#include "adaptive_histogram.h" #include #include #include #include #include namespace NKiwiAggr { TAdaptiveHistogram::TAdaptiveHistogram(size_t intervals, ui64 id, TQualityFunction qualityFunc) : Id(id) , MinValue(0.0) , MaxValue(0.0) , Sum(0.0) , Intervals(intervals) , CalcQuality(qualityFunc) { } TAdaptiveHistogram::TAdaptiveHistogram(const THistogram& histo, size_t defaultIntervals, ui64 defaultId, TQualityFunction qualityFunc) : TAdaptiveHistogram(defaultIntervals, defaultId, qualityFunc) { FromProto(histo); } TAdaptiveHistogram::TAdaptiveHistogram(IHistogram* histo, size_t defaultIntervals, ui64 defaultId, TQualityFunction qualityFunc) : TAdaptiveHistogram(defaultIntervals, defaultId, qualityFunc) { TAdaptiveHistogram* adaptiveHisto = dynamic_cast(histo); if (!adaptiveHisto) { FromIHistogram(histo); return; } Id = adaptiveHisto->Id; MinValue = adaptiveHisto->MinValue; MaxValue = adaptiveHisto->MaxValue; Sum = adaptiveHisto->Sum; Intervals = adaptiveHisto->Intervals; Bins = adaptiveHisto->Bins; BinsByQuality = adaptiveHisto->BinsByQuality; if (CalcQuality == nullptr) { CalcQuality = adaptiveHisto->CalcQuality; } } TQualityFunction TAdaptiveHistogram::GetQualityFunc() { return CalcQuality; } void TAdaptiveHistogram::Clear() { Sum = 0.0; Bins.clear(); BinsByQuality.clear(); } void TAdaptiveHistogram::Add(const THistoRec& histoRec) { if (!histoRec.HasId() || histoRec.GetId() == Id) { Add(histoRec.GetValue(), histoRec.GetWeight()); } } void TAdaptiveHistogram::Add(double value, double weight) { if (!IsValidFloat(value) || !IsValidFloat(weight)) { ythrow yexception() << Sprintf("Histogram id %lu: bad value %f weight %f", Id, value, weight); } TWeightedValue weightedValue(value, weight); Add(weightedValue, true); PrecomputedBins.clear(); } void TAdaptiveHistogram::Merge(const THistogram& histo, double multiplier) { if (!IsValidFloat(histo.GetMinValue()) || !IsValidFloat(histo.GetMaxValue())) { fprintf(stderr, "Merging in histogram id %lu: skip bad histo with minvalue %f maxvalue %f\n", Id, histo.GetMinValue(), histo.GetMaxValue()); return; } if (histo.FreqSize() == 0) { return; // skip empty histos } if (histo.GetType() == HT_ADAPTIVE_DISTANCE_HISTOGRAM || histo.GetType() == HT_ADAPTIVE_WEIGHT_HISTOGRAM || histo.GetType() == HT_ADAPTIVE_WARD_HISTOGRAM || histo.GetType() == HT_ADAPTIVE_HISTOGRAM) { Y_ABORT_UNLESS(histo.FreqSize() == histo.PositionSize(), "Corrupted histo"); for (size_t j = 0; j < histo.FreqSize(); ++j) { double value = histo.GetPosition(j); double weight = histo.GetFreq(j); if (!IsValidFloat(value) || !IsValidFloat(weight)) { fprintf(stderr, "Merging in histogram id %lu: skip bad value %f weight %f\n", Id, value, weight); continue; } Add(value, weight * multiplier); } MinValue = Min(MinValue, histo.GetMinValue()); MaxValue = Max(MaxValue, histo.GetMaxValue()); } else if (histo.GetType() == HT_FIXED_BIN_HISTOGRAM) { double pos = histo.GetMinValue() + histo.GetBinRange() / 2.0; for (size_t j = 0; j < histo.FreqSize(); ++j) { double weight = histo.GetFreq(j); if (!IsValidFloat(pos) || !IsValidFloat(weight)) { fprintf(stderr, "Merging in histogram id %lu: skip bad value %f weight %f\n", Id, pos, weight); pos += histo.GetBinRange(); continue; } Add(pos, weight * multiplier); pos += histo.GetBinRange(); } MinValue = Min(MinValue, histo.GetMinValue()); MaxValue = Max(MaxValue, histo.GetMaxValue()); } else { ythrow yexception() << "Unknown THistogram type"; } } void TAdaptiveHistogram::Merge(const TVector& histogramsToMerge) { for (size_t i = 0; i < histogramsToMerge.size(); ++i) { Merge(histogramsToMerge[i], 1.0); } } void TAdaptiveHistogram::Merge(TVector histogramsToMerge) { TVector histogramsToMergeRepacked(0); TVector histograms(0); for (size_t i = 0; i < histogramsToMerge.size(); ++i) { if (!histogramsToMerge[i] || histogramsToMerge[i]->Empty()) { continue; } TAdaptiveHistogram* adaptiveHisto = dynamic_cast(histogramsToMerge[i].Get()); if (adaptiveHisto) { histogramsToMergeRepacked.push_back(histogramsToMerge[i]); } else { histogramsToMergeRepacked.push_back(IHistogramPtr(new TAdaptiveHistogram(histogramsToMerge[i].Get(), Intervals, Id, CalcQuality))); // Convert histograms that are not of TFixedBinHistogram type } if (histogramsToMergeRepacked.back()->Empty()) { continue; } histograms.push_back(dynamic_cast(histogramsToMergeRepacked.back().Get())); } if (histograms.size() == 0) { return; } for (size_t histoIndex = 0; histoIndex < histograms.size(); ++histoIndex) { TAdaptiveHistogram* histo = histograms[histoIndex]; for (TPairSet::const_iterator it = histo->Bins.begin(); it != histo->Bins.end(); ++it) { Add(*it, true); } } for (size_t i = 0; i < histograms.size(); ++i) { MinValue = Min(MinValue, histograms[i]->MinValue); MaxValue = Max(MaxValue, histograms[i]->MaxValue); } } void TAdaptiveHistogram::Multiply(double factor) { if (!IsValidFloat(factor) || factor <= 0) { ythrow yexception() << "Not valid factor in IHistogram::Multiply(): " << factor; } Sum *= factor; TPairSet newBins; for (TPairSet::iterator it = Bins.begin(); it != Bins.end(); ++it) { newBins.insert(TWeightedValue(it->first, it->second * factor)); } Bins = newBins; TPairSet newBinsByQuality; for (TPairSet::iterator it = Bins.begin(); it != Bins.end(); ++it) { TPairSet::iterator rightBin = it; ++rightBin; if (rightBin == Bins.end()) { break; } newBinsByQuality.insert(CalcQuality(*it, *rightBin)); } BinsByQuality = newBinsByQuality; } void TAdaptiveHistogram::FromProto(const THistogram& histo) { Y_ABORT_UNLESS(histo.HasType(), "Attempt to parse TAdaptiveHistogram from THistogram protobuf with no Type field set"); ; switch (histo.GetType()) { // check that histogram type could be deduced case HT_ADAPTIVE_DISTANCE_HISTOGRAM: case HT_ADAPTIVE_WEIGHT_HISTOGRAM: case HT_ADAPTIVE_WARD_HISTOGRAM: break; // ok case HT_ADAPTIVE_HISTOGRAM: if (CalcQuality != nullptr) break; // ok [[fallthrough]]; default: // not ok ythrow yexception() << "Attempt to parse TAdaptiveHistogram from THistogram protobuf record of type = " << (ui32)histo.GetType(); } if (histo.FreqSize() != histo.PositionSize()) { ythrow yexception() << "Attempt to parse TAdaptiveHistogram from THistogram protobuf record where FreqSize != PositionSize. FreqSize == " << (ui32)histo.FreqSize() << ", PositionSize == " << (ui32)histo.PositionSize(); } if (CalcQuality == nullptr) { if (histo.GetType() == HT_ADAPTIVE_DISTANCE_HISTOGRAM) { CalcQuality = CalcDistanceQuality; } else if (histo.GetType() == HT_ADAPTIVE_WEIGHT_HISTOGRAM) { CalcQuality = CalcWeightQuality; } else if (histo.GetType() == HT_ADAPTIVE_WARD_HISTOGRAM) { CalcQuality = CalcWardQuality; } else { ythrow yexception() << "Attempt to parse an HT_ADAPTIVE_HISTOGRAM without default quality function"; } } Id = histo.GetId(); Sum = 0.0; Intervals = Max(Intervals, histo.FreqSize()); for (size_t i = 0; i < histo.FreqSize(); ++i) { double value = histo.GetPosition(i); double weight = histo.GetFreq(i); if (!IsValidFloat(value) || !IsValidFloat(weight)) { fprintf(stderr, "FromProto in histogram id %lu: skip bad value %f weight %f\n", Id, value, weight); continue; } Add(value, weight); } if (!IsValidFloat(histo.GetMinValue()) || !IsValidFloat(histo.GetMaxValue())) { ythrow yexception() << Sprintf("FromProto in histogram id %lu: skip bad histo with minvalue %f maxvalue %f", Id, histo.GetMinValue(), histo.GetMaxValue()); } MinValue = histo.GetMinValue(); MaxValue = histo.GetMaxValue(); } void TAdaptiveHistogram::ToProto(THistogram& histo) { histo.Clear(); if (CalcQuality == CalcDistanceQuality) { histo.SetType(HT_ADAPTIVE_DISTANCE_HISTOGRAM); } else