# -*- test-case-name: twisted.cred.test.test_cred -*- # Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories. # See LICENSE for details. """ The point of integration of application and authentication. """ from typing import Callable, Dict, Iterable, List, Tuple, Type, Union from zope.interface import Interface, providedBy from twisted.cred import error from twisted.cred.checkers import ICredentialsChecker from twisted.cred.credentials import ICredentials from twisted.internet import defer from twisted.internet.defer import Deferred, maybeDeferred from twisted.python import failure, reflect # To say 'we need an Interface object', we have to say Type[Interface]; # although zope.interface has no type/instance distinctions within the # implementation of Interface itself (subclassing it actually instantiates it), # since mypy-zope treats Interface objects *as* types, this is how you have to # treat it. _InterfaceItself = Type[Interface] # This is the result shape for both IRealm.requestAvatar and Portal.login, # although the former is optionally allowed to return synchronously and the # latter must be Deferred. _requestResult = Tuple[_InterfaceItself, object, Callable[[], None]] class IRealm(Interface): """ The realm connects application-specific objects to the authentication system. """ def requestAvatar( avatarId: Union[bytes, Tuple[()]], mind: object, *interfaces: _InterfaceItself ) -> Union[Deferred[_requestResult], _requestResult]: """ Return avatar which provides one of the given interfaces. @param avatarId: a string that identifies an avatar, as returned by L{ICredentialsChecker.requestAvatarId} (via a Deferred). Alternatively, it may be C{twisted.cred.checkers.ANONYMOUS}. @param mind: usually None. See the description of mind in L{Portal.login}. @param interfaces: the interface(s) the returned avatar should implement, e.g. C{IMailAccount}. See the description of L{Portal.login}. @returns: a deferred which will fire a tuple of (interface, avatarAspect, logout), or the tuple itself. The interface will be one of the interfaces passed in the 'interfaces' argument. The 'avatarAspect' will implement that interface. The 'logout' object is a callable which will detach the mind from the avatar. """ class Portal: """ A mediator between clients and a realm. A portal is associated with one Realm and zero or more credentials checkers. When a login is attempted, the portal finds the appropriate credentials checker for the credentials given, invokes it, and if the credentials are valid, retrieves the appropriate avatar from the Realm. This class is not intended to be subclassed. Customization should be done in the realm object and in the credentials checker objects. """ checkers: Dict[Type[Interface], ICredentialsChecker] def __init__( self, realm: IRealm, checkers: Iterable[ICredentialsChecker] = () ) -> None: """ Create a Portal to a L{IRealm}. """ self.realm = realm self.checkers = {} for checker in checkers: self.registerChecker(checker) def listCredentialsInterfaces(self) -> List[Type[Interface]]: """ Return list of credentials interfaces that can be used to login. """ return list(self.checkers.keys()) def registerChecker( self, checker: ICredentialsChecker, *credentialInterfaces: Type[Interface] ) -> None: if not credentialInterfaces: credentialInterfaces = checker.credentialInterfaces for credentialInterface in credentialInterfaces: self.checkers[credentialInterface] = checker def login( self, credentials: ICredentials, mind: object, *interfaces: Type[Interface] ) -> Deferred[_requestResult]: """ @param credentials: an implementor of L{twisted.cred.credentials.ICredentials} @param mind: an object which implements a client-side interface for your particular realm. In many cases, this may be None, so if the word 'mind' confuses you, just ignore it. @param interfaces: list of interfaces for the perspective that the mind wishes to attach to. Usually, this will be only one interface, for example IMailAccount. For highly dynamic protocols, however, this may be a list like (IMailAccount, IUserChooser, IServiceInfo). To expand: if we are speaking to the system over IMAP, any information that will be relayed to the user MUST be returned as an IMailAccount implementor; IMAP clients would not be able to understand anything else. Any information about unusual status would have to be relayed as a single mail message in an otherwise-empty mailbox. However, in a web-based mail system, or a PB-based client, the ``mind'' object inside the web server (implemented with a dynamic page-viewing mechanism such as a Twisted Web Resource) or on the user's client program may be intelligent enough to respond to several ``server''-side interfaces. @return: A deferred which will fire a tuple of (interface, avatarAspect, logout). The interface will be one of the interfaces passed in the 'interfaces' argument. The 'avatarAspect' will implement that interface. The 'logout' object is a callable which will detach the mind from the avatar. It must be called when the user has conceptually disconnected from the service. Although in some cases this will not be in connectionLost (such as in a web-based session), it will always be at the end of a user's interactive session. """ for i in self.checkers: if i.providedBy(credentials): return maybeDeferred( self.checkers[i].requestAvatarId, credentials ).addCallback(self.realm.requestAvatar, mind, *interfaces) ifac = providedBy(credentials) return defer.fail( failure.Failure( error.UnhandledCredentials( "No checker for %s" % ", ".join(map(reflect.qual, ifac)) ) ) )