#pragma once #include "fwd.h" #include "wrappers.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include class ITimeProvider; namespace NKikimr { namespace NMiniKQL { class TScopedAlloc; class IComputationGraph; class IFunctionRegistry; class TTypeEnvironment; class TType; class TStructType; } } namespace NYql { namespace NPureCalc { /** * SQL or s-expression translation error. */ class TCompileError: public yexception { private: TString Yql_; TString Issues_; public: // TODO: maybe accept an actual list of issues here? // See https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/review/439403/details#comment-778237 TCompileError(TString yql, TString issues) : Yql_(std::move(yql)) , Issues_(std::move(issues)) { } public: /** * Get the sql query which caused the error (if there is one available). */ const TString& GetYql() const { return Yql_; } /** * Get detailed description for all errors and warnings that happened during sql translation. */ const TString& GetIssues() const { return Issues_; } }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * A generic input stream of objects. */ template class IStream { public: virtual ~IStream() = default; public: /** * Pops and returns a next value in the stream. If the stream is finished, should return some sentinel object. * * Depending on return type, this function may not transfer object ownership to a user. * Thus, the stream may manage the returned object * itself. * That is, the returned object's lifetime may be bound to the input stream lifetime; it may be destroyed * upon calling Fetch() or upon destroying the stream, whichever happens first. */ virtual T Fetch() = 0; }; /** * Create a new stream which applies the given functor to the elements of the original stream. */ template inline THolder> MapStream(THolder> stream, TFunctor functor) { return THolder(new NPrivate::TMappingStream(std::move(stream), std::move(functor))); }; /** * Convert stream of objects into a stream of potentially incompatible objects. * * This conversion applies static cast to the output of the original stream. Use with caution! */ /// @{ template < typename TNew, typename TOld, std::enable_if_t::value>* = nullptr> inline THolder> ConvertStreamUnsafe(THolder> stream) { return MapStream(std::move(stream), [](TOld x) -> TNew { return static_cast(x); }); } template inline THolder> ConvertStreamUnsafe(THolder> stream) { return stream; } /// @} /** * Convert stream of objects into a stream of compatible objects. * * Note: each conversion adds one level of indirection so avoid them if possible. */ template ::value>* = nullptr> inline THolder> ConvertStream(THolder> stream) { return ConvertStreamUnsafe(std::move(stream)); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * A generic push consumer. */ template class IConsumer { public: virtual ~IConsumer() = default; public: /** * Feed an object to consumer. * * Depending on argument type, the consumer may not take ownership of the passed object; * in that case it is the caller responsibility to manage the object lifetime after passing it to this method. * * The passed object can be destroyed after the consumer returns from this function; the consumer should * not store pointer to the passed object or the passed object itself without taking all necessary precautions * to ensure that the pointer or the object stays valid after returning. */ virtual void OnObject(T) = 0; /** * Close the consumer and run finalization logic. Calling OnObject after calling this function is an error. */ virtual void OnFinish() = 0; }; /** * Create a new consumer which applies the given functor to objects before . */ template inline THolder> MapConsumer(THolder> stream, TFunctor functor) { return THolder(new NPrivate::TMappingConsumer(std::move(stream), std::move(functor))); }; /** * Convert consumer of objects into a consumer of potentially incompatible objects. * * This conversion applies static cast to the input value. Use with caution. */ /// @{ template < typename TNew, typename TOld, std::enable_if_t::value>* = nullptr> inline THolder> ConvertConsumerUnsafe(THolder> consumer) { return MapConsumer(std::move(consumer), [](TNew x) -> TOld { return static_cast(x); }); } template inline THolder> ConvertConsumerUnsafe(THolder> consumer) { return consumer; } /// @} /** * Convert consumer of objects into a consumer of compatible objects. * * Note: each conversion adds one level of indirection so avoid them if possible. */ template ::value>* = nullptr> inline THolder> ConvertConsumer(THolder> consumer) { return ConvertConsumerUnsafe(std::move(consumer)); } /** * Create a consumer which holds a non-owning pointer to the given consumer * and passes all messages to the latter. */ template THolder> MakeNonOwningConsumer(C consumer) { return MakeHolder>(consumer); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Logging options. */ struct TLoggingOptions final { public: /// Logging level for messages generated during compilation. ELogPriority LogLevel_; // TODO: rename to LogLevel /// Where to write log messages. IOutputStream* LogDestination; public: TLoggingOptions(); /** * Set a new logging level. * * @return reference to self, to allow method chaining. */ TLoggingOptions& SetLogLevel(ELogPriority); /** * Set a new logging destination. * * @return reference to self, to allow method chaining. */ TLoggingOptions& SetLogDestination(IOutputStream*); }; /** * General options for program factory. */ struct TProgramFactoryOptions final { public: /// Path to a directory with compiled UDFs. Leave empty to disable loading external UDFs. TString UdfsDir_; // TODO: rename to UDFDir /// List of available external resources, e.g. files, UDFs, libraries. TVector UserData_; // TODO: rename to UserData /// LLVM settings. Assign "OFF" to disable LLVM, empty string for default settings. TString LLVMSettings; /// Block engine settings. Assign "force" to unconditionally enable /// it, "disable" for turn it off and "auto" to left the final /// decision to the platform heuristics. TString BlockEngineSettings; /// Output stream to dump the compiled and optimized expressions. IOutputStream* ExprOutputStream; /// Provider for generic counters which can be used to export statistics from UDFs. NKikimr::NUdf::ICountersProvider* CountersProvider; /// YT Type V3 flags for Skiff/Yson serialization. ui64 NativeYtTypeFlags; /// Seed for deterministic time provider TMaybe DeterministicTimeProviderSeed; /// Use special system columns to support tables naming (supports non empty ``TablePath()``/``TableName()``) bool UseSystemColumns; /// Reuse allocated workers bool UseWorkerPool; public: TProgramFactoryOptions(); public: /** * Set a new path to a directory with UDFs. * * @return reference to self, to allow method chaining. */ TProgramFactoryOptions& SetUDFsDir(TStringBuf); /** * Add a new library to the UserData list. * * @param disposition where the resource resides, e.g. on filesystem, in memory, etc. * NB: URL disposition is not supported. * @param name name of the resource. * @param content depending on disposition, either path to the resource or its content. * @return reference to self, to allow method chaining. */ TProgramFactoryOptions& AddLibrary(NUserData::EDisposition disposition, TStringBuf name, TStringBuf content); /** * Add a new file to the UserData list. * * @param disposition where the resource resides, e.g. on filesystem, in memory, etc. * NB: URL disposition is not supported. * @param name name of the resource. * @param content depending on disposition, either path to the resource or its content. * @return reference to self, to allow method chaining. */ TProgramFactoryOptions& AddFile(NUserData::EDisposition disposition, TStringBuf name, TStringBuf content); /** * Add a new UDF to the UserData list. * * @param disposition where the resource resides, e.g. on filesystem, in memory, etc. * NB: URL disposition is not supported. * @param name name of the resource. * @param content depending on disposition, either path to the resource or its content. * @return reference to self, to allow method chaining. */ TProgramFactoryOptions& AddUDF(NUserData::EDisposition disposition, TStringBuf name, TStringBuf content); /** * Set new LLVM settings. * * @return reference to self, to allow method chaining. */ TProgramFactoryOptions& SetLLVMSettings(TStringBuf llvm_settings); /** * Set new block engine settings. * * @return reference to self, to allow method chaining. */ TProgramFactoryOptions& SetBlockEngineSettings(TStringBuf blockEngineSettings); /** * Set the stream to dump the compiled and optimized expressions. * * @return reference to self, to allow method chaining. */ TProgramFactoryOptions& SetExprOutputStream(IOutputStream* exprOutputStream); /** * Set new counters provider. Passed pointer should stay alive for as long as the processor factory * stays alive. * * @return reference to self, to allow method chaining. */ TProgramFactoryOptions& SetCountersProvider(NKikimr::NUdf::ICountersProvider* countersProvider); /** * Set new YT Type V3 mode. Deprecated method. Use SetNativeYtTypeFlags instead * * @return reference to self, to allow method chaining. */ TProgramFactoryOptions& SetUseNativeYtTypes(bool useNativeTypes); /** * Set YT Type V3 flags. * * @return reference to self, to allow method chaining. */ TProgramFactoryOptions& SetNativeYtTypeFlags(ui64 nativeTypeFlags); /** * Set seed for deterministic time provider. * * @return reference to self, to allow method chaining. */ TProgramFactoryOptions& SetDeterministicTimeProviderSeed(TMaybe seed); /** * Set new flag whether to allow using system columns or not. * * @return reference to self, to allow method chaining. */ TProgramFactoryOptions& SetUseSystemColumns(bool useSystemColumns); /** * Set new flag whether to allow reusing workers or not. * * @return reference to self, to allow method chaining. */ TProgramFactoryOptions& SetUseWorkerPool(bool useWorkerPool); }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * What exactly are we parsing: SQL or an s-expression. */ enum class ETranslationMode { SQL /* "SQL" */, SExpr /* "s-expression" */, Mkql /* "mkql" */, PG /* PostgreSQL */ }; /** * A facility for compiling sql and s-expressions and making programs from them. */ class IProgramFactory: public TThrRefBase { protected: virtual IPullStreamWorkerFactoryPtr MakePullStreamWorkerFactory(const TInputSpecBase&, const TOutputSpecBase&, TString, ETranslationMode, ui16) = 0; virtual IPullListWorkerFactoryPtr MakePullListWorkerFactory(const TInputSpecBase&, const TOutputSpecBase&, TString, ETranslationMode, ui16) = 0; virtual IPushStreamWorkerFactoryPtr MakePushStreamWorkerFactory(const TInputSpecBase&, const TOutputSpecBase&, TString, ETranslationMode, ui16) = 0; public: /** * Add new udf module. It's not specified whether adding new modules will affect existing programs * (theoretical answer is 'no'). */ virtual void AddUdfModule(const TStringBuf&, NKikimr::NUdf::TUniquePtr&&) = 0; // TODO: support setting udf modules via factory options. /** * Set new counters provider, override one that was specified via factory options. Note that existing * programs will still reference the previous provider. */ virtual void SetCountersProvider(NKikimr::NUdf::ICountersProvider*) = 0; // TODO: support setting providers via factory options. template THolder> MakePullStreamProgram( TInputSpec inputSpec, TOutputSpec outputSpec, TString query, ETranslationMode mode = ETranslationMode::SQL, ui16 syntaxVersion = 1 ) { auto workerFactory = MakePullStreamWorkerFactory(inputSpec, outputSpec, std::move(query), mode, syntaxVersion); return MakeHolder>(std::move(inputSpec), std::move(outputSpec), workerFactory); } template THolder> MakePullListProgram( TInputSpec inputSpec, TOutputSpec outputSpec, TString query, ETranslationMode mode = ETranslationMode::SQL, ui16 syntaxVersion = 1 ) { auto workerFactory = MakePullListWorkerFactory(inputSpec, outputSpec, std::move(query), mode, syntaxVersion); return MakeHolder>(std::move(inputSpec), std::move(outputSpec), workerFactory); } template THolder> MakePushStreamProgram( TInputSpec inputSpec, TOutputSpec outputSpec, TString query, ETranslationMode mode = ETranslationMode::SQL, ui16 syntaxVersion = 1 ) { auto workerFactory = MakePushStreamWorkerFactory(inputSpec, outputSpec, std::move(query), mode, syntaxVersion); return MakeHolder>(std::move(inputSpec), std::move(outputSpec), workerFactory); } }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * A facility for creating workers. Despite being a part of a public API, worker factory is not used directly. */ class IWorkerFactory: public std::enable_shared_from_this { public: virtual ~IWorkerFactory() = default; /** * Get input column names for specified input that are actually used in the query. */ virtual const THashSet& GetUsedColumns(ui32) const = 0; /** * Overload for single-input programs. */ virtual const THashSet& GetUsedColumns() const = 0; /** * Make input type schema for specified input as deduced by program optimizer. This schema is equivalent * to one provided by input spec up to the order of the fields in structures. */ virtual NYT::TNode MakeInputSchema(ui32) const = 0; /** * Overload for single-input programs. */ virtual NYT::TNode MakeInputSchema() const = 0; /** * Make output type schema as deduced by program optimizer. If output spec provides its own schema, than * this schema is equivalent to one provided by output spec up to the order of the fields in structures. */ /// @{ /** * Overload for single-table output programs (i.e. output type is struct). */ virtual NYT::TNode MakeOutputSchema() const = 0; /** * Overload for multi-table output programs (i.e. output type is variant over tuple). */ virtual NYT::TNode MakeOutputSchema(ui32) const = 0; /** * Overload for multi-table output programs (i.e. output type is variant over struct). */ virtual NYT::TNode MakeOutputSchema(TStringBuf) const = 0; /// @} /** * Make full output schema. For single-output programs returns struct type, for multi-output programs * returns variant type. * * Warning: calling this function may result in extended memory usage for large number of output tables. */ virtual NYT::TNode MakeFullOutputSchema() const = 0; /** * Get compilation issues */ virtual TIssues GetIssues() const = 0; /** * Get precompiled mkql program */ virtual TString GetCompiledProgram() = 0; /** * Return a worker to the factory for possible reuse */ virtual void ReturnWorker(IWorker* worker) = 0; }; class TReleaseWorker { public: template static inline void Destroy(T* t) noexcept { t->Release(); } }; template using TWorkerHolder = THolder; /** * Factory for generating pull stream workers. */ class IPullStreamWorkerFactory: public IWorkerFactory { public: /** * Create a new pull stream worker. */ virtual TWorkerHolder MakeWorker() = 0; }; /** * Factory for generating pull list workers. */ class IPullListWorkerFactory: public IWorkerFactory { public: /** * Create a new pull list worker. */ virtual TWorkerHolder MakeWorker() = 0; }; /** * Factory for generating push stream workers. */ class IPushStreamWorkerFactory: public IWorkerFactory { public: /** * Create a new push stream worker. */ virtual TWorkerHolder MakeWorker() = 0; }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Worker is a central part of any program instance. It contains current computation state * (called computation graph) and objects required to work with it, including an allocator for unboxed values. * * Usually, users do not interact with workers directly. They use program instance entry points such as streams * and consumers instead. The only case when one would have to to interact with workers is when implementing * custom io-specification. */ class IWorker { protected: friend class TReleaseWorker; /** * Cleanup the worker and return to a worker factory for reuse */ virtual void Release() = 0; public: virtual ~IWorker() = default; public: /** * Number of inputs for this program. */ virtual ui32 GetInputsCount() const = 0; /** * MiniKQL input struct type of specified input for this program. Type is equivalent to the deduced input * schema (see IWorker::MakeInputSchema()) * * If ``original`` is set to ``true``, returns type without virtual system columns. */ virtual const NKikimr::NMiniKQL::TStructType* GetInputType(ui32, bool original = false) const = 0; /** * Overload for single-input programs. */ virtual const NKikimr::NMiniKQL::TStructType* GetInputType(bool original = false) const = 0; /** * MiniKQL input struct type of the specified input for this program. * The returned type is the actual type of the specified input node. */ virtual const NKikimr::NMiniKQL::TStructType* GetRawInputType(ui32) const = 0; /** * Overload for single-input programs. */ virtual const NKikimr::NMiniKQL::TStructType* GetRawInputType() const = 0; /** * MiniKQL output struct type for this program. The returned type is equivalent to the deduced output * schema (see IWorker::MakeFullOutputSchema()). */ virtual const NKikimr::NMiniKQL::TType* GetOutputType() const = 0; /** * MiniKQL output struct type for this program. The returned type is * the actual type of the root node. */ virtual const NKikimr::NMiniKQL::TType* GetRawOutputType() const = 0; /** * Make input type schema for specified input as deduced by program optimizer. This schema is equivalent * to one provided by input spec up to the order of the fields in structures. */ virtual NYT::TNode MakeInputSchema(ui32) const = 0; /** * Overload for single-input programs. */ virtual NYT::TNode MakeInputSchema() const = 0; /** * Make output type schema as deduced by program optimizer. If output spec provides its own schema, than * this schema is equivalent to one provided by output spec up to the order of the fields in structures. */ /// @{ /** * Overload for single-table output programs (i.e. output type is struct). */ virtual NYT::TNode MakeOutputSchema() const = 0; /** * Overload for multi-table output programs (i.e. output type is variant over tuple). */ virtual NYT::TNode MakeOutputSchema(ui32) const = 0; /** * Overload for multi-table output programs (i.e. output type is variant over struct). */ virtual NYT::TNode MakeOutputSchema(TStringBuf) const = 0; /// @} /** * Generates full output schema. For single-output programs returns struct type, for multi-output programs * returns variant type. * * Warning: calling this function may result in extended memory usage for large number of output tables. */ virtual NYT::TNode MakeFullOutputSchema() const = 0; /** * Get scoped alloc used in this worker. */ virtual NKikimr::NMiniKQL::TScopedAlloc& GetScopedAlloc() = 0; /** * Get computation graph. */ virtual NKikimr::NMiniKQL::IComputationGraph& GetGraph() = 0; /** * Get function registry for this worker. */ virtual const NKikimr::NMiniKQL::IFunctionRegistry& GetFunctionRegistry() const = 0; /** * Get type environment for this worker. */ virtual NKikimr::NMiniKQL::TTypeEnvironment& GetTypeEnvironment() = 0; /** * Get llvm settings for this worker. */ virtual const TString& GetLLVMSettings() const = 0; /** * Get YT Type V3 flags */ virtual ui64 GetNativeYtTypeFlags() const = 0; /** * Get time provider */ virtual ITimeProvider* GetTimeProvider() const = 0; }; /** * Worker which operates in pull stream mode. */ class IPullStreamWorker: public IWorker { public: /** * Set input computation graph node for specified input. The passed unboxed value should be a stream of * structs. It should be created via the allocator associated with this very worker. * This function can only be called once for each input. */ virtual void SetInput(NKikimr::NUdf::TUnboxedValue&&, ui32) = 0; /** * Get the output computation graph node. The returned node will be a stream of structs or variants. * This function cannot be called before setting an input value. */ virtual NKikimr::NUdf::TUnboxedValue& GetOutput() = 0; }; /** * Worker which operates in pull list mode. */ class IPullListWorker: public IWorker { public: /** * Set input computation graph node for specified input. The passed unboxed value should be a list of * structs. It should be created via the allocator associated with this very worker. * This function can only be called once for each index. */ virtual void SetInput(NKikimr::NUdf::TUnboxedValue&&, ui32) = 0; /** * Get the output computation graph node. The returned node will be a list of structs or variants. * This function cannot be called before setting an input value. */ virtual NKikimr::NUdf::TUnboxedValue& GetOutput() = 0; /** * Get iterator over the output list. */ virtual NKikimr::NUdf::TUnboxedValue& GetOutputIterator() = 0; /** * Reset iterator to the beginning of the output list. After calling this function, GetOutputIterator() * will return a fresh iterator; all previously returned iterators will become invalid. */ virtual void ResetOutputIterator() = 0; }; /** * Worker which operates in push stream mode. */ class IPushStreamWorker: public IWorker { public: /** * Set a consumer where the worker will relay its output. This function can only be called once. */ virtual void SetConsumer(THolder>) = 0; /** * Push new value to the graph, than feed all new output to the consumer. Values cannot be pushed before * assigning a consumer. */ virtual void Push(NKikimr::NUdf::TUnboxedValue&&) = 0; /** * Send finish event and clear the computation graph. No new values will be accepted. */ virtual void OnFinish() = 0; }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Input specifications describe format for program input. They carry information about input data schema * as well as the knowledge about how to convert input structures into unboxed values (data format which can be * processed by the YQL runtime). * * Input spec defines the arguments of the program's Apply method. For example, a program * with the protobuf input spec will accept a stream of protobuf messages while a program with the * yson spec will accept an input stream (binary or text one). * * See documentation for input and output spec traits for hints on how to implement a custom specs. */ class TInputSpecBase { protected: mutable TVector> AllVirtualColumns_; public: virtual ~TInputSpecBase() = default; public: /** * Get input data schemas in YQL format (NB: not a YT format). Each item of the returned vector must * describe a structure. * * Format of each item is approximately this one: * * @code * [ * 'StructType', * [ * ["Field1Name", ["DataType", "Int32"]], * ["Field2Name", ["DataType", "String"]], * ... * ] * ] * @endcode */ virtual const TVector& GetSchemas() const = 0; // TODO: make a neat schema builder /** * Get virtual columns for each input. * * Key of each mapping is column name, value is data schema in YQL format. */ const TVector>& GetAllVirtualColumns() const { if (AllVirtualColumns_.empty()) { AllVirtualColumns_ = TVector>(GetSchemas().size()); } return AllVirtualColumns_; } virtual bool ProvidesBlocks() const { return false; } }; /** * Output specifications describe format for program output. Like input specifications, they cary knowledge * about program output type and how to convert unboxed values into that type. */ class TOutputSpecBase { private: TMaybe> OutputColumnsFilter_; public: virtual ~TOutputSpecBase() = default; public: /** * Get output data schema in YQL format (NB: not a YT format). The returned value must describe a structure * or a variant made of structures for fulti-table outputs (note: not all specs support multi-table output). * * See docs for the input spec's GetSchemas(). * * Also TNode entity could be returned (NYT::TNode::CreateEntity()), * in which case output schema would be inferred from query and could be * obtained by Program::GetOutputSchema() call. */ virtual const NYT::TNode& GetSchema() const = 0; /** * Get an output columns filter. * * Output columns filter is a set of column names that should be left in the output. All columns that are * not in this set will not be calculated. Depending on the output schema, they will be either removed * completely (for optional columns) or filled with defaults (for required columns). */ const TMaybe>& GetOutputColumnsFilter() const { return OutputColumnsFilter_; } /** * Set new output columns filter. */ void SetOutputColumnsFilter(const TMaybe>& outputColumnsFilter) { OutputColumnsFilter_ = outputColumnsFilter; } virtual bool AcceptsBlocks() const { return false; } }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Input spec traits provide information on how to process program input. * * Each input spec should create a template specialization for this class, in which it should provide several * static variables and functions. * * For example, a hypothetical example of implementing a JSON input spec would look like this: * * @code * class TJsonInputSpec: public TInputSpecBase { * // whatever magic you require for this spec * }; * * template <> * class TInputSpecTraits { * // write here four constants, one typedef and three static functions described below * }; * @endcode * * @tparam T input spec type. */ template struct TInputSpecTraits { /// Safety flag which should be set to false in all template specializations of this class. Attempt to /// build a program using a spec with `IsPartial=true` will result in compilation error. static const constexpr bool IsPartial = true; /// Indicates whether this spec supports pull stream mode. static const constexpr bool SupportPullStreamMode = false; /// Indicates whether this spec supports pull list mode. static const constexpr bool SupportPullListMode = false; /// Indicates whether this spec supports push stream mode. static const constexpr bool SupportPushStreamMode = false; /// For push mode, indicates the return type of the builder's Process function. using TConsumerType = void; /// For pull stream mode, should take an input spec, a pull stream worker and whatever the user passed /// to the program's Apply function, create an unboxed values with a custom stream implementations /// and pass it to the worker's SetInput function for each input. template static void PreparePullStreamWorker(const T&, IPullStreamWorker*, A&&...) { Y_UNREACHABLE(); } /// For pull list mode, should take an input spec, a pull list worker and whatever the user passed /// to the program's Apply function, create an unboxed values with a custom list implementations /// and pass it to the worker's SetInput function for each input. template static void PreparePullListWorker(const T&, IPullListWorker*, A&&...) { Y_UNREACHABLE(); } /// For push stream mode, should take an input spec and a worker and create a consumer which will /// be returned to the user. The consumer should keep the worker alive until its own destruction. /// The return type of this function should exactly match the one