# -*- test-case-name: twisted.mail.test.test_mailmail -*- # Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories. # See LICENSE for details. """ Implementation module for the I{mailmail} command. """ import email.utils import getpass import os import sys from configparser import ConfigParser from io import StringIO from twisted.copyright import version from twisted.internet import reactor from twisted.logger import Logger, textFileLogObserver from twisted.mail import smtp GLOBAL_CFG = "/etc/mailmail" LOCAL_CFG = os.path.expanduser("~/.twisted/mailmail") SMARTHOST = "" ERROR_FMT = """\ Subject: Failed Message Delivery Message delivery failed. The following occurred: %s -- The Twisted sendmail application. """ _logObserver = textFileLogObserver(sys.stderr) _log = Logger(observer=_logObserver) class Options: """ Store the values of the parsed command-line options to the I{mailmail} script. @type to: L{list} of L{str} @ivar to: The addresses to which to deliver this message. @type sender: L{str} @ivar sender: The address from which this message is being sent. @type body: C{file} @ivar body: The object from which the message is to be read. """ def getlogin(): try: return os.getlogin() except BaseException: return getpass.getuser() _unsupportedOption = SystemExit("Unsupported option.") def parseOptions(argv): o = Options() o.to = [e for e in argv if not e.startswith("-")] o.sender = getlogin() # Just be very stupid # Skip -bm -- it is the default # Add a non-standard option for querying the version of this tool. if "--version" in argv: print("mailmail version:", version) raise SystemExit() # -bp lists queue information. Screw that. if "-bp" in argv: raise _unsupportedOption # -bs makes sendmail use stdin/stdout as its transport. Screw that. if "-bs" in argv: raise _unsupportedOption # -F sets who the mail is from, but is overridable by the From header if "-F" in argv: o.sender = argv[argv.index("-F") + 1] o.to.remove(o.sender) # -i and -oi makes us ignore lone "." if ("-i" in argv) or ("-oi" in argv): raise _unsupportedOption # -odb is background delivery if "-odb" in argv: o.background = True else: o.background = False # -odf is foreground delivery if "-odf" in argv: o.background = False else: o.background = True # -oem and -em cause errors to be mailed back to the sender. # It is also the default. # -oep and -ep cause errors to be printed to stderr if ("-oep" in argv) or ("-ep" in argv): o.printErrors = True else: o.printErrors = False # -om causes a copy of the message to be sent to the sender if the sender # appears in an alias expansion. We do not support aliases. if "-om" in argv: raise _unsupportedOption # -t causes us to pick the recipients of the message from # the To, Cc, and Bcc headers, and to remove the Bcc header # if present. if "-t" in argv: o.recipientsFromHeaders = True o.excludeAddresses = o.to o.to = [] else: o.recipientsFromHeaders = False o.exludeAddresses = [] requiredHeaders = { "from": [], "to": [], "cc": [], "bcc": [], "date": [], } buffer = StringIO() while 1: write = 1 line = sys.stdin.readline() if not line.strip(): break hdrs = line.split(": ", 1) hdr = hdrs[0].lower() if o.recipientsFromHeaders and hdr in ("to", "cc", "bcc"): o.to.extend([email.utils.parseaddr(hdrs[1])[1]]) if hdr == "bcc": write = 0 elif hdr == "from": o.sender = email.utils.parseaddr(hdrs[1])[1] if hdr in requiredHeaders: requiredHeaders[hdr].append(hdrs[1]) if write: buffer.write(line) if not requiredHeaders["from"]: buffer.write(f"From: {o.sender}\r\n") if not requiredHeaders["to"]: if not o.to: raise SystemExit("No recipients specified.") buffer.write("To: {}\r\n".format(", ".join(o.to))) if not requiredHeaders["date"]: buffer.write(f"Date: {smtp.rfc822date()}\r\n") buffer.write(line) if o.recipientsFromHeaders: for a in o.excludeAddresses: try: o.to.remove(a) except BaseException: pass buffer.seek(0, 0) o.body = StringIO(buffer.getvalue() + sys.stdin.read()) return o class Configuration: """ @ivar allowUIDs: A list of UIDs which are allowed to send mail. @ivar allowGIDs: A list of GIDs which are allowed to send mail. @ivar denyUIDs: A list of UIDs which are not