import os import process_command_files as pcf class ProcessWholeArchiveOption(): def __init__(self, arch, peers=None, libs=None): self.arch = arch.upper() self.peers = { x : 0 for x in peers } if peers else None self.libs = { x : 0 for x in libs } if libs else None self.start_wa_marker = '--start-wa' self.end_wa_marker = '--end-wa' def _match_peer_lib(self, arg, ext): key = None if arg.endswith(ext): key = os.path.dirname(arg) return key if key and self.peers and key in self.peers else None def _match_lib(self, arg): return arg if self.libs and arg in self.libs else None def _process_arg(self, arg, ext='.a'): peer_key = self._match_peer_lib(arg, ext) lib_key = self._match_lib(arg) if peer_key: self.peers[peer_key] += 1 if lib_key: self.libs[lib_key] += 1 return peer_key if peer_key else lib_key def _check_peers(self): if self.peers: for key, value in self.peers.items(): assert value > 0, '"{}" specified in WHOLE_ARCHIVE() macro is not used on link command'.format(key) def _construct_cmd_apple(self, args): force_load_flag = '-Wl,-force_load,' is_inside_wa_markers = False cmd = [] for arg in args: if arg.startswith(force_load_flag): cmd.append(arg) elif arg == self.start_wa_marker: is_inside_wa_markers = True elif arg == self.end_wa_marker: is_inside_wa_markers = False elif is_inside_wa_markers: cmd.append(force_load_flag + arg) else: key = self._process_arg(arg) cmd.append(force_load_flag + arg if key else arg) self._check_peers() return cmd def _construct_cmd_win(self, args): whole_archive_prefix = '/WHOLEARCHIVE:' is_inside_wa_markers = False def add_prefix(arg, need_check_peers_and_libs): key = self._process_arg(arg, '.lib') if need_check_peers_and_libs else arg return whole_archive_prefix + arg if key else arg def add_whole_archive_prefix(arg, need_check_peers_and_libs): if not pcf.is_cmdfile_arg(arg): return add_prefix(arg, need_check_peers_and_libs) cmd_file_path = pcf.cmdfile_path(arg) cf_args = pcf.read_from_command_file(cmd_file_path) with open(cmd_file_path, 'w') as afile: for cf_arg in cf_args: afile.write(add_prefix(cf_arg, need_check_peers_and_libs) + "\n") return arg cmd = [] for arg in args: if arg == self.start_wa_marker: is_inside_wa_markers = True elif arg == self.end_wa_marker: is_inside_wa_markers = False elif is_inside_wa_markers: cmd.append(add_whole_archive_prefix(arg, False)) continue elif self.peers or self.libs: cmd.append(add_whole_archive_prefix(arg, True)) else: cmd.append(arg) self._check_peers() return cmd def _construct_cmd_linux(self, args): whole_archive_flag = '-Wl,--whole-archive' no_whole_archive_flag = '-Wl,--no-whole-archive' def replace_markers(arg): if arg == self.start_wa_marker: return whole_archive_flag if arg == self.end_wa_marker: return no_whole_archive_flag return arg args = [replace_markers(arg) for arg in args] cmd = [] is_inside_whole_archive = False is_whole_archive = False # We are trying not to create excessive sequences of consecutive flags # -Wl,--no-whole-archive -Wl,--whole-archive ('externally' specified # flags -Wl,--[no-]whole-archive are not taken for consideration in this # optimization intentionally) for arg in args: if arg == whole_archive_flag: is_inside_whole_archive = True is_whole_archive = False elif arg == no_whole_archive_flag: is_inside_whole_archive = False is_whole_archive = False else: key = self._process_arg(arg) if not is_inside_whole_archive: if key: if not is_whole_archive: cmd.append(whole_archive_flag) is_whole_archive = True elif is_whole_archive: cmd.append(no_whole_archive_flag) is_whole_archive = False cmd.append(arg) if is_whole_archive: cmd.append(no_whole_archive_flag) # There can be an empty sequence of archive files between # -Wl, --whole-archive and -Wl, --no-whole-archive flags. # As a result an unknown option error may occur, therefore to # prevent this case we need to remove both flags from cmd. # These flags affects only on subsequent archive files. if len(cmd) == 2: return [] self._check_peers() return cmd def construct_cmd(self, args): if self.arch in ('DARWIN', 'IOS', 'IOSSIM'): return self._construct_cmd_apple(args) if self.arch == 'WINDOWS': return self._construct_cmd_win(args) return self._construct_cmd_linux(args) def get_whole_archive_peers_and_libs(args): remaining_args = [] peers = [] libs = [] peers_flag = '--whole-archive-peers' libs_flag = '--whole-archive-libs' next_is_peer = False next_is_lib = False for arg in args: if arg == peers_flag: next_is_peer = True elif arg == libs_flag: next_is_lib = True elif next_is_peer: peers.append(arg) next_is_peer = False elif next_is_lib: libs.append(arg) next_is_lib = False else: remaining_args.append(arg) return remaining_args, peers, libs