if (CalcQuality == CalcWeightQuality) { histo.SetType(HT_ADAPTIVE_WEIGHT_HISTOGRAM); } else if (CalcQuality == CalcWardQuality) { histo.SetType(HT_ADAPTIVE_WARD_HISTOGRAM); } else { histo.SetType(HT_ADAPTIVE_HISTOGRAM); } histo.SetId(Id); if (Empty()) { return; } histo.SetMinValue(MinValue); histo.SetMaxValue(MaxValue); for (TPairSet::const_iterator it = Bins.begin(); it != Bins.end(); ++it) { histo.AddFreq(it->second); histo.AddPosition(it->first); } } void TAdaptiveHistogram::SetId(ui64 id) { Id = id; } ui64 TAdaptiveHistogram::GetId() { return Id; } bool TAdaptiveHistogram::Empty() { return Bins.size() == 0; } double TAdaptiveHistogram::GetMinValue() { return MinValue; } double TAdaptiveHistogram::GetMaxValue() { return MaxValue; } double TAdaptiveHistogram::GetSum() { return Sum; } double TAdaptiveHistogram::GetSumInRange(double leftBound, double rightBound) { if (leftBound > rightBound) { return 0.0; } return GetSumAboveBound(leftBound) + GetSumBelowBound(rightBound) - Sum; } double TAdaptiveHistogram::GetSumAboveBound(double bound) { if (Empty()) { return 0.0; } if (bound < MinValue) { return Sum; } if (bound > MaxValue) { return 0.0; } if (!PrecomputedBins.empty()) { return GetSumAboveBoundImpl( bound, PrecomputedBins, LowerBound(PrecomputedBins.begin(), PrecomputedBins.end(), TFastBin{bound, -1.0, 0, 0}), [](const auto& it) { return it->SumAbove; }); } else { return GetSumAboveBoundImpl( bound, Bins, Bins.lower_bound(TWeightedValue(bound, -1.0)), [this](TPairSet::const_iterator rightBin) { ++rightBin; double sum = 0; for (TPairSet::const_iterator it = rightBin; it != Bins.end(); ++it) { sum += it->second; } return sum; }); } } double TAdaptiveHistogram::GetSumBelowBound(double bound) { if (Empty()) { return 0.0; } if (bound < MinValue) { return 0.0; } if (bound > MaxValue) { return Sum; } if (!PrecomputedBins.empty()) { return GetSumBelowBoundImpl( bound, PrecomputedBins, LowerBound(PrecomputedBins.begin(), PrecomputedBins.end(), TFastBin{bound, -1.0, 0, 0}), [](const auto& it) { return it->SumBelow; }); } else { return GetSumBelowBoundImpl( bound, Bins, Bins.lower_bound(TWeightedValue(bound, -1.0)), [this](TPairSet::const_iterator rightBin) { double sum = 0; for (TPairSet::iterator it = Bins.begin(); it != rightBin; ++it) { sum += it->second; } return sum; }); } } double TAdaptiveHistogram::CalcUpperBound(double sum) { Y_ABORT_UNLESS(sum >= 0, "Sum must be >= 0"); if (sum == 0.0) { return MinValue; } if (Empty()) { return MaxValue; } TPairSet::iterator current = Bins.begin(); double gatheredSum = 0.0; while (current != Bins.end() && gatheredSum < sum) { gatheredSum += current->second; ++current; } --current; if (gatheredSum < sum) { return MaxValue; } TWeightedValue left(MinValue, 0.0); TWeightedValue right(MaxValue, 0.0); if (current != Bins.begin()) { TPairSet::iterator leftBin = current; --leftBin; left = *leftBin; } { TPairSet::iterator rightBin = current; ++rightBin; if (rightBin != Bins.end()) { right = *rightBin; } } double sumToAdd = sum - (gatheredSum - current->second - left.second / 2); if (sumToAdd <= ((current->second + left.second) / 2)) { return left.first + 2 * sumToAdd * (current->first - left.first) / (current->second + left.second); } else { sumToAdd -= (current->second + left.second) / 2; return current->first + 2 * sumToAdd * (right.first - current->first) / (right.second + current->second); } } double TAdaptiveHistogram::CalcLowerBound(double sum) { Y_ABORT_UNLESS(sum >= 0, "Sum must be >= 0"); if (sum == 0.0) { return MaxValue; } if (Empty()) { return MinValue; } TPairSet::iterator current = Bins.end(); double gatheredSum = 0.0; while (current != Bins.begin() && gatheredSum < sum) { --current; gatheredSum += current->second; } if (gatheredSum < sum) { return MinValue; } TWeightedValue left(MinValue, 0.0); TWeightedValue right(MaxValue, 0.0); if (current != Bins.begin()) { TPairSet::iterator leftBin = current; --leftBin; left = *leftBin; } { TPairSet::iterator rightBin = current; ++rightBin; if (rightBin != Bins.end()) { right = *rightBin; } } double sumToAdd = sum - (gatheredSum - current->second - right.second / 2); if (sumToAdd <= ((current->second + right.second) / 2)) { return right.first - 2 * sumToAdd * (right.first - current->first) / (current->second + right.second); } else { sumToAdd -= (current->second + right.second) / 2; return current->first - 2 * sumToAdd * (current->first - left.first) / (left.second + current->second); } } double TAdaptiveHistogram::CalcUpperBoundSafe(double sum) { if (!Empty()) { sum = Max(Bins.begin()->second, sum); } return CalcUpperBound(sum); } double TAdaptiveHistogram::CalcLowerBoundSafe(double sum) { if (!Empty()) { sum = Max(Bins.rbegin()->second, sum); } return CalcLowerBound(sum); } void TAdaptiveHistogram::FromIHistogram(IHistogram* histo) { if (!histo) { ythrow yexception() << "Attempt to create TAdaptiveHistogram from a NULL pointer"; } if (CalcQuality == CalcWardQuality) { ythrow yexception() << "Not implemented"; } else if (CalcQuality != CalcDistanceQuality && CalcQuality != CalcWeightQuality) { ythrow yexception() << "Attempt to create TAdaptiveHistogram from a pointer without default CalcQuality"; } Id = histo->GetId(); if (histo->Empty()) { return; } double sum = histo->GetSum(); double minValue = histo->GetMinValue(); double maxValue = histo->GetMaxValue(); if (minValue == maxValue) { Add(minValue, sum); return; } if (CalcQuality == CalcDistanceQuality) { double binRange = (maxValue - minValue) / (Intervals); for (size_t i = 0; i < Intervals; ++i) { Add(minValue + binRange * (i + 0.5), histo->GetSumInRange(minValue + binRange * i, minValue + binRange * (i + 1))); } } else if (CalcQuality == CalcWeightQuality && sum != 0.0) { double slab = sum / Intervals; double prevBound = minValue; for (size_t i = 0; i < Intervals; ++i) { double bound = histo->CalcUpperBound(slab * (i + 1)); Add((bound + prevBound) / 2, slab); prevBound = bound; } } MinValue = minValue; MaxValue = maxValue; } void TAdaptiveHistogram::Add(const TWeightedValue& weightedValue, bool initial) { const double& value = weightedValue.first; const double& weight = weightedValue.second; if (weight <= 0.0) { return; // all zero-weighted values should be skipped because they don't affect the distribution, negative weights are forbidden } if (initial) { Sum += weight; } if (Bins.size() == 0) { MinValue = value; MaxValue = value; Bins.insert(weightedValue); return; } if (value < MinValue) { MinValue = value; } if (value > MaxValue) { MaxValue = value; } TPairSet::iterator rightBin = Bins.lower_bound(TWeightedValue(value, -1.0)); if (rightBin != Bins.end() && rightBin->first == value) { TPairSet::iterator currentBin = rightBin; ++rightBin; TWeightedValue newBin(value, weight + currentBin->second); if (rightBin != Bins.end()) { Y_ABORT_UNLESS(BinsByQuality.erase(CalcQuality(*currentBin, *rightBin)) == 1, "Erase failed"); BinsByQuality.insert(CalcQuality(newBin, *rightBin)); } if (currentBin != Bins.begin()) { TPairSet::iterator leftBin = currentBin; --leftBin; Y_ABORT_UNLESS(BinsByQuality.erase(CalcQuality(*leftBin, *currentBin)) == 1, "Erase failed"); BinsByQuality.insert(CalcQuality(*leftBin, newBin)); } Bins.erase(currentBin); Bins.insert(newBin); return; } if (rightBin == Bins.begin()) { BinsByQuality.insert(CalcQuality(weightedValue, *rightBin)); } else { TPairSet::iterator leftBin = rightBin; --leftBin; if (rightBin == Bins.end()) { BinsByQuality.insert(CalcQuality(*leftBin, weightedValue)); } else { Y_ABORT_UNLESS(BinsByQuality.erase(CalcQuality(*leftBin, *rightBin)) == 1, "Erase failed"); BinsByQuality.insert(CalcQuality(*leftBin, weightedValue)); BinsByQuality.insert(CalcQuality(weightedValue, *rightBin)); } } Bins.insert(weightedValue); if (Bins.size() > Intervals) { Shrink(); } } void TAdaptiveHistogram::Erase(double value) { TPairSet::iterator currentBin = Bins.lower_bound(TWeightedValue(value, -1.0)); Y_ABORT_UNLESS(currentBin != Bins.end() && currentBin->first == value, "Can't find bin that should be erased"); TPairSet::iterator rightBin = currentBin; ++rightBin; if (currentBin == Bins.begin()) { Y_ABORT_UNLESS(rightBin != Bins.end(), "No right bin for the first bin"); Y_ABORT_UNLESS(BinsByQuality.erase(CalcQuality(*currentBin, *rightBin)) != 0, "Erase failed"); } else { TPairSet::iterator leftBin = currentBin; --leftBin; if (rightBin == Bins.end()) { Y_ABORT_UNLESS(BinsByQuality.erase(CalcQuality(*leftBin, *currentBin)) != 0, "Erase failed"); } else { Y_ABORT_UNLESS(BinsByQuality.erase(CalcQuality(*leftBin, *currentBin)) != 0, "Erase failed"); Y_ABORT_UNLESS(BinsByQuality.erase(CalcQuality(*currentBin, *rightBin)) != 0, "Erase failed"); BinsByQuality.insert(CalcQuality(*leftBin, *rightBin)); } } Bins.erase(currentBin); } void TAdaptiveHistogram::Shrink() { TPairSet::iterator worstBin = BinsByQuality.begin(); Y_ABORT_UNLESS(worstBin != BinsByQuality.end(), "No right bin for the first bin"); TPairSet::iterator leftBin = Bins.lower_bound(TWeightedValue(worstBin->second, -1.0)); Y_ABORT_UNLESS(leftBin != Bins.end() && leftBin->first == worstBin->second, "Can't find worst bin"); TPairSet::iterator rightBin = leftBin; ++rightBin; Y_ABORT_UNLESS(rightBin != Bins.end(), "Can't find right bin"); TWeightedValue newBin((leftBin->first * leftBin->second + rightBin->first * rightBin->second) / (leftBin->second + rightBin->second), leftBin->second + rightBin->second); if (Bins.size() > 2) { Erase(leftBin->first); Erase(rightBin->first); } else { Bins.clear(); BinsByQuality.clear(); } Add(newBin, false); } void TAdaptiveHistogram::PrecomputePartialSums() { PrecomputedBins.clear(); PrecomputedBins.reserve(Bins.size()); double currentSum = 0; for (const auto& bin : Bins) { PrecomputedBins.emplace_back(bin.first, bin.second, currentSum, Sum - currentSum - bin.second); currentSum += bin.second; } } template double TAdaptiveHistogram::GetSumAboveBoundImpl(double bound, const TBins& bins, typename TBins::const_iterator rightBin, const TGetSumAbove& getSumAbove) const { typename TBins::value_type left(MinValue, 0.0); typename TBins::value_type right(MaxValue, 0.0); if (rightBin != bins.end()) { right = *rightBin; } if (rightBin != bins.begin()) { typename TBins::const_iterator leftBin = rightBin; --leftBin; left = *leftBin; } double sum = (right.second / 2) + ((right.first == left.first) ? ((left.second + right.second) / 2) : (((left.second + right.second) / 2) * (right.first - bound) / (right.first - left.first))); if (rightBin == bins.end()) { return sum; } sum += getSumAbove(rightBin); return sum; } template double TAdaptiveHistogram::GetSumBelowBoundImpl(double bound, const TBins& bins, typename TBins::const_iterator rightBin, const TGetSumBelow& getSumBelow) const { typename TBins::value_type left(MinValue, 0.0); typename TBins::value_type right(MaxValue, 0.0); if (rightBin != bins.end()) { right = *rightBin; } if (rightBin != bins.begin()) { typename TBins::const_iterator leftBin = rightBin; --leftBin; left = *leftBin; } double sum = (left.second / 2) + ((right.first == left.first) ? ((left.second + right.second) / 2) : (((left.second + right.second) / 2) * (bound - left.first) / (right.first - left.first))); if (rightBin == bins.begin()) { return sum; } --rightBin; sum += getSumBelow(rightBin); return sum; } }