defined in ConsumerType typedef. static TConsumerType MakeConsumer(const T&, TWorkerHolder) { Y_UNREACHABLE(); } }; /** * Output spec traits provide information on how to process program output. Like with input specs, each output * spec requires an appropriate template specialization of this class. * * @tparam T output spec type. */ template struct TOutputSpecTraits { /// Safety flag which should be set to false in all template specializations of this class. Attempt to /// build a program using a spec with `IsPartial=false` will result in compilation error. static const constexpr bool IsPartial = true; /// Indicates whether this spec supports pull stream mode. static const constexpr bool SupportPullStreamMode = false; /// Indicates whether this spec supports pull list mode. static const constexpr bool SupportPullListMode = false; /// Indicates whether this spec supports push stream mode. static const constexpr bool SupportPushStreamMode = false; /// For pull stream mode, indicates the return type of the program's Apply function. using TPullStreamReturnType = void; /// For pull list mode, indicates the return type of the program's Apply function. using TPullListReturnType = void; /// For pull stream mode, should take an output spec and a worker and build a stream which will be returned /// to the user. The return type of this function must match the one specified in the PullStreamReturnType. static TPullStreamReturnType ConvertPullStreamWorkerToOutputType(const T&, TWorkerHolder) { Y_UNREACHABLE(); } /// For pull list mode, should take an output spec and a worker and build a list which will be returned /// to the user. The return type of this function must match the one specified in the PullListReturnType. static TPullListReturnType ConvertPullListWorkerToOutputType(const T&, TWorkerHolder) { Y_UNREACHABLE(); } /// For push stream mode, should take an output spec, a worker and whatever arguments the user passed /// to the program's Apply function, create a consumer for unboxed values and pass it to the worker's /// SetConsumer function. template static void SetConsumerToWorker(const T&, IPushStreamWorker*, A&&...) { Y_UNREACHABLE(); } }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define NOT_SPEC_MSG(spec_type) "passed class should be derived from " spec_type " spec base" #define PARTIAL_SPEC_MSG(spec_type) "this " spec_type " spec does not define its traits. Make sure you've passed " \ "an " spec_type " spec and not some other object; also make sure you've included " \ "all necessary headers. If you're developing a spec, make sure you have " \ "a spec traits template specialization" #define UNSUPPORTED_MODE_MSG(spec_type, mode) "this " spec_type " spec does not support " mode " mode" class IProgram { public: virtual ~IProgram() = default; public: virtual const TInputSpecBase& GetInputSpecBase() const = 0; virtual const TOutputSpecBase& GetOutputSpecBase() const = 0; virtual const THashSet& GetUsedColumns(ui32) const = 0; virtual const THashSet& GetUsedColumns() const = 0; virtual NYT::TNode MakeInputSchema(ui32) const = 0; virtual NYT::TNode MakeInputSchema() const = 0; virtual NYT::TNode MakeOutputSchema() const = 0; virtual NYT::TNode MakeOutputSchema(ui32) const = 0; virtual NYT::TNode MakeOutputSchema(TStringBuf) const = 0; virtual NYT::TNode MakeFullOutputSchema() const = 0; virtual TIssues GetIssues() const = 0; virtual TString GetCompiledProgram() = 0; inline void MergeUsedColumns(THashSet& columns, ui32 inputIndex) { const auto& usedColumns = GetUsedColumns(inputIndex); columns.insert(usedColumns.begin(), usedColumns.end()); } inline void MergeUsedColumns(THashSet& columns) { const auto& usedColumns = GetUsedColumns(); columns.insert(usedColumns.begin(), usedColumns.end()); } }; template class TProgramCommon: public IProgram { static_assert(std::is_base_of::value, NOT_SPEC_MSG("input")); static_assert(std::is_base_of::value, NOT_SPEC_MSG("output")); protected: TInputSpec InputSpec_; TOutputSpec OutputSpec_; std::shared_ptr WorkerFactory_; public: explicit TProgramCommon( TInputSpec inputSpec, TOutputSpec outputSpec, std::shared_ptr workerFactory ) : InputSpec_(inputSpec) , OutputSpec_(outputSpec) , WorkerFactory_(std::move(workerFactory)) { } public: const TInputSpec& GetInputSpec() const { return InputSpec_; } const TOutputSpec& GetOutputSpec() const { return OutputSpec_; } const TInputSpecBase& GetInputSpecBase() const override { return InputSpec_; } const