#include "yql_join.h" #include "yql_expr_type_annotation.h" #include "yql_opt_utils.h" #include #include #include namespace NYql { using namespace NNodes; namespace { const TTypeAnnotationNode* AddOptionalType(const TTypeAnnotationNode* type, TExprContext& ctx) { if (type->IsOptionalOrNull()) { return type; } return ctx.MakeType(type); } struct TJoinState { bool Used = false; }; IGraphTransformer::TStatus ParseJoinKeys(TExprNode& side, TVector>& keys, TVector& keyTypes, const TJoinLabels& labels, TExprContext& ctx, bool isCross) { if (!EnsureTuple(side, ctx)) { return IGraphTransformer::TStatus::Error; } for (auto& child : side.Children()) { if (!EnsureAtom(*child, ctx)) { return IGraphTransformer::TStatus::Error; } } if (isCross) { if (side.ChildrenSize() != 0) { ctx.AddError(TIssue(ctx.GetPosition(side.Pos()), TStringBuilder() << "Expected empty list")); return IGraphTransformer::TStatus::Error; } } else { if (side.ChildrenSize() < 2 || (side.ChildrenSize() % 2) != 0) { ctx.AddError(TIssue(ctx.GetPosition(side.Pos()), TStringBuilder() << "Expected non-empty list of atoms with even length")); return IGraphTransformer::TStatus::Error; } } keys.clear(); for (ui32 i = 0; i < side.ChildrenSize(); i += 2) { auto table = side.Child(i)->Content(); auto column = side.Child(i + 1)->Content(); auto key = std::make_pair(table, column); keys.push_back(key); } for (auto& key : keys) { auto keyType = labels.FindColumn(key.first, key.second); if (!keyType) { ctx.AddError(TIssue(ctx.GetPosition(side.Pos()), TStringBuilder() << "Unknown column: " << key.second << " in correlation name: " << key.first)); return IGraphTransformer::TStatus::Error; } if (!(*keyType)->IsHashable() || !(*keyType)->IsEquatable()) { ctx.AddError(TIssue(ctx.GetPosition(side.Pos()), TStringBuilder() << "Unsupported type of column: " << key.second << " in correlation name: " << key.first << ", type: " << *(*keyType))); return IGraphTransformer::TStatus::Error; } keyTypes.push_back(*keyType); } return IGraphTransformer::TStatus::Ok; } struct TGLobalJoinState { ui32 NestedJoins = 0; }; bool AddEquiJoinLinkOptionHint(const std::string_view& side, std::unordered_set& hints, const TExprNode& hintNode, TExprContext& ctx) { if (!EnsureAtom(hintNode, ctx)) { return false; } const auto pos = ctx.GetPosition(hintNode.Pos()); if (hintNode.IsAtom({"unique", "small"})) { if (hints.contains(hintNode.IsAtom("small") ? "unique" : "small")) { ctx.AddError(TIssue(pos, TStringBuilder() << "Hints 'unique' and 'small' are not compatible")); return false; } } else if (!hintNode.IsAtom("any")) { ctx.AddError(TIssue(pos, TStringBuilder() << "Unknown hint: '" << hintNode.Content() << "' for " << side << " side")); return false; } hints.insert(hintNode.Content()); return true; } IGraphTransformer::TStatus ParseJoins(const TJoinLabels& labels, TExprNode& joins, TVector& joinsStates, THashSet& scope, TGLobalJoinState& globalState, bool strictKeys, TExprContext& ctx, const TUniqueConstraintNode** unique = nullptr, const TDistinctConstraintNode** distinct = nullptr); IGraphTransformer::TStatus ParseJoinScope(const TJoinLabels& labels, TExprNode& side, TVector& joinsStates, THashSet& scope, TGLobalJoinState& globalState, bool strictKeys, const TUniqueConstraintNode*& unique, const TDistinctConstraintNode*& distinct, TExprContext& ctx) { if (side.IsAtom()) { const auto label = side.Content(); const auto input = labels.FindInput(label); if (!input) { ctx.AddError(TIssue(ctx.GetPosition(side.Pos()), TStringBuilder() << "Unknown correlation name: " << label)); return IGraphTransformer::TStatus::Error; } for (const auto& x : (*input)->Tables) { scope.insert(x); } const auto rename = [&](const TPartOfConstraintBase::TPathType& path) -> std::vector { if (path.empty()) return {}; auto newPath = path; newPath.front() = ctx.AppendString((*input)->FullName(newPath.front())); return {std::move(newPath)}; }; if (const auto u = (*input)->Unique) { unique = u->RenameFields(ctx, rename); } if (const auto d = (*input)->Distinct) { distinct = d->RenameFields(ctx, rename); } return IGraphTransformer::TStatus::Ok; } if (globalState.NestedJoins + 2 == labels.Inputs.size()) { ctx.AddError(TIssue(ctx.GetPosition(side.Pos()), TStringBuilder() << "Too many nested joins, expected exactly: " << (labels.Inputs.size() - 2))); return IGraphTransformer::TStatus::Error; } ++globalState.NestedJoins; return ParseJoins(labels, side, joinsStates, scope, globalState, strictKeys, ctx, &unique, &distinct); } IGraphTransformer::TStatus ParseJoins(const TJoinLabels& labels, TExprNode& joins, TVector& joinsStates, THashSet& scope, TGLobalJoinState& globalState, bool strictKeys, TExprContext& ctx, const TUniqueConstraintNode** unique, const TDistinctConstraintNode** distinct) { if (!EnsureTupleSize(joins, 6, ctx)) { return IGraphTransformer::TStatus::Error; } const auto& joinType = joins.Head(); if (!EnsureAtom(joinType, ctx)) { return IGraphTransformer::TStatus::Error; } if (!joinType.IsAtom({"Inner", "Left", "Right", "Full", "LeftOnly", "RightOnly", "Exclusion", "LeftSemi" , "RightSemi", "Cross"})) { ctx.AddError(TIssue(ctx.GetPosition(joinType.Pos()), TStringBuilder() << "Unsupported join type: " << joinType.Content())); return IGraphTransformer::TStatus::Error; } THashSet myLeftScope; const TUniqueConstraintNode* lUnique = nullptr; const TDistinctConstraintNode* lDistinct = nullptr; if (const auto status = ParseJoinScope(labels, *joins.Child(1), joinsStates, myLeftScope, globalState, strictKeys, lUnique, lDistinct, ctx); status.Level != IGraphTransformer::TStatus::Ok) { return status; } THashSet myRightScope; const TUniqueConstraintNode* rUnique = nullptr; const TDistinctConstraintNode* rDistinct = nullptr; if (const auto status = ParseJoinScope(labels, *joins.Child(2), joinsStates, myRightScope, globalState, strictKeys, rUnique, rDistinct, ctx); status.Level != IGraphTransformer::TStatus::Ok) { return status; } TVector> leftKeys; TVector leftKeyTypes; const bool cross = joinType.IsAtom("Cross"); if (const auto status = ParseJoinKeys(*joins.Child(3), leftKeys, leftKeyTypes, labels, ctx, cross); status.Level != IGraphTransformer::TStatus::Ok) { return status; } std::vector lCheck; lCheck.reserve(leftKeys.size()); for (const auto& x : leftKeys) { for (const auto& name : (*labels.FindInput(x.first))->AllNames(x.second)) lCheck.emplace_back(ctx.AppendString(name)); if (!myLeftScope.contains(x.first)) { ctx.AddError(TIssue(ctx.GetPosition(joins.Pos()), TStringBuilder() << "Correlation name " << x.first << " is out of scope")); return IGraphTransformer::TStatus::Error; } joinsStates[*labels.FindInputIndex(x.first)].Used = true; } TVector> rightKeys; TVector rightKeyTypes; if (const auto status = ParseJoinKeys(*joins.Child(4), rightKeys, rightKeyTypes, labels, ctx, cross); status.Level != IGraphTransformer::TStatus::Ok) { return status; } std::vector rCheck; rCheck.reserve(rightKeys.size()); for (const auto& x : rightKeys) { for (const auto& name : (*labels.FindInput(x.first))->AllNames(x.second)) rCheck.emplace_back(ctx.AppendString(name)); if (!myRightScope.contains(x.first)) { ctx.AddError(TIssue(ctx.GetPosition(joins.Pos()), TStringBuilder() << "Correlation name " << x.first << " is out of scope")); return IGraphTransformer::TStatus::Error; } joinsStates[*labels.FindInputIndex(x.first)].Used = true; } if (leftKeys.size() != rightKeys.size()) { ctx.AddError(TIssue(ctx.GetPosition(joins.Pos()), TStringBuilder() << "Mismatch of key column count in equality between " << leftKeys.front().first << " and " << rightKeys.front().first)); return IGraphTransformer::TStatus::Error; } for (auto i = 0U; i < leftKeyTypes.size(); ++i) { if (strictKeys && leftKeyTypes[i] != rightKeyTypes[i]) { ctx.AddError(TIssue(ctx.GetPosition(joins.Pos()), TStringBuilder() << "Strict key type match requested, but keys have different types: (" << leftKeys[i].first << "." << leftKeys[i].second << " has type: " << *leftKeyTypes[i] << ", " << rightKeys[i].first << "." << rightKeys[i].second << " has type: " << *rightKeyTypes[i] << ")")); return IGraphTransformer::TStatus::Error; } if (ECompareOptions::Uncomparable == CanCompare(leftKeyTypes[i], rightKeyTypes[i])) { ctx.AddError(TIssue(ctx.GetPosition(joins.Pos()), TStringBuilder() << "Cannot compare key columns (" << leftKeys[i].first << "." << leftKeys[i].second << " has type: " << *leftKeyTypes[i] << ", " << rightKeys[i].first << "." << rightKeys[i].second << " has type: " << *rightKeyTypes[i] << ")")); return IGraphTransformer::TStatus::Error; } } if (cross) { for (const auto& x : myLeftScope) { joinsStates[*labels.FindInputIndex(x)].Used = true; } for (const auto& x : myRightScope) { joinsStates[*labels.FindInputIndex(x)].Used = true; } } scope.clear(); const bool singleSide = joinType.Content().ends_with("Only") || joinType.Content().ends_with("Semi"); const bool rightSide = joinType.Content().starts_with("Right"); const bool leftSide = joinType.Content().starts_with("Left"); if (!singleSide || !rightSide) { scope.insert(myLeftScope.cbegin(), myLeftScope.cend()); } if (!singleSide || !leftSide) { scope.insert(myRightScope.cbegin(), myRightScope.cend()); } const auto linkOptions = joins.Child(5); if (!EnsureTuple(*linkOptions, ctx)) { return IGraphTransformer::TStatus::Error; } std::optional> leftHints, rightHints; bool hasJoinStrategyHint = false; for (auto child : linkOptions->Children()) { if (!EnsureTupleMinSize(*child, 1, ctx)) { return IGraphTransformer::TStatus::Error; } if (!EnsureAtom(child->Head(), ctx)) { return IGraphTransformer::TStatus::Error; } const auto& option = child->Head(); if (option.IsAtom({"left", "right"})) { if (!EnsureTupleSize(*child, 2, ctx)) { return IGraphTransformer::TStatus::Error; } auto& hints = option.IsAtom("left") ? leftHints : rightHints; if (hints) { ctx.AddError(TIssue(ctx.GetPosition(option.Pos()), TStringBuilder() << "Duplication of hints for " << option.Content() << " side")); return IGraphTransformer::TStatus::Error; } hints.emplace(); if (child->Child(1)->IsAtom()) { if (!AddEquiJoinLinkOptionHint(option.Content(), *hints, *child->Child(1), ctx)) { return IGraphTransformer::TStatus::Error; } } else { if (!EnsureTuple(*child->Child(1), ctx)) { return IGraphTransformer::TStatus::Error; } for (auto hint : child->Child(1)->Children()) { if (!AddEquiJoinLinkOptionHint(option.Content(), *hints, *hint, ctx)) { return IGraphTransformer::TStatus::Error; } } } } else if (option.IsAtom("forceSortedMerge") || option.IsAtom("forceStreamLookup")) { if (!EnsureTupleSize(*child, 1, ctx)) { return IGraphTransformer::TStatus::Error; } if (hasJoinStrategyHint) { ctx.AddError(TIssue(ctx.GetPosition(option.Pos()), TStringBuilder() << "Duplicate " << option.Content() << " link option")); return IGraphTransformer::TStatus::Error; } hasJoinStrategyHint = true; } else if (option.IsAtom("join_algo")) { //do nothing } else if (option.IsAtom("compact")) { if (!EnsureTupleSize(*child, 1, ctx)) { return IGraphTransformer::TStatus::Error; } } else { ctx.AddError(TIssue(ctx.GetPosition(option.Pos()), TStringBuilder() << "Unknown option name: " << option.Content())); return IGraphTransformer::TStatus::Error; } } const bool lAny = leftHints && (leftHints->contains("unique") || leftHints->contains("any")); const bool rAny = rightHints && (rightHints->contains("unique") || rightHints->contains("any")); const bool lOneRow = lAny || lUnique && lUnique->ContainsCompleteSet(lCheck); const bool rOneRow = rAny || rUnique && rUnique->ContainsCompleteSet(rCheck); if (unique) { if (singleSide) { if (leftSide) *unique = lUnique; else if (rightSide) *unique = rUnique; } else if (!joinType.IsAtom("Cross")) { const bool exclusion = joinType.IsAtom("Exclusion") ; const bool useLeft = lUnique && (rOneRow || exclusion); const bool useRight = rUnique && (lOneRow || exclusion); if (useLeft && !useRight) *unique = lUnique; else if (useRight && !useLeft) *unique = rUnique; else if (useLeft && useRight) *unique = TUniqueConstraintNode::Merge(lUnique, rUnique, ctx); } } if (distinct) { if (singleSide) { if (leftSide) *distinct = lDistinct; else if (rightSide) *distinct = rDistinct; } else if (!joinType.IsAtom("Cross")) { const bool inner = joinType.IsAtom("Inner"); const bool useLeft = lDistinct && rOneRow && (inner || leftSide); const bool useRight = rDistinct && lOneRow && (inner || rightSide); if (useLeft && !useRight) *distinct = lDistinct; else if (useRight && !useLeft) *distinct = rDistinct; else if (useLeft && useRight) *distinct = TDistinctConstraintNode::Merge(lDistinct, rDistinct, ctx); } } return IGraphTransformer::TStatus::Ok; } struct TFlattenState { TString Table; TTypeAnnotationNode::TListType AllTypes; }; void CollectEquiJoinKeyColumnsFromLeaf(const TExprNode& columns, THashMap>& tableKeysMap) { YQL_ENSURE(columns.ChildrenSize() % 2 == 0); for (ui32 i = 0; i < columns.ChildrenSize(); i += 2) { auto table = columns.Child(i)->Content(); auto column = columns.Child(i + 1)->Content(); tableKeysMap[table].insert(column); } } void CollectEquiJoinKeyColumns(const TExprNode& joinTree, THashMap>& tableKeysMap) { auto& left = *joinTree.Child(1); if (!left.IsAtom()) { CollectEquiJoinKeyColumns(left, tableKeysMap); } auto& right = *joinTree.Child(2); if (!right.IsAtom()) { CollectEquiJoinKeyColumns(right, tableKeysMap); } CollectEquiJoinKeyColumnsFromLeaf(*joinTree.Child(3), tableKeysMap); CollectEquiJoinKeyColumnsFromLeaf(*joinTree.Child(4), tableKeysMap); } bool CollectEquiJoinOnlyParents(const TExprNode& current, const TExprNode* prev, ui32 depth, TVector& results, const TExprNode* extractMembersInScope, const TParentsMap& parents) { if (depth == 0) { if (!prev || !TCoEquiJoin::Match(¤t)) { return false; } TCoEquiJoin equiJoin(¤t); for (ui32 i = 0; i + 2 < equiJoin.ArgCount(); ++i) { auto joinInput = equiJoin.Arg(i).Cast(); auto list = joinInput.List(); if (list.Raw() == prev) { results.emplace_back(equiJoin.Raw(), i, extractMembersInScope); return true; } } YQL_ENSURE(false, "Unable to locate FlatMap in EquiJoin"); } auto it = parents.find(¤t); if (it == parents.end() || it->second.empty()) { return false; } const TExprNode* extractMembers = extractMembersInScope; bool currentIsExtractMembers = TCoExtractMembers::Match(¤t); if (currentIsExtractMembers) { if (extractMembers) { // repeatable extract members should not actually happen return false; } extractMembers = current.Child(1); } auto nextPrev = (TCoFlatMapBase::Match(¤t) || currentIsExtractMembers) ? ¤t : prev; for (auto parent : it->second) { if (!CollectEquiJoinOnlyParents(*parent, nextPrev, currentIsExtractMembers ? depth : (depth - 1), results, extractMembers, parents)) { return false; } } return true; } } TMaybe TJoinLabel::Parse(TExprContext& ctx, TExprNode& node, const TStructExprType* structType, const TUniqueConstraintNode* unique, const TDistinctConstraintNode* distinct) { Tables.clear(); InputType = structType; Unique = unique; Distinct = distinct; if (auto atom = TMaybeNode(&node)) { if (auto err = ValidateLabel(ctx, atom.Cast())) { return err; } AddLabel = true; Tables.push_back(atom.Cast().Value()); return {}; } else if (auto tuple = TMaybeNode(&node)) { if (tuple.Cast().Size() == 0) { return TIssue(ctx.GetPosition(node.Pos()), "Empty list of correlation names are not allowed"); } for (const auto& child : tuple.Cast()) { if (auto err = ValidateLabel(ctx, child)) { return err; } Tables.push_back(child.Value()); } Sort(Tables); auto prevLabel = Tables[0]; for (ui32 i = 1; i < Tables.size(); ++i) { if (Tables[i] == prevLabel) { return TIssue(ctx.GetPosition(node.Pos()), TStringBuilder() << "Duplication of correlation names: " << prevLabel); } prevLabel = Tables[i]; } // all labels are unique, ensure that all columns are under one of label for (auto column : InputType->GetItems()) { auto name = column->GetName(); auto pos = name.find('.'); if (pos == TString::npos) { return TIssue(ctx.GetPosition(node.Pos()), TStringBuilder() << "Expected columns name as table.name, but got: " << name); } auto table = name.substr(0, pos); if (!BinarySearch(Tables.begin(), Tables.end(), table)) { return TIssue(ctx.GetPosition(node.Pos()), TStringBuilder() << "Unknown table name: " << table); } auto columnName = name.substr(pos + 1); if (columnName.empty()) { return TIssue(ctx.GetPosition(node.Pos()), "Empty correlation name is not allowed"); } } return {}; } else { return TIssue(ctx.GetPosition(node.Pos()), TStringBuilder() << "Expected either atom or list, but got" << node.Type()); } } TMaybe TJoinLabel::ValidateLabel(TExprContext& ctx, const TCoAtom& label) { if (label.Value().empty()) { return TIssue(ctx.GetPosition(label.Pos()), "Empty correlation name is not allowed"); } if (label.Value().Contains('.')) { return TIssue(ctx.GetPosition(label.Pos()), "Dot symbol is not allowed in the correlation name"); } return {}; } TString TJoinLabel::FullName(const TStringBuf& column) const { if (AddLabel) { return FullColumnName(Tables.front(), column); } else { return TString(column); } } TVector TJoinLabel::AllNames(const TStringBuf& column) const { TVector result(Tables.size()); std::transform(Tables.cbegin(), Tables.cend(), result.begin(), std::bind(&FullColumnName, std::placeholders::_1, std::cref(column))); return result; } TStringBuf TJoinLabel::ColumnName(const TStringBuf& column) const { auto pos = column.find('.'); if (pos == TString::npos) { return column; } return column.substr(pos + 1); } TStringBuf TJoinLabel::TableName(const TStringBuf& column) const { auto pos = column.find('.'); if (pos == TString::npos) { YQL_ENSURE(AddLabel); return Tables[0]; } return column.substr(0, pos); } bool TJoinLabel::HasTable(const TStringBuf& table) const { return BinarySearch(Tables.begin(), Tables.end(), table); } TMaybe TJoinLabel::FindColumn(const TStringBuf& table, const TStringBuf& column) const { auto pos = InputType->FindItem(MemberName(table, column)); if (!pos) { return TMaybe(); } return InputType->GetItems()[*pos]->GetItemType(); } TString TJoinLabel::MemberName(const TStringBuf& table, const TStringBuf& column) const { return AddLabel ? TString(column) : FullColumnName(table, column); } TVector TJoinLabel::EnumerateAllColumns() const { TVector result; if (AddLabel) { // add label to all columns for (auto& x : InputType->GetItems()) { result.push_back(FullColumnName(Tables[0], x->GetName())); } } else { for (auto& x : InputType->GetItems()) { result.push_back(TString(x->GetName())); } } return result; } TVector TJoinLabel::EnumerateAllMembers() const { TVector result; for (auto& x : InputType->GetItems()) { result.push_back(TString(x->GetName())); } return result; } TMaybe TJoinLabels::Add(TExprContext& ctx, TExprNode& node, const TStructExprType* structType, const TUniqueConstraintNode* unique, const