# -*- test-case-name: twisted.conch.test.test_filetransfer -*- # # Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories. # See LICENSE for details. import errno import os import struct import warnings from typing import Dict from zope.interface import implementer from twisted.conch.interfaces import ISFTPFile, ISFTPServer from twisted.conch.ssh.common import NS, getNS from twisted.internet import defer, error, protocol from twisted.logger import Logger from twisted.python import failure from twisted.python.compat import nativeString, networkString class FileTransferBase(protocol.Protocol): _log = Logger() versions = (3,) packetTypes: Dict[int, str] = {} def __init__(self): self.buf = b"" self.otherVersion = None # This gets set def sendPacket(self, kind, data): self.transport.write(struct.pack("!LB", len(data) + 1, kind) + data) def dataReceived(self, data): self.buf += data # Continue processing the input buffer as long as there is a chance it # could contain a complete request. The "General Packet Format" # (format all requests follow) is a 4 byte length prefix, a 1 byte # type field, and a 4 byte request id. If we have fewer than 4 + 1 + # 4 == 9 bytes we cannot possibly have a complete request. while len(self.buf) >= 9: header = self.buf[:9] length, kind, reqId = struct.unpack("!LBL", header) # From draft-ietf-secsh-filexfer-13 (the draft we implement): # # The `length' is the length of the data area [including the # kind byte], and does not include the `length' field itself. # # If the input buffer doesn't have enough bytes to satisfy the # full length then we cannot process it now. Wait until we have # more bytes. if len(self.buf) < 4 + length: return # We parsed the request id out of the input buffer above but the # interface to the `packet_TYPE` methods involves passing them a # data buffer which still includes the request id ... So leave # those bytes in the `data` we slice off here. data, self.buf = self.buf[5 : 4 + length], self.buf[4 + length :] packetType = self.packetTypes.get(kind, None) if not packetType: self._log.info("no packet type for {kind}", kind=kind) continue f = getattr(self, f"packet_{packetType}", None) if not f: self._log.info( "not implemented: {packetType} data={data!r}", packetType=packetType, data=data[4:], ) self._sendStatus( reqId, FX_OP_UNSUPPORTED, f"don't understand {packetType}" ) # XXX not implemented continue self._log.info( "dispatching: {packetType} requestId={reqId}", packetType=packetType, reqId=reqId, ) try: f(data) except Exception: self._log.failure( "Failed to handle packet of type {packetType}", packetType=packetType, ) continue def _parseAttributes(self, data): (flags,) = struct.unpack("!L", data[:4]) attrs = {} data = data[4:] if flags & FILEXFER_ATTR_SIZE == FILEXFER_ATTR_SIZE: (size,) = struct.unpack("!Q", data[:8]) attrs["size"] = size data = data[8:] if flags & FILEXFER_ATTR_OWNERGROUP == FILEXFER_ATTR_OWNERGROUP: uid, gid = struct.unpack("!2L", data[:8]) attrs["uid"] = uid attrs["gid"] = gid data = data[8:] if flags & FILEXFER_ATTR_PERMISSIONS == FILEXFER_ATTR_PERMISSIONS: (perms,) = struct.unpack("!L", data[:4]) attrs["permissions"] = perms data = data[4:] if flags & FILEXFER_ATTR_ACMODTIME == FILEXFER_ATTR_ACMODTIME: atime, mtime = struct.unpack("!2L", data[:8]) attrs["atime"] = atime attrs["mtime"] = mtime data = data[8:] if flags & FILEXFER_ATTR_EXTENDED == FILEXFER_ATTR_EXTENDED: (extendedCount,) = struct.unpack("!L", data[:4]) data = data[4:] for i in range(extendedCount): (extendedType, data) = getNS(data) (extendedData, data) = getNS(data) attrs[f"ext_{nativeString(extendedType)}"] = extendedData return attrs, data def _packAttributes(self, attrs): flags = 0 data = b"" if "size" in attrs: data += struct.pack("!Q", attrs["size"]) flags |= FILEXFER_ATTR_SIZE if "uid" in attrs