArrayRef Content;
ParagraphComment(ArrayRef Content) :
Content(Content) {
if (Content.empty()) {
ParagraphCommentBits.IsWhitespace = true;
ParagraphCommentBits.IsWhitespaceValid = true;
ParagraphCommentBits.IsWhitespaceValid = false;
static bool classof(const Comment *C) {
return C->getCommentKind() == ParagraphCommentKind;
child_iterator child_begin() const {
return reinterpret_cast(Content.begin());
child_iterator child_end() const {
return reinterpret_cast(Content.end());
bool isWhitespace() const {
if (ParagraphCommentBits.IsWhitespaceValid)
return ParagraphCommentBits.IsWhitespace;
ParagraphCommentBits.IsWhitespace = isWhitespaceNoCache();
ParagraphCommentBits.IsWhitespaceValid = true;
return ParagraphCommentBits.IsWhitespace;
bool isWhitespaceNoCache() const;
/// A command that has zero or more word-like arguments (number of word-like
/// arguments depends on command name) and a paragraph as an argument
/// (e. g., \\brief).
class BlockCommandComment : public BlockContentComment {
struct Argument {
SourceRange Range;
StringRef Text;
Argument() { }
Argument(SourceRange Range, StringRef Text) : Range(Range), Text(Text) { }
/// Word-like arguments.
ArrayRef Args;
/// Paragraph argument.
ParagraphComment *Paragraph;
BlockCommandComment(CommentKind K,
SourceLocation LocBegin,
SourceLocation LocEnd,
unsigned CommandID,
CommandMarkerKind CommandMarker) :
BlockContentComment(K, LocBegin, LocEnd),
Paragraph(nullptr) {
BlockCommandCommentBits.CommandID = CommandID;
BlockCommandCommentBits.CommandMarker = CommandMarker;
BlockCommandComment(SourceLocation LocBegin,
SourceLocation LocEnd,
unsigned CommandID,
CommandMarkerKind CommandMarker) :
BlockContentComment(BlockCommandCommentKind, LocBegin, LocEnd),
Paragraph(nullptr) {
BlockCommandCommentBits.CommandID = CommandID;
BlockCommandCommentBits.CommandMarker = CommandMarker;
static bool classof(const Comment *C) {
return C->getCommentKind() >= FirstBlockCommandCommentConstant &&
C->getCommentKind() <= LastBlockCommandCommentConstant;
child_iterator child_begin() const {
return reinterpret_cast(&Paragraph);
child_iterator child_end() const {
return reinterpret_cast(&Paragraph + 1);
unsigned getCommandID() const {
return BlockCommandCommentBits.CommandID;
StringRef getCommandName(const CommandTraits &Traits) const {
return Traits.getCommandInfo(getCommandID())->Name;
SourceLocation getCommandNameBeginLoc() const {
return getBeginLoc().getLocWithOffset(1);
SourceRange getCommandNameRange(const CommandTraits &Traits) const {
StringRef Name = getCommandName(Traits);
return SourceRange(getCommandNameBeginLoc(),
getBeginLoc().getLocWithOffset(1 + Name.size()));
unsigned getNumArgs() const {
return Args.size();
StringRef getArgText(unsigned Idx) const {
return Args[Idx].Text;
SourceRange getArgRange(unsigned Idx) const {
return Args[Idx].Range;
void setArgs(ArrayRef A) {
Args = A;
if (Args.size() > 0) {
SourceLocation NewLocEnd = Args.back().Range.getEnd();
if (NewLocEnd.isValid())
setSourceRange(SourceRange(getBeginLoc(), NewLocEnd));
ParagraphComment *getParagraph() const LLVM_READONLY {
return Paragraph;
bool hasNonWhitespaceParagraph() const {
return Paragraph && !Paragraph->isWhitespace();
void setParagraph(ParagraphComment *PC) {
Paragraph = PC;
SourceLocation NewLocEnd = PC->getEndLoc();
if (NewLocEnd.isValid())
setSourceRange(SourceRange(getBeginLoc(), NewLocEnd));
CommandMarkerKind getCommandMarker() const LLVM_READONLY {
return static_cast(
/// Doxygen \\param command.
class ParamCommandComment : public BlockCommandComment {
/// Parameter index in the function declaration.
