#include "retryful_writer_v2.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace NYT::NPrivate { //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class TRetryfulWriterV2::TSentBuffer { public: TSentBuffer() = default; TSentBuffer(const TSentBuffer& ) = delete; std::pair, ssize_t> Snapshot() const { return {Buffer_, Size_}; } void Clear() { // This method can be called only if no other object is holding snapshot. Y_ABORT_IF(Buffer_.use_count() != 1); Size_ = 0; } ssize_t Size() const { return Size_; } void Append(const void* data, ssize_t size) { auto newSize = Size_ + size; if (newSize < Capacity_) { memcpy(Buffer_->data() + Size_, data, size); } else { // Closest power of 2 exceeding new size auto newCapacity = 1 << (MostSignificantBit(newSize) + 1); newCapacity = Max(64, newCapacity); auto newBuffer = std::make_shared(); newBuffer->resize(newCapacity); memcpy(newBuffer->data(), Buffer_->data(), Size_); memcpy(newBuffer->data() + Size_, data, size); Buffer_ = newBuffer; Capacity_ = newCapacity; } Size_ = newSize; } private: std::shared_ptr Buffer_ = std::make_shared(); ssize_t Size_ = 0; ssize_t Capacity_ = 0; }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class TRetryfulWriterV2::TSender { public: TSender(TRichYPath path, THeavyRequestRetrier::TParameters parameters) : SenderThread_( [this, path=std::move(path), parameters=std::move(parameters)] { ThreadMain(std::move(path), parameters); }) { SenderThread_.SetCurrentThreadName("retryful-writer-v2-sender"); SenderThread_.Start(); } ~TSender() { Abort(); SenderThread_.Join(); } bool IsRunning() const { auto g = Guard(Lock_); return State_.load() == EState::Running && !Error_; } void Abort() { auto g = Guard(Lock_); SetFinishedState(EState::Aborted, g); } void Finish() { { auto g = Guard(Lock_); SetFinishedState(EState::Completed, g); } SenderThread_.Join(); CheckNoError(); Y_ABORT_UNLESS(TaskIdQueue_.empty()); Y_ABORT_UNLESS(TaskMap_.empty()); } // Return future that is complete once upload of this buffer is successfully complete std::pair, int> StartBlock() { auto g = Guard(Lock_); CheckNoError(); auto taskId = NextTaskId_++; const auto& [it, inserted] = TaskMap_.emplace(taskId, TWriteTask{}); Y_ABORT_IF(!inserted); TaskIdQueue_.push(taskId); HaveMoreData_.Signal(); it->second.SendingComplete = NThreading::NewPromise(); return {it->second.SendingComplete, taskId}; } void UpdateBlock(int taskId, const TSentBuffer& buffer, bool complete) { auto snapshot = buffer.Snapshot(); { auto g = Guard(Lock_); CheckNoError(); auto it = TaskMap_.find(taskId); Y_ABORT_IF(it == TaskMap_.end()); auto& writeTask = it->second; writeTask.Data = std::move(snapshot.first); writeTask.Size = snapshot.second; writeTask.BufferComplete = complete; if (TaskIdQueue_.empty() || TaskIdQueue_.back() != taskId) { TaskIdQueue_.push(taskId); } HaveMoreData_.Signal(); } } private: enum class EState; private: void CheckNoError() { if (Error_) { std::rethrow_exception(Error_); } } void SetFinishedState(EState state, TGuard&) { if (State_ == EState::Running) { State_ = state; } HaveMoreData_.Signal(); } void ThreadMain(TRichYPath path, const THeavyRequestRetrier::TParameters& parameters) { std::unique_ptr retrier; auto firstRequestParameters = parameters; auto restRequestParameters = parameters; { TNode firstPath = PathToNode(path); firstRequestParameters.Header.MergeParameters(TNode()("path", firstPath), /*overwrite*/ true); TNode restPath = PathToNode(TRichYPath(path.Path_).Append(true)); restRequestParameters.Header.MergeParameters(TNode()("path", restPath), /*overwrite*/ true); } const auto* currentParameters = &firstRequestParameters; while (true) { int taskId = 0; TWriteTask task; { auto g = Guard(Lock_); while (State_ == EState::Running && TaskIdQueue_.empty()) { HaveMoreData_.Wait(Lock_); } if ( State_ == EState::Aborted || State_ == EState::Completed && TaskIdQueue_.empty() ) { break; } taskId = TaskIdQueue_.front(); TaskIdQueue_.pop(); if (auto it = TaskMap_.find(taskId); it != TaskMap_.end()) { task = it->second; } else { Y_ABORT(); } } try { if (!retrier) { retrier = std::make_unique(*currentParameters); } retrier->Update([task=task] { return