#pragma once

#ifdef __GNUC__
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-parameter"

//===------------ DebugInfo.h - LLVM C API Debug Info API -----------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
/// This file declares the C API endpoints for generating DWARF Debug Info
/// Note: This interface is experimental. It is *NOT* stable, and may be
///       changed without warning.


#include "llvm-c/ExternC.h"
#include "llvm-c/Types.h"


 * @defgroup LLVMCCoreDebugInfo Debug Information
 * @ingroup LLVMCCore
 * @{

 * Debug info flags.
typedef enum {
  LLVMDIFlagZero = 0,
  LLVMDIFlagPrivate = 1,
  LLVMDIFlagProtected = 2,
  LLVMDIFlagPublic = 3,
  LLVMDIFlagFwdDecl = 1 << 2,
  LLVMDIFlagAppleBlock = 1 << 3,
  LLVMDIFlagReservedBit4 = 1 << 4,
  LLVMDIFlagVirtual = 1 << 5,
  LLVMDIFlagArtificial = 1 << 6,
  LLVMDIFlagExplicit = 1 << 7,
  LLVMDIFlagPrototyped = 1 << 8,
  LLVMDIFlagObjcClassComplete = 1 << 9,
  LLVMDIFlagObjectPointer = 1 << 10,
  LLVMDIFlagVector = 1 << 11,
  LLVMDIFlagStaticMember = 1 << 12,
  LLVMDIFlagLValueReference = 1 << 13,
  LLVMDIFlagRValueReference = 1 << 14,
  LLVMDIFlagReserved = 1 << 15,
  LLVMDIFlagSingleInheritance = 1 << 16,
  LLVMDIFlagMultipleInheritance = 2 << 16,
  LLVMDIFlagVirtualInheritance = 3 << 16,
  LLVMDIFlagIntroducedVirtual = 1 << 18,
  LLVMDIFlagBitField = 1 << 19,
  LLVMDIFlagNoReturn = 1 << 20,
  LLVMDIFlagTypePassByValue = 1 << 22,
  LLVMDIFlagTypePassByReference = 1 << 23,
  LLVMDIFlagEnumClass = 1 << 24,
  LLVMDIFlagFixedEnum = LLVMDIFlagEnumClass, // Deprecated.
  LLVMDIFlagThunk = 1 << 25,
  LLVMDIFlagNonTrivial = 1 << 26,
  LLVMDIFlagBigEndian = 1 << 27,
  LLVMDIFlagLittleEndian = 1 << 28,
  LLVMDIFlagIndirectVirtualBase = (1 << 2) | (1 << 5),
  LLVMDIFlagAccessibility = LLVMDIFlagPrivate | LLVMDIFlagProtected |
  LLVMDIFlagPtrToMemberRep = LLVMDIFlagSingleInheritance |
                             LLVMDIFlagMultipleInheritance |
} LLVMDIFlags;

 * Source languages known by DWARF.
typedef enum {
  // New in DWARF v3:
  // New in DWARF v4:
  // New in DWARF v5:
  // Vendor extensions:
} LLVMDWARFSourceLanguage;

 * The amount of debug information to emit.
typedef enum {
    LLVMDWARFEmissionNone = 0,
} LLVMDWARFEmissionKind;

 * The kind of metadata nodes.
enum {
typedef unsigned LLVMMetadataKind;

 * An LLVM DWARF type encoding.
typedef unsigned LLVMDWARFTypeEncoding;

 * Describes the kind of macro declaration used for LLVMDIBuilderCreateMacro.
 * @see llvm::dwarf::MacinfoRecordType
 * @note Values are from DW_MACINFO_* constants in the DWARF specification.
typedef enum {
  LLVMDWARFMacinfoRecordTypeDefine = 0x01,
  LLVMDWARFMacinfoRecordTypeMacro = 0x02,
  LLVMDWARFMacinfoRecordTypeStartFile = 0x03,
  LLVMDWARFMacinfoRecordTypeEndFile = 0x04,
  LLVMDWARFMacinfoRecordTypeVendorExt = 0xff
} LLVMDWARFMacinfoRecordType;

 * The current debug metadata version number.
unsigned LLVMDebugMetadataVersion(void);

 * The version of debug metadata that's present in the provided \c Module.
unsigned LLVMGetModuleDebugMetadataVersion(LLVMModuleRef Module);

 * Strip debug info in the module if it exists.
 * To do this, we remove all calls to the debugger intrinsics and any named
 * metadata for debugging. We also remove debug locations for instructions.
 * Return true if module is modified.
LLVMBool LLVMStripModuleDebugInfo(LLVMModuleRef Module);

 * Construct a builder for a module, and do not allow for unresolved nodes
 * attached to the module.
LLVMDIBuilderRef LLVMCreateDIBuilderDisallowUnresolved(LLVMModuleRef M);

 * Construct a builder for a module and collect unresolved nodes attached
 * to the module in order to resolve cycles during a call to
 * \c LLVMDIBuilderFinalize.
LLVMDIBuilderRef LLVMCreateDIBuilder(LLVMModuleRef M);

 * Deallocates the \c DIBuilder and everything it owns.
 * @note You must call \c LLVMDIBuilderFinalize before this
void LLVMDisposeDIBuilder(LLVMDIBuilderRef Builder);

 * Construct any deferred debug info descriptors.
void LLVMDIBuilderFinalize(LLVMDIBuilderRef Builder);

 * Finalize a specific subprogram.
 * No new variables may be added to this subprogram afterwards.
void LLVMDIBuilderFinalizeSubprogram(LLVMDIBuilderRef Builder,
                                     LLVMMetadataRef Subprogram);

