#include #include // Y_IGNORE #include #include using namespace NYql::NCodegen; using namespace llvm; extern "C" int mul(int x, int y) { return x * y; } extern "C" int sum(int x, int y) { return x + y; } namespace { struct T128 { ui64 Lo; ui64 Hi; T128(ui64 x) : Lo(x) , Hi(0) {} bool operator==(const T128& other) const { return Lo == other.Lo && Hi == other.Hi; } }; Function *CreateFibFunction(Module &M, LLVMContext &Context) { const auto funcType = FunctionType::get(Type::getInt32Ty(Context), {Type::getInt32Ty(Context)}, false); // Create the fib function and insert it into module M. This function is said // to return an int and take an int parameter. Function *FibF = cast(M.getOrInsertFunction("fib", funcType).getCallee()); // Add a basic block to the function. BasicBlock *BB = BasicBlock::Create(Context, "EntryBlock", FibF); // Get pointers to the constants. Value *One = ConstantInt::get(Type::getInt32Ty(Context), 1); Value *Two = ConstantInt::get(Type::getInt32Ty(Context), 2); // Get pointer to the integer argument of the add1 function... auto ArgX = FibF->arg_begin(); // Get the arg. ArgX->setName("AnArg"); // Give it a nice symbolic name for fun. // Create the true_block. BasicBlock *RetBB = BasicBlock::Create(Context, "return", FibF); // Create an exit block. BasicBlock* RecurseBB = BasicBlock::Create(Context, "recurse", FibF); // Create the "if (arg <= 2) goto exitbb" Value *CondInst = CmpInst::Create(Instruction::ICmp, ICmpInst::ICMP_SLE, &*ArgX, Two, "cond", BB); BranchInst::Create(RetBB, RecurseBB, CondInst, BB); // Create: ret int 1 ReturnInst::Create(Context, One, RetBB); // create fib(x-1) Value *Sub = BinaryOperator::CreateSub(&*ArgX, One, "arg", RecurseBB); CallInst *CallFibX1 = CallInst::Create(FibF, Sub, "fibx1", RecurseBB); CallFibX1->setTailCall(); // create fib(x-2) Sub = BinaryOperator::CreateSub(&*ArgX, Two, "arg", RecurseBB); CallInst *CallFibX2 = CallInst::Create(FibF, Sub, "fibx2", RecurseBB); CallFibX2->setTailCall(); // fib(x-1)+fib(x-2) Value *Sum = BinaryOperator::CreateAdd(CallFibX1, CallFibX2, "addresult", RecurseBB); // Create the return instruction and add it to the basic block ReturnInst::Create(Context, Sum, RecurseBB); return FibF; } Function *CreateBadFibFunction(Module &M, LLVMContext &Context) { const auto funcType = FunctionType::get(Type::getInt32Ty(Context), {Type::getInt32Ty(Context)}, false); // Create the fib function and insert it into module M. This function is said // to return an int and take an int parameter. Function *FibF = cast(M.getOrInsertFunction("bad_fib", funcType).getCallee()); BasicBlock *BB = BasicBlock::Create(Context, "EntryBlock", FibF); // Get pointers to the constants. Value *One = ConstantInt::get(Type::getInt64Ty(Context), 1); ReturnInst::Create(Context, One, BB); return FibF; } Function *CreateMulFunction(Module &M, LLVMContext &Context) { const auto funcType = FunctionType::get(Type::getInt32Ty(Context), {Type::getInt32Ty(Context), Type::getInt32Ty(Context)}, false); Function *MulF = cast(M.getOrInsertFunction("mul", funcType).getCallee()); // Add a basic block to the function. BasicBlock *BB = BasicBlock::Create(Context, "EntryBlock", MulF); auto args = MulF->arg_begin(); auto ArgX = args; // Get the arg 1. ArgX->setName("x"); auto ArgY = ++args; // Get the arg 2. ArgY->setName("y"); // arg1 * arg2 Value *Mul = BinaryOperator::CreateMul(&*ArgX, &*ArgY, "res", BB); // Create the return instruction and add it to the basic block ReturnInst::Create(Context, Mul, BB); return MulF; } Function *CreateUseNativeFunction(Module &M, LLVMContext &Context) { const auto funcType = FunctionType::get(Type::getInt32Ty(Context), {Type::getInt32Ty(Context), Type::getInt32Ty(Context)}, false); Function *func = cast(M.getOrInsertFunction("add", funcType).getCallee()); // Add a basic block to the function. BasicBlock *BB = BasicBlock::Create(Context, "EntryBlock", func); auto args = func->arg_begin(); auto ArgX = args; // Get the arg 1. ArgX->setName("x"); auto ArgY = ++args; // Get the arg 2. ArgY->setName("y"); Function* func_mul = M.getFunction("mul"); if (!func_mul) { func_mul = Function::Create( /*Type=*/FunctionType::get(Type::getInt32Ty(Context), {Type::getInt32Ty(Context), Type::getInt32Ty(Context)}, false), /*Linkage=*/GlobalValue::ExternalLinkage, /*Name=*/"mul", &M); // (external, no body) func_mul->setCallingConv(CallingConv::C); } // arg1 * arg2 Value *Mul = CallInst::Create(func_mul, {&*ArgX, &*ArgY}, "res", BB); // Create the return instruction and add it to the basic block ReturnInst::Create(Context, Mul, BB); return func; } Function *CreateUseExternalFromGeneratedFunction(Module& main, LLVMContext &Context) { const auto funcType = FunctionType::get(Type::getInt32Ty(Context), {Type::getInt32Ty(Context), Type::getInt32Ty(Context), Type::getInt32Ty(Context)}, false); Function *func = cast(main.getOrInsertFunction("sum_sqr_3", funcType).getCallee()); // Add a basic block to the function. BasicBlock *BB = BasicBlock::Create(Context, "EntryBlock", func); auto args = func->arg_begin(); auto ArgX = args; // Get the arg 1. ArgX->setName("x"); auto ArgY = ++args; // Get the arg 2. ArgY->setName("y"); auto ArgZ = ++args; // Get the arg 3. ArgZ->setName("z"); Function* sum_sqr = main.getFunction("sum_sqr"); Value *tmp = CallInst::Create(sum_sqr, {&*ArgX, &*ArgY}, "tmp", BB); Value *res = CallInst::Create(sum_sqr, {&*ArgZ, tmp}, "res", BB); // Create the return instruction and add it to the basic block ReturnInst::Create(Context, res, BB); return func; } Function *CreateUseExternalFromGeneratedFunction128(const ICodegen::TPtr& codegen, bool ir) { Module& main = codegen->GetModule(); LLVMContext &Context = codegen->GetContext(); auto typeInt128 = Type::getInt128Ty(Context); auto pointerInt128 = PointerType::getUnqual(typeInt128); const auto funcType = codegen->GetEffectiveTarget() != NYql::NCodegen::ETarget::Windows ? FunctionType::get(typeInt128, {typeInt128, typeInt128, typeInt128}, false): FunctionType::get(Type::getVoidTy(Context), {pointerInt128, pointerInt128, pointerInt128, pointerInt128}, false); Function *func = cast(main.getOrInsertFunction("sum_sqr_3", funcType).getCallee()); auto args = func->arg_begin(); // Add a basic block to the function. BasicBlock *BB = BasicBlock::Create(Context, "EntryBlock", func); llvm::Argument* retArg = nullptr; if (codegen->GetEffectiveTarget() == NYql::NCodegen::ETarget::Windows) { retArg = &*args++; retArg->addAttr(Attribute::StructRet); retArg->addAttr(Attribute::NoAlias); } auto ArgX = args++; // Get the arg 1. ArgX->setName("x"); auto ArgY = args++; // Get the arg 2. ArgY->setName("y"); auto ArgZ = args++; // Get the arg 3. ArgZ->setName("z"); const auto type = FunctionType::get(Type::getVoidTy(Context), { pointerInt128, pointerInt128, pointerInt128 }, false); const auto sum_sqr = main.getOrInsertFunction(ir ? "sum_sqr_128_ir" : "sum_sqr_128", type); if (codegen->GetEffectiveTarget() == NYql::NCodegen::ETarget::Windows) { Value* tmp1 = new AllocaInst(typeInt128, 0U, nullptr, llvm::Align(16), "tmp1", BB); Value* tmp2 = new AllocaInst(typeInt128, 0U, nullptr, llvm::Align(16), "tmp2", BB); CallInst::Create(sum_sqr, { &*tmp1, &*ArgX, &*ArgY }, "", BB); CallInst::Create(sum_sqr, { &*tmp2, &*ArgZ, &*tmp1 }, "", BB); auto res = new LoadInst(typeInt128, tmp2, "load_res", BB); new StoreInst(res, retArg, BB); // Create the return instruction and add it to the basic block