unsigned ParamIndex;
enum : unsigned {
InvalidParamIndex = ~0U,
VarArgParamIndex = ~0U/*InvalidParamIndex*/ - 1U
ParamCommandComment(SourceLocation LocBegin,
SourceLocation LocEnd,
unsigned CommandID,
CommandMarkerKind CommandMarker) :
BlockCommandComment(ParamCommandCommentKind, LocBegin, LocEnd,
CommandID, CommandMarker),
ParamIndex(InvalidParamIndex) {
ParamCommandCommentBits.Direction = In;
ParamCommandCommentBits.IsDirectionExplicit = false;
static bool classof(const Comment *C) {
return C->getCommentKind() == ParamCommandCommentKind;
enum PassDirection {
static const char *getDirectionAsString(PassDirection D);
PassDirection getDirection() const LLVM_READONLY {
return static_cast(ParamCommandCommentBits.Direction);
bool isDirectionExplicit() const LLVM_READONLY {
return ParamCommandCommentBits.IsDirectionExplicit;
void setDirection(PassDirection Direction, bool Explicit) {
ParamCommandCommentBits.Direction = Direction;
ParamCommandCommentBits.IsDirectionExplicit = Explicit;
bool hasParamName() const {
return getNumArgs() > 0;
StringRef getParamName(const FullComment *FC) const;
StringRef getParamNameAsWritten() const {
return Args[0].Text;
SourceRange getParamNameRange() const {
return Args[0].Range;
bool isParamIndexValid() const LLVM_READONLY {
return ParamIndex != InvalidParamIndex;
bool isVarArgParam() const LLVM_READONLY {
return ParamIndex == VarArgParamIndex;
void setIsVarArgParam() {
ParamIndex = VarArgParamIndex;
unsigned getParamIndex() const LLVM_READONLY {
return ParamIndex;
void setParamIndex(unsigned Index) {
ParamIndex = Index;
/// Doxygen \\tparam command, describes a template parameter.
class TParamCommandComment : public BlockCommandComment {
/// If this template parameter name was resolved (found in template parameter
/// list), then this stores a list of position indexes in all template
/// parameter lists.
/// For example:
/// \verbatim
/// template class TT>
/// void test(TT aaa);
/// \endverbatim
/// For C: Position = { 0 }
/// For TT: Position = { 1 }
/// For T: Position = { 1, 0 }
ArrayRef Position;
TParamCommandComment(SourceLocation LocBegin,
SourceLocation LocEnd,
unsigned CommandID,
CommandMarkerKind CommandMarker) :
BlockCommandComment(TParamCommandCommentKind, LocBegin, LocEnd, CommandID,
{ }
static bool classof(const Comment *C) {
return C->getCommentKind() == TParamCommandCommentKind;
bool hasParamName() const {
return getNumArgs() > 0;
StringRef getParamName(const FullComment *FC) const;
StringRef getParamNameAsWritten() const {
return Args[0].Text;
SourceRange getParamNameRange() const {
return Args[0].Range;
bool isPositionValid() const LLVM_READONLY {
return !Position.empty();
unsigned getDepth() const {
return Position.size();
unsigned getIndex(unsigned Depth) const {
return Position[Depth];
void setPosition(ArrayRef NewPosition) {
Position = NewPosition;
/// A line of text contained in a verbatim block.
class VerbatimBlockLineComment : public Comment {
StringRef Text;
VerbatimBlockLineComment(SourceLocation LocBegin,
StringRef Text) :
{ }
static bool classof(const Comment *C) {
return C->getCommentKind() == VerbatimBlockLineCommentKind;
child_iterator child_begin() const { return nullptr; }
child_iterator child_end() const { return nullptr; }
StringRef getText() const LLVM_READONLY {
return Text;
/// A verbatim block command (e. g., preformatted code). Verbatim block has an
/// opening and a closing command and contains multiple lines of text
/// (VerbatimBlockLineComment nodes).
class VerbatimBlockComment : public BlockCommandComment {
StringRef CloseName;
SourceLocation CloseNameLocBegin;
ArrayRef Lines;
VerbatimBlockComment(SourceLocation LocBegin,
SourceLocation LocEnd,
unsigned CommandID) :
LocBegin, LocEnd, CommandID,
CMK_At) // FIXME: improve source fidelity.
{ }
static bool classof(const Comment *C) {
return C->getCommentKind() == VerbatimBlockCommentKind;
child_iterator child_begin() const {
return reinterpret_cast(Lines.begin());
child_iterator child_end() const {
return reinterpret_cast(Lines.end());
void setCloseName(StringRef Name, SourceLocation LocBegin) {
CloseName = Name;
CloseNameLocBegin = LocBegin;
void setLines(ArrayRef L) {
Lines = L;
StringRef getCloseName() const {
return CloseName;
unsigned getNumLines() const {
return Lines.size();
StringRef getText(unsigned LineIdx) const {
return Lines[LineIdx]->getText();
/// A verbatim line command. Verbatim line has an opening command, a single
/// line of text (up to the newline after the opening command) and has no
/// closing command.
class VerbatimLineComment : public BlockCommandComment {
StringRef Text;
SourceLocation TextBegin;
VerbatimLineComment(SourceLocation LocBegin,
SourceLocation LocEnd,
unsigned CommandID,
SourceLocation TextBegin,
StringRef Text) :
LocBegin, LocEnd,
CMK_At), // FIXME: improve source fidelity.
