from pyrsistent._compat import Hashable import math import pickle import pytest import sys import uuid from pyrsistent import ( field, InvariantException, PClass, optional, CheckedPVector, pmap_field, pset_field, pvector_field) class Point(PClass): x = field(type=int, mandatory=True, invariant=lambda x: (x >= 0, 'X negative')) y = field(type=int, serializer=lambda formatter, y: formatter(y)) z = field(type=int, initial=0) class Hierarchy(PClass): point = field(type=Point) class TypedContainerObj(PClass): map = pmap_field(str, str) set = pset_field(str) vec = pvector_field(str) class UniqueThing(PClass): id = field(type=uuid.UUID, factory=uuid.UUID) x = field(type=int) def test_create_ignore_extra(): p = Point.create({'x': 5, 'y': 10, 'z': 15, 'a': 0}, ignore_extra=True) assert p.x == 5 assert p.y == 10 assert p.z == 15 assert isinstance(p, Point) def test_create_ignore_extra_false(): with pytest.raises(AttributeError): _ = Point.create({'x': 5, 'y': 10, 'z': 15, 'a': 0}) def test_create_ignore_extra_true(): h = Hierarchy.create( {'point': {'x': 5, 'y': 10, 'z': 15, 'extra_field_0': 'extra_data_0'}, 'extra_field_1': 'extra_data_1'}, ignore_extra=True) assert isinstance(h, Hierarchy) def test_evolve_pclass_instance(): p = Point(x=1, y=2) p2 = p.set(x=p.x+2) # Original remains assert p.x == 1 assert p.y == 2 # Evolved object updated assert p2.x == 3 assert p2.y == 2 p3 = p2.set('x', 4) assert p3.x == 4 assert p3.y == 2 def test_direct_assignment_not_possible(): p = Point(x=1, y=2) with pytest.raises(AttributeError): p.x = 1 with pytest.raises(AttributeError): setattr(p, 'x', 1) def test_direct_delete_not_possible(): p = Point(x=1, y=2) with pytest.raises(AttributeError): del p.x with pytest.raises(AttributeError): delattr(p, 'x') def test_cannot_construct_with_undeclared_fields(): with pytest.raises(AttributeError): Point(x=1, p=5) def test_cannot_construct_with_wrong_type(): with pytest.raises(TypeError): Point(x='a') def test_cannot_construct_without_mandatory_fields(): try: Point(y=1) assert False except InvariantException as e: assert "[Point.x]" in str(e) def test_field_invariant_must_hold(): try: Point(x=-1) assert False except InvariantException as e: assert "X negative" in str(e) def test_initial_value_set_when_not_present_in_arguments(): p = Point(x=1, y=2) assert p.z == 0 class Line(PClass): p1 = field(type=Point) p2 = field(type=Point) def test_can_create_nested_structures_from_dict_and_serialize_back_to_dict(): source = dict(p1=dict(x=1, y=2, z=3), p2=dict(x=10, y=20, z=30)) l = Line.create(source) assert l.p1.x == 1 assert l.p1.y == 2 assert l.p1.z == 3 assert l.p2.x == 10 assert l.p2.y == 20 assert l.p2.z == 30 assert l.serialize(format=lambda val: val) == source def test_can_serialize_with_custom_serializer(): p = Point(x=1, y=1, z=1) assert p.serialize(format=lambda v: v + 17) == {'x': 1, 'y': 18, 'z': 1} def test_implements_proper_equality_based_on_equality_of_fields(): p1 = Point(x=1, y=2) p2 = Point(x=3) p3 = Point(x=1, y=2) assert p1 == p3 assert not p1 != p3 assert p1 != p2 assert not p1 == p2 def test_is_hashable(): p1 = Point(x=1, y=2) p2 = Point(x=3, y=2) d = {p1: 'A point', p2: 'Another point'} p1_like = Point(x=1, y=2) p2_like = Point(x=3, y=2) assert isinstance(p1, Hashable) assert d[p1_like] == 'A point' assert d[p2_like] == 'Another point' assert Point(x=10) not in d def test_supports_nested_transformation(): l1 = Line(p1=Point(x=2, y=1), p2=Point(x=20, y=10)) l2 = l1.transform(['p1', 'x'], 3) assert l1.p1.x == 2 assert l2.p1.x == 3 assert l2.p1.y == 1 assert l2.p2.x == 20 assert l2.p2.y == 10 def test_repr(): class ARecord(PClass): a = field() b = field() assert repr(ARecord(a=1, b=2)) in ('ARecord(a=1, b=2)', 'ARecord(b=2, a=1)') def test_global_invariant_check(): class UnitCirclePoint(PClass): __invariant__ = lambda cp: (0.99 < math.sqrt(cp.x*cp.x + cp.y*cp.y) < 1.01, "Point not on unit circle") x = field(type=float) y = field(type=float) UnitCirclePoint(x=1.0, y=0.0) with pytest.raises(InvariantException): UnitCirclePoint(x=1.0, y=1.0) def test_supports_pickling(): p1 = Point(x=2, y=1) p2 = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(p1, -1)) assert p1 == p2 assert isinstance(p2, Point) def test_supports_pickling_with_typed_container_fields(): obj = TypedContainerObj(map={'foo': 'bar'}, set=['hello', 'there'], vec=['a', 'b']) obj2 = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(obj)) assert obj == obj2 def test_can_remove_optional_member(): p1 = Point(x=1, y=2) p2 = p1.remove('y') assert p2 == Point(x=1) def test_cannot_remove_mandatory_member(): p1 = Point(x=1, y=2) with pytest.raises(InvariantException): p1.remove('x') def test_cannot_remove_non_existing_member(): p1 = Point(x=1) with pytest.raises(AttributeError): p1.remove('y') def test_evolver_without_evolution_returns_original_instance(): p1 = Point(x=1) e = p1.evolver() assert e.persistent() is p1 def test_evolver_with_evolution_to_same_element_returns_original_instance(): p1 = Point(x=1) e = p1.evolver() e.set('x', p1.x) assert e.persistent() is p1 def test_evolver_supports_chained_set_and_remove(): p1 = Point(x=1, y=2) assert p1.evolver().set('x', 3).remove('y').persistent() == Point(x=3) def test_evolver_supports_dot_notation_for_setting_and_getting_elements(): e = Point(x=1, y=2).evolver() e.x = 3 assert e.x == 3 assert e.persistent() == Point(x=3, y=2) class Numbers(CheckedPVector): __type__ = int class LinkedList(PClass): value = field(type='__tests__.class_test.Numbers') next = field(type=optional('__tests__.class_test.LinkedList')) def test_string_as_type_specifier(): l = LinkedList(value=[1, 2], next=LinkedList(value=[3, 4], next=None)) assert isinstance(l.value, Numbers) assert list(l.value) == [1, 2] assert is None def test_multiple_invariants_on_field(): # If the invariant returns a list of tests the results of running those tests will be # a tuple containing result data of all failing tests. class MultiInvariantField(PClass): one = field(type=int, invariant=lambda x: ((False, 'one_one'), (False, 'one_two'), (True, 'one_three'))) two = field(invariant=lambda x: (False, 'two_one')) try: MultiInvariantField(one=1, two=2) assert False except InvariantException as e: assert set(e.invariant_errors) == set([('one_one', 'one_two'), 'two_one']) def test_multiple_global_invariants(): class MultiInvariantGlobal(PClass): __invariant__ = lambda self: ((False, 'x'), (False, 'y')) one = field() try: MultiInvariantGlobal(one=1) assert False except InvariantException as e: assert e.invariant_errors == (('x', 'y'),) def test_inherited_global_invariants(): class Distant(object): def __invariant__(self): return [(self.distant, "distant")] class Nearby(Distant): def __invariant__(self): return [(self.nearby, "nearby")] class MultipleInvariantGlobal(Nearby, PClass): distant = field() nearby = field() try: MultipleInvariantGlobal(distant=False, nearby=False) assert False except InvariantException as e: assert e.invariant_errors == (("nearby",), ("distant",),) def test_diamond_inherited_global_invariants(): counter = [] class Base(object): def __invariant__(self): counter.append(None) return [(False, "base")] class Left(Base): pass class Right(Base): pass class SingleInvariantGlobal(Left, Right, PClass): pass try: SingleInvariantGlobal() assert False except InvariantException as e: assert e.invariant_errors == (("base",),) assert counter == [None] def test_supports_weakref(): import weakref weakref.ref(Point(x=1, y=2)) def test_supports_weakref_with_multi_level_inheritance(): import weakref class PPoint(Point): a = field() weakref.ref(PPoint(x=1, y=2)) def test_supports_lazy_initial_value_for_field(): class MyClass(PClass): a = field(int, initial=lambda: 2) assert MyClass() == MyClass(a=2) def test_type_checks_lazy_initial_value_for_field(): class MyClass(PClass): a = field(int, initial=lambda: "a") with pytest.raises(TypeError): MyClass() def test_invariant_checks_lazy_initial_value_for_field(): class MyClass(PClass): a = field(int, invariant=lambda x: (x < 5, "Too large"), initial=lambda: 10) with pytest.raises(InvariantException): MyClass() def test_invariant_checks_static_initial_value(): class MyClass(PClass): a = field(int, invariant=lambda x: (x < 5, "Too large"), initial=10) with pytest.raises(InvariantException): MyClass() def test_lazy_invariant_message(): class MyClass(PClass): a = field(int, invariant=lambda x: (x < 5, lambda: "{x} is too large".format(x=x))) try: MyClass(a=5) assert False except InvariantException as e: assert '5 is too large' in e.invariant_errors # Skipping this test for now but it describes a corner case with using Enums in # python 3 as types and a workaround to make it work. @pytest.mark.skipif(sys.version_info < (3, 4) or True, reason="requires python3.4") def test_enum_key_type(): import enum class Foo(enum.Enum): Bar = 1 Baz = 2 # This currently fails because the enum is iterable class MyClass1(PClass): f = pmap_field(key_type=Foo, value_type=int) MyClass1() # This is OK since it's wrapped in a tuple class MyClass2(PClass): f = pmap_field(key_type=(Foo,), value_type=int) MyClass2() def test_pickle_with_one_way_factory(): thing = UniqueThing(id='25544626-86da-4bce-b6b6-9186c0804d64') assert pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(thing)) == thing def test_evolver_with_one_way_factory(): thing = UniqueThing(id='cc65249a-56fe-4995-8719-ea02e124b234') ev = thing.evolver() ev.x = 5 # necessary to prevent persistent() returning the original assert ev.persistent() == UniqueThing(id=str(, x=5) def test_set_doesnt_trigger_other_factories(): thing = UniqueThing(id='b413b280-de76-4e28-a8e3-5470ca83ea2c') thing.set(x=5) def test_set_does_trigger_factories(): class SquaredPoint(PClass): x = field(factory=lambda x: x ** 2) y = field() sp = SquaredPoint(x=3, y=10) assert (sp.x, sp.y) == (9, 10) sp2 = sp.set(x=4) assert (sp2.x, sp2.y) == (16, 10) def test_value_can_be_overridden_in_subclass_new(): class X(PClass): y = pvector_field(int) def __new__(cls, **kwargs): items = kwargs.get('y', None) if items is None: kwargs['y'] = () return super(X, cls).__new__(cls, **kwargs) a = X(y=[]) b = a.set(y=None) assert a == b