ReturnInst::Create(Context, BB); } else { Value* tmp1 = new AllocaInst(typeInt128, 0U, nullptr, llvm::Align(16), "tmp1", BB); Value* tmp2 = new AllocaInst(typeInt128, 0U, nullptr, llvm::Align(16), "tmp2", BB); Value* argXPtr = new AllocaInst(typeInt128, 0U, nullptr, llvm::Align(16), "argXptr", BB); Value* argYPtr = new AllocaInst(typeInt128, 0U, nullptr, llvm::Align(16), "argYptr", BB); Value* argZPtr = new AllocaInst(typeInt128, 0U, nullptr, llvm::Align(16), "argZptr", BB); new StoreInst(&*ArgX, argXPtr, BB); new StoreInst(&*ArgY, argYPtr, BB); new StoreInst(&*ArgZ, argZPtr, BB); CallInst::Create(sum_sqr, { &*tmp1, &*argXPtr, &*argYPtr }, "", BB); CallInst::Create(sum_sqr, { &*tmp2, &*argZPtr, &*tmp1 }, "", BB); auto res = new LoadInst(typeInt128, tmp2, "load_res", BB); // Create the return instruction and add it to the basic block ReturnInst::Create(Context, res, BB); } return func; } } #if !defined(_ubsan_enabled_) && !defined(HAVE_VALGRIND) Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(TCodegenTests) { Y_UNIT_TEST(FibNative) { auto codegen = ICodegen::Make(ETarget::Native); auto func = CreateFibFunction(codegen->GetModule(), codegen->GetContext()); codegen->Verify(); codegen->Compile(); typedef int(*TFunc)(int); auto funcPtr = (TFunc)codegen->GetPointerToFunction(func); UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(funcPtr(24), 46368); } Y_UNIT_TEST(FibCurrentOS) { auto codegen = ICodegen::Make(ETarget::CurrentOS); auto func = CreateFibFunction(codegen->GetModule(), codegen->GetContext()); codegen->Verify(); codegen->Compile(); typedef int(*TFunc)(int); auto funcPtr = (TFunc)codegen->GetPointerToFunction(func); UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(funcPtr(24), 46368); } Y_UNIT_TEST(BadFib) { auto codegen = ICodegen::Make(ETarget::Native); auto func = CreateBadFibFunction(codegen->GetModule(), codegen->GetContext()); Y_UNUSED(func); UNIT_ASSERT_EXCEPTION(codegen->Verify(), yexception); } Y_UNIT_TEST(FibFromBitCode) { auto codegen = ICodegen::Make(ETarget::Native); auto bitcode = NResource::Find("/llvm_bc/Funcs"); codegen->LoadBitCode(bitcode, "Funcs"); auto func = codegen->GetModule().getFunction("fib"); codegen->Verify(); codegen->ExportSymbol(func); codegen->Compile(); typedef int(*TFunc)(int); auto funcPtr = (TFunc)codegen->GetPointerToFunction(func); UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(funcPtr(24), 46368); } Y_UNIT_TEST(LinkWithNativeFunction) { auto codegen = ICodegen::Make(ETarget::Native); auto bitcode = NResource::Find("/llvm_bc/Funcs"); codegen->LoadBitCode(bitcode, "Funcs"); auto func = codegen->GetModule().getFunction("sum_sqr"); codegen->AddGlobalMapping("mul", (void*)&sum); codegen->ExportSymbol(func); codegen->Verify(); codegen->Compile(); typedef int(*TFunc)(int, int); auto funcPtr = (TFunc)codegen->GetPointerToFunction(func); UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(funcPtr(3, 4), 14); } Y_UNIT_TEST(LinkWithGeneratedFunction) { auto codegen = ICodegen::Make(ETarget::Native); auto mulFunc = CreateMulFunction(codegen->GetModule(), codegen->GetContext()); Y_UNUSED(mulFunc); auto bitcode = NResource::Find("/llvm_bc/Funcs"); codegen->LoadBitCode(bitcode, "Funcs"); auto func = codegen->GetModule().getFunction("sum_sqr"); codegen->ExportSymbol(func); codegen->Verify(); codegen->Compile(); typedef int(*TFunc)(int, int); auto funcPtr = (TFunc)codegen->GetPointerToFunction(func); UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(funcPtr(3, 4), 25); } Y_UNIT_TEST(ReuseExternalCode) { auto codegen = ICodegen::Make(ETarget::Native); auto bitcode = NResource::Find("/llvm_bc/Funcs"); codegen->LoadBitCode(bitcode, "Funcs"); auto func = codegen->GetModule().getFunction("sum_sqr2"); codegen->ExportSymbol(func); codegen->Verify(); codegen->Compile(); typedef int(*TFunc)(int, int); auto funcPtr = (TFunc)codegen->GetPointerToFunction(func); UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(funcPtr(3, 4), 25); } Y_UNIT_TEST(UseObjectReference) { auto codegen = ICodegen::Make(ETarget::Native); auto bitcode = NResource::Find("/llvm_bc/Funcs"); codegen->LoadBitCode(bitcode, "Funcs"); auto func = codegen->GetModule().getFunction("str_size"); codegen->ExportSymbol(func); codegen->Verify(); codegen->Compile(); typedef size_t(*TFunc)(const std::string&); auto funcPtr = (TFunc)codegen->GetPointerToFunction(func); const std::string hw("Hello World!"); UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(funcPtr(hw), 12); } Y_UNIT_TEST(UseNativeFromGeneratedFunction) { auto codegen = ICodegen::Make(ETarget::Native); auto func = CreateUseNativeFunction(codegen->GetModule(), codegen->GetContext()); codegen->AddGlobalMapping("mul", (void*)&mul); codegen->ExportSymbol(func); codegen->Verify(); codegen->Compile(); typedef int(*TFunc)(int, int); auto funcPtr = (TFunc)codegen->GetPointerToFunction(func); UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(funcPtr(3, 4), 12); } Y_UNIT_TEST(UseExternalFromGeneratedFunction) { auto codegen = ICodegen::Make(ETarget::Native); auto bitcode = NResource::Find("/llvm_bc/Funcs"); codegen->LoadBitCode(bitcode, "Funcs"); auto func = CreateUseExternalFromGeneratedFunction(codegen->GetModule(), codegen->GetContext()); codegen->ExportSymbol(func); codegen->AddGlobalMapping("mul", (void*)&mul); codegen->Verify(); codegen->Compile(); typedef int(*TFunc)(int, int, int); auto funcPtr = (TFunc)codegen->GetPointerToFunction(func); UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(funcPtr(7, 4, 8), 4289); } Y_UNIT_TEST(UseExternalFromGeneratedFunction_128bit_Compiled) { auto codegen = ICodegen::Make(ETarget::Native); auto bitcode = NResource::Find("/llvm_bc/Funcs"); codegen->LoadBitCode(bitcode, "Funcs"); auto func = CreateUseExternalFromGeneratedFunction128(codegen, false); codegen->ExportSymbol(func); codegen->Verify(); codegen->Compile(); TStringStream str; codegen->ShowGeneratedFunctions(&str); #ifdef _win_ typedef T128 (*TFunc)(T128, T128, T128); auto funcPtr = (TFunc)codegen->GetPointerToFunction(func); UNIT_ASSERT(funcPtr(T128(7), T128(4), T128(8)) == T128(4289)); #else typedef unsigned __int128(*TFunc)(__int128, __int128, __int128); auto funcPtr = (TFunc)codegen->GetPointerToFunction(func); UNIT_ASSERT(funcPtr(7, 4, 8) == 4289); #endif #if !defined(_asan_enabled_) && !defined(_msan_enabled_) && !defined(_tsan_enabled_) && !defined(_hardening_enabled_) if (str.Str().Contains("call")) { UNIT_FAIL("Expected inline, disasm:\n" + str.Str()); } #endif } Y_UNIT_TEST(UseExternalFromGeneratedFunction_128bit_Bitcode) { auto codegen = ICodegen::Make(ETarget::Native); auto bitcode = NResource::Find("/llvm_bc/Funcs"); codegen->LoadBitCode(bitcode, "Funcs"); auto func = CreateUseExternalFromGeneratedFunction128(codegen, true); codegen->ExportSymbol(func); codegen->Verify(); codegen->Compile(); TStringStream str; codegen->ShowGeneratedFunctions(&str); #ifdef _win_ typedef T128(*TFunc)(T128, T128, T128); auto funcPtr = (TFunc)codegen->GetPointerToFunction(func); UNIT_ASSERT(funcPtr(T128(7), T128(4), T128(8)) == T128(4289)); #else typedef unsigned __int128(*TFunc)(__int128, __int128, __int128); auto funcPtr = (TFunc)codegen->GetPointerToFunction(func); UNIT_ASSERT(funcPtr(7, 4, 8) == 4289); #endif #if !defined(_asan_enabled_) && !defined(_msan_enabled_) && !defined(_tsan_enabled_) if (str.Str().Contains("call")) { UNIT_FAIL("Expected inline, disasm:\n" + str.Str()); } #endif } } #endif