and "gid" in attrs: data += struct.pack("!2L", attrs["uid"], attrs["gid"]) flags |= FILEXFER_ATTR_OWNERGROUP if "permissions" in attrs: data += struct.pack("!L", attrs["permissions"]) flags |= FILEXFER_ATTR_PERMISSIONS if "atime" in attrs and "mtime" in attrs: data += struct.pack("!2L", attrs["atime"], attrs["mtime"]) flags |= FILEXFER_ATTR_ACMODTIME extended = [] for k in attrs: if k.startswith("ext_"): extType = NS(networkString(k[4:])) extData = NS(attrs[k]) extended.append(extType + extData) if extended: data += struct.pack("!L", len(extended)) data += b"".join(extended) flags |= FILEXFER_ATTR_EXTENDED return struct.pack("!L", flags) + data def connectionLost(self, reason): """ Called when connection to the remote subsystem was lost. """ super().connectionLost(reason) self.connected = False class FileTransferServer(FileTransferBase): def __init__(self, data=None, avatar=None): FileTransferBase.__init__(self) self.client = ISFTPServer(avatar) # yay interfaces self.openFiles = {} self.openDirs = {} def packet_INIT(self, data): (version,) = struct.unpack("!L", data[:4]) self.version = min(list(self.versions) + [version]) data = data[4:] ext = {} while data: extName, data = getNS(data) extData, data = getNS(data) ext[extName] = extData ourExt = self.client.gotVersion(version, ext) ourExtData = b"" for k, v in ourExt.items(): ourExtData += NS(k) + NS(v) self.sendPacket(FXP_VERSION, struct.pack("!L", self.version) + ourExtData) def packet_OPEN(self, data): requestId = data[:4] data = data[4:] filename, data = getNS(data) (flags,) = struct.unpack("!L", data[:4]) data = data[4:] attrs, data = self._parseAttributes(data) assert data == b"", f"still have data in OPEN: {data!r}" d = defer.maybeDeferred(self.client.openFile, filename, flags, attrs) d.addCallback(self._cbOpenFile, requestId) d.addErrback(self._ebStatus, requestId, b"open failed") def _cbOpenFile(self, fileObj, requestId): fileId = networkString(str(hash(fileObj))) if fileId in self.openFiles: raise KeyError("id already open") self.openFiles[fileId] = fileObj self.sendPacket(FXP_HANDLE, requestId + NS(fileId)) def packet_CLOSE(self, data): requestId = data[:4] data = data[4:] handle, data = getNS(data) self._log.info( "closing: {requestId!r} {handle!r}", requestId=requestId, handle=handle, ) assert data == b"", f"still have data in CLOSE: {data!r}" if handle in self.openFiles: fileObj = self.openFiles[handle] d = defer.maybeDeferred(fileObj.close) d.addCallback(self._cbClose, handle, requestId) d.addErrback(self._ebStatus, requestId, b"close failed") elif handle in self.openDirs: dirObj = self.openDirs[handle][0] d = defer.maybeDeferred(dirObj.close) d.addCallback(self._cbClose, handle, requestId, 1) d.addErrback(self._ebStatus, requestId, b"close failed") else: code = errno.ENOENT text = os.strerror(code) err = OSError(code, text) self._ebStatus(failure.Failure(err), requestId) def _cbClose(self, result, handle, requestId, isDir=0): if isDir: del self.openDirs[handle] else: del self.openFiles[handle] self._sendStatus(requestId, FX_OK, b"file closed") def packet_READ(self, data): requestId = data[:4] data = data[4:] handle, data = getNS(data) (offset, length), data = struct.unpack("!QL", data[:12]), data[12:] assert data == b"", f"still have data in READ: {data!r}" if handle not in self.openFiles: self._ebRead(failure.Failure(KeyError()), requestId) else: fileObj = self.openFiles[handle] d = defer.maybeDeferred(fileObj.readChunk, offset, length) d.addCallback(self._cbRead, requestId) d.addErrback(self._ebStatus, requestId, b"read failed") def _cbRead(self, result, requestId): if result == b"": # Python's read will return this for EOF raise EOFError() self.sendPacket(FXP_DATA, requestId + NS(result)) def packet_WRITE(self, data): requestId = data[:4] data = data[4:] handle, data = getNS(data) (offset,) = struct.unpack("!Q", data[:8]) data = data[8:] writeData, data = getNS(data) assert data == b"", f"still have data in WRITE: {data!r}" if handle not in self.openFiles: self._ebWrite(failure.Failure(KeyError()), requestId) else: fileObj = self.openFiles[handle] d = defer.maybeDeferred(fileObj.writeChunk, offset, writeData) d.addCallback(self._cbStatus, requestId, b"write succeeded") d.addErrback(self._ebStatus, requestId, b"write failed") def packet_REMOVE(self, data): requestId = data[:4] data = data[4:] filename, data = getNS(data) assert data == b"", f"still have data in REMOVE: {data!r}" d = defer.maybeDeferred(self.client.removeFile, filename) d.addCallback(self._cbStatus, requestId, b"remove succeeded") d.addErrback(self._ebStatus, requestId, b"remove failed") def packet_RENAME(self, data): requestId = data[:4] data = data[4:] oldPath, data = getNS(data) newPath, data = getNS(data) assert data == b"", f"still have data in RENAME: {data!r}" d = defer.maybeDeferred(self.client.renameFile, oldPath, newPath) d.addCallback(self._cbStatus, requestId, b"rename succeeded") d.addErrback(self._ebStatus, requestId, b"rename failed") def packet_MKDIR(self, data): requestId = data[:4] data = data[4:] path, data = getNS(data) attrs, data = self._parseAttributes(data) assert data == b"", f"still have data in MKDIR: {data!r}" d = defer.maybeDeferred(self.client.makeDirectory, path, attrs) d.addCallback(self._cbStatus, requestId, b"mkdir succeeded") d.addErrback(self._ebStatus, requestId, b"mkdir failed") def packet_RMDIR(self, data): requestId = data[:4] data = data[4:] path, data = getNS(data) assert data == b"", f"still have data in RMDIR: {data!r}" d = defer.maybeDeferred(self.client.removeDirectory, path) d.addCallback(self._cbStatus, requestId, b"rmdir succeeded") d.addErrback(self._ebStatus, requestId, b"rmdir failed") def packet_OPENDIR(self, data): requestId = data[:4] data = data[4:] path, data = getNS(data) assert data == b"", f"still have data in OPENDIR: {data!r}" d = defer.maybeDeferred(self.client.openDirectory, path) d.addCallback(self._cbOpenDirectory, requestId) d.addErrback(self._ebStatus, requestId, b"opendir failed") def _cbOpenDirectory(self, dirObj, requestId): handle = networkString(str(hash(dirObj))) if handle in self.openDirs: raise KeyError("already opened this directory") self.openDirs[handle] = [dirObj, iter(dirObj)] self.sendPacket(FXP_HANDLE, requestId + NS(handle)) def packet_READDIR(self, data): requestId = data[:4] data = data[4:] handle, data = getNS(data) assert data == b"", f"still have data in READDIR: {data!r}" if handle not in self.openDirs: self._ebStatus(failure.Failure(KeyError()), requestId) else: dirObj, dirIter = self.openDirs[handle] d = defer.maybeDeferred(self._scanDirectory, dirIter, []) d.addCallback(self._cbSendDirectory, requestId) d.addErrback(self._ebStatus, requestId, b"scan directory failed") def _scanDirectory(self, dirIter, f): while len(f) < 250: try: info = next(dirIter) except StopIteration: if not f: raise EOFError return f if isinstance(info, defer.Deferred): info.addCallback(self._cbScanDirectory, dirIter, f) return else: f.append(info) return f def _cbScanDirectory(self, result, dirIter, f): f.append(result) return self._scanDirectory(dirIter, f) def _cbSendDirectory(self, result, requestId): data = b"" for filename, longname, attrs in result: data += NS(filename) data += NS(longname) data += self._packAttributes(attrs) self.sendPacket(FXP_NAME, requestId + struct.pack("!L", len(result)) + data) def packet_STAT(self, data, followLinks=1): requestId = data[:4] data = data[4:] path, data = getNS(data) assert data == b"", f"still have data in STAT/LSTAT: {data!r}" d = defer.maybeDeferred(self.client.getAttrs, path, followLinks) d.addCallback(self._cbStat, requestId) d.addErrback(self._ebStatus, requestId, b"stat/lstat