TDistinctConstraintNode* distinct) { ui32 index = Inputs.size(); Inputs.emplace_back(); TJoinLabel& label = Inputs.back(); if (auto err = label.Parse(ctx, node, structType, unique, distinct)) { return err; } for (auto& table : label.Tables) { if (!InputByTable.insert({ table, index }).second) { return TIssue( ctx.GetPosition(node.Pos()), TStringBuilder() << "Duplication of table name " << table); } } return {}; } TMaybe TJoinLabels::FindInput(const TStringBuf& table) const { auto inputIndex = InputByTable.FindPtr(table); if (!inputIndex) { return {}; } return &Inputs[*inputIndex]; } TMaybe TJoinLabels::FindInputIndex(const TStringBuf& table) const { auto inputIndex = InputByTable.FindPtr(table); if (!inputIndex) { return{}; } return *inputIndex; } TMaybe TJoinLabels::FindColumn(const TStringBuf& table, const TStringBuf& column) const { auto tableIndex = InputByTable.FindPtr(table); if (!tableIndex) { return TMaybe(); } return Inputs[*tableIndex].FindColumn(table, column); } TMaybe TJoinLabels::FindColumn(const TStringBuf& fullName) const { TStringBuf part1; TStringBuf part2; SplitTableName(fullName, part1, part2); return FindColumn(part1, part2); } TVector TJoinLabels::EnumerateColumns(const TStringBuf& table) const { TVector result; auto tableIndex = InputByTable.FindPtr(table); Y_ENSURE(tableIndex, "Unknown table:" << table); auto& label = Inputs[*tableIndex]; if (label.AddLabel) { // add label to all columns for (auto& x : label.InputType->GetItems()) { result.push_back(FullColumnName(table, x->GetName())); } } else { // filter out some columns for (auto& x : label.InputType->GetItems()) { TStringBuf part1; TStringBuf part2; SplitTableName(x->GetName(), part1, part2); if (part1 == table) { result.push_back(TString(x->GetName())); } } } return result; } IGraphTransformer::TStatus ValidateEquiJoinOptions(TPositionHandle positionHandle, TExprNode& optionsNode, TJoinOptions& options, TExprContext& ctx) { auto position = ctx.GetPosition(positionHandle); if (!EnsureTuple(optionsNode, ctx)) { return IGraphTransformer::TStatus::Error; } options = TJoinOptions{}; THashSet renameTargetSet; bool hasRename = false; for (auto child : optionsNode.Children()) { if (!EnsureTupleMinSize(*child, 1, ctx)) { return IGraphTransformer::TStatus::Error; } if (!EnsureAtom(*child->Child(0), ctx)) { return IGraphTransformer::TStatus::Error; } auto optionName = child->Child(0)->Content(); if (optionName == "rename") { hasRename = true; if (!EnsureTupleSize(*child, 3, ctx)) { return IGraphTransformer::TStatus::Error; } if (!EnsureAtom(*child->Child(1), ctx)) { return IGraphTransformer::TStatus::Error; } if (!EnsureAtom(*child->Child(2), ctx)) { return IGraphTransformer::TStatus::Error; } auto& v = options.RenameMap[child->Child(1)->Content()]; if (!child->Child(2)->Content().empty()) { if (!renameTargetSet.insert(child->Child(2)->Content()).second) { ctx.AddError(TIssue(position, TStringBuilder() << "Duplicated target column: " << child->Child(2)->Content())); return IGraphTransformer::TStatus::Error; } v.push_back(child->Child(2)->Content()); } } else if (optionName == "flatten") { options.Flatten = true; } else if (optionName == "strict_keys") { options.StrictKeys = true; } else if (optionName == "preferred_sort") { THashSet sortBySet; TVector sortBy; if (!EnsureTupleSize(*child, 2, ctx)) { return IGraphTransformer::TStatus::Error; } if (!EnsureTupleMinSize(*child->Child(1), 1, ctx)) { return IGraphTransformer::TStatus::Error; } for (auto column : child->Child(1)->Children()) { if (!EnsureAtom(*column, ctx)) { return IGraphTransformer::TStatus::Error; } if (!sortBySet.insert(column->Content()).second) { ctx.AddError(TIssue(ctx.GetPosition(column->Pos()), TStringBuilder() << "Duplicated preferred_sort column: " << column->Content())); return IGraphTransformer::TStatus::Error; } sortBy.push_back(column->Content()); } if (!options.PreferredSortSets.insert(sortBy).second) { ctx.AddError(TIssue(ctx.GetPosition(child->Child(1)->Pos()), TStringBuilder() << "Duplicated preferred_sort set: " << JoinSeq(", ", sortBy))); } } else if (optionName == "cbo_passed") { // do nothing } else if (optionName == "join_algo") { // do nothing } else if (optionName == "compact") { options.Compact = true; } else { ctx.AddError(TIssue(position, TStringBuilder() << "Unknown option name: " << optionName)); return IGraphTransformer::TStatus::Error; } if (hasRename && options.Flatten) { ctx.AddError(TIssue(position, TStringBuilder() << "Options flatten and rename are incompatible with each other")); return IGraphTransformer::TStatus::Error; } } return IGraphTransformer::TStatus::Ok; } IGraphTransformer::TStatus EquiJoinAnnotation( TPositionHandle positionHandle, const TStructExprType*& resultType, const TJoinLabels& labels, TExprNode& joins, const TJoinOptions& options, TExprContext& ctx ) { auto position = ctx.GetPosition(positionHandle); if (labels.InputByTable.size() < 2) { ctx.AddError(TIssue(position, TStringBuilder() << "Expected at least 2 table")); return IGraphTransformer::TStatus::Error; } TVector joinsStates(labels.Inputs.size()); TGLobalJoinState globalState; THashSet scope; auto parseStatus = ParseJoins(labels, joins, joinsStates, scope, globalState, options.StrictKeys, ctx); if (parseStatus.Level != IGraphTransformer::TStatus::Ok) { return parseStatus; } if (globalState.NestedJoins + 2 != labels.Inputs.size()) { ctx.AddError(TIssue(position, TStringBuilder() << "Too few nested joins, expected exactly: " << (labels.Inputs.size() - 2))); return IGraphTransformer::TStatus::Error; } for (ui32 i = 0; i < joinsStates.size(); ++i) { if (!joinsStates[i].Used) { ctx.AddError(TIssue(position, TStringBuilder() << "Input with correlation name(s) " << JoinSeq(", ", labels.Inputs[i].Tables) << " was not used")); return IGraphTransformer::TStatus::Error; } } auto columnTypes = GetJoinColumnTypes(joins, labels, ctx); TVector resultFields; TMap flattenFields; // column -> table THashSet processedRenames; for (auto it: labels.Inputs) { for (auto item: it.InputType->GetItems()) { TString fullName = it.FullName(item->GetName()); auto type = columnTypes.FindPtr(fullName); if (type) { TVector fullNames; fullNames.push_back(fullName); if (!processedRenames.contains(fullName)) { auto