TOutputSpecBase& GetOutputSpecBase() const override { return OutputSpec_; } const THashSet& GetUsedColumns(ui32 inputIndex) const override { return WorkerFactory_->GetUsedColumns(inputIndex); } const THashSet& GetUsedColumns() const override { return WorkerFactory_->GetUsedColumns(); } NYT::TNode MakeInputSchema(ui32 inputIndex) const override { return WorkerFactory_->MakeInputSchema(inputIndex); } NYT::TNode MakeInputSchema() const override { return WorkerFactory_->MakeInputSchema(); } NYT::TNode MakeOutputSchema() const override { return WorkerFactory_->MakeOutputSchema(); } NYT::TNode MakeOutputSchema(ui32 outputIndex) const override { return WorkerFactory_->MakeOutputSchema(outputIndex); } NYT::TNode MakeOutputSchema(TStringBuf outputName) const override { return WorkerFactory_->MakeOutputSchema(outputName); } NYT::TNode MakeFullOutputSchema() const override { return WorkerFactory_->MakeFullOutputSchema(); } TIssues GetIssues() const override { return WorkerFactory_->GetIssues(); } TString GetCompiledProgram() override { return WorkerFactory_->GetCompiledProgram(); } }; template class TPullStreamProgram final: public TProgramCommon { using TProgramCommon::WorkerFactory_; using TProgramCommon::InputSpec_; using TProgramCommon::OutputSpec_; public: using TProgramCommon::TProgramCommon; public: template typename TOutputSpecTraits::TPullStreamReturnType Apply(T&& ... t) { static_assert(!TInputSpecTraits::IsPartial, PARTIAL_SPEC_MSG("input")); static_assert(!TOutputSpecTraits::IsPartial, PARTIAL_SPEC_MSG("output")); static_assert(TInputSpecTraits::SupportPullStreamMode, UNSUPPORTED_MODE_MSG("input", "pull stream")); static_assert(TOutputSpecTraits::SupportPullStreamMode, UNSUPPORTED_MODE_MSG("output", "pull stream")); auto worker = WorkerFactory_->MakeWorker(); TInputSpecTraits::PreparePullStreamWorker(InputSpec_, worker.Get(), std::forward(t)...); return TOutputSpecTraits::ConvertPullStreamWorkerToOutputType(OutputSpec_, std::move(worker)); } }; template class TPullListProgram final: public TProgramCommon { using TProgramCommon::WorkerFactory_; using TProgramCommon::InputSpec_; using TProgramCommon::OutputSpec_; public: using TProgramCommon::TProgramCommon; public: template typename TOutputSpecTraits::TPullListReturnType Apply(T&& ... t) { static_assert(!TInputSpecTraits::IsPartial, PARTIAL_SPEC_MSG("input")); static_assert(!TOutputSpecTraits::IsPartial, PARTIAL_SPEC_MSG("output")); static_assert(TInputSpecTraits::SupportPullListMode, UNSUPPORTED_MODE_MSG("input", "pull list")); static_assert(TOutputSpecTraits::SupportPullListMode, UNSUPPORTED_MODE_MSG("output", "pull list")); auto worker = WorkerFactory_->MakeWorker(); TInputSpecTraits::PreparePullListWorker(InputSpec_, worker.Get(), std::forward(t)...); return TOutputSpecTraits::ConvertPullListWorkerToOutputType(OutputSpec_, std::move(worker)); } }; template class TPushStreamProgram final: public TProgramCommon { using TProgramCommon::WorkerFactory_; using TProgramCommon::InputSpec_; using TProgramCommon::OutputSpec_; public: using TProgramCommon::TProgramCommon; public: template typename TInputSpecTraits::TConsumerType Apply(T&& ... t) { static_assert(!TInputSpecTraits::IsPartial, PARTIAL_SPEC_MSG("input")); static_assert(!TOutputSpecTraits::IsPartial, PARTIAL_SPEC_MSG("output")); static_assert(TInputSpecTraits::SupportPushStreamMode, UNSUPPORTED_MODE_MSG("input", "push stream")); static_assert(TOutputSpecTraits::SupportPushStreamMode, UNSUPPORTED_MODE_MSG("output", "push stream")); auto worker = WorkerFactory_->MakeWorker(); TOutputSpecTraits::SetConsumerToWorker(OutputSpec_, worker.Get(), std::forward(t)...); return TInputSpecTraits::MakeConsumer(InputSpec_, std::move(worker)); } }; #undef NOT_SPEC_MSG #undef PARTIAL_SPEC_MSG #undef UNSUPPORTED_MODE_MSG //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Configure global logging facilities. Affects all YQL modules. */ void ConfigureLogging(const TLoggingOptions& = {}); /** * Create a new program factory. * Custom logging initialization could be preformed by a call to the ConfigureLogging method beforehand. * If the ConfigureLogging method has not been called the default logging initialization will be performed. */ IProgramFactoryPtr MakeProgramFactory(const TProgramFactoryOptions& = {}); } } Y_DECLARE_OUT_SPEC(inline, NYql::NPureCalc::TCompileError, stream, value) { stream << value.AsStrBuf() << Endl << "Issues:" << Endl << value.GetIssues() << Endl << Endl << "Yql:" << Endl <