failed") def packet_LSTAT(self, data): self.packet_STAT(data, 0) def packet_FSTAT(self, data): requestId = data[:4] data = data[4:] handle, data = getNS(data) assert data == b"", f"still have data in FSTAT: {data!r}" if handle not in self.openFiles: self._ebStatus( failure.Failure(KeyError(f"{handle} not in self.openFiles")), requestId, ) else: fileObj = self.openFiles[handle] d = defer.maybeDeferred(fileObj.getAttrs) d.addCallback(self._cbStat, requestId) d.addErrback(self._ebStatus, requestId, b"fstat failed") def _cbStat(self, result, requestId): data = requestId + self._packAttributes(result) self.sendPacket(FXP_ATTRS, data) def packet_SETSTAT(self, data): requestId = data[:4] data = data[4:] path, data = getNS(data) attrs, data = self._parseAttributes(data) if data != b"": self._log.warn("Still have data in SETSTAT: {data!r}", data=data) d = defer.maybeDeferred(self.client.setAttrs, path, attrs) d.addCallback(self._cbStatus, requestId, b"setstat succeeded") d.addErrback(self._ebStatus, requestId, b"setstat failed") def packet_FSETSTAT(self, data): requestId = data[:4] data = data[4:] handle, data = getNS(data) attrs, data = self._parseAttributes(data) assert data == b"", f"still have data in FSETSTAT: {data!r}" if handle not in self.openFiles: self._ebStatus(failure.Failure(KeyError()), requestId) else: fileObj = self.openFiles[handle] d = defer.maybeDeferred(fileObj.setAttrs, attrs) d.addCallback(self._cbStatus, requestId, b"fsetstat succeeded") d.addErrback(self._ebStatus, requestId, b"fsetstat failed") def packet_READLINK(self, data): requestId = data[:4] data = data[4:] path, data = getNS(data) assert data == b"", f"still have data in READLINK: {data!r}" d = defer.maybeDeferred(self.client.readLink, path) d.addCallback(self._cbReadLink, requestId) d.addErrback(self._ebStatus, requestId, b"readlink failed") def _cbReadLink(self, result, requestId): self._cbSendDirectory([(result, b"", {})], requestId) def packet_SYMLINK(self, data): requestId = data[:4] data = data[4:] linkPath, data = getNS(data) targetPath, data = getNS(data) d = defer.maybeDeferred(self.client.makeLink, linkPath, targetPath) d.addCallback(self._cbStatus, requestId, b"symlink succeeded") d.addErrback(self._ebStatus, requestId, b"symlink failed") def packet_REALPATH(self, data): requestId = data[:4] data = data[4:] path, data = getNS(data) assert data == b"", f"still have data in REALPATH: {data!r}" d = defer.maybeDeferred(self.client.realPath, path) d.addCallback(self._cbReadLink, requestId) # Same return format d.addErrback(self._ebStatus, requestId, b"realpath failed") def packet_EXTENDED(self, data): requestId = data[:4] data = data[4:] extName, extData = getNS(data) d = defer.maybeDeferred(self.client.extendedRequest, extName, extData) d.addCallback(self._cbExtended, requestId) d.addErrback(self._ebStatus, requestId, b"extended " + extName + b" failed") def _cbExtended(self, data, requestId): self.sendPacket(FXP_EXTENDED_REPLY, requestId + data) def _cbStatus(self, result, requestId, msg=b"request succeeded"): self._sendStatus(requestId, FX_OK, msg) def _ebStatus(self, reason, requestId, msg=b"request failed"): code = FX_FAILURE message = msg if isinstance(reason.value, (IOError, OSError)): if reason.value.errno == errno.ENOENT: # No such file code = FX_NO_SUCH_FILE message = networkString(reason.value.strerror) elif reason.value.errno == errno.EACCES: # Permission denied code = FX_PERMISSION_DENIED message = networkString(reason.value.strerror) elif reason.value.errno == errno.EEXIST: code = FX_FILE_ALREADY_EXISTS else: self._log.failure( "Request {requestId} failed: {message}", failure=reason, requestId=requestId, message=message, ) elif isinstance(reason.value, EOFError): # EOF code = FX_EOF if reason.value.args: message = networkString(reason.value.args[0]) elif isinstance(reason.value, NotImplementedError): code = FX_OP_UNSUPPORTED if reason.value.args: message = networkString(reason.value.args[0]) elif isinstance(reason.value, SFTPError): code = reason.value.code message = networkString(reason.value.message) else: self._log.failure( "Request {requestId} failed with unknown error: {message}", failure=reason, requestId=requestId, message=message, ) self._sendStatus(requestId, code, message) def _sendStatus(self, requestId, code, message, lang=b""): """ Helper method to send a FXP_STATUS message. """ data = requestId + struct.pack("!L", code) data += NS(message) data += NS(lang) self.sendPacket(FXP_STATUS, data) def connectionLost(self, reason): """ Called when connection to the remote subsystem was lost. Clean all opened files and directories. """ FileTransferBase.connectionLost(self, reason) for fileObj in self.openFiles.values(): fileObj.close() self.openFiles = {} for dirObj, dirIter in self.openDirs.values(): dirObj.close() self.openDirs = {} class FileTransferClient(FileTransferBase): def __init__(self, extData={}): """ @param extData: a dict of extended_name : extended_data items to be sent to the server. """ FileTransferBase.__init__(self) self.extData = {} self.counter = 0 self.openRequests = {} # id -> Deferred def connectionMade(self): data = struct.pack("!L", max(self.versions)) for k, v in self.extData.values(): data += NS(k) + NS(v) self.sendPacket(FXP_INIT, data) def connectionLost(self, reason): """ Called when connection to the remote subsystem was lost. Any pending requests are aborted. """ FileTransferBase.connectionLost(self, reason) # If there are still requests waiting for responses when the # connection is lost, fail them. if self.openRequests: # Even if our transport was lost "cleanly", our # requests were still not cancelled "cleanly". requestError = error.ConnectionLost() requestError.__cause__ = reason.value requestFailure = failure.Failure(requestError) while self.openRequests: _, deferred = self.openRequests.popitem() deferred.errback(requestFailure) def _sendRequest(self, msg, data): """ Send a request and return a deferred which waits for the result. @type msg: L{int} @param msg: The request type (e.g., C{FXP_READ}). @type data: L{bytes} @param data: The body of the request. """ if not self.connected: return defer.fail(error.ConnectionLost()) data = struct.pack("!L", self.counter) + data d = defer.Deferred() self.openRequests[self.counter] = d self.counter += 1 self.sendPacket(msg, data) return d def _parseRequest(self, data): (id,) = struct.unpack("!L", data[:4]) d = self.openRequests[id] del self.openRequests[id] return d, data[4:] def openFile(self, filename, flags, attrs): """ Open a file. This method returns a L{Deferred} that is called back with an object that provides the L{ISFTPFile} interface. @type filename: L{bytes} @param filename: a string representing the file to open. @param flags: an integer of the flags to open the file with, ORed together. The flags and their values are listed at the bottom of this file. @param attrs: a list of attributes to open the file with. It is a dictionary, consisting of 0 or more keys. The possible keys are:: size: the size of the file in bytes uid: the user ID of the file as an integer gid: the group ID of the file as an integer permissions: the permissions of the file with as an integer. the bit representation of this field is defined by POSIX. atime: the access time of the file as seconds since the epoch. mtime: the modification time of the file as seconds since the epoch. ext_*: extended attributes. The server is not required to understand this, but it may. NOTE: there is no way to indicate text or binary files. it is up to the SFTP client to deal with this. """ data = NS(filename) + struct.pack("!L", flags) + self._packAttributes(attrs) d = self._sendRequest(FXP_OPEN, data) d.addCallback(self._cbOpenHandle, ClientFile, filename) return d def _cbOpenHandle(self, handle, handleClass, name): """ Callback invoked when an OPEN or OPENDIR request succeeds. @param handle: The handle returned by the server @type handle: L{bytes} @param handleClass: The class that will represent the newly-opened file or directory to the user (either L{ClientFile} or L{ClientDirectory}). @param name: The name of the file or directory represented by C{handle}. @type name: L{bytes} """ cb = handleClass(self, handle) cb.name = name return cb def removeFile(self, filename): """ Remove the given file. This method returns a Deferred that is called back when it succeeds. @type filename: L{bytes} @param filename: the name of the file as a string. """ return self._sendRequest(FXP_REMOVE, NS(filename)) def renameFile(self, oldpath, newpath): """ Rename the given file. This method returns a Deferred that is called back when it succeeds. @type oldpath: L{bytes} @param oldpath: the current location of the file. @type newpath: L{bytes} @param newpath: the new file name. """ return self._sendRequest(FXP_RENAME, NS(oldpath) + NS(newpath)) def makeDirectory(self, path, attrs): """ Make a directory. This method returns a Deferred that is called back when it is created. @type path: L{bytes} @param path: the name of the directory to create as a string. @param attrs: a dictionary of attributes to create the directory with. Its meaning is the same as the attrs in the openFile method. """ return self._sendRequest(FXP_MKDIR, NS(path) + self._packAttributes(attrs)) def removeDirectory(self, path): """ Remove a directory (non-recursively) It is an error to remove a directory that has files or directories in it. This method returns a Deferred that is called back when it is removed. @type path: L{bytes} @param path: the directory to remove. """ return self._sendRequest(FXP_RMDIR, NS(path)) def openDirectory(self, path): """ Open a directory for scanning. This method returns a Deferred that is called back with an iterable object that has a close() method. The close() method is called when the client is finished reading from the directory. At this point, the iterable will no longer be used. The iterable returns triples of the form (filename, longname, attrs) or a Deferred that returns the same. The sequence must support __getitem__, but otherwise may be any 'sequence-like' object. filename is the name of the file relative to the directory. logname is an expanded format of the filename. The recommended format is: -rwxr-xr-x 1 mjos staff 348911 Mar 25 14:29 t-filexfer 1234567890 123 12345678 12345678 12345678 123456789012 The first line is sample output, the second is the length of the field. The fields are: permissions, link count, user owner, group owner, size in bytes, modification time. attrs is a dictionary in the format of the attrs argument to openFile. @type path: L{bytes} @param path: the directory to open. """ d = self._sendRequest(FXP_OPENDIR, NS(path)) d.addCallback(self._cbOpenHandle, ClientDirectory, path) return d def getAttrs(self, path, followLinks=0): """ Return the attributes for the given path. This method returns a dictionary in the same format as the attrs argument to openFile or a Deferred that is called back with same. @type path: L{bytes} @param path: the path to return attributes for as a string. @param followLinks: a boolean. if it is True, follow symbolic links and return attributes for the real path at the base. if it is False, return attributes for the specified path. """ if followLinks: m = FXP_STAT else: m = FXP_LSTAT return self._sendRequest(m, NS(path)) def setAttrs(self, path, attrs): """ Set the attributes for the path. This method