 * A CompileUnit provides an anchor for all debugging
 * information generated during this instance of compilation.
 * \param Lang          Source programming language, eg.
 *                      \c LLVMDWARFSourceLanguageC99
 * \param FileRef       File info.
 * \param Producer      Identify the producer of debugging information
 *                      and code.  Usually this is a compiler
 *                      version string.
 * \param ProducerLen   The length of the C string passed to \c Producer.
 * \param isOptimized   A boolean flag which indicates whether optimization
 *                      is enabled or not.
 * \param Flags         This string lists command line options. This
 *                      string is directly embedded in debug info
 *                      output which may be used by a tool
 *                      analyzing generated debugging information.
 * \param FlagsLen      The length of the C string passed to \c Flags.
 * \param RuntimeVer    This indicates runtime version for languages like
 *                      Objective-C.
 * \param SplitName     The name of the file that we'll split debug info
 *                      out into.
 * \param SplitNameLen  The length of the C string passed to \c SplitName.
 * \param Kind          The kind of debug information to generate.
 * \param DWOId         The DWOId if this is a split skeleton compile unit.
 * \param SplitDebugInlining    Whether to emit inline debug info.
 * \param DebugInfoForProfiling Whether to emit extra debug info for
 *                              profile collection.
 * \param SysRoot         The Clang system root (value of -isysroot).
 * \param SysRootLen      The length of the C string passed to \c SysRoot.
 * \param SDK           The SDK. On Darwin, the last component of the sysroot.
 * \param SDKLen        The length of the C string passed to \c SDK.
LLVMMetadataRef LLVMDIBuilderCreateCompileUnit(
    LLVMDIBuilderRef Builder, LLVMDWARFSourceLanguage Lang,
    LLVMMetadataRef FileRef, const char *Producer, size_t ProducerLen,
    LLVMBool isOptimized, const char *Flags, size_t FlagsLen,
    unsigned RuntimeVer, const char *SplitName, size_t SplitNameLen,
    LLVMDWARFEmissionKind Kind, unsigned DWOId, LLVMBool SplitDebugInlining,
    LLVMBool DebugInfoForProfiling, const char *SysRoot, size_t SysRootLen,
    const char *SDK, size_t SDKLen);

 * Create a file descriptor to hold debugging information for a file.
 * \param Builder      The \c DIBuilder.
 * \param Filename     File name.
 * \param FilenameLen  The length of the C string passed to \c Filename.
 * \param Directory    Directory.
 * \param DirectoryLen The length of the C string passed to \c Directory.
LLVMDIBuilderCreateFile(LLVMDIBuilderRef Builder, const char *Filename,
                        size_t FilenameLen, const char *Directory,
                        size_t DirectoryLen);

 * Creates a new descriptor for a module with the specified parent scope.
 * \param Builder         The \c DIBuilder.
 * \param ParentScope     The parent scope containing this module declaration.
 * \param Name            Module name.
 * \param NameLen         The length of the C string passed to \c Name.
 * \param ConfigMacros    A space-separated shell-quoted list of -D macro
                          definitions as they would appear on a command line.
 * \param ConfigMacrosLen The length of the C string passed to \c ConfigMacros.
 * \param IncludePath     The path to the module map file.
 * \param IncludePathLen  The length of the C string passed to \c IncludePath.
 * \param APINotesFile    The path to an API notes file for the module.
 * \param APINotesFileLen The length of the C string passed to \c APINotestFile.
LLVMDIBuilderCreateModule(LLVMDIBuilderRef Builder, LLVMMetadataRef ParentScope,
                          const char *Name, size_t NameLen,
                          const char *ConfigMacros, size_t ConfigMacrosLen,
                          const char *IncludePath, size_t IncludePathLen,
                          const char *APINotesFile, size_t APINotesFileLen);

 * Creates a new descriptor for a namespace with the specified parent scope.
 * \param Builder          The \c DIBuilder.
 * \param ParentScope      The parent scope containing this module declaration.
 * \param Name             NameSpace name.
 * \param NameLen          The length of the C string passed to \c Name.
 * \param ExportSymbols    Whether or not the namespace exports symbols, e.g.
 *                         this is true of C++ inline namespaces.
LLVMDIBuilderCreateNameSpace(LLVMDIBuilderRef Builder,
                             LLVMMetadataRef ParentScope,
                             const char *Name, size_t NameLen,
                             LLVMBool ExportSymbols);

 * Create a new descriptor for the specified subprogram.
 * \param Builder         The \c DIBuilder.
 * \param Scope           Function scope.
 * \param Name            Function name.
 * \param NameLen         Length of enumeration name.
 * \param LinkageName     Mangled function name.
 * \param LinkageNameLen  Length of linkage name.
 * \param File            File where this variable is defined.
 * \param LineNo          Line number.
 * \param Ty              Function type.
 * \param IsLocalToUnit   True if this function is not externally visible.
 * \param IsDefinition    True if this is a function definition.
 * \param ScopeLine       Set to the beginning of the scope this starts
 * \param Flags           E.g.: \c LLVMDIFlagLValueReference. These flags are
 *                        used to emit dwarf attributes.
 * \param IsOptimized     True if optimization is ON.
LLVMMetadataRef LLVMDIBuilderCreateFunction(
    LLVMDIBuilderRef Builder, LLVMMetadataRef Scope, const char *Name,
    size_t NameLen, const char *LinkageName, size_t LinkageNameLen,
    LLVMMetadataRef File, unsigned LineNo, LLVMMetadataRef Ty,
    LLVMBool IsLocalToUnit, LLVMBool IsDefinition,
    unsigned ScopeLine, LLVMDIFlags Flags, LLVMBool IsOptimized);

 * Create a descriptor for a lexical block with the specified parent context.
 * \param Builder      The \c DIBuilder.
 * \param Scope        Parent lexical block.
 * \param File         Source file.
 * \param Line         The line in the source file.
 * \param Column       The column in the source file.
LLVMMetadataRef LLVMDIBuilderCreateLexicalBlock(
    LLVMDIBuilderRef Builder, LLVMMetadataRef Scope,
    LLVMMetadataRef File, unsigned Line, unsigned Column);

 * Create a descriptor for a lexical block with a new file attached.
 * \param Builder        The \c DIBuilder.
 * \param Scope          Lexical block.
 * \param File           Source file.
 * \param Discriminator  DWARF path discriminator value.
LLVMDIBuilderCreateLexicalBlockFile(LLVMDIBuilderRef Builder,
                                    LLVMMetadataRef Scope,
                                    LLVMMetadataRef File,
                                    unsigned Discriminator);

 * Create a descriptor for an imported namespace. Suitable for e.g. C++
 * using declarations.
 * \param Builder    The \c DIBuilder.
 * \param Scope      The scope this module is imported into
 * \param File       File where the declaration is located.
 * \param Line       Line number of the declaration.
LLVMDIBuilderCreateImportedModuleFromNamespace(LLVMDIBuilderRef Builder,
                                               LLVMMetadataRef Scope,
                                               LLVMMetadataRef NS,
                                               LLVMMetadataRef File,
                                               unsigned Line);