std::make_unique(task.Data->data(), task.Size); }); if (task.BufferComplete) { retrier->Finish(); retrier.reset(); } } catch (const std::exception& ex) { task.SendingComplete.SetException(std::current_exception()); auto g = Guard(Lock_); Error_ = std::current_exception(); return; } if (task.BufferComplete) { retrier.reset(); task.SendingComplete.SetValue(); currentParameters = &restRequestParameters; auto g = Guard(Lock_); auto erased = TaskMap_.erase(taskId); Y_ABORT_UNLESS(erased == 1); } } if (State_ == EState::Completed) { auto g = Guard(Lock_); Y_ABORT_UNLESS(TaskIdQueue_.empty()); Y_ABORT_UNLESS(TaskMap_.empty()); } } private: struct TWriteTask { NThreading::TPromise SendingComplete; std::shared_ptr Data = std::make_shared(); ssize_t Size = 0; bool BufferComplete = false; }; TMutex Lock_; TCondVar HaveMoreData_; TThread SenderThread_; THashMap TaskMap_; std::queue TaskIdQueue_; std::exception_ptr Error_; enum class EState { Running, Completed, Aborted, }; std::atomic State_ = EState::Running; int NextTaskId_ = 0; }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// struct TRetryfulWriterV2::TSendTask { TSentBuffer Buffer; NThreading::TFuture SentFuture = NThreading::MakeFuture(); int TaskId = 0; }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TRetryfulWriterV2::TRetryfulWriterV2( const IRawClientPtr& rawClient, IClientRetryPolicyPtr clientRetryPolicy, ITransactionPingerPtr transactionPinger, const TClientContext& context, const TTransactionId& parentId, const TString& command, const TMaybe& format, const TRichYPath& path, const TNode& serializedWriterOptions, ssize_t bufferSize, bool createTransaction) : BufferSize_(bufferSize) , Current_(std::make_unique()) , Previous_(std::make_unique()) { THttpHeader httpHeader("PUT", command); httpHeader.SetInputFormat(format); httpHeader.MergeParameters(serializedWriterOptions); if (createTransaction) { WriteTransaction_ = std::make_unique( rawClient, clientRetryPolicy, context, parentId, transactionPinger->GetChildTxPinger(), TStartTransactionOptions() ); auto append = path.Append_.GetOrElse(false); auto lockMode = (append ? LM_SHARED : LM_EXCLUSIVE); NDetail::RequestWithRetry( clientRetryPolicy->CreatePolicyForGenericRequest(), [this, &rawClient, &path, &lockMode] (TMutationId& mutationId) { rawClient->Lock(mutationId, WriteTransaction_->GetId(), path.Path_, lockMode); }); } THeavyRequestRetrier::TParameters parameters = { .RawClientPtr = rawClient, .ClientRetryPolicy = clientRetryPolicy, .TransactionPinger = transactionPinger, .Context = context, .TransactionId = WriteTransaction_ ? WriteTransaction_->GetId() : parentId, .Header = std::move(httpHeader), }; Sender_ = std::make_unique(path, parameters); DoStartBatch(); } void TRetryfulWriterV2::Abort() { auto sender = std::move(Sender_); auto writeTransaction = std::move(WriteTransaction_); if (sender) { sender->Abort(); if (writeTransaction) { writeTransaction->Abort(); } } } size_t TRetryfulWriterV2::GetBufferMemoryUsage() const { return BufferSize_ * 4; } void TRetryfulWriterV2::DoFinish() { auto sender = std::move(Sender_); auto writeTransaction = std::move(WriteTransaction_); if (sender && sender->IsRunning()) { sender->UpdateBlock(Current_->TaskId, Current_->Buffer, true); sender->Finish(); if (writeTransaction) { writeTransaction->Commit(); } } } void TRetryfulWriterV2::DoStartBatch() { Previous_->SentFuture.Wait(); std::swap(Previous_, Current_); auto&& [future, taskId] = Sender_->StartBlock(); Current_->SentFuture = future; Current_->TaskId = taskId; Current_->Buffer.Clear(); NextSizeToSend_ = SendStep_; } void TRetryfulWriterV2::DoWrite(const void* buf, size_t len) { Current_->Buffer.Append(buf, len); auto currentSize = Current_->Buffer.Size(); if (currentSize >= NextSizeToSend_) { Sender_->UpdateBlock(Current_->TaskId, Current_->Buffer, false); NextSizeToSend_ = currentSize + SendStep_; } } void TRetryfulWriterV2::NotifyRowEnd() { if (Current_->Buffer.Size() >= BufferSize_) { Sender_->UpdateBlock(Current_->TaskId, Current_->Buffer, true); DoStartBatch(); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// } // namespace NYT::NPrivate