returns when the attributes are set or a Deferred that is called back when they are. @type path: L{bytes} @param path: the path to set attributes for as a string. @param attrs: a dictionary in the same format as the attrs argument to openFile. """ data = NS(path) + self._packAttributes(attrs) return self._sendRequest(FXP_SETSTAT, data) def readLink(self, path): """ Find the root of a set of symbolic links. This method returns the target of the link, or a Deferred that returns the same. @type path: L{bytes} @param path: the path of the symlink to read. """ d = self._sendRequest(FXP_READLINK, NS(path)) return d.addCallback(self._cbRealPath) def makeLink(self, linkPath, targetPath): """ Create a symbolic link. This method returns when the link is made, or a Deferred that returns the same. @type linkPath: L{bytes} @param linkPath: the pathname of the symlink as a string @type targetPath: L{bytes} @param targetPath: the path of the target of the link as a string. """ return self._sendRequest(FXP_SYMLINK, NS(linkPath) + NS(targetPath)) def realPath(self, path): """ Convert any path to an absolute path. This method returns the absolute path as a string, or a Deferred that returns the same. @type path: L{bytes} @param path: the path to convert as a string. """ d = self._sendRequest(FXP_REALPATH, NS(path)) return d.addCallback(self._cbRealPath) def _cbRealPath(self, result): name, longname, attrs = result[0] name = name.decode("utf-8") return name def extendedRequest(self, request, data): """ Make an extended request of the server. The method returns a Deferred that is called back with the result of the extended request. @type request: L{bytes} @param request: the name of the extended request to make. @type data: L{bytes} @param data: any other data that goes along with the request. """ return self._sendRequest(FXP_EXTENDED, NS(request) + data) def packet_VERSION(self, data): (version,) = struct.unpack("!L", data[:4]) data = data[4:] d = {} while data: k, data = getNS(data) v, data = getNS(data) d[k] = v self.version = version self.gotServerVersion(version, d) def packet_STATUS(self, data): d, data = self._parseRequest(data) (code,) = struct.unpack("!L", data[:4]) data = data[4:] if len(data) >= 4: msg, data = getNS(data) if len(data) >= 4: lang, data = getNS(data) else: lang = b"" else: msg = b"" lang = b"" if code == FX_OK: d.callback((msg, lang)) elif code == FX_EOF: d.errback(EOFError(msg)) elif code == FX_OP_UNSUPPORTED: d.errback(NotImplementedError(msg)) else: d.errback(SFTPError(code, nativeString(msg), lang)) def packet_HANDLE(self, data): d, data = self._parseRequest(data) handle, _ = getNS(data) d.callback(handle) def packet_DATA(self, data): d, data = self._parseRequest(data) d.callback(getNS(data)[0]) def packet_NAME(self, data): d, data = self._parseRequest(data) (count,) = struct.unpack("!L", data[:4]) data = data[4:] files = [] for i in range(count): filename, data = getNS(data) longname, data = getNS(data) attrs, data = self._parseAttributes(data) files.append((filename, longname, attrs)) d.callback(files) def packet_ATTRS(self, data): d, data = self._parseRequest(data) d.callback(self._parseAttributes(data)[0]) def packet_EXTENDED_REPLY(self, data): d, data = self._parseRequest(data) d.callback(data) def gotServerVersion(self, serverVersion, extData): """ Called when the client sends their version info. @param serverVersion: an integer representing the version of the SFTP protocol they are claiming. @param extData: a dictionary of extended_name : extended_data items. These items are sent by the client to indicate additional features. """ @implementer(ISFTPFile) class ClientFile: def __init__(self, parent, handle): self.parent = parent self.handle = NS(handle) def close(self): return self.parent._sendRequest(FXP_CLOSE, self.handle) def