 * Create a descriptor for an imported module that aliases another
 * imported entity descriptor.
 * \param Builder        The \c DIBuilder.
 * \param Scope          The scope this module is imported into
 * \param ImportedEntity Previous imported entity to alias.
 * \param File           File where the declaration is located.
 * \param Line           Line number of the declaration.
 * \param Elements       Renamed elements.
 * \param NumElements    Number of renamed elements.
LLVMMetadataRef LLVMDIBuilderCreateImportedModuleFromAlias(
    LLVMDIBuilderRef Builder, LLVMMetadataRef Scope,
    LLVMMetadataRef ImportedEntity, LLVMMetadataRef File, unsigned Line,
    LLVMMetadataRef *Elements, unsigned NumElements);

 * Create a descriptor for an imported module.
 * \param Builder        The \c DIBuilder.
 * \param Scope          The scope this module is imported into
 * \param M              The module being imported here
 * \param File           File where the declaration is located.
 * \param Line           Line number of the declaration.
 * \param Elements       Renamed elements.
 * \param NumElements    Number of renamed elements.
LLVMMetadataRef LLVMDIBuilderCreateImportedModuleFromModule(
    LLVMDIBuilderRef Builder, LLVMMetadataRef Scope, LLVMMetadataRef M,
    LLVMMetadataRef File, unsigned Line, LLVMMetadataRef *Elements,
    unsigned NumElements);

 * Create a descriptor for an imported function, type, or variable.  Suitable
 * for e.g. FORTRAN-style USE declarations.
 * \param Builder        The DIBuilder.
 * \param Scope          The scope this module is imported into.
 * \param Decl           The declaration (or definition) of a function, type,
                         or variable.
 * \param File           File where the declaration is located.
 * \param Line           Line number of the declaration.
 * \param Name           A name that uniquely identifies this imported
 * \param NameLen        The length of the C string passed to \c Name.
 * \param Elements       Renamed elements.
 * \param NumElements    Number of renamed elements.
LLVMMetadataRef LLVMDIBuilderCreateImportedDeclaration(
    LLVMDIBuilderRef Builder, LLVMMetadataRef Scope, LLVMMetadataRef Decl,
    LLVMMetadataRef File, unsigned Line, const char *Name, size_t NameLen,
    LLVMMetadataRef *Elements, unsigned NumElements);

 * Creates a new DebugLocation that describes a source location.
 * \param Line The line in the source file.
 * \param Column The column in the source file.
 * \param Scope The scope in which the location resides.
 * \param InlinedAt The scope where this location was inlined, if at all.
 *                  (optional).
 * \note If the item to which this location is attached cannot be
 *       attributed to a source line, pass 0 for the line and column.
LLVMDIBuilderCreateDebugLocation(LLVMContextRef Ctx, unsigned Line,
                                 unsigned Column, LLVMMetadataRef Scope,
                                 LLVMMetadataRef InlinedAt);

 * Get the line number of this debug location.
 * \param Location     The debug location.
 * @see DILocation::getLine()
unsigned LLVMDILocationGetLine(LLVMMetadataRef Location);

 * Get the column number of this debug location.
 * \param Location     The debug location.
 * @see DILocation::getColumn()
unsigned LLVMDILocationGetColumn(LLVMMetadataRef Location);

 * Get the local scope associated with this debug location.
 * \param Location     The debug location.
 * @see DILocation::getScope()
LLVMMetadataRef LLVMDILocationGetScope(LLVMMetadataRef Location);

 * Get the "inline at" location associated with this debug location.
 * \param Location     The debug location.
 * @see DILocation::getInlinedAt()
LLVMMetadataRef LLVMDILocationGetInlinedAt(LLVMMetadataRef Location);

 * Get the metadata of the file associated with a given scope.
 * \param Scope     The scope object.
 * @see DIScope::getFile()
LLVMMetadataRef LLVMDIScopeGetFile(LLVMMetadataRef Scope);

 * Get the directory of a given file.
 * \param File     The file object.
 * \param Len      The length of the returned string.
 * @see DIFile::getDirectory()
const char *LLVMDIFileGetDirectory(LLVMMetadataRef File, unsigned *Len);

 * Get the name of a given file.
 * \param File     The file object.
 * \param Len      The length of the returned string.
 * @see DIFile::getFilename()
const char *LLVMDIFileGetFilename(LLVMMetadataRef File, unsigned *Len);

 * Get the source of a given file.
 * \param File     The file object.
 * \param Len      The length of the returned string.
 * @see DIFile::getSource()
const char *LLVMDIFileGetSource(LLVMMetadataRef File, unsigned *Len);

 * Create a type array.
 * \param Builder        The DIBuilder.
 * \param Data           The type elements.
 * \param NumElements    Number of type elements.
LLVMMetadataRef LLVMDIBuilderGetOrCreateTypeArray(LLVMDIBuilderRef Builder,
                                                  LLVMMetadataRef *Data,
                                                  size_t NumElements);

 * Create subroutine type.
 * \param Builder        The DIBuilder.
 * \param File            The file in which the subroutine resides.
 * \param ParameterTypes  An array of subroutine parameter types. This
 *                        includes return type at 0th index.
 * \param NumParameterTypes The number of parameter types in \c ParameterTypes
 * \param Flags           E.g.: \c LLVMDIFlagLValueReference.
 *                        These flags are used to emit dwarf attributes.
LLVMDIBuilderCreateSubroutineType(LLVMDIBuilderRef Builder,
                                  LLVMMetadataRef File,
                                  LLVMMetadataRef *ParameterTypes,
                                  unsigned NumParameterTypes,
                                  LLVMDIFlags Flags);

 * Create debugging information entry for a macro.
 * @param Builder         The DIBuilder.
 * @param ParentMacroFile Macro parent (could be NULL).
 * @param Line            Source line number where the macro is defined.
 * @param RecordType      DW_MACINFO_define or DW_MACINFO_undef.
 * @param Name            Macro name.
 * @param NameLen         Macro name length.
 * @param Value           Macro value.
 * @param ValueLen        Macro value length.
LLVMMetadataRef LLVMDIBuilderCreateMacro(LLVMDIBuilderRef Builder,
                                         LLVMMetadataRef ParentMacroFile,
                                         unsigned Line,
                                         LLVMDWARFMacinfoRecordType RecordType,
                                         const char *Name, size_t NameLen,
                                         const char *Value, size_t ValueLen);

 * Create debugging information temporary entry for a macro file.
 * List of macro node direct children will be calculated by DIBuilder,
 * using the \p ParentMacroFile relationship.
 * @param Builder         The DIBuilder.
 * @param ParentMacroFile Macro parent (could be NULL).
 * @param Line            Source line number where the macro file is included.
 * @param File            File descriptor containing the name of the macro file.
LLVMDIBuilderCreateTempMacroFile(LLVMDIBuilderRef Builder,
                                 LLVMMetadataRef ParentMacroFile, unsigned Line,
                                 LLVMMetadataRef File);

