{#- empty string #} dependencies { {%- for library in target.consumer if library.classpath -%} {%- if library.prebuilt and library.jar and (library.type != "contrib" or target.handler.build_contribs) %} implementation(files("$project_root/{{ library.jar }}")) {%- else -%} {%- set classpath = library.classpath -%} {%- if classpath|replace('"','') == classpath -%} {%- set classpath = '"' + classpath + '"' -%} {%- endif %} {%- if library.type != "contrib" %} implementation {%- else %} api {%- endif -%}({{ classpath }}) {%- if library.excludes.consumer is defined %} { {% for exclude in library.excludes.consumer -%} {% set classpath = exclude.classpath|replace('"','') -%} {% set classpath_parts = split(classpath, ':') -%} exclude(group = "{{ classpath_parts[0] }}", module = "{{ classpath_parts[1] }}") {% endfor -%} } {%- endif -%} {%- endif -%} {%- endfor -%} {%- if target.proto_namespace %} protobuf(files(File(mainProtosDir, "{{ target.proto_namespace }}"))) {%- else %} protobuf(files(mainProtosDir)) {%- endif %} }