renameIt = options.RenameMap.find(fullName); if (renameIt != options.RenameMap.end()) { fullNames = renameIt->second; processedRenames.insert(fullName); } } for (auto& fullName: fullNames) { if (options.Flatten) { auto tableName = it.TableName(fullName); auto columnName = it.ColumnName(fullName); auto iter = flattenFields.find(columnName); if (iter != flattenFields.end()) { if (AreSameJoinKeys(joins, tableName, columnName, iter->second.Table, columnName)) { iter->second.AllTypes.push_back(*type); continue; } ctx.AddError(TIssue(position, TStringBuilder() << "Conflict of flattening output on columns " << fullName << " and " << iter->second.Table << "." << columnName)); return IGraphTransformer::TStatus::Error; } TFlattenState state; state.AllTypes.push_back(*type); state.Table = TString(tableName); flattenFields.emplace(TString(columnName), state); } else { resultFields.push_back(ctx.MakeType(fullName, *type)); } } } } } if (options.Flatten) { for (auto& x : flattenFields) { if (const auto commonType = CommonType(positionHandle, x.second.AllTypes, ctx)) { const bool unwrap = ETypeAnnotationKind::Optional == commonType->GetKind() && std::any_of(x.second.AllTypes.cbegin(), x.second.AllTypes.cend(), [](const TTypeAnnotationNode* type) { return ETypeAnnotationKind::Optional != type->GetKind(); }); resultFields.emplace_back(ctx.MakeType(x.first, unwrap ? commonType->Cast()->GetItemType() : commonType)); } else return IGraphTransformer::TStatus::Error; } } resultType = ctx.MakeType(resultFields); if (!resultType->Validate(position, ctx)) { return IGraphTransformer::TStatus::Error; } return IGraphTransformer::TStatus::Ok; } IGraphTransformer::TStatus EquiJoinConstraints( TPositionHandle positionHandle, const TUniqueConstraintNode*& unique, const TDistinctConstraintNode*& distinct, const TJoinLabels& labels, TExprNode& joins, TExprContext& ctx ) { const auto position = ctx.GetPosition(positionHandle); YQL_ENSURE(labels.InputByTable.size() >= 2U); TVector joinsStates(labels.Inputs.size()); TGLobalJoinState globalState; THashSet scope; if (const auto parseStatus = ParseJoins(labels, joins, joinsStates, scope, globalState, false, ctx, &unique, &distinct); parseStatus.Level != IGraphTransformer::TStatus::Ok) { return parseStatus; } return IGraphTransformer::TStatus::Ok; } THashMap> CollectEquiJoinKeyColumnsByLabel(const TExprNode& joinTree) { THashMap> result; CollectEquiJoinKeyColumns(joinTree, result); return result; }; bool IsLeftJoinSideOptional(const TStringBuf& joinType) { if (joinType == "Right" || joinType == "Full" || joinType == "Exclusion") { return true; } return false; } bool IsRightJoinSideOptional(const TStringBuf& joinType) { if (joinType == "Left" || joinType == "Full" || joinType == "Exclusion") { return true; } return false; } TExprNode::TPtr FilterOutNullJoinColumns(TPositionHandle pos, const TExprNode::TPtr& input, const TJoinLabel& label, const TSet& optionalKeyColumns, TExprContext& ctx) { if (optionalKeyColumns.empty()) { return input; } TExprNode::TListType optColumns; for (auto fullColumnName : optionalKeyColumns) { TStringBuf table; TStringBuf column; SplitTableName(fullColumnName, table, column); auto memberName = label.MemberName(table, column); optColumns.push_back(ctx.NewAtom(pos, memberName)); } return ctx.Builder(pos) .Callable("SkipNullMembers") .Add(0, input) .List(1) .Add(std::move(optColumns)) .Seal() .Seal() .Build(); } TMap> LoadJoinRenameMap(const TExprNode& settings) { TMap> res; for (const auto& child : settings.Children()) { if (child->Head().IsAtom("rename")) { auto& v = res[child->Child(1)->Content()]; if (!child->Child(2)->Content().empty()) { v.push_back(child->Child(2)->Content()); } } } return res; } TCoLambda BuildJoinRenameLambda(TPositionHandle pos, const TMap>& renameMap, const TStructExprType& joinResultType, TExprContext& ctx) { THashMap reverseRenameMap; for (const auto& [oldName , targets] : renameMap) { for (TStringBuf newName : targets) { reverseRenameMap[newName] = oldName; } } TCoArgument rowArg = Build(ctx, pos) .Name("row") .Done(); TVector renameTuples; for (auto& item : joinResultType.GetItems()) { TStringBuf newName = item->GetName(); auto renamedFrom = reverseRenameMap.FindPtr(newName); TStringBuf oldName = renamedFrom ? *renamedFrom : newName; auto tuple = Build(ctx, pos) .Name().Build(newName) .Value() .Struct(rowArg) .Name().Build(oldName) .Build() .Done(); renameTuples.push_back(tuple); } return Build(ctx, pos) .Args({rowArg}) .Body() .Add(renameTuples) .Build() .Done(); } TSet> LoadJoinSortSets(const TExprNode& settings) { TSet> res; for (const auto& child : settings.Children()) { if (child->Child(0)->Content() == "preferred_sort") { TVector sortBy; for (auto column : child->Child(1)->Children()) { sortBy.push_back(column->Content()); } res.insert(sortBy); } } return res; } THashMap GetJoinColumnTypes(const TExprNode& joins, const TJoinLabels& labels, TExprContext& ctx) { return GetJoinColumnTypes(joins, labels, joins.Child(0)->Content(), ctx); } THashMap GetJoinColumnTypes(const TExprNode& joins, const TJoinLabels& labels, const TStringBuf& joinType, TExprContext& ctx) { THashMap finalType; THashMap leftType; THashMap rightType; bool isLeftOptional = IsLeftJoinSideOptional(joinType); bool isRightOptional = IsRightJoinSideOptional(joinType); if (joins.Child(1)->IsAtom()) { auto name = joins.Child(1)->Content(); auto input = *labels.FindInput(name); for (auto& x : input->InputType->GetItems()) { leftType[input->FullName(x->GetName())] = x->GetItemType(); } } else { leftType = GetJoinColumnTypes(*joins.Child(1), labels, ctx); } if (joins.Child(2)->IsAtom()) { auto name = joins.Child(2)->Content(); auto input = *labels.FindInput(name); for (auto& x : input->InputType->GetItems()) { rightType[input->FullName(x->GetName())] = x->GetItemType(); } } else { rightType = GetJoinColumnTypes(*joins.Child(2), labels, ctx); } if (isLeftOptional) { for (auto& x : leftType) { x.second = AddOptionalType(x.second, ctx); } } if (isRightOptional) { for (auto& x : rightType) { x.second = AddOptionalType(x.second, ctx); } } if (joinType != "RightOnly" && joinType != "RightSemi") { for (auto& x : leftType) { finalType.insert({ x.first, x.second }); } } if (joinType != "LeftOnly" && joinType != "LeftSemi") { for (auto& x : rightType) { finalType.insert({ x.first, x.second }); } } return finalType; } bool AreSameJoinKeys(const TExprNode& joins, const TStringBuf& table1, const TStringBuf& column1, const TStringBuf& table2, const TStringBuf& column2) { if (!joins.Child(1)->IsAtom()) { if (AreSameJoinKeys(*joins.Child(1), table1, column1, table2, column2)) { return true; } } if (!joins.Child(2)->IsAtom()) { if (AreSameJoinKeys(*joins.Child(2), table1, column1, table2, column2)) { return true; } } for (ui32 i = 0; i < joins.Child(3)->ChildrenSize(); i += 2) { if (joins.Child(3)->Child(i)->Content() == table1) { if (joins.Child(4)->Child(i)->Content() == table2 && joins.Child(3)->Child(i + 1)->Content() == column1 && joins.Child(4)->Child(i + 1)->Content() == column2) { return true; } } else if (joins.Child(3)->Child(i)->Content() == table2) { if (joins.Child(4)->Child(i)->Content() == table1 && joins.Child(3)->Child(i + 1)->Content() == column2 && joins.Child(4)->Child(i + 1)->Content() == column1) { return true; } } } return false; } std::pair IsRequiredSide(const TExprNode::TPtr& joinTree, const TJoinLabels& labels, ui32 inputIndex) { auto joinType = joinTree->Child(0)->Content(); auto left = joinTree->ChildPtr(1); auto right = joinTree->ChildPtr(2); if (joinType == "Inner" || joinType == "Left" || joinType == "LeftOnly" || joinType == "LeftSemi" || joinType == "RightSemi" || joinType == "Cross") { if (!left->IsAtom()) { auto x = IsRequiredSide(left, labels, inputIndex); if (x.first) { return x; } } else { auto table = left->Content(); if (*labels.FindInputIndex(table) == inputIndex) { return { true, joinType == "Inner" || joinType == "LeftSemi" }; } } } if (joinType == "Inner" || joinType == "Right" || joinType == "RightOnly" || joinType == "RightSemi" || joinType == "LeftSemi" || joinType == "Cross") { if (!right->IsAtom()) { auto x = IsRequiredSide(right, labels, inputIndex); if (x.first) { return x; } } else { auto table = right->Content(); if (*labels.FindInputIndex(table) == inputIndex) { return{ true, joinType == "Inner" || joinType == "RightSemi"}; } } } return{ false, false }; } TMaybe IsFilteredSide(const TExprNode::TPtr& joinTree, const TJoinLabels& labels, ui32 inputIndex) { auto joinType = joinTree->Child(0)->Content(); auto left = joinTree->ChildPtr(1); auto right = joinTree->ChildPtr(2); TMaybe isLeftFiltered; if (!left->IsAtom()) { isLeftFiltered = IsFilteredSide(left, labels, inputIndex); } else { auto table = left->Content(); if (*labels.FindInputIndex(table) == inputIndex) { if (joinType == "Inner" || joinType == "LeftOnly" || joinType == "LeftSemi") { isLeftFiltered = true; } else if (joinType != "RightOnly" && joinType != "RightSemi") { isLeftFiltered = false; } } } TMaybe isRightFiltered; if (!right->IsAtom()) { isRightFiltered = IsFilteredSide(right, labels, inputIndex); } else { auto table = right->Content(); if (*labels.FindInputIndex(table) == inputIndex) { if (joinType == "Inner" || joinType == "RightOnly" || joinType == "RightSemi") { isRightFiltered = true; } else if (joinType != "LeftOnly" && joinType != "LeftSemi") { isRightFiltered = false; } } } YQL_ENSURE(!(isLeftFiltered.Defined() && isRightFiltered.Defined())); if (!isLeftFiltered.Defined() && !isRightFiltered.Defined()) { return {}; } return isLeftFiltered.Defined() ? isLeftFiltered : isRightFiltered; } void AppendEquiJoinRenameMap(TPositionHandle pos, const TMap>& newRenameMap, TExprNode::TListType& joinSettingNodes, TExprContext& ctx) { for (auto& x : newRenameMap) { if (x.second.empty()) { joinSettingNodes.push_back(ctx.Builder(pos) .List() .Atom(0, "rename") .Atom(1, x.first) .Atom(2, "") .Seal() .Build()); continue; } for (auto& y : x.second) { if (x.first == y && x.second.size() == 1) { continue; } joinSettingNodes.push_back(ctx.Builder(pos) .List() .Atom(0, "rename") .Atom(1, x.first) .Atom(2, y) .Seal() .Build()); } } } void AppendEquiJoinSortSets(TPositionHandle pos, const TSet>& newSortSets, TExprNode::TListType& joinSettingNodes, TExprContext& ctx) { for (auto& ss : newSortSets) { YQL_ENSURE(!ss.empty()); joinSettingNodes.push_back(ctx.Builder(pos) .List() .Atom(0, "preferred_sort") .List(1) .Do([&](TExprNodeBuilder& parent) -> TExprNodeBuilder& { for (ui32 i = 0; i < ss.size(); ++i) { parent.Atom(i, ss[i]); } return parent; }) .Seal() .Seal() .Build()); } } TMap> UpdateUsedFieldsInRenameMap( const TMap>& renameMap, const TSet& usedFields, const TStructExprType* structType ) { TMap reversedRenameMap; TMap> newRenameMap; for (auto& x : renameMap) { if (!x.second.empty()) { for (auto& y : x.second) { reversedRenameMap[y] = x.first; } } else { // previous drops newRenameMap[x.first].clear(); } } for (auto& item : structType->GetItems()) { bool needRemove = !usedFields.contains(item->GetName()); if (auto renamed = reversedRenameMap.FindPtr(item->GetName())) { if (needRemove) { if (newRenameMap[*renamed].empty()) { newRenameMap[*renamed].push_back(""); } } else { if (!newRenameMap[*renamed].empty() && newRenameMap[*renamed][0].empty()) { newRenameMap[*renamed].clear(); // Do not remove column because it will be renamed. } newRenameMap[*renamed].push_back(item->GetName()); } } else { if (needRemove) { newRenameMap[item->GetName()].push_back(""); } } } for (auto& x : newRenameMap) { if (AnyOf(x.second, [](const TStringBuf& value) { return !value.empty(); })) { continue; } x.second.clear(); } return newRenameMap; } TVector CollectEquiJoinOnlyParents(const TCoFlatMapBase& flatMap, const TParentsMap& parents) { TVector result; if (!CollectEquiJoinOnlyParents(flatMap.Ref(), nullptr, 2, result, nullptr, parents)) { result.clear(); } return result; } TEquiJoinLinkSettings GetEquiJoinLinkSettings(const TExprNode& linkSettings) { TEquiJoinLinkSettings result; result.Pos = linkSettings.Pos(); auto collectHints = [](TSet& hints, const TExprNode& hintsNode) { if (hintsNode.IsAtom()) { hints.insert(ToString(hintsNode.Content())); } else { for (auto h : hintsNode.Children()) { YQL_ENSURE(h->IsAtom()); hints.insert(ToString(h->Content())); } } }; if (auto left = GetSetting(linkSettings, "left")) { collectHints(result.LeftHints, *left->Child(1)); } if (auto right = GetSetting(linkSettings, "right")) { collectHints(result.RightHints, *right->Child(1)); } if (auto algo = GetSetting(linkSettings, "join_algo")) { YQL_ENSURE(algo->Child(1)->IsAtom()); result.JoinAlgo = FromString(algo->Child(1)->Content()); } result.ForceSortedMerge = HasSetting(linkSettings, "forceSortedMerge"); if (HasSetting(linkSettings, "forceStreamLookup")) { result.JoinAlgo = EJoinAlgoType::StreamLookupJoin; } if (HasSetting(linkSettings, "compact")) { result.Compact = true; } return result; } TExprNode::TPtr BuildEquiJoinLinkSettings(const TEquiJoinLinkSettings& linkSettings, TExprContext& ctx) { auto builder = [&](const TStringBuf& side) -> TExprNode::TPtr { return ctx.Builder(linkSettings.Pos) .List() .Atom(0, side) .List(1) .Do([&](TExprNodeBuilder& parent) -> TExprNodeBuilder& { ui32 i = 0; for (auto h : (side == "left" ? linkSettings.LeftHints : linkSettings.RightHints)) { parent.Atom(i++, h); } return parent; }) .Seal() .Seal() .Build(); }; TExprNode::TListType settings; if (linkSettings.ForceSortedMerge) { settings.push_back(ctx.NewList(linkSettings.Pos, { ctx.NewAtom(linkSettings.Pos, "forceSortedMerge", TNodeFlags::Default) })); } if (linkSettings.LeftHints) { settings.push_back(builder("left")); } if (linkSettings.RightHints) { settings.push_back(builder("right")); } if (linkSettings.Compact) { settings.push_back(ctx.NewList(linkSettings.Pos, { ctx.NewAtom(linkSettings.Pos, "compact", TNodeFlags::Default) })); } return ctx.NewList(linkSettings.Pos, std::move(settings)); } TExprNode::TPtr RemapNonConvertibleMemberForJoin(TPositionHandle pos, const TExprNode::TPtr& memberValue, const TTypeAnnotationNode& memberType, const TTypeAnnotationNode& unifiedType, TExprContext& ctx) { TExprNode::TPtr result = memberValue; if (&memberType != &unifiedType) { result = ctx.Builder(pos) .Callable("StrictCast") .Add(0, std::move(result)) .Add(1, ExpandType(pos, unifiedType, ctx)) .Seal() .Build(); } if (RemoveOptionalType(&unifiedType)->GetKind() != ETypeAnnotationKind::Data) { if (unifiedType.HasOptionalOrNull()) { result = ctx.Builder(pos) .Callable("If") .Callable(0, "HasNull") .Add(0, result) .Seal() .Callable(1, "Null") .Seal() .Callable(2, "StablePickle") .Add(0, result) .Seal() .Seal() .Build(); } else { result = ctx.NewCallable(pos, "StablePickle", { result }); } } return result; } TExprNode::TPtr PrepareListForJoin(TExprNode::TPtr list, const TTypeAnnotationNode::TListType& keyTypes, TExprNode::TListType& keys, TExprNode::TListType&& payloads, bool payload, bool optional, bool filter, TExprContext& ctx) { const auto pos = list->Pos(); const auto filterPayloads = [&payloads](TExprNodeBuilder& parent) -> TExprNodeBuilder& { if (payloads.empty()) parent.Arg(1, "row"); else parent.Callable(1, "FilterMembers") .Arg(0, "row") .List(1) .Add(std::move(payloads)) .Seal() .Seal(); return parent; }; if (keyTypes.empty() && 1U == keys.size()) { return payload ? ctx.Builder(pos) .Callable("Map") .Add(0, std::move(list)) .Lambda(1) .Param("row") .List() .Add(0, std::move(keys.front())) .Do(filterPayloads) .Seal() .Seal() .Seal() .Build(): ctx.Builder(pos) .Callable("List") .Callable(0, "ListType") .Callable(0, "DataType") .Atom(0, "Bool", TNodeFlags::Default) .Seal() .Seal() .Seal() .Build(); } if (1U == keyTypes.size()) { const auto keyType = ctx.MakeType(keyTypes.front()); list = payload ? optional ? ctx.Builder(pos) .Callable("Map") .Add(0, std::move(list)) .Lambda(1) .Param("row") .List() .Callable(0, "StrictCast") .Callable(0, "Member") .Arg(0, "row") .Add(1, std::move(keys.front())) .Seal() .Add(1, ExpandType(pos, *keyType, ctx)) .Seal() .Do(filterPayloads) .Seal() .Seal() .Seal() .Build(): ctx.Builder(pos) .Callable("FlatMap") .Add(0, std::move(list)) .Lambda(1) .Param("row") .Callable("FlatMap") .Callable(0, "StrictCast") .Callable(0, "Member") .Arg(0, "row") .Add(1, std::move(keys.front())) .Seal() .Add(1, ExpandType(pos, *keyType, ctx)) .Seal() .Lambda(1) .Param("key") .Callable("Just") .List(0) .Arg(0, "key") .Do(filterPayloads) .Seal() .Seal() .Seal() .Seal() .Seal() .Seal() .Build(): ctx.Builder(pos) .Callable(optional ? "Map" : "FlatMap") .Add(0, std::move(list)) .Lambda(1) .Param("row") .Callable("StrictCast") .Callable(0, "Member") .Arg(0, "row") .Add(1, std::move(keys.front())) .Seal() .Add(1, ExpandType(pos, *keyType, ctx)) .Seal() .Seal() .Seal() .Build(); } else { const auto keyType = ctx.MakeType(ctx.MakeType(keyTypes)); list = payload ? optional ? ctx.Builder(pos) .Callable("Map") .Add(0, std::move(list)) .Lambda(1) .Param("row") .List() .Callable(0, "StrictCast") .List(0) .Do([&](TExprNodeBuilder& parent) -> TExprNodeBuilder& { ui32 pos = 0; for (auto& key : keys) { parent.Callable(pos++, "Member") .Arg(0, "row") .Add(1, std::move(key)) .Seal(); } return parent; }) .Seal() .Add(1, ExpandType(pos, *keyType, ctx)) .Seal() .Do(filterPayloads) .Seal() .Seal() .Seal() .Build(): ctx.Builder(pos) .Callable("FlatMap") .Add(0, std::move(list)) .Lambda(1) .Param("row") .Callable("FlatMap") .Callable(0, "StrictCast") .List(0) .Do([&](TExprNodeBuilder& parent) -> TExprNodeBuilder& { ui32 pos = 0; for (auto& key : keys) { parent.Callable(pos++, "Member") .Arg(0, "row") .Add(1, std::move(key)) .Seal(); } return parent; }) .Seal() .Add(1, ExpandType(pos, *keyType, ctx)) .Seal() .Lambda(1) .Param("key") .Callable("Just") .List(0) .Arg(0, "key") .Do(filterPayloads) .Seal() .Seal() .Seal() .Seal() .Seal() .Seal() .Build(): ctx.Builder(pos) .Callable(optional ? "Map" : "FlatMap") .Add(0, std::move(list)) .Lambda(1) .Param("row") .Callable("StrictCast") .List(0) .Do([&](TExprNodeBuilder& parent) -> TExprNodeBuilder& { ui32 pos = 0; for (auto& key : keys) { parent.Callable(pos++, "Member") .Arg(0, "row") .Add(1, std::move(key)) .Seal(); } return parent; }) .Seal() .Add(1, ExpandType(pos, *keyType, ctx)) .Seal() .Seal() .Seal() .Build(); } if (optional && filter) { list = payload ? ctx.Builder(pos) .Callable("Filter") .Add(0, std::move(list)) .Lambda(1) .Param("row") .Callable(0, "Exists") .Callable(0, "Nth") .Arg(0, "row") .Atom(1, 0U) .Seal() .Seal() .Seal() .Seal() .Build(): ctx.Builder(pos) .Callable("Filter") .Add(0, std::move(list)) .Lambda(1) .Param("row") .Callable(0, "Exists") .Arg(0, "row") .Seal() .Seal() .Seal() .Build(); } return list; } template TExprNode::TPtr