readChunk(self, offset, length): data = self.handle + struct.pack("!QL", offset, length) return self.parent._sendRequest(FXP_READ, data) def writeChunk(self, offset, chunk): data = self.handle + struct.pack("!Q", offset) + NS(chunk) return self.parent._sendRequest(FXP_WRITE, data) def getAttrs(self): return self.parent._sendRequest(FXP_FSTAT, self.handle) def setAttrs(self, attrs): data = self.handle + self.parent._packAttributes(attrs) return self.parent._sendRequest(FXP_FSTAT, data) class ClientDirectory: def __init__(self, parent, handle): self.parent = parent self.handle = NS(handle) self.filesCache = [] def read(self): return self.parent._sendRequest(FXP_READDIR, self.handle) def close(self): if self.handle is None: return defer.succeed(None) d = self.parent._sendRequest(FXP_CLOSE, self.handle) self.handle = None return d def __iter__(self): return self def __next__(self): warnings.warn( ( "Using twisted.conch.ssh.filetransfer.ClientDirectory " "as an iterator was deprecated in Twisted 18.9.0." ), category=DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) if self.filesCache: return self.filesCache.pop(0) if self.filesCache is None: raise StopIteration() d = self.read() d.addCallbacks(self._cbReadDir, self._ebReadDir) return d next = __next__ def _cbReadDir(self, names): self.filesCache = names[1:] return names[0] def _ebReadDir(self, reason): reason.trap(EOFError) self.filesCache = None return failure.Failure(StopIteration()) class SFTPError(Exception): def __init__(self, errorCode, errorMessage, lang=""): Exception.__init__(self) self.code = errorCode self._message = errorMessage self.lang = lang @property def message(self): """ A string received over the network that explains the error to a human. """ # Python 2.6 deprecates assigning to the 'message' attribute of an # exception. We define this read-only property here in order to # prevent the warning about deprecation while maintaining backwards # compatibility with object clients that rely on the 'message' # attribute being set correctly. See bug #3897. return self._message def __str__(self) -> str: return f"SFTPError {self.code}: {self.message}" FXP_INIT = 1 FXP_VERSION = 2 FXP_OPEN = 3 FXP_CLOSE = 4 FXP_READ = 5 FXP_WRITE = 6 FXP_LSTAT = 7 FXP_FSTAT = 8 FXP_SETSTAT = 9 FXP_FSETSTAT = 10 FXP_OPENDIR = 11 FXP_READDIR = 12 FXP_REMOVE = 13 FXP_MKDIR = 14 FXP_RMDIR = 15 FXP_REALPATH = 16 FXP_STAT = 17 FXP_RENAME = 18 FXP_READLINK = 19 FXP_SYMLINK = 20 FXP_STATUS = 101 FXP_HANDLE = 102 FXP_DATA = 103 FXP_NAME = 104 FXP_ATTRS = 105 FXP_EXTENDED = 200 FXP_EXTENDED_REPLY = 201 FILEXFER_ATTR_SIZE = 0x00000001 FILEXFER_ATTR_UIDGID = 0x00000002 FILEXFER_ATTR_OWNERGROUP = FILEXFER_ATTR_UIDGID FILEXFER_ATTR_PERMISSIONS = 0x00000004 FILEXFER_ATTR_ACMODTIME = 0x00000008 FILEXFER_ATTR_EXTENDED = 0x80000000 FILEXFER_TYPE_REGULAR = 1 FILEXFER_TYPE_DIRECTORY = 2 FILEXFER_TYPE_SYMLINK = 3 FILEXFER_TYPE_SPECIAL = 4 FILEXFER_TYPE_UNKNOWN = 5 FXF_READ = 0x00000001 FXF_WRITE = 0x00000002 FXF_APPEND = 0x00000004 FXF_CREAT = 0x00000008 FXF_TRUNC = 0x00000010 FXF_EXCL = 0x00000020 FXF_TEXT = 0x00000040 FX_OK = 0 FX_EOF = 1 FX_NO_SUCH_FILE = 2 FX_PERMISSION_DENIED = 3 FX_FAILURE = 4 FX_BAD_MESSAGE = 5 FX_NO_CONNECTION = 6 FX_CONNECTION_LOST = 7 FX_OP_UNSUPPORTED = 8 FX_FILE_ALREADY_EXISTS = 11 # http://tools.ietf.org/wg/secsh/draft-ietf-secsh-filexfer/ defines more # useful error codes, but so far OpenSSH doesn't implement them. We use them # internally for clarity, but for now define them all as FX_FAILURE to be # compatible with existing software. FX_NOT_A_DIRECTORY = FX_FAILURE FX_FILE_IS_A_DIRECTORY = FX_FAILURE # initialize FileTransferBase.packetTypes: g = globals() for name in list(g.keys()): if name.startswith("FXP_"): value = g[name] FileTransferBase.packetTypes[value] = name[4:] del g, name, value