allowed to send mail. @ivar denyGIDs: A list of GIDs which are not allowed to send mail. @type defaultAccess: L{bool} @ivar defaultAccess: L{True} if access will be allowed when no other access control rule matches or L{False} if it will be denied in that case. @ivar useraccess: Either C{'allow'} to check C{allowUID} first or C{'deny'} to check C{denyUID} first. @ivar groupaccess: Either C{'allow'} to check C{allowGID} first or C{'deny'} to check C{denyGID} first. @ivar identities: A L{dict} mapping hostnames to credentials to use when sending mail to that host. @ivar smarthost: L{None} or a hostname through which all outgoing mail will be sent. @ivar domain: L{None} or the hostname with which to identify ourselves when connecting to an MTA. """ def __init__(self): self.allowUIDs = [] self.denyUIDs = [] self.allowGIDs = [] self.denyGIDs = [] self.useraccess = "deny" self.groupaccess = "deny" self.identities = {} self.smarthost = None self.domain = None self.defaultAccess = True def loadConfig(path): # [useraccess] # allow=uid1,uid2,... # deny=uid1,uid2,... # order=allow,deny # [groupaccess] # allow=gid1,gid2,... # deny=gid1,gid2,... # order=deny,allow # [identity] # host1=username:password # host2=username:password # [addresses] # smarthost=a.b.c.d # default_domain=x.y.z c = Configuration() if not os.access(path, os.R_OK): return c p = ConfigParser() p.read(path) au = c.allowUIDs du = c.denyUIDs ag = c.allowGIDs dg = c.denyGIDs for section, a, d in (("useraccess", au, du), ("groupaccess", ag, dg)): if p.has_section(section): for mode, L in (("allow", a), ("deny", d)): if p.has_option(section, mode) and p.get(section, mode): for sectionID in p.get(section, mode).split(","): try: sectionID = int(sectionID) except ValueError: _log.error( "Illegal {prefix}ID in " "[{section}] section: {sectionID}", prefix=section[0].upper(), section=section, sectionID=sectionID, ) else: L.append(sectionID) order = p.get(section, "order") order = [s.split() for s in [s.lower() for s in order.split(",")]] if order[0] == "allow": setattr(c, section, "allow") else: setattr(c, section, "deny") if p.has_section("identity"): for host, up in p.items("identity"): parts = up.split(":", 1) if len(parts) != 2: _log.error("Illegal entry in [identity] section: {section}", section=up) continue c.identities[host] = parts if p.has_section("addresses"): if p.has_option("addresses", "smarthost"): c.smarthost = p.get("addresses", "smarthost") if p.has_option("addresses", "default_domain"): c.domain = p.get("addresses", "default_domain") return c def success(result): reactor.stop() failed = None def failure(f): global failed reactor.stop() failed = f def sendmail(host, options, ident): d = smtp.sendmail(host, options.sender, options.to, options.body) d.addCallbacks(success, failure) reactor.run() def senderror(failure, options): recipient = [options.sender] sender = '"Internally Generated Message ({})"'.format( sys.argv[0], smtp.DNSNAME.decode("ascii") ) error = StringIO() failure.printTraceback(file=error) body = StringIO(ERROR_FMT % error.getvalue()) d = smtp.sendmail("localhost", sender, recipient, body) d.addBoth(lambda _: reactor.stop()) def deny(conf): uid = os.getuid() gid = os.getgid() if conf.useraccess == "deny": if uid in conf.denyUIDs: return True if uid in conf.allowUIDs: return False else: if uid in conf.allowUIDs: return False if uid in conf.denyUIDs: return True if conf.groupaccess == "deny": if gid in conf.denyGIDs: return True if gid in conf.allowGIDs: return False else: if gid in conf.allowGIDs: return False if gid in conf.denyGIDs: return True return not conf.defaultAccess def run(): o = parseOptions(sys.argv[1:]) gConf = loadConfig(GLOBAL_CFG) lConf = loadConfig(LOCAL_CFG) if deny(gConf) or deny(lConf): _log.error("Permission denied") return host = lConf.smarthost or gConf.smarthost or SMARTHOST ident = gConf.identities.copy() ident.update(lConf.identities) if lConf.domain: smtp.DNSNAME = lConf.domain elif gConf.domain: smtp.DNSNAME = gConf.domain sendmail(host, o, ident) if failed: if o.printErrors: failed.printTraceback(file=sys.stderr) raise SystemExit(1) else: senderror(failed, o)