MakeDictForJoin(TExprNode::TPtr&& list, bool payload, bool multi, TExprContext& ctx) { return payload ? ctx.Builder(list->Pos()) .Callable(Squeeze ? "SqueezeToDict" : "ToDict") .Add(0, std::move(list)) .Lambda(1) .Param("row") .Callable("Nth") .Arg(0, "row") .Atom(1, 0U) .Seal() .Seal() .Lambda(2) .Param("row") .Callable("Nth") .Arg(0, "row") .Atom(1, 1U) .Seal() .Seal() .List(3) .Atom(0, multi ? "Many" : "One", TNodeFlags::Default) .Atom(1, "Hashed", TNodeFlags::Default) .Do([&](TExprNodeBuilder& parent) -> TExprNodeBuilder& { if constexpr (Squeeze) parent.Atom(2, "Compact", TNodeFlags::Default); return parent; }) .Seal() .Seal() .Build(): ctx.Builder(list->Pos()) .Callable(Squeeze ? "SqueezeToDict" : "ToDict") .Add(0, std::move(list)) .Lambda(1) .Param("row") .Arg("row") .Seal() .Lambda(2) .Param("stub") .Callable("Void").Seal() .Seal() .List(3) .Atom(0, multi ? "Many" : "One", TNodeFlags::Default) .Atom(1, "Hashed", TNodeFlags::Default) .Do([&](TExprNodeBuilder& parent) -> TExprNodeBuilder& { if constexpr (Squeeze) parent.Atom(2, "Compact", TNodeFlags::Default); return parent; }) .Seal() .Seal() .Build(); } template TExprNode::TPtr MakeDictForJoin(TExprNode::TPtr&& list, bool payload, bool multi, TExprContext& ctx); template TExprNode::TPtr MakeDictForJoin(TExprNode::TPtr&& list, bool payload, bool multi, TExprContext& ctx); TExprNode::TPtr MakeCrossJoin(TPositionHandle pos, TExprNode::TPtr left, TExprNode::TPtr right, TExprContext& ctx) { return ctx.Builder(pos) .List() .Atom(0, "Cross") .Add(1, left) .Add(2, right) .List(3) .Seal() .List(4) .Seal() .List(5) .Seal() .Seal() .Build(); } TExprNode::TPtr PreparePredicate(TExprNode::TPtr predicate, TExprContext& ctx) { auto originalPredicate = predicate; bool isPg = false; if (predicate->IsCallable("ToPg")) { isPg = true; predicate = predicate->ChildPtr(0); } if (!predicate->IsCallable("Or")) { return originalPredicate; } if (predicate->ChildrenSize() == 1) { return originalPredicate; } // try to extract common And parts from Or TVector andParts; for (ui32 i = 0; i < predicate->ChildrenSize(); ++i) { TExprNode::TListType res; bool isPg; GatherAndTerms(predicate->ChildPtr(i), res, isPg, ctx); YQL_ENSURE(!isPg); // direct child for Or andParts.emplace_back(std::move(res)); } THashMap commonParts; for (ui32 j = 0; j < andParts[0].size(); ++j) { commonParts[andParts[0][j].Get()] = j; } for (ui32 i = 1; i < andParts.size(); ++i) { THashSet found; for (ui32 j = 0; j < andParts[i].size(); ++j) { found.insert(andParts[i][j].Get()); } // remove for (auto it = commonParts.begin(); it != commonParts.end();) { if (found.contains(it->first)) { ++it; } else { commonParts.erase(it++); } } } if (commonParts.size() == 0) { return originalPredicate; } // rebuild commonParts in order of original And TVector idx; for (const auto& x : commonParts) { idx.push_back(x.second); } Sort(idx); TExprNode::TListType andArgs; for (ui32 i : idx) { andArgs.push_back(andParts[0][i]); } TExprNode::TListType orArgs; for (ui32 i = 0; i < andParts.size(); ++i) { TExprNode::TListType restAndArgs; for (ui32 j = 0; j < andParts[i].size(); ++j) { if (commonParts.contains(andParts[i][j].Get())) { continue; } restAndArgs.push_back(andParts[i][j]); } if (restAndArgs.size() >= 1) { orArgs.push_back(ctx.NewCallable(predicate->Pos(), "And", std::move(restAndArgs))); } } if (orArgs.size() >= 1) { andArgs.push_back(ctx.NewCallable(predicate->Pos(), "Or", std::move(orArgs))); } auto ret = ctx.NewCallable(predicate->Pos(), "And", std::move(andArgs)); if (isPg) { ret = ctx.NewCallable(predicate->Pos(), "ToPg", { ret }); } return ret; } void GatherAndTermsImpl(const TExprNode::TPtr& predicate, TExprNode::TListType& andTerms, TExprContext& ctx) { auto pred = PreparePredicate(predicate, ctx); if (!pred->IsCallable("And")) { andTerms.emplace_back(pred); return; } for (ui32 i = 0; i < pred->ChildrenSize(); ++i) { GatherAndTermsImpl(pred->ChildPtr(i), andTerms, ctx); } } void GatherAndTerms(const TExprNode::TPtr& predicate, TExprNode::TListType& andTerms, bool& isPg, TExprContext& ctx) { isPg = false; if (predicate->IsCallable("ToPg")) { isPg = true; GatherAndTermsImpl(predicate->HeadPtr(), andTerms, ctx); } else { GatherAndTermsImpl(predicate, andTerms, ctx); } } TExprNode::TPtr FuseAndTerms(TPositionHandle position, const TExprNode::TListType& andTerms, const TExprNode::TPtr& exclude, bool isPg, TExprContext& ctx) { TExprNode::TPtr prevAndNode = nullptr; TNodeSet added; for (const auto& otherAndTerm : andTerms) { if (otherAndTerm == exclude) { continue; } if (!added.insert(otherAndTerm.Get()).second) { continue; } if (!prevAndNode) { prevAndNode = otherAndTerm; } else { prevAndNode = ctx.NewCallable(position, "And", { prevAndNode, otherAndTerm }); } } if (isPg) { return ctx.NewCallable(position, "ToPg", { prevAndNode }); } else { return prevAndNode; } } bool IsEquality(TExprNode::TPtr predicate, TExprNode::TPtr& left, TExprNode::TPtr& right) { if (predicate->IsCallable("Coalesce")) { if (predicate->Tail().IsCallable("Bool") && IsFalse(predicate->Tail().Head().Content())) { predicate = predicate->HeadPtr(); } else { return false; } } if (predicate->IsCallable("FromPg")) { predicate = predicate->HeadPtr(); } if (predicate->IsCallable("==")) { left = predicate->ChildPtr(0); right = predicate->ChildPtr(1); return true; } if (predicate->IsCallable("PgResolvedOp") && (predicate->Head().Content() == "=")) { left = predicate->ChildPtr(2); right = predicate->ChildPtr(3); return true; } return false; } void GatherJoinInputs(const TExprNode::TPtr& expr, const TExprNode& row, const TParentsMap& parentsMap, const THashMap& backRenameMap, const TJoinLabels& labels, TSet& inputs, TSet& usedFields) { usedFields.clear(); if (!HaveFieldsSubset(expr, row, usedFields, parentsMap, false)) { const auto inputStructType = RemoveOptionalType(row.GetTypeAnn())->Cast(); for (const auto& i : inputStructType->GetItems()) { usedFields.insert(i->GetName()); } } for (auto x : usedFields) { // rename used fields if (auto renamed = backRenameMap.FindPtr(x)) { x = *renamed; } TStringBuf part1; TStringBuf part2; SplitTableName(x, part1, part2); inputs.insert(*labels.FindInputIndex(part1)); if (inputs.size() == labels.Inputs.size()) { break; } } } } // namespace NYql