{ }
static bool classof(const Comment *C) {
return C->getCommentKind() == VerbatimLineCommentKind;
child_iterator child_begin() const { return nullptr; }
child_iterator child_end() const { return nullptr; }
StringRef getText() const {
return Text;
SourceRange getTextRange() const {
return SourceRange(TextBegin, getEndLoc());
/// Information about the declaration, useful to clients of FullComment.
struct DeclInfo {
/// Declaration the comment is actually attached to (in the source).
/// Should not be NULL.
const Decl *CommentDecl;
/// CurrentDecl is the declaration with which the FullComment is associated.
/// It can be different from \c CommentDecl. It happens when we decide
/// that the comment originally attached to \c CommentDecl is fine for
/// \c CurrentDecl too (for example, for a redeclaration or an overrider of
/// \c CommentDecl).
/// The information in the DeclInfo corresponds to CurrentDecl.
const Decl *CurrentDecl;
/// Parameters that can be referenced by \\param if \c CommentDecl is something
/// that we consider a "function".
ArrayRef ParamVars;
/// Function return type if \c CommentDecl is something that we consider
/// a "function".
QualType ReturnType;
/// Template parameters that can be referenced by \\tparam if \c CommentDecl is
/// a template (\c IsTemplateDecl or \c IsTemplatePartialSpecialization is
/// true).
const TemplateParameterList *TemplateParameters;
/// A simplified description of \c CommentDecl kind that should be good enough
/// for documentation rendering purposes.
enum DeclKind {
/// Everything else not explicitly mentioned below.
/// Something that we consider a "function":
/// \li function,
/// \li function template,
/// \li function template specialization,
/// \li member function,
/// \li member function template,
/// \li member function template specialization,
/// \li ObjC method,
/// Something that we consider a "class":
/// \li class/struct,
/// \li class template,
/// \li class template (partial) specialization.
/// Something that we consider a "variable":
/// \li namespace scope variables and variable templates;
/// \li static and non-static class data members and member templates;
/// \li enumerators.
/// A C++ namespace.
/// A C++ typedef-name (a 'typedef' decl specifier or alias-declaration),
/// see \c TypedefNameDecl.
/// An enumeration or scoped enumeration.
/// What kind of template specialization \c CommentDecl is.
enum TemplateDeclKind {
/// If false, only \c CommentDecl is valid.
unsigned IsFilled : 1;
/// Simplified kind of \c CommentDecl, see \c DeclKind enum.
unsigned Kind : 3;
/// Is \c CommentDecl a template declaration.
unsigned TemplateKind : 2;
/// Is \c CommentDecl an ObjCMethodDecl.
unsigned IsObjCMethod : 1;
/// Is \c CommentDecl a non-static member function of C++ class or
/// instance method of ObjC class.
/// Can be true only if \c IsFunctionDecl is true.
unsigned IsInstanceMethod : 1;
/// Is \c CommentDecl a static member function of C++ class or
/// class method of ObjC class.
/// Can be true only if \c IsFunctionDecl is true.
unsigned IsClassMethod : 1;
/// Is \c CommentDecl something we consider a "function" that's variadic.
unsigned IsVariadic : 1;
void fill();
DeclKind getKind() const LLVM_READONLY {
return static_cast(Kind);
TemplateDeclKind getTemplateKind() const LLVM_READONLY {
return static_cast(TemplateKind);
bool involvesFunctionType() const { return !ReturnType.isNull(); }
/// A full comment attached to a declaration, contains block content.
class FullComment : public Comment {
ArrayRef Blocks;
DeclInfo *ThisDeclInfo;
FullComment(ArrayRef Blocks, DeclInfo *D) :
Comment(FullCommentKind, SourceLocation(), SourceLocation()),
Blocks(Blocks), ThisDeclInfo(D) {
if (Blocks.empty())
SourceRange(Blocks.front()->getBeginLoc(), Blocks.back()->getEndLoc()));
static bool classof(const Comment *C) {
return C->getCommentKind() == FullCommentKind;
child_iterator child_begin() const {
return reinterpret_cast(Blocks.begin());
child_iterator child_end() const {
return reinterpret_cast(Blocks.end());
const Decl *getDecl() const LLVM_READONLY {
return ThisDeclInfo->CommentDecl;
const DeclInfo *getDeclInfo() const LLVM_READONLY {
if (!ThisDeclInfo->IsFilled)
return ThisDeclInfo;
ArrayRef getBlocks() const { return Blocks; }
} // end namespace comments
} // end namespace clang
#ifdef __GNUC__
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop