#include "parse_enum.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /** * Parse C-style strings inside multiline comments **/ class TValuesContext: public TCppFullSax { public: void DoString(const TText& text) override { Values.push_back(text.Data); } ~TValuesContext() override { } TVector Values; }; static TVector ParseEnumValues(const TString& strValues) { TVector result; TValuesContext ctx; TCppSaxParser parser(&ctx); TMemoryInput in(strValues.data(), strValues.size()); TransferData(static_cast(&in), &parser); parser.Finish(); for (const auto& value : ctx.Values) { Y_ENSURE(value.size() >= 2, "Invalid C-style string. "); TString dequoted = value.substr(1, value.size() - 2); // TODO: support C-unescaping result.push_back(dequoted); } return result; } /** * Parse C++ fragment with one enum **/ class TEnumContext: public TCppFullSax { public: typedef TEnumParser::TItem TItem; typedef TEnumParser::TEnum TEnum; TEnumContext(TEnum& currentEnum) : CurrentEnum(currentEnum) { } ~TEnumContext() override { } void AddEnumItem() { if (!CurrentItem.CppName) { // uninitialized element should have no value too Y_ASSERT(!CurrentItem.Value.Defined()); return; } // enum item C++ name should not be empty Y_ASSERT(CurrentItem.CppName); CurrentItem.NormalizeValue(); CurrentEnum.Items.push_back(CurrentItem); CurrentItem.Clear(); InEnumState = Begin; } template void AppendValue(const T& text) { // by pg@ advice, do not parse enum value // leave it to C++ compiler to parse/interpret if (!CurrentItem.Value) CurrentItem.Value = TString(); *CurrentItem.Value += text; } void DoEnd() override { AddEnumItem(); } void DoWhiteSpace(const TText& text) override { if (InValue == InEnumState || InValueCall == InEnumState) { AppendValue(text.Data); } } void DoSyntax(const TText& text) override { // For some reason, parser sometimes passes chunks like '{};' here, // so we handle each symbol separately. for (const char& sym : text.Data) { if ('{' == sym && InValue != InEnumState && InValueCall != InEnumState) { BodyDetected = true; continue; } else if ('=' == sym && InValueCall != InEnumState) { InEnumState = InValue; continue; } else if (('(' == sym || '{' == sym) && (InValue == InEnumState || InValueCall == InEnumState)) { // there may be constexpr function / constructor / macro call in value part, // handle them appropriately InEnumState = InValueCall; ++BracesBalance; AppendValue(sym); continue; } else if ((')' == sym || '}' == sym) && InValueCall == InEnumState) { if (!--BracesBalance) { InEnumState = InValue; } AppendValue(sym); continue; } else if ((',' == sym || '}' == sym) && InValueCall != InEnumState) { AddEnumItem(); continue; } else if (InValue == InEnumState || InValueCall == InEnumState) { AppendValue(sym); } } } void DoName(const TText& text) override { if (!BodyDetected) { return; } if (InValue == InEnumState || InValueCall == InEnumState) { AppendValue(text.Data); return; } CurrentItem.CppName = text.Data; InEnumState = AfterCppName; } void DoKeyword(const TText& text) override { if (InValue == InEnumState || InValueCall == InEnumState) { AppendValue(text.Data); return; } } void DoCharacter(const TText& text) override { if (InValue == InEnumState || InValueCall == InEnumState) { AppendValue(text.Data); return; } } void DoMultiLineComment(const TText& text) override { Y_ENSURE(text.Data.size() >= 4, "Invalid multiline comment " << text.Data.Quote() << ". "); TString commentText = text.Data.substr(2, text.Data.size() - 4); commentText = StripString(commentText); CurrentItem.CommentText = commentText; CurrentItem.Aliases = ParseEnumValues(commentText); if (CurrentItem.Aliases && !CurrentItem.CppName) { // this means we process multiline comment when item name was not set yet. ythrow yexception() << "Are you hit with https://clubs.at.yandex-team.ru/stackoverflow/2603 typo? "; } } bool BodyDetected = false; enum EInEnumState { Begin, AfterCppName, InValue, InValueCall, End, }; EInEnumState InEnumState = Begin; TEnum& CurrentEnum; TItem CurrentItem; size_t BracesBalance = 0; }; /** * Parse C++ file **/ class TCppContext: public TCppFullSax { public: typedef TEnumParser::TScope TScope; typedef TEnumParser::TItem TItem; typedef TEnumParser::TEnum TEnum; typedef TEnumParser::TEnums TEnums; const TString NAMESPACE = ""; const TString CLASS = ""; const TString STRUCT = ""; const TString ENUM = ""; const TString BLOCK = ""; TCppContext(const char* data, const TString& sourceFileName = TString()) : Data(data) , SourceFileName(sourceFileName) { } ~TCppContext() override { } void DoSyntax(const TText& text) override { // For some reason, parser sometimes passes chunks like '{};' here, // so we handle each symbol separately. const TString& syn = text.Data; if (syn == "::" && InCompositeNamespace) { LastScope += syn; InCompositeNamespace = false; ScopeDeclaration = true; return; } for (size_t i = 0; i < syn.size(); ++i) { if ('{' == syn[i]) { OnEnterScope(text.Offset + i); if (InEnum) { CurrentEnum.BodyDetected = true; } } else if ('}' == syn[i]) { OnLeaveScope(text.Offset + i); } else if (';' == syn[i]) { // Handle SEARCH-1392 if (InEnum && !CurrentEnum.BodyDetected) { CurrentEnum.ForwardDeclaration = true; InEnum = false; } } } } void DoKeyword(const TText& text) override { if (text.Data == "enum") { Y_ENSURE(!InEnum, "Enums cannot be nested. "); InEnum = true; EnumPos = text.Offset; CurrentEnum.Clear(); CurrentEnum.Scope = Scope; ScopeDeclaration = true; NextScopeName = ENUM; //PrintScope(); } else if (text.Data == "class") { if (InEnum) { CurrentEnum.EnumClass = true; return; } NextScopeName = CLASS; ScopeDeclaration = true; //PrintScope(); } else if (text.Data == "struct") { if (InEnum) { CurrentEnum.EnumClass = true; return; } NextScopeName = STRUCT; ScopeDeclaration = true; //PrintScope(); } else if (text.Data == "namespace") { NextScopeName = NAMESPACE; LastScope.clear(); ScopeDeclaration = true; //PrintScope(); } } void DoName(const TText& text) override { if (!ScopeDeclaration) { return; } if (InEnum) { CurrentEnum.CppName = text.Data; } else { if (NextScopeName == NAMESPACE) { InCompositeNamespace = true; LastScope += text.Data; } else { LastScope = text.Data; } } ScopeDeclaration = false; } void OnEnterScope(size_t /* offset */) { if (ScopeDeclaration) { // unnamed declaration or typedef ScopeDeclaration = false; } InCompositeNamespace = false; Scope.push_back(LastScope); LastScope.clear(); //PrintScope(); } /// @param offset: terminating curly brace position void OnLeaveScope(size_t offset) { if (!Scope) { size_t contextOffsetBegin = (offset >= 256) ? offset - 256 : 0; TString codeContext = TString(Data + contextOffsetBegin, offset - contextOffsetBegin + 1); ythrow yexception() << "C++ source parse failed: unbalanced scope. Did you miss a closing '}' bracket? " "Context: enum " << CurrentEnum.CppName.Quote() << " in scope " << TEnumParser::ScopeStr(CurrentEnum.Scope).Quote() << ". Code context:\n... " << codeContext << " ..."; } Scope.pop_back(); if (InEnum) { Y_ASSERT(offset > EnumPos); InEnum = false; try { ParseEnum(Data + EnumPos, offset - EnumPos + 1); } catch (...) { TString ofFile; if (SourceFileName) { ofFile += " of file "; ofFile += SourceFileName.Quote(); } ythrow yexception() << "Failed to parse enum " << CurrentEnum.CppName << " in scope " << TEnumParser::ScopeStr(CurrentEnum.Scope) << ofFile << "\n: " << CurrentExceptionMessage(); } } //PrintScope(); } void ParseEnum(const char* data, size_t length) { TEnumContext enumContext(CurrentEnum); TMemoryInput in(data, length); TCppSaxParser parser(&enumContext); TransferData(&in, &parser); parser.Finish(); //PrintEnum(CurrentEnum); Enums.push_back(CurrentEnum); } // Some debug stuff goes here static void PrintScope(const TScope& scope) { Cerr << "Current scope: " << TEnumParser::ScopeStr(scope) << Endl; } void PrintScope() { PrintScope(Scope); } void PrintEnum(const TEnum& en) { Cerr << "Enum within scope " << TEnumParser::ScopeStr(en.Scope).Quote() << Endl; for (const auto& item : en.Items) { Cerr << " " << item.CppName; if (item.Value) Cerr << " = " << *item.Value; Cerr << Endl; for (const auto& value : item.Aliases) { Cerr << " " << value << Endl; } } } void PrintEnums() { for (const auto& en : Enums) PrintEnum(en); } public: TScope Scope; TEnums Enums; private: const char* const Data; TString SourceFileName; bool InEnum = false; bool ScopeDeclaration = false; bool InCompositeNamespace = false; TString NextScopeName = BLOCK; TString LastScope; size_t EnumPos = 0; TEnum CurrentEnum; }; TEnumParser::TEnumParser(const TString& fileName) { THolder hIn; IInputStream* in = nullptr; if (fileName != "-") { SourceFileName = fileName; hIn.Reset(new TFileInput(fileName)); in = hIn.Get(); } else { in = &Cin; } TString contents = in->ReadAll(); Parse(contents.data(), contents.size()); } TEnumParser::TEnumParser(const char* data, size_t length) { Parse(data, length); } TEnumParser::TEnumParser(IInputStream& in) { TString contents = in.ReadAll(); Parse(contents.data(), contents.size()); } void TEnumParser::Parse(const char* dataIn, size_t lengthIn) { TMemoryInput mi(dataIn, lengthIn); TString line; TString result; while (mi.ReadLine(line)) { if (line.find("if (GetOwningArena() == other->GetOwningArena()) {") == TString::npos) { result += line; result += "\n"; } } const char* data = result.c_str(); size_t length = result.length(); const TStringBuf span(data, length); const bool hasPragmaOnce = span.Contains("#pragma once"); const bool isProtobufHeader = span.Contains("// Generated by the protocol buffer compiler"); const bool isFlatbuffersHeader = span.Contains("// automatically generated by the FlatBuffers compiler"); Y_ENSURE( hasPragmaOnce || isProtobufHeader || isFlatbuffersHeader, "Serialization functions can be generated only for enums in header files. " "A valid header should either contain `#pragma once` or be an protobuf/flatbuf autogenerated header file. " "See SEARCH-975 for more information. " ); TCppContext cppContext(data, SourceFileName); TMemoryInput in(data, length); TCppSaxParser parser(&cppContext); TransferData(&in, &parser); parser.Finish(); // obtain result Enums = cppContext.Enums; if (cppContext.Scope) { cppContext.PrintEnums(); cppContext.PrintScope(); ythrow yexception() << "Unbalanced scope, something is wrong with enum parser. "; } }