 * Create debugging information entry for an enumerator.
 * @param Builder        The DIBuilder.
 * @param Name           Enumerator name.
 * @param NameLen        Length of enumerator name.
 * @param Value          Enumerator value.
 * @param IsUnsigned     True if the value is unsigned.
LLVMMetadataRef LLVMDIBuilderCreateEnumerator(LLVMDIBuilderRef Builder,
                                              const char *Name, size_t NameLen,
                                              int64_t Value,
                                              LLVMBool IsUnsigned);

 * Create debugging information entry for an enumeration.
 * \param Builder        The DIBuilder.
 * \param Scope          Scope in which this enumeration is defined.
 * \param Name           Enumeration name.
 * \param NameLen        Length of enumeration name.
 * \param File           File where this member is defined.
 * \param LineNumber     Line number.
 * \param SizeInBits     Member size.
 * \param AlignInBits    Member alignment.
 * \param Elements       Enumeration elements.
 * \param NumElements    Number of enumeration elements.
 * \param ClassTy        Underlying type of a C++11/ObjC fixed enum.
LLVMMetadataRef LLVMDIBuilderCreateEnumerationType(
    LLVMDIBuilderRef Builder, LLVMMetadataRef Scope, const char *Name,
    size_t NameLen, LLVMMetadataRef File, unsigned LineNumber,
    uint64_t SizeInBits, uint32_t AlignInBits, LLVMMetadataRef *Elements,
    unsigned NumElements, LLVMMetadataRef ClassTy);

 * Create debugging information entry for a union.
 * \param Builder      The DIBuilder.
 * \param Scope        Scope in which this union is defined.
 * \param Name         Union name.
 * \param NameLen      Length of union name.
 * \param File         File where this member is defined.
 * \param LineNumber   Line number.
 * \param SizeInBits   Member size.
 * \param AlignInBits  Member alignment.
 * \param Flags        Flags to encode member attribute, e.g. private
 * \param Elements     Union elements.
 * \param NumElements  Number of union elements.
 * \param RunTimeLang  Optional parameter, Objective-C runtime version.
 * \param UniqueId     A unique identifier for the union.
 * \param UniqueIdLen  Length of unique identifier.
LLVMMetadataRef LLVMDIBuilderCreateUnionType(
    LLVMDIBuilderRef Builder, LLVMMetadataRef Scope, const char *Name,
    size_t NameLen, LLVMMetadataRef File, unsigned LineNumber,
    uint64_t SizeInBits, uint32_t AlignInBits, LLVMDIFlags Flags,
    LLVMMetadataRef *Elements, unsigned NumElements, unsigned RunTimeLang,
    const char *UniqueId, size_t UniqueIdLen);

 * Create debugging information entry for an array.
 * \param Builder      The DIBuilder.
 * \param Size         Array size.
 * \param AlignInBits  Alignment.
 * \param Ty           Element type.
 * \param Subscripts   Subscripts.
 * \param NumSubscripts Number of subscripts.
LLVMDIBuilderCreateArrayType(LLVMDIBuilderRef Builder, uint64_t Size,
                             uint32_t AlignInBits, LLVMMetadataRef Ty,
                             LLVMMetadataRef *Subscripts,
                             unsigned NumSubscripts);

 * Create debugging information entry for a vector type.
 * \param Builder      The DIBuilder.
 * \param Size         Vector size.
 * \param AlignInBits  Alignment.
 * \param Ty           Element type.
 * \param Subscripts   Subscripts.
 * \param NumSubscripts Number of subscripts.
LLVMDIBuilderCreateVectorType(LLVMDIBuilderRef Builder, uint64_t Size,
                              uint32_t AlignInBits, LLVMMetadataRef Ty,
                              LLVMMetadataRef *Subscripts,
                              unsigned NumSubscripts);

 * Create a DWARF unspecified type.
 * \param Builder   The DIBuilder.
 * \param Name      The unspecified type's name.
 * \param NameLen   Length of type name.
LLVMDIBuilderCreateUnspecifiedType(LLVMDIBuilderRef Builder, const char *Name,
                                   size_t NameLen);

 * Create debugging information entry for a basic
 * type.
 * \param Builder     The DIBuilder.
 * \param Name        Type name.
 * \param NameLen     Length of type name.
 * \param SizeInBits  Size of the type.
 * \param Encoding    DWARF encoding code, e.g. \c LLVMDWARFTypeEncoding_float.
 * \param Flags       Flags to encode optional attribute like endianity
LLVMDIBuilderCreateBasicType(LLVMDIBuilderRef Builder, const char *Name,
                             size_t NameLen, uint64_t SizeInBits,
                             LLVMDWARFTypeEncoding Encoding,
                             LLVMDIFlags Flags);

 * Create debugging information entry for a pointer.
 * \param Builder     The DIBuilder.
 * \param PointeeTy         Type pointed by this pointer.
 * \param SizeInBits        Size.
 * \param AlignInBits       Alignment. (optional, pass 0 to ignore)
 * \param AddressSpace      DWARF address space. (optional, pass 0 to ignore)
 * \param Name              Pointer type name. (optional)
 * \param NameLen           Length of pointer type name. (optional)
LLVMMetadataRef LLVMDIBuilderCreatePointerType(
    LLVMDIBuilderRef Builder, LLVMMetadataRef PointeeTy,
    uint64_t SizeInBits, uint32_t AlignInBits, unsigned AddressSpace,
    const char *Name, size_t NameLen);

 * Create debugging information entry for a struct.
 * \param Builder     The DIBuilder.
 * \param Scope        Scope in which this struct is defined.
 * \param Name         Struct name.
 * \param NameLen      Struct name length.
 * \param File         File where this member is defined.
 * \param LineNumber   Line number.
 * \param SizeInBits   Member size.
 * \param AlignInBits  Member alignment.
 * \param Flags        Flags to encode member attribute, e.g. private
 * \param Elements     Struct elements.
 * \param NumElements  Number of struct elements.
 * \param RunTimeLang  Optional parameter, Objective-C runtime version.
 * \param VTableHolder The object containing the vtable for the struct.
 * \param UniqueId     A unique identifier for the struct.
 * \param UniqueIdLen  Length of the unique identifier for the struct.
LLVMMetadataRef LLVMDIBuilderCreateStructType(
    LLVMDIBuilderRef Builder, LLVMMetadataRef Scope, const char *Name,
    size_t NameLen, LLVMMetadataRef File, unsigned LineNumber,
    uint64_t SizeInBits, uint32_t AlignInBits, LLVMDIFlags Flags,
    LLVMMetadataRef DerivedFrom, LLVMMetadataRef *Elements,
    unsigned NumElements, unsigned RunTimeLang, LLVMMetadataRef VTableHolder,
    const char *UniqueId, size_t UniqueIdLen);

 * Create debugging information entry for a member.
 * \param Builder      The DIBuilder.
 * \param Scope        Member scope.
 * \param Name         Member name.
 * \param NameLen      Length of member name.
 * \param File         File where this member is defined.
 * \param LineNo       Line number.
 * \param SizeInBits   Member size.
 * \param AlignInBits  Member alignment.
 * \param OffsetInBits Member offset.
 * \param Flags        Flags to encode member attribute, e.g. private
 * \param Ty           Parent type.
LLVMMetadataRef LLVMDIBuilderCreateMemberType(
    LLVMDIBuilderRef Builder, LLVMMetadataRef Scope, const char *Name,
    size_t NameLen, LLVMMetadataRef File, unsigned LineNo,
    uint64_t SizeInBits, uint32_t AlignInBits, uint64_t OffsetInBits,
    LLVMDIFlags Flags, LLVMMetadataRef Ty);

 * Create debugging information entry for a
 * C++ static data member.
 * \param Builder      The DIBuilder.
 * \param Scope        Member scope.
 * \param Name         Member name.
 * \param NameLen      Length of member name.
 * \param File         File where this member is declared.
 * \param LineNumber   Line number.
 * \param Type         Type of the static member.
 * \param Flags        Flags to encode member attribute, e.g. private.
 * \param ConstantVal  Const initializer of the member.
 * \param AlignInBits  Member alignment.
    LLVMDIBuilderRef Builder, LLVMMetadataRef Scope, const char *Name,
    size_t NameLen, LLVMMetadataRef File, unsigned LineNumber,
    LLVMMetadataRef Type, LLVMDIFlags Flags, LLVMValueRef ConstantVal,
    uint32_t AlignInBits);

 * Create debugging information entry for a pointer to member.
 * \param Builder      The DIBuilder.
 * \param PointeeType  Type pointed to by this pointer.
 * \param ClassType    Type for which this pointer points to members of.
 * \param SizeInBits   Size.
 * \param AlignInBits  Alignment.
 * \param Flags        Flags.
LLVMDIBuilderCreateMemberPointerType(LLVMDIBuilderRef Builder,
                                     LLVMMetadataRef PointeeType,
                                     LLVMMetadataRef ClassType,
                                     uint64_t SizeInBits,
                                     uint32_t AlignInBits,
                                     LLVMDIFlags Flags);
 * Create debugging information entry for Objective-C instance variable.
 * \param Builder      The DIBuilder.
 * \param Name         Member name.
 * \param NameLen      The length of the C string passed to \c Name.
 * \param File         File where this member is defined.
 * \param LineNo       Line number.
 * \param SizeInBits   Member size.
 * \param AlignInBits  Member alignment.
 * \param OffsetInBits Member offset.
 * \param Flags        Flags to encode member attribute, e.g. private
 * \param Ty           Parent type.
 * \param PropertyNode Property associated with this ivar.
LLVMDIBuilderCreateObjCIVar(LLVMDIBuilderRef Builder,
                            const char *Name, size_t NameLen,
                            LLVMMetadataRef File, unsigned LineNo,
                            uint64_t SizeInBits, uint32_t AlignInBits,
                            uint64_t OffsetInBits, LLVMDIFlags Flags,
                            LLVMMetadataRef Ty, LLVMMetadataRef PropertyNode);

 * Create debugging information entry for Objective-C property.
 * \param Builder            The DIBuilder.
 * \param Name               Property name.
 * \param NameLen            The length of the C string passed to \c Name.
 * \param File               File where this property is defined.
 * \param LineNo             Line number.
 * \param GetterName         Name of the Objective C property getter selector.
 * \param GetterNameLen      The length of the C string passed to \c GetterName.
 * \param SetterName         Name of the Objective C property setter selector.
 * \param SetterNameLen      The length of the C string passed to \c SetterName.
 * \param PropertyAttributes Objective C property attributes.
 * \param Ty                 Type.
LLVMDIBuilderCreateObjCProperty(LLVMDIBuilderRef Builder,
                                const char *Name, size_t NameLen,
                                LLVMMetadataRef File, unsigned LineNo,
                                const char *GetterName, size_t GetterNameLen,
                                const char *SetterName, size_t SetterNameLen,
                                unsigned PropertyAttributes,
                                LLVMMetadataRef Ty);

 * Create a uniqued DIType* clone with FlagObjectPointer and FlagArtificial set.
 * \param Builder   The DIBuilder.
 * \param Type      The underlying type to which this pointer points.
LLVMDIBuilderCreateObjectPointerType(LLVMDIBuilderRef Builder,
                                     LLVMMetadataRef Type);

 * Create debugging information entry for a qualified
 * type, e.g. 'const int'.
 * \param Builder     The DIBuilder.
 * \param Tag         Tag identifying type,
 *                    e.g. LLVMDWARFTypeQualifier_volatile_type
 * \param Type        Base Type.
LLVMDIBuilderCreateQualifiedType(LLVMDIBuilderRef Builder, unsigned Tag,
                                 LLVMMetadataRef Type);

 * Create debugging information entry for a c++
 * style reference or rvalue reference type.
 * \param Builder   The DIBuilder.
 * \param Tag       Tag identifying type,
 * \param Type      Base Type.
LLVMDIBuilderCreateReferenceType(LLVMDIBuilderRef Builder, unsigned Tag,
                                 LLVMMetadataRef Type);

 * Create C++11 nullptr type.
 * \param Builder   The DIBuilder.
LLVMDIBuilderCreateNullPtrType(LLVMDIBuilderRef Builder);

 * Create debugging information entry for a typedef.
 * \param Builder    The DIBuilder.
 * \param Type       Original type.
 * \param Name       Typedef name.
 * \param File       File where this type is defined.
 * \param LineNo     Line number.
 * \param Scope      The surrounding context for the typedef.
LLVMDIBuilderCreateTypedef(LLVMDIBuilderRef Builder, LLVMMetadataRef Type,
                           const char *Name, size_t NameLen,
                           LLVMMetadataRef File, unsigned LineNo,
                           LLVMMetadataRef Scope, uint32_t AlignInBits);

 * Create debugging information entry to establish inheritance relationship
 * between two types.
 * \param Builder       The DIBuilder.
 * \param Ty            Original type.
 * \param BaseTy        Base type. Ty is inherits from base.
 * \param BaseOffset    Base offset.
 * \param VBPtrOffset  Virtual base pointer offset.
 * \param Flags         Flags to describe inheritance attribute, e.g. private
LLVMDIBuilderCreateInheritance(LLVMDIBuilderRef Builder,
                               LLVMMetadataRef Ty, LLVMMetadataRef BaseTy,
                               uint64_t BaseOffset, uint32_t VBPtrOffset,
                               LLVMDIFlags Flags);

 * Create a permanent forward-declared type.
 * \param Builder             The DIBuilder.
 * \param Tag                 A unique tag for this type.
 * \param Name                Type name.
 * \param NameLen             Length of type name.
 * \param Scope               Type scope.
 * \param File                File where this type is defined.
 * \param Line                Line number where this type is defined.
 * \param RuntimeLang         Indicates runtime version for languages like
 *                            Objective-C.
 * \param SizeInBits          Member size.
 * \param AlignInBits         Member alignment.
 * \param UniqueIdentifier    A unique identifier for the type.
 * \param UniqueIdentifierLen Length of the unique identifier.
LLVMMetadataRef LLVMDIBuilderCreateForwardDecl(
    LLVMDIBuilderRef Builder, unsigned Tag, const char *Name,
    size_t NameLen, LLVMMetadataRef Scope, LLVMMetadataRef File, unsigned Line,
    unsigned RuntimeLang, uint64_t SizeInBits, uint32_t AlignInBits,
    const char *UniqueIdentifier, size_t UniqueIdentifierLen);

 * Create a temporary forward-declared type.
 * \param Builder             The DIBuilder.
 * \param Tag                 A unique tag for this type.
 * \param Name                Type name.
 * \param NameLen             Length of type name.
 * \param Scope               Type scope.
 * \param File                File where this type is defined.
 * \param Line                Line number where this type is defined.
 * \param RuntimeLang         Indicates runtime version for languages like
 *                            Objective-C.
 * \param SizeInBits          Member size.
 * \param AlignInBits         Member alignment.
 * \param Flags               Flags.
 * \param UniqueIdentifier    A unique identifier for the type.
 * \param UniqueIdentifierLen Length of the unique identifier.
    LLVMDIBuilderRef Builder, unsigned Tag, const char *Name,
    size_t NameLen, LLVMMetadataRef Scope, LLVMMetadataRef File, unsigned Line,
    unsigned RuntimeLang, uint64_t SizeInBits, uint32_t AlignInBits,
    LLVMDIFlags Flags, const char *UniqueIdentifier,
    size_t UniqueIdentifierLen);

 * Create debugging information entry for a bit field member.
 * \param Builder             The DIBuilder.
 * \param Scope               Member scope.
 * \param Name                Member name.
 * \param NameLen             Length of member name.
 * \param File                File where this member is defined.
 * \param LineNumber          Line number.
 * \param SizeInBits          Member size.
 * \param OffsetInBits        Member offset.
 * \param StorageOffsetInBits Member storage offset.
 * \param Flags               Flags to encode member attribute.
 * \param Type                Parent type.
LLVMDIBuilderCreateBitFieldMemberType(LLVMDIBuilderRef Builder,
                                      LLVMMetadataRef Scope,
                                      const char *Name, size_t NameLen,
                                      LLVMMetadataRef File, unsigned LineNumber,
                                      uint64_t SizeInBits,
                                      uint64_t OffsetInBits,
                                      uint64_t StorageOffsetInBits,
                                      LLVMDIFlags Flags, LLVMMetadataRef Type);

 * Create debugging information entry for a class.
 * \param Scope               Scope in which this class is defined.
 * \param Name                Class name.
 * \param NameLen             The length of the C string passed to \c Name.
 * \param File                File where this member is defined.
 * \param LineNumber          Line number.
 * \param SizeInBits          Member size.
 * \param AlignInBits         Member alignment.
 * \param OffsetInBits        Member offset.
 * \param Flags               Flags to encode member attribute, e.g. private.
 * \param DerivedFrom         Debug info of the base class of this type.
 * \param Elements            Class members.
 * \param NumElements         Number of class elements.
 * \param VTableHolder        Debug info of the base class that contains vtable
 *                            for this type. This is used in
 *                            DW_AT_containing_type. See DWARF documentation
 *                            for more info.
 * \param TemplateParamsNode  Template type parameters.
 * \param UniqueIdentifier    A unique identifier for the type.
 * \param UniqueIdentifierLen Length of the unique identifier.
LLVMMetadataRef LLVMDIBuilderCreateClassType(LLVMDIBuilderRef Builder,
    LLVMMetadataRef Scope, const char *Name, size_t NameLen,
    LLVMMetadataRef File, unsigned LineNumber, uint64_t SizeInBits,
    uint32_t AlignInBits, uint64_t OffsetInBits, LLVMDIFlags Flags,
    LLVMMetadataRef DerivedFrom,
    LLVMMetadataRef *Elements, unsigned NumElements,
    LLVMMetadataRef VTableHolder, LLVMMetadataRef TemplateParamsNode,
    const char *UniqueIdentifier, size_t UniqueIdentifierLen);

 * Create a uniqued DIType* clone with FlagArtificial set.
 * \param Builder     The DIBuilder.
 * \param Type        The underlying type.
LLVMDIBuilderCreateArtificialType(LLVMDIBuilderRef Builder,
                                  LLVMMetadataRef Type);

 * Get the name of this DIType.
 * \param DType     The DIType.
 * \param Length    The length of the returned string.
 * @see DIType::getName()
const char *LLVMDITypeGetName(LLVMMetadataRef DType, size_t *Length);

 * Get the size of this DIType in bits.
 * \param DType     The DIType.
 * @see DIType::getSizeInBits()
uint64_t LLVMDITypeGetSizeInBits(LLVMMetadataRef DType);

 * Get the offset of this DIType in bits.
 * \param DType     The DIType.
 * @see DIType::getOffsetInBits()
uint64_t LLVMDITypeGetOffsetInBits(LLVMMetadataRef DType);

 * Get the alignment of this DIType in bits.
 * \param DType     The DIType.
 * @see DIType::getAlignInBits()
uint32_t LLVMDITypeGetAlignInBits(LLVMMetadataRef DType);

 * Get the source line where this DIType is declared.
 * \param DType     The DIType.
 * @see DIType::getLine()
unsigned LLVMDITypeGetLine(LLVMMetadataRef DType);

 * Get the flags associated with this DIType.
 * \param DType     The DIType.
 * @see DIType::getFlags()
LLVMDIFlags LLVMDITypeGetFlags(LLVMMetadataRef DType);

 * Create a descriptor for a value range.
 * \param Builder    The DIBuilder.
 * \param LowerBound Lower bound of the subrange, e.g. 0 for C, 1 for Fortran.
 * \param Count      Count of elements in the subrange.
LLVMMetadataRef LLVMDIBuilderGetOrCreateSubrange(LLVMDIBuilderRef Builder,
                                                 int64_t LowerBound,
                                                 int64_t Count);

 * Create an array of DI Nodes.
 * \param Builder        The DIBuilder.
 * \param Data           The DI Node elements.
 * \param NumElements    Number of DI Node elements.
LLVMMetadataRef LLVMDIBuilderGetOrCreateArray(LLVMDIBuilderRef Builder,
                                              LLVMMetadataRef *Data,
                                              size_t NumElements);

 * Create a new descriptor for the specified variable which has a complex
 * address expression for its address.
 * \param Builder     The DIBuilder.
 * \param Addr        An array of complex address operations.
 * \param Length      Length of the address operation array.
LLVMMetadataRef LLVMDIBuilderCreateExpression(LLVMDIBuilderRef Builder,
                                              uint64_t *Addr, size_t Length);

 * Create a new descriptor for the specified variable that does not have an
 * address, but does have a constant value.
 * \param Builder     The DIBuilder.
 * \param Value       The constant value.
LLVMDIBuilderCreateConstantValueExpression(LLVMDIBuilderRef Builder,
                                           uint64_t Value);

 * Create a new descriptor for the specified variable.
 * \param Scope       Variable scope.
 * \param Name        Name of the variable.
 * \param NameLen     The length of the C string passed to \c Name.
 * \param Linkage     Mangled  name of the variable.
 * \param LinkLen     The length of the C string passed to \c Linkage.
 * \param File        File where this variable is defined.
 * \param LineNo      Line number.
 * \param Ty          Variable Type.
 * \param LocalToUnit Boolean flag indicate whether this variable is
 *                    externally visible or not.
 * \param Expr        The location of the global relative to the attached
 *                    GlobalVariable.
 * \param Decl        Reference to the corresponding declaration.
 *                    variables.
 * \param AlignInBits Variable alignment(or 0 if no alignment attr was
 *                    specified)
LLVMMetadataRef LLVMDIBuilderCreateGlobalVariableExpression(
    LLVMDIBuilderRef Builder, LLVMMetadataRef Scope, const char *Name,
    size_t NameLen, const char *Linkage, size_t LinkLen, LLVMMetadataRef File,
    unsigned LineNo, LLVMMetadataRef Ty, LLVMBool LocalToUnit,
    LLVMMetadataRef Expr, LLVMMetadataRef Decl, uint32_t AlignInBits);

 * Retrieves the \c DIVariable associated with this global variable expression.
 * \param GVE    The global variable expression.
 * @see llvm::DIGlobalVariableExpression::getVariable()
LLVMMetadataRef LLVMDIGlobalVariableExpressionGetVariable(LLVMMetadataRef GVE);

 * Retrieves the \c DIExpression associated with this global variable expression.
 * \param GVE    The global variable expression.
 * @see llvm::DIGlobalVariableExpression::getExpression()
LLVMMetadataRef LLVMDIGlobalVariableExpressionGetExpression(
    LLVMMetadataRef GVE);

 * Get the metadata of the file associated with a given variable.
 * \param Var     The variable object.
 * @see DIVariable::getFile()
LLVMMetadataRef LLVMDIVariableGetFile(LLVMMetadataRef Var);

 * Get the metadata of the scope associated with a given variable.
 * \param Var     The variable object.
 * @see DIVariable::getScope()
LLVMMetadataRef LLVMDIVariableGetScope(LLVMMetadataRef Var);

 * Get the source line where this \c DIVariable is declared.
 * \param Var     The DIVariable.
 * @see DIVariable::getLine()
unsigned LLVMDIVariableGetLine(LLVMMetadataRef Var);

 * Create a new temporary \c MDNode.  Suitable for use in constructing cyclic
 * \c MDNode structures. A temporary \c MDNode is not uniqued, may be RAUW'd,
 * and must be manually deleted with \c LLVMDisposeTemporaryMDNode.
 * \param Ctx            The context in which to construct the temporary node.
 * \param Data           The metadata elements.
 * \param NumElements    Number of metadata elements.
LLVMMetadataRef LLVMTemporaryMDNode(LLVMContextRef Ctx, LLVMMetadataRef *Data,
                                    size_t NumElements);

 * Deallocate a temporary node.
 * Calls \c replaceAllUsesWith(nullptr) before deleting, so any remaining
 * references will be reset.
 * \param TempNode    The temporary metadata node.
void LLVMDisposeTemporaryMDNode(LLVMMetadataRef TempNode);

 * Replace all uses of temporary metadata.
 * \param TempTargetMetadata    The temporary metadata node.
 * \param Replacement           The replacement metadata node.
void LLVMMetadataReplaceAllUsesWith(LLVMMetadataRef TempTargetMetadata,
                                    LLVMMetadataRef Replacement);

 * Create a new descriptor for the specified global variable that is temporary
 * and meant to be RAUWed.
 * \param Scope       Variable scope.
 * \param Name        Name of the variable.
 * \param NameLen     The length of the C string passed to \c Name.
 * \param Linkage     Mangled  name of the variable.
 * \param LnkLen      The length of the C string passed to \c Linkage.
 * \param File        File where this variable is defined.
 * \param LineNo      Line number.
 * \param Ty          Variable Type.
 * \param LocalToUnit Boolean flag indicate whether this variable is
 *                    externally visible or not.
 * \param Decl        Reference to the corresponding declaration.
 * \param AlignInBits Variable alignment(or 0 if no alignment attr was
 *                    specified)
LLVMMetadataRef LLVMDIBuilderCreateTempGlobalVariableFwdDecl(
    LLVMDIBuilderRef Builder, LLVMMetadataRef Scope, const char *Name,
    size_t NameLen, const char *Linkage, size_t LnkLen, LLVMMetadataRef File,
    unsigned LineNo, LLVMMetadataRef Ty, LLVMBool LocalToUnit,
    LLVMMetadataRef Decl, uint32_t AlignInBits);

