import struct from typing import Sequence, Optional import array from datetime import datetime, date import cython from .buffer cimport ResponseBuffer from cpython cimport Py_INCREF, Py_DECREF from cpython.buffer cimport PyBUF_READ from cpython.mem cimport PyMem_Free, PyMem_Malloc from cpython.tuple cimport PyTuple_New, PyTuple_SET_ITEM from cpython.bytearray cimport PyByteArray_GET_SIZE, PyByteArray_Resize from cpython.memoryview cimport PyMemoryView_FromMemory from cython.view cimport array as cvarray from ipaddress import IPv4Address from uuid import UUID, SafeUUID from libc.string cimport memcpy from datetime import tzinfo from clickhouse_connect.driver.errors import NONE_IN_NULLABLE_COLUMN @cython.boundscheck(False) @cython.wraparound(False) def pivot(data: Sequence, unsigned long long start, unsigned long long end): cdef unsigned long long row_count = end - start cdef unsigned long long col_count = len(data[0]) cdef object result = PyTuple_New(col_count) cdef object col, v for x in range(col_count): col = PyTuple_New(row_count) PyTuple_SET_ITEM(result, x, col) Py_INCREF(col) for y in range(row_count): v = data[y + start][x] PyTuple_SET_ITEM(col, y, v) Py_INCREF(v) return result @cython.wraparound(False) @cython.boundscheck(False) def read_ipv4_col(ResponseBuffer buffer, unsigned long long num_rows): cdef unsigned long long x = 0 cdef char* loc = buffer.read_bytes_c(4 * num_rows) cdef object column = PyTuple_New(num_rows), v ip_new = IPv4Address.__new__ while x < num_rows: v = ip_new(IPv4Address) v._ip = (loc)[0] PyTuple_SET_ITEM(column, x, v) Py_INCREF(v) loc += 4 x += 1 return column @cython.boundscheck(False) @cython.wraparound(False) def read_datetime_col(ResponseBuffer buffer, unsigned long long num_rows, tzinfo: tzinfo): cdef unsigned long long x = 0 cdef char * loc = buffer.read_bytes_c(4 * num_rows) cdef object column = PyTuple_New(num_rows), v if tzinfo is None: fts = datetime.utcfromtimestamp while x < num_rows: v = fts((loc)[0]) PyTuple_SET_ITEM(column, x, v) Py_INCREF(v) loc += 4 x += 1 else: fts = datetime.fromtimestamp while x < num_rows: v = fts((loc)[0], tzinfo) PyTuple_SET_ITEM(column, x, v) Py_INCREF(v) loc += 4 x += 1 return column @cython.boundscheck(False) @cython.wraparound(False) def read_date_col(ResponseBuffer buffer, unsigned long long num_rows): cdef unsigned long long x = 0 cdef char * loc = buffer.read_bytes_c(2 * num_rows) cdef object column = PyTuple_New(num_rows), v while x < num_rows: v = epoch_days_to_date((loc)[0]) PyTuple_SET_ITEM(column, x, v) Py_INCREF(v) loc += 2 x += 1 return column @cython.boundscheck(False) @cython.wraparound(False) def read_date32_col(ResponseBuffer buffer, unsigned long long num_rows): cdef unsigned long long x = 0 cdef char * loc = buffer.read_bytes_c(4 * num_rows) cdef object column = PyTuple_New(num_rows), v while x < num_rows: v = epoch_days_to_date((loc)[0]) PyTuple_SET_ITEM(column, x, v) Py_INCREF(v) loc += 4 x += 1 return column cdef unsigned short* MONTH_DAYS = [0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334, 365] cdef unsigned short* MONTH_DAYS_LEAP = [0, 31, 60, 91, 121, 152, 182, 213, 244, 274, 305, 335, 366] # Constants used in epoch_days_to_date # 47482 -- Jan 1, 2100 -- Because all years 1970-2099 divisible by 4 are leap years, some extra division can be avoided # 134774 -- Number of days between Jan 1 1601 and Jan 1 1970. Adding this starts all calculations at 1601-01-01 # 1461 -- Number of days in a 4-year cycle (365 * 4) + 1 leap day # 36524 -- Number of days in a 100-year cycle. 25 4-year cycles - 1 leap day for the year 100 # 146097 -- Number of days in a 400-year cycle. 4 100 year cycles + 1 leap day for the year 400 # Year and offset with in the year are determined by factoring out the largest "known" year blocks in # descending order (400/100/4/1 years). Month is then (over) estimated in the "day" arrays (days / 32) and # adjusted down if too large (logic originally in the Python standard library) @cython.cdivision(True) @cython.boundscheck(False) @cython.wraparound(False) cpdef inline object epoch_days_to_date(int days): cdef int years, month, year, cycles400, cycles100, cycles, rem cdef unsigned short prev cdef unsigned short* m_list if 0 <= days < 47482: cycles = (days + 365) // 1461 rem = (days + 365) - cycles * 1461 years = rem // 365 rem -= years * 365 year = (cycles << 2) + years + 1969 if years == 4: return date(year - 1, 12, 31) if years == 3: m_list = MONTH_DAYS_LEAP else: m_list = MONTH_DAYS else: cycles400 = (days + 134774) // 146097 rem = days + 134774 - (cycles400 * 146097) cycles100 = rem // 36524 rem -= cycles100 * 36524 cycles = rem // 1461 rem -= cycles * 1461 years = rem // 365 rem -= years * 365 year = (cycles << 2) + cycles400 * 400 + cycles100 * 100 + years + 1601 if years == 4 or cycles100 == 4: return date(year - 1, 12, 31) if years == 3 and (year == 2000 or year % 100 != 0): m_list = MONTH_DAYS_LEAP else: m_list = MONTH_DAYS month = (rem + 24) >> 5 prev = m_list[month] while rem < prev: month -= 1 prev = m_list[month] return date(year, month + 1, rem + 1 - prev) @cython.boundscheck(False) @cython.wraparound(False) def read_uuid_col(ResponseBuffer buffer, unsigned long long num_rows): cdef unsigned long long x = 0 cdef char * loc = buffer.read_bytes_c(16 * num_rows) cdef char[16] temp cdef object column = PyTuple_New(num_rows), v new_uuid = UUID.__new__ unsafe = SafeUUID.unsafe oset = object.__setattr__ for x in range(num_rows): memcpy (temp, (loc + 8), 8) memcpy ((temp + 8), loc, 8) v = new_uuid(UUID) oset(v, 'int', int.from_bytes(temp[:16], 'little')) oset(v, 'is_safe', unsafe) PyTuple_SET_ITEM(column, x, v) Py_INCREF(v) loc += 16 return column @cython.boundscheck(False) @cython.wraparound(False) def read_nullable_array(ResponseBuffer buffer, array_type: str, unsigned long long num_rows, object null_obj): if num_rows == 0: return () cdef unsigned long long x = 0 cdef size_t item_size = struct.calcsize(array_type) cdef cvarray cy_array = cvarray((num_rows,), item_size, array_type, mode='c', allocate_buffer=False) # We have to make a copy of the incoming null map because the next # "read_byes_c" call could invalidate our pointer by replacing the underlying buffer cdef char * null_map = PyMem_Malloc(num_rows) memcpy(null_map, buffer.read_bytes_c(num_rows), num_rows) = buffer.read_bytes_c(num_rows * item_size) cdef object column = tuple(memoryview(cy_array)) for x in range(num_rows): if null_map[x] != 0: Py_DECREF(column[x]) Py_INCREF(null_obj) PyTuple_SET_ITEM(column, x, null_obj) PyMem_Free(null_map) return column @cython.boundscheck(False) @cython.wraparound(False) def build_nullable_column(source: Sequence, char * null_map, object null_obj): cdef unsigned long long num_rows = len(source), x cdef object column = PyTuple_New(num_rows), v for x in range(num_rows): if null_map[x] == 0: v = source[x] else: v = null_obj Py_INCREF(v) PyTuple_SET_ITEM(column, x, v) return column @cython.boundscheck(False) @cython.wraparound(False) def build_lc_nullable_column(index: Sequence, keys: array.array, object null_obj): cdef unsigned long long num_rows = len(keys), x, y cdef object column = PyTuple_New(num_rows), v for x in range(num_rows): y = keys[x] if y == 0: v = null_obj else: v = index[y] Py_INCREF(v) PyTuple_SET_ITEM(column, x, v) return column @cython.boundscheck(False) @cython.wraparound(False) cdef inline extend_byte_array(target: bytearray, int start, object source, Py_ssize_t sz): PyByteArray_Resize(target, start + sz) target[start:start + sz] = source[0:sz] @cython.boundscheck(False) @cython.wraparound(False) def write_str_col(column: Sequence, nullable: bool, encoding: Optional[str], dest: bytearray) -> int: cdef unsigned long long buff_size = len(column) << 5 cdef unsigned long long buff_loc = 0, sz = 0, dsz = 0 cdef unsigned long long array_size = PyByteArray_GET_SIZE(dest) cdef char * temp_buff = PyMem_Malloc(buff_size) cdef object mv = PyMemoryView_FromMemory(temp_buff, buff_size, PyBUF_READ) cdef object encoded cdef char b cdef char * data try: for x in column: if not x: if not nullable and x is None: return NONE_IN_NULLABLE_COLUMN temp_buff[buff_loc] = 0 buff_loc += 1 if buff_loc == buff_size: extend_byte_array(dest, array_size, mv, buff_loc) array_size += buff_loc buff_loc = 0 else: if not encoding: data = x dsz = len(x) else: encoded = x.encode(encoding) dsz = len(encoded) data = encoded sz = dsz while True: b = sz & 0x7f sz >>= 7 if sz != 0: b |= 0x80 temp_buff[buff_loc] = b buff_loc += 1 if buff_loc == buff_size: extend_byte_array(dest, array_size, mv, buff_loc) array_size += buff_loc buff_loc = 0 if sz == 0: break if dsz + buff_loc >= buff_size: if buff_loc > 0: # Write what we have so far extend_byte_array(dest, array_size, mv, buff_loc) array_size += buff_loc buff_loc = 0 if (dsz << 4) > buff_size: # resize our buffer for very large strings PyMem_Free( temp_buff) mv.release() buff_size = dsz << 6 temp_buff = PyMem_Malloc( buff_size) mv = PyMemoryView_FromMemory(temp_buff, buff_size, PyBUF_READ) memcpy(temp_buff + buff_loc, data, dsz) buff_loc += dsz if buff_loc > 0: extend_byte_array(dest, array_size, mv, buff_loc) finally: mv.release() PyMem_Free(temp_buff) return 0