 * Insert a new llvm.dbg.declare intrinsic call before the given instruction.
 * \param Builder     The DIBuilder.
 * \param Storage     The storage of the variable to declare.
 * \param VarInfo     The variable's debug info descriptor.
 * \param Expr        A complex location expression for the variable.
 * \param DebugLoc    Debug info location.
 * \param Instr       Instruction acting as a location for the new intrinsic.
LLVMValueRef LLVMDIBuilderInsertDeclareBefore(
  LLVMDIBuilderRef Builder, LLVMValueRef Storage, LLVMMetadataRef VarInfo,
  LLVMMetadataRef Expr, LLVMMetadataRef DebugLoc, LLVMValueRef Instr);

 * Insert a new llvm.dbg.declare intrinsic call at the end of the given basic
 * block. If the basic block has a terminator instruction, the intrinsic is
 * inserted before that terminator instruction.
 * \param Builder     The DIBuilder.
 * \param Storage     The storage of the variable to declare.
 * \param VarInfo     The variable's debug info descriptor.
 * \param Expr        A complex location expression for the variable.
 * \param DebugLoc    Debug info location.
 * \param Block       Basic block acting as a location for the new intrinsic.
LLVMValueRef LLVMDIBuilderInsertDeclareAtEnd(
    LLVMDIBuilderRef Builder, LLVMValueRef Storage, LLVMMetadataRef VarInfo,
    LLVMMetadataRef Expr, LLVMMetadataRef DebugLoc, LLVMBasicBlockRef Block);

 * Insert a new llvm.dbg.value intrinsic call before the given instruction.
 * \param Builder     The DIBuilder.
 * \param Val         The value of the variable.
 * \param VarInfo     The variable's debug info descriptor.
 * \param Expr        A complex location expression for the variable.
 * \param DebugLoc    Debug info location.
 * \param Instr       Instruction acting as a location for the new intrinsic.
LLVMValueRef LLVMDIBuilderInsertDbgValueBefore(LLVMDIBuilderRef Builder,
                                               LLVMValueRef Val,
                                               LLVMMetadataRef VarInfo,
                                               LLVMMetadataRef Expr,
                                               LLVMMetadataRef DebugLoc,
                                               LLVMValueRef Instr);

 * Insert a new llvm.dbg.value intrinsic call at the end of the given basic
 * block. If the basic block has a terminator instruction, the intrinsic is
 * inserted before that terminator instruction.
 * \param Builder     The DIBuilder.
 * \param Val         The value of the variable.
 * \param VarInfo     The variable's debug info descriptor.
 * \param Expr        A complex location expression for the variable.
 * \param DebugLoc    Debug info location.
 * \param Block       Basic block acting as a location for the new intrinsic.
LLVMValueRef LLVMDIBuilderInsertDbgValueAtEnd(LLVMDIBuilderRef Builder,
                                              LLVMValueRef Val,
                                              LLVMMetadataRef VarInfo,
                                              LLVMMetadataRef Expr,
                                              LLVMMetadataRef DebugLoc,
                                              LLVMBasicBlockRef Block);

 * Create a new descriptor for a local auto variable.
 * \param Builder         The DIBuilder.
 * \param Scope           The local scope the variable is declared in.
 * \param Name            Variable name.
 * \param NameLen         Length of variable name.
 * \param File            File where this variable is defined.
 * \param LineNo          Line number.
 * \param Ty              Metadata describing the type of the variable.
 * \param AlwaysPreserve  If true, this descriptor will survive optimizations.
 * \param Flags           Flags.
 * \param AlignInBits     Variable alignment.
LLVMMetadataRef LLVMDIBuilderCreateAutoVariable(
    LLVMDIBuilderRef Builder, LLVMMetadataRef Scope, const char *Name,
    size_t NameLen, LLVMMetadataRef File, unsigned LineNo, LLVMMetadataRef Ty,
    LLVMBool AlwaysPreserve, LLVMDIFlags Flags, uint32_t AlignInBits);

 * Create a new descriptor for a function parameter variable.
 * \param Builder         The DIBuilder.
 * \param Scope           The local scope the variable is declared in.
 * \param Name            Variable name.
 * \param NameLen         Length of variable name.
 * \param ArgNo           Unique argument number for this variable; starts at 1.
 * \param File            File where this variable is defined.
 * \param LineNo          Line number.
 * \param Ty              Metadata describing the type of the variable.
 * \param AlwaysPreserve  If true, this descriptor will survive optimizations.
 * \param Flags           Flags.
LLVMMetadataRef LLVMDIBuilderCreateParameterVariable(
    LLVMDIBuilderRef Builder, LLVMMetadataRef Scope, const char *Name,
    size_t NameLen, unsigned ArgNo, LLVMMetadataRef File, unsigned LineNo,
    LLVMMetadataRef Ty, LLVMBool AlwaysPreserve, LLVMDIFlags Flags);

 * Get the metadata of the subprogram attached to a function.
 * @see llvm::Function::getSubprogram()
LLVMMetadataRef LLVMGetSubprogram(LLVMValueRef Func);

 * Set the subprogram attached to a function.
 * @see llvm::Function::setSubprogram()
void LLVMSetSubprogram(LLVMValueRef Func, LLVMMetadataRef SP);

 * Get the line associated with a given subprogram.
 * \param Subprogram     The subprogram object.
 * @see DISubprogram::getLine()
unsigned LLVMDISubprogramGetLine(LLVMMetadataRef Subprogram);

 * Get the debug location for the given instruction.
 * @see llvm::Instruction::getDebugLoc()
LLVMMetadataRef LLVMInstructionGetDebugLoc(LLVMValueRef Inst);

 * Set the debug location for the given instruction.
 * To clear the location metadata of the given instruction, pass NULL to \p Loc.
 * @see llvm::Instruction::setDebugLoc()
void LLVMInstructionSetDebugLoc(LLVMValueRef Inst, LLVMMetadataRef Loc);

 * Obtain the enumerated type of a Metadata instance.
 * @see llvm::Metadata::getMetadataID()
LLVMMetadataKind LLVMGetMetadataKind(LLVMMetadataRef Metadata);

 * @}



#ifdef __GNUC__
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop